>This is the cover for Cyberpunk 2077
Annnnnddddddddddd DROPPED
>This is the cover for Cyberpunk 2077
Annnnnddddddddddd DROPPED
based generic white dude
>committee and focus group approved looking down protag with gun
gee this is exactly what i want from a cyber"punk" game from BASED and redpilled polish game devs
>game's entire genre, setting and story is about how evil corporations are and the consequences of allowing them no limits in how far they can go for profit and control
>use a sterile, generic image to appeal to the masses to show off that game
nice boxart
Inb4 a thousand replies about how he's not white
Do people actually buy physical copies of games in 2019 for themselves? I think it's mostly people buying games as gifts fit kids etc
so I guess this is gonna be added to the generic white man holding a gun list right
People like to actually own the game
I'm starting to think going physical is the smartest thing to do after seeing what they're doing with the Telltale games.
Piss yellow? Eeh..
The fact you cant buy them anymore online doesnt mean those who bought the firedumpster cant download them and play.
Btw PS5 wont have disc tray and people like you will STILL buy it because it will have bloodborne.
Oh boy you are in for a big let down with console games...
We unironically live in a cyberpunk society
First they destroy Rome now video games.
Who cares about the cover when you were gonna buy it digitally?
no linux release
>piss yellow
If your piss is that color, see a doctor immediately. No joke.
Why would they choose this?
just put the hot girl on for fuck sake
>To scared of backlash so put a standard looking white male with a single color background.
Atleast its not some pink nigger with an affro or lesbian with the side of the head shaved.
day one buy desu
Based cover
>it's some totally generic bloke that looks like nobody
>in a jacket that has LEDs in the collar because FUTURE
>with most basic pistol
>on a sunny yellow background with palm tree visible
Nobody gives a shit about what the cover looks like. We care if the game is fun, engaging and has replay value.
how many FUCKING times are you GOING to POST this FUCKING thread you GODDAMN fucking genetic DEAD FUCKING END holy GOD ALMIGHTY THAT IS IN HEAVEN
also saged
They literally swapped Geralt out of The Witcher 3 box art.
>judging a game by its cover
Based blade runner fag.
It's not like their last game had a fantastic cover
Of course the mutt cover is shit. What does the EU one look like?
>implying that's anything new
Striking a pose on the cover is how games get sold.
>Being this retarded when over the age of 18
You never own software you retarded fuckwit, the only thing you own is a CD and the right to use the software. You could just as easily download the game and burn it on a CD and have the same fucking result.
>We care if the game is fun, engaging and has replay value.
Did you play the Witcher 3? If you did, then you shouldn't be expecting any of that from Cyberpunk.
in regards of consoles, you still actually own the game if it's physical - you can resell it at any point
Also pre-ordering physical copies from certain outlets usually come a day early for me
it was the russian leak
that IS the eu cover
We want the deus ex human revolution audience
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
It's CDPR so obviously the answer to all of those is "no"
So no alternate EU/US boxart? that sucks.
Just make this the cover, it'll sell like crazy
Oh yeah, are they going to come into my house and take away all the games I've collected over the different generations? Have fun losing everything you paid for once the servers shut down steamcuck.
Ebin b8 brah XD
Standard edition of the game includes:
-Digital content : soundtrack, cyberpunk 2020 manual, wallpaper, mini artbook
-Condensed knowledge about the game world
-Post cards
-Game map
>Generidude McUndercut in front of a wall of piss
Yea because physical shit never gets lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise becomes unusable. People lose games from a physical collection all the god damn time, and steam games will still be available off steam once their servers die.
Seriously mate stop roleplaying an inbred retard, it's not a good look.
based CDPR
How can any one man be this retarded? What the fuck are you even sperging out about? Sun exploding? The whole point of the dark theme is that buildings are so large and obstructive that the sun doesn't GET to places.
Funny thing is only americans are obsessed with that seeing how they're mostly nigger/mexican. At first I though it was just elitism, but now I know it's just an inferiority complex
>Btw PS5 wont have disc tray
it's been confirmed to still use bluray discs, bucko
Why wouldn't we? Witcher 3 is the best game of all time if we listen to fans, consumers, online polls, professional critics or Youtube critics. If Cyberpunk is only half as good it will still be second best game of all time
the cover fits the gameplay really well. absolut casual shitfest, hiding behind muh future tech.
>see through wall
>shoot around corners
>le epic slowdown
>homing bullets
It's you fucking Americans that fucked it for the rest of us.
Before there was heaps of other games where their Japan or Euro copies had actual artwork or themes to reflect what the game was about.
Now look what you have done.
it's literally a euroslime meme
Things that were cheats back in the 90's are now game mechanics. Even Quake Champions has a guy that can see through walls. Back in the day that was called wall hack.
>and steam games will still be available off steam once their servers die
Who would be paying for the service to keep running?
Yeah, to play DVD and bluray movies, not games.
>denials and making excuses
Yup, this is what people with inferiority complexes do, good demonstration retard-kun.
literally doesn't even look like a future city lmfao
what pathetic tiny buildings.
>He thinks steam games are only ever hosted on steam's private servers that no one will be able to access anymore if the company goes under.
user, seriously, get help. You are actually a legitimate retard, you somehow fail to think through these exceedingly simple concepts without drawing the dumbest possible conclusions.
Who the fuck buys physical
I'd have done a reversible cover, featuring the default male and female characters. Could've been neat.
>shit boxart
>shit game
>shit studio
>from the makers of the Shitcher
What were you expecting?
la creatura...
Give 5 arguments why the Witcher 3 is a bad game
Looks like APB lol
I have seen cases where there is no disk inside just a code to get acess to it online
... is about to get a whole lot bigger with the newest one.
... FUCK this game industry and all these micro transaction whales!!!
You didn't answer, who is paying those servers to keep running?
And no arguments were had, fuck you From dick sucker
I doubt it'd get released next half of 2020.. probably pushed again around may - june of 2020.
Anyway those half-dead, exhausted poles have probably messed the game up due to excessive crunch. Game will be buggy as fuck during release.
Try not to preorder or buy it within the first month of its release.
Is this the latest version of the HUD we've seen?
There's no way they will launch the game with waypointers overlapping, but goddamn if that isn't one of the ugliest HUDs I've seen.
