Tales of Arise

On the planet Dahna, reverence has always been given to Rena, the planet in the sky, as a land of the righteous and divine. Stories handed down for generations became truth and masked reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, Rena has ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping people of their dignity and freedom.

Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future. Featuring a new cast of characters, updated combat, and classic Tales of gameplay mechanics, experience the next chapter in the world-famous Tale of series, Tales of Arise.

Attached: notLudger.jpg (739x415, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is my fetish

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All I can see in him is Ludger

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Did a trailer come out or something? Last I heard, it was just a leak.

We already have Abyss as ToA
What about Arise?


Honestly he's just Veigh with an eyepatch.

So we all agree that girl is Lailah's human form before she got reincarnated as a seraph, right?

Attached: NearBarrenAmethystsunbird-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 689K)

Why are they so unfuckingcreative?

They're just copying the characters the fans liked previously. Nothing is good is gonna come out of this game, just like it didn't with Zestiria / Berseria.

>classic Tales of gameplay mechanics
Why are they just blatantly lying like this. Zestiria / Berseria combat isn't "classic Tales combat".
Do they believe people will just gobble it up if they write it like that even if it's far from the truth?

It's Tales of THE Abyss
Abyss: TOTA
Arise: TOA

My fucking god, I hope not

I don't want the new Tales game have ANYTHING to do with Zesteria and Berseria

Fuck off. Zesteria/Berseria duology is dead and should stay dead.

Well, they also lied about their next game being on Switch, so it's very possible.

Wasn't that Vesperia

What if Arise is actually the combination of Xillia and Zesteria/Berseria? Hence Ludger and Lailah

a 10-year old ps3 port is the best your gonna get, salty nincel, stay mad cuck


A mix of Ludger, Veigue, and Kocis

This is what people said when Berseria got revealed.

Attached: giphy.gif (540x350, 1.83M)

So Arise is basically previous characters "arising" to face off the new evil?

We don't know as of now.

Not possible.

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>Ludger and Lailah
>Xillia has a potential 3rd game
>Zesty/Bersy as well

NO.......IT CAN'T BE

Is xillia good?

It's fine but it's a horribly rushed game

Why use Ludger's design again if they're going for a hypothetical 3rd game in the Zestyverse?

What if Estelle weren't such a dummy

i like the combat of the second over first

If it was a third Xillia game and/or a third Zestiria/Berseria game, it'd be in the Xillia engine so they could reuse assets again (and they'd feel justified in doing so since it's a sequel). The new engine means it's a new story.

velvet makes my pp arise

Is the combat better than Berseria's? It's the only game from this series I've played, I didn't like the combo system and I haven't picked it up in months, the protag and her brother weren't all that interesting to me, I liked all of the other party members more.

You all are getting on the screencap.

Stop calling him Ludger. His name is much more normal than Ludger

Remove me from the screencap

It's okay. Environments are absolutely awful though and the 2nd game reuses every single one from the first as well as bosses.

The combat is more free flow than Berseria's but it starts off small
Ludger himself blows away Berseria's combat

What name would you suggest for notLudger then?


Shadow the Bloodedge

That's pretty retarded then given they outright stated Berseria was a prequel before they even showed the first trailer.

I agree. The Berseria-Zestiria saga already has a proper conclusion.

Will L. Kresnik

The L stands for Ludger

Let's hope so
Shit taste

I feel like I've heard this story a thousand times.

Okay but
Will notLudger have a nice ass like Lewdger?

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Well they did use pretty much the most vague wording humanly possible for everything

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Will it have shit button mashing gameplay with no depth like all Tales games since Vespera?

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don't use maya to shitpost

Velvet is dead. Sorey has just finished his duty purifying Maotelus.

Not shitposting, the series is fucked beyond repair I'd they continue down the same road, I used to be a fanboy and played al of the games up to and including Vespera dozens of time but the move towards a more simple and action oriented combat system and the massive drop in quality of the writing killed the series for me.
The latest game with the generic anime emo goth girl was so bad, bland and generic that it was painful to play, the combat was just mashing buttons even on the hardest difficulty, the bosses were fucking jokes, and the story might as well not have existed.

PV of Tales of Berseria - The Motion Picture

Xillia 2 has pretty great gameplay, user. I am only speaking about the gameplay though, shit world design.

What if this is secretly Tempest R and Berseria 2 and finishes both trilogies at once?

What if this takes place between Berseria and Zestiria?

Abyss was the last good Tales game.

Yuri is Katsura.

Attached: Katsura.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>tfw no Tales fujo gf to play co-op with

Why is Papa NieR so young??

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His name is gonna be Luger
Calling it right now

I fucking hate Xillia 2 so much
>silent protagonist
>the most annoying loli ever
>you literally have to carry out multiply genocides and noone seems to be bothered by that
I liked gamplay though

If Tales of Arise is powered by UE4, then the PC version will be Epic Store exclusive, right?

Is Octopath Traveler an Epic Store exclusive?

Are you all blind? He is nothing like Lutger at all. Different bangs, different eye color, different hair color, generic ikemen face.

more like tales of assfag

lmao at that edgy protagonist's over-designed piece of shit face

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Well duh
We're comparing him to Ludger, not Lutger

Baba is gone

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No, but was it a highly-anticipated game before its release?

>his other project crashed and burned
Fucking well deserved.

