Wow, what a nice company. Never buying their shit again. Can't even credit the people who translate your shit
Xseed Games removes former employee from credits
>Caring about company employees
Why does it matter, as long as they push out games I like. Just give me Sakuna and RF4/5 already.
It matters because if these employees become demoralized, they'll have no incentive to work harder to bring the best product to you. Worst case scenario, the person that might have localized a game you want will just outright leave the industry and nobody will be able to replace him/her.
just fire and hire another guy
What did she do?
Make coffee?
EA motto
Did they use the same translation?
I am trying to care.
backstabbing bitch deserves it
>the world keeps finding new ways to shit on Hatsuu
Is she the new Chris-chan?
>Attention seeking whore
Sounds about right
>and nobody will be able to replace him/her.
there are over seven point five BILLION people in the planet
they will find somebody
Based Xseed
what she do? i assume she's that dumb to put her dirty laundries to dry on twitter.
I think she is one of the few devs that left awhile back that were against censoring anything and the interviews they left us with made out the rest of xseed were rabid to censor shit without them putting up a front.
Friendly reminder that Hatsuu had breast reduction surgery.
wow good luck digging yourself out of twitter dram with that winner.
>Can't even credit the people who translate your shit
can't a computer do this better than any retard bimbo who went to school for it
How can Hatsuu compete with this?
>between this and the new title announced today
What new title? What does it have to do with her?
based xseed
Wrong. That was Tom. Hatsuu was totally fine with the censoring but was mad at the Tom because he made the company look bad and called him an asshole at work. That's one of the main reasons she got fired.
>30 year old cat lady
literal retards
no because it would sound too raw, kinda like how in english one word can mean many things
Good for her. Can't see why anybody'd want grotesque, tumor-like growths bogging down their weight
You are trying way too hard, man, but okay, lets pretend all those hentai games that get run through google translate are actually readable.
imagine the smell
Wasn't it just a few years ago you guys couldn't stop fellating Hatsuu and Tom?
What happened?
Hatsuu turned on post-EV Senran Kagura. Also the /jrpgg/ guy who stalked her IRL makes a lot of these threads.
Tom was always a giant autist who polarized people.
Hatsuu got fired and Tom just left the company. Xseed is a terrible localization company at the moment
Yea Forums turned on them the moment they left. Turns out Yea Forums likes that Xsneed corporate cock.
>the moment they left
I always hated them fuck you
Literally why? Her tits weren't even that fucking big
she kills cats and somehow contracts TB while living in America, who cares about her
Fatsuu is only good for titfucking, though who knows what state they're in now.
Maybe it's because she's a filthy cat-killer.
Oh boo fucking hoo. Does the construction worker get to put his fucking name on the wall of the building he's helping erect? Does fishermen sign every single fish they catch for their companies, which they then sell to stores and restaurants? Do the clerks, waiters and chefs of said establishments get to tell you that they, personally, sold or prepared the fish you are about to buy/consume? Would you give a fuck if they did?
You worked and you got paid. That's your incentive. You show up to work and you do your best because that's what they are paying you for: they are giving you 100% of your paycheck for 100% of your performance.
this is a retarded policy
disgusting if true
she's a ftm tranny. Literally pumping testosterone into that perfect body and destroying it.
I mean, that's definitely not their BIGGEST blunder as of yet.
Who is this, what did she do, why should I give even half of a shit
You mean him.
>he doesn't know
did she kill them with her tits?
why does Yea Forums hate her? she's legit passionate about her job and also big titty
I mean, that's pretty much policy everywhere. You're lucky to get a special thanks.
I don't care. I just want to play video games.
Because Xsneedfags felt betrayed when she join NISA to work on CS3.
Based Sean
i don't know her job but if she is tasked with writing something i think she's deserving to be in the credits for that work.
Okay i believe you
spoonfeed me please, I wanna know what nasty shit this bitch was up to
What did she censor?
Thing it was like age 21, 27, now 30 (in OP)
What a fucking difference. She looks so bad now.
Why she turned on EV is why I sorta went off SK too. It is just 100% fan service any real character shit went out the window with EV, gameplay also fucking sucked in EV
shut up tranny only the original japanese desvs matter
God I want to milk Hatsuu's fat tits
Two! Two 60+ post Hatsuu threads! Ah-ah-aaaah.
It's honestly a weird policy. If you did a lot of work on a project and ended up leaving midway you should at least get some mention in the credits. Maybe include a "left part way through development" or something
If they aren't given credit how are they gonna convince companies to hire them?
Wagecuck detected.
this nigga gets it.
Yes, that's definitely going to go over well with XSEED fans, no chance of that backfiring.
who fucking cares its just localization
its not like they're doing real work
Hatsuu has a lactation fetish and is masturbating to this post right now
no its fucking not you turbo tard
List your shit on your resume.
Removing credit is not the same thing as not crediting someone in an unfinished game if they leave. This is the kind of shit that causes people to unionize.
Nigga you're retarded. Comparing it to wagecuck labor is stupid for one, and for two even wagecucks will get good references and what not from prior employees to prove that they actually did the work they were hired to do.
But keep sucking that corporate cock and letting upper management take all the credit for your work.
This is true
>Yea Forums is obsessed with the spiders and mice that run the abandoned office
XSEED should have done more self-promotion. Like Atlus's John Hardin. With Tom and Hatsuu gone, there is literally nobody left to operate the company.
a resume usually includes references to employers who will give you a recommendation. well, this bitch just got un-recommended. kinda hard to explain away if that happens.
>the person that might have localized a game you want will just outright leave the industry
oh noooo
Formerly Xchuck's.
>i'm so tired
sudoku incoming?
>It says here you worked on this game, but we checked the credits and you were never mentioned
You can prove you worked there, but if the company is adamant about not crediting you, you're shit out of luck
Holy shit fuck Xseed. She's 3/4 the reason Trails even got translated as far as it has.
I will forever be grateful to her and Tom for doing what they did and never giving up on Second Chapter.
