Final Fantasy XIV

Do you hate Viera?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>humans with cat ears
>humans with bunny ears
>humans with scales
>literally just bipedal lions
why even bother
almost every race could have just been a cosmetic item

no but I'm also a very lonely femdomfag

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The fuck do you want? Octopus race?

why is this game so dead?

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I'm fantasiaing o one so no.
I'm going to miss Scholar and Mage hats, but the combination of good faces, good animations and no tail clipping is too good to pass up.

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>Queuing as a DPS at 6 in the fucking morning

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Queues are instant if you heal or tank instead of DPSing though

Not him but bird race, amphibian/fish race, plant race, and most importantly CAST race

maybe because depending on your state it's anywhere from 2 to 6 in the fucking morning on top of doma castle being a shitty dungeon
Futaba FFXIV thread

This is all I ever wanted from the game. Now I stop being a cat to satisfy my need to look cute.

No, you only lose way to dump sen, which is non issue and doesn't affect the flow much at all

works on my machine :^)

I love Viera...!

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actual varied races instead of humans with a slightly modified animation rig and a gimmick pasted onto their head

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I would sexually assult this Viera ngl

He's a furry

>The john travolta praetorium gif
Nice to see some things are universal

I'm going to smoosh vaginas with my Viera gf!

>doma castle being a shitty dungeon
absolute trash tier, scum-lining-the-bottom-of-an-abandoned-alley-dumpster tier opinion
doma castle is the best dungeon in the 61-69 run.

To the kind anons who offered to help my poor SCH ass in the last thread, thanks. Not sure if they'll see this, but we should meet in Rhalgr's Reach someday. Last name is Oblige because I'm a goddamn weeb.

>no tail clipping is too good to pass up
Your own fault for playing a cat/lizard you fucking moron.

>Irrelevant dungeon

I dunno man, it's a mystery

Before it was a choice between no tail clipping and shit animations or tail clipping and good animations.

Hey kid, wanna /ss/?

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That describes literally every MMO race. Unless you actually want like insectoid fucks with six legs or tentacle-limbed monstrosities or something then you're just being reductionist where it's like "these differences don't count but THESE ones are good"

You're lucky, I'm still here.
Lamia near the Aetheryte of the Reach then? I'll see you there!

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How do I find a cute girlfriend who will try to turn off the game for me when I fall asleep, and she'll just go to ffxiv reddit to ask how to turn the game off, instead of googling how to do it since she clearly knows the name of the game?


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I think Viera can look pretty damn neat. I'm excited to try one out with my personal armor glams.

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>Imagine actually wanting to play as mutant/xenoscum

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No, I love viera. I'm going to make one of my retainers a viera.

Why are they so hideous?
>short, wide faces
>disgusting skin tones, almost ashen in hue yet still brown like infant feces
>no actual distinguishing features from normal people aside from having ears plopped onto their model, not getting to wear hats and not having a male counterpart
I guarantee this'll be the new au ra race where every time you see one there's a 95% they're a tranny who isn't actually any good at the game and just sticks around to slutglam and rp

I don't plan to play one, but I like how they look. Far better than the current set of animal girls this game has. Plan to make a retainer into one.

I don't look forward to how they're going to be ruined by the wave of neon-haired, heterochromatic thotglammed OC donut steels we're about to see, though.

>dark skin and white hair
how to spot tasteless faggots
bonus points for red eyes

>overheat while trying to dodge aoe
>forget to resummon turret after overload
I think I'm retarded.

This is my favorite/v/iera

Viera? I hardly knew her!

If you're retarded then I have some good news for you about MCH in Shadowbringers

Is it me or has there been an influx of whiners? Every duty I was in since I resubbed had someone expecting savage playstyles. Shit was mind boggling.

Wow thanks!

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Yeah, this one is really good. She's like the 80% chocolate bar, which still not too much like 90% nor not enough like 70%.

That's how they're supposed to look you fag. The alternative is Veena pale dykes with green hair and a bunch of shit tatoos on their face.

Stop being shit

Which beast tribe would you like to be playable?

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Obviously you have never played Doma Castle with a bad or inexperienced tank.

And the best SB dungeon is Sirensong Sea.

see and learn, your viera is generic trash

Namazu, they are like the shitposter prime

Roast me.

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Normally tattoos look like ass too, but making them extremely white along with her bright eyes makes a good contrast. It's just simple and it works

Problem in ff14 is that other than male roe, none of the races have a distinct visual profile to it outside of height differences.

>I'm bad at the game, why is everyone bullying me

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Nu Mou of course.

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Moogles. I pray the next FF MMO let's us play as moogles

it's not a good contrast. it's clashing because the hair is the same color as the skin as well.

looks like you've already been roasted

Not terrible but highlights look gross.

Hrothgar,>lala and male Au Ra arguably do have a unique body type/silhouette compared to the other races, but every female race looks the fucking same

I don't hate them, I just don't care about playing a character that has a tranny face.

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I'm excited to go her after beating the ShB MSQ.

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Or Vath.

Less customisation
Motionless ears
Forced identical ears
Limited Hairs
No hats, glasses or crickets only
Human feet
Mudra bunny just floats weirdly on their ears
Only 1 good face
Why did they even bother.

Make aura are just goofy

But its not me they're complaining about.

t.has never done savage

>majority of the 2nd most play race/gender combo are trannies, hundreds of thousands of them!
You are mentally ill.


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How many times are you going to repost in this game/character?

How many more Yea Forums threads are you going to shit out?

How long are you planning to ban evade?

>Motionless ears
That's the biggest flaw for me.

>n-no, you

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I hate that time and effort was wasted on new races yes.

>only 1 good face
Au contrarie, sweetie, Viera is the only race where every face actually looks good. Well, Face 3 is kind of awkawrd to work with but compared to some trashy faces on Elezen and Hyur it's a godsend.

spot the tranny insecure about being called out

People are paying 60 dollars for this.

>emily epperson thread


>his breast slider isn't set to 100

Also why isn't this outfit in the game?

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Go back to /vg/

Yeah but they ARE distinct. Their biggest problem is their horrible run animation.

>Egi glamours soon
>we plan on implementing a new on with every patch!
>this was like 3 years ago

Yoshi you fucking liar

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I hate any version of FFXIV past 1.23b.