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> #NotmyTOA

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the should just cancel tales after berseria

it won't get any better than this, it was the climax of their entire run

Attached: Magilou_(Skit)_(4).png (640x861, 157K)

im not feeling the graphics, Tales of is at its best when being anime as fuck

it looks like monster hunter as it is

Attached: sample_25084215c094bfdca7d276612006c7f974f4a376.jpg (850x478, 257K)

looks soulless tbqhf

In agreement. I've personally always felt that Vesperia nailed the perfect art style for the series.

The most important thing to me is unironically whether or not Sakuraba will do the soundtrack. Won't pay a cent if he does


i've been playing phantasia recently and the soundtrack is so soulful. why's he such a hack now?

Same. I hope cities and dungeons would look more colorful at least

Rita is for ____

Is it possible to get Go Shiina one more time or he's too expensive now?



>no Switch
>game immediately looks good
See, this is the reason why no Naruto Storm clone looks as good as the Naruto Storm games, because they force thselves to dumb the game down to the Switch.

Now I'll buy your game

epic fail

It's going to be exactly like every other Tales game

>Implying it isn't still anime as fuck

the big gay

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you mean good?

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Since Tales is a Bamco video game franchise, why not have Keiki Kobayashi of Ace Combat fame compose it?

Kisses for notLudger

They could hire anyone, its just a matter of whether they laze out or not, Sakuraba is like the McDonalds of videogame soundtracks and that they keep using him is a sign that they don't respect their own franchise
This one at least looks like its trying to push the series forward a bit


>Tales of the Abyss HD remake never ever
Come on Bamco. Last I played this game was at 3fps on my 3DS

Can't wait for what gay Arise has for us.

isn't he doing the music for code vein?

Luthdger confirmed

Attached: D8gBszFUcAAX6Wf.jpg (719x719, 73K)

>Both Xillias were hard male gay
>Zestiria was nothing but male gay
>Berseria was lesbians

Why does he wear the mask?

Lailah has a bunch of secrets that were never revealed
Lunarre is revealed to still be alive (albeit severely injured and recovering) after Alisha's DLC story

Luger and Lyla

Tales is so fucking terrible, how do they keep making games.

Berseria was shota

Attached: 1487403767343.png (1280x720, 755K)

But Zestiria ultimately ended with Sorey awakened in the distant future.

How am I supposed to self-insert as this edgelord

tales games have a very unique battle system that mixes street fighter with rpg

Attached: ToL_Velvet_Artwork5.png (640x960, 343K)

Because it's a cash-cow franchise.

imagine that we live in a society and your crush doesn't want to date you

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I don't have a crush

Does Velvet wear a tampon?

Maybe he's one of Rokurou's descendants.

shipping in berseria is nigh impossible because all the main cast members dislike each other or don't really care, too aloof

Zestiria was just the opposite

Attached: datass.png (585x820, 469K)

he said gay, not het

Where's the RosexAlisha version?

Seems like it occupies the same "low-mid budget microtransaction-riden JPRG" spot Atelier does

I really hope its Berseria sequel

>Won't pay a cent if he does


>nigh impossible

Attached: velvet and phi.jpg (670x457, 29K)

that's literally zestiria

Haven't played the game in months, but don't most of the guys get along? I remember the samurai and pirate telling the kid to become an incel.


you could say that about most rpgs in general

i guess they're addictive

No lolis

Everyone should be older than 19

its actually a berseria and zestiria prequel according to the newer leaks

Attached: 1548432360420.jpg (678x381, 35K)

It's comfy, has a lot of pretty waifu of both genders and gameplay is addictive

That's why I only like Magilou in Berseria, because she is the only woman on the team who is around 30 years old during the events of the game.

Sure it is.


There better be a fist user again

>realistic textures on clothes, environment, armor etc.
>realistic lightning and shaders
>but pasted in animu faces
Wow this looks like trash. Worse than Kingdom Hearts 3 and Code Vein.

How come a bunch of random cheap mobage gooks can make something like this youtube.com/watch?v=lMdsrZ1otlA but Japs can't into anime artstyle anymore?

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So the stort will begin long before the start of Berseria and end after the epilogue of Zestiria. Seems interesting.

agreed, all flat chested lolis should be 30 years old and above

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Like anyone really buys all these shitty costumes

No lolis or shotas. I'm really fucking tired of little kid party members. They're not cool.

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But I like lolis and shoutas

Yeah, I need main characters whose ages I can relate to.

they're there for plot exposition imho

somebody needs to ask all the questions about how the world works

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She doesn't need to because she's pregnant with our 4th child

>Like anyone really buys all these shitty costumes
What do you think user?

Gotta love how easy it is to cheat them into your game on PC though

Attached: 1536773319990.png (200x200, 50K)

No create-a-character no buy

seethe, faggot nigger retard

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the one thing I don't like about tales is that for every game they retcon the world but not some elements like the rings or the elemental deities

What's wrong with that? It's not different from chocobo or summons in Final Fantasy


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Atelier serves a very specific brand of autism and even they're having fatigue from the same game every year

Finally the Xenoblade Killer has arrived.

Begone Fujos and /u/

A new Tales game was announced? Is there a Tales festival going on?

Attached: homo_gif.jpg (680x757, 72K)

But it isn't.

user, what gaming event is happening this week?

