What do you want in the next game?
Legend of Zelda
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i want to be able to have sex with enemies i want to see that bokoblin and be able to fuck that bokoblin. I also want actual dungeons
I want to be able to have sex with no one i want to see that bokoblin and not be able to fuck that bokoblin. I also want actual dungeons
go away afroshill
I want sex Dungeons. I want to see that bokoblin, and capture him so I can command him to go out and find people for my sex dungeon. I also want Actual Dungeons.
How do I find the full list of comics he's made? I don't want his images I want the comics.
Bring back the old retro link, i want another game that takes place in this timeline, or at least if Link's awakening being the next direction of zelda remakes is anything to go by, make Oracle of Secrets actually happen
Combat that isn't "Z-target until you can hit"
i want to be able to whore Link out in different outfits for rupees to buy equipment. then go do some fun dungeons, and lose on purpose to let the enemies rape Links boypucci
Thats it. All else is filler.
This, Link's legs have been covered by restricting fabric for too long.
>I want sex Dungeons. I want to see that bokoblin, and capture him
Oh boy
>so I can command him to go out and find people
For afroshit to make something nearly as good as his gerudo comic
I wanna see a series raped to death put to rest because it hasnt been good since MM and its been complete and utter cancer to the video game world since.
DQV style LoZ starting from the birth of link and playing all the way up until he becomes an old man.
Zelda is a childhood friend like SS but done better.
Is afrobull the new shadman?
he only made that gerudo one
Cunny, obviously.
>Better house with more decorative customization.
>A post game marriage system
>No weapon fragility
>More dungeons
>More weapon types
>More enemy types
>A lot more towns
What the fuck is wrong with her torso. Who finds this shit hot
Probably doesn't help letting said balls actually drop, LttP timeline link is probably the most chad of all the links and he's just a boy (much cuter than Young Link at that, no homo) yet he's drowning in pussy, i can guarantee that Link would ditch Zelda away to bang the oracles (who are literally incarnations of the three goddesses, fuck royal pussy, get divine pussy) or just knock himself out to bang Marin on his dreams or he can get snu-snu'd and /ss/'d by veran. Or discard age differences aside and fuck that witch girl Maple, nigga has options.
We got age regression in the last one. If we're going /d/ again I'd like to see hypnokink. Even if it's just one NPC.
>Actual fucking dungeons with keys and unique bosses and shit
>More enemy types instead of the same few guys each time
>A weapon of each type that's unbreakable
>Some new movement items later on in the game
>Let us swim and fight below the water, take cues from Monster Hunter III and how they did it
>Cute loli
>Cute wolfos loli or loli who probably fucks wolfos
>Less technology, more dark forbidden magic
>Moldorms or Lanmolas that can burst out of the ground, knock down forests like the one dragon in BotW
It's called having hips, tranny.
a good game. I've never been particularly impressed with any zelda game I've played really
Will link ever have sex?
You know how travelers can get hit by and knocked out by the bokoblins? Well after that the bokoblins just sniff and cheer over their bodies. I want them to eat the men and rape the women. Nothing would I would enjoy more than seeing a Hylian woman get her genitals ravaged by pic related, preferably gang raped by them, while her husband is cooked over a fire, in pain and forced to watch.
me and oda-sensei
Didn’t post pic, was too excited lol
a story
Source please. I have exausted all resources. Help a degenerate out will yah.
>actual dungeons
>go back to full fantasy and no more tech stuff
>bring back magic and spells
>rework combat and durability
>either set it in a country that isn't Hyrule or don't include Ganon and/or Zelda
>only Paya doujin out there
>scat in tags
>exhausted all resources
go to nhentai or exhentai, type in "paya".
here faggot
exhentai. org/g/1169430/d33a7e1dc8/
I just want to tell you guys that my dick felt a little uncomfortable in the morning so I decided not to whack it today. I usually don't have any trouble on days I choose to not masturbate, which tends to be every other day or every third day. Today however, was fucking grueling. I had absolutely nothing to do and was constantly distracted by anime tits and various other things that appeal to my fetishes. Still though, despite an absolutely illegal amount of boners today, I didn't masturbate. I will, however, jack off to these images first thing in the morning. Goodnight.
