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is it a bomb because of how much of a flop it is?

I took several international flights with mine and never had issue, and I even kept it in a battery case


tsa at small airports are like mall cops

>another shitty off topic twitter screencap thread
kill yourself

>Brittany A
>not video games

To be fair, the switch does bomb pretty hard

i literally took my switch through the airport last christmas and while they were confused by it, one employee said what it was at least
they did kinda throw a momentary red flag about it but i didn't have any super big fuss afterward

literally who


not only that but theres already a thread with this same eceleb. Fuck off OP

Has anyone had nothing but positive experiences with the TSA? I only started flying last year but I've flown eight times since and aside from one agent being a little rude and having to wait in an area with no seats for an hour and a half when I didn't have my ID my experiences have been painless and the agents very nice.

Where have you been?

I only take out my laptop.
I often fly with a lot of tech in my bag and never get pulled aside for it.
I also always opt for the pat down instead of going through the scanner.
Just to slow down the line.

That joke would have landed if it hadn't been selling like hotcakes.

these sort of horror stories usually come from utter idiots who don't follow the simplest rules.
Though I do get pat down every fucking time they put me through that new scanner thing cause it always detects something on my leg

When did being a retard become an argument on Yea Forums

>one of nintendo's most succeasful consoles in recent years

Holy fuck you faggot, I get it if you don't like a company but don't be a completely brain dead retard about it

the Switch looks pretty bomblike from an xray honestly

Attached: npppjo6oapi11.jpg (2275x1060, 153K)

Remind me again why twitter screencap threads aren't permaban on sight?

They couldnt read that it said fucking Nintendo on it?

Not the Switch though, just the dock

Attached: great scott.jpg (480x360, 14K)

thats the joke you idiots

haha "landed"

Pro tip: Put a block of cheese or sausage in your bag, tsa agents will think you're playing Ispy.


ecelebs arent videogames. I've never seen that bitch until this thread. who the fuck is she

>playing Ispy.

I know like 4 people that own a Switch. No one really gives a shit about it

If the Switch wasn't selling really well this would've been one of those posts that gets 200 replies and posted on /r/Yea Forums. What could have been...

It's not selling that well

no it's because the switch is da bomb

What's that thing in the middle? Is that the power core? It looks exactly like Iron Man's.

I dunno, the dock looks pretty hollow from an xray

Attached: f1khMcJIVrO5v3Wr.huge.jpg (1600x1200, 91K)


Its the fan for the heatsink

>Already passed PS4's lifetime sales in Japan
>"not selling that well"
Stupid nigger.

video games are fun

Attached: sunhatbird.jpg (640x640, 222K)

The fucking normies at my work won't shut the fuck up about wanting one.

Not really, but TSA precheck is fucking magical. Just last week departing from Chicago I walked past probably 200 people in the regular line to go up to the security scanners right away.

>pretending to be a normie
>not playing fortnite

Yikes, outed yourself as a incel

>yfw they saw the springs and the wires on the bottom left

>Japan is the sole arbiter of all that is successful
Stupid weeb

Is something on your leg

How can you X-Ray something that doesn't have bones?? What the fuck?

>Brittany Apery

If these blue checkmarks are going to be ironic weebs, they could at least learn proper kana and semi-voice usage.

>Trying this hard to bait, while simultaneously being unable to make it even remotely subtle
You shouldn't have even tried.

I have TSA pre check so flying is always painless for me

Yeah and the PS3 dominated the 360 in Japan, doesn't mean it didn't have a shit time in the rest of the world

Gamers rise up, we live in a society

Attached: TSA.png (728x946, 452K)

Are you white? Dont need to answer. Of course you are

if I had to guess its the leggings


>tsa agents stops me
>searches my bag
>laughs, says "aren't you a little old for this?"
>awkwardly chuckle back
>waddle away in humiliation

im never leaving my room again, bros.

I don't get it

How the hell did you get a picture of a dock x-rayed?

Switch is still selling well now
PS3 had a pathetic launch and really rough first couple of years but it's did well at the end

>Ps4 is going to be one of the top selling consoles of all time and has been out for 6 years
>the switch has been out for 2 years and recently outsold lifetime Japan sales for PS4

Based retard

>Blue checkmarks
user when was the last time you had your vision checked? Theres no blue checkmark

A lot easier than x-raying something with bones since the thing without bones is less likely to complain about radiation sickness

How the hell did you get an xray of a switch dock??