>Is there a Tales festival going on?
It will be held next weekend.


>and Code Vein
CV has about 10 times what you described(realistic clothes/textures etc.). So I don't see how this is worse.

cringe and bluepilled

>half the battle system tied to a single character
its shit

CV is aiming for the gritty chuuni Tokyo Ghoul aesthetics so at least it has some sort of style it wants to follow.
This shit though looks like a poorly modded Skyrim.

It doesn't look as disgustingly plastic as KH3, which makes it automatically better.

What's wrong with Lailah?

It doesn't? Could've fooled me.

>thing is aiming for "insert artstyle"
>therefore better
that's not even an argument

It is. However your IQ is too low and your melanin is too high to understand art directions.

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I'm sure they did say a new Tales game was in development for the Switch, but these are Jap devs, so they probably did mean Vesperia. It's the only Tales game i've played, and i enjoyed it and wanted more. Fuck me i guess

>l-low iq
i accept your concession

Tales of Arise has been stated to be set on planet Dahna and planet Rena. Why do people keep thinking it'll set in the same universe as Berseria and Zestiria?

Do we know the name of the planet in Bears/Zest?

When can we expect the game? Bamco announces the Tales games way before hand or when they are almost close to release?

Zestiria/Berseria fags think their shitty world and setting is even relevant

Even Rose's VA had to dogeza


Yes, it's called Desolation.

That can't be the name. Abyss is already the Tales game that starts with the letter A and we only get one of each.

Imagine if this really is a completely new canon and the character designs are just super bankrupt


Fuck it, I'll say it. Most Tales games are creatively bankrupt and so cookie cutter in their character design (both visually and personality wise) and the gameplay has barely evolved since its early days.

I absolutely cannot fathom why anyone would still play this incredibly generic series.

Tales of THE Abyss
Its abbreviation is TOTA
This game is TOA

Played both games and never even saw that name come up anywhere. Thanks anons, yeah, seems like a new setting but I just wanted to make sure, can't trust these fuckers to not reuse one of the worst worlds ever in the franchise.

Asteria existed before this

Same reason people keep playing sports games, racing games, derivative FPS titles. They are all the same every damn year, yet people find the familiar mechanics comfy.

>Every other games had a made up name
>Zest/Bers use a word as the name

its not veigh without CLAAAAAAAAAAAAIRE

You're right. I play them because there's nothing else in the action JRPG department, as far as I know. Star Ocean is dead. KH comes out once every 2 decades. Final Fantasy games with action gameplay somehow manage to be even worse.

wicked opinion user. Did you make it all by yourself?

Because I liked the previous games and I just want to play the same thing with a different experience
It's the same reason people can play basketball or hockey or chess over and over even if the game doesn't change

at least we finally got it

had to fucking wait, but it finally came when most of us gave up on it like 2 years after it came out in japan.



When will we get Tales of Niggaria?

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What a brave and daring opinion. It took a lot of courage for you to state this.

>Star Ocean is de-

Attached: staroceanfdr.jpg (680x383, 57K)

western rpg fag detected

Attached: 70a5b9f65167c52d08363751bef83964.png (800x566, 715K)

>Star Ocean is dead

He doesn't know, kek


mobile games don't count!
remakes/remasters don't count!

she's experienced goods, which is different

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What are these people of Magilou's Menagerie looking at?


Attached: Milla_Cut-in_(ToB).png (2560x1440, 1.96M)

Hopefully they meant they'll show it off at E3

my peenus weanus :)

no one posted the screenshots?

>shitty HD remaster
Have you tried Ys?

It had no gay you fucking yuricuck, only /ss/, Kill yourself.

what about Ys? you no likey good game

Think again

Attached: Tear 7.png (740x1038, 468K)

Until a new game comes out and Yea Forums circlejerks the heroine's design while forgetting it's Gust shovelware

it didn't have either boycuck

Do you have any pantyshots of Milla's?

Hated Symphonia.
Hated Graces.
Hated Xillia.
Hated Pakis.
Hated Zestiria.
Hated Berseria.
But maybe I'll like this one.

he'll just go with "hurr party battle ruined ys"
just stop replying to niggers

What about Vesperia?

Not tried it.

Begone yuricuck

Kill yourself

It's a remake. Maybe only a partial remake (portraits and sprites), but they're using new character designs that don't match the old portraits and sprites at all.

>Hated Pakis
Which game is that?

Attached: CjcQBE6.jpg (362x346, 38K)

This, Trails > Tales

It's still a remaster.
Learn what a remake is.

Story sounds like shit

Excuse me?

Attached: Yuri Lowell.png (661x964, 373K)

I definitely heard it called that, I can't remember if it was Zestiria or Berseria, but I'm leaning towards Berseria

Tales of Pakistan

It's on life support but it's still alive
Now THIS series is fucking dead

Attached: vp.jpg (500x491, 46K)

Good. It was a fucking waste.

Shut your mouth

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The plot description sounds boring the way they put it. But I'm gonna have to give it credit for not being "Oh fuck I guess I have amnesia now and I'm in what looks like an important place an- HOLY SHIT REFERENCES TO DRAGONS AND GUESS WHAT I MIGHT BE CONNECTED TO A SEALED DRAGON GOD IN A PLOT TWIST LATER ON."
JRPGs have been toning down on that kind of shit but some still do it and it annoys the fucking hell out of me.