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There are already egi glamours

Whatever fag. I'm going Viera because out of all the female races, they have the biggest stonking brows. Especially on the Rava clan.

>doesnt post any savage completion screenshots

Spot the shitter.

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Remember when Yoshi said that FC housing would be separate from personal housing? He lies all the time.

>n-no! You!

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o10s was the least fucking fun savage raid in the entire expansion, even worse than o6s or o1s

Will we ever get raid gear with aesthetics as good as Midas?

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They said that carbuncles would be step 1 and then they would implement actual egis through sidequests and an actual glamour system with a menu. Went on to say stuff like certain egis would only work as glamours for others, like Ramuh would be a glamour for Garuda while Sephirot would be a glamour for Ifrit.

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simple but nice! i feel like going for simple designs works best for viera, only downside being you might run into some clones cause hairstyle options are so limited

yeah, alexandrian

They couldn’t even implement the glamour for the eos/Selene, you have to have separate skills now even though they use same pet skills


I liked it as a tank. I wouldn't mind seeing more RNG busters, scrambling to damage control when you had no CDs left was fun.

As long as we're posting bunnies, here's mine.

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>no shitty highlights
>no face 4
>no heterochromia
You did fine considering the limited options.

why do people pick this nose?


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Don't care for the skin tone, otherwise good
r8 and h8

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nobody cares

Because it's the only one that doesn't look like a jew nose from the side?

Literally every single version of the game past 1.23b has been shit.

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Everything after XI has been shit.

This is probably without a doubt the creepiest XIV character I have ever seen, and I don't mean that in that the character is sexualized or looks fetishy or anything but this nigga is actually some uncanny valley scary shit

If that's what the creator was going for then congrats I'm unnerved.

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That's a better system than having to type an awkward text command when you feel like switching it up.

am i kawaii uguu~

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No, I just can't use a race with limited headgear options.

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Can't say I'm happy about them. They're generic broads with ears and I genuinely don't understand why there was ever demand for another cutesy race. We're going to a parallel dimension, we could have had
>humanoid Vath
>kender/halfling race, like lalas except not retarded
All these possibilities, and instead we get rodents in lingerie.
Shit negro, they could have added Viera as a sub-race customization option and then given one to everyone else, too.
>Roe with a horn, tattoos, and different skin tones
>Hyur with a third eye and magitek enhancements
>Garlean defector
>elezen with bunny ears
>miqote with fox ears and multiple tails
>Au Ra with full scales and vestigial wings
>Lalafell with raccoon-esque ears, tail, and fur

Wrong, ARR made an improved game pad gameplay.

Most helms are shit, but no hats could be a dealbreaker. The devs should make them work in the future, hell I would be okay with just letting them clip and the players can turn them off or on.

Calm down Hazzikostas

Thanks for the laugh man, this thing looks ridiculous.

This is by far the worst post I have read in the past two weeks.

>I genuinely don't understand why there was ever demand
because you are both dumb and gay

rabbits arent rodents bro

This is unacceptable, it’s worse than facial features locked to face type. All those unlocked hairs from rewards or mog station that can’t be used with the new races!

half of the potential races you named would make zero fucking sense to be playable and would have an even worse situation with gear than viera

How would you want a scholar hat to look on Viera though? Even if they make holes so they don't clip it'll look silly.

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legitimate creepypasta monster

I don't know whether to laugh or think he's cute.

nigga you joking, right?

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Why the fuck didn't they just base the entire game in Ivalice instead of kinda-sorta copying FFXI
>Nu Mou

I'm not very creative

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Does anyone have the picture that showed a list of the classes and the skills they lost? I saw it a couple days ago in a Yea Forums post and was interested to see it again.

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holy shit yes please

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>Fantasy game
>Only playing humans
Imagine being this much of a boring faggot

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Because they were trying to lure over the MMO audience they already had. They even tried to kill FFXI so everyone there would move.

Just hide their ears on big hats.

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I want to fuck teenfillia

Ivalice a shit

I love this post

No SCH or Amon hat on the new races, why bother!

>Minfilia's back
I actually missed her so that's nice

>zero sense to be playable
p a r a l l e l
d i m e n s i o n

>that tongue
my dick

You can make some really strange and stupid looking Hrothgar

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I'm just saying, instead of two half-assed races they could have done the same thing with every race and at least expanded customization a bit.

Holy shit KEK

Is raidleading the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having to lead a raidgroup. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are helping, theorycrafting, raising and rearing a raid for at least 3 months solely so they can go and get savageprogression with another group. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little raidgroup - reading them tactics before each pull, making them go to rotation practice, making sure they have a well rounded materia setup, educating them, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their gameplay is more enjoyable for the raids that will eventually poach your members for their progression groups.

Raised the perfect raidgroup? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random guild that had nothing to do with the way they progressed. They get to kill bosses every night. They get the benefits of their kind and sweet personalities that came from the way you raised them.

As a raidleader who has a raidgroup, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 2 moths of your life simply to raise raidmembers for another raidgroup to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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The story doesn't begin in the parallel dimension, retard. New players would still have to go through the entire previous story in Eorzea.

The story doesn't begin in the Azim Steppe either, Au Ra are still playable from the start.

Not him, but that doesn't matter, the NIN bitch still hides her face if you play as an Au Ra.

>'have sex: the playable race'
i don't hate them, but i feel pity for people who play them

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Also how will they do sets like this, and those old tank armors that combined head+chest?

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>lead raid group
>raid with group
>group raids together because they work well as a team from training together and are probably friends

imagine typing all that bullshit lmao

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Because Au Ra are a known Spoken race and not considered beastmen in the game's lore you fucking moron. Half the shit you named are either beastmen or are otherworldly/aetherial inhuman creatures. Get your fucking head checked you double digit IQ mongoloid.

bunbreakers look very appealing.


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Some questions:

>Where are my Lakshmi weapons?
>Why is Barrahe a skill when you’ll always use it with refulgent arrow, just make it a damage skill by itself instead of needing to use it then refulgent
>Will shadowbringers cutscene be as good of quality as the benchmark is for our own characters?

