Convey your feelings regarding the Battle for Bikini Bottom remake using a Spongebob reaction image.
Convey your feelings regarding the Battle for Bikini Bottom remake using a Spongebob reaction image
SpongeBob sucks
t.Generation X
So what's the actual game like? Is it an action platformer? An adventure game? I never played it as a kid I wasn't into SpongeBob
It's a collectathon
Super Mario 64 but Spongebob
It's Psychonauts
Let's settle this once and for all. What was the best PS2 Spongebob game?
has to be between battle for bikini bottom and the movie game
I would def say the movie game or battle for bikini bottom. I do have a major love for the nicktoons unite game though as it was a lot of comfy fun with friends.
only one i've played is revenge of the flying dutchman
thinking about emulating battle for bikini bottom, what am i in for?
a soild platformer with slow base movement and no way to speed it up or movement abilities
its still fun but its slow to play and there are many moments where if you fuck up and fall somewhere its a drag to walk your ass back over
i really do hope they bring movie patrick's moves back to bfbb
the cartwheel was fun to use
>a soild platformer with slow base movement and no way to speed it up or movement abilities
i bet you don't even cruise boost
Krabs better have his actual fucking VA this time.
collectithon with really fun levels
my favorite was the dream level and rock bottom
i remember enjoying the style of creature from the krusty krab but not the constant change in genre
revenge of the flying dutchman was really comfy to play for some reason i think it was the soundtrack and lack of real enemy's or hazards
the movie game and BFBB are top tier
lights camera pants had a bunch of fun minigames but i never got to play them with anybody else
and i never played nicktoons unite but i did play volcano island and enjoyed the story and stuff
wake me up when the spongebob movie game gets remade
BfBB styled Gumball game when?
Can someone explain this scene to me. I know it's a joke but what is it?
>too hot
>too cold
>Toulouse Lautrec
It's just a pun.
not , but this is the painting the joke is referencing
it's super mario 64 but actually good and fun
Why were Seasons 1 - The Spongebob Movie (ft. David Hasselhof) so good, bros?
2 and 3 weren't that bad either
i found the skill crane, "livin like larry" and pearl's 16th birthday episodes quality as well
They better get the sliding mechanics right. Most fun part of the entire game bar none.
On that's what I meant Season 1 until the Movie.
>they fill the remake with post movie references
The locations are not nearly as recognizable or as fun as it is realistic . The story would be fun though
>locations arent recognizable
Nigga what?
There are tons of memorable locations they frequent in the show
yeah, didn't figure it out until i re-read your post
>squidward's toenail
>making faces
that'd be a nightmare
but what if they included a sequel hook for a movie game remake after you get every gold spatula
Why did this feel so soulless? In fact I can't even remember what happens aside from a big CGI Battle.
Quite unironically lads. I miss my spongebob times.
Quite impressive how spongebob got a mickey mouse popularity status to both young and old people. Hell maybe even more
I dont care sand castles in the sand is top tier despite being after the movie
>making faces
>With the new hardware they can do the hyper realistic shots in-engine
>Make new jokes about how the remake is so much more detailed with close up face shots
It'd be a fun gag if they just kept it to the start of the game in the overworld.
>no 2 million shinies movie theater
>music is all techno remakes
wouldn't be too put off by that, but it'd still be a tad much if its doing stuff like your pic
but speaking of worlds i wouldn't mind if they added stuff from like dunces and dragons and atlantis squarepantis, that'd be hype
Come on they made faces in the old seasons too
>squidward's sure face
>more Krabs
Hrs too big
>entire opening with the giant robot
>apocalyptic bikini bottom
>inside spongebobs head
>the fucking time dolphin
>BB part 2 timetravel boogaloo ft. squidasaurs rex
I think the first movie had more unique set piece gags like the old lady ice cream but they both are pretty equal to me.
>climactic finish on the surface
Spengbab needs to die forever.
I really hope not. Out of respect for hillenburg
of course
but it was overdone in the actual making faces episode
just a one-off gag and nothing grotesque is all im askin for
I agree. Please keep the post hillenburg era degeneracy out.
I don't need it
>Suffocating spongebob's probably going to be even more grotesque
I can't wait.
was rock bottom specifically ever visited in the post-hillenburg era?
Yes, cant remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was squidward this time.
Is Yea Forums will produce spongebob maymay again?
I'm fucking thrilled, platforming and other shit. This is a miracle.
I don't give a shit that its spongebob, this game was legitimately what made me like him.
I've never played the original, is it really that good
Do you like Mario 64? Banjo? Spyro? It's more of that.
I already played the shit out of it and it won't really be all that fun again because I know exactly what's going to happen every step of the way.
I feel like everyone doesn't realize this is the era of remakes and reboots
>destroy all humans
>modern warfare
>battle for bikini bottom
>WoW classic
What next?
Except you won't, because they're adding cut content back in.
keep crying for spongebob.
Spongebob zoomers deserve death
>I feel like everyone doesn't realize this is the era of remakes and reboots
It really is and I have to say that I hate it. I wish we just got new entries instead.
>RE2 Remake
>FFVII Remake
>Spongebob BBB Remake
>MediEvil Remake
>Destroy All Humans Remake
>Shadow of the Colossus Remake
>Ratchet and Clank Remake
>Crash 1, 2, and 3 Remake
>Spyro 1, 2 , and 3 Remake
>Crash Team Racing Remake
>All those Yakuza Remakes
>Secret of Mana Remake
>Star Ocean First Departure Remake
>System Shock Remake
>Grid Reboot
>Need for Speed Reboot
>Modern Warfare Reboot
>God of War Reboot
>Thief Reboot
Probably missing tons more. And don't forget all the remasters.
Show aired 20 years ago, you autist.
Zoomers are around 20 years yes
We might get a sequel to Simpsons Hit and Run at least.
>Being this retarded
If you were 10 or up when the show aired, you'd be at least 30 right now. Only children use autistic zoomer memes anyways, so you're probably one.
> Complaing about Yea Forums terms
Spotted the Spongebob zoomer, go watch Rocko's Modern Life instead zoom zoom, that actually has some substance in it
>Yea Forums terms
Nigger, if you came here at any point past 2007, you'll never be part of Yea Forums