What must they do to win over you? If it’s another super wacky superhero game, I’ll pass
New Saints Row confirmed
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Nothing, anything else they do is beating a dead horse.
isn't that the series though?
i only ever heard people talk about the last one though so correct me if i'm wrong
They lost me already.
They cant go any further with the superhero shit, I imagine it'll be more like 2 or 3
make it fun again.
Nah. Super powers were a SR4 thing only
This. Sounds like they're going the SR3 route, which means they've learned nothing.
HARD fucking reset. 1, 2, 3, 4, DLC none of that shit happened
Basic gang shit that might escalate over on city. Not a state, not the country, not the world. Some boring gang/crime shit that is carried by characters. Co-op up to 4 this time, character creation still in. Slightly goofy but not too Saints 3 goof
>expecting anything after Saints Row 4, Gat out of Hell and that one other soulless shit game they shat out that I already forgot the name of, gangsters of the row or whatever
If it's not grounded like 2 or at least 3 I'm not even pirating it.
I can't wait till they announce it will take place in Steelport...
This. If it ain't a SR1 or SR2 remaster i'm probably not going to get it.
Just remake 2. They clearly don't understand what made 2 amazing.
I wouldn't want the current developers anywhere near SR2.
no super powers please
Reminder that Saints Row 2 was literally mistake. The director went on record saying he hated how the game turned out and it wasn't his vision. 3/4 is what the devs wanted all along.
Saints Row 2 is a quality level they'll never ever match again.
coop up to 4... fuck id love it. i still wanna play second and third with more people. if third did something right, it was the sandbox fun with a friend.
I want another fantastic map like Saints Row 2 had. Steelwater there was amazing, with a lot of hidden areas. Steelport was dull as fuck, especially in SR4.
Pretend Agents of Mayhem didn't exist and make the Saints Row police game.
The canon ending is the retcon ending from Gat.
4 > 2
Damn he dumb
Will you fags fuck off. Thanks
is there a mod for sr3 to play with more people yet?
Make it like 1 or 2, also no SJW shit, just drop politics all together and focus on the fucking game
4 players coop
I don't recall any of their games having politics.
You were literally the president in SR4.
Just port the SR2 DLCs to PC already so I can put away my 360
Say that to my face faggot not online and see what happens
Whats wrong with SR3?
Steelport fucking sucks, and character customization took a huge step back from 2.
Genki battle royale
It's shit
i sincerely hope this is all bait posting that 3 & 4 is better than 2
3 > 2 > 4 > 1 > Gat
Yeah, but that was just the over the top fucking stupid story, there's literally no politics in any saints row game, is just a faggot
3 & 4 is better than 2
Have sex.
SR2 nostalgiafriends think Saints Row is better off being a GTA copy instead of doing it's own thing
I liked the wacky nonsense. My only issue was that the game was scaled poorly with super powers since the cars and vehicles became irrelevant.
I’d actually be perfectly happy with a forward chronology rather than a backward one; make the game set in a big galactic city that you’re taking over now that you’ve claimed Zinyak’s shit. Have it take a jillion stabs at Cyberpunk and Deus Ex and whatnot. Make all the weapons and vehicles super-alien-tech and have powers unlocked/equipped as body augmentation.
You're now aware that Saints Row has had more shitty games than good games.
Shoo shoo Zoomzoom
Agents is the canon ending
You now remember Agents of Mayhem
What's NOT wrong with SR3?
>killing the only likable character on the entire series.
>more than half the missions are sidecontent tutorials.
While SR2 was an improved San Andreas, with custom character, territorial wars, better customization, it's a shame the pc version was fucked up, even with the community patches it doesn't work as it should.
Faithful remake of 2.
Bought it last week on steam.
Returned it after 30 minutes.
I heared it was broken but i thought it was at least playable
saints row is for zoomers
gta is for millennials
Well yeah. It only had one good game and one mediocre.
but SR2 is better than every GTA game. it was quite actiony and 'goofy' too
What was the retcon ending from gat out of hell?
I couldn't bother to play it, when it was obviously a bigger cashgrab than the thousands of SR3 and 4 DLCs.
Can't be mad at Genki, I rather loved those side activities/missions/whatever in 3.
>even with the community patches it doesn't work as it should.
it does though
SR3 sold far more than any of the other games.
I'm wish Deep Silver's lineup would leak already. They're infuriatingly decent at keeping unannounced games under wraps, unlike THQN.
Its going to be an ironic game about videogames themselves.
1 and 2 are both great tbqafh (to be quite and frankly honest)
This why the need for cars and guns if you can wreak most of the enemy with the superpowers.
>praise genki
i bet its a genki battle royal
so did mafia 3 but that's just a side effect of the market becoming bigger
The saddest thing is that a more classic crime sandbox like SR2 should be a goldmine right now, between GTA pivoting hard to online play and the 3D era GTA nostalgia wave riding higher than ever. Back in 2006, the first Saints Row was like one of the very last of the then-tired GTA clones, but now they could just unabashedly go "REMEMBER SAN ANDREAS?" for a whole game and everyone would be excited about it.
It was the best SR though. Best mix between fun and serious shit. I didn't play it for 10 years and I still remember some missions
It's not Saints Row 5, even though they share elements. Ignoring it and using the concept would be fine. Saints Row is that aloof with the 4th wall that they could pass off Agents as some crappy bootleg in-universe that romanticises Brimstone despite her being at large (any movie from the mid 2000s with arabs in it as the bad guys, etc.)
God recreates the earth and retcons the Saints Row series. Gat, Kinzie and Miller are all cops, so presumably the rest of the crew is as well.
It's actually a perfect setup for a soft-reboot of the series, but they had to go and make Agents of Mayhem instead.
wtf I love empty concrete open worlds with nothing to do now
get gentlemen of the row, retard, it's completely playable and barely broken at all
Literally what i used still crashed whenever the game saved
I never understood why do people want to play inferior GTA game. SR3 and 4 maybe jumped the shark but at least they had something unique to them, even if that was random xd bullshit.
>THQ Nordic are based
>bought Deep Silver
>but Deep Silver management didn't change - it*s still the same idiots running the company
>the idiots who greenlit shit like Agents of Mayhem, the new Dead Island and fucking Homefront 2
>also made Metro Exodus Epic Game Store exclusive with Nordic having no idea or control over the deal whatsoever
Should have dismantled the entire company after the purchase but i guess they didn't want any negative PR. Atleast should have sacked all of the management cause nobody cries over business suits.
Not him but it’s still a big bucket of fucking crashes, even with GotR.
just get it on 360
it doesn't completely fix it
I still get random crashes when entering a vehicle
then youre doing it wrong
playing on win10 and it crashed maybe 3 times with 70 hours played
Do zoomers even know what Saints Row is? The series peaked eleven years ago and SRIV was, what, six years ago? Your average zoomer drooled on his napkin when SR2 was a thing.
