We're less than a week away from E3 now where we're almost assuredly going to see the next DLC character revealed that...

>We're less than a week away from E3 now where we're almost assuredly going to see the next DLC character revealed that will be coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in hopefully the very near future.

>Yesterday, we reported that a reliable leaker was teasing the inclusion of a certain Nintendo 64-era platformer mascot in Smash Ultimate, but now another prominent leaker in Vergeben has stepped forward to speak much more openly about what they believe is coming to the already massive title.

>Vergeben was recently asked on GameFAQs about his thoughts about the Banjo Kazooie leaks floating around the internet right now to which he responded that their "most proven and main source" of information told them that they are 99 percent confident that Banjo is part of the Fighters Pass DLC.

>The leaker went on to say that "Banjo and Kazooie is all but out right able to be confirmed as a DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on my end. A 99 percent confirmation is close enough. There is that 1 percent chance it isn't. But it is looking like Shinobi602 wasn't teasing people for no reason since I am able to say on my end that it seems to be the case that Banjo fans will surely be in for a smashing good time."

>This Shinobi602 is another leaker who has teased details of games like God of War, Call of Duty WW2 and Ridley's inclusion in Smash before they were officially announced.

This is it, bros. We're in the endgame now. Even Vergeben is throwing his hat in the ring. I think we can safely say Banjo is happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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This should of been the literal ending cutscene to smash ultimate. It just cuts to a live action, this exact shot, he blinks once, and in full, plain English.

"Never ask me for anything ever again."

do not pretend that wouldn't be the greatest ending to smash

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>i believe vergeben now because he said my character is in even though he's never been correct about dlc

>Sabi says Banjo is in
>Vergeben says Banjo is in
>The gamexplain faggots want Banjo in (and they are undercover Nintendo shills who work for them)
>every major article discussing Smash and E3 are talking about the Banjo rumors
Give me ONE valid reason why it wont be Banjo? Everything is out. They couldn't hide something this major with 2 big companies involved without it obviously getting leaked.

I agree that banjo is probably in, but stop believing vergeben, for fucks sake. We've been over this literally hundreds of times.

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Because we can't have nice things.

Just because people talk about rumors doesnt make it true. Remember that Star Fox Grand Prix that every tranny leaker was pushing?

You should temper your expectations in case it doesnt happen.

Why? He's been right every time.


Because he was kinda wrong once? Boo hoo the first DLC character wasnt a SE rep, big fucking deal. He's already doubled down on Edrick. He's been right about practically everything that he was 100% sure of.

It wouldn't because we'd still ask him for shit

What kind of noise would Banjo make when he cums?

Yeah, if there's still an SE rep all it means is that he got the order wrong.

Keep it cool banbros, dont get cocky

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I feel like Banjo and Kazooie would be too standard. Their stuff is a lot of straight physical attacks.
What kind of crazy gimmick will Sakurai force onto them?

Also, my money is on 2 characters at the presentation. One early on that will be coming out next month and one at the end coming out "This Summer".
Banjo will probably be the "This Summer" one and "Brave" will be the one coming soon.

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You do realize the only reason he's saying he's "99% sure" banjo is in, is so that he won't lose credibility if that isn't the case right? You are literally falling for his bullshit manipulation. He was also wrong about fighterz. He was wrong about Link's Awakening too, remember when he said it 100% wasn't happening, but then, of course, it did?
Why are you so hellbent on giving credit to some idiot on the internet you don't know? Why are you defending him? I genuinely want to know.

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They'll probably have an ammo mechanic with the eggs.

>What kind of crazy gimmick will Sakurai force onto them?
Hopefully none. Annoying centralizing gimmicks are a pain in the ass. Just give me a straightforward moveset with lots of faithful attention to detail and some neat touches like a dual stage down air where you can do a beak buster or bill drill

Why are people so addicted to the fucking Animal Crossing stages? There's literally Battlefield forms of every stage now, just fucking play those. UGH

Should Dragon Kazooie be an alt?

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>says 99% sure he's in
>wont lose credibility if it doesn't happen
You do realize how retarded that sounds? He can't backpedal his way out of something that high of a percentage. He's even said his "MAIN" source has practically confirmed the character.
>he was wrong about x game and x game
You mean his "other" sources completely unrelated to Smash?