>Combat is exceedingly dull and monotonous, especially on Death March, most enemies die to basic combos like fire -> punch -> roll -> repeat and doing anything more just makes fights take longer
>Equipment and items in general are completely pointless outside of a single set of class-specific Witcher gear, which makes exploration useless and a waste of time
>Story is absolutely full retard, this shouldn't need further elaboration, anyone with half a wit could tell this is bioshock-infinite tier buffoonery in writing
>Dialogue is hammy as fuck, while the VA's do an amazing job at delivering the atrocious lines only a mentally retarded person would fail to notice how poorly structured the sentences are, not to mention how many of them would make no fucking sense to the person Geralt is speaking to nor the player if it weren't for the everpresent breadcrumb trails and marked locations.
>Constantly hides poor design choices behind the excuse of staying true to the source material, but constantly deviates from the source material whenever it suits them.
There you go buddy, I look forward to hearing the usual sperging and excuses in your reply.
I want to explain something to all the retards in this thread with a little hope they will bring this to other thread.
The game is called Cyberpunk 2077 because it take place in the world of a famous RPG called Cyberpunk 2020.
The game doesn't take place in what you think a cyberpunk setting should be. The game doesn't take place in the Blade Runner world.
So comment like this have no sense.
What date and time are they going to appear at E3?
I did answer; the servers don't need to keep running.
If Steam goes bankrupt you don't need access to THEIR servers at all.
Seriously mate are you like 11 years old or some shit? How the fuck does this elementary nonsense need to be explained to you?
Tomorrow at the Microsoft conference.
If they really wanted to, consoles could prevent loading a physical copy of a game they don't want you to play anymore. The only real counter to this is piracy.
Why are fucking westerners so fucking incapable of making interesting box arts? Fuck, at least the european version is going to look fly. I hate the "ugly ass 3d model tries to look badass" thing that most vidya box arts go for in America
dilate shill
>night city
the most generic cover ive seen in years. Then again who is even buying physical these days
hey man, don't judge a game by its cover
It reminds me of Bioshock Infinite
Cringe and virgin pilled.
So who is hosting the game data I've previously bought?
Looks fine and if they actually want to sell it, they have to make it simple.
>first three lines don't end in full stops
>last two do
And you expect me to take you seriously?
Looks like a soulless blunder of the decade.
what are they doing with the telltale games?
Post one example of interesting box art
>yellow background
>those palm trees
It literally is Sunpunk2077!
Truly /our cover art/
>a FUCKING white male
right side looks like saint's row 3 kek
There's the sperging, now we just need the excuses. :^)
>>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
wait what you can't use them?
>Mankind Divided
Pick one and only one.
Excellent response. Just admit you like self-inserting as Geralt the Mary Sue who unironically says m'lady, has cat eyes, sexes every female character, and basically does everything a 300-pound neckbeard fantasizes about.
>L-let me j-just ignore the a-answer and a-ask again...
Based retard.
who's he fucking?
Right side has only 4 cp2077 images
Can you be more retarded?
I mean it goes much further than that, the bullshit superpowers get more ridiculous as you get further in and the story becomes more and more "world bends over backwards to make Geralt relevant to what's going on"
Like fucking hell, Witchers are meant to be social outcasts, distrusted and hated, yet everyone Geralt meets trusts and respects him instantly, and the only people who aren't also immediately very welcoming and nice to him end up being villains of some sort.
You can tell its real cyberpunk cause he has an ipad for a jacket collar
>white male
>not stinky nigger
WOW rude
I honestly love how much this game triggers Yea Forumstards. And you obviously know it's gonna be a huge fucking success with a ton of sales because every single detail about it gets massive coverage everywhere. This rarely happens and when it does the game will usually be a hit. At that point it matters not what Yea Forums thinks of it - love it or hate it, the game will have already won. I am so glad they only show day shit that at this point i hope there will be no night at all just so Yea Forums gets shit on, god imagine the threads. Sadly there will most likely be night since we can't have nice things. Anyway i can't wait to buy it
Left side is also more than just one game, smoothbrain.
you think cities will look like Coruscant in 50 years ? lmao they will look worse than they do now, that's why this game is Sci-Fi
Now it's true Cyberpunk.
>t. seething tranny
>This rarely happens
Pffftttt hahahahaha seriously nigger lurk more.
Fucking No Man's Sky got more coverage than this shit.
Is it a Pacman sequel?
needs more rain like in my favourite cyberpunk game Batman Arkham Knight
GTA5 and watchdogs 2 are not cyberpunk nor has anyone ever said that they were
This so much, it's based off shitty source material and I fucking hate CDPR for not making it based on something more similar to Bladerunner. People that are pissed because it's faithful to the source material are retarded, people should be pissed because they chose to adapt Mike Pondsmith's work.
Exactly, and yet they fit perfectly with the Cyberpunk 2077 images, almost as if that was the whole point of it in the first place!
Why did I choose this game? I guess it was the color
You didn't answer any of the questions and are just sperging out strawmanning though since you clearly have no clue of what you are talking about.
>Muh cherry picked images of SUN fit with other sunny images
We need is tests to post here
Since when the fuck was cyberpunk associated with neon yellow?
>imb4 muh transmetropolitan
Fuck off. I doubt you even read it you goddamn zoomer.
on reddit yeah, and everywhere else only after the big oof. And in both cases it doesn't compare with the coverage Cyberpunk is getting
>Combat is exceedingly dull and monotonous
Look here, this tired meme again. Did you read that on Yea Forums perhaps?
>Equipment and items are entirely pointless
So this is what it looks like to lack a brain. On the one hand I envy you for the blissful simplicity of your existence. On the other, I pity that appreciating Tge Witcher 3 lies firmly beyond your grasp.
>Story is absolutely full retard
A chance at a joke perhaps? Even the expansions have stellar stories. The Bloody Baron quest strikes me as particularly strong. I assume something like Let's Go Pikachu is more your speed?
>Dialogue is hammy as fuck
To be expected from someone who can barely compose an interesting sentence. Not all prose must be flavorless and sterile. It has its own voice and charm.
> Consistently hides poor design choices behind the excuse of staying true to the source material, but constantly deviates from the source material
First, that comma is grammatically incorrect. Second, game and novel are different media. Some change is necessary for the translation. And why play the game if the developer imparts none of its own passion and perspective to the project?
I know not why I waste my time with your ilk. Expand your horizons. Improve your taste. Learn to live a little.
bandai namco leaked it
Funny how you're the one who cannot answer a simple, SINGLE question.
Who. Pays. For. The. Servers.?
Yea, as I said before
>ignore the answer
The fact that you needed that repeated to you as well, really says it all about your mental faculties user.
wtf i love witcher now
Can you link the answer to the following questions?
Who is paying for the service to keep running?