I'd be hyped for this, BUT... my only thought is "So what's going to ruin this?"
Denuvo? Microtransactions? In-game advertising? Not available on Steam or GOG? I pretty much expect at least one of these things to ruin any good new AAA game. I hope I'm wrong.
I consider San Andreas to be #1 and SR2 to be #2 when it comes to sandbox games, so you'd be absolutely right
But I can't imagine they'd actually do it when they made some shit like Agents of Mayhem (why did they do this?)
>Random XD Bullshit
I mean even SR4 at its worse did it well. The Streets of Rage and Metal Gear parodies in it are pretty great, as is the Deep Impact opening
Why is Volition doing this? Do they have no idea what we want? They could ask us, and we could explain to them why Saints Row 2 was good.
GotR still has issues.
SR2 has also just not aged very well, I swear the first game has better character models.
>their last game flopped so hard they're already back to SR
>and fucking Homefront 2
Homefront 2 was literally better than Homefront which was made by the supposed based THQ
Homefront was a soulless COD clone
>lets ask the people who think everything is shit
great idea
No, just fucking remake 1 and 2!
Being better than Homefront 1 is no achievement.
The thing should have stayed dead
Agent of Mayhem sounds like something they had to negotiate with the marketing guys. They told them to make a hero shooter, they said they specialize in single-player games, so they compromised on a single-player hero-shooter who literally nobody wants to play.
I’ll buy it for the lewd mods, but that’s it
Saints Row will probably be riddled with Social Justice faggotry and less of what made of good in the first place.
Except Homefront 2 is actually a decent game after all the patches and was what Homefront 1 should have been
Fuck off, tranny
>If it’s another super wacky superhero game, I’ll pass
They just need to make a gangster game. All the other gta clones died off so they'd stand out even more these days.
nigger sims?
>Muh epic store
Have sex, redditnigger
Saints Row 1 was the only good one t b h
DOA lol
Homefront was a waste of potential, the trailer was pure hype
>Forced to do activities because you don't get enough respect a lot of the time
>Less activities than 2
>Genuinely fucking horrible co-op
SR1 is just decent groundwork for SR2
make Freespace 3
Saints Row was never good.
can't top that
Not Yea Forums, you can go fuck yourselves. I'm talking OG Saints Row fans on probably IdolNinja's forum.
Pretty much this unfortunately. But there's something called the law of diminishing marginal utility, so WHACKY AND CUUUUUHRAZY™ EPIC IN YOUR FACE® wears off very fucking quickly, and gets extremely annoying when that's the only thing they have.
so? more people played sr3. most people enjoyed it. so that's the formula that works and what they'll be using
watch winnie the pooh chinkshit
Holy shit will you polniggers ever fuck off? YOU make everything political with your constant complaining and crying
How about Volition does another Red Faction game that doesn't suck like the Armageddon. That was actual trash. Guerilla was very fun but also quite empty and minimalist. Geomod was a great tech and makes their games fun as hell.
Saints Row 1 and 2 remake
go cry about the six gorillion, kikenigger
Knowing the devs, it'll be a remake of 3.
>WHACKY AND CUUUUUHRAZY™ EPIC IN YOUR FACE® wears off very fucking quickly
It keeps carrying Devil May Cry
for a dev that made a game series about a literal communist uprising, Volition are surprisingly apolitical
i can't remember any SJW-pandering coming from them
Yeah I like THQ nordic, but they put in the least amount of work in anything they do
Well it's a good thing Nordic's only involvement is getting a cut of anything Deep Silver makes.
Go back to fucking boot camp and make a game that doesn't really on hypebeasts.
Seriously. 3 was their last half- decent game, with 2 being the pinnacle. All they have to fucking do is make a not-serious GTA sandbox and they have money. Since Rockstar took the path of a more serious and cinematic story, they literally have free reign to make a game about being in a gang or something.
It pisses me off that 4 and everything else was bad.
yea and sr2 is the same formula just better
I'll be blown away if the next game they announce isn't a soulless lolsorandom title.
IMHO both Homefront games do kinda interesting things. Homefront 1 is EXTREMELY Half-Life 2 influenced, and Homefront 2 is... even more Half-Life influenced. To the point they pitched the game to Crytek as "open world Half-Life". Homefront 2's DLC was genuinely good, and I have high hopes for their next project. With luck it'll be announced at E3. They started making it back in late 2016, and it's going to be a current gen game so that means they can't really delay it too long.
So, does anyone in the thread have complaints about the 4th one aside from "the humor was exaggerated even more so it was shit"? If that's all you have, that's a pretty fucking terrible complaint.
it's going to be a straight port of saints row the third to PS4 and xbone with no new content or assets but they're going to make up some wacky new subtitle about it being a remaster and charge $40 for it, consolekids will eat it up.
Will you faggots fuck of and die with your remake begging already.
Steelport sucks and the floating digi-fortresses didn't improve on it.
2 reached a good balance between bring serious and not taking itself seriously so more like that. 4 was decent but I wouldn't want them to go down that route again.
>Retards wanting gay nigger gang shit
Fuck off, pack it full of memes and superpowers. Nobody gives a fuck about this series and only 3 and 4 were good. Fucking knuckledragging retards.
4 was a superhero game pretending to be a GTA sandbox. Over half of the game's mechanics are rendered pointless because you have superpowers. The city is also super ugly because of the simulation gimmick they went for.
>What must they do to win over you? If it’s another super wacky superhero game, I’ll pass
they'd need to subvert my expectations, so nothing too serious, too wacky or too superhero-ish
>giving a shit about saints row after 2
Fuck off zoomers
Okay, now that's what I'm looking for. Thank you.
Nah, the first two games were about gang wars, like San Andreas. The third one was the same, but much crazier, and the fourth just became pants-on-head retarded with aliens, super-powers and the Earth being destroyed forever
So if they followed the retcon ending in Gat out of hell is it just going to be playing as undercover cops or some shit?
Fuck off boomer.
I just like 4 because it's the closest thing to a fetish game that's secretly not a fetish game. They knew what they were doing with that goddamn character creator.
Major balance problems with the powers, vehicles became worthless and so did 80% of the weapons
The fact that it was always nighttime fucked up the vibe of the game pretty badly
They couldn't have made it more clear that Agents of Mayhem was the reboot ending.
I've heard rumours that a Terminator game is going to be announced at E3. I would be stoked if Dambuster were making it. They nailed the future war aesthetic.
>putting a gang lord's girlfriend in the trunk of a car
>let gang lord crush said trunk in Monster Truck rally
>tag-teaming another gang lord's son in a graveyard
>bury the little shit alive
>pin gang lord to ship with a fucking katana
>leave him to explode
2 was the height of vengeance quest kino.