You’re pathetic cuck
Link is not one person homie. Some reincarnations have canonically had sex.
>tfw no amazonian mommy gf
Haha I was just pretending to be retarded.
Now I can finish this 1 hour jerk off sesh with a bang.
Never mind it killed my boner.
Dolphin pussy
What does shark pussy even look like?
Hips like this exist in real life they’re just rare. A chick on twitter has them
W-what happened?
i want enemies to fcuk me
more gerudo
You can't say that and then not post her user.
One dick per chick rule dude. Also the scat just made it worse. I need to rethink my life up to this point.
>mfw no gerudo futa mommy
stop ruining fit girls with this faggotry
i want paya to sit on my face. irl though not in a zelda game
Chose one newfag
Aww the little baby is upset.
I wish I had a gerudo gf
>strength of a mother
life is unending suffering
no way fag
Let's not go down this MLP road with best girl
Just because you pretend something with a cock isn't gay doesn't automatically make it true
How many loads have you cranked out to buck angel or post op trannies? The plumbing is fucking irrelevant, you toddler.
more pls
that shit is also gay
>those images where Link puts on a gerudo mask and turns into a cutie gerudo girl
>girls begging/enticing you to fuck their tits specifically and nothing else
For some reason this really turns me on.
I googled it. Surprisingly human
they should do a BOTW style game (or just a 3d Zelda game) with classic Link, he's never had a non-top down game but he has such a good design. It'd feel so much more bad ass fighting people as a younger Link. Smaller than BOTW Link, but more realistic than Wind Waker Link.
I think because it wouldn't happen for any reason. I've never met a girl who likes titfucks
Imagine fertilizing her eggs.
Dude that is also gay
or a 3d Zelda game inspired by Zelda 1 art, that'd be fucking bad ass.
Girls whose self esteem is mostly based around their big tits like titfucks, and girls with breast envy like the idea of giving titfucks
Maybe that's why it's hot. Because it's entirely male focused and they want to do it solely for your pleasure
Boner is back Source plez
According to you what matters is the private parts. Buck angel looks like a man but has a pussy. According to you this means being attracted to them is straight. Post op trannies also have pussies and they even look feminine, so since they have a pussy that means being attracted to them is straight.
But you just called that gay. So which is it? It's either one or the other. Either what's between their legs is all that matters, or what's between their legs is only part of the fucking story. You don't dictate what's fucking gay. You put your hand on a dick and jerk it off. You jerk a man off all the time. It doesn't matter that it's your own body, you're giving a man a handjob. Do you see how easy and fucking stupid it is to make ignorant proclamations about what constitutes homosexuality?
Salad tossing is digusting
Jingai Shunman 4
post more paya
Lubing him up for fun I hope?
Dicks on girls are gay and being interested in men with dicks or vaginas are also gay, you dense double nigger.
post more riju
No dungeons. Breath of the Wild is the only good Zelda game because they got rid of that shit.
>It's either one or the other
No, it's both, you're gay.
and Midna dating.
Maybe I'm just blind, but I didn't see any scat and I looked over the doujin like 5x. What page is it on?
Reminder: /ss/ is a thinking man's fetish
but he is coming back
My hero
Yeah because thinking about it is all that can be done. It's pure fantasy hahahahahaha
>or a 3d Zelda game inspired by Zelda 2 art, that'd be fucking bad ass.
as a Mii dressed up like Link.
No Way Fag
I want nude ruto back, without the fin bra
Shortstacks are obtainable.
>Another great model, that will sit on a hardrive unused.
Reminds me of endlessillusionx's selfish crap.
I'm actually looking forward to it. I just hope they change it up a bit so I don't finish it in two hours because I know the ins and outs.
Get weird. Zelda chapter towards the end.
>ehehehe w-wanting to get f-fucked by a big dick isn't gay as long as it's a woman
>I'm totally not insecure about my sexuality
Dude I fap to feminine traps and trannies, I don't need any justifications but you reek of insecurity.
