What is the WORST game you ever played?

No generic Steam or indi trash. What is the worst game backed by an actual company behind it that you ever played, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Overwatch. Bullet sponge shit.

that's no way to eat a cherry

dumb bitch

Putt Putt goes to the Moon

Nicktoons Unite probably. I played it as a kid and don't remember anything about it though.

Colonial Marines

W-what's the symbolism here?

Mess Effect: Syndromeda. What a fucking piece of aids that game was.

If you see the next image, it's that you don't care about the 'cherry' anymore.

Final Fantasy XV, I still hate FFVII more but XV is worse without a doubt and ignoring my preference. XV has to undoubtedly be the worst thing I ever played.

Yeah actually in all seriousness that was really a big fuck up on Bioware and EA. Almost everything about it was bad.

Final Fantasy 13, the only redeeming thing about it was the music.

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3 way tie between Lester the Unlikely, Spiderman & X-Men Arcade's Revenge and The War Z by Sergey Titov most likely although at least Spiderman had some baller music.


Pick your poison, changes are any of them is worse than anything posted on this thread.

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This. It's an awful bare bones vehicle combat game where you drive to a location in a bland map, shoot some enemies that don't fight back and repeat until the game's over. It has pretty much nothing to do with Captain Scarlet and was obviously a cheaply made game they had ready to slap a license on.

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whatever the fuck this was

i still completed it

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Fighting EX Layer.
Feels like an asset flipping thing youd see on steam.

Zero Time Dilemma

Guild Wars 2, actually that's not really fair I guess since I hate it because it's nothing like the first game. So I guess my real answer is Dragon Age 2.

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Back To The Future 3 on the Genesis.

No wait I lied, command & conquer 4, that's the worst.

FF12 was by far the worst game I ever bought

Literally any Compile Heart/Idea factory game, every game they put out is a flaming pile of garbage and I have no idea how they are still in business


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Too human.
It's probably the only game I returned the same day I bought it and I'm glad the company was destroyed because of it.
It's just a boring, repetitive mess. And there are people who defend it.
I don't understand what could've gone wrong in someones life to not only like Too human but defend it.

diablo 3. its the only game where i constantly fall asleep while playing it.
i dont know how it manages to be so braindead to the point that you just gotta move around and spam buttons. its so fucking boring

I want to eat food off of Jack's feet


Superman 64. I actually beat it a few years ago. I didn't use an emulator.

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag springs to mind. Considerign people said how good it was, being my first assassins creed game i found it mind numbingly dull, shallow and way too restricting. It was borderline a non-game. Then Ubisoft continued with other shallow trash like Watch Dogs and elements in Far Cry games.

Cant stand any Ubisoft open world game nowadays, every time they announce something like Division or Wildlands i feel like about to throw up.

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Aww man, love me some Captain Scarlet.
Watching it as a kid was immense, it felt like it was a show for grown ups. People got shot and died and there was this awesome sense of dread,

CGI reboot was AIDS though.

borderland 2

Final Fantasy XV.

So much went so fucking wrong and somehow Square Enix allowed this bullshit to happen for what was essentially their most hyped game of this console generation AND the previous console generation

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Post the next image


Some 3D Sonic game. I couldn't begin to tell you what it was called. It had a black Sonic in it and some terrible vocal music playing.

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>m-muh contrarian opinion

Yes, Overwatch isnt the best game, but it is FAR from being the worst game ever made. Kill yourselves you fucking dumb contrarians.

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Relatively to the rest of the franchise, I'd say either Hitman Absolution or Thi4f. Of all the soft reboots of stealth game franchises in the 2010s, only Blacklist was passable.

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The only one that comes to mind right now is Final Fantasy 13, what a boring piece of shit.

It's not a good game at all. It may easily be the worst game those anons ever played if they intentionally avoid obviously bad games.

The porn is great and all but the game is decidedly not.

Lately, it's Okami.

this is a thread for the worst game you've played, not what you think the worst game ever made is.

this game would have been ok if you played exclusively as a self-propelled glaive.

Assassin's Creed Liberation

Uhhh Mario and sonic at the Olympic games maybe that bionicles game I played so long ago or that ps2 harvest moon

I've played a lot of them.
But after doing a little research,
it would have to be Pit-Fighter on SNES.
I played it when I was like 6 over 20 years ago.
Probably the worst game I've ever rented.