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That's an interesting point, imagine a hrothgar wearing that.

two moths aren't worth that much user so i wouldn't call it cuckery

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>I don't like these established Final Fantasy races
>let's go with dogshit dnd races instead

Out of the ones we got, it'd have to be Nu Mou

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>Will shadowbringers cutscene be as good of quality as the benchmark is for our own characters?
No, thank the lalafell.

If I can wield 8 weapons then hell yea.

>Why is Barrahe a skill when you’ll always use it with refulgent arrow, just make it a damage skill by itself instead of needing to use it then refulgent
Just because it's ideal to use it with Refulgent doesn't mean there aren't other options and that you won't use it with other skills before you have Refulgent. You may as well ask why we have combos or OGCDs at all instead of condensing everything into a single Attack button.

Why doesn't Square get any hate for making Lalas turbo Jews?

Barrage procs refulgent in Shadowbringers.

They just don’t allow it.

Au Ra also didn't exist in the lore before Yugiri, that's why it's such a huge deal when she finally drops the mask.
Viera didn't exist on Hydaelyn before Stormblood.
They've outright added races before, and they can do it again. Nobody's been to or heard shit from Meracydia, Thavnair, or the New World in centuries. There's still a LOT of ground to cover on Hydaelyn.

Why would they?

>blm loses nothing
go fuck yourself yoship

Qiqirn please, we got locked out of a beast tribe quests in favof of Namazu

>I like when my fantasy races are just humans with funny ears

>the New World

And instead of covering our own world we’re going to an alternate one.

We don't need more races. This is it. They should expand on the races we already have, more faces, more hair, more bears, more tats,etc. 6.0 better update the engine/graphics and character customziation. We don't need more furry shit for you weirdo.

>Au Ra also didn't exist in the lore before Yugiri, that's why it's such a huge deal when she finally drops the mask.
>Viera didn't exist on Hydaelyn before Stormblood.
And it doesn't matter because they introduced these races and their established lore beforehand. They've also introduced most of the races you wanted but you know what the difference is? They introduced their lore as something that doesn't belong as playable.
>Nobody's been to or heard shit from Meracydia, Thavnair, or the New World in centuries
There's regular trade with all of those areas, lorelet.

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Its a copypasta derived from another copypasta newfag

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i want skelly

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no but you might be gay

I have a question for the VinCo FC, aka Giant Bomb.

Do you Giant Bomb journalists still enjoy smelling farts of SJWs and call gamers "toxic" like the beta male cucks you guys are?

Why is it that both Au Ra and Viera first appeared months before they were announced to become playable, with extensive lore in both cases to explain their presence, and there is as of yet literally nothing in game that implies Hrothgar exist or describes their lore, and yet Yoshi would have us believe that Hrothgar were planned first and Viera were the rushed ones?

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That's exactly what I originally suggested, retard.

I fucking love it
Where is that hat from though? I don't recognise it at all. I know the coat is Sky pirate.

What even is the original? Been on this site almost daily since 06 and don't keep track of meme pastas

I'll probably end up fantasia'ing just for the better quality models.
That they're sexy bunny ladies is nice, but holy shit the meshes on the older races look like complete ass.

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lurk moar

Do EDF next

Necromancer job fucking when?

At least Yoshida namedropped it recently so its on the list of possibilities.


>clip ears
>make dumb ear pockets
>hide ears

3 easy peasy options. Viera would be easy to work with, Hrothgar are another issue because cat head.

Velvet Crowe bros unite

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It's most apparent with eyebrows. Viera eyebrows look way betetr than those of the old races.

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Sorry I don't lurk reddit enough to recognize your post

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This, what the fuck, there's not even a single NPC to at least introduce us to them.

The original is some incel tier meme about how raising a daughter is being a cuck.

blah blah raising daughter is ultimate form of cuckoldry

No, you cried because they added Viera and Hrothgar before doing anything like that. Hell, they likely never will do anything like that.

Something about having a daughter being the most cuckold thing ever.

oh it's r9k/pol drivel

makes sense I wouldn't know about it then

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

I still believed that the original plan in 4.0 was to head to Ilsabard next, and that's why Alphinaud went on his diplomacy mission and ran into Gaius. They probably shifted gears after those scenes were already too far along in production to change, so they just had Alphinaud go into a coma off-screen and had Gaius bring him back. More than likely, we were going to meet a Hrothgar in the original 4.4 or 4.5 plans dealing with the Populares.

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mogstation for hat, siren song for the skirt, gloves are shire gear, boots are just thighboots. guaranteed lulz if you visit balmung wearing it.

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>I guarantee this'll be the new au ra race where every time you see one there's a 95% they're a tranny who isn't actually any good at the game and just sticks around to slutglam and rp
I like the way it's always a pedophile lala or tranny lizard that tries to make out that cats are the ones who are bad at the game. When in reality it's the opposite.

Viera were mentioned exactly ONCE in an offhand comment during the run-up to the Ivalice raid series.
Now find me the "established lore" on Hrothgar.
Go ahead, I'll wait. Also,
>trading with some people in an area means we know exactly what all of them look like
>because this totally isn't exactly what happened
>we definitely don't still refer to indigenous Americans as "indians" or anything like that because some retard 500 years ago thought the earth was way smaller


Of course he is

>>gyaru viera
It hurts knowing 99.99% of players have garbage taste and won't make one

>Be me
>Like playing as a healer
>Healers are really fucking gay
I hate playing as a tank, heal punch class when?

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Only cucks are into whores.

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"Roasting" is reddit tier comedy. See They literally have a subreddit for roasting. Go back.

>Viera were mentioned exactly ONCE in an offhand comment during the run-up to the Ivalice raid series.
Dramaturge had several paragraphs of lore for them, lorelet.
>Now find me the "established lore" on Hrothgar.
Having nothing at all is still better than having lore that removes them as a playable option like most of the shit you listed you god damn idiot. Seriously, you listed shit like Elementals and Voidsent. Do you fucking understand anything about the lore?

No one will play new races after the first month due to limitations and missing out on potential glams and hairs being added.

Wanted: One person to play a Viera and be my FWB/partner in crime/troll buddy

>Will be Viera and sexy
>Will be capable of posting para RP
>Will have thick skin and love to troll the nn/shout
>Will be into ERP
>Can be guy, girl, or whatever in between I do not give a single fuck what you are OOC
>Can keep the lewd seperate and understand I'm never gonna be your boyfriend, we're just friends who are going to fuck a lot between kicking the games ass
>You can be sub, switch, or dom.

