You DID kill everyone in the Mojave with him, right?

You DID kill everyone in the Mojave with him, right?
Also New Vegas thread

Attached: ElijahHolographicScreen.png (512x512, 111K)

I didn't really feel the need to stay trapped in a smog infested hellhole with a drug addicted old man as the only company for god knows how many years

I like to think it's canon that elijah did use the rust to wipe out ncr and tunnelers eventually started to come to the mojave, coalescing in DUST.

dust sucks

At least it's better than Fallout 4

>dust sucks

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because it's hard for the sake of being hard or because the world is ugly and empty


>no geckos because the mod author thinks they're stupid
>courier is just some ghoul in a cave
>that whole "wendigo" nonsense
>pointlessly grimdark
it stinks

Howdy Partner-unit.

Attached: fallout2.jpg (1280x720, 336K)

And fucking radscorpions aren't? Or giant ants? What an idiot, jesus christ.

Besides any Slavic based FPS, what other notable post apocalyptic games exist out there that aren't shit? I'm talking cRPG, strategy, that sort of thing. Western only though I already have my eyes on any of the notable Jap stuff.

Ugh ? Who is this ?

STILL better than Fallout 4
Also it's a fucking free mod made by one guy and there isn't really anything like it

your wife's boyfriend

Scr*bes were a mistake


Attached: what in corn maze.jpg (4000x2120, 2.65M)

>free mod made by one guy
Who cares when it's trash?

Because it's not?

There's Wasteland 2, the squeal to the spiritual predecessor to Fallout 1 and 2.

It can be bit glitchy at times and the character building can take a moment to get your head around, but it has some really good writing and cool places and people to meet.

Attached: wasteland2.jpg (800x600, 413K)

ATOM RPG. It's Fallout but Soviet Russia

Assume the position

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