2 worth playing?

When was that setting used recently?

Tales games don't need 5 fucking games to wrap up an arc. There's something to be said about the world building, but Tales games are objectively more efficient at telling an anime jrpg story.

Those leaked screenshots are gorgeous. They actually captured the style of Daigo Okumura's art direction in 3D graphics, that the Xillias failed so horribly at. I knew the time this game is taking was gonna be worth it.

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Don't take the bait.

For the gameplay yes
If you liked the Einherjar stories in the first game, that's gone

Thanks for confirming that nu-Ys fans are braindead apes. Fucking retard.

I know there was something heavily among those lines in Shining Resonance Refrain. Then again only a small handful of people probably played that game.

ive played the old ys games too nigger-kun, stay mad

Attached: 5lpjnnR.jpg (1920x1080, 301K)

I could stomach about 30-40 of that game. It was exceptionally bad.

Attached: IaqtfFP.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

Was there any signifigance between how he obtains the sword ingame, and the reason he's seen with it in most official art


Symphonia takes place on sylvarant and tethe'alla despite being a prequel to Phantasia which takes place on Aselia

We're talking about a series that tends to reuse the same concepts over and over again, See where I'm going with this?

The story sounds boring because "two worlds" is not really that uncommon in JRPGs and Tales is the series that does it the most, in fact what they've shown of the story sounds extremely similar to Eternia.

Man that game was ass. Dropped it at the fire boss. A shame because the second Elf girl you get has an amazing ass.

hopefully it has a better OST than vesperia. playing vesp right now and I'm tempted to mute the fucking music.

This is all going according to Baba's keikaku

I played the demo out of curiosity and they did fuck all to reel me into its story and I immediately dismissed it the moment a major character complained about amnesia and being connected to a dragon or something.
That being said, looking at the new images being put out for this game in particular makes me a bit more interested. I just wish they would've worded the synopsis better.

He's cute. I'd fuck him.

Maybe the series isn't for you user

>there are people in-denial about the girl on bottom right being Lailah

Attached: 002-2.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

I guess that IS Lailah as stand-in asset (reusing previous game's assets for testing purposes is common in development, and sometimes ends forgotten in the fold(er)s of released data...)

That is true. It is a pretty commonplace thing in JRPGs.

And yeah if that game has anything going for it it's the elf girls and that knight lady, Sonia was her name I think.

are you people fucking retarded?
It's literally a case of japanese artists lacking any originality and just reusing similar character design. Not to mention her color scheme is inverted and her hair is light pinkish not white.
If you think its actually Lailah again, you are a brainlet.

>bro what if like there's two worlds... and one exploits the other or something...
Literally Eternia
Literally Symphonia
Literally Hearts
Literally Graces
Literally Xillia

Attached: 1543642832423.png (400x400, 168K)

Hey, maybe you're right. Here's hoping.

It's better than 1.

no, it's not about his sword, but they make a big deal about his blastia (bracelet thing) and then do a very poor job of actually explaining what it does.

I hope it's not related to Zestiria since I didn't play it.

Isn't the blastia what lets them use Artes?

i hope it has good characters like vesperia and berseria

Xillia wasn't two separate worlds. It was two separate continents

i guess? I'm not really sure that's all it does, i've been through the game a few times, I couldn't reall tell you desu.

Attached: ____Tov.png (719x545, 442K)

> Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)13:50:26 No.465209975▶
> (OP)
>How am I supposed to self-insert as this edgelord
But neither of those games have good characters.

Attached: 1551647631320.jpg (613x640, 106K)

And Graces was two separate planets, not "worlds".

sums up your post pretty well

Inferia Celestia

Sylvarant Tethe'alla

Ephinea Fodra

stop coping, this is an unrelated game

The new Tales looks amazing!

Attached: wt4m5shi61331.png (940x475, 652K)

Bunch of namco games got leaked

Semantics, it serve the same plot purpose

>And Graces was two separate planets, not "worlds".
So were Eternia, Hearts and now Arise

bullshit, you needed dimensional shenanigans to access Elympios in X1 before they merged at the end.

I just hope the movement speed isn't as fucking slow as Berseria's

So two MCs?

Alright who is the other one? I like notLudger.

Also let's throw Sorey and Velvet in here after their nap to be the Paragon and Renegade route


Punished Ludger

it'll be even worse based on what we see on screenshots, expect FFXV combat with most likely subpar animation

So the girl is the main villain and is going to ruin fucking everything?
>Hey Lailah why do you CONSTANTLY FUCK THINGS UP
>well I just had a good feeling about this guy uWu

>Announcement trailer at E3
>Stay tuned for Tales of Festival full trailer 1

How mad will you be, Yea Forums?


So this will be revealed at Microsoft or does bamco has a Japanese direct?

Vesperia DE was revealed at microsoft last year so most likely

Microsoft is the only company at E3 so the trailer probably will be first shown there

Bamco will probably have videos at their Japanese Youtube channel




Fractured Ludger fucking Human Lailah

>that is already a year ago
Time is passing faster each year isn't it..

Why does he wear the mask

Attached: HRZoaqE.jpg (1920x1080, 778K)

Man I'm finally forcing myself to play through that too rn. I only bought it to support the Shining series but it truly is the poor man Tales, I want old Shining back.