>there are people here who didn’t like Professor Genki
>New Saints Row confirmed
3/4 was onions.
Make another game as good as 2.
This a billion times. It's awful for mechanically shooting itself in the foot.
You could shoot people with bullets that take a bit. Or stunlock and one punch man the strongest enemies.
You could drive a car. Or leap so fucking far, then glide faster them any vehicle simply cutting it short since your going in a straight fucking line.
There was no point to half the shit included and the simulation effect is constantly reminding you how nothing fucking matters.
it's gonna be a /pol/ simulator where you destroy all the politically correct bullshit
t. insider
>super ethical
So more whacky so randumb bullshit then.
Wonderful. I just hope the gang from IV comes back and Shaundi takes that stick outta her ass
I'm fine with that.
You have to unlock those skills first, retard. Why would they just get rid of early abilities. That's not how games work
the brotherhood questline was literally "they offered a bad deal so I'm going to torture them up" until they killed carlos and the boss decided to dispose of every member one by one.
It was the most satisfying thing I've ever played
If they are going to have the majority of the cast be police, I really hope they keep the boss as a criminal with the former cast in antagonist roles, Gat being the final boss and defeating him would put the boss back on top, Gatwank is getting pretty old.
>steelport again
>gat death retconned
>saints good guys
Those are my main gripes but I still find it enjoyable to be honest.
>mfw it's a genki spin off in the same vain as agents of mayhem
It's a game where you run fast and jump over buildings, why do you want to drive a car?
I'd like a corrupt cop style game, for sure but I think that equally setting up Gat as an antagonist especially considering the other two we see could easily be boss characters we recruit if they keep Kinzie's shady past, she used to be a fed agent in SR3 so it wouldn't be out there.
>No Pierce, Shaundi or anyone pre-SR3 shown in the retcon ending
I could see it working that way.
reboot the series
they went too far in the goofball direction and turned the series into a knockoff Crackdown, which is shit.
I thought 3 was ok but 2 was the masta-piece in terms of story and gameplay
And it takes about an hour or so to get overpowered. The rest of the game is just flying around.
Sounds shit
they won't risk a spin-off anymore
not after AoM
>Fix none of the massive downgrades from 3
>Add even more problems with their VR theme
Even if was just as bad as 3 it would still be terrible
If this leak is true, they basically took the plot of Homefront: The Revolution and replaced APEX with Ultor.
Back when SR2 was still new, I would never have thought I'd hear anyone refer to it as grounded, yet here we are.
Sounds awesome, much better than gay superhero/overwatch/crackdown clone.
Go drink your sòy.
Believable. Agents of Mayhem was grounded too, after all.
literally the most unhype thing they could've done...
>The gangs are good/popular/famous
I hope this is fake. They keep not understanding what made Saints Row 2 so good.
I find it interesting how saints row and gta were similar games up until SR2/SA, but then the devs decided to go in completely different directions. Rockstar went for a realistic, serious approach, while volition went for lol randumb.
Most of the staff that worked on 2 left when 3 was in progress, you can tell during the interviews because the new devs kept saying they removed content because it was too hard to do.
Just make 2 again and keep the wacky stuff out of the main story. Leave it in side activities and all that, when they make it the focus of the game everything goes to shit really fast because "LUL SO RANDUM" takes the piss out of any weight the plot might even hope to have
Saints have always been a lesser evil, go play the games.
Honestly, this. The real magic of SR2 wasn’t what people claim, it’s that it was Sin City tier vengeance porn.
Are we still pretending SRIV wasn't fun as fuck? SR3 sucked ass, but come on
New city, rebuild gang, more customisation, new spins on story. Keep this shit simple
Man, they really need to drop that Genki shit. It was the worst part of SR3, aside from every mission being a side mission and the zombies.
>you can tell during the interviews because the new devs kept saying they removed content because it was too hard to do.
Example? I believe you (SR3 speaks for itself with shit like that awful Whored Mode), but I just want to see how incompetent they can be
That shouldn't make them popular to the general world/public and they should still be criminals akin to Pablo Escobar, who was a hero to some of the people but a villain to others
literally this, if they want to toy with famous brand-names / gangs, just ride on cyberpunk's hype dick where each color is a big corporation, or make a gang game where everything is shit and the regular citizen has to turn to gangs to survive.
Not the blunder that was "let's make a heist, omg we so famous xd"
No, it wasn't. Go play Spiderman if you want a superhero game.
4 was fun as fuck, better than that miserable SR3 shit.
>That shouldn't make them popular to the general world/public
The """leak""" used the word covertly to describe them so I don't know where you got the idea that they were popstars again.
But we actually need more games like Crackdown/Prototype because nobody is making good ones anymore. Rockstar is still spending eleventy billion dollars on making realistic gang violence simulators every few years. Don’t leave superhuman sandbox games to die because of a nostalgia you have for a San Andreas ripoff.
It was, but it was carrying on the torch from SR3 with all the wacky shit. Saint's Row works best when the wacky crazy stuff is a side dish to the main story that you can mix in when you please instead of premade with a certain level of zaniness. Being able to play serious gangster shit with your create-a-character looking like fucking clownshoes is a blast, but it's less of a blast when everything else is clownshoes too.
>le wacky virtual reality with ayyliums and president and super powers xDDD
No that's not what I want from a GTAlike.
Just retarded teens throwing a fit that 3 and 4 doesn't let them be a gangster.
2 was the peak but all the games are fun to sit down and play with.
I want to play as Trump and kill no-good criminal minorities.
You just got Crackdown 3 you dumb bitch, go play that and let us have a real Saints Row
4 was good only because it reminded people of prototype. on it's own it was a soulless reskin of 3
How is that Gat retard likable in any way? You're part of the problem, and the reason why they spent the next 3 games propping him up to be some unhinged badass when he's just retarded asshole.
Crackdown 3 is a disaster and you know it. A FFXV-tier Duke Forever of a development hell abortion. They’re gonna announce GTA6 this year and we all know it, there’s literally NOTHING else in the pipe for games where you fling a car at a helicopter.
Oh so you play this for the writing, now. How many kinds of stupid do you have to be to take it seriously, anyway? The gameplay was solid and running up buildings and flying around was satisfying as fuck, that's all that matters. Everything else stems from the sheer idiocy of taking a cartoon game about super gangsters in earnest.
>How is that Gat retard likable in any way?
t. never played SR1
>Crackdown 3 is a disaster
I'd call games like Prototype 1 and 2 disasters, so that must be a really low bar to scrape
There's a limit to absurdity. It simply isn't what I wanted from this series. And the super hero mechanics were shallow anyway.
