ITT: Weapons that are literally you
ITT: Weapons that are literally you
Cockrockets and Black boxes are for faggot.
Best rocket launcher
The good old shock rifle, fiddly but glorious if in the right situation
How can people deal with any other rocket launcher? How can they deal with their aim being slightly cucked?
Shit game
My fav gun
This is a close second, idk why but I love stuff where you can drag a beam around. Like a very concentrated flamethrower.
how do you deal with the grenade launcher, sticky launcher, flare gun, or anything else
>will hurt everyone unintentionally
>low power
Rocket jumping is stupid though.
Stupid fun that is
>use original because it just sounds better
>having a blast, top score every time
>one day randomly realize the original doesn't shoot from the side like stock does, so you can't peak sentries
>never top score ever again because constantly conscious about whether this is an original situation or stock situation
>always equip stock if I see even a single engineer
>stock is just fucking awful outside of that though
I hate autism
Inb4 backwards gun
Used to be top of my field back in the day but faded into obscurity and is now generally loathed in modern iterations.
play titanfall
>images you can hear
This thing is such an ugly, boring pile of shit but I got so used to it back when I played Planetside. It's a part of me now.
this is mostly why i use the RL
if there were center-view equivalents for all the other guns maybe I would consider it but as is I'm just lightly fucking myself over
I can't Roket Jump with my current setup and I want to piss off crit complainers, so I use the Cow Mangler.