Looks like the deformed child of Monster Hunter and Star Ocean. I really don't dig that style

You think a Tales game is going to be "highly-anticipated"?

Be cause he is Rokurou's descendant.

Did Vesperia really sell that badly because of the xbox thing? How well did the PS3 version do in Japan? I just cannot phantom why they wouldn't go back to that graphical style.

Yes as it has a cult following. Tales series is popular enough that there are many hentai doujins of it on the internet.

i have no idea and could be talking out of my ass but the vesperia's cell shaded style might have been more expensive than this generic fantasy UE4 fare

Punished Ludger

A Fallen Father

Lailah confirmed for becoming Elle's mommy?

Daigo (Ludger's character designer) was also the one who pushed for a more realistic style rather than keeping up a style like Vesperia's which is why the series is like this right now (though the team did say they didn't want to work as hard as they did for Vesperia ever again which can also be another reason why we haven't seen it again).



I don't understand the people knocking the graphics in this, saying it looks "soulless". I know soulless has become a meme, but this game stylistically looks like a continuation of the PS3-era games, just with much better textures and geography. Character models are still just as anime as before. People are fucking faggots.

>tfw they will never annouce x1+x2 port and follow it up with x3 announcement
As long as the new game is completely new and not a follow up to Zestiria/Berseria, maybe we have a chance of the next game after this being the Xillia 3 we'd like it to be.

soul/soulless is literally a meme
low poly+shit textures = soul, the opposite = soulless
dont get baited

its why I only tolerate Yea Forums in small doses
average intelligence here gets lower every passing year

>xillia 1 cameo on berseria
>by he order, xillia 2 cameo on Arise

I will be great to see not!Ludger meeting Ludger

Reminder that Zestiria was kino and only NPCs disliked it.


Attached: kino.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

t. fujo

Zestiria is fucking shit, I've never been so mad playing a tales game before
Zestiria was also probably the most hyped tales before release too

>Zestiria being kino
>Having a terrible camera and party system

dragons dogma but tales

Attached: arisen.jpg (1000x1052, 343K)

This but unironically

notLudger can only be Ludger if he has three other weapons

>Zestiria was ki-

>that thumbnail


>There are uncultured faggots that hate Sakuraba's glorious music, much better than extremely overrated Go Shiina garbage


Honestly not a fan of the new artstyle.

Go back to the fucking cel shading and add back the speech bubbles.


How much of a bugchasing hipstercuck do you need to be to talk shit about Go Shiina?

I'd rather see muse and gaius desu

Go Shiina is garbage, deal with it


God no!
Not another empty open world!

The vita tales of games had the last decent world design in the series.

Good song. Still, Shiina is better

>links one of the greatest vidya tracks ever made

What did he mean by this

zestiria was the "safe game" with your typical jrpg protagonist that was supposed to be a safety net for berseria. It's hard to believe how uninteresting it is.



is Tales of Heart R a good Tales? Can't decide what to play Ys 8 or that.

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Zestiria had the best Tales OST in years. Thus making the game actually better than Berseria.

Hearts R is actually pretty okay, but I would definitely recommend Ys VIII over it. Really great game.

Finally more Tales of. But can we go back to being fruity and gay like Hearts?

Sorey has to deal with the concept of mercy killing people who cannot be saved and struggles with the lives he is involved with taking throughout the game. The final scene where he slowly approaches and ultimately kills Heldalf is the artistic peak of Tales.

By contrast, Yuri only kills mustache twirling laughably evil bad guys and never gets challenged throughout the game, this is the NPC's favorite Tales protag.

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Gay Homo Shit Yaoi will never be peak

I hope you are not shitposting Zestiriabro, I also think both Sorey and the game are way too overhated.

I also like Yuri but Sorey goes through a much more nuanced and satisfying arc than him.

Why do Vesperia characters look like hobbits in-game?

Vesperia is hands down the worst tales.
Only one I got too bored to actually finish.

Good ol Japan and their literal open world RPGs.



>not youtube.com/watch?v=NC3MJe_o2pg

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I'm not. I was very fond of Zestiria. It managed to deliver surprisingly dark and mature story, in my book, but not the shitty kind of "dark and mature" , a more subtle kind. Highland abandoned Marlind to their fate, like they did with the other village next to Ladylake. You have people killing children without batting an eye just to save money. Sorey has to come to terms with killing people in order to be able to save the world. In a sense, it ties into the bigger theme of sacrifice: he has to sacrifice his principles, as well as himself (and his friends, oh and his grandfather too) in order to achieve his goals. And I believe that the finale (where Sorey kills Heldalf) is the best directed cutscene of the series.

For me, berseria did the exact opposite. We had some shiny and new packaging (female protagonist, pirates and "bad guy" point of view), but in the end we got a story we have seen countless times before, with a villain who has the best intentions in the world, but uses wrong methods, the party quickly becomes the good guys in anything but name due to how shitty the Abbey is. I really hoped there would be more of a moral gray zone in Berseria but in the end it was just a variation of the same old "bad guy wants the entire world to be ruined because of reasons" shtick.

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At least post the kino combo videos


Yeah it had that whole 'they should be tried in court instead of murdered' thing, but then again you're out killing hundreds of bandits and what not.