What you get:
>I will teach you to make millions of gil and become a 1%'er of FF14
>I will sugar daddy you anyway but you better be my fucking peer at market, we're going to be like aggressive 80's businessmen except you will be a bunny and I'm going to knock you up (So like Fran and Balthier except I have the balls to slap the pills out of your hand IC)
>I will be a genuine friend and listen to you about your problems
>I will give genuine advice and support you
>I will encourage you at the things you want to do
>I will help you with the stuff you want to do ingame
>But we also are going to fuck, and I'm going to dom you and manhandle you
>I will run ERP settings for you
>I am an experienced DnD DM and will give you amazing settings with soundtracks, art, and intricate worlds and plots
>We are going to fuck in those intricate worlds and plots

Reply if interested

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Me second from the left

I'm not "crying" about anything. My entire point is that rather than slapping some ears and cat masks on existing races and shouting "two new races!" they could have added a third tribe to the current ones, done the same work, made the same money, and NOT half-ass a bunch of shit.

is it too late to get into this game

sent ;)

Pure gyaru is the newest fad in manga (especially with female authors), it's an excuse to have an extrovert heroine and dress them up in lots of cute outfits that the artist wants an excuse to draw

They should just do what RIFT did and have instanced housing. RIFT's housing was 20 times better by the way. You had tons more space to work with. The "down side" is that you don't have literal 15 year old trannies coming upto your house and spamming xD. The up side is everyone gets housing.

When 2p shows up will she have 9z?

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They still didn't exist before the Ivalice series, which is the whole point you goddamn smoothbrain


This is the biggest problem, what the fuck are they gonna do about this? Are these two just going to have the same hairs forever?

I will play Viera because I have always want to since this MMO was announced.
I don't give a fuck about mogstation glams, I will never buy one.
I do dislike no hats, but I believe I can live with it and that the dev team will probably make it happen on some scale in the future.
I never changed hairstyle on my current character which I started in ARR.

>guaranteed lulz if you visit balmung wearing it.


Kys tranny.

because left wing white people being offended on behalf of dead koreans from 80 years ago.

I fit all of those criteria but you have nothing to offer me. I'm on Balmung, I can find a billion people to dom and breed me, who cares about that? Eorzea is the only ERP setting I need or want. And I have no use for a sugar daddy because I'm already an omnicrafter with a house. Do you have anything meaningful to provide?

Attached: 1556316580750.jpg (1254x1612, 147K)

>clearly doesn't realize how huge a demand Viera were for FF11 after Viera became a thing in FF12

What’s with white people being offended on behalf of others? I don’t think any black person gives a shit about monkey or ape

It's all good until you take a side profile of them and see their fucked up \ slanted face. Worst one being face 1 which is a shame because it has the best eyes.

>thing in story didn't exist before it first appeared in story
Damn, wow, I never thought of it that way before... We got a real genius over here. Well shit I guess that means all the lore for all the shit races you named should be retconned to be playable!

>left wing
You can't look away for two seconds without Ul'dah /shout going full 1488. If you want to offend trannies go to Faerie.

>Wrong, ARR made an improved game pad gameplay.


1.0 was a slow enough game and only required two rows of abilities.

The slowness of the game and the amount of skills meant it was easy enough to hit any succession of abilities without delay.

The cross hotbar is very good but 2.x+ is shit user.

Attached: FFXIV_1329313749.jpg (1680x1050, 639K)

I've had a fetish for gyaru for about a decade, I'm glad it's "in" now. Feels nice, because usually fads are never the shit I am interested in, in any industry. Let me have this, it'll fizzle out soon anyway.

Not that I'll be playing Viera, cats make better gyarus.

Attached: kG6BAQR.jpg (761x1024, 100K)

>gil defining being 1% and not raiding ultimate

you tried i guess

Did the guy who made the wind-up succubus fuck it until he died?

XI viera would have been okay.

bruh moment


Attached: 1549898305670.png (1215x810, 50K)

You should remember to take off your tripcode if you're going to reply to yourself you idiot.

>implying it isn't middies that complain about slutglam

>backfill into Dun Scaith via alliance roulette with only the endboss remaining
>as a fucking BLM
>roll 99 for minion
Nothing personnell

I am Neo Exdeath.

Attached: Neo Exdeath.png (1200x675, 1.03M)

I wish I could have seen the 1.19 or 1.23 gameplay in a different game engine. I wish the game had more interactive gameplay between characters like the battle regimen skill chains, limit break in ARR+ isn’t a group thing.

> Chances are though I post better than 95% of what you find, but I don't care.
You're not particularly eloquent to start out with, and most of my partners are intelligent enough to at least not samefag with a tripcode.

Pretty sure he was executed. He made all the other cute wind-up voidsent too, though.

Attached: winduponahole.png (1024x921, 405K)

How embarrassing samefagging with a tripcode, Thread ID when?

>tfw started cutscene skipping for the first time
I literally do not give a fuck about these hildibrand quests

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Theyre gonna release a 71-80 Deep Dungeon right?

He was executed, but then more voidsent dolls started showing up. When they dug up his grave, he was gone. Guy slipped through the dimensional boundary and is living the dream fucking voidsent waifus probably.

Fuck off.



>Skipping BASED hildi
yikes, you should be skipping the MSQ instead.

Damn, I feel sorry for you, [email protected]

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God I wish that were me

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Attached: 725.jpg (2000x2000, 532K)

No, I like them, but I'm unsure of whether to stay as Lalafell, switch to Viera, or switch to Au Ra.

Hildi isnt that funny anyway

What's the chest piece from?

>When the Au Ra first came to Ishgard they were mistaken for dragonkin and slaughtered en masse
It's happened in the lore before, retard.
Voidsent are aether-starved intelligent beings from the 13th shard, and some of them, like Cait Sith, are amicable.
What lore would even need to be retconned? "Humanoid vath" doesn't mean "literal vath but bigger," just people with chitinous plates, the way Au Ra have scales. Tengu DO already exist and guard Kugane Castle, but there's approximately fuck-all lore behind them. Oni already exist in some capacity and even have a PvP armor set themed after them.