She'll probably continue translating Cold Steel 3 as best as she can because she believes her fans deserve it, but I really hope she falls into a permanent position of work soon.
Holy fuck, wasn't the the one that kept pushing for Nothin Personell's localisation as well? That's pretty fucking mean, that was her baby.
Wait, so if for example you translated 100% of a game and for some reason, you left XSEED, all the players are going to see in the credits is:
English Translation
That's really fucking stupid
so it's like the game translated itself???
Who gives a shit about the low-tier rabble and vermin that populate the hovels and bowels of the company, toiling away in their meaningless labour.
It is their betters, the managers and CEOs that deserve our respect as self-made men that deliver us great games. Anyone below them is just a waste of oxygen imo.
well she didn't leave she got a new job with NISA, she's fine right now.
Who has less respect in the vidya industry, voice actors or developers?
Games Journalists. watch any of them report on this. see the tidal wave of nothing that happens. then watch some fat bearded youtube talk about it.
This is unironically retarded and would be rightfully blasted in any other entertainment industry.
>giving a shit about the people who make the game coming and going like piss in the wind
>She'll probably continue translating Cold Steel 3 as best as she can
Yeah, abou that...
oh no, what do, tested hundreds of games, my name appeared in like 15% of them, who cares.
>"We have never credited staff for their individual roles"
They typed this out UNIRONICALLY, holy fuck. How in the fuck do these retards stay in business?
Vidya voice actors are basically c-grade celebrities. not the hottest shit, but still well known to have adoring fans.
Nobody gives a shit about the specific devs, just the studio they work for.
she's a translator/writer, not your worthless bug tester.
They dont list roles, so you wouldnt know who did / didnt do translation
implying that translating is any hard, oh wait, I forgot that most americans only speak English thus consider translating something hard.
>she's a trans
stopped reading there. don't give a shit
who is she?
except now we do know somebody and that somebody is going to let more people know. so. XSEED is fucked on this.
Except she's using this to build her career and resume user, she doesn't want to get stuck and go nowhere like you.
I mean, she fucking better. I'm not buying Cold Steel 3 unless it's confirmed she helped translate it.
>Meanwhile NISA stealing all Falcom products from Xseed and picking up Utawarerumono leftovers from Atlus
How can a company be this cunning
xsneed formerly senran kagura (deceased) publishers
>salty bug tester
a man of wit
The woman this thread is about
So i guess they should never credit voice actors, right?
xneed and feed.
This is bullshit and sounds like shit you should be sued for.
need to survive their parent company's oncoming death somehow
>only crediting current staff
that's fucking dumb as shit
>I mean, she fucking better. I'm not buying Cold Steel 3 unless it's confirmed she helped translate it.
She left the project the same week she announced she was working on it.
>How in the fuck do these retards stay in business?
They don't
I'll still be buying Xseed games and vns.
thats why you get a letter of recommendations user, or you list the info of of your past employer along with the phone number in your current CV so that HR can check up on your claims like in any other job.
nah, didnt really care for having my name in the credits, never really liked social media and all the drama queens on there either. oh man I remember the days I had to test shit like poker games that were fucking hard, or like barby games. that shit was annoying as hell.
That defeats the entire purpose of credits. It's not telling you the credits, it's telling you who works at your fucking company.
>companies let people talk about projects the moment they're hired for them
lol ok
user, the translation has been done for ages.
god, I want to play that game but this thread has left me incredibly conflicted
dude your job is to go around developers work and poke holes in them. i guarantee you most if not all of them hate your kind. you are quite the humble steward of vidya to accept that 85% of game developers wish you didn't exist.
What? That's how they do credits?
how fucking stupid
I think all the credits I've seen for other games organizes people by roles, like planner, programmer, character designer, character artist, enemy design, etc...
There are tweets, look for them.
It's hilariously ironic that NISA will end not because they are a terrible dev, but because the mother company went down
It's almost as if the localisation industry is one massive joke, filled with companies that are little more than parasites or something.
I know what the story is, and you're an absolute retard if you think she was hired the moment she started talking about it despite Chiplock talking about the trailer and the direction he received, which obviously took place beforehand.
A former translator for Xseed, mainly known for showing love for The Legend of Heroes series. It has an autistic fanbase here. She used to browse /jrpg/ as Xseedude until a /vg/ autist decided to give the company a visit. She stopped browsing the place since then. All was going well until NISA, a rival company, started stealing Falcom projects from Xseed. Hatsuu was passionate about those and got depressed. As time went on she got into some dumb messes like the word trap being used in a game called Akiba's Trip 2, which pissed off some retards. She was in a bad place and then suddenly she got fired from Xseed some time ago due to supposed disagreements with a co-worker. She now has left California due to no income to feed her 10 cats and lives with her parents.
You're a fucking idiot.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
She joined the company that poached the franchises XSeed spent about a decade building a fanbase for in the west. I think XSeed cutting her out of the credits is ridiculous, but I can see why people there might be upset at her.
Order's slightly off; /jrpgg/ autist harassed her at the XSNEED offices specifically because she was upset about that trap suicide thing.
No you can't. She was fired from the company. If anyone there is mad that she took another job, they should gas themselves.
And this children, is why you don't post your identity on Yea Forums.
That's a lot of cats.
You proved jack shit. You don't know the story. Look for the tweets.
Europeans speak multiple "languages" all from the exact same family of languages that mostly just consist of figuring out gendered nuances and changing words, and can't into an actual different language than theirs like Arabic or Japanese.
>completely missing the point of credits
Big if true.
>replying in under 20 seconds
lmao how fucking mad are you
its just a job user, I break games and make sure they follow the guidelines, they fix it back and forth, if they want to credit me then whatever, all I wanted was for the game to be as ready as possible for release date and hopefully without any big bugs so that players can enjoy.
also, lots of times when big glaring bugs are found on released games are often blamed on testers, but from my experience, the company knows that these bugs exists but due to the impending release dates they ship the games like that anyways and then later blame the testers.
You forgot the part where she didn't get another job because she got TB.
