Attached: dragons crown bully the elf.jpg (850x1293, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sex lol!

Xbone port when?

Attached: d1_town_01a0021.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Is there a diaper version of this pic?

I want a dex gf

in this case int

Attached: 1537422207432.jpg (640x640, 79K)

I just fapped to some elf genderbender doujin..

Int, I love my nerd girls.

do not have sex


Attached: 1558871201514.jpg (976x1105, 611K)

INT, good compliment to my STR build

not enough straight porn of her

Why can’t I die being smothered by Sorceress? That’s my one wish in life

Because you first need to have your bones crushed by the Amazon and IF you survive through that alive, then you get to be smothered lovingly.

Int for sex appeal
Dex for kyoot
Str if you're a closet cuck/fag and need a woman stronger and bigger than you, unless you're a Str dump yourself, at which point STR powercouple is best powercouple

What’s wrong with wanting a strong woman to protect and love me?

Kill, Marry, Fuck


Attached: pxv 7926_02.jpg (744x1052, 381K)

Which ever one has the biggest tits


Sorceress is CHA though.

Regardless, Sorceress. And now I want to play some more DC. Or hell, more of Witch in Dragon Marked For Death. I fucking love witches so much fuck.

Attached: 54592648_p0_master1200.jpg (927x1200, 643K)

In this case Dex. Elf has monster hips and best proportions

STR all the way.

Attached: Brown Amazon.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)


why does she a bulge?

Speaking of, is Vanillaware still making that Sentinels game or they're working on a new one? I haven't heard anything of it since like 5 years ago

Elf was unironically the most fun to play in Dragon's Crown.

Harem party


Attached: 1438468829381.jpg (500x500, 23K)

Female spotted Hyena style psuedo-penis.

This is the only way.

They're still working on it on Sentinels. Unfortunately it's going to be more of a visual novel adventure rather than action rpg if the prologue they released is anything to go by. They've also teased that they're working on a new game too though.


overgrown bush


Elf is LOVE

Attached: elf too cute.jpg (848x1200, 880K)

Im sorry but i prefer putting all my stats in Luck.

she has a puff vagina, a fat pussy, a strong groin

that or she has a fat cock

LCK all the way

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According to this piece of fine art, INT it is. I like smart girls.

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it's true

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Kill yourself worthless degenerate

>really want to fuck a fairy
>tfw dick is too big


all those 3 have high CHA, which makes your whole question irrelevant.

>STR, DEX, or INT?


Attached: 1551246312934.webm (1920x1080, 1.3M)


>say hello to the camera everyone itt

Attached: 25cqto.jpg (1200x794, 160K)

Attached: sorceress clevage 6.jpg (1200x1600, 519K)


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DEX for Elf hips

Attached: Moves.jpg (608x394, 55K)

max INT + max DEF

flat across all stats

Do sorceress wear panties?

>thicc dark elves

Attached: happy boi.jpg (654x655, 21K)

>Yes, I did roll a CON build how could you tell?

Attached: 149578564582.jpg (912x1024, 71K)

for me, as a pedophile, it's Sorceress

Attached: f2fa6020e6823403436573991e2262b9.jpg (848x1200, 124K)


Attached: cccb738380c0bf7f511fe2dd7c1910bb.jpg (1400x2364, 266K)


One of the best games ever made.
And i'm actually talking about gameplay here.
Sorceress tits are just a bonus

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All of them in one package?

Attached: dragongirl.jpg (2560x1440, 527K)

>game having a total of 9 maps is worthy of being "best"
excuse you it's not even the best vanillaware game

post more bully booby

Based retard

STR 'till the day i die.

fpbp this thread will be a porn dump.
that's why im here.

STR: Instathot gymbunny that posts squatting vids
DEX: Really beautiful slim East European camwhore who doesn't know a lick of English, but can suck a golfball through a garden hose
INT: Really interactive and manipulative thot who gets into your head and exploits your fetishes and weaknesses against you regardless of what you think of her body

Attached: semen sorceress6.jpg (768x1024, 242K)

>Really interactive and manipulative thot who gets into your head and exploits your fetishes and weaknesses against you regardless of what you think of her body
okay but can you have this but with a happy ending
a-asking for a friend

Attached: 1505631623107.png (553x673, 226K)

All of them.

>He uses elf and invests in the magic skill or kicking skill when DEX is her highest stat
It's clear the best elf is a bow/dagger wielding hybrid.

It gets even better with max maintenance and the crossbows. I could swear I almost halfed the red dragons life bar with some lucky crossbows shots before the boss fight even started.

Attached: dece20160ded03578a58bad66327d16f.jpg (1000x1375, 580K)

Maintenance of course is a must have in dagger builds to prolong their use and there are plenty of gears that refill your consumables upon you getting an extra life. Best to use the Elf's strengths to their best instead of trying to make a generalized build by investing in the situational elemental lore.


Attached: dex vs str 2.webm (720x720, 1.55M)

I wish this wasn't a Sony exclusive.

I choose CHA

Attached: dragons_crown_dwarves_12.jpg (400x550, 45K)

thats a pure end build

God I wish there were more elf x monster doujins


>height: 161

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At least I'm not a pedophile.

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This manlet is pretty DEX though. He was able to pull off a knee drop version of the seio nage on a 6'1 280 lb powerlifer.

I mean the manlet got raped after this but dont worry about that guys. with his superior speed and dex he'd be able to throw big boy off a cliff r-right?

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Shouldn't that fall under ENDurance to be able to move with such heavy load?

Everytime I get with a real women I immediately regret it afterwards and feel disgusted but I keep coming back for some reason. 2D doesn't make me feel that way. I don't know what's wrong with me

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Hey Jason

I balance my stats as equally as possible.

It's hard to top perfection.

Personally, I prefer a girl with all 3 in spades

Attached: _vore__cm__elf_s_revenge_by_metalforever_d7m2juc-fullview.jpg (1024x732, 126K)

Why the fuck did she put them in a giant bowl?

>He likes being a jack of all trades
lmao look at this non master.

Attached: dab of legend.gif (324x480, 3.27M)

when the new fromsoft game comes out I'm going quality build stat wise and body wise I will be a obese female with giant breasts, thighs and belly with quality str/dex and nothing but a loin cloth on

dont be a faggot gimme dat sauce

>not being a magic bowman that wields a sword

God I wish that was me

gimme dat sauce

name 1 game where endurance affects carry weight



That guy is a fucking unit though. I've seen fatties get toppled by a strong gust of wind.


>Being shit at 3 DIFFERENT weapons at the same time
Impressively garbage.

Attached: Jamie smug.jpg (300x316, 11K)

INT, I love the Sorceress

Attached: 19624734_p0.png (1000x1333, 1.08M)

It's Goblin Slayer. Also it uses Elf and Sorceress from Dragon Crown.

Attached: Goblins have fun.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

>All the pedophiles itt
You all disgust me
Especially since Elf is best girl

>Still using Shrek currently
Get with the times grandpa. The new meme phrase is Have Sex

If that pic is any indication, DEX.

Post more Amazon tummies

>elf so insecure about her bust size she is practically a toddler next to real women.

Lol newfag

STR u fkn casul

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Goblin Slayer

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