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I played Okami for the first time recently and I found it pretty disappointing. I wouldn't really call it one of the worst games I've played but it really isn't as good as people lead me to believe.

Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad.

Widow is pretty qt but the game is still bad

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Post blue feet

I would say Ys III, but it was only 2-3 hours long. If we're going by 'most time wasted on a worthless experience' definitely Trails of Cold Steel 1. 30 hours of my fucking life I'll never get back, and NOTHING worthwhile about it. At least Ys III has a ton of hilariously bad stuff to talk about.... ToCS was just nothing.

I don’t think Sakimichan draws those.

Unironically FF7


Right back at you. Sekiro garbage, it's the worst action game I've ever played as well as being one of the few bad games I've played whose lack of quality can't be easily explained.

Muv Luv.
It proves that weebs don't have any respect for writing at all.
If such a gigantic piece of shit is 'one of the best VNs' then the whole genre needs a mercy killing.

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bioshock infinite. it wasn't broken. it wasn't unplayable or unbeatable. so most people aren't willing to call it 'bad.' but its terrible. its really really bad. the only thing about the game that makes you think that its bioshock is the plasmid system but thats only because they skinned the ui to look like bioshock. its a very bland corridor shooter with a spell casting system that makes it nifty.

if i didn't know that the game had been in the cooker for a long time i would just have assumed that they just slapped the bioshock name on a different game and called it a day. and if that was the case i might be a lot more forgiving. but it supposedly had a lot of thought and dev time put into it and this was the result that they decided to ship?

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Spent the whole game waiting for the big story hook to get me interested and then it just ended.

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What didn't you like about it? Just wondering.

Probably either Sonic Heroes or the first Neptunia. I've definitely played worse games on a technical level but I Heroes just pissed me off 95% of the time with how mediocre it was and I couldn't wring any enjoyment out of Neptunia whatsoever (unless you count jerking off to porn years later, but considering it's an entire series now and basically none existed when I looked after giving up on playing that game I refuse to give the first game the credit on that one).

Most disappointing would probably be Magical Drop V. It was a fucking mess and unlike most other games that have let me down I actually went into it expecting something good since I'd always heard good things about the series and just saw it on the recent releases of Steam at the time. At least I've finally played 3 since then and that game is a fucking 10/10.

sonic 06 got everything but the soundtrack wrong
the physics, gameplay mechanics, story, performance, progression structure
for fucks sake, you had to reload the map 4 times to retry a bogus mission instead of having a retry option and loading it once

Probably botw.

I played some Halo 5 in passing, and it was pretty bad. Brink immediately comes to mind as one of the most disappointing.

Nothing I've played is memorably the worst, but there was some Mario time machine bullshit on SNES that I never figured out how to play as a kid.



The music and art style were nice, but the actual gameplay was pretty uninteresting. The dungeons especially stood out as just being overly simple with no real exploration to puzzles to them.

You slut

The worst of them all games I played for the NES and Mega Drive because they came out in the nothing better to do era (no net, and I was a toddler that couldn't leave my home). So I was stuck with shit like Collumns because my mom thought that would be a fun game for me to play.

Well it was not, mom. Collumns was and still is a really poor man's Tetris with claustrophobic music.

>not dry

Medal of Honor reboot. Possibly the most generic FPS I've ever played.

after launch it actually was pretty close to being a good game. after they added the new characters and before they started changing existing characters mechanics and balance. the problem with overwatch is blizzard's design philosophy for the game, it's a competetive multiplayer first person shooter with an artificially lowered skill ceiling and an artificially raised skill floor

paste eaters get auto aim characters with aoe abilities added to the game to help them perform better and blizzard has consistently nerfed characters with high skill ceilings like widow, genji, mcree, and doomfist because skilled players were winning too hard

any time people came up with interesting positioning or team composition strategies, blizzard stepped in and changed the game so they couldn't do those things anymore. that is a cardinal sin in game design

Sonic 06 was a magnificent piece of shit, it was almost an artform in how it was so undeniably shitty it was, it was actually incredible. The worst part is i enjoy terrible shit usually, but mother of fuck that game was incredibly shit.