The name of the clerk who served you usually has their name show up on the reciept
Not as mad as you, evidently.
She was fired because NISA poached Trails and that was all she was good for.
people who don't take the time to thoroughly catch up on the details of this story is gonna default on the side of her, if even they care. I doubt XSEED can even walk out of this one clean.
Konami did the same when Kojima left / was outed. Why does it surprise any of you?
>This is the kind of shit that causes people to unionize.
Honestly the game industry might need a union.
A lot of crap happens behind the scenes.
Like Gearbox taking the employees royalties and they were promised
What's that got to do with anything?
What's TB?
Why would tuberculosis stop her from getting another job?
hence why I said americans, most people in the world speak more than 1 language.
a person that knows for example English and French can kind of understand a person speaking in spanish, of course that doesnt mean he can understand exactly what they mean but they get a gist of it.
Is this a joke? So they just remove your name from shit you did if you decide to leave or get fired? That's so fucking retarded.
but other localized games do credits normally
>references to employers who will give you a recommendation.
Every employer I've ever worked for has had a policy to only discuss the dates of your employment and your role at the company. They specifically do not make recommendations.
That's what personal references are for. You want individuals you worked with to make recommendations- not some HR nanny that just pretends to know you exist.
Komjima was a hack besides he plastered his name all over fucking mg5
i'm not saying your job is unimportant but your job doesn't equal that to her job. you affect the game by discovering flaws in a game before release (what a novel concept in 2019 btw) but she actually made the content people consume. it's kinda like saying Notch never made minecraft, just absurd corperate shit nobody bites.
how the fuck do you get TB in current year
Not to sound sexist, but it’s a woman. Let’s face it, her actual contribution to the project was probably sitting at a desk watching YouTube and shopping. They could likely replace her with a toilet brush and get more productivity. It’s pretty well known women don’t actually do any work unless they’re sucking a dick for an easy ride.
Play RDR2.
Konami removed Kojima's name from MGS4/V? I need to go back and check this.
It was in retirement home, not surprising that they don't want employees with diseases.
Go away.
Most people take two years of a foreign language in high school in the U.S.
working with old sick people and in prison
I'd still marry them. Just don't go ftm
You have to treat your disease first.
It was for an aged care facility, where naturally workers have be healthy.
It's not just unique to Victorian London or the Wild West, you can still pick up TB in big cities if you're unlucky.
Too honest for the new redditchan
How the fuck did she get TB
>How the fuck did she get TB
fucking refugees obviously
she took a script with lines and basically just wrote the translation, even google can do that, that said, google is definetely not great for paragraphs but it kinda gets the gist of things.
sure my ex job sucked and being a translator is better but its not that an important role as there are also tons of translators.
yeah I've seen that system in public school and you know what, its terrible, unless you go to one of those school where they teach everything using 2 languages, im afraid the second language class is very lacking, its way better just to go to a private school to learn another language cause public school are terrible for that.
>you can still pick up TB in big cities if you're unlucky.
Diversity is our strength
>most people in the world speak more than 1 language
I wonder about that. Is 51% of the world bi-lingual?
Makes sense
Well plus in the US, you have all those loony anti-vaxxers.
>Newfag who doesn't know who Hatsuu is.
Stop trying to fit in, Redditfugee.
Maybe you shouldn't be a backstabbing bitch and leave the company.
>you have all those loony anti-vaxxers.
you don't get vaccinated for TB dumbshit
>How in the fuck do these retards stay in business?
They don't anymore. Hatsuu and Tom were the only ones causing their games to sell.
Mainly Tom.
Nothing. She is just really liberal with her translations. And when I say liberal I mean that in the sense of "character is not saying this but I think he should be really saying this right now so I am making him say what I want him to say.". Just go to the Falcom General and ask them how much headcanon she can squeeze out of a single "Rean...".
Good thing that isn't what happened then, isn't it.
>comparing creative work to service work
yeah I totally pulled that out of my ass, sorry, but from the business and internet point of view, at least millions of people learn english for those reasons.
its the reason why all my software is in English as well, cause whenever I need to do some troubleshooting its way easier to find information in English rather than any other language.
if a google AI could localize a game then i'd agree her shit isn't important. but Google can only turn words into other words, not derive a meaning from them. so that's why i call her a writer as well as a translator, that shit is necessary if you want your japanese game to make sense in english.
What, so you can reply with your usual set of images?
>that said, google is definetely not great for paragraphs but it kinda gets the gist of things.
>sure my ex job sucked and being a translator is better but its not that an important role as there are also tons of translators.
You are a fucking idiot.
It's amazing how true this image became
>Get vaccinated for disease
>Still get disease
Besides, 90% of anti-vaxxers are orthodox jewish or rich Hollywood elite, so your post is highly anti-semitic
>tfw the 'healthy young child' was his son barron all along
deepest lore
You are living proof translating is hard because you didn't understand my fucking point, so your English obviously isn't good enough to fucking comprehend a simple sentence.
LOL imagine if movies did this. The Crow. Starring CGI Man
Kek did they do this since Wild Arms era
To be fair, most of Yea Forums's native English speakers have difficulty parsing very basic sentences if they think it's about something they disagree with.
Unironically have sex.
Testers are barely even human to be honest
Because the people writing the posts they're reading a probably ESL retards.
Not every woman gets hired as a diversity officer.
>Diseases and viruses are most deadly when genetic code has similarities, which is why Japan is so paranoid of disease
>Diversity is a bad thing
very well constructed argument you got there, thanks for the input.
yeah I understand that, having learned some Japanese and learning the ... different or rather lack of grammar rules I completely understand what you mean, still its just like reading a novel,a short one at that and just translating to another language.
so enlighten me then, perhaps you didn't understand mine.
Atleast FTM trannies actually pass.
agree, testing games sucked out my life and then moving to the facebook team was even worse.
>NISA are getting all the Falcom games purely because they could afford to slip Falcom a couple extra fifty's for the contracts
Boy am I glad I don't give a shit about Falcom games LMAO
>Dude just read the sentence and write it in English. It's easy.