Wanting to get fucked by a dick is full-blown gay faggot la-la prancing homoman.
Stop posting that shit too, it's dumb and retarded, you don't even know what a futa is, underage
I hate scat...
help i only see a polar bear
You asked. Somebody asked. I answered.
Shame on me for assuming.
>Post op trannies also have pussies
No they don't.An open wound filled with pus is not a vagina
> So which is it?
It's gay, and you are a filthy animal
>or what's between their legs
You do realize that that the reproductive organ is not the only sexual characteristic humans have, right?
>"what constitutes homosexuality"
>faggot wants to fuck troons
>bitches at being call a faggot
The absolute state of 4channel ladies and gents.
God, has so much floofy hair. Imagine running your hands through it while she holds you like her baby
No, I'm a different guy. Just wanted to get it out there that I hate scat.
It's not a pussy, it is literally a mutilated dick that has to be kept open because the body is constantly trying to close what is in reality a giant wound.
go on...
You're stumbling all over my point, you imbecile. Calling something gay just because of a singular individual organ is the problem, which is why I brought up multiple examples of this being reversed in order to highlight the flaw in that line of logic. You think you're mocking me but you're mocking the person I was mocking you fucking retard.
My wife loves titfucking me... So much so that I miss fucking the other parts of her sometimes. :(
As a long time fan of erect-sawaru I find it quite easy to ignore his token girl-humilated-while-shitting-giant-tree-trunk-after-getting-fucked-silly pages
The denial is strong with this one. This one cannot be saved.
I want to be able to show Paya the big world Nintendo has built.
Even if it's "empty" or "is too repetitive"
I don't want to live a life where I can never show the most beautiful girl from BotW the autumnal landscapes of Akkala or the towering Faron Forest.
Instead, she's just fucking NEETing like everyone else on this fuckin site
I also want actual dungeons too. But keep some shrines since they make for useful teleports and weapon farms (if they bring that mechanic back, which I don't)
also don't make the combat ungabunga, it can be simple and have some complexities, not "press A during a 30 frame window to stagger a monster"
So do I friend. So do I.
>My wife loves titfucking me
my dude, come the fuck on
look at all this mental gymnastics
belting out paragraph after paragraph
just to say "not actually gay lol"
Where's your fucking argument?
It's to point out he's actually gay you idiot. If he's using the logic he's describing then those examples would prove he is gay. It's to help him realize that he's using the wrong metric.
Finish this model and give us good renders
>sausage toes
>My wife loves titfucking me
Shrines! I can't never have enough shrines! I want to scale a mountain and find a shrine!, I want to explore the depths of hell and find a shrine! I want to get lost in a forest and find a shrine! underwater! please I would like to ask for more shrines!
rule #11 is my argument rotflol
Dude if it's dick on dick it's gay. If its vagina on vagina it's gay.
Trans post ops don't count since it's literally just mutilations.
What is so hard to understand.
Buck Angel is a woman. If you're not sexually attracted to her then you're gay. What's so hard to understand about that? Shut the fuck up, retard.
I see it now, but then again it's a Paya doujin. There are tons of Zelda doujins, and can easily avoid the scat here.
he made others that's just his most popular one
I'm not that guy. Who the fuck is Buck Angel?
>TFW affirming the consequent
Build off BotW, add more weapon types and an option to repair weapons in exchange for rupees and materials. More enemy types are needed as well along with more dungeons akin to Hyrule Castle and if shrines have to come back, make them visually distinct depending on region.
Do I look like google to you?
Only futa I've ever fantasized about is imagining my sister had a dick and fucked me with it. Is that gay? To be fair, she's really hot, and all other fantasies I have are of me fucking her.
fuck that takes me back, I've wasted so many years here and I dont regret a single one you lovable faggots
Add weapons to shops
only it the balls touch user
>Weak littles sissies unable to fap to Erect Sawaru 10/10 Paya doujin.
Pathetic little shits all of you, the scat is the zelda part anyway, no need to bother with that.
if the girl has balls, it's not futa, it's a crossdressing man.
Unless it's at least Radiohead tier scat doesn't even get noticed by me anymore.
