ITT: Weapons that are literally you

ITT: Weapons that are literally you

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Cockrockets and Black boxes are for faggot.

Best rocket launcher

The good old shock rifle, fiddly but glorious if in the right situation

Attached: weapons_shock_rifle.gif (300x225, 20K)


How can people deal with any other rocket launcher? How can they deal with their aim being slightly cucked?

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Shit game
My fav gun

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This is a close second, idk why but I love stuff where you can drag a beam around. Like a very concentrated flamethrower.

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how do you deal with the grenade launcher, sticky launcher, flare gun, or anything else

>will hurt everyone unintentionally
>low power

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Rocket jumping is stupid though.

Stupid fun that is

>use original because it just sounds better
>having a blast, top score every time
>one day randomly realize the original doesn't shoot from the side like stock does, so you can't peak sentries
>never top score ever again because constantly conscious about whether this is an original situation or stock situation
>always equip stock if I see even a single engineer
>stock is just fucking awful outside of that though
I hate autism

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Inb4 backwards gun

Used to be top of my field back in the day but faded into obscurity and is now generally loathed in modern iterations.

Attached: Bdfhinp[1].jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

play titanfall

>images you can hear

This thing is such an ugly, boring pile of shit but I got so used to it back when I played Planetside. It's a part of me now.

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this is mostly why i use the RL

if there were center-view equivalents for all the other guns maybe I would consider it but as is I'm just lightly fucking myself over

I can't Roket Jump with my current setup and I want to piss off crit complainers, so I use the Cow Mangler.