At last, I truly see.
I re-iterate: You are a fucking idiot.
Spoken like a true ESL poster.
To be fair I did the same thing.
I know the series is mostly tiddy but the stories in the first few were at least decent, they stopped trying after EV
didn that happened to Tom? fuck these hypocrites
>There are at least two threads about this translator on Yea Forums right now
>No one cares
>Diseases and viruses are most deadly when genetic code has similarities
Tell that to the american indians
>spanish guy sneezes 5000 miles away on a ship
>touch blanket
It's late, fuck off.
w-where is this from?
I know localizing is a skill because all you need to see is the very early anime dubbing scene to get a sense of how bad of a job some people do.
Tom chose to remove himself from the credits.
Didn't he ask to be removed?
how come non of her pics look like that big titted blond?
It's good to see a weebshit company adopt Jap policies.
Hopefully next, they will commit sudeki.
> she got E cups at a push reduced
The absolute state of mutts.
That's different because Spain and Italy had thousands of people fighting strains. Yet when introduced to South Americans, the strains were devastating because they had no natural similarities to anything found in the region.
Really, user?
Tom asked to be removed because he thought they were censoring a KKK reference, when it was actually something completely different.
>translating another country’s culture into your own country’s culture is a skill
Or you could, you know, do what everyone wants you to do instead and just translate.
>Ready At Dawn
When GameStop dies, those poor bastards will finally be free. Shame the company and their IPs won't be.
That's not in any way similar though.
I'm pretty sure removing the Clover Studio logo from your credits because of legal shit is different than
>We removed our translator from the credits because we fucking felt like it
What happened to her face?
Because she was a bottle blonde. She's a brunette, I think.
Also she's full-blown sticc now thanks to her meds, not a chubby titcow anymore.
Doupleplusplus think, your social credit just increased
Nice arguments.
>this idiocy again
That's not how translation of fiction has ever worked and it never will be you ignorant weeb faggot.
to be fair, anything is a skill,
even testing games, you need to have a certain sense to know where there might be problems with a game and try to break it there.
I guess what I've been trying to say is that, people are trying to glorify jobs that all in all are not that impressive. I would be more impressed with the guy who came up with the original story and script than the guy who just translated, but when people are translating ... pardon for the word... trashy games... your job of translating aint something to feel to proud about it. now I am talking about games like akiba strip and shit like that, I know that Y's is a respectable rpg series but sadly I haven't played them for whatever reasong. but considering its Xseed where talking about, lots of games they bring out fit in that category.... and I like those games.
Is she a sjw? To know if I have to cry or laugh.
Eat your burgers Apollo.
forgot to mention, trashy cause of the dialogue itself, have you ever read Don Quijote? even wose have you tried translating that? now that shit is hard core literature.
That's a really shitty policy
When you remix someone's song it's wrong to take credit for yourself.
>She used to browse /jrpg/ as Xseedude until a /vg/ autist decided to give the company a visit. She stopped browsing the place since then.
Wait, what the fuck happened? Did some guy show up and yelled autistic shit? Doesn't surprise me since some here are desperate for attention cause of the faggotry.
she is /ourgirl/
so no
Xseed dabbing on the fags.
She is, but she has big mommy milkers
False equivalent.
It depends on a nature of work. In some field (i.e. Academic), the recruiter ONLY look at your credit in other work. Which make everyone take the act of "not giving a credit" seriously.
He went to Xseed and told Hatsuu that he thinks she is a great translator and keep up the good work
She got scared and angry, because the guy wasn't a Chad, yet dared speak to her without spoken to
why do we care so much about some random slut who translates weeb games?
nah, she went after Nintendo Power UK when one of their snoyboys called Senran Kagura misogynistic
>This is the kind of shit that causes people to unionize
years of hilarious work conditions haven't, but surely twatter drama will?
t. /jrpgg/ stalker
He bussed interstate (lol) to the XSEED offices to "check on her". After being told to fuck off at the front desk by the receptionist, he waited in the parking lot for the next several hours waiting for her. She freaked out when he approached her and locked herself in her office. He refused to leave so the cops had to be called.
>crediting translators
user, if your torment of another human being is based solely on them being a boogieman, you should probably rethink your values.
Someone insisted on messaging her XSEED account. He talked to her about anime, and it became clear that user was in love. He claimed he might stop by some time, but then showed up like two days later, in the company parking lot, hunting down anyone he seen, asking where Hatsuu was. She wrote an enormous post explaining what happened, but she went a little too hardcore on the guy. Which didn't win her many fans.
Games are now a service tho
This is what seething trannies actually think. That people form unions because their feefees are hurt, not because their living conditions deteriorated to a point where they can barely survive.
Games as a service only works for a very small portion of the American population. The gaming industry seems to think it will work, but there simply isn't the infrastructure in place for it to completely outdate physical games.
Haha... That's our Xseed for you
>Autist waiting at the parking lot for hours to proclaim their "love"
Is it surprising that I can still see this happen today? I hope you anons learn that being an autist is not favorable in the real world.
>falling for the propaganda
I bet you think journalists should be respected too
>I Know Yea Forums Will Like Me If I Pretend To Be A Misogynist: The Post
If you straight up translate japanese sentences to english you get shit that looks like this "I steal didn't money said he" When it's supposed to be "I didn't say he stole my money".
You need people who not only understand the language, but the context and culture of that language's origin.
The second ecample sentence I typed out can have 3+ meanings in english based on what word you emphasize.
>I DIDN'T say he stole my money
Means the person speaking didn't accuse
>I didn't say he STOLE my money
Means the person being acused didn't steal the money but implies he did something else with it.
>I didn't say he stole MY money
Implies the money belongs to another person.
You see what I'm getting at here? To translate and localize you need to have a deep understanding of both languages and their cultures to be able to convey the most accurate version of the original dialogue.
It's not a skill many people have and it's not an easy one to learn.
Misunderstanding is one of the most common human flaws.
