The Evil Within / Tango Gameworks thread


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>"I'll return to CAPCOM to make the real RE2 Remake"

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You know it's just going to be TEW3 and not something good

never ever
enjoy your """REIMAGINING"""

I hope its ew3

I liked TEW1 and 2

I hope its a surprise, another entry into a fairly recent franchise is boring as hell

vanquish 2

Man, TEW1 was such a clunky mess, inferior in almost every way to RE4. By the time I finished it I was just glad it was over.

The evil within is the only game i ever returned to gamestop and got my money back. Terrible game.



People seem to either love it's weird clunky feel and pace or absolutely hate it I've noticed, hardly anyone seems to think that it's just ok

I liked the first one but hated the second one and dropped it 2 or 3 hours in

Implying I give a fuck about this hack LOL

go suck kojima's dick you big faggot

TEW3 with Kidman as the MC please.

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kidman is a side hoe, I want my man joseph as the MC

the problem is that you expected RE4
Mikami has done other games y'know.

Insider here
He's the director of Resident Evil 8. Another first person game.

I didn't expect it at all. It just felt immediately familiar only not as good.

Literally the only good game he ever made was RE4 and that's because he had to restart it four times.

TEW series has top tier waifus but 2nd is too western.

dumb zoomer fuck

RE2 was literally my first RE game back in 1998. Seethe more.

>yuri lowenthal
that's a yikes from me

TEW2 peaks with Obscura to be honest, rest of it is weak

Hopefully he comes back for TEW3. The first one was great because of the whole mishmash of locales and gameplay directions, and I'm honestly surprised that was a big factor for people actually hating the game. The different environments and the way they played felt like a great tribute to horror as a genre in games and movies, and on its own, it did well to show the world in STEM as an incomprehensible labyrinth of a horrified mind. Bumping him down from director to producer really took a lot of the flavor out of TEW2, especially with its mundane plot that needlessly uses an asspull twist to try to relate the story to Sebastian more.

Is TEW1 dlc worth it?

They're good but different to how the main game is

Insider here
ur moms gayt

So you usually didn't get your money back?

Yes, it was pretty epic, I can't believe it was followed by such a shit disaster of a game, I hope they retcon 2 with 3.

Just shows you how important Mikami is.

What was wrong with 2?

EW1 is a casual filter.

RE4 is a terrible game
