How do we get rid of failed normalfags, kids and shitposters in general?

How do we get rid of failed normalfags, kids and shitposters in general?
>Daily jaded/tired/old gamer threads full of anons complaining how vidya ruined their lives
>Not acknowledging that it's your own fault for turning out to be so fucked up
>Proving the point that most of you are failed normalfags that took the wrong turn and turned to vidya just because when you never liked it in the first place
>Constant ">tfw no gf" whining
>Vidya threads full of kids shitposting just because they heard from Timmy at their school that Yea Forums is this edgy and cool website where no one gives a fuck
>Wanting every game to be the next tortanic
>Any legitimate video game discussion is shilling
>Anons with egos bigger than the universe who think they're always right and trying to one-up you just to "prove" how cool they are

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Other urls found in this thread:

By posting cunny. You can start OP.

>Constant ">tfw no gf" whining
It's not 2011 anymore. Yea Forums is dead

I can, but it won't help get rid of them. Just invite more shitposting. I doubt even gore could get rid of them

Now it's "aaagggghhh I'm so lonely, ryangosling.jpg"

I'm so fucking sick of Smashniggers. No less than a tenth of the board is Smash at any given time despite the game having had no new news or updates since Joker.

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This is Yea Forums's demographic. It's all depressed kids.

Do they even play the game? Seems like most of them are just shitposting like 90% of anons and barely play anything.

You need to reduce the "Shitposting makes you cool" mentality that is plaguing most of Yea Forums currently and you need to get rid of contrarianism for the sake of it.

Reminded me of pic related.

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Have sex

It's fucked forever dude. All the trash you mentioned have no self awareness whatsoever so there's no point to this thread.

The failed normalfags are nowhere near as bad as the actual fucking normalfags
One of the main fucking things I hate about plebbit is constantly seeing motherfuckers saying shit like "my gf", "my friends", "my daughter"
Now it happens all the fucking time on Yea Forums too
/fit/ was a mistake, it's the biggest normalfag gateway to Yea Forums/nel.

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>/fit/ was a mistake, it's the biggest normalfag gateway to Yea Forums/nel.
Have you just not looked at /pol/ for the past three years? The board that raided Reddit, succeeded, and as a result was filled with so much backwash it lost all trace of its former identity?

>failed normalfags
Lose the normalfags/neets dichotomy and suddenly you won't have dipshits trying to force a ME GOOD YOU BAD war, there's a good reason that used to be something only freaks on /r9k/ and wizardchan would care about in the slightest. Holy shit, the layers of irony that go into posting anymore, it's almost baffling how there's this constant "pretense" about the majority of posts and that veneer just drops when I go back a couple of years in Fireden.
>Not acknowledging that it's your own fault for turning out to be so fucked up
>Proving the point that most of you are failed normalfags that took the wrong turn and--
>Constant ">tfw no gf" whining
>Vidya threads full of kids shitposting just because they heard from Timmy at their school that Yea Forums is this edgy and cool website where no one gives a fuck
Report and ignore
>Wanting every game to be the next tortanic
Report and ignore
>Any legitimate video game discussion is shilling
Report and ignore
>Anons with egos bigger than the universe who think they're always right and trying to one-up you just to "prove" how cool they are
Call them a faggot and stop responding

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meta threads go to

We need more contrarianism to keep the normalfags out.

If we can cull down on the smash threads we'd be alright. There's no reason why roster faggotory has to be spread out on 5 threads at any given time.


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Nothing. There's nothing you can do that will make them go away. It's the nature of this website; it's free and always accessible, and the shroud of anonymity will always attract people.

kana captchas
delete Yea Forums pass
make the site unreadable on mobile phones
make Yea Forums a red board

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you first

Your mother was booked solid, couldn't get a dick in edgewise

hiro lapdog
meta threads always existed and till archival

The jannies are literally niggers nows, like actual niggers.
They can't mod this,place for shit.
Delete actual threads and even shitpost.

spam gore and cheese pizza on threads you don't like

get rid of failed normalfags?
are you saying you want more normalfags?
the only thing this site has going for it is that it historically, and still doesnt, cater to them.
there is no other reason to browse here. This is a site for social rejects.
you get to escspe upvoting hive minds because you arent normal.

Welcome to Yea Forums.

if you genuinely think any of the shit you listed is bad you should unironically just browse reddit instead

how do I become a mod? Id like a job and I refresh this shit hole 24/7.
just lemme delete smash threads and porn threads for you if you guys cant handle it.

I've been shitposting here for almost 10 years and there's nothing you or the mods can do to stop me.

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remember when "NORMIES LEAVE REEEEE" was only taken in seriousness by /r9k/, and even then only half-seriously because they were already crushingly and self-remindingly aware that they're misfits, degenerates and freaks with serious social problems and an inability to interact with people without an anonymous mask

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They both act the same. It's just that ones are actual normalfags with girlfriends/wives who keep telling you to have sex, the others don't have anything but pretend that they do and tell you to have sex as well. The only difference is that failed normalfags will let their facade slip every now and then to complain about their life and blogpost.

mods are a closed circlejerk, even more distant from the site than the fucking janitors
you probably won't get in even after 5 years of cocksucking

No I don't actually because the "lurk moar" mentality was here since the beginning.

Oh man I love “im so jaded and dont like video games” and “tfw no gf” threads. They’re soooooo great.

you will never get in, the mod-cabal is all grandfathered in from moot pretty much leaving the site to them and the most recent addition is a janitor that had to do a lot of cock-sucking before he could power-trip with his new tools

>155x image
You people really aren't self aware in the slightest

Guys Yea Forums is dead it just gets more retarded every three months.

