20 more days before everyone quits the game because healing is so pointless 8-man teams can get away with being 5 dps, 2 tanks, and 1 healer
Other urls found in this thread:
Shadow Bringers is going to push the playerbase to Classic.
But user, we're already there. People are complaining about tumbling down to the exact same position.
kitty kunny
Just another one of those days
Seal Rock is the worst shit, literally whoever gets caves wins 9/10 times.
Post characters!
What are the best hairstyles for female Elezen?
Anything long
New shadowbringers area looking good. Love that they added Grand Company Fates.
>tankbusters will have their resistance debuffs coded to go through immunity now that there's 2 of them
this sucks PLDfriends
Hey any word on if we will get WoL's beard?
Yoshida claimed surprise that people wanted it which translates to "eventually"
Two of them?
With good teams this would actually be a bad position for mael because they're very liable to get pincered. But adders and flames, god bless em, fight each other over the one shit beach node and ignore mael every time.
Why am I attracted to Yotsuyu and Fordola so much? Surely liking girls this broken isn't normal right? I just wanna hug them and tell them everything is going to be okay, they deserve better ;_;
Roegadyn still #1, baby
I want to get fucked by him so bad.
Susano was kino
I would go back to male Midlander in an instance
every time i get susano in trial roulette he slaps a tank to death with assail and i laugh every time
Superbolide, the GNB immunity is hallowed ground at the cost of all your hp
I use WAR, BLM AND SCH. What melee dps should I build?
Look at those tomelith spawns, why do people like this shit ass game mode?
NIN and SAM are really fun.
You already have WAR user
The worst one is in the middle with the dumb ramp. The whole mode feels half-assed.
Because it's the only true PVP mode of Frontline.
Bring back Slaughter!
Broken girls are bad news.
Shut up SCHcuck and heal me
>instead of attacking mael in a pincher flames and adders just have a shitflinging contest with each other over one node for 80% of the match
Every time.
I hope you cleared BA before ShB user!
They really don't. Both are murderous whores who deserve the rope and nothing else.
>b-but I was treated badly!
Fuck off, so were like 90 percent of people in this shit ass world and they didn't turn into complete psychopaths.
I like long hair for some jobs, but others like MNK look better with short hair. Really wish there was a way to work hairstyles as part of glamour but i know it's not going to happen
but bro, flames' node is WAY closer
Even though that's only because we all ran down the beach side before any nodes spawned for some fucking reason
This game fucking shills SJW. Two men and two woman SHOULDN'T be allowed to be married in a game played by kids.,
You just KNOW
Nope, and don't intend to. Locked behind too much of a grind on top of being a pain in the ass to get organized.
yas queen
eureka level 0. and proud of it.
I sure did!
Never again.
God those discords are the worst of the worst.
>Guy doing callouts has literal aspergers/tourettes or something so he'll be saying random shit.
>Wipes the raid with a wrong callout anyway.
>Bringing attention to it being kind of dumb gets you kicked
>20 minute mechanic explanations every single time because expecting people to watch a fucking video is too hard
Are earrings and rings mostly shit for a while, because it feels like I've just been using the starting ones since no other ring I get beats out the bonuses that they offer.
Who cares? The game has a T on it's esrb rating, so it's the parents fault if their children play this
Don't worry about jewelry that much to 50+.
I really enjoyed Eureka. I played a lot of classic/grindy MMOs back when and it reminded me of them. Im glad I did it and BA was a fucking blast.
have sex
Gay but nice.
What the fuck is wrong with that? Should kids not be allowed to know that there's gay people in the world? Come on now.
you have fifty retards in one room and you're thinking them trying to coordinate them that they're in the wrong? do you like wasting 20 minutes of your life only to have some fucking brainlet troglodyte drop a meteor in melee because he didnt know where to go or what his priority was? i mean shit i hated these autists as much as you did but that's just the kind of environment that content was set up for. for literal casuals to do something "hard" with that threat of permadeath.
Kids aren't the target audience, you seething retard, and nearly is Yea Forums, so go back to bed until you're old enough to make a real post.
>not crashing weddings with your posse to protest gay marriage and hydalem hates the gays
Im a fucking dps, fuck you, just dont get hit.
Have some proper fucking filtering, when I did it the places were filled in minutes so kicking obvious dumb shits before the raid shouldn't be too hard.
Like a party leader could just quickly check their own party and then ready up from that, there's always time before the entrance fate anyway.
Expecting some dumb shit to remember ANYTHING from a 20 minute pre-fight explanation is absolutely retarded, they're not going to and they are going to fail because they won't remember/spot the mechanic in time anyway. It's an exercise in futility.
never going to happen due to lore
There are two people who have entries up on the party finder damn near constantly just advertising that they are selling runs.
Is there any way I can block these?
Also does Squeenix not care at all?
I played many older mmo's as well. Glad to have skipped the grind then, as I can play the meat of the content here, and still play other vidya.
So you want political agendas to corrupt our youth? FUCK YOU
The realization kills me.
Hilarious, I bet that guy did that on purpose to cause some tears.
Eureka got better as it went on, but it wouldve been nice to have that quality from the start. I like the idea of BA being more of an oldschool type of raid and hope they do it again in SHB, I just didnt like how autistic the groups became and also how it was behind all of Eureka.
What is this 1999? It's time to grow up sweetie.
ma nigga
i woulndt touch eureka with a ten foot pole
I'm kind of sad I missed out on Eureka content since it's going to be dead in ShB.
If Eureka 2.0 has a BA style instace in every zone it will be 10/10 content.
No, fuck you, since you can't just imagine the gays and others away. You sound like the kind of prick that needed three other men to beat up on two lesbians in Britain because they wouldn't kiss on demand the other day.
Drink bleach if you want to white wash your black and white world.
here's easy solution just smack your kid if he wants video game. video games are the devils pastime. dont blame corporation for your shitty parenting
the filtering was like 5 months ago and if you didnt have it done by then well you're stuck with the people scrambling to get it done before expansion hits which is only categorized with the most casual of casuals. absolutely expected. i mean shit if you had any sense and you didn't want to hear them explain shit for the fifth time just mute discord entirely and go watch a video or some shit I don't know until they do a ready check. you sound like you make shit stressful for yourself for no reason. don't let these dudes live rent free in your head. it's bad enough the queue times are already getting as impossible as I hear they are nowadays. lucky i got mine done a little bit before the last story patch.
I'm glad I did my BA stuff early, it was a fucking good time too.
>One of our call out guy was doing a very convincing Kermit voice and would sometimes turn into robot Kermit
>One night we did a BA run with over half of the parties drunk as fuck and we somehow reached Absolute Virtue in that state
He might be dumb, but you're downright seething.
Take your hormones, buddy.
>riddle of earth going off
at least you tried
>due to lore
What the fuck is happening with SMN?
At 50 you have 2 dots and fester and that's it.
Between 70 and 80 your AOE capacity actually gets WEAKER.
Egi actions being OGCD abilities now mean you have to lose potency to weave them in.
Ruin IV is moved up to level 74 for whatever godforsaken reason.
Not being able to AF without a target means you're fucked by downtime.
Did the same guy who came up with 4.0 MCH make this?
It wasn't stressful, it was just boring and time consuming.
I did mute the discord, but having to waste so much time for the convenience of the LCD is just bad.
Yeah, doing it later must've been why it was as bad as it was.
they just wanted to be loved and accepted, it's not their fault everyone treated them badly. they were just children
i'm broken too so we can be broken together
It don't matter they're completely reworking it in 5.0 to cycle summons as attack abilities.
the fuck are you guys doing while you wait
I've finished all the farms I wanted to do before shadowbringers, but I was kinda hoping it would take another week or two. Now I'm just in straight up waiting mode until the 28th.
You won't cycle summons you retard, what I typed was about 5.0 SMN. It's the same rotation as now but worse.
Gearing up WAR so when GNB releases I can have a decent 70-80 set.
DMC5 and Monster Hunter World wiped their save-data when I moved to an SSD and copied them over to a new HDD for some reason so I've got those to bide my time. I gotta grind up the fucking Drachen Armor and True Gae Bolg all over again.
I was farming that too but there's still a tome cap for no reason, and doing o10-12s pugs is fucking cancer
>there exists a mount locked behind a relic weapon tier grind, and finding 50+ competent people to help you
its not.as bad as 3000 S RANKS but its pretty fucking bad
lurking and shitposting on Yea Forums since there's nothing to do. My usual group is MIA, doesn't want to do fuck all. I don't care enough to pug some things.