>Everything else stems from the sheer idiocy of taking a cartoon game about super gangsters in earnest.
Yeah man, every game must be wacky and zany and never take itself seriously ever at any point
bad taste
Prototype 1 was honestly pretty fantastic, though it wound up retooling its best ideas from the alpha phase to become more of a traditional game. 2 pivoted in the wrong way and made everything worse instead of better.
Jus bought saints row 4 it's so bad why do people like sr?
You bought a shit game that's liked by a loose contingent of weirdos with bad taste
2 had better mechanics in almost every conceivable way, you just hate it because it made you play as a nigga (and was pretty short).
>2 had better mechanics in almost every conceivable way
Not that guy but no. Wrong. Fuck off. 2 literally doesn't have half the features that made 1 great.
4 had humor, you know how autists are with jokes.
I did, how is that Gat retard likable in any way? Oh boo fucking hoo they kill muh gurfriend i'm so unhinge badass now prease pray game.
That's still not the first game you're describing, but nice try
This series never did, if you didn't find the events in 2 absurd you were either too young to notice or too stupid to tie your own shoelaces. This was always a goofy series about cartoon gangstahs that became popular because there was no HD GTA.
Yes it does, it even has an excess of features in comparison. It maybe even made you overpowered in comparison. It has more vehicles, more options for possession and weapons, more complex powers and pretty much more of everything.
SR2 never had a "sex gimps running by rickshaw" moment, sorry tryhard.
>It keeps carrying Devil May Cry
wacky crazy wasnt a main thing in DMC after 3, 4 had barely any, and 5 had a little bit
The original Prototype started out as a game about being a superhuman monster and having to learn to control your powers. It was moderately retooled into an adventure game where you unlock powers progressively, which was worse, but the powers themselves were still balanced in the original vision’s way. This is what made it a great sandbox game; what you could do was limited primarily by what you, the player, had the finesse to accomplish.
In Prototype, it’s easy to jump clear over a building, but it’s hard to jump from one to the next. Most of its best challenges were based on shit like that, because they challenged you to use your abilities with skill and grace rather than being a man-eating bull in a china shop.
People who suck at videogames bitched about this. Prototype 2 refactored it to make the abilities easier to control, thus dumbing down the game and removing the one really special thing about its design that enhanced replayability. It was DmC to Prototype’s DMC3. As soon as you stopped pre-charging a jump like a hydraulic-powered ollie in Prototype 2, I knew the game would be completely not worth a replay. I was right.
SR2 also never brought in literal FUCKING ZOMBIES into the plot - why do SR3/SR4 fags try so hard to rewrite history?
Factually wrong. It didn't even have armor. Not even animations for jumping over cars. And the vehicles were just dispatched with a braindead QTEs. It even had less weapons. Fuck P2 and fuck you too.
It had a shit truck. A truck that shoots streams of shit at houses and vehicles, am I random yet? Are you laughing with me, bro?
Agents of Mayhem you guys like Uranus jokes
Watch it be a fucking terrible space game that takes off after 4
I am 100% certain you can summon a zombie homie in SR2.
Zombies have been in these games since the very first one, you fat cunt.
>It had a shit truck.
As a side mission that didn't influence the main plot - you might as well bring up how SR2 has a zombie arcade mini game and that's "totally the same thing as turning into a toilet in Shit Row 3 bro!!!1"
>It didn't even have armor.
You have never played it.
Less toilet humour.
I'll still play it but please ease a bit off.
SR2 had a boss fight who was kept immortal by waving his little doll around.
Can’t wait for the Agents of Mayhem 2 announcement
They're not part of the main plot you idiots
Show me the Saints Row 2 cutscene with a zombie
Because I can show you the SR3 main plot cutscene with zombies
They came from 3 but they made it a main thing in 4 and I fucking hated how much it gimped the exploration. It was fun but too many of them were just god tier
It exists in that world, it affects the plot indirectly. How about the absurdity of the opening cutscenes and the very first mission? Right off the bat the game is asking you to laugh along, but somehow, in a sugar-fueled tard stupor, you decided to take it at face value.
I just wish the sex appeal made the butt bigger seriously whats with these faggots thinking people only want to make the boobs bigger
>omg a voodoo character is written to be... a voodoo character???
I did. Prototype 2 doesn't have armor you stupid fuck.
And even after shooting his doll you still needed to empty several magazines and decapitate him in order to finish him off
It doesn't matter if they're part of "the main plot" you ugly fuck. They exist in the world and context of the game, so they set them up beforehand and even tried to explain them in that SR3 mission.
I don't like SR3 at all but you're straight up in denial about the series.
>actual magic
>wtf volition totally unrealistic sr2 was much more grounded and realistic
Side content has nothing to do with how the main plot is written you retarded faggot - it's like saying it's canon that you get raped in RDR2
I does. But it's a DLC. at least in the original
Imagine playing this game for the plot and realism
>president is in space fighting a space kraken
>complete over the top bullshit
>"activate the device"- the president shouts
>"but that'll kill us all"- kenzie
>"do it!!"
>explosion creates a black hole sucking the saints/space kraken in
>black screen
>phone ringing
>camera pans around a dark room overlooking the city
>company credits displayed on the objects in the room
>boss half-asleep fumbles hands across the nightstand for the ringing phone
>" your plane ticket has been sent to you, this time finish it"- unknown caller
>hangs up
>boss sits up on the bed
>a saints row neon sign reflects through the window off the boss
>"that's the last time i eat 2 day old freckle bitches fuck"
>get affairs in order
>fly to city dex is held out in
>take over portions chunk by chunk
>at the end dex is waiting for you
>"it was you who called wasn't it"
>boss shoots dex causing him to fall down 40 stories onto a fountain
>heads back to stillwater
>saints have turned
>retake the city with lieutenants
That was the worst it ever really got, and even then it was played more like horror than "LUL WACKY AND CRAZY"
SR1 and 2 kept the craziest shit in the side activities and free roam where it belonged, main story had relatively believable and dark gang shit
>Prequel to 1
>Play as some Arthur Morgan tier dude who never got mentioned in the previous games because he suddenly exists now
>Go through the early days of the Saints. Stuff like seeing young Johnny and Dex come in, Julius and his friendship with Ben King, Aisha starting her rap career etc
>Has an overall darker and grittier tone but the silly stuff still happens in the side activities.
>Obviously has Co-Op. Maybe a full GTA:O style multiplayer mode if you have the time and resources (Probably not with all the staff that got fired)
>Does not have the same terrible artstyle SR3, 4 and AoM had
>Pretty much leads up till you reach the Boss in SR1
r8 my probably terrible idea
It's a cosmetic skin that doesn't come with abilities. Literally a costume. Added as a kikery DLC post launch. Fuck off.