Because they made battlefield the worst stage in the game with his ceiling way too high and limited movement around platforms.

egg types, feather types, duality, transformations, instruments.
i don't think they need a hamfisted gimmick, their in-game arsenal would translate fine

In a perfect world we'd get Dragon Kazooie and low poly Banjo

Banjocucks getthefuckouttahere This man is in instead my leaker friend said 99.9% confirmed so higher banjkeks chances hahahahahahahaja!

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he also will probably be wrong about minecraft. Why the fuck would a single minecraft stage be dlc if it don't come with a character?

>You do realize how retarded that sounds? He can't backpedal his way out of something that high of a percentage. He's even said his "MAIN" source has practically confirmed the character.
>You mean his "other" sources completely unrelated to Smash?
You do realize you just contradicted yourself, right? He's already backpedaled 4 or 5 times throughout the entire pre-release of smash ultimate, and yet you still believe him. I'll ask you again. Why do you feel obligated to defend him? You do not know him? You should have absolutely no reason to vehemently defend the lies of a stranger on the internet.

Hold on to hope, anons. It's all we have.

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Vergeben is most likely bandwagoning now that people are "leaking" banjo cuz that guy's full of shit

I'm still hoping for banjo though

Name one single character he's been wrong about? Go ahead. Don't even give me the Square Enix shit because that could very well still happen. One single character.

Reminder that Banjo and Joker are bros because all the haters call us Banjokers.

Is that steve? Jesus Christ what happened..

Banjobros like myself do not associate with weeb faggotry.

>Vergeben piggybacking Banjo and Kazooie has made the leak slightly less credible to people
My fucking sides are in orbit, the absolute state of burgerben

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Likely one of the characters dropping after the e3 presentation and another character teased for August.


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can they please just reveal them all? this is a living hell.

Every single dlc character will just be anime characters, Nintendo are far too stubborn too add banjo, they’re probably pretty ass blasted about Microsoft owning minecraft too, which is why steve won’t be in. Please don’t screencap this post in case i’m embarrassingly wrong

I don't see the Minecraft content he promised.

Stance character drawing on all their moves.
>Down + B: Talon Trot increases their move speed while lowering their jump height and changes their moves to be more Kazooie-centric. They get about half an entirely new moveset like this while changing the properties of their other moves.
Regular: ok move speed and good jumps, good knockback, single hit focus
Talon Trot: great move speed, terrible jumps, good damage, multi-hit moves

IE Neutral Special is a forward egg shot normally, but Talon Trot changes it to backwards egg shot
Regular moves are based more on BK or solo Banjo moves like the shorter roll, bear swipes, backpack swing, beak buster while Talon Trot is more BT and Kazooie centric (feather swipes, longer roll, ratatat rap, bill drill)
Up Special is Flight Pad normally, Spring Jump Talon Trot
Side Special is Wonderwing normally (delayed charge attack like Falcon/Pit's side-B), Turbo Talon Trot otherwise (dash-through attack like Bowser Jr's side-b)

Even after they've revealed them all they're going to announce a second wave. Your hell will never end.

I just want to know what Andre thinks. That guy is always right.

>Name one single character he's been wrong about? Go ahead. Don't even give me the Square Enix shit because that could very well still happen. One single character.
>"Name one character he was wrong about! Except for this one character, he doesn't count!"
But fine, I'll do more. He initially mentioned Tails, Zero, Phoenix Wright, and Noctis. He NEVER mentioned Joker, nor did he mention piranha plant. He said Isabelle would be an echo. All of this doesn't even include the shit he's been wrong about when it comes to other games. Now will you answer my question? Why do you trust him without questioning anything about him? Is he your dad or something?

>says something completely retarded like "all DLC will be anime characters"
>doesn't want it to be screencapped to avoid embarrassment if wrong.

How's Xander going to say Banjo's name.

Banjo & Kazooie!

That's not a character, dumbass. Also we still have a lot of DLC left so of course you're not seeing any Minecraft shit yet (assuming he still believes this)

What if Sakurai comes on stage and then just bob doles himself

How the fuck are they going to redesign Banjo to not look like an ugly Rare character? They pulled it off flawlessly with K Rool, I'm curious.

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>Banjo & Kazooie!
This, obviously. They're a team, like Rosalina and Luma.

He says Rosalina & Luma, so I'd assume he'd do so for Banjo and Kazoozoo

kinda like rosalina and luma for me

Progress update

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This 20 character DLC bullshit is baseless. Finding empty slots in the files does not mean we're getting waves of characters.