>not complaining about degenerate trannies and gays

yep, you're part of the problem

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>phoneposter and a frogposter

how many permabans you on buddy? i'm at about 17, all of which were given because i racked up 60 bans

jannies cant ban me i just turn off my data for 2 seconds and im back

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all the people that post that have sex incel shit are trannies and actual roasties from female imageboards and discords.

>line up rape ape and his cronies and put bullets through their skulls
>bring back m00t and WT
>month long gore spamming campaign on all boards
>implement a shit ton of filters for buzzwords (incel, have sex, tranny etc)
>frogs and wojaks are an instant perma ban
>console war threads are an instant perma ban
>anyone that posts a screenshot from another website that isnt an announcement/cancellation gets an instant permaban
>permaban anyone who complains about anime
there i fixed Yea Forums

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>tfw you discovered a more efficient way to avoid bans

the most you'll probably be able to manage is becoming a janitor

i knew one and met him IRL a few years ago and funnily enough he turned out to be a mexican tranny. he told me its literally impossible unless you do it for free for like 10 years or get close enough with one of the current mods, which is easier said than done.

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60 bans per ip****

'have sex', another one of the retarded one-liners that Yea Forums has adopted into it's vocabulary. You are part of why this site is devolving.

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Not shitposting at all and following the rules, yeah, we've all discovered that as well.

just buy a pass

>mfw get warnings for everything and never get banned on my home pc

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that's a different thing, though, to say nothing of far predating the whole normie bit and tying a more corporeal identity to it. "learn how this place works before you start posting" vs. "you are an outsider and will never be able to fit in here"

5 years and they haven't they filtered the cuckshit and black racists spam.

or you could just kick you router like any sensible human being would instead of being a bootlicking faggot

I get bans, deletions and warnings most of the time for not even breaking rules.
Jannies are faggots.

You literally can't. Its a closed cabal of power hungry faggots who's only achievement in life is "owning" the infamous hacker anonymous Yea Forums.

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Permaban wojak/frogposters

>make Yea Forums a red board
what the fuck would that achieve?

>not ban evading

I do out of principal.

>call a brazilian a monkey
>post gets deleted
>warned for racism outside of Yea Forums

yeah not like there's actual racism on every other post on this site

>being proud of this
I knew frogposters were autistic but this is ridiculous.

freely posting porn, which would immediately lose its novelty because it's not "forbidden" and ultimately accomplish nothing

Lemme guess it is one of the armchair faggot trannies that does nothing but shitpost demoralisation crap on there

Faggots feeding obvious trolls is why this site is devolving.
The (you) economy is basically worthless thanks to you hyper niggers.

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read the thread, innocent anons like myself get banned for stupid shit, out of the 600-700 bans ive got i'd say 50 of them i deserved

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You know the fanny janny actually replies sometimes before he deletes.
If you ever see smartarse comment before a post or thread is deleted it's him

the majority of the time threads get derailed because of this shit same with furries in animal crossing threads

>could've went out with friends
>coud've experienced romance
>could've earned lots of money
>could've exercised my body
instead I wasted my youth away with video games.

OP, not only the addict is to blame, but the drug and fixer as well. Video games are worse than cigs and alcohol.

chill out Mike Honda

i figured something like this is happening.

jesus christ youre fucking retarded, the only reason that phrase got popular here is that it pisses people off to no end.
>lose its novelty because it's not "forbidden"
take a quick look at Yea Forums and tell me you seriously believe that


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We don't need a thread to tell us that shit, we can see with our eyes.
Now post about games fag.

Xhe's not entirely wrong with the first part, t_dniggers are a fucking cancer.

There is no cure for cancer.

i'm kind of skeptical of this since janitors technically aren't allowed to post IIRC

Not only that but one tripfag was a janny/mod or a close friend of one. Some anons noticed how when he showed up in the thread posts would start getting deleted, people banned and ultimately the thread would go down as well. Ironically enough the 2 anons who talked about this in some thread got their posts deleted and the thread 404'd. It was REDS. I haven't seen him post that much after that and in the last few months that he did he became a real asshole.

they can post, they just can't say they are a janitor


it doesn't piss anyone off everyne thinks you are idiots for spamming it and don't belong

You speak as if bans actually do anything.

banning weebs
thats it

and another thing, fuck that tianamen square shit, it doesn't work

the new jannies are doing it all the time on everyboard and giving away they are the janitors

That's what you niggers get for replying with "based" to unironically shit posts.

good job enforcing that rule hiro you lazy fucking admin

its for fun i want to get banned but the jannies are taking forever

What do you mean by failed normalfags? NEET, Hikki, /r9k/?

Before this year i had only seen clear janny abuse twice in over ten years. Just twice.
Now it is happening all the time on everyboard.

you do realize jannies can't delete threads right? they can only delete posts. they have to push the threads to an actual mod for deletion

They complain how vidya became shit when they never liked it in the first place and

>it doesn't piss anyone off
yeah right, its the most obvious in your face bait and yet it gets 3 (you)s minimum EVERY FUCKING TIME, but dont take my word for it you can look at this thread and tell me people dont fall for that shit like retards

"any posting patterns i don't like", ten years ago nobody would blink an eye at posts and conversational subjects that two or three years later would be constantly decried as normie shit

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It's just annoying it's being posted by people that are making the assumption anons care.
No one cares.

based easily baited t_dnigger
have sex

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>actually owning a fucking iPhone in 2019

There's something similar happening with Strike Witches threads right now on Yea Forums. A new namefag called Eagle suddenly showed up and whenever he starts posting, anyone else who talks about a girl he doesn't like getbtheir posts deleted and subsequently banned for it.

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get their even

Imagine being this fag.

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close but incorrect.