>That was the worst it ever really got, and even then it was played more like horror than "LUL WACKY AND CRAZY"
This - Saints Row 3/4 niggers have no concept of tone. Hell, the arcade zombies mini game in SR2 is scarier than anything they do with the zombies in SR3
It's not really a Saints row game, but it's fun in its own way.
This is all good and could even have a RDR1 style ending with your character so they don't show up in SR1
>Side content has nothing to do with how the main plot is written you retarded faggot
And we're not judging the games by some imaginary subset of rules your autism came up with, you crazy cunt. Those side missions help set the tone of the game and build the world these characters live in. It's a series that never took itself too seriously, even if some of the events were dead serious and the characters felt like human beings, at least at first.
Sorry, bitch but SR3 and 4 didn't betray anything, they simply escalated the nonsense of the first 2.
>straight up in denial about the series
You're a fucking moron. The argument here is that SR1 and SR2 are more grounded than 3 and 4, which is objectively true. It fucking matters that they aren't a part of the main plot - or do you think every video game with an unlockable Big Head Mode or an easter egg reference to another series, like some Master Chief armor hidden somewhere, is wacky and zany?
Aren't they in hell or something? I didn't really play Gat out of hell because it looked stupid.
>it was played more like horror
It absolutely was not.
Unbelievable backpedaling from you guys, you really need to go play SR2 again.
Make it entirely about satisfying gunplay/combat. Scrap most of the wacky side-activities bullshit, it was never all that fun, more often then not just tedious. Make it more sandbox capture the city type stuff that aren't tied in with linear missions. A lot of customization, not just for the player character but gangs and houses and all that stuff. Reboot the entire story and make new characters, the old ones are tainted.
There just aren't that many open world GTA clones with really good smooth fast satisfying combat. At least not that I've played.
Basically, mix Mount & Blade with a GTA clone urban gang warfare game, add some great combat, add a couple of fun memorable characters. I'm down.
If its not similar to s1 or s2 then they should just make a battle royale game at this point.
As a battle royale and with all the silliness from 3 and 4, this seems like it would challenge fortnite.
>Saints Row 3/4 niggers have no concept of tone
Neither do you, apparently. You think side missions don't help set the tone somehow, and even managed to take the main plot seriously.
>they simply escalated the nonsense of the first 2.
You just agreed with me but you act like you're disagreeing with me - SR3 and 4 niggers are fucking retarded lmao
It had better jt have any of that professor genki cringe shit in it
Does it have to be about gangs? Because the Just Cause games are fucking spectacular.
Just salty niggers complaining about not having their Gansta Shit Simulator 69, fuck 'em
>Make it entirely about satisfying gunplay/combat.
Yeah, Volition don't do that. Even The Punisher and Red Faction Guerrilla felt like a collection of pea shooters.
go watch capeshit if you want capeshit faggot.
Read the rest of the comment, that's your challenge for the day.
Spectacularly boring and empty, yeah. JC2 was a really good game, I guess.
It wasn't straight up horror, but the creepy tone they were going for is there. This is a Sons of Samedi cutscene from 2:
And this is a cutscene from 3's DLC:
>shit CoD clone with a great premise
>one of the worst Ubishit knockoffs to ever hit shelves
They lost me with the absolute dogshit that is 3
I just don't care about the series anymore
Fuck yes, finally. Hopefully they didn't lose their touch too much
SR3 is the best
>>shit CoD clone with a great premise
Freedom Fighters did it first and better
>>one of the worst Ubishit knockoffs to ever hit shelves
Ubiclone game > dog shit > linear COD clone with jank multiplayer
Well urban gang warfare is kinda the only thing that would keep it as a Saint's Row game IMO.
Otherwise it would just feel like an entirely different series. Might as well call it something else at that point.
JC3 was better than JC2, only because the wingsuit made traversal more fun than all the rest of the gameplay put together. It got away with being empty because it was basically a series of towns connected by Pilotwings 64.
>Gansta shit never ever again
Oof, son, must be terrible being you
What's so wrong with gat out of hell?
>Freedom Fighters
>CoD clone
That SR2 scene is clearly played for laughs.
I don't know what you think is creepy about the Boss slurring his words and talking shit about them when they're trying to act intimidating.
the whole point is that you wake up after food poisoning and it retcons everything post-2
... retard
Homefront 1 is the COD clone
>modern games
>dropping politics
The difference is in character. The SR2 scene is more grounded, and with a realistic scenario - Boss gets kidnapped by rival gang, has face-to-face with their leader, has to fight his way out while incapacitated. Worst thing about it is the fact that you don't get shot at least once in close quarters.
Meanwhile in SR3 you've got cloned Hulk Gat screaming like a mongoloid and talking about stripper poles and shit in the same breath that he talks about how the Saints failed him. There just HAS to be """funny""" shit in the scene even when it's uncalled for.
Well, since they're probably going for le wacky bullshit again, at least bring back my niggers Oleg and Zimos, Angel too.
Welp, it's actually been a while and i expect more gang violence atleast, instead of aliens or underground crime organizations
You go play them. Boss in SR2 is way more evil than anybody he's up against.
Glad i'm not alone in preferring 3 over 4. Adding superpowers in an urban city environment where your main means of transport are vehicles just brought it down so much for me, since i always love just driving around and getting to know a city. That and steelport was such a boring city and i hate they reused it in 4.
Gat out of Hell is exactly like 4, only it has a shittier map. Like 4 it has elements that are fun, but there is no reason to play it when you can just play 4 and have a better time.
and it doesn't have much missions to do, as your only mission is to recruit and cause chaos in hell by doing activities
Jesus fucking Christ.
Shame they didn't keep the layered clothes. I want my thong/low cut pants combo on my slut
Make a good game for a start. And maybe work on their writing.
SR4 is just SR3 but fun. SR3 is what I'd expect a child in a TV show to be playing while his mom tells him to stop and do his homework. Absolute hogshit
Bring back the grounded reality, characters with the same tongue and cheek humour as 2.
Dont overindulge with the wacky antics of 3 and 4.
It exists
>killing the only likable character on the entire series.
if you are talking about Gat, the fact that they never show his body should've made obvious the fact that he isn't actually dead and they always had plans to bring him back. Granted, SR4 is a fucking piece of shit, but they did bring him back
>Boss gets kidnapped by rival gang, has face-to-face with their leader, has to fight his way out while incapacitated.
Same thing happens at the beginning of SR3 when this dumb cunt gets you on his plane.
Probably a much better scene to compare to, rather than cherrypicking from a Joke DLC that never makes an attempt to be serious or anything other than a piss take.
What would be the Ranking for the series tho?