I only ever said that Minecraft content of some kind was coming, which I still do believe. But I have already explained the situation and background behind my Minecraft info and the timeline of things that happened. You can look for that post here. GameFAQs navigation for posts are a bit more time consuming than they need to be to look for, but I'm sure @ZenythVidya has the direct links to my statements on hand for Minecraft content & commenting on Steve stuff that I talked about recently.

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What if blows his brains out live on stage because of all the pressure from Nintendo? I hope he doesn’t.

His icon would clearly be a jar of honey.

lol no. Jiggies are way too prolific of his series

Different guy but okay Virginben! Even though he doesn’t post on Yea Forums.

They pull off impressive stuff but the renders always looks uncanny somehow

Alternatively he may just say Banjo-Kazooie, like the title of the game. It flows better.

Who cares, just put Phoenix in instead.

put Crash on Banjo's side.

that one's not smashified actually. the actual smashified one looks like shit in comparison

Wow their Kumatora looks bad, why would they give her lipstick?

imo a better stance change mechanic would be pic related
>Side B becomes Beak Bayonet
>Moves slower and has less mobility, but attacks hit harder and have longer range, plus theres no cast time for firing eggs

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Because he's western owned.

>hasn't mentioned x who made it in (as if not knowing characters is the same as claiming certain character are in)
>b..but he said Isabelle is an echo
>also wrong about other games
Way to cherrypick the fuck out of the situation without directly answering what SMASH character he claimed was in and didn't make it in. Even characters like Tails and PW that he "initially" mentioned were dropped by him after his sources were not entirely confident about their inclusion.

That's quite literally one of his posts from GameFAQs you hotheaded fool.

Isabelle is a semi-clone who easily could have been classified as an echo so he's not wrong for thinking that.

Lets say that Banjo is in, who is the 3rd DLC character if they do plan on revealing it the same day?

Again, what if Banjo is in, but only as a mii costume, and all the teasing was just people either being dumb or trolling hardcore?

You forgot he didn't mention every would be back and other leakers leaked ridley and simon first

You still haven't answered my question. Stop scrambling to make a point, and answer it already. Otherwise it's pretty clear to me that the only reason you believe him is because he said the names of characters you like.

On it

piggyback fags are already saying banjo is, thus the only possible character it could be is Edrick. Since they all piggyback after each other with 99% certainty and they can't ALL be wrong can they?

Reimu shouldn't be on the same side as Shadow. I'm pro-Reimu but it makes sense to have her on the other side. Also I don't think Chief should be with Steve

Based attorneychad, call me if Phoenix gets leaked. Because I sure as hell don't think he has a chance

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The next Squeenix rep, probably

Vergeben is going in 100% on Erdrick the same way he did for Incineroar. It's gonna be Erdrick.

>Banjo isn't revealed
>Erdrick isn't revealed
I see this as the most likely scenario.

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Collecting ammo for specials on the stage. Things like eggs, feathers and Mumbo skulls will appear on the stage. If Banjo and Kazooie don't collect them the specials will be less effective.

Me neither, but I just want to dream.

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I think Banjo WILL be the 3rd DLC character and the 2nd will be some faggot no-one in the West really cares about
The letdown from "oh it's some asshole" during the actual Direct will be made up for with "and one more thing!" at the very end

Watch after Banjo makes it in, anti-vergefags will still say he's not credible. I can see the garbage they'll say already
>Wel teqnikally he wus n0t da furst persun 2 say binjo is in nd wuss jus him piggybackin anuthur leakur

Screencap this.

>Collecting ammo for specials on the stage
God fucking no.

>mfw this happens

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Pro-Reimu as well but I was already gonna move her to neutrals (like Leon and Metal Mario) since she didn't really fit either side too well. As for Chief, I think he fits best there going against Doomguy and also being Microsoft like Steve

>worse than lylat, yoshi's brawl, mementos, castle siege, or wario ware

And then Ganondorf hits you from across the stage before you even get one!

>grinch leak all over again

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This. With a lot of leaks he usually leaves room to backpedal, such as saying he is 99% sure on Banjo. With Erdrick though, he has been extremely adamant about this inclusion, saying he knows for absolute certain Erdrick is in with no ambiguity. Whether you consider him trustworthy or not, the fact that he is going so strong with a character like this putting his credibility at stake, is absolutely noteworthy.

He didn't claim it first, it does nothing for his credibility one way or the other if Banjo is in, and kills it if he's not.

I genuinely don't understand why you are putting so much time and effort into this. It's gonna be worthless in a couple days.