Who is hosting the game data?
what the fuck is neon yellow ? It's fucking yellow, fuck off. And since when ? Have you seen the title of the game ? It's in the fucking title
>generic white male main character on the boxart
>generic fps shooty mechanics
>generic open world with generic music and generic artstyle (muh 80's)
the writing was on the wall with this one, if you buy this shit you have no one but yourself to blame.
Yea, that's an adorable excuse user, doesn't change a damn thing about that image or how you sperged out about it like a god damn retard missing the point so damn much.
You already outed yourself, why continue like this? Victory is beyond your reach since you cannot possibly recover from your previous retardation, so why continue?
>from the team behind witcher 3
chuckled a little
Thanks doc
It doesn't even try to recreate the 80s. This is just yet another sterile and souless AAA shit made in 20XX. Nothing about it screams SOUL at all.
>white dude
dilate tranny
It needs more purple and rain, as well as random kanji.
Agreed. They really go for the cringy approach of having every character fear, respect, and/or lust after the player character. I think of it as Twilight for incels.
>generic artstyle (muh 80's)
are you retarded? That obviouly not generic...
Actually looks 100 times better.
it has a connection to the 80's in the same way that Fallout has a connection to the late 40's nuclear optimism. It's basically 80's retrofuturism which is a hot commodity right now since people born in the 80's now have tons of disposable income and healthy work-life balances.
Of course, we all know cyberpunk is shallow as hell and has literally nothing beyond aesthetics.
Are you seriously telling me there is so little "soulful" cyberpunk vidya that you had to include screenshots of Texhnolyze and Ghost in the Shell to prove your point? Maybe at this point your definition of cyberpunk is just too narrow.
do you hate yourself too ?
As long as there is no sign of the female PC on the cover I don't see a problem
It triggers you, snowflake?
The aesthetics are still important. It's like fucking writing dark fantasy then have everything be like carebears.
People like you kill culture. I bet you think fashion is stupid.
No it isn't.
I was serious, there is literally nothing to cyberpunk beyond it's aesthetics.
It's what an edgy 14 year old who listens to Linkin Park thinks it's deep.
>generic Yea Forums post
Ah, here's the excuses/
>Look here, this tired meme again. Did you read that on Yea Forums perhaps?
This is neither an argument or a rebuttal. Point to me. Also I played the game, on Death March, these are my personal findings. You lose another point.
>So this is what it looks like to lack a brain. On the one hand I envy you for the blissful simplicity of your existence. On the other, I pity that appreciating Tge Witcher 3 lies firmly beyond your grasp.
Another response that is neither an argument or a rebuttal. Point to me again. All you manage to do is sperg out about your own imagination of what I must be, missing the irony of accusing someone of being simple while failing to understand what a proper rebuttal would look like. You lose another point.
>A chance at a joke perhaps? Even the expansions have stellar stories. The Bloody Baron quest strikes me as particularly strong.
I guess I underestimated your retardation. The Bloody Baron quest strikes you as particularly strong? Maybe you were high while playing and missed the glaring plotholes, character inconsistencies, plot inconsistencies, ridiculous contrivances and more? I'll even point some out to you;
>Geralt's search for the Baron's wife could have easily been completed by literally any hunter or tracker, of which the Baron would have several as part of his group, Gerald being relevant is both contrived and contradictory
>The whole nonsense with the gibberkin is absurdly contrived, sure, his wife miscarried just before running off, the kid was dumped in an unmarked grave and there just happens to be this reanimation ritual that Geralt just happens to be able to perform to make a guardian spirit that happens to be able to track down the Baron's family, which it doesn't actually do, it stops half-way into it's task for absolutely no reason at the most obvious site that any hunter or tracker looking for the Baron's wife would have found and investigated weeks ago.
that's because there's barely any good cyberpunk games at all. There's a reason people were so hyped over the initial trailer because they thought we'd FINALLY get a cyberpunk game that's good.
>>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
but in the gameplay we saw the trauma team actually do appear
what the fuck are you talking about
I bet you think Supreme apparel matters.
>Blow in electronic whistle to call future car.
>Get in, hold shift to auto drive.
>Get to location.
>Sure, what ever.
>Get in car
>Hold shift to reach objective
>Get out, use tech implat in eyes to find prints
>Mhm, these are clown foot prints alright...
>Follow foot prints, that only spawn if you use the implant, to remote location #231â„¢
>Shooty shooty bang bang.
>Ah I see, these weren't clowns, just some Scavers wearing clown shoes.
>Whistle for car.
>Shift to get back to quest giver.
>Get out of horse.
>Turns out they weren't clowns, just a few scavers using clown shoes to mask who really did it.
>Misson complete, "A funny feeling!"
>50 Credits 25 Exp
Only thing I'm looking forward to.
Imagine adapting the easiest setting ever and fucking up this much.
Everyone in this thread sucks big penises.
>The Baron literally owes Ciri his life, he knows the hunt is after her and she's running for her life, Geralt arrives and offers aid, and that smarmy cunt sends Geralt to do busywork which would make any information he has outdated.
>Geralt knows full well any information the Baron could possibly have would become irrelevant the more time passes, he spends days traipsing the countryside for useless information anyway.
>There is no comeuppance or justice for the Baron's deeds at all, Geralt just lets him carry on while he could have easily threatened him
>Geralt has magic that literally gets people to do what he wants and spill the beans, the Baron is a notorious drunk and a weak-minded fop, yet somehow Geralt never manages to put two and two together.
The whole plot and setup of it is also a fucking daytime tv trope of the repentant wife beater, literally a cliche in shows like Law and Order for fucks sake, and the game handles it especially poorly at that. The ONLY saving grace it has is the voice acting is brilliant, but if that's all you need to ignore everything else then congratulations, you're retarded.
>hey chico esey cabron fuck shit cunt yo culo motherfucker el loco rojo fucker como siempreeeee
>Yea Forums complains if a cover for a game is generic i.e a white male with a gun
>Yea Forums also complains if a cover for a game is unique i.e woman or ethnic minority front and centre
Which the fuck is it?
Sounds like your average American.
How about making a GOOD cover for once that has neither of those?
Reminder that the writing and acting is garbage, and cdpr can't write an actual strong and powerful female leader like this:
did you just ASSUME his colour?
Maybe he identifies as black you cis race scum
Sadly that sounds better than what we'll actually get.