I don't even know if I want to play this game anymore though desu.
i would love if insted of making new fucking maps, they just expand on the base maps with the high level monsters since the start, that way dont make the older maps useless, and actually have some powerlfull monster roaming around
It's a common thing among nerds to have a crush on scene girls/goths/etc and your other types of "bad girls".
lol no, fuck off.
gold saucer, lazy pvping if the que ever fucking pops, helping friends with catchup
Nothing is as bad as that fucking Tiger, its autism incarnated.
>nerds going for "bad girls"
Nerds are the women of men.
>check my hunt kill totals out fo curiosity the other day
>500 A ranks, 130 S ranks
Jesus Christ
PvP. I am close to 1000 matches played in frontlines so I might as well reach that point.
Be with my friends cause I know I'm not gonna be leaving the house a lot when it comes out
post rabbits
>tfw mommy elzn tucks me into bed
Piss off.
You first.
I guarantee they're going to remove the cap like 2 weeks before early access.
>At 50 you have 2 dots and fester and that's it.
All jobs are barebones at 50
>Between 70 and 80 your AOE capacity actually gets WEAKER.
In what way? Garuda now has AoE on every action, your AoE filler spell now has 70 potency all the time instead of just in DWT, and at 72 you can summon bahamut twice as often
>Egi actions being OGCD abilities now mean you have to lose potency to weave them in.
Use them during DWT/FBT when all your spells are instant
>Ruin IV is moved up to level 74 for whatever godforsaken reason.
No it wasn't, Ruin IV is still at 62, you just get a trait at 74 that also makes it auto-proc off egi assault.
>Not being able to AF without a target means you're fucked by downtime.
Just like every job that needs a target to build resources
because seize is the only mode out of the 3 where you can just sit on your ass and win
>derplander has it in cutscene in trailer
>has it in the benchmark
>still can't have it ingame yet
How. You'd think adding more facial hair options would be easier than adding hairstyles since you don't have to worry about clipping or anything.
>get the form and function hairstyle for my character
>try it on
>character instantly reminds me of sue lightning
>want to die
I literally made a tranny face and never realized it, I feel so disgusted
They are just lazy. The races should have more faces by now. I don't want any new races in 6.0, 7.0 and further if there is any. Give the game a cosmetic lift, more faces, texture resolution increase, lighting,etc.
Who else is swapping off healer in ShB? SB savage was already unfun for healers and the changes show they have no idea what makes healing fun anyway.
yes please. seems like they have more incentive to make new gay races though so they can sell more fantasias
I decided on ninja.
I really want to but I can't, I'm one of the only healers in my FC.
Yeah. I played all three healers through the expansion and now they just want to nerf fun so fuck it some retards can play healer if they want the amazing drinky bird playstyle SE is hellbent to push. GNB here I come.
i'm a nerd and i actually prefer cute and kind girls to bad girls
>mfw I will run with Trusts so DPS queues will be longer
so the lesbian of men
Don't know how it was on NA, but on EU statics were constantly looking for healers, whereas in HW it was them constantly looking for tanks.
How the fuck are all the statics going to find any healers in ShB? Are we just going to have 6 statics per server?
>2 Aetherflow off of Energy drain gets you to DWT and Bahamut faster so you can get into Phoenix.
>Somehow Yea Forums's resident SMN expert has deduced the class is weaker.
You show em roulette hero, we're counting on you!
Don't worry Yoshida said that people never switch roles which is why there's no reason for them to add new healers. Adding a new healer or making them fun wouldn't increase the healer population so it's fine that they make them all boring as shit.
i'm just mentally ill and need someone supportive
>a lot of healers will drop a class thanks to nerfs
>new tank and dps everyone will try
Huhuhu, dps queues will be even more retarded.
Same here.
I'm hoping that enough healers swap, leaving only shitters behind and causing a massive healer drought. Then hopefully Yoshida goes "Huh. Maybe we need to hotfix this issue..."
>shitters with dial up internet have been scared off from touching MCH
anyone else here taking the MCH pill?
Shitters will go healer to get a raid spot.
I love WHM so I will be staying healer for eternity. I will be leveling DNC after so that should be fun as well.
DRK will be fine
>Adding a new healer or making them fun wouldn't increase the healer population so it's fine
That's how it works yeah. If doing something won't improve bigger picture there is no point of doing it.
Don't forget it's basically two new dps and tanks since the mch and drk reworks are going to get a fuckload of people to play them. MCH is already now one of the most popular jobs if you look around cities.
You don't even need Aethertrail to enter DWT anymore. You can just pop it as soon as the fight starts.
Just like david bowie
Is that what I think it is?
Part of me is tempted to switch to healer specifically to undermine you cunts
My healing buddy ever since late ARR is swapping from SCH to DNC.
Our backup healer has no intention to touch AST ever again.
I talked in full length with the WHM and SCH in our buddy static about the changes and while the WHM seems okay to at least try, the SCH is appalled and both will stop healing if content is the same as it was in SB.
You kidding? We have our one SCH that can solo heal, by all means bro! You can fill 5th DPS, bring a Rez or Trick.
I don't think being mentally ill has anything to do with needing someone supportive. Everyone needs and deserves someone supportive in their life.
I hope you can get your issues under control. Life can be a bitch.
And then they'll have to make savage so braindead to heal, because nobody can clear it anymore.
Sure sounds fun.
I'm sticking with my job, through thick and thin, if healing is bad I'll just make the most of it.
I'm not one of those flavor of the month guys who flops about depending on what's popular.
>healers will never change roles so they don't deserve any new ones to play
holy fuck I never knew Yoshi was this based
so why'd they add new fucking tank then? they figured this shit out in Heavensward that adding new tanks didn't do fuck all to change the tank population. Everyone who plays tank just changed job, but the overall pop barely budged.
Casual slowpoke here:
Is it worth it to use dragoon to play through heavensward's story bits?
To be fair I feel like people that stood with WHM going into SB are unlikely to swap. Little to no changes for WHM going into ShB.
Don't worry user, I'll give your empty threat a (you)
probably leveling sch first because I want to see what seraph is capable of
That still doesn't fix the issue of there not being enough healers for high-end content since you don't do savage
Yeah I'm sure the people who have had little to no changes to their job for 2 expacs in a row will totally not get bored of it.
>mfw Fray is a DoT
>mfw does less damage than Scourge
I'm pretty sure they'll still take ASTs into savage.
Quick, post the best levelling job.
Then explain why you didn't pick summoner fags
Yeah. I have been Conjurer/WHM since ARR started and never let go of the class. I liked it a bit more during ARR, but leveling it through HW and SB was fun too. And I don't raid unless it is just ex primals so I guess that counts as well.
Yea, pretty fun situation.
Just like saying that they'll be trying to remove locked compositions then bring out dnc which by early calculation is a 10% boost in dps to their partner.
On a good note hope this kills interest in padding, on a bad note logs are now redundant.
You'd have to be a player who actually runs savage to think that. If you did then you wouldn't be so confident that you'd be sticking with healer until after the raids are released, since right now nobody who has a brain would even consider the possibility that healing in Shadowbringers would be even remotely fun since it isn't now with how fucking awful healing is in Stormblood until they're certain that the fight design paradigms have changed for ShB (which is unlikely to happen since it's the same raid designers)
>regularly doing 40% of a dungeon run's worth of DPS as a SAM even though I'm a shitawful player that regularly fumbles my combos
This job, it was made for me.
>Fray is a DoT
I mean yeah. What else was he gonna be, a fuckin second character you have to Micro like it's an RTS?
This. Nobody is worried about casual to EX queues. We might see a slight increase, but nothing to fret about.
People are fucking worried, because SB was already lacking healers for savage content and ShB isn't doing anything to pull people back into healing Savage; going as far as to driving people away from it actually.
>tfw frantically trying to get through HW and SB before ShB hits
>HW story is actually good so i dont want to skip through it unlike ARR
why does it have to be this way
>I'm not one of those flavor of the month guys who flops about depending on what's popular.
you don't really understand why people are bitching then, smoothbrain. FOTM people don't bitch, they just move onto the next meta.
Yeah, I remember when we had to constantly search for a sub in Final Omega for the last healer spot because we couldn't find anyone to fill it regularly.
