Am I the only one who is disappointed by the Switch? Zelda, while huge...

Am I the only one who is disappointed by the Switch? Zelda, while huge, felt like a draft mainly because of the story which seemed like basic unsavory fan fiction. Not to mention that it just had too much repetition for my taste. I didn't feel like picking it up again.

Odyssey had random, uninspired and incoherent designs, I wasn't drawn into it and didn't feel like picking it up again.

Now I'm in the 6th chapter of Xenoblade 2 and it's a clusterfuck with an uninteresting story as well.

Next to that, we get steam indie games and old inferior ports that nobody would want if we had real proper games.

Am I missing something? It almost feels like people are faking their excitement for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Am I missing something?
>Odyssey had random, uninspired and incoherent designs
Yeah, some taste.

New Dong City doesn't fit the aesthetic of a Mario game at all. Are they implying that Mario, his brother and the princess are mutant humans or another species or something?

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zelda was pretty bad for sure. too mindless. and all of the story was fucking collectible pre rendered cutscenes. why more people arent talking about that i do not knowl

It's vary strange varied lands which supposedly are linked at the same time. Each land is over the top different where as when you look at Mario 64 they are different but still resemble each other.

This thread made me stop thinking about buying Switch and go for a PS5 next year.
BOTW caught my attention and it looks like a great game, also never played any Zelda title and wanted to start with BOTW since I like that it's main focus is on exploration since I'm a fan of metroidvanias. Super Mario Odyssey doesn't look very great, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are better and I'm gonna play them on a emulator next two weeks.

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>Am I missing something?
Yeah a brain for thinking the story of Zelda has ever been good and that the story is the main problem and not the shitty combat with garbage rewards.

>doesn't fit the aesthetic of a Mario game at all
That's the point
Every world is supposed to feel outlandish, the only problem was that they put the most effort into New Dong City and didn't do anything special design wise for the other worlds

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>and go for a PS5 next year
Why? The PS5 is probably gonna have even more droughts than the PS4 and Switch if you don't care about sports shit and battle royale

nigga if you fucking hate it so much, get rid of it. sell your shit and get your money back. nobody gives a fuck if its not "to your taste", we have threads like this every single day.

There are oddly realistic people, dinosaurs, and a dragon next to a cartoon plumber, which can look jarring to say the least.

>They made it look bad on purpose so it's ok

Or how about we talk about whatever we want to and you deal with it? The idea that people should run around smiling with 100% positivity the entire time and immediately ignore everything they dislike is so weird and creepy. People want to share their experiences, both good and bad. People want to make others understand their point of view, both with regard to their likes and dislikes. People want to communicate, make suggestions, nitpick, be hyped, share their feelings of disappointment. In short: humans are emotional and social creatures and so it is no fucking surprise that we socially share our emotions, especially on the internet because there is no backlash for doing so.

but here comes mr. retarded fanboy with the most brilliant argument of all time: "don't like it, ignore it!" the biggest irony is that he says that in a thread he doesn't like. so you engage something that upsets you in order to tell us that we are retarded for engaging something that upsets us?

They made it look jarring on purpose and if you don't like it that's okay but you can't say that it looks objectively bad

PS5 will have awesome exclusives (I hope) like PS4, and I heard PS5 will have backwards compatibilty for PS4 games, which has great exclusives like Bloodborne and Persona 5. Death Stranding comes next and I see it's more about exploring and having a great combat, if you've seen the latest trailer you'll see that it's got a dynamic feeling to it and the animations are very good.

I don't care about sports and battle royale. I don't think it's good to play multiplayer games with a controller, I have plans for single player games.

this fake excitement isn't also exclusive to the Switch.
this blatant rolling with the masses problem is a multiplat thing.
the real truth is that vidya is shit now and only indie games are the last bastion, however you want to take it.
there are now a lot of indie games that turn out good but even then it's in a giant pile of shit.
good video games are like looking for the needle in a haystack.

>but you can't say that it looks objectively bad
You can't say that about anything. But opinions aren't equal either. Something looking jarring makes the player uncomfortable and that's bad.

I'll boycot the PS5 because I have a grudge against Sony for skipping E3 this year. They could've at least shown the Death Stranding trailer at E3 if they had absolutely nothing else to show.

This is the second time you've posted this shit thread. If you don't like it, just sell your Switch. Now fuck off

Oh yea they skipped E3. Do you know why did they skipped?