Also worth mentioning that he went on /jrpgg/ the next day explaining what he did and wasn't capable of somehow realizing that he was out of line.
I'd kill to know what he looked like.
At one point I'd have laughed at this, but I've been working with autistic kids for over a year now and it's not surprising in the slightest.
>falling in love with 3dpd
What a shit taste retard
>Is she a sjw?
No, but there's a huge flaw in your thinking if the only way you know how to group people politically is "them" and "me". Thinking that way will only allow you to become a tool for others.
You know you crossed the line when misogynists are offended.
Because she was pretty good at it, and whoever they find next is gonna throw trans pride jokes in random npc conversations
''Diversity'' gave us AIDS, syphilis and is the reason why things like tuberculosis hasn't died out in Europe yet.
>I steal didn't money said he" When it's supposed to be "I didn't say he stole my money".
user, once you learn a language you dont read it like in your first example, you automatically read it as the second example, nobody learns a language by straight up just changing the words to the other language, even google tries to form the sentence using the correct grammar (yet fails most of the time)
Does she actually translate? I thought she was an editor, someone who basically takes the translated text and polishes it.
Actually, pretty common as I've heard it; though mostly with bigger companies like EA not crediting everyone in the QA farm who was rotated through the game.
Syphilis has been around for centuries. AIDS however, seemed to target two very non-related groups, and popped up out of nowhere.
lmao @ your cuck life OP
>Sign I’m so tired
From what? You have to go out of your way to find out your name was removed from a rereleased game. Who gives a shit. God I hate attention seeking victim whores
What sucks is that while her Twitter account goes in-depth with bizarre personal problems, she's been extremely vague on what she did while employed at XSEED and eventually NISA. The one reason why people still visit her account.
There's something hilarious about how she just can't catch a break these days.
>Kicked out from XSEED after working there like 5 years and being one of their most dedicated workers
>Removed from the credits of the game series she actually helped grow in the west
>One of her dream games gets announced on the same day as the news of her credits removal.
Don't take this as me wishing harm on her, because I seriously don't, but knowing her and how poorly she manages depression, it wouldn't surprise me that we end up hearing she killed herself, she's not the most stable person. Honestly, some of her friends should keep in constant contact with her for her safety.
Phonytap on Yea Forums did the same thing, showing up uninvited to Felicia Day's home.
It's disconcerting to realize there are people out there who are actually that autistic and out of touch with reality.
user, did you somehow miss the other mega-huge Hatsuu thread? She missed her flight because TSA thought her Nintendo Switch was a detonation device.
“I’m so tired” is something that over-emotional millenials say on social media when something even slightly upsetting happens to them.
>>>One of her dream games gets announced on the same day as the news of her credits removal.
wat gamu
i used to work for a publisher and there's really no process for being credited unless you're an exec or manager. whether anyone else gets credited is basically a crapshoot of A) when you started working on it - if they already submitted the credits list you're SOL and they tend to do this pretty early on in the publishing schedule) and B) whether any of the leads/managers cared enough to add you.
one time i was the lead and sole localization person on a game, but the manager had already sent in his list and by the time it was ready for loc they had boiled the english credits into an FMV and nobody wanted it to be touched again because it would have to go through video editing.
another time i was the lead on a project with outsourced translation. but by the time we brought them on, the execs had already given finalization approval on the credits so the devs refused to add the actual loc staff, then the execs made it my responsibility to tell the outsourced team that they wouldn't get credited so i was the one who looked like a jerk.
daily reminder not to work in the game industry. it is a combination of the arts and tech, and the worst of both for pay and respect for workers
it is doubly disgusting when the managers not only exclude actual workers from the credits, but also add in the names of their newborn children who had nothing to do with the game just because their wife was pregnant during their time on the project. that shit shouldn't be allowed and if they had any integrity to begin with it would never have been a thing
>I'm curious, how would NISA have handled this kind of situation? Would they still credit them?
>usually all versions get crammed together. i think phantom brave pc credits people who worked on the psp and wii versions - even part-timers.
At least she'll be credited in CS3 for her VA producing work
Since quitting XSEED she had a series of unfortunate events. The craziest being somehow getting her car turned sideways, on a traintrack crossing, in the rain.
>99% of the team leaves
>Literal who codemonkey gets the credit
Granblue Versus, xseed announced they were working on it. She's a huge granblue fag
When is Sakuna coming out?
I know it's pretty much instantly translated when a person reads. I just messed up showing it.
The main point was that the user I replied to seemed to think translating was a straightforward process.
is that supposed to be Yae or the pink loli?
I'm guessing XSEED wasn't happy with the sales prospects of an otome game.
Are you her stalker?
Explain Rockstar then /pol/.
Also retroactively having your name purged from older games is a massive dick move.
That's basically it. Tom and Hatsuu's names were removed. Produced, directed, and written by: Temp Worker!
Shouldn't credits be for people who worked on project and not everyone in the fucking company? Why would you credit your custodian for a translation?
>daily reminder not to work in the game industry. it is a combination of the arts and tech, and the worst of both for pay and respect for workers
Sounds about right considering all the horror stories that's been going on, but damn user, that sucks. Won't be surprised there won't be any new hires once these stories become more and more mainstream.
That's a flat out lie.
roger, well its been a blast good night anons
user, we wanted to know what the heck she did at XSEED. It's a pretty darn big deal, especially if file transfers are recognized between the two companies. Yet basically no real information on CS3.
>it is doubly disgusting when the managers not only exclude actual workers from the credits, but also add in the names of their newborn children who had nothing to do with the game just because their wife was pregnant during their time on the project.
what the fuck what dev does this?
If my only experience with the Japanese language is binge watching harem anime for a few years while reading subtitles and knowing a bit of katakana and hiragana words from reading manga translations and raw doujins, there’s no reason why I should be able to formulate an English translation that’s more gramatically similar to the Japanese equivalent while still maintaining the original meaning better just off of listening to voices alone in Ciel Nosurge and translating that shit in my head, especially when I don’t even know how to read Kanji. I guess most of these people don’t even know English well enough to maintain anything but a very basic sentence structure.