Reminder that no one gives a single fuck about your old hag of a waifu, retard.
ay caramba dios mio mi amor
if you guys want a good, new cyberpunk videogame, play EXApunks. if you want any new cyberpunk game, not only vidya, play Android: Netrunner. both got the Cyber, the Punk, and even the "cyberpunk aesthetics" even though one of them takes place in 1997.
Is anyone else excited to see Yea Forums get BTFO when Death Stranding and Cyberpunk come out and sell a fuckload?
There's nothing better than when Yea Forumsedditors are proven wrong, which is always.
>To be expected from someone who can barely compose an interesting sentence.
Again, no argument or rebuttal, another point for me. Furthermore, the laughable claim that "Not all prose must be flavorless and sterile. It has its own voice and charm." Is hilarious, when the problem with the dialogue in The Witcher is that almost all of it is flavorless and sterile, like someone took the dialogue and trimmed half the words out of each sentence.
>First, that comma is grammatically incorrect. Second, game and novel are different media. Some change is necessary for the translation. And why play the game if the developer imparts none of its own passion and perspective to the project?
You just repeated the excuse that I've already stated was invalid, congratulations retard, maybe next time spend less time sperging out over grammar on fucking Yea Forums of all places and apply some basic reading comprehension. At least you had an argument this time.
The tally doesn't look very good for you lad, but I guess that's to be expected from someone retarded enough to like The Witcher 3.
This. The tabletop sucks and is full of retarded overly cheesy shit. It's basically like a japanese game setting like dmc but with none of the charm those games have.
>Hearing Hindi and Arabic spoken in the streets
Sounds like your average Brit.
Reminder that you're an incel loser with a mind warped by years of beating off to hentai and plastic faced korean bitches. Eat shit.
You stupid? Hotline Miami, Far Cry blood dragon, double dragon neon. It's totally played out.
before you get pedantic on me and say CP2077 doesn't look like those games explicitly, let me just remind you i said that 80's aesthetics were played out and generic, not the general aesthetic of Pondsmith's tabletop rpg. Which lets be honest, it's not all that inspired or interesting to begin with. It's just Mad Max with computer parts glued to people instead of random spikes.
user, seriously, why are you still persisting in this retardation?
>Who is the specific entity that does this specific thing in this totally hypothetical scenario that might happen sometime in the far future????
Really nigger?
No, but I hope someone gets triggered by it
>You never own software you retarded fuckwit
That is objectively false according to EU and US laws retard.
reminder no one gives a shit about your board game you played 87 years ago
the game can still be good with a modern aesthetic
there were points in the gameplay at night that I felt got close to what you autistically wanted, download a fog mod and fuck off honestly
ok, now explain pic related
Looks based, op a dumbass as usual.
Imagine, of all the women in this world you could waifu, you waifu an old hag.
It's embarassing.
>Nobody gives a shit about what the cover looks like
I do
You completely miss the point. Copies sold =/= better game. Is Star Wars 7 one of the best movies ever made? Is Gta V one of the best games? Use your brain, idiot
I am glad you could make it Jaina.
Cite the law you speak of buddy, since you're so adamant about it's existence surely you know which they actually are.
Now, I know you're full of shit, because I actually know what I'm talking about, but I'd like to see you squirm some.
No, you stupid idiots have been saying that the game is going to flop.
Of course, you'll damage control hard when it comes out.
I don't care if it's good or not, I hate RPGs, but I hate Cyberpunk settings even more, so hopefully this one will smear the image of Cybertrash forever.
Not like the commercial failures of all other cyberpunk media hasn't done that already, but this is the opportunity to finally bury this genre that should have never existed.
You will never be a woman.
People got nothing better to do. I like the box art personally.
that is an impressively ugly boxart, hopefully its just a placeholder.
That "old hag" has dignity and poise, something that emo slut you posted doesn't have. Pretty sure those kpop sluts you love don't have it either, seeing as how they basically sell their bodies to old men for stardom.
el abominacion...
If they don't take enough pride in the game to make a good cover it says a lot about the game
I do own it when i pay for it. I dont care what you or any law claims. Im going to reverse engineer your software. Modify it. Share it with my friends. And theres nothing you can do about it, pussy
That sounds like a whole lot of projection you just wrote down there, pal.
>Mankind Divided
>Not soul
wtf is with your bizarre hatred of cyberpunk more than any other genre? why not shit like post apocalypse, which has been overused as fuck now in games like rage 2, borderlands, far cry 5, etc?
What are some Yea Forumscore cyberpunk games I can play in anticipation for this?
Women don’t need dignity or poise, that shit doesn’t matter to them. They need to be faithful and have a decent body, that’s it.
>dignity and poise
Literally who gives a fuck?
>Pretty sure those kpop sluts you love don't have it either
Of course they don't, they are asians.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Funny how on the left you only have dead franchises while the ones on the right are thriving.
Ask in reddit, they tend to like cyberpunk games a lot.
Great color choice. It will attract the eye of the customer immediately on the shelf.
That takes place 57 years before the game.
>"we live in a dystopian society bro, this city is the worst"
>looks like a clean rich city with fucking vegetation
>that chromatic aberration
No. Do sluggo gatto
Cyberpunk is pretty much an antifa fantasy.
It's a setting where absolutely every single person in it deserves to die.
It's the kind of setting that, if you set a story in, the only way it could have a happy ending is if you triggered WWIII and wiped out humanity forever.
epic 2016 instagram meme
>3 indies + 1 AA in the last 7 years
yeah dude it's totes played out
Dignity and poise are the markers of a woman that would be faithful.
>buy phisical
>install game
>put cd in the cd case again
>never see it again
Blade Runner is set in 2049 yet it looks more atmospheric and better than CP2077. We won't have flying cars in 2077 either like we do in this game. And first P&P Cyberpunk game was set in 2013 and had all sorts of high tech.
"Realism" is not an argument you damage controlling fucking shithead
>those filters
wow it's like this game is intentionally trying to give people the experience of having myopia
Too bad it was boring as fuck.
And guess what, Blade Runner, both movies, like most cyberpunk shit, was a flop.
Of course they don't want to get close to it.
Cyberpunk settings are commercial poison.
>this demented piece of shit crying about flops again
Fuck off retarded common denominator nigger.
Stop ruining the careers of so many people across so many industries, cyberniggers.
You are a failure magnet.
Then why are they making a cyberpunk game? Why not make some generic fantasy shit with big titty elves?
I wish i lived under what rock you've been under. Hollywood is so cucked with 80's reboots and references and revival series it's like im living in the 80's again.