The PS4 doesn't even have that many great exclusives most of them are like XBC2 tier in that you just get them because you already have the console and the games are okay but not great.
And Death Stranding doesn't look that good to me, the world looks pretty boring

And if you don't care about sports shit then you might get bored with your ps5 considering Sony has said they want to make even fewer big games

>this fake excitement isn't also exclusive to the Switch.
This is especially bad during the honeymoon period when the system is new. It has virtually no games but everybody who bought can't stop talking about how much they adore it to death.

You need to seriously have sex.this post reeks of autistic incel

Do you have a PS4 or Switch?

Either because they think that E3 is becoming more and more irrelevant so they'll do their own "directs" in the future like shitty Nintendo does, or because they didn't have much to show and therefore thought that it's not worth having a conference at E3 (they still could've done a little conference and revealed Death Stranding gameplay and PS5 specs there), or because they want to keep many secret projects for the PS5 secret (but still could've done a little conference and revealed Death Stranding gameplay and PS5 specs there). In any event, fuck them. They once again became too arrogant for winning the gen and I won't forgive them this time.

Were you one of the retards that got a Wii U and now are going to complain about ports?

Nobody bought a Wii U... these are all basically switch games.


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>Something looking jarring makes the player uncomfortable and that's bad.
You can't say that like it's a fact, I found New Dong City to be fine and it didn't bother me in the slightest and that's probably how most people felt about it.

>New Dong City doesn't fit the aesthetic of a Mario game at all.
>He's never played Donkey Kong '94

I've got a Switch which is collecting dust until Fire Emblem, or Pokémon if FE is shit, and borrowed a friend's PS4 that he only uses for Netflix to play persona and gow

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what is there to discuss? if someone doesn't like something, what good is there in trying to convince them otherwise? yeah you're right i should just call him a fag with shit taste because he doesn't like zelda, cause that's a healthy conversation.

how is suggesting to refund a product "just ignoring the problem"? how the fuck am i a fanboy for telling him to get rid of his switch? should i go on some autistic tirade about how amazing odyssey is and recommend some more titles he probably won't like? you're an idiot, an absolute fucking moron.

I see that after I schooled you, you had no rebuttal, so instead of admitting it, you run off to throwing around childish insults. Sure, you could pull a mea culpa and just admit that you were being irrational. You could internalize the criticism that you deserve and attempt to better yourself. Any one of those would be a reasonable reaction. But you aren't reasonable. Sad.

sex is overrated user and most of these posters are indeed thirsty as fuck, especially you, though. being a defender of a medicore thing and screaming like a mad child almost sounds like you get neglected by your "gf", fucking tyrone behind your back.
you can already stimulate your dick with whatever you want and the plus side? no stupid bitching and no being-used.

>he fell for the Soitch meme

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yeah, it fucking sucks.
golden days will never return.

fucking kek.

You yourself said that it looked jarring. Furthermore, people's judgements about their own tastes are often misguided and wrong as well. The best things in life are acquired tastes. People are neither so different that everybody is like a member of an alien species whose frame of reference is completely different from everybody else, nor were they born perfectly and therefore cannot improve themselves. None of this means that I am right and you are wrong, but it does mean that this silly "herp derp when something isn't an objective fact, absolutely every opinion about it is legit" nonsense is retarded and everybody should stop saying it.

How do I know you aren't faking your shit taste and depression.
Also cool blog post, faggot. Where do I unsubscribe?

But of course.

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>the only way I can discuss something with people is to berate them like a petulant child
then you should improve your social skills

>I'm not enjoying this so everyone must be faking it
Are you this faggot?

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he must be because he's right.

what are you trying to say?

Too many posts, and only a few posters.

>Am I missing something?

Another tween baffled by the Switch's success. Oh Lordy.

God I wish this was true.

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I meant jarring as in shockingly clashing since New Dong does clash with the designs of all the other worlds, which isn't necessarily bad.
And what the fuck are you even saying with the rest of your post? Yes people are different and that is why I pointed out that you've been stating that it looks bad as if that's a fact and not your personal opinion.

Generally speaking, the Switch is more popular amongst adults, whereas bedroom-dwelling teeny-boppers can't understand the appeal of anything beyond their funky cum-stenched yellow bedsheets.

He says, completely devoid of self awareness, while posting on Yea Forums.

That's a funny way to spell "manchild".

>PS5 will have awesome exclusives
>like PS4

Generally speaking, the Switch is more popular amongst a̶d̶u̶l̶t̶s̶ ̶ people who grew up with Nintendo. Addiction is a terrible thing, especially when the person took the drug since childhood.