Queers of war
Sunset redditdrive
Far cry 3-5

Doomfist is a bad example because he's always been a gimmicky character with an oversized hitbox that was easily denied and shutdown, and was mostly a pubstomper. The "nerf" he got was that his fist attack seemed to have a hitbox the size of Reinhardt's shield, which made it weird to play against

In recent memory, Darkest Dungeons was by far the most disappointing thing I've spent money on that I expected to be good based on all the praise surrounding it. The difficulty and RNG that people tend to complain about weren't issues for me, rather the mobage-esque gameplay loop was so fucking boring I couldn't stand it for more than a few hours.

Sonic 06 was weird in that it was hilariously bad during Sonic's story but Shadow's was just fucking miserable to play and Silver's was hideously boring.

Honestly the best part of that game by far was the villain, it was bullshit such a decent villain was in such an atrociously terrible game like that.

Sonic 06 was my first Sonic game. I was a poorfag so i didnt have my own console, but I heard about it before so I was excited to play it at my friend's house.

Boy was I disappointed. All the hype you hear around the Sonic series and then this is what you get to play...

This. Mostly because of the massive waste of potential. The game starts out so promising and spirals down into a shitheap. David Cage is a fucking hack and they keep giving him money to make these horribly embarrassing games over and over again. They're shit.

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>Falling for David Cage memes
user you should have known better after heavy rain. all of his games are the exact same shit.

>a cheaply made game they had ready to slap a license on.
The fucking Hotel transylvania 3 game really felt like a hasty reskin of an existing game. How does a pikman clone make sense for a game about powerful vampires that are suppose to be able to fly.

not him but what's fucked is as stupid as heavy rain is it's still easily his best game (outside of Detroit, I know jackshit about that game since I refused to even look into it)

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Heroes of the Storm. Absolutely everything loathsome and awful about modern gaming all in one horrible package

It's a david cage game user, they are ALL the exact same shit.

you would wash that cherry before you ate it, right?

Paper Mario Sticker Star

But I didn't. I did the opposite. When Heavy Rain was announced, I went to a Game Stop (they still sold PS2 games then) and bought his previous game used. I have never bought a Cage game since.

This except the artstyle. The game actually made most Blizzard girls look better than in their original game, but aside from that the gameplay was really a pile of shit, even by the horribly low moba standard.

Tales of Berseria, and Final Fantasy XII were pretty bad.
The worst would be a diablo clone in a mythology setting that I don't remember the name of. It wasn't titan quest.

>foot fags only see feet
>not the amazing curves of the legs
>and ass

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Then you never bought an actually bad game, congratz

as a footfag i love everything below the tummy

i playtested this at digital extremes years ago
holy shit what a bad game that improved in no way between then and release


Was the Diablo clone Loki? I had that and it was shit.

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Grandia 3,
I read a review in Play magazine back in the day when magazine reviews were somewhat trust worthy and it got a 9/10. That game was a 4/10 even by PS2 JRPG standards were the genre was dime a dozen on the system. Faults include
>Two best characters leave the game at the third major town
>Replacements are no where near as interesting
>MC dresses like a fuckboi , which while common in JRPGs is especially bad in Grandia 3 only beaten out by the guy in Magna Carta
>Game has a sudden and bullshit difficulty spike about half way through the game, where enemies are suddenly twice as fast as you are and hit like freight trains, they out class you even if you spent the game killing every random encounter and are at what should be a reasonable level
>Normal encounters turns into trying to kill mobs in 1-2 full party cycles before you wipe from then on
The game was a shit show of the highest order and is outclassed by even budget titles from the time. I've never seen anyone defend this game on this board and there are people who will defend just about ANYTHING here. Theres a reason we haven't seen another Grandia game in 15+ years since Grandia 3. That being said the game had great girls like the Mom and the desert Gypsy girl.

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>job is Yea Forums janitor

>I've never seen anyone defend this game on this board
Probably because nobody ever heard of it before. I certainly didnt.

Shadow the Hedgehog.

I love the memes and laughing at the edginess of it, but it really is absolute fucking dogshit. Mindblowingly unfun to play.

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Fallout 4

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The PS2 port of Revenge of the flying dutchman.

