GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes...

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for Nintendo’s E3 conference this Tuesday when Steve walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Banjo has a good history with Nintendo! He’s gotta be in!

Sorry Banjo fags, but the Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a dead character over the marketing potential of the highest grossing game of the 21st century? Sakurai went way out of his way to talk up Persona 5 before Joker's reveal, guess what other game he's talked up? That's right, it's Minecraft! The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Banjo are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Other urls found in this thread:

placed and redstoned

good morning steveposter, ready to be btfo in exactly 4 days?

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So if Steve isn't announced by the 5th character, will they backpedal hard or just disappear to save face?

Die in a fire spamming subhuman

I'm gonna miss Steveposting, honestly

It's gonna be sad not having a common "enemy" for Smash boys to hate on

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REMINDER that BANJO won't BE in

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I see that fear is stronger on the verge of defeat.

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No but I do admire your shitposting


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DO you REALLY think THAT banjo IS in?

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Never ever

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Hey guys my shower isn't working, I was told I would fit in here?

Yes.. you will fit in... HERE!!!! Ahahahaha!!! *grabs you and shoves you up my asshole while you scream*


go to the local diy store and fix it you lazy nigger

But theres people there.

Banjokes have been getting overly smug these last couple of days, and now they’re attacking anyone who merely wants Steve. Modern ashleyfags, and they're gonna be BTFO this Tuesday when Banjo doesn’t get in.
If Steve can’t be in, then the real Nintendo fans need to tell Sakurai that we don’t want cereal bear

It's all just shitposters and discordfags, noone actually wants Steve unironically.
They'll just move on to the next thing because they never cared about him being in.
That said, being the contrarians that they are they will be bothered by everyone being happy about Banjo so atleast there's that.

it's too early for the seethies to be awake

Neither, every single stevefag is a shitposter. Even if Steve got in they wouldn't stop. If he never gets in they still won't stop. The only way they stop is by hiding the threads.

By the time banjo gets here:

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Three days until you cucks get eternally BTFO

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You know, it's bastards like you that make me WANT banjo get in, just to see your reaction.

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Do you Banjocucks honestly believe your literally who character is getting in? Banjo hasn’t been in a game for a decade.

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But what if it's neither Banjo nor Steve? Does everyone get BTFO then?

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have sex

>steve's last game released 8 years ago

This is the most realistic sceneario,

Then Marthfags win.


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if that's the case, then at least a quarter of the roster shouldn't be in the game

Noone genuinely cares about Steve, they'll just be happy Banjo isn't in

He's fucking in. I'm sick of you soi chugging retards saying he's not in. When will you get it through your thick fucking skulls that your literally who bear stands zero chance of making it in? HE'S NOT FUCKING IN. SCREENCAP THIS. MARK MY WORDS. BANJO KAZOOIE STANDS NO CHANCE OF MAKING IT INTO SUPER SMASH BROS. ULTIMATE, PERIOD.

Steve is an iconic gaming character, whether you like it or not. Stay seething, idiots. He's in and that's final.

Reminder that Erdrick is deconfirmed. Imran straight up said that Erdrick is not in Smash.

delete this, banjo boomer

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Nobody cares rosterfag