Friendly reminder that sucking up to Hatsuu on the internet isn't going to make her want to go out with you!
Fuck her sideways then.
So she's formerly XSneed?
The main groups were middle-class homosexuals and the poor. In a post-Nixon world, that seemed awfully suspicious.
What does that have to do with knowing random personal details about her? Stop stalking her, creep.
Kek, that dude looks so pathetic.
He's like a wannabe chad
Sucks and fucks
>NISA was one of the first companies to support the Switch and is now putting a shitload of games on it after the first few were massive success.
Good for NISA.
Who's more autistic, NightWolve or Chris-chan?
Huh? user, there's two threads up by two (???) different people. I didn't even know anything that's happened recently until I read them.
Stupid nazi frog poster lying about Hatsuu
>check out his twitter
>born in 1975
>obsessed xseed posts and shitty memes
>has this superiority complex posting style
i wish i did not know this person
It makes totally sense. The gays fucked africans and the homeless drug addicts sucked dicks to get their fix.
I'd bet money he's the stalker.
So what is the deal with NightWolve?
Oh you don't know the half of it, Nightwolve's legitimately quite insane.
Did he actually work for XSEED?
It makes more sense that closeted gays were fucking poor people who would shut up for money.
That literally makes no sense. If I contribute to a project, but leave, my contributions to the project didn’t fucking disappear.
Not long now before neural networks can pump out competent translations and all those people can get fired
Can't wait
found the woman
I agree with the sentiment but there are very few people who qualify as "irreplaceable" in the industry and most of them are CTOs/technical leads.
It's cute that you think that's possible any time soon.
I'm pretty sure if we were on a neural network, there would be no need for translations, since we could download the information for other languages ourselves.
The gaming industry never seems to make much sense.
>download the information in a different language
Yes, like a translation or something
>he fell for AI marketing
We're not even close to something like that.
Makes sense. Bitch doesn't work there anymore and then she complains on social media
>It matters because if these employees become demoralized, they'll have no incentive to work harder to bring the best product to you
>talks shit on social media
>get fired
>still talks shit
bitch learn your lesson
Why the fuck are people suddenly caring about credits? Who gives a fuck? I don’t know a single person who sits through videogame credits and reads the names. Everyone either just skips them, or if they don’t, there’s some sort of cinematic or something happening so they aren’t paying attention to the names. Credits have been and always will be irrelevant, imagine getting upset by them.
You wanna know the funniest part? I just remembered, but the credits for CS2 were actually her thing.
She's the one who asked to introduce Karaoke because of the significance of the lyrics. She also asked Falcom if XSEED could use some production materials for their credits, Falcom immediately agreed and gave XSEED a bunch of (by then) unreleased art to include in the credits. This was all Hatsuu's doing.
Wow great policy guys. This surely wont cause a bunch of completely avoidable negative press from drama queens like Jim Sterling.
They will apologize and update the game in a week
Back in the ye olde days, he was working with Deuce to fantranslate Ys I and II Complete. All was (sorta) well until they moved on to fantranslating Felghana.
Nightwolve really, REALLY wanted to get paid for that, so he devised some dumb plan that only people who ""donated"" could get the patch, but you can guess how well that went. As soon as the patch was leaked, Nightwolve had a mental breakdown. No exaggeration here, his mind was broken. His posts were nothing but crazy ramblings of a guy obsessed with finding the big bad leaker.
Whoever that guy was, he managed to break a man inside. Fucking based.
>Kek, just closed and buy another studio
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Yes, diversity is bad when you've nearly eliminated diseases and then bring a bunch of people who still have them into the country
in the long run things will homogenize regardless so any population will be at risk to diseases they're unfamiliar with, which is why you don't fucking bring them into the country deliberately
He saved Ys.
I really want to hear their excuse for this
How exactly does a former employee NOT deserve to be in the credits? it's not like you erased their work and made it again.
What's wrong with that?
Asian company always do that
What a stupid thing to say publicly. Why even comment on it?
The guy was always a primadonna suffering from mental illness. It would've shown itself eventually.
I remember hearing ages ago that he's actually legally barred from coming within X feet of the XSEED offices due to his threats against various employees over the years, but I don't know how true it is.
3 examples of a post-game patches removing names from the credits please
>God I want to milk Hatsuu's fatsuus
Blizzard does it w all their games yearly
By the way, the emphasis on my reply was “NO REASON”, in case you thought I was criticizing complainers instead of “localizers” for the retarded shit they do. Yeah, I really needed you to swap the character name that someone is speaking to to the end of the sentence rather than the beginning, as if I was a retarded EOP that wouldn’t be able to understand the sentence if it wasn’t grammatically correct in English. Or when they swap the entire second half of the sentence around to the beginning to “make more sense” to English readers that don’t even have a full comprehension of their own language. I appreciate those character quirks in Japanese speech, I don’t need them rearranged so that your English teacher won’t give you a bad mark on that shit because his retarded ass didn’t think it was “by the english grammar books” enough.
>asian companies
3 examples, I'm waiting. You (if you're the same guy) said 'always'
lol Nice. It’s funny when it happens to Felicia Day though
Based and informed.
If I worked in the industry I'd ask for my name to be omitted from credits unless I was doing work on the actual games. Why the fuck do credits these days include accounting and marketing teams and all that shit? Those people are all replacable and have no individual worth to society.
Not to mention company's probably have databases of current employees to use for credits. Of course you're not in if you don't work for the company at the time the credits are made. As if anyone curated those ridiculous lists.
I'm not, just speaking from personal experience
Ignore all these seething zoomers that want to be the next kojima
3 sheckels were added to your bank account
>If I worked in the industry I'd ask for my name to be omitted from credits
Good luck never finding a job in the industry.
The credits you see at the end of the game are a representation of the actual credits that get reported by the company, which is what people use to get other jobs.