Attached: 11.jpg (2000x2000, 509K)

Who plays a rpg and ignores the story?!

>but there's approximately fuck-all lore behind them
>doesn't have EE2
>tries to lecture anyone else on lore

Yeah, after a few patches and most have finished levelling.

Viera aren't in the Encyclopedia to begin with though.

Bullshit, if by best you mean dps, if by fun then no you fucking weren’t. Tedious tiresome bullshit.


Attached: 1558276601454.png (700x1058, 625K)


It’s fine. Top DPS, top heals, top shields

>make Hyur male
>go through voices
>no Tidus laugh
shit game

Attached: 619727629_7d1ac2f531.jpg (435x500, 244K)


Is it worth getting Mendacity gear these days? Should I just do Lost Allagan and go straight for Sigmascape gear then Alphascape?


And I think 380 should be good enough for ShB, right?

Attached: meguu.jpg (300x300, 64K)

t. mrhappy

>smn/sch lose Shadow Flare

Attached: [gg]_Dororon_Enma-kun_Meramera_-_11_[C90F2A9B].mkv_snapshot_15.56_[2011.06.20_07.44.12].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

>SE's pre-recorded, half-hour, E3 Press Conference Monday night, during prime time Seal Rock Frontlines hours

Attached: 1557493725080.jpg (400x416, 52K)

He does TK rotation though.

Looks earlet to me and the highlights aren't great but overall she's cute and + points for no face paint.

It's a shame they never tried to fix Battle Regimens in the first place. It wasn't a bad idea (Though it'd make no sense in ARR), but it didn't work properly, like everything else back then. There were a couple instances where it would randomly work, like one time where I saw someone close a Regimen with a 10k Flood, but we were unable to replicate the results consistently. People generally assumed Ancient Magic was bugged, but it turns out they were garbage because they were probably meant for Regimens.

>It's happened in the lore before, retard.
14 years ago, yes. That's a long time for social change and not an overnight handwave.
>Voidsent are aether-starved intelligent beings from the 13th shard, and some of them, like Cait Sith, are amicable.
Cait Sith is a familiar, not a voidsent. Voidsent are aether starved to the point that it's all they fucking care about doing. Some are smart enough to weave more elaborate schemes but they all have the goal of eating people.
>What lore would even need to be retconned?
I'm not going to go through your original post and type up a short novel of why you're wrong when the established lore already does it for me.
>"Humanoid vath" doesn't mean "literal vath but bigger," just people with chitinous plates
So you want Vath but not-Vath because you know it doesn't fit the lore.
>Tengu DO already exist and guard Kugane Castle
They're rare, extremely reclusive mountain people, but this isn't even one of the suggestions I have a huge problem with even if Eorzeans should see them as beastmen.
>Oni already exist in some capacity
They're monsters.

If you think a lalafell is a dwarf and not a gnome/halfling mix at best you're retarded.

Who cares, it’s a boring dot you set and forget

You could just buy 6 or 7 ilvl 380 crafted weapons, turn them in for tokens and exchange them for a full set of ilvl390 gear, accessories and weapon. You'll need Mendacity for that too though.

more like shadowtakers, am I right ARCbros???

Imagine being this much of a boring parsetranny faggot.


Attached: 1530980069558.jpg (840x1180, 115K)

PGL and ROG have better aesthetics than MNK and NIN.

But, user, I'm poor.
I've only got 2 million.
And each piece on my server is like 400-500k.

great argument fagtron

Based on these threads:
What is the most used Viera face?

>No magnificent beard
>Point ears
>Not bulky at all
It's not a dwarf, you know it's not a dwarf and even the Japanese said they weren't dwarves when SE pulled the shit of "on the first they're called dwarves".

On Light they go for 200k. Use the world visit system.

Any way to send an item to an alt?

1 by far

They're literally Dwarves

Attached: 1539651138101.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

>Implying everyone wouldn't stay as a Hrothgar

Attached: 1549948000502.gif (607x609, 976K)

>90% of playerbase hides their helmets anyway

>*blocks ur path*

Attached: 1528828111366.jpg (293x239, 36K)

>I am a gilbot or incredibly boring
>I am under 5'5 and need to compensate
>I am a hipster or really like power metal
>I follow the crowd
>I dose up on healslut memes constantly
>I am a shameless metafaggot
>I still play YGO in current year
>I am addicted to self-deprecation
>I have ADD
>I just want people to like me
>I want to be completely unnoticed while still stroking my ego
>I quite literally have never had a single original thought
>I like being a total fuckup for the sake of my own amusement
>I think I know better than everyone else
>I prefer the illusion of complexity
>I want other people to carry me while I pretend to be important
>I really have nothing better to do with my time
>I am an ascended gigachad with a massive dick and not a hair under 6'4

Did they just recycle the santa beard?

Of course

Imagine spending real money to make your character look like a bunny instead of a cat

Attached: 1551110934936.png (395x474, 25K)

>this post
not read

>the white

Attached: 1547391361725.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

In terms of viability? Probably as fine as it has always been.
In terms of fun? Fucking butchered just like the other healers.

Based. All w*men belong in diapers.

It's like you don't know they give free fantasia.

>"uh? yes I do main every job, I'm a true Warrior of Light after all"

Attached: 1559237462992.jpg (234x215, 4K)


>"Oh hey that's a cute looking Megumin, let's look for the full picture"
This was a mistake...

Attached: darmzcq-53d29be6-1456-47ce-ba16-f2c6aa6125a2.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIi (1625x1713, 1.1M)

>WHM and AST
This guy is a fucking idiot


Can't butcher what isn't there to be butchered anyway

>"Mistakes are nothing more than the lack of appreciation of the flesh"

Attached: 1558574583664.png (1791x792, 1.24M)

>have to stop playing to jerk off every time Minfilia's tummy shows up in a cutscene


Choose one.

You're pornsick. Get help.

absolutely based

Attached: 1549040035288.jpg (1078x1666, 483K)

That's the correct way to play this game.

>Minfilia's tummy shows up in a cutscene
Fucking child.

thats the plan

Finished 4.5 what?

Bangaa should of been the first beast race.

This should have been the Final Omega theme. Prove me wrong.