Even in PFs I noticed that healers are now usually the last spots that get filled.
Gee I don't know user. Maybe something unique about summoning a shadow clone like Ninja does with their skill that does basically the same thing.
I'm confused, you think people won't take healers to savage because they are boring to you?
>Just like saying that they'll be trying to remove locked compositions
>mfw Trick Attack still exists.
They are lying.
so are the actions Fray takes random? it doesn't seem like it, I've seen a lot of videos where always starts with Abyssal Drain>Plunge>Quietus>the two new skills I forget the name of, then he will finish with Bloodspiller>Carve and Spit
Well I'm pretty sure queue times are going to be disastrous on launch too, but that's something they'll just put a band-aid over like they did with tank queues in Stormblood.
Just keep doing it at your pace, shb launch is gonna be a shit show.
Just take your time through content while you still have new content to discover.
Yoshi seems to think the reason Ninja is considered mandatory is because of Shadewalker and not Trick Attack.
Ishgard remembers, Warrior of Light
No, I just assumed you had a brain since you're posting on the internet. Obviously nobody with a brain would confidently state that they could stomach Stormblood 2.0 as a healer.
lol this. Ninja new Naruto move mimics your attacks, Fray does his own braindead thing and animation is just for show, set damage on all his attacks.
It's being made even easier thanks to goobbue kenki management.
Dang, I liked that mechanic.
>The feeling of getting 60 kenki and unleashing hell.
Guess I'll go CRIT next and ignore SKS for BIG NUMBERS, that should be satisfying as well.
how on earth do you fumble 1-2-3?
It doesn't matter what actions he does, damage he does is fixed which essentially makes him a dot.
Stormblood is shit so good luck
So you wanted literally just more potency on your GCDs? That's all Bunshin does.
thats my plan for the time being, got into HW and immediately swapped the DRK from BRD, leveling that up was a chore, but once i started the MSQ for HW its been smooth sailing, cant wait for stormblood since my friends are saying it gets even better
Oh I see, you're posting obnoxious statements to get (you)s.
I thought you were trying to discuss the game by mistake.
Can elezen get a 5'oclock shadow as well please?
thanks user, i hope so too
It could mimic your moves like NIN's shadow clone jutsu does
It could mimic moves you used since the last time you refreshed darkside to make Darkside upkeep more than just "hit flood/edge when you're getting close to capping MP or when you have dark arts"
It could cast support moves on you like TBN so that it has some defensive utility (you know since it's a TANK JOB)
It could do LITERALLY ANYTHING except be a literal DoT
Because they wanted to add both ff8 gunblades and also add the 14 gunblades as jobs but couldn't make both of them dps because that would be dumb. Expect 6.0 to have Gunblader dps and either Chemist or Geomancer dps.
No, I'm saying you're a retard who's going to get bored and you're posturing that you're happy with the changes that nobody is actually happy for, all for good boy points with Yea Forums contrarians.
fucking this, I love that beard, but I would swap to the stubble in a heartbeat if Yoshi would fucking let me
>frantically trying to get through HW and SB before ShB hits
WHY? I don't understand you fucking retards.
Just enjoy the game at a slow fun pace. Once you reach the end of the MSQ, you will get bored.
Well that would be better than "it's a weak DoT that doesn't snapshot" so yeah
found a leaked screenshot showing off revised dialogue for the AST job quests
How do we fix Trick Attack?
Same here. I don't blame the healers though. You were locked into a static rotation of 1 2 3 with every pull feeling the same and if someone did take unexpected damage or died it was just an insta-wipe. They removed the chance for healers to pull the raid back from disaster.
To be fair people already let healers be a fucking massive cunts to not look for another healer, and this will be even worse in ShB with less healers and more tanks and dps. Thanks yoshi.
I'm sorry you cannot fathom the possibility of someone enjoying something you don't enjoy.
The changes look genuinely good to me.
I'm happy about it.
lol JUST fuck my lore up senpai
Looks like that one WoW streamer
remove the directional requirement because there's literally no reason for it to even exist with the new true north being a 45 second cooldown with 2 charges.
Hitting the wrong button by accident, mostly.
Is that right?
I haven't even unlocked Shinten/Hagakure yet, so I don't know what the class is even really like.
No it's more that I can't fathom someone having an opinion that something factually worse is not factually worse.
>The changes look genuinely good to me
Do you have a single fact to back that up? All they did was add a bunch of overpowered healing cooldowns to a game where healing is already braindead.
If everyone gets a 6% dps buff then nobody has one.
Let them keep it, without TA and being LB slave they're literally worthless.
>first made a gruff highlander hyur male
>played for five minutes
>quit, deleted character and restarted with tall mommy Roe
The only thing that's weird is how small everyone else is. Even the Elezen are kind of shrimpy.
Is there anything more autistic than parsing?
>Do you have a single fact for your opinion?
I think everyone is over reacting to the healer situation. You have 4 weeks until savage content comes out after 5.0 hits. By that point most people will have leveled at least 2-3 other jobs to 70 so they will still level a healer regardless. It's not really a loss at all.
posting on Yea Forums
Don't bother with him. Nobody in their right mind that did EX content in ARR and savage content in HW would defend savage SB healing and thinking ShB is fine.
He's lying in saying that he did SB savage healing.
it's not an opinion though? Things are objectively worse in ShB.
Logging in and then logging out immediately because you're too nervous to even attempt EX/Savage
What do you mean?
well yeah it's obviously an expert roulette hero that's never touched anything more than getting carried through ex primals and just wants faster queue times that he can then AFK through while watching netflix.
These threads are mirror-images of the ones I saw leading up to Heavensward (before the asshurt WoW mod started deleting them on-sight) and the ones I saw leading up to Stormblood. This alone assures me the expac will be "pretty good" at worst.
Doing what you spend your time in XIV doing: AFKing in quicksands/limsa lower decks and occasionally doing a 30-minute long expert roulette
I'll hold your hand if you need it user
Stormblood wasn't pretty good though.
Tell me about your characters, anons
It got amazing reviews across the board
Ahahahahah holy shit dude go for it, if you haven't healed you'll get to see exactly why people are fleeing to more fun jobs. People are mad because the game simply won't be fucking fun, not the usual parse autism or sky is falling bitching about potencies.
Leveling as a healer is already mind numbing, now they get to do so with LITERALLY two buttons and nothing else besides a third that is only pressed for aoe. Even if encounter design completely changes all old content will still be even more boring than it already is, and at Savage fucking up mechanics just kills you so there isn't anything to heal besides scripted raid aoe
Please, by all means swap to healer. The people who are leaving the role aren't doing so because they want to make some silly statement in the hopes they get buffed, they want enjoyable class design back and that's not going to change until 6.0 at the earliest if they're lucky.
Check the leveling roulette right now, adventurer in need is healer because everyone is rushing to be a tank for SHB die to GUN and DRK while anyone with a brain has locked their healing gear away and will dust it off when it's actually fun again.
Unlike dps mains who are very unlikely to switch roles healers are far more likely to off-role (especially SCH since they're given SMN for free), switching from Green to Blue is also very easy since you're already familiar with the tankbusters and damage mechanics for most fights. It's not that hard to go from Green dps to blue dps mashing fell cleave
>must needs
Why do people keep using this fucking phrase?
They could shit on a stick and it would get amazing reviews across the board.
Yeah the playstyle changes completely at 60.
Lala with a taste for cum.
Stormblood was about the same quality overall and didn't have a horrid content-lull the way 3.1 did. Story took a downturn with 4.0 and then improved sharply after they stopped focusing on the Mhiggers, though that leads into the expac's overall pacing issues and that Ala Mhigo probably should've been its own entire expansion. DRK and MCH got the short end of the stick, but evened out to pretty playable if janky.
smol lizard that lives in the steppe as a hermit studying scrolls, tomes purchased from travelers and merchants. Spends lots of time hunting/fishing for a living.
It's just healers crying, so no one really cares.
I do agree with you, but can you take your reddit spacing back to where you came from?
10/10 post. Should be screencapped for later.
fishing for HW and SB legendaries
It's a modified face model bro.
I got someone banned for bragging about parsing/dps in a group. I hope it was one of you fags.
And there are still people that defend it.
Serious question, what would healers consider fun? Is it just more complex DPS rotations? Is it more damage that would force them to do more "real" healing?