When will Gamer-Americans stop being oppressed?


Attached: [AB-F] NHK ni Youkoso! DVDRip Ep 21_Reset ni Youkoso! [H264 AAC] (Spanish Sub)_[8af589a8] (00:04:15. (720x480, 386K)

They made me leave behind some water bottles, lotion, and cough medicine, but that's just because I didn't know about the liquid carry limit.

the construction of that joke is appalling, user, give it more than five seconds of thought next time

they were trying to steal it

Aren't bones a prerequisite for x-rays to work? I thought that bone marrow is required for x-rays to bounce back to make an image.

Attached: big think.jpg (1200x1085, 64K)

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I always wonder what's going through the heads of the original posters of the pastas, though.

user, lets be honest, you know 4 people.

I literally brought my switch + dock, pro controller, gc controller + adapter in my bag through security on international flights and have never had this problem.

whats with everyone putting japanese characters in their names now?

I bet you'd like to think so, son

>Going to be moving soon
>Riding a plane
>Can fucking guarantee they're gonna go through my shit because of all the tech I'm gonna have, combined with a one-way ticket and me having long hair and a beard

Nintendo products are made of bone dust

Thank god this was spoilered. Didn't want the story to your blog to be ruined.

Attached: 1552773005526.gif (155x155, 986K)

>Just know that I am, and will always be, 10 times as smart as you are.
I am not smart, at all.
0 x 10 = 0

unless you're a corpse or a rock, you're smarter than zero

It's because they're fricking weebs

I'm a skeleton.

This would have been pretty gud in the Wii U era.

Are you Arab-looking? If so, then RIP.

so why would you bring your switch dock on a trip anyway?
its a fucking portable tablet, play it in portable mode until you get home.
who fucking drags their xbox or ps4 around on business trips or whatever?


Attached: Hatsuu_Britanny-Avery.png (963x756, 980K)

American TSA is just super long to go through and they're hands down the most finicky with how you have to take shit out and separate them all the while other people's stuff is getting jumbled into the mix. I started traveling with an extra bag just for the sole purpose of getting my shit out ANF checked through faster.

Translates Japanese games like trails of and ys

density is really the only prerequisite for showing up on an x-ray. Airport x-rays scan on two different frequencies to see finer details

>i spy
absolutely based

They must have thought it's a bomb since despite having a big shell the electric components are tiny and in a corner.

Are you fat? Overweight people always set them off. Or dipshits that leave stuff in their pockets.

Damn, why the preferential treatment?

Attached: Pic of Anon.jpg (343x147, 7K)


You have to go through a background check and pay like $80 for TSA pre, but if you fly a lot its totally worth it

Clearly the entire male TSA staff just wanted to make sure those two bombs she was smuggling in her shirt weren't dangerous.

It's the C4 payload.

black holes are pretty dense, what would they look like under an xray

Looks like she had to move back to her parents since she was unable to find a job for 6 months since leaving x-seed according to her twitter.

And damn, it's a shame but looks like Hatsuu got skinnier and its probably due to the harsh anti-TB antibiotics she is taking.

Not sure if she has insurance but she is likely moving back home because Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment ate a good chunk of her time and money, leaving her broke.

That joke is better fitted for the PS3 and PS4.

This is what should happen to all normalfags who play video games in public, cart them off to the nearest detention centre.

Things that never happened

like a black hole, xrays are a form of light and can't escape a black hole's event horizon

Based TSA keeping those subhumans like you on your toes

nah, i'm sure you would see the bones of a black hole if you put one through an x-ray.

>mattering at all
I guess tendies will take what little victories they can get.

Went to Colorado for Christmas, had the dock, switch itself, like four joycons, a pro controller, grip, wires and cables, those fuckers didn't even blink.

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>All these replies

Attached: 1556426235863.jpg (540x438, 19K)

>start new software job
>days dedicated to playing switch with peers
I enjoy it to be honest but I'm an idort

It sucks, but she would probably have more money if the cats she takes in didn't have funky eye infections every other week. If someone is paying $500 vet bills multiple times per year, something is fishy.

>Yea Forums isn't nintendogaf i swear

a blackhole is boneless like a pizza

come on mate
The PS3 wasn't exactly a flop either

Just blast something with enough radiation, and it'll glow enough for machines to detect what it is.