Reggie: Like Joker, these will be characters you would not anticipate appearing super smash Bros

Everyone: lol hopefully they add this character that only ever gets brought up in smash bros discussions

I like Lylat Cruise, what's the issue with that stage?

This has nothing to do with vergeben though. The only reason he's adamant about it is because other, more credible leakers are as well. You're falling for his mindgames.

Plenty of people would not anticipate Banjo appearing in Smash Bros. You know how they always say "Banjo is not going to happen"?

I rest my case.

>Play on mementos at a friend who actually bought Joker house
>"Oh, this stage is actually pretty good. No hazards, unique layout and platorm placement, I hope I see more of thi-"

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I have fun making shit like this and also don't really have much else to do anyways

He was one of the first to even say anything about it. The reason he is so sure according to him, is that he has multiple trusted sources saying this.

>thinking a massive corporate entity knows/cares what their consumers are anticipating

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Its a combination of battlefield and FD, it's that one moving platform. Also, the red balloon that comes in that you can pop. Best fucking stage in the entire series

>1% chance he isn't in
That faggot is just saying that to save his ass if Banjo doesn't make it. Why doesn't he just say he's in or not in. Or say he thinks he's in. Not give a fucking percentage. It just makes him look like he's self-doubting and not fully committed to this.

You'll see, kiddo... you'll see

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It's not about defending him. It's about coming to a logical conclusion. When it's related to Smash, he's been right countless of times and people who say otherwise like yourself ALWAYS go back to
>mentioning characters that he had denied were in the game not long after he said they were
>makes slight errors about echo fighters
>gets the placing of characters' release wrong
>or not claiming certain characters who did make it in before the fact as if it matters
It's nitpicking bs. Every single character he said was in the game made it in. That's a fact.

>post yfw banjo doesn't get announced

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mi face is

Banjo, Erdrick, and Master Chief are getting revealed on Tuesday

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>Also, the red balloon that comes in that you can pop.
That's, uh, a little more fun when you have items on and a present comes out of it. You know, like in Animal Crossing.

This would be sick imo

Won't be erdrick either.

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why do people keep saying this when the situation is entirely different?

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I don't care. I just want to see all those faggots spamming this stupid ugly bear to kill themselves.

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the gaming fandom would implode on itself with anger

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Erdrick getting in but not Steve would be optimal. Erdrick may be an overhyped bandwagon character but is actually good, while Steve would just be a waste of a character slot.

just like the grinch leak, right?

Move Leon to Banjo's side

>A billion fucking sources
>VR Plant leak which has a perfect track record
>Several insiders with annoyingly spotless track records staking their credibility/positions on Banjo being in
>GameXplain guy (jon I think? I can't remember) who has an obvious in at Nintendo (Correctly predicted ALL the 3D Standard definition Final Fantasy games would come to switch EXCEPT 8) decides to cover a bunch of a evidenceless text posts about the topic the literal moment it spreads beyond PapaGenos VR Plant leak
>Confirmation of a Banjo-Kazooie merchandising push and a marketing firm working with the Banjo-Kazooie IP when it's the only IP on their website that is currently inactive


>Literally the entire leak being derived from ONE (1) source, a picture that was so blurry people though Skull Kid and Kos-Mos were a part of the leak originally
>From that point it devolves to include stuff like "dude a green pixel on little macs foot", "lol look there' grinch posters", and "the chorus kids are interacting with shit how life like"

If you think these are comparable at all you're an honest to god retard.
I'm not saying it's impossible for this to fall through, but it's no grinch leak.

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Similar to Banjo. They had one good game fuckoff already!

>the gaming famdom
speak for yourself, cretin. I don't want to see that stupid western bear anywhere near my game.

>hurrrrr all leak is same
>me, crugg, is smart for not do research


Mementos is a fun stage it just has obnoxious as sin sound effects.

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despite being fake, the grinch leak had more credibility than just "guys I heard this one guy said banjo was in and I really like banjo"


Banjo will not be in smash for the following reasons

>Only one game had good sell numbers, the other were shit compared to others titles

>BUT MUH REMAKE, Shut up, if they are going to make a remake, its going to be for the XBONE, no for the switch (Just like conkers bad bur day), with that in mind. what will be the fucking point? promote a game from another console? HAHAHA NO

> THIS post "Reggie: Like Joker, these will be characters you would not anticipate appearing super smash Bros"
"Everyone: lol hopefully they add this character that only ever gets brought up in smash bros discussions"

>The game is only popular because of jontron and shitgrumps

I Cant wait to see all these furfags get BTFO

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grinchleakfags about to be BTFO again

Most of the Banjo series is good though, and literally every DQ game is good.