I hate how they slapped Doma onto SB just to pad it. It felt like they realized just how boring the Ala Mhiggers are and went "LET'S CREATE HYPE WITH WEEB SHIT". In the end it just made both parts feel unfinished and unpolished.
Tell me about that when you get stuck in pf once again without healers.
Same reason Sharlayans use "next month" or "next week" instead of "in a moon" or "in a sennight", it's fantasy-speak and different areas speak differently.
The doma half was objectively the best part though?
>adventurer in need
its usually tank or dps in eu
My static already has healers though.
But then everyone has the same british accents.
Buffs is all that matters. DNC will be the perfect class for these people.
{ Don't worry about it. }
Shut the fuck up paragraph spacing wasn't invented by your stupid boogeyman
I would consider it fun if it was something like lineage2 healing with a constant aoe healing and esunas or either everyone dies because of you.*shrug*
I use the japanese voices anyway, which actually have somewhat varied accents. Yshtola sounds so nice in JP, it almost makes up for how boring she is. I do like the differences in dialect in the script, I just wish the dub wasn't so samey with everyone
>friends form static
>figure why not
>now having major second thoughts after clearing Alphascape with them
who needs healers when you do so much damage that enemies cant kill you fast enough?
All healing skills removed and replaced with DPS skills. HP restoration is now just a side effect of doing DPS.
MMO devs should just admit that healing isn't fun and never has been, not since the role was first conceived in the very first MMO. For as long as MMOs have existed there has been the meme of parties being unable to find healers and healers being treated like gods because of their rarity, simply because its a role no one wants to do, everyone would rather be doing damage instead. It's finally time to own up to it and get rid of the healing role.
It depends on the expac, voiced characters do sound differently in different regions. Hien and Gosetsu have a noticeably "Asian" dialect that the Garlean-associated Yotsuyu and Asahi don't, for example.
Dynamic healing. Right now you are just doing 1-2-3 in savage. It's always the same damage with the same targets.
If somebody fucks up the mechanic, have it be the Healers job to compensate. Even give healers the quick decision to raise or not. Right now, if somebody fucks up the mechanic he dies and it's an immediate wipe. Back then you maybe didn't make the DPS check, but you still saw and practiced the full fight.
>tfw all groups I have been in are 4 friends that are legit and 4 ramdo shitters
Perfectly Balanced, as all things should be
It was. But imagine if it was its own expansion. The doman characters we met might have actually gotten a meaningful and non-rushed development.
House Durendaire dragoon testing his spear against things that aren't dragons for once as an adventurer, now that dragons are apparently nice guys after all
It isn't.
I had fun healing during ARR and HW. I just want those times back.
This sounds more like asking for a shift in content design philosophy than healer specific changes.
Mooncat who likes to punch things as a monk and smite edgelords as as paladin without regrets.
>majority of current healers
I want to play a damage class that can do just enough healing to get me into a group.
>actual fun healing that's healing
Having to keep people at HP thresholds for mechanics, more dispellable debuffs, enemies that can only be attacked after healing them to a certain amount, more raid damage overall that requires you to put a modicum of foresight into your MP with a slight reduction in "mechanics that just fucking wipe the party if fucked up and not overgeared"
You had fun DPSing as a healer.
t. greyparsing nigger holding back every group
Which makes even less sense because Yotsuyu lived in Doma for her entire life and Yugiri doesn't have the same accent as them in spite of living in Doma most of her life and living in a place similar to Doma before that. I really liked Hancock's voice in both tracks though.
Agreed, but I feel like Yugiri has already had enough development and they don't try to shoehorn in a bunch of characters like the Mhigger side does. For the most part it's just Hien and Gosetsu and Yugiri. Yugiri is the only one that I feel like didn't get "enough" screen time, but that's reasonable since she's been around long enough that she didn't need it as much. I would much rather that they gave the Steppe characters more screentime and fleshed out the Ruby Sea factions a bit more too (except the bubble lizards, their sidequests were good).
Why would you assume he's a grey parser just because of his post faggot? It's obvious he's never cleared savage
Yes. And I'm hoping this will be the case in ShB.
I ran that stupid dungeon 20 times for those boots to drop.
Exactly, encounter design is the biggest problem right now, but no one is actually expecting for SE to change it for ShB.
Holy yikes
>play healer
>get 1 (one) boring skill cut
>throw a bitch fit and give up "instant queues" to annoy everyone else
>when in fact tanks will still be most in demand and you'll only get longer queue times yourself
bunshin also doubles ninki gain, doubles chakra chance for brotherhood, and double esprit for dancer
Oh, shit, is that in-game? I might need that when they release the striking tomestone gear for a Raiden cosplay.
Healers don't want to be 3 buttons for the exact same reason that tanks(especially WAR) would shit their pants screaming if their jobs were reduced to 1 DoT, 1 high potency enmity single target attack andb1 aoe enmity damage attack, with the other 16 buttons in their kit being variations of damage reduction, taunt effects and mitigation. It would be terribly boring because you spend the vast majority of all questing, dungeons, and raids focused on dealing damage and only using survivability options a fraction of the time
If every single fight in dungeons and raids shit out enormous amounts of raid and tank damage that I would be lucky to have time to spend 10% of my casts free to do damage I wouldn't mind having only 2 buttons that hurt things. FFXIV encounter design is scripted enough and boss damage is low enough that even in Savage raiding you still heal basically everything with OGCDs. If I spend 90% of a fight doing damage of course I care more about my damage spells, just like tanks care about their own rotations.
I'd be even more happy if I could have a bunch of glass cannon high damage NPCs that I need to constantly keep alive who would help with questing because leveling from 70-80 as a healer in shadowbringers will be fucking masochistic for anyone who's not just going to do it as SMN and switch back at cap since they share levels.
No. I had fun with every pull feeling different. And damage always going out towards other targets (outside of tank busters).
Over the last two expacs SCH has had more skills removed than added unless you count "+1 broils have been added to your trait list" as "new" skills
How our hearts sing in the chaos!
>cherrypicking to prove yourself right
that's kinda sad lol
WHM will shit enough damage to get by. Leveling as AST is going to be the really miserable one.
Have Fray's hits restore 20 Blood and 1200 MP, it's now an interesting and fun button to press
Scholar (the job with the most vocal complaints) lost energy drain, shadowflare, miasma 2 and babe. Going from 7 damage spells to 3, of course there will be anger since they lost 60% of their kit with no compensation
I hope they dont repeat the mistakes from SB and split the story. I was so hyped for ala mhigo and than I had to spend half of the story in non-china. at least non-mongolia was kinda interesting.
that's not what cherrypicking means
>Going from 7 damage spells to 3
2 damage spells. Less than WHM
WHM doesn't really change anyway. Same old.
Not really, no.
I'm just surprised, somehow you SCH babies didn't complain when in HW they added Broil which made Aero/Thunder useless, but in the last two years you've gotten entitled and cry about everything.
What caused this, wow refugees?
Only one map we are not sure if it will be on the First is the last one.
Five of the six new zones are in the First, and we don't have any reason to belive the sixth will be the odd one out. The story is not going to be split in nearly the same way.
An idiot suncat who forgets what his face looks like since it's been behind an Ironworks Visor of Striking since 2016.
Art of War is a direct miasma 2 replacement, so that doesn't affect the number.
>Energy Drain
Interfered with job identity. Aetherflow should be spend to make damage through casting more broils thanks to oGCD heals, not by "me press button for damage oops tank died".
Clunky as fuck, nobody liked it.
>Miasma 2
Literally pointless, only made debuff list more bloated. Merging it with Bio is a good change.
dumb placebo gimmick that did zero damage
>I gUeSS yOu JUst WaNt tO PLaY GreEn DPs
I sometimes wonder why do you guys even bother trying to explain anything to DPSniggers. They play DPS precisely to avoid thinking.
>implying people didn't complain then
>implying people didn't also complain when SB pruned more
Are you stupid or do you just have an incredibly selective memory?
>Not really, no.
Fey Union
Chain Stratagem
Summon Seraph
Art of War
Miasma II
Energy Drain
Summon Selene (still exists but it's cosmetic now)
Shadow Flare
Cleric Stance
XIV healers factually do want to play green DPS though. They're not even shy about admitting it.
Yea Forums's RESPONSE:
>>Good fucking riddance, maybe those entitled fucking tanks will shut up and actually tank instead of trying to be blue DPS
>>Finally WAR are brought in line with the rest of the tanks instead of being snowflakes, glad to see SE finally bringing parity
It's non-healers and ex-roulette heroes going "WOW. YOU'RE SO ENTITLED. I DON'T GET IT."