I legitimately have never heard a piece of music better fit for exploring a world than this one, and I have been playing Western and Japanese RPGs autistically for decades. This track is actually perfect. GOD Shiina will always be my favorite vidya composer.


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Relics of chibi-styled sprites from earlier games.

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I like both games and I understand why you are so fond of Zestiria because it does have great potential and better grey-morality than most JRPGs in the past decade, but the game really fucks it up in execution in various ways. I personally prefer Berseria and think id a much better game.

Fuck that they made Artorious a bad guy by the end, though, almost ruined the story for me.

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Holy edge

Nothing can top Ludger's gameplay ever

>How to spot a Vesperiafag
Xillia 2 had the same style of combat as Vesperia, and Vesperia is an off-shoot of Abyss.
Xillia 2 was also better.

Recently i'm not too excited with Tales related news. Stopped playing right after finishing Zestiria even though i played any other main titles before it.


Ludger may have the best moveset but nothing can beat Graces' combat

I liked Zestria and Berseria combat (i can't really say much about the games themselves...)

anyway, they made it much easier for the average normie to play but you can't say that they didn't keep a lot of the same mechanics of the older games. It still has the same depths should you wish to play it that way. Berseria was definitely the cheesiest game but it also had a much better tempo to the fighting, hard and fast.

I hope this guy isn't actually an edgelord and he just looks like one. Or alternative it would be fun if he's out of place edgy all the time for comedic relief.
Curious about the trailer.

>'ated Xillia

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Zestria had very poor gameplay design which is pretty typical of devs being new to open world(ish) games. Witcher series had this problem in the first two games. There was no rhythm to the exploration, it was fucking tedious and the backtracking made it 100x worse. It had it's moments but it dragged down an otherwise decent game.

The only two things Zestiria had going for it was Go Shina's OST and that Fusion looked cool.
Everything else was mediocre at best and terrible at worst.

Tales games with CC are automatically better.

That isn't Rina Satou.

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>nothing can beat Graces' combat
love this meme. its like the modern version of Symphonia is the best tales because its the one everyone began with except somehow even more misguided

Graces is what started the shitty combat system that we are still forced to play with today.
CC is miles better than the horrendous shit that is Graces/Zestiria/Berseria.

graces f had good combat but too bad the rest of the game was pure garbage. worst dungeons, worst music, worst plot, worst graphics



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>a 2012 article

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Not him but have a newer one pushsquare.com/news/2018/09/bandai_namco_is_planning_tales_remakes_and_remasters_based_on_fan_requests

>Remakes and remasters
Yes, please.

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Magilou game when

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Tales of Magillanica

>caring about tales ever since xillia

Hopefully soon because I'm not gonna play a fugly DS game.

OH SHIT! We're getting a new Tales Of game?!?! I've been waiting for awhile for SOME fucking news about it. Is there a trailer yet? Any release date? I NEED INFORMATION PEOPLE!!!!



Symphonia (GC)

Xillia 2
Symphonia (PS2)
Symphonia 2
Twin Brave
Reve Unitia
Asteria SF

Innocence R
Narikiri Dungeon X
Radiant Mythology
Radiant Mythology 3
Asteria SoLaD

Destiny 2
Radiant Mythology 2

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Wild West style Tales game when?

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>new updated engine
>looks 95% the same as old engine

I really want Graces F to get ported to PC. I'm hoping we're going to get some info this year about it.

Whats probably going to happen is that it's announced at E3 and then we get harder details during Talesfest since that's not long after.

Innocence R and Legendia criminally low. Zestiria too high. The rest is fine, I guess.

I want to believe.

I would give my left god damn nut for more Milla. Xillia remakes, remasters, anime adaption fucking anything just PLEASE.

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>generic anime plot No. 1451


And some new character teasing in the viva tales magazines.

Meh, I played Graces F after Xillias. Played Zestiria a year after, Berseria it came out. Played both Symphonias first. Symphonia had a fair amount of strategy and MP conserving to it, but ultimately you were often fighting your horrible AI and playing a tank / distraction unit and mageplay was fairly boring, though it had some neat things for melees like jump dodging (why the fuck you only can move in a liine I'll never know). Symphonia 2 was really good, nice free movement, felt fairly alright but they botched it through the other mechanics (monster party members, bad balancing, etc) and only Marta and Emil felt really fluid. Xillias were alright but Xillia 1 was a spamfest with stupid combo-breaking mechanics from bosses, and Xillia 2 was too focused on abusing elements and balanced around Ludger's insane capabilities (3 weapons + a whole mechanic just for him, wtf?). Zestiria was also a spamfest and too focused around the merge mechanic to survive, as well as bosses absolutely abusing the horrible team AI by focusing on them (there are bosses specifically aiming for casters and the casters suck at defending unless micromanaged.
Berseria's pretty good. Velvet is beyond broken, but it's not as spam-heavy as people make it out to be and the other chars deserve some love, Magilou's great anti-mage and the other chars are plenty capable.
Graces F is the best to me, the team AI felt good, the bosses felt threatening but not too OP, and the focus was still on hitting multiple weaknesses. All chars felt pretty balanced and there was a nice fluid feel between b-artes and a-artes for everyone. I also love building up your CC for performing well over the battle. Graces F had plenty of problems, dodge frames were weird at times and some chars took a while to get going (e.g. Cheria) It was simple to pick-up, didn't have many weird gimmicks and the emphasis was on learning fights. A lot of it jumped over to Berseria in some ways, and it can definitely be outdone.