Attached: Distant Eclipse.png (1050x550, 637K)

black holes are full of skeletons of races that grew and died in the unimaginably long time that our universe has existed, one day our race will be a part of the pile too haha

>have ps4 pro in bag
>have to take it out
>feel like I'm pulling spaghetti out of the bag

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That's definitely justified
Switches can be a huge flight risk

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the skeletons are piloting the black hole

Who are you quoting?

Bing bing collect the coins, that grown man having so much fun.

Attached: Piss that so.png (667x645, 193K)

>manual goes out of its way to warn only the switch charger should be used
>retards do this shit anyway

Attached: 1558640742558.jpg (1024x732, 82K)

you if you aren't denying that

They know we took a picture of them. They are driving the black hole to our planet as we speak.

Not one of your best moments tbqhwyf.

>nintendo couldn't be assed to include proper usb-c drivers
>using a universal cable without using universal drivers
>this is the consumer's fault

You have no clue what you're even talking about you sperg

Look again.It's a galaxy phone with the Joy-cons photoshopped in.

here use this instead

Attached: 12554886233215.jpg (320x161, 13K)

I don't get it

Kek all these asshurt comments. Can't hide the fact that Switch is already dead a year after release with no new games coming out except ports from decade old games.

That must've been so terrifying, please charging.

Fuck, you're right. The switch doesnt even charge that way now that I think about it. It's late, I have aids, etc.

and stage 4 bone cancer.

You wish it was dead, nerd

You're a fucking retard.

Nice bait. Here's another (You) for being successful.

Attached: 1345936584955.jpg (864x720, 250K)

>All these replies got triggered

>getting this emotionally devastated about some random retard

Joke's on you m8

based user

Gotta meet those "random check" quotas.

Attached: 72.jpg (392x347, 26K)

That's probably because you're a privileged white male.

>mods deleting posts in the thread
>not deleting the garbage off topic thread itself

That looks like a twitter tranny

I don't get why it wasn't a flop. It has the exact same flaws as the wii u: relatively low specs, gimmicky controller, lacklustre exclusives.

3/10, you'll get a few bites

If you think about it, Japan has had the "time" problem with video games for quite a bit. As in, they spend most of their time traveling to and from work, so they don't necessarily have that much time to sit down and play game X on the PS4. The Switch sort of solves this problem, since you can just take the game with you and whatnot. Sure, it could maybe have better specs across the board (or maybe have the doc boost it in power somehow? I don't know.), but the concept is solid enough, imo.
Of course, Sony has sort of tried this before with their PS4-Vita save transfer thing, but it isn't exactly good design to make you buy two consoles & the same game twice just to get to play the game when you aren't home.

whats her insta?

It's not bait. I don't understand the success. Why did everyone hop on at the same time as me hopping off?

>The Switch sort of solves this problem, since you can just take the game with you and whatnot.
But it's fucking huge. How do you even transport it?

>airport security is so poor that they can't even recognise a Nintendo Switch

I almost feel sorry for them.

>3rd parties keep trying to kill it off with lazy overpriced decade old ports
>It keeps selling anyway
how based can one console be?

Attached: 1445891815439.jpg (800x437, 96K)

You don't look like Apu or Carlos Mendoza
Missed Opportunity for WiiU, bro.

Imagine creating the world over the 10 people you know, ahahaha.


I've never had problems fitting it into my bag, honestly. Sure, it is a bit bigger than the 3/DS and PSP/Vita, but not necessarily too big.

>PS3 dominated the 360 in Japan
And defeat them in the end.

Most people just put in their bags and pull it out for long rides.

I guess it works if you have a bag

Favorite fucking post.

I had to deal with a cunty TSA agent when I was going through customs once, but it was fine the last time I went through

I work in travel insurance. Valuables (includes electronic devices like computers, game consoles and the like) must be kept on your person, or in your hand luggage in order to be covered. If you stick valuable items in checked in luggage and they get damaged in transit or pinched by sticky fingered airport staff/TSA agents then no claim for you.

>$599 for a PS3

What a ride.


>posts a totally real picture of a totally real switch that totally got fucking imploded
>charger is plugged into the right fucking Joy-con

Here's your (You) better luck next time.

Attached: richterlaugh.jpg (960x599, 384K)

You might be a bit screwed otherwise, yeah. Though I guess you could try taking the joycons off, and putting them into a separate pocket than the screen. That way, the size should be manageable, but you just need two pockets.