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Actually, the logical conclusion is not to believe random textposts that strangers on the internet spew. The logical conclusion would be to not turn a blind eye to things this random stranger has gotten wrong in the past not only when it comes to smash, but when it comes to other games as well. The logical conclusion is not to say:
>Every single character he said was in the game made it in. That's a fact.
But to realize that he wasn't correcting himself when he changed his mind about characters, rather, he was flip flopping to make you believe he knew what he was talking about, just like he did with links awakening, and just like he's doing with this "99%" bullshit.
The logical thing to do is to sit down, shut up, and just wait for the likely Banjo and Erdrick announcements on Tuesday (whether they happen or not), rather than believing strangers on the internet, which, by the way, is something you should have learned not to do the moment you arrived here.

>When it's related to Smash, he's been right countless of times
He's been wrong or didn't know about stuff countless times he backpedaled countless times

>what will be the fucking point? promote a game from another console? HAHAHA NO
Literally Joker

You're being intentionally obtuse.

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Don't worry, he's in
Characters at the top are neutral so it doesn't really matter that much

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>>The game is only popular because of jontron and shitgrumps
explain it selling millions before either of these existed you fucking fag.

>Characters at the top are neutral so it doesn't really matter that much
Ah, nice.

it's literally the same situation

There's no other characer they could announce at E3 that would generate the same hype as Banjo. It's not only a 3rd party character who's history with directly linked with Nintendo, but it's a 3rd party character from a rival company. It makes too much sense. Announcing someone like Edrick at E3 of all fucking places wouldn't make sense since DQ is far more popular in Japan than the US.

>What is personaq2?

Different guy but where exactly is this supposed research user? What’s that no proof oh well you’re just taking their word for it aren’t you? For all we know these supposed leaktards get their information from the same one or two guys who are laughing their asses off because they actually believed them? What would they have to lose from some literal whos on the internet?

Banjo is not though? You need to have some perspective. Take a step out of the Yea Forums bubble where anons do borderline detective work on this leak shit daily. You're Joe Gamer, and the extent of you knowing about gaming news is that E3 is this week and BK belongs on Xbox, just like Master Chief. It's obviously an unexpected choice.

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Yeah seems impossible Wrightbro.

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You are aware that never-evers and naysayers are spirited away to a rape dungeon where they spend the rest of their lives as living sex toys and punching bags once the character in question is revealed, right? Do you really want to join them?


Superwhatever is some mediocre fighting game full of autistic children's characters that were out of date 20 years ago. WHO FUCKING CARES WHAT THE NEXT CHARACTER IS.

>There's no other characer they could announce at E3 that would generate the same hype as Banjo.
Of course but there's multiple other characters that would generate way more hype

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E3 airs in Japan too you know; it's just a direct. It may also be for the best anyways since DQ could really do for some promotion in the west.

>leakers shot down grinch leak day one despite nearly everyone turning against them
>leakers are backing banjo near completely

>no one ever liked Banjo-Kazooie enough to talk about it with no regard to Smash

ok retard

No, many insiders were saying Grinch was fake, not the same case at all for Banjo

but user if smash becomes irrelevant then i have to accept that my childhood is over, and i won't accept that

>Announcing someone like Edrick at E3 of all fucking places wouldn't make sense since DQ is far more popular in Japan than the US.
I think the point of Edrick getting in at ALL is that it would get a lot of attention and focus. Squeenix would probably want their reveal to be the focus for marketing reasons; they want DQ to do better in the West. They don't need to reinforce DQ's #1 spot in Japan.

Go back to WoW classic or SMT or whatever other gay shit you were playing, PCfag. This isn't your thread and it isn't your industry.

>believing anything virgin ben says ever
In fact, I'd argue Banjo is now as good as deconfirmed.

>There's no other characer they could announce at E3 that would generate the same hype as Banjo.
I want Banjo too, but you are dramatically overestimating how much the general public cares about Banjo. I can think of plenty of characters that people would recognize and care about more then Banjo.

I hate this sudden pairing of Erdrick and Banjo. Last time I checked it was Banjo and Sorabros supporting each other before Sora's deconfirmation. Sorry for being a seething Sorafag but I'm just sick of this rosterfag feuding when Sora is already out of the running. Though I'm glad Banjobros get their character in.

t. posting on an anime forum

Any character that's not an fe character would generate hype.