In my honest opinion
5. Gat out of Hell
4. Saints Row 3
3. Saints Row 4
2. Saints Row
1. Saints Row 2
I simply miss the brutality of the series, where thugs were harmed or killed in creative ways
Uncensored horse penis in the character creator
1 has the best story and characters, but by far the worst gameplay.
SR3 has the second "basic gameplay", but shitty story, world and missions.
SR2 is basically a nice balance between 2-3. Decent story, decent gameplay, good map.
SR4 has more enjoyable gameplay than 3, but is worse in every other way.
Gat I didn't bother finishing.
SR2>SR3>fuck off with the rest
>While SR2 was an improved San Andreas
Lmao fucking saints row fags always good for a laugh
>While SR2 was an improved San Andreas
Holy shit this is the dumbest thing I've read on Yea Forums in a long fucking time. Thanks for the laugh, retard.
Am I the only person who wants superpowers back? To be fair I came to SR because of the superpowers, but I don’t know why anybody couldn’t integrate vehicles into it somehow. Couldn’t super sprinting go even faster in a car and make it more durable so one could run over civilians en masse? Or give one the option to turn it into a transforming mecha with even more customization options to attract SR2 guys? Or add a optional mode to remove superpowers and edit dialogue and opponents accordingly? There everyone could be happy.
I’ll buy it if Johnny Gat returns and I get to bang him
Fuck that is a better comparison, you're right. Still, in that scene in particular the Boss pretty much murders their way through the plane, leaps out of it, skydives and catches Shaundi, drops her, jumps back into the plane through the cockpit while it's trying to ram you in midair, and then pretty much blows all the cargo out of the sky before skydiving back down to catch Shaundi AGAIN.
Pretty big difference in scope and tone. One is trying to make you feel like a gang lord dealing with your rivals, and the other is trying to make you feel like an action hero.
>If it’s another super wacky superhero game, I’ll pass
If it's not, I'll pass. Fuck the old GTA but worse.
Saints Row IV is the greatest Saints Row
go play a GTA then, nigger
Gat Out of Hell don't have any story, it's just bunch of shitty minigames on an unfinished map
Who gives an actual fuck? Who wants to play another outdated-feeling GTA with 'LOL RANDOM' humor again?
That shit flew in 2011, but 2019? Fuck off.
I want them to make the new Saints Row game an improved version of 2. 3 and 4 sucked ass and took the series in the wrong direction.
By the way it's phrased I thought it referred to both points
Some of saints row 3's car models look like they've been made in Google Sketchup. Some of the worst shaders/textures I've ever seen in a AA game before.
Shut the fuck up retard. It was honestly one of the worst games i’ve ever played. Fuck off you retard.
>complaining about zoomers
SR3 is unironically better than any and every Fate game
Fuck I remember when Mafia 3 was being marketed. Everyone and their mother was going on about how they had NOSTALGIA for the previous games, like it was the cool new thing to pretend to be nostalgic about. Was literally anyone even asking for a sequel until it was advertised?
They should make the superpowers into it's own game, people would eat that shit up.
Anyone has that one character preset for SR3&4?
You know the one
>all the zoomers in this thread saying SR4 is the best
I bet you all enjoy MCU as well you total faggots.
ITT: zoomers talking like SR3 wasn't hot garbage
SR3 was great and so is IV
No, it was going to be an expansion for 3, but it was turned into a full game.
SR3 was comically unrealistic, to an extreme degree by the end of the game
Must be a trannyera poster
4 was a lot of fun, and better than 3, but god damn Steelport has got to be the most soulless open world city map.
SR2 >power gap > SR4 > SRTT
Haven't played the first one
t. 1999
Implying they weren't triggered by SR
In only played SR3 and 4, they were really good
People who swear by Saints Row 3 & 4 have shit taste.
SR2 was clearly the best in the series and still hasn't been topped. Series jumped the shark after that.
I loved them all (except GOoH)
What politics? Volition have the Shinji Mikami mindset where the men and women are equally sexualized and capable.
*gained a personality
Borderlands has a personality.
Doesn't mean its a good one.
>rather than cherrypicking from a Joke DLC that never makes an attempt to be serious
Actually, that DLC was going to be cannon, and play a major role in the early stages of 4's plot, before they decided to go with the whole aliens thing.
Genki was the best side activity 3 introduced. Easily top 5 in the franchise.
Borderlands is a good example why humor and writing in Saints Row is great. It's infinitely better than Anthony The Cuckold Burch bullshit.
They must be younger zoomers, I was born in 97 and Saints Row 2 is my definite favorite. 1 was alright, the series really came into its own with SR2, but SR3 was just fucking stupid. Too much le epic wacky stuff and BURT FUCKIN REYNOLDS :OOO
SR4 at least took the sillyness up to 100 with the super powers and shit, better than 3 at least.
Knowing Yea Forums, they're probably pissed off at the lesbian character in AoM
Zoomers would never understand SR4 references, hence they think game is stupid. Zoomers love SR2 because it has comfy gta nigger shootouts and because they were 5 y. o. when it released.
I used Gentleman of the Row, and I had semi frequent crashing and every explosion sounded like a disoriented fart.
What's with the obsession over Zoomers? Is this 2019's cuck now?
it's "zoomers" thinking they're "boomers"
anyone using this "meme" is automatically a "zoomer"
We liked SR2 because it was a perfect successor to san andreas, while Rockstar turned GTA into a clunky cinematic fest. SR4 is not bad, it's just not saint's row.
>they removed content because it was too hard to do.
I would imagine most of that is switching engines.
SR was always a GTA like before 4 came. Fucking noob, you're almost as bad as the silent hill fans who started the series with homecoming.
thank god i'm not anthony burch
>tfw hanging out with my Anthony Burch homie in SR4
What he means it'is that even without real super powers, at the end of game you obtain stuff so comically op, it's like you have them.
>They came from 3
That doesn't really suggest they're talking about upgrades
Anyway, expect for bullet immunity and the buffed hijacking, I don't see how they don't see how they can be interpreted as super powers, especially compared to 2
>Praise Genki
It's going to be yet another shitty crazy lolsorandum game, isn't it?
I just want something with a more grounded brutal plot with outlandish side activities like SR2. And good customization.
I feel SR3 missed the mark so fucking hard for me. Worse plot, shitty big bag tier humor, less activities and less customization options.
Yeah but the towns in 3 all felt the same with no variation. At least JC2 had some map and objective variety. I haven't played 4 but it seems all they added were tornados.
I hope it takes place after the retcon ending in Gat Out Of Hell
Also cute cat
sounds interesting, hopefully it's true
How about a crazy and brutal plot? I don't want another AA GTA.
Remake the first two games for PC and other modern consoles. Saints Row 2 on the PC is a sin.
>grounded reality
Were you born like this?
