*wipes out ur entire team*
*wipes out ur entire team*
Other urls found in this thread:
*uses it to wipe out enemies team because mine has higher speed and dragon moves are supereffective against other dragons*
this mon is a perfect showcase of everything wrong with gen 5 design, seriously bad
He's not even that fast
*blocks ur path*
Am i supposed to look at Hydreigon with three heads or it with one head and two heads on arms?
t. genwunner
you know, gen5 actually had very nice designs, take off ur nostalgia googles for once and all nigger
where are this drawings from?
They look so clean and well made, why didn't they use these instead of those 2D pixel sprites?
>Pick a retarded looking pokemon from any gen, they all have them
>wow gen x was so pathetic
ok we get it bro you've never played pokemon
gen 5 is the only good gen after 1-2
*gets walled by Chansey*
Does anyone actually have trouble with him?
I wish. Isn't he bad now? He was one of the coolest niggas out of gen 5 and I wish he was still worth using, but I thought he got raped by Fairy existing now.
Yeah Fairy fucked it over hard but it's still a very good pokemon in my opinion
best fucking villain theme and best villain fight
Why don't you go wipe out the Bittercold you FUCKING USELESS VOICE OF LIFE
Gen 5 really made all the retarded OU Pokemon exist.
I can't fucking stand Landorus and Ferrathorn then we have literal fuck niggas like mummy fake Machamp dumb bug genie etc. I wish gen 5 didn't exist it brought more harm than good
I do hate the genies and shit. Not even because they're good, but because they're fucking ugly and also good so you have to see their ugly faces on everyone's teams.
Dragons and dragon type ruined the game. Also stat whoring did too. This isn’t WoW there’s no reason for stats to climb higher with every installment making previous gens next to useless.
Neither of those guys are available in BW.
>does it better
>what is trading?
Dragons are probably the easiest type to counter.
FUCK no one has move sets like this anymore.
I don't think you can port them over before beating Ghetsis. Unless you're trading with a friend who has. Which is frankly kind of a bitch move but I guess you have that option.
>-50% HP on entry
Good idea but born to fail.
And yet it has never fallen out of OU after 9 years.
>mfw kyurem theme
I thought we were talking about Hydreigon in competitive in general
Play romhacks.
You had trouble in the singleplayer of a pokemon game?
Idk how Everytime I face one it dies.
one head with hands that look like heads
I thought for sure OP was talking about BW's final boss since that'd be the only context anyone would reflect on Hydreigon as a big threat in the year 2019.
Not really.
top taste
I love deino so much
>whipping any fairy
Stay UU, fag.
*blocks ur path*
>I thought for sure OP was talking about BW's final boss
Jesus. How the fuck you lose an Boss NPC fight in Pokémon.
I remember a lot of people struggling with Ghetsis back in 2011 /vp/.
Its the official art drawn by Ken Sugimori
Haxorus/sawk literally one shot his dopey ass
Those movesets are almost gen I and II tier bad.
Ghetsis's Hydregion is a bitch. Rest of his team is easy peasy but that thing is a killer.
>RBY Misty
>Yellow Brock
>Yellow Lt Surge
>Yellow Sabrina
>GSC Whitney
>Stadium/Stadium 2 in general
>RSE Norman
>RSE Winona
>Emerald Tate&Liza
>DP Jupiter 1
>DP Fantina
>DP Elite Lucian and Cynthia
>Battle Revolution Sunset Colosseum
>Platimum Mars 1
>Platinum Jupiter 1
>Platinum Wake
>Platinum Cynthia
>BW1 Lenora
>BW1 Ghetsis
>BW2 Elesa(hard mode)
While many of these can be cheesed after one has prior knowledge, all of these have been infamous throughout the years for being a pain in the ass to a lot of people.
What hack
>"Pokémon never had any challenge" again
Listen, I'm not saying I was getting wiped by NPCs, but there was a time when they'd pull out something to force you to think on your feet depending on what your team setup was. People only hold this position to discourage others from criticizing the lack challenge in Gens 6 and the shitty movesets for most trainers in 7.
So, just objectively, this statement is wrong. Gen 1 and 2 would load Pokémon up with low base power moves, no STAB, no coverage, and moves that don't fit their stat spread. Just looking at this we can see everyone has STAB, as well as other moves to attack Pokémon that might resist it, and everyone plays to the strength of their BSTs. Again we're not looking at the peak of difficulty here but your attempt at looking like a tough guy just makes you look retarded.
man. this is actually an excellent theme. i really miss gen 5, truly the best gen.