Let’s see the PS4 version

I wonder who's behind these posts

Not everyone lives in their mother's basement like you. user

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>Constant bait threads like these are always allowed
>"b-but Yea Forums is nintendogaf!!!"

Odyssey does leave a bad taste in my mouth. Not from the ending, just... overall feeling and how some things are just there for shock value.

As surprising it is, I honestly just far prefer what Mario + Rabbids did more for the Mario franchise more than what Odyssey did consistency wise. Just feels like Miyamoto had more of an eye into it than Odyssey, which feels like a more developed project from the more new team members in order to enhance their ability to come up with a project without the superiors' help. I'm still wondering where they'll go from here. Not to mention how weirdly put the wedding theme was made in this game, almost as if they wanted to do something, but something else came and they changed things mid-development. Actually, Mario and Peach getting married WAS a scrapped idea, what made them change that, asides from keeping status quo?

Xenoblade 2 is plain boring if you're not inherently interested or used to that kind of storytelling + characters.

BOTW will not be everyones' cup of tea if you get bored of repetition too much and if you get anxiety/boredom over the empty looking open levels most open worlds always wind up getting.

>bing bing wahoo in public
No wonder there isn't a single female in the picture.

XB2 just felt to me like it was a combination of the game being rushed, not enough budget and developed by a B-team.
I'm happy that they made a lot of money off it, hopefully that means whatever they are making next will have higher quality again.

It's looking like a Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon machine, and only one of those are out

And maybe Mario maker 2 if that's your thing, otherwise that's all it has going for it

Yes they're star children you lorelet

Aren't a lot of the indie games pretty much selling the best on Switch?

That's a big FUPA

Then use your phone or don't play vidya in public like any normal person.

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Someone needs to make this with nes and snes


>people who didn't buy a Wii U complain about Wii U ports

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This kills the switchfags

>Beer has been brewed and drunk for millennia
>Everyone's pretending!

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Just because you're fat and ugly doesn't mean normal attractive people can't enjoy handhelds in public.

Zelda and smash are worth it for the switch, not to mention the upcoming Metroid game, Animal crossing, and Luigi's Mansion. That said, it's an absolute TRAGEDY that the Switch didn't get released with a metroid game/ Animal crossing within the first year. Big yikes imo. But I think the switch is worth it to play a console in bed lol.

Didn’t care much for odyssey and botw was just ok, but I got so much time out of the other games that the switch was more than worth it.

>and it's bad
checkmate. of course everyone is pretending.
they're all drinking it because otherswise they won't be in the fun the other drinkers are in.
in actuality it tastes terrible and is bad for your health.
how does it feel to be retarded? I genuinely want to know.

>people always pictured with a Nintendo handheld in public
>because absolutely NOBODY bought Sony's shitty handhelds

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>like Bloodborne and Persona 5
You mean those games only 3 and 2 million people bought with a +90M userbase and are widely praised while talking about them like everyone boght them?
You could have said god of war or spiderman, but you just had to mention the meme games

Pleb child. Your tastebuds change as you age. Beer tastes amazing to adults (if you know what good beer is anyway).

The problem for you is you're not mature enough yet. Stick to alchopops.

>PS5 will have awesome exclusives (I hope)

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So everyone is just allowed one post per thread?

It's called discussion user

>PS4 games, which has great exclusives like Persona 5
>a PS3 game that Atlus took too long to localize

Beer tastes like cereal because it's fucking brewed from it. Kids love their breakfast cereal.

fucking nintendogaf cat

Drive-by shitposting with no real discussion is pretty much the reddit ideal for this board/website.
Just post your frog and wojak, move to the next thread and count your (You)s at the end of the day.

Writing original posts is cringe anyway.

Just play Labo

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Zelda BOTW has its flaws, mainly in the ease that is trivializing many things of the game (however, depending on the point of view, maybe this is an advantage, since the game is very long).
Now I do not understand the people who complain about the story. It's simple and good, in an interesting and consistent setting. The only explanation I can imagine is that there are people who really think that the stories of the games need to be told as in Hollywood movies, or Rockstar or Naughty Dog games.

>Odyssey had random, uninspired and incoherent designs
Odyssey has its problems, but its level design is not one of them.

After how bad the Wii U was people are absolutely desperate to pretend it's better and Nintendo are back on top
it's not.

imagine being this fucking so y