20th anniversary this year. Chances of a remaster/remake?

I'd also happily take a compilation of old Rayman games. Love this sucker to bits.

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It already got a remake senpai it's called Rayman 2 Revolution for PS2

Ya know what I mean chum, I want this to get the Crash treatment!

Revolution/Arena isn't the same game in the slightest.

Revolution and Arena are 2 different games fool

Maybe a remake trilogy if Ubisoft didn't sleep on the IP or if we were lucky enough.
Reminder that for the 20th anniversary of the series, they released a mobile game using the Origins and Legends engine and reusing assets and locations from both games. My expectations are low.

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a new game

It doesn't need a remake, it's already perfect.

At the very least they should consider porting it to modern systems.

what are you talking about? it has nearly been ported to each successive console generation since it's release.

Can it be played on the One, the PS4 or the Switch right now?

Really hoping for a Rayman announcement at E3. Origins and Legends are some of my favorite platformers, the series deserves another entry - 2D or 3D is fine.

Rayman 4 when?

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Gimme that Rayman Trilogy HD collection Ubisoft. I don't want to see Just Dance 2020 at E3 this year.

take your pick

I'd rather have a completely new Rayman game. It's been what, 6 years since legends?

This game has been ported to

Game Boy Color
Microsoft Windows
Nintendo 64
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 3DS
PlayStation 2

I don't think we need ANOTHER re release, even as a remake because we've had 2 of those at this point.

Yep. And it, 1, and 2 are basically the only games that get ported often.
Part of me wishes they bundled Origins with the Legends Definitive Edition, but I guess that would be redundant since Legends already has half of the Origins stages in it.
This. I would be on that shit day one, as I've yet to play a 3D Rayman game and feel like 1 is rough by today's standards and could use some fine tuning.

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My PS2 Version of Rayman 3 must've had a scratch on it and once you made it to the portal were Murphy says "see you in Rayman 4" then you went through it went white and nothing happened my dumbass assumed the game ended because I could repeat the glitch (still can still have it) and I'm so pissed I missed the rest because the game gets so much better afterwards glad it got a 360 and PC version

Fellas I too would like a brand new Rayman game, but so long as Ancel is prioritizing Wild and BG&E2, we're looking at four years at the earliest where we'd even hear anything on the matter, let alone play it. In the meantime Ubisoft can only gain from keeping the character in the public eye by means of compilations or remakes.

I've not played Rayman 3, but I'm pretty sure him saying that is the ending of the game
But Ubisoft doesn't seem to want to do that, oddly enough. They just love porting Legends to every new system on the market. And don't get me wrong, Legends is easily one of my favorite games ever, but I still want something new

He says it at the end of the tutorial

No that parts the end of like the 1st world theres like 6 afterwards they are way better it's just funny that 1 scratch caused a whole game to just stop, game works fine until the point of failure

Ah, I had no idea

Rayman was never good.

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I can somewhat see the reasoning behind that assessment, since I can't really even get into the very first game myself, but I do want to hear what made you come to that conclusion.

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Don't play the first one if you don't like it, start at 2 different genres completely 1 gets brutal hard at a point

It's unfair to judge a whole franchise from its less than flattering origins, it's like going back to the NES Final Fantasy and agreeing that the series must be crud.

It'll be a Switch port of the Dreamcast version with improper 16:9 widescreen, bitcrushed audio for some fucking reason, and you literally can't get 100%

oh wait

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I've played through some of it. Farthest I've gotten is Blue Mountains, and used up most of my continues in the process before I decided to start fresh.
Worst mistake of my life
Well yeah, I know. I love Rayman. Origins and Legends are among my favorite games ever.

A new collection of the first three games makes too much sense, but I doubt Ubisoft cares enough to put money toward an old franchise anymore. I don't even know if I want a new Rayman entry, as Michel Ancel, Ubisoft executives, or whoever are screwing up Beyond Good & Evil 2.

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Ah! My bad good gent. I mistook the tone of your comment. Origins and Legends is perfect taste.
On that note, Yea Forums, which would you crown out of those two?

Honestly part of me wishes I had more skill and patience (and cheat codes) to finish 1, and started from the beginning rather than with Origins. Both the new games spoiled me.
If I had to crown one over the other, probably gotta go with Legends.

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The speedrunning event prior to the conference gives me hope.

It's nice they're giving Origins out for free as well during it

The composer of Rayman 1 passed away a few days ago.

It's time, for him. Bring him back. TRILOGY remaster.

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Just have the Legends composer remix the first game's OST

Great game with maybe the best soundtrack in videogames. Everything about 2 is so iconic to me, full of great atmosphere and insanely fun levels.
It actually makes me pissed off that I won't experience anything as awesome in games.

The third game wasn't that good, but the second one was one of the top 3D platformers of the era.

However, TGE had one flaw - 999 yellow lums. Collecting them was fun, but it irks me how they completely ignored the fact one of the lums was destroyed. I thought there'd be a secret battle or ending if you collect all of the lums.

Was the secret lum the 999th or the 1000th?

There was no secret lum. The pirate leader ate one and this reduced the counter to 999.

I remember getting it, it's in a secret area in the Tomb of the Ancients


The soundtrack is something very, oddly special in this game, which I can't quite explain. The whole intro and motif, and the fact it keeps playing throughout the entire game, the soundtrack was beyond the game, but the game was top tier. It's almost as if the composers were making something for a Pixar/Disney film. The musical que at 2:55 where it does the now iconic "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh" is fucking far, far too good for a game of this era. All of these smaller musical moments, which lead up to a moment in the game, here


When you're running as the pirate ship shoots you, and the actual Rayman theme kicks in half way in, all in gameplay. 0:45 onwards. This game was magical, and something that can't really be recreated today.

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Holy hell, that Woods of Light ost.

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Just fantastic musicianship, hands down. I feel you on the Disney vibes, I hear it too. The themes are amazing.

Fav track coming thru

oh shit, i forgot woods of light slaps

No way, Michael Incel dont give a fuck about Rayman, and ubisoft is a big poo poo

Even that track is playing the main theme. too fucking good.

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Remake revolution, everything else doesn‘t matter

Pretty sure he does. Why wouldn't he anyways, he created the character

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Third game is alright. I appreciate the lighthearted tone as a contrast from what came before.



*triggers your PTSD*

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I remember when I was a kid it never occurred to me that you could shoot the green crystals during the fucking chase.
So every playthrough of this game until i was 21 had me frantically trying to jump over those shits and constantly getting my ass eaten by this chucklefuck

Fucking nightmare fuel.

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i know im a minority here, but my favorite version of that game is the ps1 and i hate the changes in revolution. if i had to go for a non ps1 version i would go n64

I did the same for a while user, don't worry. I could barely even focus as a kid and this is for a long time where I just quit the game, because I chickened out like a pussy. Literally too fucking scary.

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If they did that it'd likely make it the most ported game of all time outside of Tetris.

more like gayman. it's trash and you can't prove me wrong.

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If this is true, then we're going to be waiting a long, long time for Ray, unless he gives the remaster to a different company. BGE2 is nowhere near being finished.

that's such a smart statue by the way, working his limbless self but doing it like that, perfect for a amiboo