While literally missing the point and not getting it, because all they can manage in life is to press 1-2-3.
>Who else is swapping off healer in ShB? SB savage was already unfun for healers and the changes show they have no idea what makes healing fun anyway.
That's exactly how I feel about WHM. Been maining it forever but I am currently leveling SAM for ShB
>People want to have fun playing the game rather than standing still 90% of the time or pushing 1 button over and over
Imagine my fucking shock.
Totally quoted the wrong thing like a retard but whatever
>Fey Union
>Chain Stratagem
All already exist. Chain Strat is nerfed.
>Summon Seraph
>Art of War
Literally reskinned Miasma 2.
t. butthurt SCH
Technically already the case.
With the Provoke buff, it's basically useless now anyway.
That's in 5.0 silly.
5.0 too!
I bet you're a SCH
>they added broil which made Aero/Thunder useless
Thunder was removed in 2.1 (maybe 2.15? don't quite remember but it was before 3.0). Aero was still useful because it was DPS neutral with broil but had an instant cast and low MP cost. People did complain about Thunder being removed when it happened but weren't too upset because at the time it actually made SCH pretty fucking busted. Also if Thunder had existed in 3.0 it would be a gain over Broil. I suppose a "totally not wowfugee" like you already knows all this and was just pretending though right?
You're also forgetting the fact that SCHs were upset with the changes in SB too since, just like ShB, they removed complexity and added none.
They may as well be shooting themselves in the dick with their idiocy and attitude, because less incentive for people to enjoy playing healer means they get to sit in their queue cuck shed longer. Oh well.
I was already tempted to drop WHM going into SB. Then just stuck to it, but quit the game around O7S, because healing was so fucking unfun. Just recently returned and thinking about going tank main for ShB raiding, since I have no faith in them fixing their savage healing philosophy.
Only if WAR is the only one that gets this treatment. Fuck WAR,
Yea it'll be fine.
Everyone knows DPS niggers should be shot on sight. They're the biggest retards in every game that has a "DPS" role.
HP Max decreases as fight goes on like octopath traveler or constant minimal aoe tick damage on the party
Why make a post implying that they don't then? After a solid week of non-stop bitching there's no one in the world who doesn't know by now that healers just wish they were DPS.
My bad I wrote miasma 2 instead of Miasma. They still lost 4 out of 7 spells, they only have 1 dot now and with no bane AOE is literally a single button since tab target multidotting with biolysis will be a massive loss in dps compared to spamming 150 potency art of war
Fuck off, Energy Drain is the first aetherflow action arcanists learn and is also the only one that restores mana so you can dump even more into AOEing.
How can the fucking introduction to your goddamn gauge be against class design you stupid fuck
I said that across SB and ShB, SCH had more skills removed than added. I was extremely generous with what constituted a "new" skill so I included Art of War. That's why Ruin and Shadow Flare are also on my list. I considered being cheeky and including both the spell and ability versions of Shadow Flare but I felt that i didn't need to to prove my point.
This is why I think it's retarded to yell down concerned tanks and healers. I hope they'll keep doing it and continue to complain about long queue times to further underline how retarded they are.
>Low IQ DPS misses the point entirely
Way to prove me right.
DPS shitters are the only ones celebrating the changes to Healers and Tanks. They are fucking cancer. I'm tired of carrying their worthless fucking asses. If these changes are as shit as they appear to be, I'm unsubbing after I beat the MSQ, because the story is all that's left for me.
smol lizert that after Krile yelled at me for not healing immediately, decided it's time to stop trying to fix mistakes, and instead prevent them as a DRK
Personally I always hated the pressure of DPSing on healers. It's fucking retarded that people expect you to do two jobs while everyone else got one. And guess what, your efficiency depends on how retarded everyone else feel like being that day. Oh, you had to heal and couldn't trace your DOTs with mismatching timings? Too bad guess you're a "shit healer" now because you're not 95 on damage on FFlogs. Like, what? In literally every other MMO healers have only a couple filler abilities to do while they're not healing and that's fine. The answer to "healing is boring" is not an elaborate DPS rotation but more interesting interactions between healing skills and healing mechanics in fights. I mean, shit, XIV healers basically throw themselves into a frenzy any time a fight tells them to cleanse a debuff because it's a GCD they'd rather spend on damage. That's fucking stupid. I play healer to relax and get carried while pressing green buttons. Not to launch a science project. Bored with new healers? Just play NIN.
I just started as a DPS (lancer), should I switch to another class?
Not everyone wants to be a DPS. The real problem is savage content design. The only thing that kept people sane was to weave DPS inbetween scripted healing that you could literally bot your way through.
Dont worry healers we heard your complaints and we are now increasing mp costs so if you dps during healing downtime you won't have enough mp to heal.
>I play healer to relax and get carried while pressing green buttons
Yep, you're a goddamn shitter.
Make sure to do the MSQ with Trusts. That way their queue will be even longer.
>Healers now have 1-2-3 rotation
Players will still bitch because "wtf I drop my combo if I heal between 2 and 3, make it easier reeeee".
XIV healers want one of two things neither of which they got.
Either for fights to require the vast majority of their time be spent actually healing large amounts of raid and tank damage like in most other MMOs with tank, healer, dps design
if the vast majority of damage is avoided through doing mechanics and the only things needing healing are scripted aoes and tankbusters a few times a minute, that since they spend 90% of their casts not having anything to heal that they have a fun damage rotation like dps and tanks
Healers want to be green DPS because for years that's what every single encounter has demanded they be. There's NOTHING TO HEAL. In Savage content a tenth or less of spells cast are heals, in most games that's the complete inverse
This but unironically.
>healing should be boring and braindead so it's easier to carry me
how about you fuck off instead?
Show your Ultimate clears or fuck off.
Nice projecting.
No, do your stuff and enjoy, people on this site are just angry a lot of the time
>Personally I always hated the pressure of DPSing on healers. It's fucking retarded that people expect you to do two jobs while everyone else got one.
Why do you think you should just sit there on your ass and do fuck all when damage isn't happening? pretty much every fight in the game has consistent ebbs and flows in damage, and if you're a knuckle dragging roulette hero, 90% of the time you will have nothing to do unless the tank is undergeared or is doing huge pulls.
So what exactly do you do in your down time? How is it a "burden" to expect you to.... do something... in combat... when healing isn't needed?
99% of the time nobody would say anything, even if you were just lazy and tossing a Stone/Broil/Malefic. You didn't even have to try hard. I've only ever seen people get bitched when the healer has nothing to do and they just stand around like a braindead retard.
This actually explains a lot. I'm literally only attracted to girls with some kind of edge and attitude to them.
I'm a permavirgin entirely due to this because I keep having to reject anyone into me because they're too nice and I feel nothing for them.
We also decreased the damage on tank busters and raid-wide AoE. Ontop of that, nobody but the tank will ever be targeted by the boss.
I did talk about filler spells you mouthbreathing retard. I'm casting, I don't want a DPS rotation though because it feels like shit any time you have to interrupt it because the dragoon took extra damage.
They will inevitably back off on some of the healer changes. Remember when 4.0 launched and scholars main form of aoe was spreading their 6 potency dots and they had to patch miasma 2 back in?
Majority of healers in this game never touch their DPS skills. I think I'll be fine if the 3% of spergs who clear raid content quit.
>E-enjoy your 1 minute longer dungeon runs then!!!!
After 10 straight days of this shit I'll actually be grateful for the changes if it makes these obnoxious crybabies leave. I don't think I could stand another 2 years.
Meanwhile, only a select few can clear savage/ultimate content, because there are no healers left to do them.
>people saw the flashy skills and wanted to jump on
>same people got scared by a little extra ping still being a bitch
This has been hilarious.
>patched Miasma II back in
>never fixed bane
I still don't understand why Bane even exists. Do SMNs even use Bane?
While others rightly shit on you for being the problem, what shows would you recommend to watch inbetween hourly Cure II casts?
this is why i unsubbed. I am getting major cataclysm vibes from this shit. I will have no part in it.
Tranny porn should be right up your alley.
I think it's hilarious that they did absolutely nothing to address complaints with the job with their rework that was intended to address complaints with the job, but at the same time I use a VPN anyway so it doesn't affect me and I'll be enjoying getting to be Edgar.