You start big fishing and collecting triad cards while you wait 20 days like the rest of us

indeed, I think Hrotgar have been very welcomed and opened the option of actually bringing real races instead of furry baits and waifus, being a Bangaa MNK is my dream

Attached: bangaa.jpg (600x315, 35K)

i want to be a fat fedora lizard so i can be truly immersed

What does NG+ do?

>generic tun tun tun music

nah, Soken's better than this

Attached: 1559164608616.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Lets you replay the story.
That's it. No rewards; at best you might get an achievement and a title.

christ the combat in this game looks boring

It has the same instrumentation as Soken's but also calls back to music from FFV where Omega originated.

Then you'd complain Soken is stealing tracks from older games again.

i tried the free trail and it seemed like everything wrong with modern MMOs put made to look pretty
why do shills talk about it as if it any better than retail wow?

Man, I don't know if this music sucks for me because you have nostalgia or because I'm a zoomer, but it doesn't really stand out.

Doesn't have RNG bullshit of retail wow but has catgirls instead

no thanks there are other games you know

I think they're boring and have even less decent-looking faces than the other go-to races (Miqo'te, Au'Ra and Hyur). Just skim through this thread and you'll see that every screenshot is more or less a same-face.

That's the a major problem with this game now. Nearly everyone is a same-face and in a crowd of 10 generic catgirls for example at LEAST 6-7 of them could just as well be twins. That's going to be the case also when the humans with bunny ears are playable.

Attached: 1508483645228.png (808x810, 504K)

all style no substance
typical squenix shit


it's meh and one of the weakest song in FFXV, soken theme (not the FINAL omega theme) sounds pretty original

Attached: 1557848690171.gif (28x28, 4K)

post your 5.0 meta

>JP community putting out great content during the last month countdown
>all the western fandom does is complain

Attached: D8ilHv5VUAEZHbw.jpg (787x1000, 133K)

>just got the best minion in the game
Feels good man.
I'll /dote on her every day.

Attached: 61806772_p0.png (500x500, 221K)

Are you niggers going to the /xivg/ Crystal meetup?

no way fag

Trannies/Americans only excel at whining.

first dont call me a nigger
second dont mention /xivg/
third kill yourself

>still didn't get her

Attached: 1433333301390.jpg (442x650, 39K)

>soken theme (not the FINAL omega theme) sounds pretty original
The M/F theme is top tier because it's trying to copy WoL so it plays an alternate version of Maker's Ruin (WoL's theme). But Final Omega is boring.

Whatever you wanna play>rest

I want to breed the viera

I know that this is bait but here's your (You) any ways.

the people who play viera will go back to playing cat and lizard after a while that being said they'll still be more popular than elezen and roes

i still prefer elezen though

I want nothing more than to lock myself in my room and draw nothing but XIV fanart until I starve to death. I wish I had artistic skill.

Attached: 1551110628137.jpg (480x461, 30K)

I think I'm contracting hebefillia.

She's losing it soon so rejoice

Which minion is that?

Castrum abania, you mean.


Attached: 1553449997773.webm (960x540, 937K)

>the people who play viera will go back to playing cat
You people said the same bullshit about lizards, and yet they've become one of the most popular races.

user, what the fuck are you talking about? Final Omega's theme is From the Heavens which is a combination of Torn From the Heavens (obviously) and The Maker's Ruin.

it's called practice

I know, but Maker's Ruin no longer fits when it drops the humanoid shape. And Torn From the Heavens is a boring, overplayed song.

The first thing you see practically on the FF14 subreddit is fanart.

>but going to reddit

Yes, going to the place most people use. Almost as if that's where a lot of the content is being posted or something.


Attached: 1530455923435.gif (384x216, 1.79M)

cats and lizard are more or less the same thing with how often the players switch between them

>that viera


Attached: 1558727406252.gif (480x345, 3.29M)

Amaljaa WHEN?

Attached: Amalj'aa_XIV_CG.jpg (746x773, 121K)

>Flowchart "stay busy" skills and abilities of which most are very obvious which should be used before the other
>Focus on keeping abilities on cooldown instead of using them at opportune times / reactively
>Little lack of sudden events e.g. procs, unpredictable monster movement
>Most battles are literal non-random / deterministic finite state machines
>Very little ways to mechanically fuck up for anyone with more than two brain cells due to server-side network authority and an incredibly slow gamestate tick rate, combined with the previous point

Yeah, like before said, all style no substance. Even early WoW was less scripted

Wind-Up Scathach

At least she's a guaranteed drop now.

Attached: 61253977_p3_master1200.jpg (1280x1280, 267K)

same, except I'd draw bestiality

>tanks ruined
>healers ruined
what class do i play while waiting for Classic?

Try a noose

Attached: D8ZaogQUIAA_h_w.jpg (849x1200, 192K)

There's not that many interesting/lewdness-friendly animals in XIV, desu. Disappointingly.


It's incredible how wrong you are

That's some strange taste. Catgirls all have fat asian faces to me and are not attractive.

Why are tank and healer mains such drama queens?

>yoshi decides to go with a bang and introduce subjobs for the final 7.0 expansion
which main+sub would you pick Yea Forums

I unironically like how O11, M&F and Final Omega Themes are callbacks to previous songs from the game but drastically improved, especially eScape being the banger that it is.

Attached: 1508149677314.gif (1023x536, 1.73M)


Post more viera art

Attached: D8ER10kXUAE9v2K.jpg (1200x901, 140K)

>improves it FURTHER in Shad
Someone stop this madman

I'm new to this Final Fantasy game. Where are the save points? I've looked everywhere but I can't find them. I want to exit the game but not lose all of my progress up to that point. Help.

Now my VerFlare's are even bigger.

They dragged Omega into XV? He deserves better than that.

You have to go to the inn and speak to the two catgirls sitting on beds.

>Japs eat shit out of their master’s asshole, lapping it down begging for seconds
>Westerners have a mind of their own and know how to critique

Both believe themselves to be more important than they actually are. Fact is, everyone is expendable.
Healers tend to be worse than tanks in that regard, the fact that their role is populated by so many trannies doesn't help either. Most of the tanks I've met are either clueless or chill.

Is the Feast Solo Ranked worth doing now or is only Teams in a current season?

Attached: 1559491405784.gif (450x448, 1.99M)

You have to beat the game in one go, it's a new gimmick they're trying out.