The Crash Bandicoot remakes. They fucked up the jumping. And honestly, the games never needed remakes. Platforms generally don't.

That's the one. just the worst,

Aye I went back and played the original Crash Bandicoot on PS1 and the controls are wonderful.


>I have no idea how they are still in business
Never underestimate waifufags, Neptunia has pretty much single handedly kept the company alive for more than a decade, which is a shame because they have some good ideas but are incapable of putting them down without filling up the game with
>Back tracking and reused assets
>Lots of low effort palette swapping
>Useless systems and mechanics that bog down the game (why does every character have elemental magic and elemental specials which are redundant, why does everyone have multiple combo tree options when one optimized combo will carry for the entire game, ect)

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Why does that cover depict John Cena punching DSP?

I have probably played worse but the one that's always burned into my mind is Brutal Legend

This, is it so fucking hard to make a cute waifu game without giving me grinding aids?

Official game, probably Land Before Time on the GBC.

W-what is on the next image?

You can't have played many games.

By that criteria, Fallout 3 and onwards are also terrible.

>You can't have played many games.

The reason why I listed FFXV is because of multiple factors:
*time taken to make the game (10 years + 2 more for DLCs)
*the company involved
*the fact the game is incomplete
*the fact that the action gameplay (which Square can do) is literally Hold O to win

is why I think FFXV is the worst game I have played

The Witcher 3, by far. They say that if you’re gonna copy someone, aim for the greats. Well then why is the witcher 3 a collection of the worst rpg mechanics of the past 15 years? The gameplay is abhorrent

This but 15

It took blizzard 15 years to develop Battle for Azeroth.

never played it.



Pit-Fighters is bad, but it was comically bad with friends. In my heart of hearts i cant say this game is not entertaining.

Okay buddy lay off the chromosomes

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This. I don't think I've ever forced myself so hard to finish a game. This game is so fucking boring it hurts.

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pure agony

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why tf would you spam the same skill like a retard?

they are though? Even FNV suffers from being in a shit gameplay format and is only really saved by it's setting

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I also think they are terrible, but far from worst games I've played.

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don't open

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This was the most boring piece of shit game I’ve ever played. The fact that it was critically well received is an absolute joke and was when I stopped putting any stock whatsoever into reviews.

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>offers you cherry
>gets mad and tries to kick you when you try to eat it
What a bitch.

so do i, but i can understand somebody despising the games most vehemently, since the games are so heavily flawed that immersion breaks way too often. In contrast, Morrowind is excellently designed in many ways and really sucks you in if you like the RPG mechanics, which are so heavily watered down in the Beth Fallout games that you can't but feel angry about the loss of game depth

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Bad Day L.A.
Imagine buying a game expecting it to be Postal 2 tier satire and get a vapid pile of shit instead. It's also made by American McGee, the creator of a cult classic American McGee's Alice so you expect it to be good, but it's not, the jokes are not funny, the gameplay is horrible and the visuals are awful
I finished it yet did not enjoy anything in the entire game

zero redeeming qualities

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fuck off

the division 2. The game is playable, but the UI and menus are the worst I have ever seen. Coming from a AAA looter shooter I expected more

cause it works?

Destiny 2, although I didn't pay for it.

didn't they nerf that shit? they reduced ichimonji's posture damage IIRC

There's an Indie game called Vaccine that's basically an RE1 rip off with rogue like elements but it's an unfinished, unbalanced mess and not worth the cheap price tag.

This was a gift......still haunts me to this day.

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You fuck off with your “press triangle + circle to awesome!!!!! xd” bullshit game

Recently, probably Nier. I played Sonic and the Black Knight and Sonic and the Secret Rings as a kid, but I had fun with them so I'll give them a pass. For some reason, I just cant enjoy Nier. Maybe it's because I'm fresh off of DS3, DMC5, and Sekiro, and I was expecting another masterpiece. The combat is badly balanced, the plot takes a great concept and somehow makes it boring, theres too much time just running around, etc. Such a shame the soundtrack is so good, the game made me like it less.

Nier;Automata, to be clear

Star Ocean 5, FF2, or The Bouncer

Sonic Heroes

Oh I'm sorry, clearly you know my opinion better than I do. Kill yourself, niggerlicious glowmonkey.