Futa have everything, balls and cooter.
Well, there’s autism in categorizing herms, dickgirls, and cuntboys.
A man having sexual relations with Buck Angel wouldn't be considered homosexual.
However, saying that a man being not sexually attracted to her would thus make him gay is false. That's like saying a man is gay for not wanting to sleep with a fugly chick.
A guy having sex with with a guy "transitioning" to a woman is still considered gay because in reality the trans is still a guy.
Considering it's how the tag is used by the actual artists for ~15 years I'd say it's not autism; it's established.
I want Nintendo to stop being cowards and make that modern/future Zelda game they keep making concept art for and talking about every time a new Zelda comes around.
Give Link a hoverbike named Epona and get it over with.
>What do you want in the next game?
Honestly I'm not going to buy it regardless of what's in it because it's on a platform I'm not interested in and no game is worth $550.
But put in underaged anime girls who are sexy, CUTE, and FUNNY!
interesting items, bigger dungeons, mask transformations maybe
I can masturbate to anything feminine (including guys) as long as they’re 2D.
3D twinks just don’t do it for me and I just stick with women.
I suppose there is history with hermaphrodites. The plus is that it makes things a lot easier to search for
So this logic dictates that having sex with Buck Angel is straighter than being attracted to futanari. According to you the presence of the vagina is all that matters regarding sexuality and there are no other factors. You are retarded. Go fuck Buck Angel. Tell me how much you appreciate how straight you are then.
>More enemy variety
>Combat with a little more nuance, I do like that parries exist but there could have been more
>Pausing doesn't freeze time where you can just insta-heal yourself, maybe reserve that for a harder mode that's available day one
>Bring back temples or an equivalent
>That memory cutscene of Zelda being tsundere and telling you to stop following her.
also more enemies, actual dungeons, y'know the standard stuff
thanks for the view (;
Why do people meme >afrobull? That picture's hot and cute as fuck.
The issue is that the category of futa is of a fiction while the issue of Buck Angel is of a reality.
It is is known that Buck Angel is a female while in futa fiction it is the purposeful deceiving of the pleasure of a lookinh at a womanly body but with the self insertion of a cock.
Also with futas its unknown if its a guy with tits or a woman with a fake dick. Not to mention the whole issue with genderbending. It becomes a mess you see. Any piece of fiction could use some excuse like magic to explain it.
But reality is reality. And reality isnt pretty like fiction, but it is fact.
This is the issue with comparing fiction to relaity.
because shadman became a meme and now every other lewder wants to be a meme too
because popular = bad
>Could have relaxed and explored post-ganon Hyrule with Zelda.
>Instead sends you back to right before the last fight.
I want a Zelda game where the game continues after you defeat Ganon and everyone knows ad acknowledges that he's gone.
This happens in Minish Cap after you beat the final boss
They should have done it for BOTW considering it's the same director IIRC.
I don't remember it doing that. You just start at the entrance of dark hyrule castle again.
Better dungeons if they are including them, but same non-linearity. More items and more upgrades, bombs started being almost usless and kept being that way even after upgrades. No health Regen for enemies and hard mode from the begining. Weapon durability substituted by sharpness like in MonHun, only able to sharp weapons on a camp or calm area. Food regen health over time.
Going more towards the ancient tech theme they have, but let magical beings like fairies still exist and flesh out magic as a different thing. A slightly bigger world would be cool too. Also more story and chaeacter develpment, and please post game content, I was so mad Zelda could not be around after I beat the game.
A game where Zelda isn't a naive retard.
My girlfriend loves giving titfucks. She also loves giving blowjobs too though. Sometimes the thing that makes her horny is making me cum.
I want a secret boss that's actually some kind of challenge even if I've otherwise 100%ed the game.
She was fairly competent in Hyrule Warriors, with the exception of disappearing during the first battle just to put on some trousers.
3rd page.
Last page
Melee Brawl Ultimate I guess
>Trailer starts
>Oh fuck my boy is back, this is aweso-
>In-game footage startd
How about a storyline where Ganon and Link swap bodies?
