Yea Forums made a comic about us, lets read it

Yea Forums made a comic about us, lets read it.

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Yea Forums is shit
your comic is shit

so glad i didn't fall for the comics meme. cringy incels' hobby

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>turf war between Yea Forums and Yea Forums

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what the fuck is this garbage

I see your formula and it's repulsive

>Yea Forums made a comic about us
>I came here to post it because I want attention

Yea Forums trannies must die

it's fucking awful

I couldn't make it past 6 pages.
I wish I could call it reddit but Yea Forumsmblr really is fitting

What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums?

This is 10x worse than that doujin about Tails sitting on a bench.

Stop this

>Yea Forums humor

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janny delete this thread, do your job.

God I wish Yea Forums was dead.
It's pretty much the most disgusting board.

Unironically this
Jesus how cringe can Yea Forums be

post it

Hell no

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Imagine even fucking sonichu bein a better read.

i can barely make out anything.

Is it over? Is this it? Well, it's about what I expected from a comic you draw one panel at a time made from suggestions by anonymous contributers.

t. People who did not start posting until after 2010

If ANY of the people I replied to were actually here for old Yea Forums, then they need to start fucking acting like it.

When the fuck did this board unironically shit on OC, a labor of love, from another brotherboard?
Has /pol/LARPing really made you happy?
Grow the fuck up and learn how to draw and have some motherfucking sex.

Yeah, I came here in 2012, so what? Just because it's a labor of love doesn't mean it's good. They should have poured their love into creating a good concept and then have a few writters and artists putting it to good use while giving suggestions, not just taking everything and throwing it in making a mess of a story that keeps pulling in all directions while the drawings are so shit it's impossible to figure out what they represent without reading the narration.

Do you understand why I dislike your current attitude towards this comic, faggot?

Do you get where I am coming from?

Because your whole fucking post is the newfaggotinest post I have read so far this year, and I don't think you understand what you are doing wrong.

your comic a shit


If it was of this quality, I would love it.



The artist who drew the initial Yea Forums rage comic goes by Three-Angled Blue. If you search engine that name, you will get LOADS of great images from a time long passed.

And, you are both correct:
This comic is not the best.

But on this website, we do not discourage Original Content, no matter how terrible.

You know what happens when a website discourages mediocre original content in favor of "tried-and-true" gags repeated until they stop being funny?

That website becomes modern front-page Reddit, the most unoriginal and unfunny bunch of attention-seeking dorks who spam whatever the flavor of the week macro is without ever generating original and unique takes on those memes.

I know for a fact that both of you don't want this board (lo, this website) to fall further down the Reddithole. On this front, and for this cause, we are united.

Just type "cool beans, thanks for sharing" or some other throwaway line if you don't enjoy something, so that we can keep Yea Forums as good as it is.

I agree there is a dirth of OC, but this shit is just straight up bad.

At least it's OC

>it's all just sketches
>not even inked
you will never draw a comic Yea Forums

Yea Forums doesn't deserve any attention for allowing themselves to be overrun by tranny mods

>implying Yea Forums is good


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>Hurr i like eating shit because it's OC

You had me until you said "have sex"

They're kids. You gotta keep in mind just how many children and teens have overrun the internet, especially during summer. They've almost completely taken over daytime Yea Forums.

I honestly shouldn't have included it; ironic shitposting is still shitty

Pic related is from 2006, one year before the website Reddit was created. You might not like that spacing, but it's kosher here. Feel free to save my screencap to BTFO other shitters

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The comic is bad. Deal with it. It's nice to have OC, but it wasn't entertaining nor "so bad it's funny", just really cringy.

It’s shit

this site was so fucking gay 10 years ago holy shit

Lads, allow me to school you on proper Yea Forums etiquette.

Objective fact: this comic sucks. I agree with you, it isn't good.

>How should we respond to dogshit OC?

A reddit user, who has a dedicated username and therefore can be held accountable for what he posts, would leave a simple, negative message and move on to the next post, passively consuming and reactively commenting without action or thought. These people are what the NPC meme is describing.

An oldfag, seasoned in the ancient ways of Yea Forums discourse, would go over to Yea Forums and light them the fuck up with edits of the comic, then bounce without reading the replies knowing that he has done his sacred duty.

If you are going to bitch, bitch loudly enough for them to hear you!