>There are lots of cyber games around, but there’s not a lot of punk in those games, we want to put more punk into ours. We do not want to make a dark and hopeless world. We are not doing Blade Runner. It will be full of rock and roll
reminder this is still fake.
Man I wish there were an AAA+ game with big titty elves.
Dichen Lachman was in Altered Carbon and is doing just fine, she's in a new show, Animal Kingdom now.
RIP Cyberpunk 2077
This game's development began a long time ago, before it was made clear that people simply do not like cyberpunk shit.
Now it's too late to cancel it due to how much money they've spent on it.
It's a pasta. It doesn't need to make sense.
>White male on the cover
Umm, that's a big NO and a big YIKES from me, sweatie
And here I thought you have moved on to spamming that old hag.
Then again, seeing that picture, it seems both are old hags now.
Please, kill yourself.
Pirates. But honestly you wouldnt believe me if i told you the truth. Yaaaaaaarrrrrr
>Yea Forums boastin like they beat /g/ in a contest of "how to get to windows 8.1"
Well that's generic
Then at least make it like Altered Carbon, that show was well liked, enough to warrant a second season, and it was hailed by critics as looking better than Blade Runner 2049
He is full of shit. Half of points is blatant lie.
they wanted to make a first person shooter so they shopped around for some cheap license to buy with their Witcher 3 money and bought Cyberpunk.
They don't respect the IP, they don't care about past versions of the franchise, it's just a canvas to do what they want with. It's not cyberpunk.
That doesnt look to much 2077.
Also more like Fagtered Cabron.
>Nobody gives a shit about what the cover looks like. We care if the game is fun, engaging and has replay value
If the developers are so creatively bankrupt or lazy that this is the kind of boxart they dish out for a cyberpunk game, it says a lot about their design philosophy. This boxart is just another executively designed homogenized piece and I wouldn't be surprised if the gameplay reflects hat
Or better yet, make it a GTA clone, which is the most succesful videogame of all time.
That's literally what normalfags expect out of this, a futuristic GTA.
>a woman in her thirties that still looks youthful and pretty is an old hag
Oh I get it, you're into underaged jailbait looking shit like those loli races in mmos
Are you fucking mental? I can pic images on the same fucking trailer and put them on the soul side and that would be ok according to you
Stop being so pretentious.
>Get out of horse
You think the coders and gameplay designers drawed the box art?
>its not my vision of cyberpunk so its not ciberpunk
Here we go again.
maybe there will be an alternate cover you can print out
so Yea Forums only wants things that are de rigeur
Can this shit fucking die already? Just let use the fucking quest menu, stop throwing a bunch of shit on screen constantly
imagine your life being so pathetic that you get upset by video game box art
This is a company that is infamous for butchering the Witcher franchise so much that the author wanted nothing to do with the company until he saw the money they were pulling in.
>Visiting The Doc
Ahh... I don't think I've gotten my dose yet today.
Same with Witcher 3, you can turn that off, I'm hoping.
your pic is really small part of the city, and all we saw is starting industrial district and there is 6 of them.
Box arts go through lead developer okays, especially for a non corporate company, so if they looked at this and said it was fine they sound like they don't care about creativity
Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction, it has it's own philosophies, visions and archetypes just like any other genre of sci-fi. The -punk suffix was meant to display a bastardisation of some original concept. Before stuff like Neuromancer came out, the usual, popcultural vision of future painted it in bright colours, mostly moving into some utopian environments. Cyberpunk took the same concepts and carefully explained how the future is going to fuck us in the ass. The aesthetics used in Cyberpunk are mostly noir, art deco and postmodernism. Doing something else and calling it Cyberpunk is just lying to your audience. It's like advertising to sell bananas but actually giving people apples after they pay you.
Autor didnt care about´´butchering´´, it was most of games are for kids and i dont care. He´s a moron and he deserves a shit.
woow so immersive
player freedom heck yeah!
little timmy won't know what to do without his grocery list of scripted actions he needs to do.
it's not
Do it. You're full of shit.
download a fog mod, fuck off, times change
>the franchise got butchered because grumpy version of George Martin said he doesn't like playing games
For once Papikaposter is right
>dude, the future is bad and there's polution and shit
>there's also neons and shit
Mind blowing.
And people wonder why this worthless subgenre isn't respected by anyone by edgy 12 year olds who think it's deep.
inb4 someone posts NOMADS rulebook to prove bottom pic is REAL CUBERPUNK
Creating a massive, detailed city like in your pic is impossible, it would take way too many man hours
>cover art as bad as witcher
>likely fake because it's art they use for other stuff
>this means the game will be bad
Why do you guys want this game to suck so bad? It's like you need it to. You were never going to buy it if the cover art makes you drop it.
user. Please read your own post and tell me you actually realize how it's little but desperate coping.
there's nothing wrong with small hubwords that take place in large cities, as long as you get missions to actually flesh out the surrounding world.
Sorry, I don't speak millennial.
atmosphere only means a grim dark atmosphere that I like
nothing else can be atmosphere
calafornia isn't an atmosphere
>Yea Forums shits on Witcher 3
>it becomes one of the best games of all time and sells over 10 million copies
>Yea Forums shits on cyberpunk 2077
if people are turning on cdpr, then at least we can finally dispel the myth that the witcher isn't shite
I really do hope so and I hope its not a PC only UI feature
California is a steaming turd
>it becomes one of the best games of all time
But that's not true since Witcher 3 was trash. It just sold a lot which is to be expected from a soulless piece of shit.
>shit attracts flies
>what, 10 million flies eat shit that must mean shit tastes good!
cool where do you live fagtown
This post keep adding voices before WE ARE NOW HERE cause basically didnt get one single fact that matters.
I hope he's romanceable at least
Coping with... what? Bad box art? For a game no one is going to buy a physical box for? Do you have brain damage?
You're dismissing the reasons people give for disliking it and just dumbing it all down to "hurrrr durrr u jus want it tu fail".
Maybe get your head out of your ass so you can see more than your own shit.
Games based on cyberpunk 2020 looks like cyberpunk 2020 means they lied? Pic related is from 2013, they don't make blade runner the game becasue it would flop like both of blade runner movies, deal with it
GTA V looks and feels more cyberpunk than CDPR's shit, so why would I buy their game when I can support Rockstar's and mod it anyway I please?
lmao are you going to defend Cuckfornia now nigger?
Since when watch_dogs cyberpunk?
Coping with the fact that people have legitimate reasons to dislike what is legitimately a turd. Do you have brain damage boy? Why did you jump to the dumbest possible interpretation you could possibly have?
>console peasant
Buy a PC you tard.