Give me Graces F on PC/Ps4
I die to replay that game

I like berseria


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>worse graphics
Xillia engine wasn't a thing by that time though

Would Velvet be of Middle-Eastern ethnicity in real life with that black hair and those hazel eyes?

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How's Berseria's combat?

I've seen some light skinned persians, so maybe


Better than Zestiria but that doesn't say much

You've just described Velvet's medical condition after the end of Berseria perfectly.

It's alright, play as anything except Velvet and it follows the rhythm of hit weakness -> get souls -> use souls -> repeat.
Play Velvet and you just break the game because she's both fluid and her soul mechanic prevents her from dying while above 1 HP, and using a soul gives you back HP as well as iframes for Velvet so she's guaranteed to break out and survive enemy combos.

It's fun, but it's mostly all about spamming the most effective artes. I recommend maining Eleanor, she's the most balanced and fun character to play.

it could be challengenging if you play other characters but velvet is literally one button + claw occasionally

>See enemy has only X weakness
>Shit, don't have X artes equipped currently
>Open menu
>Set all the X element arts
>Mash that button

Rinse and repeat

Fags will say its easy. But that because they never turned up the difficulty like your supposed to. Otherwise you always get shit gear and the enemies have no resistance.

Zestia Is a rock paper scissors compate where you change forms and frankly its a pain in the ass.

It also memorizes core skills for them, which they draw from weapons. It's basically a justification for the way they learn skills, but most games never bother so it's seen as superfluous info.

Velvet makes the game braindead easy
Rokurou and Eleanor are really fun to play without being that broken
Eizen is okay
Laphicet and Magilou are shit

Imagine Velvet assaulting the Empyrean Throne while screaming Allahu Akbar at Artorius and the Abbey.

Dude if only she kept the same resolve she had early game and stopped being so focused on her brother. Her half-hearted "redemption" arc was so cringe, they should've just let her gone full berserk and let Laphicet take over, tearing apart both her brother and Arthorius, but they had to shoehorn that redemption in where she went soft

I hope this has no ties to previous games, no sequel/prequel shit. Start over fresh without Baba's influence at all infecting it.

Baba black sheep

sounds like shit

The reason Symphonia doesn't have free walk is because all previous entries were 2D and Symphonia is the first 3D entry.
Only the brothers feel good to me in graces and the enemy weaknesses boil down to scan the enemy, spam A artes or B artes accordingly or in the case of elemental weaknesses just look for it in the retardedly convoluted combo system

The CC system is an interesting idea but it too often degenerates to just mashing since you're not worried about resource management . The bosses also felt like it relied too much on super armor but that isn't unique to graces in the slightest. The CC games are just too mashy and incoherent. Leveling up feels like shit because artes aren't impactful (at least for the MCs) since they're supposed to fit into a "fluent combo". Berseria even has a dedicated button just for random artes for gods sake

So Yea Forums, who is your favorite Tales MC.
The bottom 2 are the mobile games protags, ignore them

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it's a re-imagining of the tales series. like how botw is a re-imagining of zelda.

Maybe this will happen to Velvet eventually.

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>Redemption arc

She resolved to kill her brother. and would of if they hadn't ended up in a stalemate There was no redemption. She simply resolved herself to kill her brother or die.

Milla was a great character and seemed very similar to velvet. Almost like the same person in attitude.

At least Milla isn't a revenge-driven person like Velvet is.

Milla is an adult in her twenties and I like that. Velvet, on the other hand, isn't legal enough to drink a beer.

Velvets age was a weird choice. I get they wanted to make her more vulnerable to make her heart hardening more dramatic. But having her Devour people, demons and spirits, and refuse to drink due to being underage was retarded.

yes she is

You forgot "press R to win".

Legal drinking age is 20 and for some reason the Japanese have a real hard on for making sure their characters abide by it to the point where even in fantasy settings they get "funny juice" instead of alcohol.

Do we know it has Berseria combat, they could have gone back to LMB.

But I like IX and Mileena and Kocis and Karia too. Stahn's my #1 though for main titles though.


What does R do?

>legal drinking age in japan is 20
what the fuck
so backwards

Rapes enemies with Velvet's demon claw.

>Velveto isn't legal

1 - Velvet
2 - Asshole Luke
3 - Yuri
4 - Sorey

Actually, from all of the Tales of I played the protagonist have been pretty based, my least favourite is probably the fag from Eternia


Lunarre in the Alisha DLC was just there because they couldn't be bothered with making up a new villain for it. And they've ignored it multiple times.

Kyle looks like he just came out of those How to Draw Anime books, what is up with the artstyle shifts during the early Tales. Like i know Legendia was handled by a different studio, but everything before was like they had no idea what artstyle to go with.

Sorey is IMO the worst Tales protagonist. He was dull, emotionless, unrelatable and Just did what everyone told him to do.

I hope notLudger isn't a one-dimensional character in Tales of Arise. Would be great if he shared similar personality with pic-related.

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>Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future
So are we going to have a legit split story like what Xillia poorly tried to do? Letting us choose between Jude or Millia, but only mattering for like the first 5 minutes of the game

Would Gal Gadot be suitable for the role of live-action version of Velvet Crowe?