Why are you shitting on redditors when you're writing like one?

All the lines are too thin so it all just blends together into an unreadable mess
Even ONE draws better than this

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I can't even tell how shit this shit is because it's completely illegible

I forgot Yea Forums is a fucking mess now and their OC shows it.

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The primary problem with Reddit users isn't their syntax mannerisms.
I shit on Reddit users because, by-and-large, they ruin the quality of discussion on all websites by only reacting to content without creating content. That issue persists no matter how you format your thoughts online.

They are passive robots, and we are not.

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It's not about syntax. Redditors press enter twice because reddit formats text differently, like markdown on GIT does for example.

>Yea Forums has no idea how to actually make comics
No surprise here to be honest.

>Redditors press enter twice because reddit formats text differently
Yes, that is how you format line breaks on reddit. Allow me to rephrase my statement:
>The syntax for putting in a line break on reddit is double-tapping your return key.

Another example:
>The syntax for greentexting on Yea Forums is placing a chevron before your sentence.

We both agree on this, yes?

No one in the boards have any idea how to make their own shit.
Except dead boards.

That's not a fair comparison. ONE is a great artist.

The question is why are you doing the same thing as reddit when your post isn't fucking huge.

Fuck off, retarded reddit tourust. Just because you threw together some shitty scribbles and called it "OC" does not magically entitle you to free attention and (you)s.
Make something actually good and with a meme potential if you want people to repost and edit it.

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Yea Forums hasn't even been strictly part of this site since like 2013.
As far as off-siter contamination goes, they're the absolute worst on par with /pol/ and Yea Forums.
Our brother, the mysterious Yea Forums detective married with /ck/, is no more.
He's been dead for a long time.

This cringefest is just trash, and nobody has to like it, no matter how hard you try to fit in with idiotic posts like this one, in which you somehow try to claim that """we""" have always liked any OC no matter how bad.
Fuck off.

Also, just thought I'd mention this too, you type like a fag.
Like, literally, I don't mean this as a passing insult. Reading your posts conjures up the image of a very effeminate gay man in my mind, with your constant appeal to community and your desperate apology of "creativity".
Go suck on an artist's cock if you like them so much.

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I have zero idea on why you would want to die on this fucking molehill and I don't think you actually have been to Yea Forums before 2016.

>Grow the fuck up and learn how to draw and have some motherfucking sex.
you first

He's not that great of an artist but he is great at making his shit readable and has honestly been getting much better

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All I want to know is what happened to Mickey Mouse

it had soul

big yawn
and a little cringe desu

holy shit dude

>he is great at making his shit readable
Which makes him a great artist on a technical level. There's tons of artist that can make prettier designs than him, but still fuck up paneling, perspective or just the general flow of combat.

There's sometimes a charm to shitty art, a charm which can sometimes actually make the art good if not tolerable, although that's a very subjective way of putting it. But this, this lacks any sort of charm.

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I hate how the term has been inflated into nothingess, but this completely lacks any soul.
Plus, Facebook-tier shit like Shaggy and Shrek is just jarring to see in something that's supposed to be a Yea Forums production.

Those memes aren't "ours" and never will be.

>The artist who drew the initial Yea Forums rage comic goes by Three-Angled Blue. If you search engine that name, you will get LOADS of great images from a time long passed.
Yes, and what does he have to do with this slop?
>Just type "cool beans, thanks for sharing" or some other throwaway line if you don't enjoy something, so that we can keep Yea Forums as good as it is.
This is Yea Forums, not deviantart or tumblr. People are going to say it's shit.

Nah I still wouldn't call him great, sure his paneling is great and so but he's inconsistent when it comes to portraying speed and power of things. That Flashy Flash fight against Saitama doesn't really feel like it's a high speed battle for example while the Garou fight does and quite a few of Saitama's punches doesn't feel like the OHKOs they are sometimes

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Fantastic bait. You really are a regular.

A gay soul.

Don't tell me you honestly believe "cringe based zoomer boomer doomer loomer woomer coomer cringe cringe based sóy sóy based zoomer incel tranny dilate have sex incel tranny incel zoomer sóy based" is any fucking better

I realized we've been having the same memes for a lot longer this time.

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cope you seething boomer

Yea Forums has gentrified, but autists like are keeping it interesting if not awful.

It unironically is though

Why are the lines so goddamn thin?