>implying some jaded autists on Yea Forums with shit opinions will retroactively change most people's opinions on The Witcher
CDPR is the poster child of the gaming industry, no amount of screeching out of Yea Forums will change that. CP2077 will sell like fucking hotcakes.
Because most generic marketers in the west have bitten it into their generic heads and convinced their generic bosses based on "studies" that generic sells to the impulse consumer that hasn't made up his mind already, but might be in for a generic looking thing that looks like that other popular thing he likes. So, because gray and gloom Call of Gears of Halofields became so popular, almost every other game in existence copies their look in order to boost sales beyond fans. Thus, we end up with these fugly covers, because they're not for us; they're for everyone else.
Aspergers: The Thread
can't tell if damage controling shills or retarded
seems like a pretty good atmosphere for a deranged future wouldn't you say
>falling for the replay value meme
If I want a punk game I'd just play Borderlands 3 or Rage 2, real punk games with way better gameplay mechanics
It looks actually better.
True, and Twilight is the best novel of all time.
>dislike what is legitimately a turd
You wouldn't even come to this thread if that would be the case, either you are just tortanic fag, or still butthurt that w3 won some goty awards over bloodborne
>background is yellow
>like the sun
all you have to do is download a fog mod, California is a pretty good place for distopia regardless of the sun, deal with it
oh wow found more leaked screenshots, look at the sun, literally unplayable
I'm gonna cry myself to sleep and play some real cyberpunk game which is Deus Ex series today
No it's not impossible, it just require some effort and planning. Look at this:
Fucking Scam Citizen is making a gigantic city that sprawls entire planet and looks more cyberpunk than anything in Cyberpunk2077.
>Yea Forums knows what's shit and isn't
Yea Forums hated witcher 3 before it released. Not for any good reason, just petty nonsense. When it released they had to changed their reasons but that's ok because they were always jumping from one petty thing to the next.
Yea Forums hates cyberpunk, why? Because sunshine? Because box art? Because we have to argue about what cyberpunk as a genre is?
Yea Forums has an anti-fandom for CDPR who don't seem to have a solid reason for the hate and sound more like they're only hating it relentlessly because they're shills for something else. So no one cares what anyone here thinks about the game. You won't buy it, you won't play it, but you'll talk about how bad it is for hours and days before and after its out, while people are playing it, and no one outside of the bubble of this board will hear your autistic screeching.
>People would never talk about something they think will be bad
Autism. You're just coping again, making excuses and fantasies about what the people you see are doing with their lives so you don't have to deal with the reality of it.
Brainlets think blade runner has something to do with cyberpunk at all just cause "muh grim night" and androids. You people are so depressing but is just cause you werent even born when br was out or cp was a thing.
No dumbass just fucking hydrate
>>dropping a game because of a shitty color on the box art
Could you be any more of a retard OP?
What's the legitimate reason? This thread is about how the box is yellow and that means OP is dropping the game and he was totally hyped for it until the yellow.
You've got nothing you fuck. You know nothing about the game but are shilling for some competitor because you have to really dig for something to drop the game over.
if this was on purpose...i love it
>sun autists
pick both
Bladerunner's atmosphere works because the esthetic values play into the aesthetic values, in other words the style informs the world around it.
Cyberpunk 2077 has themes like classism etc but the style doesn't inform the politics or anything about the world at all. It's why people bitch about the sunlight in the game, sunlight doesn't fit the tone or the themes of the game at all. In it's attempt to be different and quirky, all they ended up with was a boring apolitical triple A franchise with no teeth and nothing interesting to say about the world.
I know there was an already made image doing exactly that, but I can't find it
So you're not saying it's bad? Or are you just that desperate to be contrarian?
>talks about eating shit
To be fair that one was shit compared to Human Revolution, but nothing to do with the sun
Can you tell me what is cyberpunk about living in a normal, modern city that actually didn't advance in tech at all from the 90s?
Don't really care. You know that all we'll have is waifu threads with whoever the new Triss, Ciri and Yen are. You know we'll have their equivalents and i personally cant wait to rub a dub dub to some nicely modeled 3d tiddeys.
I would like to remind all of you ITT that superior Korean, Japanese and even Chinese dubs are confirmed for Cyberpunk 2077 so we don't have to listen to this sort of muttspeak or disgusting crackwhore creatura noises.
If you think its the colors, you are legitimately autistic. Its about the fact that its just another shitty boxart with a random man and nothing interesting in the background. Its the definition of lazy
the witcher is an action adventure with no depth, it doesn't deliver on an open world where you make choices, you're forced to be the witcher
I came into it thinking it would be an rpg with depth like everyone praised it to be
yet the gameplay is bland action shit that I could have done 10 years ago
that's not a 10/10 unless you're baby's first game
I think this constant mocking of the anti-sun fags was meant to prepare them for over a year to get over it, but they still can't accept its not their blade runner cream dream
why'd they have to go and make things so complicated?
0.0012 dollars has been deposited in your steam wallet
kek, what the fuck are you even talking about, you are the autistic one, I would understand if this would be first days after announcement of the game, but fucking 1 year passed and people like you are still massively butthurt for whatever reason over this game that you come to these threads every fucking day just to shit on it and I am the one who needs reality check? You are the one who just can't deal with the fact that people are exited for this game
>Yea Forums will claim this isn't cyberpunk
Your grandchildren will
there is some credence to their argument though. It's why it keeps coming up.
So you basic bitches just want generic, bog standard cyberpunk?
That's sad..
Different things are different, if it was 1:1 what everyone was expecting of it, it would probably be seen as generic or uncreative
Man, all this projection about what I am and why I do the things I do. Why should I debate your imagination user, it seems you're rather eager to just make shit up as you go rather than respond to the reality in front of you.
Hell, your question has answers all over the thread, but you've already decided that this whole thing was only ever going to be less or the same as the OP. Just shows how deep into cognitive dissonance you've fallen, you've stopped observing and interpreting entirely and skipped straight to judging.
CDPR lives in Yea Forums's head rent free for real
No there isn't
These people are casuals who minimize what genres can be
Steampunk can only be about Tesla and golden gears
High Fantasy needs elves and dwarves
Cherry picking is easy
>Starts his post with "n-no you!"
>Expects me to keep reading
Prime autism, try again.
Was it only a PC only feature with Witcher 3 on console? Damn. I always hated cluttered UI.
Cyberpunk is about political and social commentary about the decline of society and de de-personalization of the human being caused mostly by government and corp, or both. And everything that comes from this.