I don't mind a reboot. I kinda want a retelling of the whole series anyways
All I saw about Mafia 3 were people complaining about the metric fuckton of bugs it had and about the main character being a nigga.
How is it not better than San Andreas?
Saints row 2+1
4 was a top tier comedy game. Made fun of story and gameplay tropes of that time, loved it.
lotsa customization and coop
I will never forgive them for not letting me romance Keith David.
2 compared to games like gtaIV was very over the top sure. But compared to 3, 2 is very grounded, you don't do a fucking jumping roundhouse kick through the windshield of a car to high jack it in 2. Things are very whacky and wonky but 3 goes full looneytunes
>Tried to play SR2 on PC with the Gentlemen of the Row
>Crashed when I tried to start a new game
Well then.
LMAO if they aren't going back the SR1 and 2 route then there's no point playing it.
Stop trying to make the Saints into heroes. You played a fucking maniac in 2 and it was great. Also ditch the shitty skill tree, or at least let me turn off shit like dual wielding.
Retarded weapons like fart jars and bee guns are good though, playing it too straight wouldn't be any fun either. Also, I want SR2 geezer npcs with oxygen tanks back too.
> SR4 is not bad, it's just not GTA.
it's another capeshit game
the Saints are now the x-men
>Praise GENKI
Ah shit, here we go again
Can we talk about how shit the music in 3 onward was?
>1 had incredible selection of rap songs with decent supply of other genres
>2 had probably the best or second best and most eclectic music selection for a game of its type rivaling San andreas
>3 had Electronica and reggae every fucking where and an ADULT SWIM channel that literally played Tim and Eric's "Sports"
Saints Row 2 was good back then but whatever they bring out now is just a shitty GTA V.
Does anyone actually listen to anything other than The Mix?
>not driving on the sidewalk as the flower petal duet plays
No ambition
I want a game set in the 70s with an exploitation grindhouse aesthetic showing the formation of all the gangs vying for control.
Tell me about the Agents of Mayhem.
Why are they shit?
Every station has great songs except for the R&B station
because everything after 2 was so good right?
I'll bite, what made 2 amazing? I just got 3rd game for the Switch and I'm enjoying myself. I haven't done any of the story missions and I'm just enjoying fucking around.
Nobody cares about your shit rap music. 3 and 4 has soundtracks just as good as 2 and great score too
He's talking about the licensed music not the OST
It's a pure San Andreas clone in tone and gameplay which is why they love it so much.
K12 is great (and Klassic)
>Saints Row 3
Also, it goes 2 > 4 > 1 > 3 >>>> GooH as far as the games go
Talk shit about 3 as much as you like but this moment was great
The series hasn't been worth a damn since 2. Fuck that, just do a Punisher game remaster/remake
Wouldn't sell
saints row sells A LOT, especially the whacky ones.
>what made 2 amazing
Stilwater (especially how diverse the map is), the radios, character customization, crib customization, mission variety, easter eggs/secrets and fun side activities.
That's just off the top of my head. I loved how the whole map felt like a big massive summer vacation. Was comfy as fuck.
they pulled that a couple times in 3 where the song played was absolutely perfect. 4 tried it in the intro, but it just didnt work
This is bullshit and I'll tell you why. Saints Row 2 was more Kill Bill crossed with San Andreas if anything. It had an excellent balance of absurdity and grounded reality. You play the straight-man in a world full of crazy shit, the Ronin carried swords in broad daylight for fucks sake.
One minute you're spraying the town in shit from a septic truck, the next minute you're dunking on Maero by having him crush his own girlfriend in a monster truck show.
>sex mod when?
In context
>just finish gtaIV, what a fucking snooze fest, what happened to this series, everything is so depressing and slow
>missions where I drive somewhere to kill 3 guys and drive back
>all of the characters are unlikeable assholes with no charisma
>cell phone ringing every 5 minutes
This is where you pick up saints row 2
>First mission is a jailbreak where you kill an army of cops and customize the shit out of your character
>gangs tied to color invoking a San Andreas feel instead of saints 3s SatAM villains shit
>car handling isn't realistic but I also don't trash the suspension of my car by running over 4 people
>guns have a POP when fired that feels and sounds good
>fatass jumps begging you to gun it and fly off of them
>music on the radio almost magically perfectly fits any mood
>whacky missions and blowing shit up contrasted with a more grounded story that feels like it has stakes
>multiple layers of clothing which for an open world gta clone was pretty groundbreaking.
>by the end you really feel you own the city of stillwater, in contrast to gtaIV where by the end you're rich but you don't have any presence in liberty city, and saints 3 where the world is so cheap it doesn't matter if you've conquered it
4 did great, B.O.B. mixed brilliantly with flying around and punching people
All the characters will be women, and only women, even npcs. Instead of wanted stars, you get stronk butterflies
yeah 4 was fun with the superpowers and all but the game was just "hey, remember SAINTS ROW?"
>Extra Mechanics
3/4 removed
>Layered clothing
>Most of the car Hydraulics stuff
>Steelport is shit compared to Stilwater
>walk-styles, facial expressions, etc.
>Flavour minigames.
I just want a version of Saints Row 2 on PC that doesn't require a fan fucking overhaul to work.
A sad truth.
You and I both know whatever "new" Saints Row game that comes out will be a poorly assembled mess that only gets a pass because Muh Wackiness. 3 felt rushed as shit, and seemed to be the standard they felt comfortable with moving forward because dumb fucks would still buy it. Side missions are now trash, and the addition of super powers ultimately removes much of the core gameplay. Why drive when you can run? Why shoot when you can throw a car?
I don't remember if I played 1 or 2 but I remember being so impressed with the layered clothing and the different voice actors available for the main character.
>introduce cool villain
>"lol j/k"
poor frenchie
The Boss could be properly villainous in a lot of cutscenes too, especially with the British voice.
I couldn't bring myself to finish that shit. How does it end?
Depends on your definition of crazy. Some pretty crazy things happened in SR2 but it was grounded and the story and characters were interesting (RIP Carlos) while the side activities were pretty fucking nuts.
>Why drive when you can run? Why shoot when you can throw a car?
I like choice
What made Saints Row 2 work was have the right balance between gritty street gang and absurd comic book supervillain. The rival gangs were fun, the tools you had were enough to make gameplay different than GTA, and it wasn't full on cartoon by that point. Actually I take it back, this series was like going from 80s action cartoon to Tom and Jerry
>Why drive when you can run?
I agree, that was an issue
>Why shoot when you can throw a car?
dakka iz fasta
Perfect blend of comedy and grit.
MC was a fucking cruel and proper evil bastard. Made absolutely no justifiable moral arguments for the shit he did beyond protecting his own and getting rich.
You played the second. The player character has something like two lines of dialogue in SR1 and you don't get to choose their voice.
