Should there be a Devil May Cry movie?
Should there be a Devil May Cry movie?
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But one already exists.
nice brank brah
who should play as Mr Dante?
The game is basically a movie at this point because of motion capture and face rigs.
doesn't fucking count...
Here's your Dante bros
I don't like it
Honestly, I'd take an extremely low budget Henshin TV show over some big budget Hollywood shlock.
It's more in line with the SOUL of DMC
That's not actually his design by the way. That's just Adi throwing on some somewhat Dante looking clothes, dyeing his hair and photoshopping in "DMC" props. The deal wasn't even done when he uploaded this lol
it's an actual movie
or another anime
you're shit.
no you're fucking retarded
That too, but I was keeping it in the realm of live action
you're a spaz.
jokes aside watching donguri play is more fun than any movie ever would be
stop shilling your shit
Donguri is shit at 5 in case you haven't noticed.
I know there's a Sparda anime coming out... But imagine a live action movie.
He's just having fun, I feel like dante's kit was better in 4 because sword/trick spam could let you stay mid-air almost indefinitely.
No, no game deserves to be defiled with a fucking movie, and yet Hollywood doesn't stop doing it
Who said anything about Hollywood?
Why did they add more move variations and tactics to Vergil's fight in Update 4?
What does it mean?
It means they know.
Naw, DMC excels in its gameplay and expansive character kits not its story. A movie would only remove the series strengths while highlighting it's weaknesses.
They should make a series with the in-game models. It could even work as promotional material for a new game.
how bout you gen-suck it and stop being a party pooper and let us dream.
If only there was a genre of movies that focused on ACTION over story...
Most vidya based games are trash, why would you dream of some rando hack ruining/dumbing you're favorite series to appeal to mass audiences?
I dunno if DMC animu TRICKSWORDGUNROY- combat would translate well in film.
I'm thinking bigger picture, I'd only trust this with someone who cares, not that'd you know that.
One thing I don't get about modern movies, and video game movies in general, is the whole live action thing. You could make a video game movie almost entirely with CG (basically make it like DMC5's cutscenes, which would almost be good enough) but nope, gotta have that live action to poorly blend into the CG.
Or you could make the CGI work well combined with special effects also instead of your lame suggestion?
Normalfags hate non-comedic animation, user. It has to be live action to appeal to the smooth brains.
Aww you're silly.
So precious...
shut up
That’s the guy who oversaw the netflix castlevania right? I’m glad he at least acknowledges the true Dante and not... (((him)))
>vidya graphics are good enough to be movies on their own if time and focus was pooled into the cutscene side of things
>character models that never pop out of the environment, can be easily made and changed as they don't require makeup or weird technical SFX applied to real actors, just character modelling and motion capture
>scale is entirely limited to the hardware behind the rendering
>can have literally any shot you wish to at any point
>exagerrated movement and effects are easy
Imagine the Warcraft movie with the CG of the cinematics rather than the Orcs being the only CG. It would easily look better and that's because real actors are only for faces and motion capture.
Read that in Vergil's voice and am little bothered honestly
Another plus is that the locations would also not look out of place.
NO. Seeing a real person act like Dante would be corny as fuck
If they didn’t act like Dante it would be pointless
Maybe a high budget animation
He’s far from shit but obviously prefers 4
5 is cool as fuck but definitely slower than 4 even with turbo turned off. So donguris main skill which is speed is kind of neutered
Unironically what are you supposed to do when Vergil is in DT?
He seems to have such high armour that even after a judgement cut or missed helm breaker I try to hit him and he just armours through and hits me.
Do I really just have to spam trickster like a bitch until i goes away because that’s looks terrible
Just dab on him with royal guard user.
Use royal guard or clash swords with him
what did the new patch add? just bug fixes?
It translates well enough in cutscenes, doesn't it?
Yeah, but a live action movie like OP suggested is an entirely different beast than in game cutscenes.
You sound like an expert of some kind, alright dude, enlighten us why it would work instead, how would they make it happen?
Or are you gonna go the lazy route and tell the same story as the other guys?
Come on, you play DMC right? I thought you liked challenges...
What would make a live action DMC movie work?
you all sure know how to throw a party...
No real points, no out of the box stuff, and the only guy interested just left....
Make it animated, I always thought the action in pic related would better fit DMC than Resident Evil
You do know modern dmc games are combo sinks, not super challenging Prepare to Die edition hard games right?
Because there is literally nothing a live action DMC could do better than the games and this has been discussed to death over the past decade.
Take your dumb fucking reddit thread back to where you'll gargle cum for upvotes because this shit has already been done to death
it would be good if it came out in 2004 and was directed by uwe bowl
Woah, you sure showed me.
Try better.
I'd rather it were using updated state of the art stuff of nowadays.
study the fake trailer and high light the shit you like and post it in here and maybe you may get some ideas...
Look at the amulet.
There should be a new anime thats SoL covering the daily lives of devil hunters Nero and Dante as well as the newly recruited Vergil