>two hatsuu threads up on Yea Forums's catalog
Any company that list "studio babies" like eidos montreal, crystal dynamics, insomniac games, pretty much mostly western companies.
xseed drones are really pathetic
go back to waiting for sukuna and enjoying shitty ps3 ports.
Thats damn fucking retarded. So does they want to imply that after some ten years, when there are completely different people from before, they will do "update" and the credits will be just blank page? How the hell did we end up in this timeline.
>only name in the credits is the guy thaht uploaded the file to a new storefront and the janitor
He did it precisely because they removed him. He felt the need to remind you it's a game by Hideo Kojima.
It's the beamdog way.
no one cares, brittany.
>Fake nerd girl attention whore who started in WoW
Who cares
>that's pretty much policy everywhere
>muh credits
Who's Hatsuu?
Get back to /fg/ you stupid fucks
why does she have 2 metal bolts stuck to her face?
Dude looks like Chris Jericho
I remember when anons first posted Hatsuu she was really cute with huge boobs and tranny sjw were trying to emotionally blackmail her
Wasn't the trap shit was after she left /jrpg/? Perhaps there were two visits by /vg/ autists, but the first one was just a plain old stalker.
>films start out with very bare credits
>all historians agree that this makes it a pain in the ass to research who actually went into which thing beyond actors
>videogames are still as obnoxious as possible about it when movies are already well standardized beyond some quirky shit that is fixed in databases in an instant
Why nobody will think of future historians?
who cares about a roastie
It matters for the CV of the people involved and future research. It's not meant for consumers, at least not casual ones.
>would you like your reciept?
>throw it away
someone edit this into a skyrim opening cart ride
>that box of enemas
fucking lol
Most of the world doesn't get credits for their work. You don't need it for the cv. Fields where being in the credits is seen as some great reward are beyond cucked. Film industry, game industry, academia. Everyone working there is over worked and under paid. Being in the credits is used as leverage against them.
If being in credits is that important to you, negotiate in part of your contract. Personally I'd just free my mind and not give credits any value.
You know those cheeky anons over at /djt/ who post a page from an LN asking you to vocaroo yourself reading it? I wish cumrags like Brittany were made to do exactly that, but with a gun at their temple.
Why would anyone bother with that shit? Most people here talk like dogshit because they aren't wasting their time trying to improve their accent.
Very true.
But I don't get 100% of my paycheck.
now imagine if Beethoven was erased from history just because he died and couldn't be credited anymore
>How in the fuck do these retards stay in business?
They unironically don't.
Then they're replaced. Employees are just tools to be replaced when they're no longer useful or they demand more than they deserve.
I saw faggot blue checkmarks bitching about this, why should I care about some dumb cunt who's not being credited?
Sorry sweetie but devs and VA's are not entitled to leeway. Get the fuck back to work like everyone else in the world you entitled pieces of entitled entitlement.
It's amazing at how many resetera trannies are seething at this basic truth
a dead british faggot
The video game industry is broken and the only fix is for all the good people to quit and bring the whole thing down so we can start over. Too bad that will never happen at this point.
Pretty sure this "company policy" is actually illegal in most of the world. Right to be recognized as creator is one the main components of copyright law.
source of pic
Kojima loves crediting himself so much he spoiled the ending of the mission where you rescue HIM. He loves himself so much he copy pasted only mission from Ground Zeroes, the mission where you rescue HIM. What are you on about, he's probably the most overcreditted video game developer in all existence and no that's not hyperbole.
Because removing people from a game's credits in a patch just because those people no longer work there is retarded. A game's credits is not a listing of people currently working at the company, but the listing of people involved in making that game regardless of trheir current status.
Because it was such a retarded display of petty spite that nobody thought companies other than Cucknami could do it.
Idk, the indie market is slowly growing.
>Why should I care?
>Because it's retarded!
So you don't have an actual reason why anyone should give a shit?
What is this?
translating IS NOT localization
I hope XSEED dies and the company owners get brutally mauled by rabid pitbulls.
>sjw are boogiemen
stop using words you don't know the meaning of
Actually illegal in many countries including basically any EU country.
Same happens at Rockstar, the people who left didn't get their names in RDR2. It's to encourage staying until the end of the project lol
So why did she get fired?
If morale mattered so much crunch would be gone a long time ago and you woudn't have to make unions or force legislation to regulate them.
>All these retards ITT that called Hatsuu a translator
She literally owes her career to XSeed, they were the only ones retarded enough to let a degreeless EOP edit scripts for Japanese translations.
She literally only started learning Japanese after she got fired and she's been stuck at N4 level for an entire fucking year already.
Shoulda done her heisigs.
This is just a basic fact of life. Women in game devs is surely a hearty chuckle.
STOP. She's an editor and the one responsible for casting the English dub. She literally doesn't understand Japanese, she hasn't even played the Crosbell games yet she called herself the Queen of Trails. She's the one who rewrites the text because she thinks she knows better than Falcom. She also said she would change some things about CS3 if she ever get to work on it because she didn't like some of the things that Falcom did. She also shat on Tom because he was anti-censorship. I'm glad she got fired.
She also literally played Sen 3 by translating every line of dialogue with her phone until she eventually gave up and never really touched Sen 4 at all wwwwww
More like Xsneed
>company focused on TRANSLATING AND LOCALIZING games for the west
>creative work
It's because of shitbags like you everyone else is getting some gay out of place meme in a videogame or some cut dialog because some diversity hire decided to be ''''''''creative'''''''' with the job she was paid to do instead of actually doing it
>best product
I'm kinda glad I don't know who any of these people are. Feels good.
> Borderline Translator that threatened managers with suicide anytime they were pressured to meet a deadline.
And nothing of value was lost.
>A literal woman
Who gives AF
She doesn't know Japanese and never really bothered to try learning it until she got fired. And she's learning at a rate lower than the actual retards at /jp/ even while paying for formal education.
She was an editor that literally rewrote scripts without being able to read them in their original language.
She wasn't a translator. She was an editor and localization manager who handled stuff like VA casting and direction, checking over scripts for consistency, and staying in touch with the developers for feedback and technical help.
