How much money do you think you have saved in total because of videogame piracy?

How much money do you think you have saved in total because of videogame piracy?

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at least $3.6k

Not great not terrible

Does that include film and music or just vidya?

I think the new denuvo game was cracked.
I saw some isos.

Sweetie what are you talking about did you post in the wrong thread?

The fact that EVERYONE who was in any way connected to the power plant was fucking delusional/retarded really took me out of this show. In reality it was just incompetence and unpreparedness

If you take into account that it leads you into playing other games and spending a lot more time on Yea Forums. I would say it's about equivalent and therefore zero. If you just want an absolute value then it's easily a lot, but obviously due to playing one game, it'll lead to another and time is valuable too.


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over two decades I don't know, literally thousands of dollars at least

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No, I saw an iso of the game. Denuvo was cracked.


... you know it really happened right

what game

bout tree fiddy

How was he to know about the graphite tips?
He was a good boy and thought if all else failed he could just press a button and go home with a 4th failed test.

That's impossible. Denuvo cannot be cracked. You're delusional.

If anything, it wasted my time.
Ever since I stopped pirating I just don’t buy nor play shitty games, never get games at release and just wish list the games I like and get them at a discount at some point.

about two fiddy

Well then, please feel free to explain to me how a RBMK reactor explodes.

Dyatlov did nothing wrong.

I pirated the entirety of Crusader Kings 2 dlc

50 bucks. I thought Borderlands looked awesome, but I was a bit skeptical, so I downloaded it, thought single player was no fun at all so I then tried it with my friends, who then decided it was not worth playing.
Other things I pirated was shit I would never ever spend money on anyway. Looking at you, Game Dev Tycoon.

Watch it, Toptunov

you didn't see some isos

He did everything wrong.

around one fiddy

Piracy has made me spend more money than I've saved.

You are delusional, take this user to the infirmary he needs rest

Well I’m not prepared to explain it

>In reality it was just incompetence and unpreparedness
Yes. Welcome to socialism.