Vanu Vanu

>Japs actually competent at the game
>Lardass Americans still can't even decide who tanks Alliance raids

Attached: 1223274134993.jpg (183x158, 43K)

>any better than retail wow?
Because it is. But only because Blizz is managed by a team of monkeys.

where are these being originally posted?

Attached: 14323432543.jpg (257x196, 17K)

I'd go BLM/WHM so I can finally become a sage, but I know it would do absolutely nothing for me.

Attached: 1471032491220.jpg (827x1169, 793K)

She's up!

Attached: 【FF14 #62】燃え咲かれ、FF14💜 #しずりん生放送 - YouTube.png (1163x654, 1.56M)

I mean im a tank main and i would love some more skill expression.
The changes might imply that the difference between a good and a bad tank could become smaller, but i will have to see how it actually plays out in the grand context.
Like how do encounters in ShB work and how the whole class interaction works.
Healer mains are complaining way too early before even knowing the whole system context.

>Lardass Americans still can't even decide who tanks Alliance raids
I don't get this. Do tank players queue into content believing they don't need to tank anything? Is this like the type of healer who queues into content with randoms thinking he should never have to gcd heal?

twitter, under the... #FF14ShB_CD tag, iirc? might be wrong

I don't see them.

How long is this game?


bro if you just started practicing drawing ffxiv fan art an shit with that same kind of determination you could HAVE that artistic skill.
just do some basic anatomy practice every day and you'll be average to decent in a year, maybe even less if you got a good minds eye for what you want to draw.


Attached: TAISHO.png (883x853, 768K)

about 1300 hours.


Attached: 1559473753272.png (320x293, 173K)

why are BLM mains so insecure? is it because even RDM has thrice the recorded Ultimate clears?

lol what kind of garbage virtual youtuber is this? The catgirl avatar doesn't even do anything.

Based Japs

I though she played SAM?

Maybe the nips aren't so bad after all.

How do the twins feel about me summoning their grandpa all over the place?

i made one but i'll probably use it for my retainer i've been playing elezen too long to switch off at this point

Attached: 1533978392233.jpg (1920x1080, 1.11M)

ah, wait, it was just #ff14shb_cd. all lowercase. some might be under the one i thought was correct, tho

I've got the opposite of a good mind's eye, I can't hold onto ideas for very long, the imagery just slips out

All three queue up in hopes of being offtanks. (aka DPS)
Incidentally, Thunder God is a really good fight for forcing all three tanks to actually tank.

So people are just never supposed to turn off their PS4? That's why everyone stand still in town overnight to not lose their progress?

don't bring actual vtubers into this reddit shithole of a general

>What ever happened to Fordola? She ran off to take care of Ifrit and we never saw her again. Is there a chance we might get more of her in the future?

>Unfortunately, now is still not the time to talk about Fordola’s future. She is a tragic character who has lived an ill-fated destiny, and made into a Resonant. Eventually, there may come a time to depict what happened to her, but now is not yet the time. However, I don’t think we will ever forget her.

Reminder best SB girl will return.

Attached: file.png (709x517, 486K)

It's not him, it's just a really big egi made with with some of his aether. I wish they would actually use their own Phoenix-egis in the MSQ.

It's not the real one, much like how you are not summoning the real Bahamut every 2 minutes.

Fuck Koreans and Fuck Comfort Women!

Attached: D8hecejU8AQBhvK.jpg (1200x749, 162K)

It's not going to be in SHB, that's just the remix in their new album that's coming out


She looks cute but people are really sleeping on face 2

So did the real Nidhogg die in the Aery and the Nidhogg you fight later is a Primal summoned by his lingering will/hate in his eyes? or am I retarded.

Attached: feel it.gif (500x271, 464K)

They told me to stop complaining about healer changes and play dps. So I did the ninja relic in 3 days.

Attached: sasukes blades.jpg (1920x1076, 379K)


Attached: grim-dawn-pc-review-2-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Attached: D8gcEbCUcAEM-ft.jpg (655x1199, 130K)

But they do look cool.

You are retarded.
Did you skip the cutscenes or something?

No, a dragon's 'life' is in their eyes. Because his eyes were still in-tact, he just needed to reunite them with his body, which was the blood on Estinien's armor. Once it was all brought together, he bodyjacked Estinien. Just like how Midgardsormr "died" but was still alive because his eyes were fine.

This is a very weird jrpg...not sure if I like this game.

>expert roulette with an AST healer
>literally zero cards used


Attached: D8gGAuYV4AAMwwv.jpg (1199x400, 128K)

Fuck off gook.

>Backpedals with standard control scheme
Why hasn't anyone told her that she sucks yet

Attached: D8fzK77UIAA9NfP.png (816x716, 1.11M)

this is what happens when the game allows you to level 1-70 in palace

>Shadowbringers isnt out yet

Attached: D7u4TEVXkAEL__U (1).jpg (540x540, 36K)

always beware of classes that start at 50, it's always a sign that someone is too lazy to learn the role properly and just wants to skip ahead

>Females everywhere

I know it's an irrational gear grinder but god this game is still filled with faggots.

Attached: 1305471035219.jpg (450x600, 22K)

I'd be one hell of a performer.

I forget, did we give Hresvlgar their eye back or is that just one more layer of OP the WoL has?

I'm so lonely...

Attached: D8fvziUVsAUvIlY.jpg (1200x675, 92K)

3 more weeks

Attached: 1537055360958.png (1200x1717, 1.97M)

What's wrong with playing a female character?

>both could have gone summoner
>Alphinaud goes and picks scholar while Alisaie sticks with Red Mage
Goddamn you two

Most people aren't as insecure as you.


I thought it was referred to self-important healer and tank players being very vocal in pf and calling out everyone but refuse to accept their own mistakes. Seen that a lot.

The skill gap will be a bit smaller but there will be enough things to mess up. I'm really hoping that tankbusters will require the shield from the OT + cooldowns or the tank will die unless the healer decides to throw an instant shield on you, in Ultimate Tankbusters it should require all of these things so the current tank gets to live. Every healer comp has instant-shields available to them in one form or another and slapping an Adloquium on the tank isn't hard either. I hope ShB will make tanks do more than just keep the boss in center most of the time or force them to move themselves and the boss out of center due to a mechanic (Like Twintania Hatches for example). I felt like Alpha made tanks move a little bit more but it was still pretty braindead, the boss often positioned himself before a mechanic too like Final Omega or Midgard.