>She was in a bad place and then suddenly she got fired from Xseed some time ago due to supposed disagreements with a co-worker
This had absolutely nothing to do with her getting let go. Tom had a reputation with a bunch of people at the company for being a bit of a sperg. The KKK witches incident was just one of his worst moments. He ended up leaving the company of his own accord last year, along with Nick Colucci, who now works at Nexon (bleugh).
Maybe for creators.
Unironically based and truthpilled.
I play Japanese games, fuck these people
Given how garbage sen is, i dont blame her or anyone from dropping it.
huwalter huwhite
She still plays Granblue up to this day and considers Sen and Ys 7 the epitome of Falcom development.
She was shit at her job anyway, who cares
if this were movies they would be sued if not criminally liable.
>sign a contract that says anything you do/make for the company is entirely owned by the company
>cry when they enforce this contract
Don't like it, don't sign.
>considers Sen and Ys 7 the epitome of Falcom development.
Fucking how? Ys went to shit since 7 and sen is a complete abortion of a arc.
You don't care because you are a child
McDonald's and Burger King are not good samples for employment standards
Regardless of wether she’s a cunt or not that’s a shitty thing to do retroactively. It’s petty as fuck.
The fuck?
If you were in a band and composed, recorded and released a record together, your name should still be in the credits on that album and still recieve royalties for the sale of that album, even if you left the band 1 month after the release.
Even if you're just a technician hired to mic the drum set, you're still warranted credit.
By that logic, 70% of the people who made Final Fantasy 5 shouldnt be in the credits since they've all left the company.
incredibly based
>sen is a complete abortion of a arc
yes but don't say that out loud
She was credited. In the PS3 release.
lmao poor little hatsuu
Hey now, Ys 8 was pretty good, or at least much better than the previous two games. Can't say the same for Sen, though.
>reading or caring about the credits in anything
This is fucking stupid.
Hell even Konami let Kojima plaster his name all the fuck over MGSV.
She was paid for her job at the time. Who gives a fuck if she appears or not for a split second in credits that 97% of players skip anyways
And it's not like she was an integral part to the making of the game
I'm glad she didn't get credited. I hate girls.
wtf bro don't you have a mother
That's different she gets me breakfast
xseed is dead to me. No way am I going to buy another of those shit. And fuck them for firing hatsuu and tom.
Fuck hatsuu, I want NISA to cuck her by not putting her name in CS3 too.
Tom quit. Hatsuu was the only one who got fired and before you defend her go read about her, she isn't some saint that needs pity.
t. EA
whitknight as fuck
Hatsuu never deserved the job in the first place and they'll make shitloads from Granblue Versus alone lol
who gives a shit
this makes no sense the fuck
She should post her tits more. Then maybe I'd care a bit
if i was a cute girl and posted my idenitiy in /jrpg/ will there be an autist user at the office tomrrow?
go away brittany
Games will mostly be gone in a century or two. Digital media doesn't last.
based incel poster
You would, but the JRPG general hasn't existed for a long time
Absolutely based
It's not her fault Nisa poached Trails.
Xseed was probably too damn cheap to offer higher pay and thought if they wait it out, Falcom would give in and take what was offered. And that's when Nisa slipped in a offered the higher payout.
Gotta get them attention points.
This is what XSEED get for daring to localize a game I wanna work on!
None of those jobs require even the slightest amount of intellect and can all be done better and faster by literal robots.
Was she fired or something?
Literally no shame. How do we spread this? She needs to get fired from NISA too.
XSEED has Rune Factory 4 Special and Rune Factory 5, that will tide them over for quite a while.
What's the point of crediting people that didn't actually do any work?
Californian laws
nisachads fucking won.
>she didn't do anything
so why the fuck does she expect to be in the credits
She worked on the original PS3 release, I guess.
based and truthful
le yikes lebbit xDDD
>If my only experience with the Japanese language is binge watching harem anime for a few years while reading subtitles and knowing a bit of katakana and hiragana words from reading manga translations and raw doujins
Media like that is extremely low brow and the equivalent of learning english from spongebob, it's the most retarded way to learn. You only "understand" because most of that kind of media doesn't try to do anything complex, I mean doujins? Not exactly the best exanple of diverse language use, since 90% of the lines are the same "my hips are mov ilng on their own" drivel.
When you translate and localize a game to another language the whole point is to convey the same meaning and context in the other language as closely as possible. Syntax is extremely important here and japanese syntax is so fucking backwards to english that you need to do this otherwise characters would speak like Yoda. I'm not defending all translators and localizers, there are some pretty bad jobs out there. But to make the claim that restructuring sentences for EoP is dumb just shows how poor your understanding is. Take classes instead of learning from porn.
Good luck with an empty resume
This is literally creative work, you dumb EOP.
You think there are any "right" answers in translation? This isn't a fucking science.
You know far less than you think you do, buddy.
>She needs to get fired from NISA too.
Let's just say we already took care of that, dood.
Yeah but the bitch who started this mess doesn't even know Japanese in the first place
>The amount of XSEED is cancelled sis! tweets over a policy that isn't their's alone
XSEED has absolutely no luck
Where the hell in that post was I talking about her?
I'm talking about your poor understandig of japanese.
Great argument, retard.
Oh wait I'm sure you just "don't argue with fascists" or something.
>You think there are any "right" answers in translation?
Agree, this has already been proven on so many company.
Maybe try learning Japanese first you fucking retard
They deserved to lose all of Falcom’s business.
Imagine sperging out about a basic fact and instantly jumping into whining about the desecration of a fucking children's show. Grow up, dude. Do you spend all day crying about the shadow realm in yugioh, too?
Translation is nebulous and completely open to personal interpretation, because that's what you're paying for when you hire a translator. You're hiring someone else to interpret a fucking work for you because you're too dumb to do it yourself.
>over a policy that isn't their's alone
So who's policy is it to remove name from the credits for the work they've done?
Shout-out to the one guy that brought up Tom. Rest of those liberal hypocrites can lick my sack.