Why are futaxmale and futaxfemalefags all such massive obnoxious homosexuals
you right, FutaxFuta is the patrician taste, they understand what the ultimate being is
Ganondorf x Zelda is a ship that makes very little sense. Dorf is either asexual, has a Gerudo harem or boned Nabooru constantly over the 7 years he had her mentally enslaved. As for Zelda she seems like she'd agree for a political union if all other options were exhausted but she certainly would never love him
I wanna fuck paya aaaahhh
Now a game where Zelda is Evil and Ganondorf good, I would play
You really should read Tale of Two Rulers, it's exactly abouy this scenario
I want to see the return of this lady, watching her condescend to Zelda would be fun.
did she even condescend to Zelda in TP ?
Possibly not, but for some reason I still imagine her making fun of Zelda a bit in TP for being an immature ruler and not admitting her feelings for Link. Probably been reading too much fan fantasies.
Lewd Zelda is best Zelda
read a bit and didn't like it much like Growing up Gerudo it has a nice concept but the execution doesn't scratch my particular itches
Loli Gerudo are the new hotness
Gender select option would also be cool.
Alternatively I'd like to be able to play as Zelda.
Thinking back to Nier Automata it might also be nice to have Zelda following you around, helping you fight enemies and making conversation as an AI-controlled support.
Another idea:
Just rip-off Trine.
Link/Zelda/Ganondorf are inhabiting the same body, and you get to swap between them to utilise their unique abilities for combat and problem solving.
here come the midna pedos
here come the midna pedos
>Open World like BOTW
>much more detailed open world though, roughly the same size
>metric fuckload of optional side content to help fill in the world and make it not feel like a "pretty views" simulator
>much darker setting/themes, basically Majora's Mask but BotW style
>Zelda protagonist, because magic fuckery and it feels like BotW1 was setting it up a bit
botw is the only kiddieshit game i've cared for, i hope BotW 2 is good and somehow at least comes close to the darker, thought provoking themes MM had
>STILL almost no quality paya porn
good lord I want to mating press that
when you take a perfectly attractive female, and think that the PENIS would be an improvement, youre really after the penis. closet faggot kill yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zelda wouldn't survive Ganon's 3 foot long horse cock
>same openworld ideas they had
>10's of dungeons that have a disting theme from one to another
>dungeons are the centerpiece of the game, work like BOTW's Hyrule Castle but with more puzzles and traps. If you're missing a critical item, you have to hunt it down in the overworld in order to unlock the rest of the dungeon
>easiest dungeon is equivalent to The Great Palace in Zelda 2
>bring back a more retro style to the game, pic related
>a more in depth story line that actively uses the in-game locations and characters (one of the biggest downside storywise in BOTW for me is that the main story happened before, the world feels dead because it actually is)
>usefull and game changing treasures and secrets in the world (example is the zora flippers in ALTTP) instead of 999 useless nuts
I can dream.
If they have a minigame where Link can get fucked by monsters (after defeat in combat), men (for money) and futas (for pleasure) I'll buy it
Only a little bit the first time you meet, but Zelda only shows up like 2 other times in the game, and that's when she's sacrificing her life for Midna, and during the final boss battle so there's not much time for condescending
I think the sub dungeon and main dungeon per area is decent enough they just need to make them bigger with more enemies and puzzles in them. Gerudo, Rito, Zora, Goron, Hylian and Sheikah dungeons plus the sub dungeons means 12 dungeons which is enough if they're all unique with good bosses and challenging puzzles. Keep puzzles in the over world and keep camps of enemies so you have combat challenges outside the Dungeons as well
Aonuma to retire, and Miyamoto to have no authority over the project. I'm actually serious.
At this point I think bokoblin fucking is more feasible than actual dungeons.
I guess you are getting what you always wanted.
This would be god tier, but so many dungeons is probably impossible. I just want them to have 4 dungeons which are big sprawling combat dungeons with shiekah stuff or whatever the visual gimmick is of that game, and 4 optional dungeons which are more of traditional dungeons but have no bearing on the "story", other than helping out random villages
Fuckable Zelda
Good story
Dark atmosphere