Blade runner is a noir movie and its main theme is
the existentialism. The grim future background is just an accessory chosen by the author since it was, at the times, the most likable version of future and he needed future for human colonies, androids etc. There are no other elements of cyberpunk on br, absolutely nothing. Looking =! content.
>there is some credence to their argument though
Only for retards who are oblivious of the source material, this argument is not valid because it never supposed be blade runner game
Spider Jerusalem(wtf kind of stupid name is that anyway?) fucking sucks.
no, we wanted quirky neon pink sunlight adventures and apolitical feel good plots about taking down big corporations while playing a game made by a big media conglomerate.
yes fuckwit we wanted cyberpunk not this shit.
Why is every character in this shit game so greasy and rubbery?
The Witcher isn't shat on as much as Twilight is outside of its target demographic.
Yea Forums shits on CDPR's games now because they're popular just for the sake of being contrarians. This has always been the case with anything that got popular.
This. Blade runner is literally not cyberpunk in any regards.
i thought everyone here liked cgi porn?
>reddit spacing on every third post
Yeah notice the character models look like shit, unlike Death Stranding's high fidelity visuals.
It's hot in LA
Silence niggers
Forgot to add: you can do the bladerunner story in any context there is no need of grim future you can just do it in modern times and it works anyway, you can do it in the fallout world and it works anyway you can do it in a fantasy medieval setting and IT WORKS cause the background is not important, just interesting.
enter button bad
Educate yourself mutt. Adults are speaking.
>Cyberpunk is about political and social commentary
Kill yourself tranny.
i don't mind spacing between meme arrow text and regular text but it is retarded when it separates text
like i'm doing here.
>Dropping game because cover's not looking good
>using scam citizen as an example
Holy shit, dude. Are you serious? If they made user's pic true Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on 2087.
Congrats, you found out that one media (games) doesn't get as much attention as another (books) especially mainstream. Fact is that sales numbers and popular opinion do not define the quality of a product. It hasn't for Twilight, and it hasn't for The Witcher 3, and both are objectively sub-par products by any critical assessment.
If you want to talk about things like popular opinion and shit, notice how everyone who defends Witcher 3 resorts to shit like "b-but the sales" "b-but popular opinion" and rarely actually manage to argue against the flaws being pointed out.
All stories can be viewed with a political lens
I even gave you the definition, how can you be unable to read?
>Generic future city
??? Is star wars cyberpunk now??
I remember when using meme arrows unironically was considered the hallmark of being a retard.
You mutts need to put basic structuring concepts like paragraphs back into your curriculum, this shit is embarrassing.
I love how instead of playing as a strong, beautiful woman with dignity and poise, this game forces you to play as a crackwhore fucking strangers and getting on drunken bingers
THAT is what I wanted to play as. A strong female CEO.
shame everyone here is just spacing sentences for no reason.
Linux for home use is a meme.
Every person i know who run linux either dual boots into windows or has a windows vm for gaming.
Why? Waifus are a corner staple of all recent CDPR games.
Nar Shadda and Coruscant are cyberpunk cities, yes. Same for that Dark Eldar city in 40k, Commoragh.
>Cyberpunk playing as a punk? No that's not cyberpunk
>the virgin buys gta San Andreas on Steam
>comes back to it five years later
>huh I could have sworn this radio station had more songs...
>meanwhile at CHAD's physical PS2 version...
Kill yourself retard
shitty maya/blender sculpts made by untalented 3D animators straight out of college.
>it's not cyberpunk unless everyone has mohawks and looks like a mad mad 80s gang reject
yea blame americans because your countryman are a bunch of sheep who can't think for themselves
>Generic desert future city
Choke on my fucking cock you cumguzzling fagbucket
>California is literally a state overrun by corporations and tech but is also home to some of the worst crime and degeneracy in the country
>some how this isn't the place to have a cyberpunk setting
>>Cyberpunk is about political and social commentary
You DO know what Coruscant looks like and how it operates, right? Nar Shadda also? They fall under cyberpunk.
You're the one getting triggered about it
No, that's EXACTLY your projections.
god that's bad
>using mspaint
>paint yellow background color
why cdpr is crazy?
America is what happens when you de-fund education (but Wal-Mart's stock is through the roof.) Learn from our mistakes.
the yellow represents sunshine.
Cyberpunk at it's core takes interest in what the future will be like if our current culture continues
It's not based on some fantasy element or fantastical event changing the world. If it does, it normally isn't considered cyberpunk
>It's only cyberpunk if everything is neon rain and darkness also fuck the sun
The artstyle for what would become the go-to aesthetic for cyberpunk was actually created in france in the mid-70's, and then it was made popular by austrailian film director George Millar when he made Mad Max.. It wasn't even the Americans fault.
Yes, neither of them are cyberpunk. They are generic future cities, one with a sand slug theme, because sand slugs are cyberpunk you fucking moron hahahahaha
Read >Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction, it has it's own philosophies, visions and archetypes just like any other genre of sci-fi.
Any and all political commentaries you see within cyberpunk is YOUR OWN projections.
they're fucking hacks and frauds.
the real dystopia is that Deus Ex is more cyberpunk than a fucking game with the word Cyberpunk in the title
Yes it fucking is. See Deus Ex, the Matrix and Ghost in the Shell. Unlike Steampunk, Cyberpunk is first and foremost dealing with the dangers of transhumanism and how technology can literally eat our souls
Cover with vaporwave aesthetics fucking when? What the fuck is this shit even?
And we're getting this shit instead.
Cyberpunk is almost exclusively trash anyway except maybe Akira for the spectacle
Boy you sure are a brainlet if you don't think all writers have political interests in what they write
Same. It matches the theme of the game of an outlandish California cityscape. Not dissing it, but it looks fucking great.
The absolute irony that basement dwellers are offended by the sun
No, that's your placing your own dogshit mentality upon it.
Would you argue that high fantasy is a politcal commentary? Or Classicals, or Horrors? or Dramas? or Satires?
It's a fucking genre you clown.
I bet you watch JoJo too faggot
Both are corrupt cesspools with wealthy elites ruling the place in fancy towers while the poor live in slums and endure crime ridden streets, dumbfuck
If its not consolewars or egs chink fuckery, you kids have to get behind some other nitpick to shitpost with.
>YOUR OWN projections
Literally the first lines out of the games are
>Our city was voted the worst city in America, but people still want to come here
Cyberpunk especially as a genre has internal politics you fucking homo erectus.
>being a flop or not determines if something is good
fucking pleb
Congratulations, you just described California.