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Sorey knew demons were people that could be saved. And he didn't mind using them to grind levels.

Since when was not being a austistic screaming shounen protagonist the same as being emotionless?

Actually the demons that you fight in story all get purified. Sorey actually brings it up whenever he kills them.

>zestiriahater didn't pay attention to the story

Like clockwork.

Will Mikleo fuck Sorey's sorry arse in Tales of Arse?

Nah here's a better candidate

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I think it's the other way around user, Sorey's the thirsty one, he'll probably rape Mikleo in his sleep.

Multiverse shit?

>mfw all the Nintenfags crying their guts out on CuckEra

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What’s the general opinion here of berseria

Mediocre, "At least its not Zesteria"

Please, just spare us of seeing these two morons again. I don't even mind gay stuff, I just think these two are terrible characters

more like asian

Decent at best


Stahn because Swordians are cool.

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I hate them but I need a real resolution to zest and bear, Sorey and Velvet are necessary for that resolution

What kind of real resolution are hoping for those two characters?

Probably them finally instilling some humility into the heavenly seraphim.

Berebeto is the lord of calamity (big bad) and she plays like one too, too OP

You'll be curb stomping most enemies through the game, so if you want challenge change to some other character

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Mikleo is Sorey's cocksleeve and one of the most popular Tales characters, you're going to see him again.

This should be the real resolution for Velvet.

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"Where have you been all my life?"

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Watching a video of this.
>Unreal Engine 4
Fuck YOU Yea Forums, now everytime I hear that about any game using it, I immediately think of NINTENDOOOOOOOO

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>The bottom 2 are the mobile games protags, ignore them
fuck you tales of the rays is legit good

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Mikleo is the thirsty one who sucks Sorey's dick while he's asleep. Sorey is pure.

I think a Tales game with actual effort put into area design would be the best. I miss when the dungeons and world had a modicum of effort put into them. Things have been so fucking boring since Xillia.


This is how I feel I mean I still really liked Xillia 2 mostly because I liked the combat but the rest was kind of boring. If this new one doesn't at least make the dungeons and areas better than what we've been getting then I'll pass on this one too.

I'll play it but itll really need to have a solid story and gameplay for me to stay invested. I've played all the Tales games, but I really had to force myself through Zestiria and Xillia 1. Xillia 2 was the worst area wise thanks to rehashing so much from the already mediocre Xillia but I loved the combat even if it was just Ludger all day every day.

Actually, Sorey is one who gushes about how Pretty Mikleo is and is the, treats him like his waifu, and the one who decided to become a shepherd just so that he could show off said waifu (male).

Sorey knows what sex is, he's just not interested in having it with women.

It's a good tales game
It's (only) a good tales game

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>Every Tales game after Xillia

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Let's see em

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i'm legit curious if the anime will be the canon the crossovers follow for zestira going forward, the fox dude died in the anime while in the game he was last seen going towards the area rosa and alisha were at to kill them in front of the sephard brat and in the anime alisha can armitaize or whatever they called it

Just Ludger.

Time to vote

I have like 70 pics of Magilou tho.

>40 posts until bump limit

I mean, her little brother was literally skewered right in front of her by the man she trusted most after everyone else she knew had been killed by monsters. Then she was tortured for years. I think it would make anyone really fucking mad.

The game is canon, while the anime isn't. The anime didn't do better than the game and only pissed off people. They'll ignore the Alisha DLC since it doesn't fit in with the game's canon anyway.

Sounds like the setup to a Gundam series.

Don't they reference the dlc in Rays? she and Rose come from post script while the others come from some point in the main game

Only Eizen has a good character arc: he goes from badass, to literally autistic to cancer patient

I don't think that they reference it at all since Rose fucks off and Sorey's group mostly just avoids Alisha.

Is romance back on the menu, boys?

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Tales has never really had a romance user.

From the screenshots it looks like it is

Open world plus that shitty combat system striking both very big NOs

The MC will once again be far more powerful than any of your party members too I'm guessing

Fuck this series is dead

>Tales has never really had a romance
What did user mean by this?

Attached: are you fucking serious.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

they queerbait and heterobait people but no one ever ends up together

Tales characters are all canonically asexual

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But MCs from Destiny and Symphonia canonically reproduced

And graces

Oh, you're retarded.

Only Stan and Rutee reproduced.

rage some more shipper

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Fan art already

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>maps are corridors
why are all the maps corridors where is the open space REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>maps are open world
another generic empty open world REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

i hate the dagger skirt, i hope he has other armor in fact i wish this is the first tale in which armor changes the appearance of the party

thats cheating zestiria OST is top tier

He's like Velvet all the best outfits will be DLC.

its fast and offensive based, if you lose the rhythm of the battle you will die instantly. NPCs here hate it because healing and casters are useless and they are forced to create good combos instead of mashing

best tales game of the last decade

fuck v

Judith, thats all.

too late in the thread to do this, nobody will see it


Pretty much this, both games are shit with shit setting. Also done for good.

what about sum rule 34, i want sum cum in his face

Tales Fes most likely

Worst Tales since Zestiria

when is that

wait for microsoft E3

tales fes is probably more like a deep dive into characters and shit
expect a trailer at microsoft


Literally my dream game.

>Microsoft – June 9 at 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET


