Yea Forums claims to hate streamers, egirls and letsplayers

>Yea Forums claims to hate streamers, egirls and letsplayers
>bit it's okay when Japanese woman with anime avatar and high pitched voice does it
Explain yourself Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's okay when Japanese woman with anime avatar and high pitched voice does it

kizuna ai has a belly window so she's ok

Needs more than just a belly window

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>>bit it's okay when Japanese woman with anime avatar and high pitched voice does it
but it isn't.
it's the exact same type of shit, no matter what pathetic weebs tell you otherwise

Yea Forums pls go

Yea Forums is so incredibly normalfag neither of these girls EVER get threads here, but regular ecelebs do. I don't know what you're trying to do.

The difference is that the performer is anonymous.

>>bit it's okay when Japanese woman
Most of them aren't even women but nerds with an animation rig attached to their faces.
The point is that thots can apply a bit of makeup and thousands of beta orbiters will arrive with all the money in the world, whereas virtual avatars require skills in character design and animation in order to create a satisfactory result that is far superior than in both appearance and personality compared to real women.
I for one welcome this new age of technological prosperity.

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They are women, and it would be a completely pointless waste of time and a reduction of quality to have a man perform the mocap and then have a woman record the voices.



last one is still the best

At least she got work again for S3 of YuruYuri

Because seething jannies banned their threads. You can't advertise pixels.

You think Yea Forums of all places would really care about vtubers? This place is riddled with normalfag redditors and underage kiddies, this thread is dumb, stay in /jp/ OP.


Sometimes you get a nice thread about vtubers on Yea Forums that goes into bump limit, sometimes you get no replies, and sometimes a tranny janny deletes it
You don't know if the thread succeeds if you don't try and make one

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Here's your (You) for the effort.

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She needs a succubus/QoS tattoo.

>he posts ironic weeb shit
Thanks for proving right

Japanese things can't be wannabe Japanese.

"Weeb" or "weaboo" lost it's meaning years ago

>I-its not ironic!
I give you a 40% chance of killing yourself by the end of the year

So now it's back to its original meaning before becoming a Yea Forums wordfilter?

2 Nukes weren't enough after all

You're right, should have nuked California instead.

Show me where I made any commentary on whether or not something is or isn't ironic. All I said was:
>Japanese things can't be wannabe Japanese.

Don't bother giving him more you's, dude has no idea what he's talking about.

It's okay when it's an old man behind a fox loli avatar. Any other way is internally wrong.

>>bit it's okay when Japanese woman with anime avatar and high pitched voice does it
No it isn't
Virtual Youtubers is unironically the most soulless trend to come out of Japan in years, maybe even moreso than gacha
It's the same thing with Kemono Friends, I don't know how anyone can like them unironically

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Soulless does not mean anything. Your post is not saying anything.

>It's the same thing with Kemono Friends, I don't know how anyone can like them unironically
What is supposed to be wrong with Kemono Friends?

>Soulless does not mean anything.
It's a quick way of saying there's no passion or effort put into it. Just download FaceRig, download a voice changer if you're a dude, play some games poorly, and adopt the most generic possible personality of "UGUUU AM I CUTE? UWU XD" or if you're feeling daring, one of "WAOW I'M SO QUIRKY BECAUSE I SCREAM A LOT!!"
Let's Plays have always been absolute shit, and there's absolutely no obsession here.
>What is supposed to be wrong with Kemono Friends?
It's very clearly meant to appeal to children, which is supported by the fact that most people who enjoy it enjoy it because "causes one's IQ to melt". It's a similar thing to a certain show I can't name here without breaking a global rule.

There are literally hundred of vtubers and they have all kinds of personalities. You are just blindly guessing.

>It's very clearly meant to appeal to children
Not an argument.

Every time with this dumbass board

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