I mean the entire concept of playing a game while traveling is alien to me anyways

the truth hurts, evidently

Attached: Mario saved from suicide by Switch games.gif (320x240, 1.4M)

Well, that could affect your perception of the related matters, yes.

better marketing and a non-retarded name
botw and some other nintendo exclusives
interesting gimmick that appeals to portable fags and console fags

why don't you just google it user, why do you have to go into this thread and ask a basic question that can be solved with a single search and a little bit of reading
don't reply to this either, i won't be reading it

I don't fly much, but last year they had to re-scan one of my bags because (I think) they mistook the metal rails in the Joy Con wrist straps for knives.

Switch death trap confirmed

It affects my perception of switch owners, that's for certain. They must all be either actual underages or people too poor to own a vehicle.

way too small for a switch and no huge screen borders

I've flew a few times, it isn't too bad. Mainly domestic though, only been out of the country twice in these past few years. Just obey the rules and read the signs and you'll be fine.

So the quality doesn't actually matter? Just the marketing? And Wii U had BotW, by the way.

Were you at O'Hare? I might've been one of those 200 people. That line was hell.

weird flex but okay user


self-terminate, twitter scum

I, at least, am neither. I just live in the city, so there is no reason to not use the public transports over having your own car. Shit's expensive, and finding a parking slot is too much of a hassle to have to do every day.

>Nintendron3s can't take a joke

>be american
>subhuman flies plane into two jew towers
>get harassed by TSA as a result
>land of the free

Friendly reminder that the only reason switch isn't a flop is because most people didn't knew what the WiiU was.

>All of the seething in the replies

Well well, look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy public transportation.

Fuckin hell everyone is butthurt, how about you deal with the Switch being a joke. E3 is just around the corner, so we can have even more great laughs at how pathetic the console is.

Lets count the seething nincels

LMAOOOOOOOOOOO So much this! We'll have a hell of a laugh at how pathetic the Shitch is before PS5 inevitably BTFOs it next year.

It's selling at basically the exact same rate the PS4 did, that's objectively good.

Well excuse me, princess!

>i was just pretending to be retarded

The cognitive dissonance is real

that's not how it goes, dolt

Seething nincels can't take a joke. See , E3 will be the death of you when it's exposed even more how much of a joke the Shitch is. There's a reason we converted to Sony camp.

How is
>it's not selling that well
a joke? It's just a statement.



Why do retards reply to obvious bait not once but twice

The people working at aiports dont really think they are explosive deviced
They just like to ruin peoples day
Losers on a power trip

>all these posts replying and agreeing
Wow, it sure is sonygaf around here.

Well excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!

no fuckhead
how do you not know sneed by now

If you grow up in the era before 9/11 you didn't have to deal with any of that shit at all, you're just acclimatized to it so you think it's normal. You do not understanding how much of a needless hassle it really is.

Well if Nintendos E3 is shit at least we have Sony's to look forward t.... Oh....

>all these whiny toddlers

I fly a lot because my state is huge and I do work all over it. I have streamlined my process to the point I have everything ready before an agent has time to tell me what to do.

What has Sneed to do with this, of all things?

This reminds me. You can't ship it internationally initially due to it having too many lithium ion batteries. Not sure about now.

>the haunted house computer game
I need to hunt down the games now

Attached: 4164838D-3979-48B8-84D1-2F913082A624.jpg (800x800, 175K)

where the fuck did she go

I just went through the airport with my Switch today with zero problems.

Should have gotten TSA-Pre so you can avoid going through the tumor tube.


Attached: file.png (140x29, 1K)

I heard their planes crash only once.

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based user
look at all these triggered faggots

Went through an Australian airport with mine, nobody said anything at all. Probably thought it was a laptop or something

so emotional
god damn newfag

It comes up with colours denoting what materials things are made of here. Looked like computer shit so it was fine for me.

Nice, but unfortunately untrue.

>Owning a soitendo shitch

seething lol

Based as fuck

Attached: 1371856153608.png (640x400, 173K)

god dammit

Attached: 28065478.jpg (251x242, 10K)

are you ok

Oh boy

Your jokes need an HD remaster.

Oh my god JC, a bomb!

This usually comes up when people travel with the switch IN the dock. Don't do that.

>Giving a fuck about Japan
Call when the shitch outsold the ps4 worldwide

>say something stupid
>people who call you stupid are "triggered"


now this is BASED

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why don't you just fucking answer him you dumb cunt? who the fuck is it? why should anybody give a damn?

Wouldn't they just turn into polished turds, though?

sonygaf also said switch will sell less than the wii u. Their IQ is below average even for their race

okay, this is based

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