It had several endings. The only one I remember was the daughter of Satan joining the Saints and finding a new planet to colonize
It has multiple endings, but the retcon one is the one that stood out the most to me. It's the only one I remember at least.
But the point is that one choice completely negates the other. There is absolutely ZERO reason to customize/drive a car when you can just fly across the map. Furthermore, being set in a simulation kind of takes something away from what you're doing
AND it's in steelport (see: worst saints row map), AGAIN
Fun fact, Hulk Hogan was supposed to play Killbane, but when they approached him, he didn't want to play a villain, so he made up Angel on the spot, so he could play Angel instead.
>volition/deep silver winning me over
that bridge is burned. If they had it in them, agents of mayhem would have been good.
they have proven time and time again that they suck at making games
2 > 4 > 1 >>>>>>>> 3 > GooH
shame that Killbane was the better character
also, fuck Kinzie
So you would prefer then to remove driving in 4 just because you have OCD over it?
yeah, id fuck her too bro
>You play the straight-man in a world full of crazy shit
That's not true. What SR2 had was a completely amoral world and that included the player character. You know what game was where the player character was the straight man in a crazy world? SR3. In SR3 you'd meet wacky people who'd make you do wacky things and the player character would say "Oh my god, this is soooo wacky!" inbetween giving moral guidance and pep talks to random chumps. In SR2 the player character took all this shit in stride because they did it too and told anyone looking for a hug to fuck off.
Was there a writers strike at some point? Because the French guy just dies and Killbane takes over to become a lame main antagonist. Furthermore, it never really felt like you were fighting a global crime syndicate
No? I just want balanced gameplay. Having variety and options are great, but you have to make it so the player wants to engage in everything. Driving around in Saints Row 4 is more of a novelty
Make a good game for once
Remember all those crazy insane missions in SR2 that had you doing all kinds of wacky shit like chase a limo through a shopping mall or steal radioactive waste from the powerplant? In 3 the story missions are just the side activity minigames but with Dialogue added. You get maybe 3 or 4 set-piece missions that are anywhere near as crazy as anything in 2
It's not a Blizzard game. They want you to feel powerful hence your abilities are overpower to the max.
>also, fuck Kinzie
Fucking thank you. Kinzie was blatant waifufaggotry shit. Fuck that character.
That's a better explanation that mine. I only said "You play the straight-man in a world full of crazy shit" because you would do shit like chainsaw people in "The Fuzz" or do shit like enter the Ultor Pyramid and the Boss would just roll with it like that shit's normal.
These are my guys
>what kind of music do you like
>hardcore gangster rap
all the new sidekicks were pretty fucking lame in 3 but kinzie was dogshit and they way they shoehorn her into being the bosses main sidekick is fucking trash
>Saints Row 4
>That mission where you need to defeat an Evil Clone of yourself with the Indian MI6 chick
>Your player character is reverted to the default for the mission
>Your "Evil Clone" is just another default player model
Literally what the fuck was the point? All these years later, I still have no fucking clue why they did that
A lot of people hated 3 and 4 because these ran like utter shit on 360 and PS3. Those who enjoyed it are usually PC gamers.
That doesn't make any sense because SR1 & 2 also ran like shit on console and nobody hates them. Although not many people played SR1.
I defy Saints Row 3/4th fans to point out any scenes in those games that were hype or tense as these
GTAV quietly cancelled their single player expansions, and RDR2 likewise is going all in on their yeehaw cards or whatever the fuck the premium currency in RDR2 is.
There's really no other "sandbox crime sims" lately. Sleeping Dogs is dead in the water after the disastrous MMO. Watch Dogs is arguably the only other alive one, but fuck, you've played one Ubisoft sandbox, you know what it's like.
I think it would be a good time for Saints Row to get back to basics. There's room for wackiness, certainly a side activity like Professor Genki's Super Ethical etc., a minigame where you actually fucking shoot things, is going to more exciting than GTAV's playing the stock market or towing cars, but you wouldn't make a cake entirely out of icing. You've got to have some balance in there, the actual cake part, maybe some bitter elements like a really dark chocolate or something sharp and tarty like rhubarb.
>lots of action, get straight to the fucking point with gunplay and car chases
>lots of fun, actually enjoyable side activities that meaningfully engage the player's skills instead of just random inanity like yoga
>stuff that steadily escalates instead of just making gigantic setpiece after explosive setpiece
I remember high school me thinking it was so funny to do a fat bong rip, walk around the city high with the pimp shotgun, and just killing all the black people. What a strange way to end a game though.
You must've fucked up the installation, it worked fine on my PC when I had it installed
something something MGS
something something tropes
Dumping EA and going indie would help tremendously.
Gotta go fast
The fucking outrage this caused not once but TWICE will never not be hilarious.
Volition has nothing to do with EA. They are owned by Deep Silver who bought them during the THQ bankruptcy.
Boss's disregard for human life in 2 was fascinating.
i cant wait to play gta but with worse controls
I might give srow 4 a pirate if they actually managed to clip their puppet strings from EA's grasp.
What crack are you on? They were never in EAs grasp, saints row has always been a volition game published by thq
EA has never been involved with Saints Row.
Yeah I'm retarded. I don't know why I thought EA published Saints Row. THQ did.
So a mix of 'gritty' and 'wacky'.
I came in with the expectation that series was more wacky to set it apart from GTA to the point I see stuff like this and consider it a feature.
I liked 3's electronic stuff though
>putting on that Deckers outfit and jamming out to this
You sort of do - his voice changes based on the race you pick. He has 4 lines in total, one at the end of each gang, and one at the end of the game;
>"Bullshit, that's last year's fall collection"(calling out Luz on her outdated fashion)
>"Hope you don't mind hepatitis" (after Gat says he's going to skullfuck Tanya)
>"I got ran over by a mothafuckin' truck, what you think?" (after Julius asks if he's alright)
>"Yo, could you speed this shit up? I wanna go to Freckle Bitch's..." (after Alderman Hughes threatens him)
Is there no going back to SR2?
They should've made this into it's own IP. Would have given them more freedom instead of tying it down with SR and SR could have continued in the line of SR2.
It was wackier than GTA4. About on par with San Andreas.
It really wasn't
I wanna be a cop this time
I can only imagine it's frustrating as fuck working at Volition and reading posts like these after how AoM turned out.
I wanna be a cop is not the same as I want to play as a bunch of off brand cereal mascots fighting the bad guys from battleborne
Here's the thing: I would've bought Agents if it had character customization and co-op. For some reason though, it didn't.
They had a working formula and just tossed in the garbage.
The missions are shit.
Also the tone was sillier than the previous game, but that could have been excused if it was actually a good game. It wasn't. There was fuck all to do, besides pointless repetitive side activities.