They're too busy triple painflaring into BAHAMUUUUUT to care
>cohealer White Mage (in full elemental gear) gets OHKO'd by the very first instance of party stack AoEs, within the first minute of the Ozma fight
Having no Eureka weapon and thus no armor either meant I had to spec my magicite equal parts into defense, but that fortunately meant nothing for my ability to solo heal the fight for my party. As far as I know the 'support party' also quickly had their hands full with another part of the battlefield, so they couldn't have picked up the slack for us either. I can't imagine how much worse the parties attempting clears have gotten in the months since I got mine.
No, DRG will still be a sought-after job in SHB
that's what I thought, I don't get why they didn't just remove Bane from SMN and buff it for SCH so it just spreads the dots at half potency
as a healer main (all 3) i'm fine with the DPS going, what i want is more meaningful healing; savage content really is just hit once > instantly dead, i want buffs to matter, it's why i play ast. if yoshi gave me half buffs, half heals, and 1 dps ability i'd be happy. Healers should be healing and buffing, not DPSing, but reducing them to a fucking healbot doesn't fix the issue either; i'd really appreciate a healer with nin-style combos that make me apply buffs when i heal; i.e. dps buff, shield buff, attack speed buff.
i want to give my party the tools to complete an encounter, not pick them all up on my back and carry them to victory, that's the tanks job, and i'd like to support him while he does it.
You're retarded. Nobody talks about a combo rotation. Everyone is imagining something akin to the RDM casting "rotation".
SCHs were happy with what they had before as example.
rent free
>Just unlocked Shinten
Oh God what the fuck is this I don't even.
What's my Kenki priority?
(Aside from, obviously, always using Kaiten'd Higanbanana if the DoT will last long enough to drop off).
It might take forever though. Remember that AST wasn't fixed until 3.4.
>oldschool type of raid
You mean big damage numbers with the simplest mechanics of any raid in the entire game?
>Meanwhile, only a select few can clear savage/ultimate content, because there are no healers left to do them.
Just Scholars though. White mages got better and ASTs will get over the cards change once they realize it's actually more interesting to optimize than before. SCH will quit but nobody cares because SCH now has the lowest raid dps contribution so good riddance.
>I'm bad
thanks for clearing that up
Yes. Give players a good reason to not touch the only real endgame content. That sure won't hurt the game. Nope.
Fucking 80 IQ DPS. I'm surprised you can even form coherent sentences without slipping in 1-2-3.
Kaiten your banana and midares the rest goes to guren and shintens
It's more like they just don't listen to any complaints that aren't from JP users. Japs don't have to complain about ping because their entire country is smaller than California so they never run into issues with clipping. Meanwhile NA/EU users complain about latency for years and their reward is more clipping.
Cool. I would like to try the other types though, just so I get the idea of how they work.
Also, as a DPS in duties should I always focus on whatever the tank has targeted or switch to other enemies? I did the novice trials, I understand jointly focusing with the tank, but I also learned about breaking off to attack threats to casters/healers. Is this a more nuanced thing I'll learn over time?
Kaiten on Iajutsu > Guren > Shinten
When you get Hagakure you'll want to try and always have 3 sens when it comes off CD because Hagakure with 3 sens is stronger than a Midare
i think you mean 20 more sleeps
BA doesn't even do big damage. People are just scared to DPS or have people stay low because of the risk of them potentially dying. No one wants to be that guy that costs someone their clear/items.
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Not an argument.
>still missing the point
you're hopeless desu
Makes sense.
Thank you.
Not really but very few sometimes there are priority targets that the tank will or should be going for while keeping aggro of other mobs anyways
It does big enough damage that you need to do a bunch of setup before the fight. It's not like the rest of the game where you don't really have to worry because the minimum item level is more than enough. My point is though it's just big numbers and RNG instead of actual mechanics. I didn't find it very fun but I guess people enjoy a glorified waiting room followed by an easy 24-man
Holy shit, you're retarded.
The main thing that bothers me about how people are reacting to these changes is how they act like the entire game is imploding because SCH lost some DPS buttons. Like the whole goddamn game revolves around your special boy class.
They should add more mechanics to fights to give healers something to do then. Like activate switches and stuff.
Also keep in mind that even though you get 5 kenki per hit now you do still have your positionals and shouldn't be missing them
what if they added more heal checks and less dps checks
>Total NA characters who cleared O12S: 9.8k
>Total Active NA characters: 265k
ohhhh noooo please don't quit I'm fucking shaking
Yeah man, that's all that changed. Nothing happened to tanks or the other healers.
>muh skill bloat
then why hasn't black mage lost a single ability?
>tfw playing MCH since 3.0 with 200+ ping
I like guns
Shinten is your dump, Seigan is more efficient once you get that, just a matter of learning when you can get third eye hits in.
It's actually more that healing in general is being dumbed-down again with the worry that fight design isn't going to change to address this, on top of the jobs being made less fun to play. But hey you're a greylet DPS main so it's not like you care until after the epxac comes out and you whine about your 2 hour queue times.
Still 2 weeks to go.
They should, but they won't, since they've made it abundantly clear they'd rather cater to the lowest common denominator. It would be funny as hell if they made the DPS checks so tight that it literally forced all DPS to ignore the mechanics in favor of the healers having to do something beyond mashing the nuke heal forever. Imagine the fucking screeching.
BLM is well designed imo
It's not like SCH was hard but maintaining 2 dots with different durations and having to dot->bane->shadow flare before miasma 2 spam required enough bare minimum attention to keep you awake through questing, dungeons and easy raids
Losing miasma and shadowflare sucks but losing bane and energy drain is much much worse since it means we can't biolysis->bane for aoe and no energy drain means no instant ogcd damage to kill almost dead targets in solo play as well as no way to burn surplus aetherflow for free damage and mana
If they at least let me keep bane and drain I wouldn't be so fucking annoyed ESPECIALLY when Summoner DOESNT EVEN USE THEM.
>1 minute longer
It's more like 10 minutes generally
>Nothing happened to tanks
Tanks are improved.
>no longer have to have WAR to pull
>no longer taking penalties for doing your job
>shorter cooldowns on shorter CDs making mitigation more active
>more party support
Sorry SCHbro, tanks have never been better, keep healing me though, slut
Enlightenment is realizing that SCH will now be fully capable of solohealing savage content, possibly even on Day 1, making default party layout 2 tanks, healer, 5 dps. Autistrologians and Whymages need not apply.
All healers are peeved, because SB savage content wasn't fun to heal and now nothing was added, or content philosphy changed, to make it more fun. The only thing that kept people sane inbetween huge downtime in healing was to atleast DPS some. I don't blame them.
>After 10 straight days of this shit I'll actually be grateful for the changes if it makes these obnoxious crybabies leave.
Yeah, and then you'll come back to these threads to whine about how long your queue times are and how long it takes to fill healer and tank slots in your PF
When are they going to make phoenix downs usable in combat?
That, yeah, goes without saying.
Yep, I worked out that it was more efficient if Seigan is up, but I don't want to look like an idiot so for now at least I'll probably try to only proc it off fieldwide AoEs.
Thanks again.
Based Fat Cats
give one of the healers an overheal mechanic where the recipients get to hold on to overhealed amount so as to free the healer to do whatever.
You can also have ricochet heals to allow some recipient to stick on boss during aoe for more dps.
basically make a healer that allows people to be as retarded as they are. mostly retarded dps.
source: i'm a dps main.
Not going to happen. I don't think you realize just how small the autism SCH population really is.
>Tanks are improved.
Fuck off troll
Most dungeons you can just use your AOE attacks on mobs, though DRG doesnt get any until 35 and theres only a handful of instances with priority targets, like the bees in Sunken Temple of Qarn or the poison pods at the start of Sohm Al once you reach Heavensward. Ideally when fighting a boss that summons adds, you'll want to clear adds first before going back to damaging the boss
That's exactly what created the boring static healbot content. Read through the thread. Some people mentioned possible fun changes and others underlined just what the raid lost with the removal of DPS checks.
If solohealing was possible they would "fix" it very fast.
as funny as it is that isn't really indicative of smart or healthy game design. It's a giant leap backwards, regardless if it's meta.
>to whine about how long your queue times are
*opens Trust menu*
t. Michael Rivers
This will never happen because NOBODY, not even the devs, expect DPS players to be good.