>Cyberpunk especially as a genre has internal politics
Jesus christ i'm talking to a child aren't I?
EVERY work of media has internal politics, the difference is when retards like you apply external and MODERN politics into them.
>High Fantasy
Considering that people constantly think orcs = black people. Yeah
Of course
Yeah lovecraftian horrors hate niggers
Only if it's about how much they hate niggers
You're joking right
It's not cyberpunk if it doesn't have random kanji in the picture and bright purple lights.
Nigger I aint applying anything external to this game. Your buttbuddy you were having a conversation with already replied to you.
Is Shadowrunner : Hong Kong a better Cyberpunk game?
Actually dilate.
well, he did say especially as it has a focus on politics. Even if every media is political
>Even if every media is political
You don't even understand what "internal" means, do you?
this thread
The absolute state of Yea Forumsirgins
Reddit spacing is a retarded forced meme that newfags use to out themselves.
Cyberpunk doesn't need to have a political focus and many of the internal politics can be just due to the subconscious beliefs of the writer like with any genre
But it being that a genre that needs to take specific interest in what the writer believes what tech will do to the future makes it more political than other genres
Image boards were a mistake. You force yourself to read countless idiotic opinions you don’t agree with and wonder why you don’t enjoy vidya anymore.
You sound like a nigger
>Cyberpunk genre is literally about oppression and the inability of high technology to raise 99% of people's life quality to the 1% that is keeping them in eternal poverty
>Also explores the complete breakdown of society that has lost all its morals
>Cyberpunk doesn't have to have a political focus
>hate blue and purple so much they go for their complementary colors
Yellow is becoming the "in" thing right now I guess? First it was MK and now this game.
Focusing on it would be characters addressing such issues directly
Not all Cyberpunk needs to do that but it always is part of the lore
Typically things like transhumanism and the decline of culture takes a backseat to the MCs more personal struggles
It's a tryhard cringe clownworld that has nothing to do with cyberpunk and protagonist is disgusting unlikable homo.
Christ that's closer than I thought.
Why is Bj Blazkowicz on the cover?
>Blade runner is set in 2049
Maybe if you're a zoomer
In this case the MC isn't fighting against society but going with the flow. You're not out to save the world, only to raise yourself hopefully high enough that you can become someone like Dexter in the future.
You're a punk as the name implies.
Yea, isn't that pathetic? Even crap like scam shitizen can do cyberpunk city better than AAA++ game from "based" CDPR. Only proves how shit Cyberpunk2077 will be.
>generic anime pic
MK is gold.
Cyberpunk is more political but doesn't need to be political
People who don't realize science fiction in general is an exploration of some change in society, and that cyberpunk is and always has been about political commentary on classes and corporations, are just really desperate.
>Focusing on it would be characters addressing such issues directly
Did you miss the part where the player character's first words out of his mouth were addressing this?
what happened witcherbros???
*Doesn't need to be externally political. Shit's all about internal politics that are WITHIN the fucking genre and game.
I'm talking about the genre not this game
Fucking this.
If California is cyberpunk, than you have to concede that Star wars is also
I cannot think of a single cyberpunk anything that doesn't explore those concepts specifically.
Witcher 3 is fantastic.
Im not gonna replay a 130h game tho
It's easier to see the political intentions in cyberpunk than it is in fantasy
I mean the writer saying that tech "turns us into slaves" is much more obvious than assuming that the writer meant goblins are supposed to be niggers because MY beliefs
And if Star Wars is cyberpunk, you need to concede that Cyberpunk 2077 is cyberpunk.
You gotta specify that. People who think goblins are niggers are just trying to shoehorn their politics into everything.
Why does this game attracts so many autistic mongoloids? I don't remember the last time any other game got so much shitposting.
>The roleplaying game of the sunny future
pic from mech store, looks dark
Nah dude, Eric or whatever the fuck the non-namefag's name is literally spammed Witcher 3 threads about downgrades and nonsense for years.
That's my point
Goblin Slayer can alternatively be viewed as the writer playing an already established idea in fiction and subverting it
there isn't a lot of room for alternative points of view when the writer shows what tech does to society
Cyberpunk fags are officially worse than steampunk fags now.
>Surely night cannot exist in a world where there's also daytime.
So you're just saying that you don't want modern political trash shoved into the game? I agree with that. I'm just saying that cyberpunk is literally future but politics made everything bad.
>This isn't the first post from this IP
Better than CDPR drones. Are you an influencer?
Actually spot on. I wasn't quite seeing Saints Row in it, but APB? Definitely a similar vibe here.
No I'm saying cyberpunk is inherently more political than other genres
Yea Forums eternally and irrecoverably BTFO
I'd rather have a white (or nigger) male on my box art, rather than a disabled, bald, pajeet-looking ass woman. But hey, you do you, tranny. Remember, Battlefield 1? Remember Gears 5?
looks like a mmo
The ultimate irony of this image at the bottom is that neither Blade Runner has a focus on Neon or night time. The last 30 minutes of Blade Runner looks like it's out of a batman movie, and half of 2049 doesn't even have neon.
>that Dichen Lachman
Nice touch.
>she's in a new show, Animal Kingdom now.
She's perfect pick for a horse.
The thicc chick is hot I hope we can make our characters look like that.
Fucking entitled brats
>Guys guys, the buildings aren't tall enough!
>Blocks out the sun for you because of how tall they are
You're welcome, Yea Forumsirgins.
>Doesn't understand how sunlight works
>literally sunlight shinning over that building across
bravo retard
Should I read this like an american or a normal person?
Like, is it 9th day of 11th month, or 11th day of 9th month?
>people still bitching about the sun
I fucking hate mole people
You're dumb as a fucking brick
wizzy wam wam wozzle lay some skin on me dude
>has to crop the image
kys CDPReddit drone
>Buildings are so tall the apartments are almost literally in night time
>November 9th
I'm glad this game will sell and review well so you contraion faggots seethe
am i about to witness a couple of faggots argue over lighting?
problem, Yea Forums?
>No arguments
So with this cover & delux edition leak. Think we'll see a release date at E3?
fucking white males
the release date leaked too you dork.
Too bad because you will see see Cyberpunk2077 flop. Normies don't give a shit about cyberpunk, it's the most niche and autistic genre of fiction that had its peak popularity in the 80's and 90's. Just look at Blade Runner 2049 and how it flopped hard. While Witcher was popular because fantasy shit is always popular among normies, especially now with huge popularity of Game of Thrones, Cyberpunk won't get even a fraction of that interest.