Yeah, we gave it back. You can see him with it in the cutscene after. We probably still have some of its power though just like we still draw on Nidhogg's power as DRGs because we and Estinien used some of that essence once and it's fused into us now.

Shit would have gotten weird if they summoned grandpa.

But AST starts at 30

Attached: D8d9w5xVsAAo1b5.jpg (1200x1200, 209K)

oh fuggg
first viera I've seen that looks good. guess I'm going nigger viera as well

What set?

aren't we all

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cute lalas in that pic

Attached: 1555880257160.jpg (600x800, 157K)

They already did it once in Coil to help us get to Bahamut. Louisoix gave them the power so they could use it.

Attached: D8bFb52UwAAQXYW.jpg (768x1024, 121K)

Exactly, i do not mind the "healers n' tanks do less dps now" thing at all, if they actually made us more busy with actual tanking and utility tasks.

But i guess we have to actually wait for the encounter design to know if they did that.

Would you let her heal you during your raid?

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-25_19-55-45.png (911x1327, 1.63M)

its MAM!

I looked at them in the benchmark, but it looks like they only have a single good face so every single one will look the same.

Okay, I'm done.

Attached: D8akEAOUEAEdavN.jpg (496x1200, 144K)


Attached: 1558917449093.png (446x297, 64K)

For me, it's bunbreaker.

No, I don't let black people into my party.



Thin-skinned trannies spotted. Fuck off back to your containment general, your "e-gf" is probably erping with someone as we speak.

>Tfw started AST two months ago
>Loved it and almost Lev 70
>Except these changes now
I am not even sure if I want to bother.

>Not showing what you're queuing for

Lizards have one good face and it's the least popular face because it has fat horns

There are actually a lot of women who play xiv, they love the glamour and housing shit

Not true. All the faces are decent. 1 just requires little to no work to make okay so will be the most common. I'm going with Face 4.

Pretty sure SE expected players in general to see enrage in savage more often but tanks and healers are doing too much damage so they are being brought in line, especially the healers so they make less of a difference now.

imagine being this insane

It was shisui.

i got a new graphics card now i can look at the sexy cats with MAXIMUM graphics

World Visit is such a good function. Not only I can buy for cheap on MB but even change server to less populated for more comfy leveling in ShB.

Whatever happened to Ame-no-Habakiri?
Zenos had it. Then he "killed" himself with it, in the Menagier. And then it just disappears, despite being a monstrously powerful artifact.

I wanted it.

Attached: D5I_-miUUAA47Jx.jpg orig.jpg (800x800, 97K)

BLM/PLD, Flares boosted by AF3 and Requiescat.
WAR/SAM, Fell Cleaves boosted by 50%, extra mitigation on very low cooldown, tons of oGCDs during Inner Release.

AST starts at 30 you fucking retard

Can you do that? Login to other worlds so as not to deal with the expansion queues?

It was apparently buried with him along with the Storm and Swell because now Elidibus has all three. Seems pretty stupid actually.

You okay?


Yeah but if the less dps is achieved by actually making the players be less active it would be bad design.

If its achieved by shifting tank and healer tasks around keeping them equally busy but with actuall tank and healer tasks, it would be good design.

People are just fearing that SE took the lazy route and did the former thing, so they jobs are just more boring to play now.

Please look forward to it in your samurai level 80 job quest. It will be the reward. Probably. Then you'll go upgrade it in the eureka equivalent of ShB

why does Yea Forums like her so much

same shit, level skipping classes for lazy fags

Wait, which face is it?

It's just one faggot spamming.

Imagine Yea Forums who plays together wearing one of this and then make a swastik right at the middle of the city

fordola hyyyyyyype
hope she shows up in the post expansion msq as a trust option

During and after.

Attached: 1559645117394.png (429x709, 449K)

Makes no sense. It's like being upset at WW2 games because of Nazi

New SAM relic weapon is Dojikiri Yasutsuna

Cute accent.

>two raid buffs
>huge burst potential
>SSS to do mudras without clipping

>tfw have to farm that fucking dungeon for the tank boots


I want to hug her and tell her that everything's gonna be alright
>shad job roulette

>Login to other worlds so as not to deal with the expansion queues?
I will test this in 5 minutes. You probably should stay in visited world even after login


Cats > Rabbtits

she has stinky poopoo farts

That seems, if nothing else, extremely culturally insensitive to the Kojin it was stolen from.

I doubt it.
It probably should have been the drop from Susano-o, but what do I know.

>The Minamoto clan's oni-slayer katana

Attached: 1347546212735.jpg (1280x1352, 210K)

girls don't do that idiot

if you play on a full server then it's worth visiting a dead server and logging out there just before launch so when the servers do go back up the dead server will have little to no queues to get in.

Trusts for 6.0:
Fordola(Gladiator/Paladin), Gaius (Gunbreaker), Nero (Chemist), Estinien (Drg), Elezen-Zenos (Samurai).

Attached: 1499821509933.jpg (1066x1080, 201K)

swastikas are not that big of a deal in japan

Attached: 1547301724105.jpg (1917x1078, 454K)

Reminder that faggots did Eureka for dozens of hours to get ugly shit like this.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Attached: 1516472450805.jpg (698x684, 94K)

>get Warrior
>roll again
>get Warrior again
Okay, okay.

hope your cpu isn't bottlenecking

Finally someone drew MNK with the canon relic

Attached: mnk.png (561x561, 400K)

>MNK weapon is called God Hand

Attached: god hand.gif (580x435, 1.51M)

stop acting like a bunch of people wont already be doing this, i play on crystal because i don't wanna leave my server i guarantee balmung and mateus fags will be camping all over the low pop servers

The Pyros step models aren't too bad. It's the Hydatos ones that look very ugly, especially when something nice like PLD's AF3 weapon turn into a twig and weird shield.

Yep. You still visiting different worlds even after re-log.

NOO I'm not gay!

goblin is going to be a ghost town regardless

>not doing the trick to stay logged in during maintenance

Fresh OC. Upvote me later.

Attached: hey_paul.png (640x360, 459K)