Its be nice, but they wont
Seigan isn't a big enough DPS gain to bother going out of your way to proc it by standing in AOEs and shit. Just proc it off raidwide/targeted damage. Also keep in mind that merciful eyes is an aggro dump if you get a shitter tank and not dying from boss aggro is better than a Seigan (usually just using Diversion should be enough to stop that from happening with any decent or better tank, or a content-respecting tank though)
typical god complex primadonna healer who thinks the world revolves around them
>Good luck doing anything without MEEEEE
>savage fags mad about job changes
When will you idiots learn that Gold Saucer is the real endgame?
I can hardly wait for Mystel model-swaps with the trainer so I can see fat miqo'te ninjas and samurai waddle around
Well healers are about 1/4 of the game's population
You are a fucking retard yourself if you seriously think that people play xiv for savage. Savage and ultimate doesn't fucking matter for overwhelming majority of playerbase. If you are playing solely for them, you are playing the wrong game.
You're actually out of touch if you think Balance trannies comprise even a fraction of healers.
You're not wrong, but you know it'll be the first thing they'll fix, if they haven't considered it already. So it won't stay.
i restarted on aether DC after Malboro go shuffled onto the ERP DC and lemme tell ya..... finishing ARR, going through heavensward and stormsblood. that's hard stuff.
Are you from an alternate universe with different ShB changes?
>play through stormblood
>not once do i hear YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
what's the point of playing then, cool guy?
>I play healer to relax and get carried while pressing green buttons
>Is it just more complex DPS rotations? Is it more damage that would force them to do more "real" healing?
Why not both?
Doesn't sound fun and doesn't change the fact that you don't heal most of the time anyway, since there's too much downtime inbetween. Right now it's a static healbot-fest.
Well since generally all healers outside Yea Forums are complaining (and all healers in Yea Forums, aside from a few DPS cucks false flagging as healers to pretend to enjoy the changes) it seems to be a good chunk of the population. But don't worry user you can queue with trusts to finish the MSQ, it's not like you do content after clearing the story anyway, it would get in the way of you idling in Limsa with your slutglam catgirl.
Hildy quests.
You get one when Gosetsu first comes off his boat
>>SCH is too good in Savage raiding because of overpowered OGCD heals and fairy abilities that cheat the gcd system and allow them to never stop Broiling
>>SE decide to make their damage even easier to execute while giving them even more ridiculous OGCD heals and aoe heals and shields from their fairy and seraph
SE are fucking retarded. White mage having a single 900 potency dump every 90 seconds means nothing when they have to stop to hard cast all their heals, SCH only need to do 4 more broils every minute and a half to do more damage than blood Lily and they STILL get to stack chain with trick and have raidwide shields
Adloqium+deployment recitation+indom emergency tactics+succor will let SCH solo heal all easy content
>If you are playing solely for them, you are playing the wrong game.
Then there was literally no point in pruning the jobs because the majority of the players don't care, and the 1% who do will continue to play to the fullest. Nobody loses, everyone wins. Except that's not actually the case, and SE is falling for the accessibility meme because they want everyone to do everything, which is why they are dumbing it all down. You're also kidding yourself if you think that endgame raiding isn't a significant pull. Lots of people do it, not everyone succeeds, but lots of people still do it to varying degrees of frequency and success.
>healers forever stuck in eternal high school drama
Just bring unlimited duration synastry from pvp to pve. In fact port most of the unique shit from pvp to pve.
More people complain about Male Viera bullshit than about healers.
The only high school drama are the DPS cucks who have to constantly shitpost without stopping about how good the healer changes are and how much of an expert they are on the healer changes, as a player who has never tried healing in their life.
Hands up!
that doesnt count, that was heavensward
Given how people throw out insults like Raidtranny, Roulette Hero and Erpfag with complete reckless abandon, I don't think there is a "right" way to play, either.
what type of healing would be fun for you? I played whm to 70 and as a dps main and tank whateverthefuck, healing is kinda wack. In most games i played, by the way.
Earlier user had it right. just make a dps class that heals via damage.
Can't wait for your thread two weeks into the expansion going "WHERE HAVE ALL THE HEALERS GONE?!?!?!? HUH?!?!!??"
Based DPS retard.
I swear I didn’t touch that loli officer
Why would he post that? He'll use Trusts to get through the story so he can AFK in the new town in his dancer AF gear
200+ ping
how? is this an american thing? my ping is never any more than 50, at least when my net doesn't occasionally chug ass
What's the point of playing the game then? What's the point of gearing up? What's the point of returning to the game every week? Not everyone is an ERP whore like you are. Back to /xivg/ you go.
>DPS are too retarded to realize what they're losing
Don't forget the 50% uptime, 600 potency regen, 10% damage reduction, 15 yards of Fuck WHM in diameter Sacred Soil.
Hell, it still has the chance to make next succor free, further increasing the healing you can dish out before running out of mana.
My static already has two healers filled out and they're not going anywhere so joke's on you I guess
Yes it's an American thing. America is a pretty big country and XIV's servers have pretty shit routing on top of that. If you're on the east coast of the US (or west coast before they moved the servers from Montreal to Sacramento) 200+ ping is pretty normal during busy hours and it's impossible to get below 100 without a VPN
Holy shit, I don't care about healers, either for or against.
>Tfw just did floor 50 of PoTD
I never expected the feels to catch me in a RNG dungeon. Feels bad, man
>when they have to stop to hard cast all their heals,
Free instant-cast every 30s boiiiiiii
well you see the US servers are located on the very western edge of the country, meaning that the connection quality gets worse and worse the farther you get. i myself am on the east coast which for all intents and purposes is the polar opposite side of the country.
now clear floor 100
Why not just make a new damage skill instead of new barrage that procs refulgent, means I have to press two skills instead of just the one? Since you’ll never use barrage on anything else.
how would you fix blue mage so make it work like a normal class
DPS or healer?
I was wondering if the class got an AOE at some point. Thank you, I'll keep that info in mind.
I hear that Americans also have that problem, but I'm from the middle east.
My static lost both healers. Fucking sucks, man.
Judging from interviews Yoshi was living in the different universe where SCHs used to give all their healing responsibilities to their co healers while they dps.
I didn't see anyone give a real reply, but there's basically two options
1. is to leave the healing model as it currently is (small predictable damage that's easy to heal) and focus on giving healers a semi-interesting DPS game to play like tanks and current scholar currently has. in the past this was also achieved with cleric stance dancing but it was also pretty punishing and stressful (for bad players)
2. is to switch to a triage healing model where aoe healing is massively nerfed (ideally by reducing the number of targets it hits to like 3 or 4), so you can no longer cast medica II and succor to do 90% of the healing required in a fight. At that point you're suddenly forced to heal efficiently, care about overhealing due to MP usage, and you can make healing "interesting" when things like cure -> cure 2 proc matter, and you can differentiate aoe healing more easily.
right now they're leaving the actual healing part to be as boring as it currently is and then giving healers nothing else to do but cast a single filler spell while they wait to cast medica II every time the boss does its aoe.
I wouldn't mind healing if there was so much outgoing damage that if healers stopped casting for 10 seconds the tanks would die and then everyone else would be 1 shot by boss autoattacks. That's what it's like in most other games, only FFXIV has this retarded paradigm where as long as you do the DDR steps properly the only damage you take is scripted unavoidable aoe at set intervals and telegraphed tankbusters
If healing was actually required the shitters would get filtered out of the job and tanks would have their ridiculous egos cut down to size
Large dungeon pulls are about the only thing in the game where tanks actually take enough damage that you can't just afk mashing 1 and even then ogcds are still stupidly good, excog and some lustrates is all you need to keep them alive a long time
I’m nearly done with the MSQ, but I’m a bit at a loss what my next goals in the game should be once I finish. For the past month I’ve just grinded the MSQ and unlocked most, if not all, optional dungeons, so I haven’t done too many extra things. What do you anons suggest I do in order to prepare myself for ShB and not be burden? My main is SHC, if it matters at all.
>DRG get Doom Spike lvl 40
What the fuck?
I could have sworn it was earlier...
Most of us aren't saying the changes are good, we're just tired of listening to you faggots act like everything is ruined.
I want to do 101+ but no friends
What's it like playing XIV in the middle east? Do people blowing themselves up disrupt your service frequently?
Tank. Duh.
It has healing abilities, defensive abilities, and damage abilities. Tanks are the one role that can and should be able to do all those things.
Is it bad i like the glorified clown as it is
My friends just use it to clown around while chilling or waiting for raid time
It really felt that way when reading the interviews.
Good thing Tanks and DPS got so much healing that you can do solo healer in Savage probably.
We lost 1 healer and other one is probably going to change from dps to whm just for raids.
give it job quests every level with 3 different abilities available (tank, dps, or healer) as a single reward for a quest. make it the jack of all trades
Because literal bloat, xiv rivals only eq2 in amount of needless buttons it has, especially on 2.0 legacy jobs. They don't care about savage fags screechings and balance around people that don't care to go into balance discord or google their rotations. Flow is the name of the game for yoshi, and almost all the classes that get the hardest prune or straight up rebalance flowed like shit. Sam, rdm, dnc and reworked drk is what you should expect out of jobs, distinct flow with which you can just zone out and do your shit. Gnb is another experiment, and healer prune is basically trying their hardest to give them flow, which honestly wouldn't work till they straight up port healers from pvp.
Posts like this are why raiders in XIV are so amusing. Despite constant streams of statistics showing how little of the playerbase raids, raiders still somehow think they're the majority and consistently get legitimately confused by the idea of a player who does not raid. "What do they do then? What is there besides raiding?" It's like they have blinders on, the idea of enjoying anything besides raidlogging is just beyond their comprehension.
To a raider, people who just do housing and roulettes and stuff are just an annoying little minority of casuals and the bulk of the active playerbase are into progression raids, and every change which somehow offends raider sensibilities is to them like a huge betrayal of the game's core vision. "We're the majority, how can they do this to us!?"
Blue Mage's release-date and learning Self-destruct was very accurate to the day-to-day experience
Nice american education.
Not really, but whenever I get matched with a female character wearing slutglam my internet goes out, the game is very fun.
No real goals outside of either
A) grinding meaningless vanity and fluff
B) Savage/Ultimate content
C) RP or whatever the fuck others are doing
> is this an american thing?
Yes. America is very fat, just like its people.
They're unfortunately going to fix it if they didn't predict it yet.
I wanna see some other gunblades for fucks sake.
>getting caught up on all my dol/doh jobs so I can have an easy time leveling shb
>enjoying a coffee and relaxing music while I shitpost and wait on collectible timers
how is it possible for something to be so fucking comfy bros?
We all know they are going to do Eureka 2.0 / Diadem 3.0 (or is it 4.0?), how can they improve it?
What's this from?
They'll all look shit. At least the lvl 70 trial ones ones will because they're all weebshit themed.
Show me these statistics. Not O12S clears you retard. But how many people attempted O1/5/9S. Can't wait for your surprise.
Do the Ivalice raids/Omega raids if you havent to get gear up. Arguably you could also try and level up a crafter/gatherer if you want. Run the EX trials as well since people are doing them for farming/clearing right now.
I fucking WISH they'd port PVP healers to PVE instead of this shitshow
PVP Scholar is like a pseudo-discipline priest, you're rewarded for DPSing with broil giving aetherflow allowing you to lustrate. If there was a heal-through-damage job put into the game 90% of healers would switch overnight but Yoshi is a faggot who hates fun
You only got those dps skills because you were lazily put onto ACN and SMN as they forgot they needed a second healer. And was easier to give them only 5 skills and some easy pet actions then the full skill list. Yoshi is just making you now get your own identity instead of being SMN
I assume you mean SCH, and your goal should be to get ilvl 390 gears, you have multiple options.
>Tomestone of Genesis
With them you can buy ilvl390 gear, and you can even upgrade them to ilvl400.
>24 man raid
By running the Orbonne Monastery you can get some ilvl390 gear.
>Crafted gears
You can buy some pieces of ilvl380 HQ gear off the Market board and also upgrade to ilvl390 by buying some Doman Reiyaku (100 tomestone of Mendacity each).
Buying crafted gears is the fastest option but it will cost you some money.
If you're on Primal I can help you.
solohealing is already possible in all content and they haven't fixed it
Some influencer's tumblr blog.
>durr I play japanese game and complain about japanese aesthetics
I’m more interested in sephirot and the gordias/alex ones.
>all content
You can definitely NOT heal O10S-O12S solo. Not with success anyway.
Begone, peasant
>obligatory Ifrit/Garuda/Titan gunblades
>Alexandrian gunblade? Eikonic gunblades? Ravana/Bismarck/Thordan/Warring Triad gunblades?
>full leveling-dungeon gunblade set for Stormblood, and Shadowbringers on top
>whatever vendor gunblades exist
>ShB primal gunblades
>You can definitely NOT heal O10S-O12S solo
oh sweetie
what irrelevant country are you from?
user, I...
The Japanese are king in doing their takes European medieval, steampunk and sci-fi.
When they try to tackle their own heritage they fail spectacularly 95% of the time. There's a reason why so many people want an AC game set in Japan.
I hope we get level 50 primal ones considering the job begins at what 60?
PVP healers are fucking obnoxiously strong though
>>Own identity
They're losing an entire pre-job class worth of abilities and only gaining some aoe heals, after SHB every healer will be even more homogenized than they already are
Half of the ones you list won't exist and you know it.
I hope the Genji, Diamond and Omega gunblades look nice, got my coffers on standby
Why wouldn’t we? Samurai/red mage has ARR weapons, so we should atleast get hw since it’s level 60
this is hands down one of the dumbest goddamn posts i've ever seen in this Yea Forums general
And in PVE tanks are strong enough that you don't even need more than one healer to keep them alive
it can all be solo healed and it's not difficult, it's just more punishing (in terms of wiping) compared to running two healers, and since the only other thing to do after you clear is speedclear/parse, people adhere to the 2/2/4 meta by way of fflogs
Trials are still a possibility because they're too iconic, but GNB and DNC won't get HW raid weapons. RDM and SAM only got final coil weapons and that was only because of Ultimate coming up. They already confirmed GNB and DNC won't have Ultimate weapons.
behold my dancer glamour
I’m saying sam/rdm got arr trial weapons which by your logic shouldn’t have happened because it was 2 expansions beyond that content
>no moogle weapons for DNC
Guess we just fucking suck dick then.
RDM and SAM got ARR primal weaponry despite there being absolutely no reason for them to get it, Alexandrian gunblade is following the rules they seem to impose where a job gets the ultimate weapon from two raids ago but nothing else (Dreadwyrm for SAM/RDM; we'll only know for certain if it's because of Unending Coil that they got it when we get GNB), I see no reason GNB and DNC wouldn't get HW primal weapons. The only "maybes" on that list to me are Eikonic weapons and Alexandrian.
the early ARR dungeons actually did this
i miss those days.
I recognize that bland midlander anywhere
Male Midlander?
we'll get HW weapons for dnc/gnb if only because of precedent, I feel pretty certain about it.
but ARR weapons seems like they won't happen, which is unfortunate.
Good. Moogle shit is cancer. DNC is going to be a cancer job and anyone who plays it deserves to suffer.
Why did he turn his avatar into a snake girl when he used to be a catboy?
Trial weapons are still possible, but gordian/midan/alexander are out.
And I still doubt trial weapons. Look at how Role quests are largely replacing job quests. They're going to cut it off at some point.
There's a tendency for this game's fanbase to expect more when you're invariably going to get less. BLU, genderlock etc.
who's gonna want to buy catboy merch
Good. You’re not a dps, and several dots that equal up to the singular dot potency is not fun.
Point taken.
feels good as a fat fag knowing autistic ffxiv roleplayers will commission artists to draw fat viera soon. best of luck to all your other fetishfags hoping for bunny art
Dudecat. That's just an image off google
>Alexander are out
to be fair, if they add in Alexander Ultimate, its possible, especially since they added regular dreadwyrm variants for katana/rapier after UCoB came out
no midan gunblade is a real tragedy though
Dude did you even fucking read the changes or are you just bitching for shits and giggles? Be honest now.
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. I'm on Primal too.
>all viera art is going to be fat or futa
>probably both
best timeline
What server? I can give you some money so you can start running some stuff fairly geared and ready for ShB.
involve crafters/gatherers somehow. hamlet defenses
is he dating the hulk what the fuck
>Wave Gunblade
>Mighty Thunder[x] gunblade
>Hive Gunblade
>Gunblade of the Round
I personally can't wait to see the Goddess Chakram.