>I want Banjo too, but you are dramatically overestimating how much the general public cares about Banjo. I can think of plenty of characters that people would recognize and care about more then Banjo.

>I want King K. Rool too, but you are dramatically overestimating how much the general public cares about King K. Rool. I can think of plenty of characters that people would recognize and care about more than King K.Rool .

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E3 the event is not IN Japan and NOT in front of a Japanese audience. You want to impress the live audience attending, not the people across the planet watching on their phone. A DQ character at E3 is dumb and having 2 weeb characters in a row is even more dumb.

>promote a game from another console? HAHAHA NO

And yet you mention Joker in your post right after this sentence.

>>The game is only popular because of jontron and shitgrumps

You're a dolt

I mainly put Sora there to fill space on that side and to counter Erdrick I guess

I'm not saying Banjo won't get in. In fact I think he will. But to say something like "There's no other character that would generate as much hype as Banjo" Is just wrong.

>people think there will only be one character at E3

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>Of course but there's multiple other characters that would generate way more hype

No there isn't.

And you're grossly underestimating the popular

Dude the sheer concentrated autism I've seen here and online over a single new character for a dumb fighting game is astounding.

Fighting games aren't good, and smash bros is literally just 30 year old irrelevant popculture references. It really just shows how shitty and gay "nerd culture" is.

>this level of leakage never happened with any other character
>Sudenly happends with banjo, A very "hyped" Character

sounds like bullshit to me

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So banjobros do you have the animation where Banjo is doing the default dance of Fortnite?

I can't find it

u think u know whats going to happen hih?

>What is pic related

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Yeah it's up your ass, fortfaggot

All smashniggers must hang. Fuck these gayass threads.

You have to be able to speak English to post here, user.

I just want to see that animation again

>ESRB leak
Dumb frogposter

Chibi verson of a character not actually in the game. Really grasping at straws but 5/10 for the effort.

>nooooooo stop talking about videogames on my videogame board

Attached: U Must Be Tha Stupidest Nigga Alive.jpg (320x320, 31K)

Idk, with all these “leakers” and “insiders” saying he’s coming, and that they’re barely mentioning it now gives me hope he’ll be shown on Tuesday. Plus, we’ve always at least 2 character reveals at every e3

I'll see you bent over and begging me to take you on Tuesday, faggot

I genuinely have no idea. What IS that?
not him btw

>I want Banjo too, but you are dramatically overestimating how much the general public cares about Banjo. I can think of plenty of characters that people would recognize and care about more then Banjo.
>I want King K. Rool too, but you are dramatically overestimating how much the general public cares about King K. Rool. I can think of plenty of characters that people would recognize and care about more than King K.Rool .
That doesn't prove him wrong people didn't really care about joker and he's more popular than k rool

Master Chief would definitely generate way more hype than Banjo. He's for more recognizable, and has a much deeper legacy than Banjo does. So does Sora, Dante, Scorpion, Steve (yes, I'm serious), and Crash. I'm not saying I care for these characters, nor am I saying I think Banjo won't be in the game. But to say Banjo would generate more hype then those characters is just wrong. They're far more beloved and recognizable than Banjo is.

This is absolutely nothing after the rage from the Grinch deconfirmation

>Joker is more popular than K. Rool
lol if you actually believe this

Attached: dry.png (681x1008, 555K)

Look at the views for the trailers and say that again. I'll wait.

I agree but I think pic related would be the most hype

Attached: 7D9706CF-AFDA-4749-A271-387243A4D0BC.jpg (300x240, 21K)

I wouldn’t. He’s done more than enough.

Yeah, just aiming to vent. And if anyone would be Erdrick's counter its Sora. Even with deconfirmation

Damn, this image is synthwave as fuck.

i posted on full english retard
shoove it up ya arse huh faggot

I agree, Doomguy would be awesome!


Bootleg Doom Guy was not even popular enough to appear on any Smash poll yet you think he'd generate more hype

Maybe if you're a zoomer who doesn't know what DOOM is.

Are you stupid?

Attached: 1446293925901.png (1200x720, 598K)

What live audience? It's a direct, not a conference.

That's because no one thought he had a chance. We are not gauging the definition of "hype" as if it only applies to Nintendo fans, we're doing so as if it applies to the general gaming public. That means everyone, not just Nintendo fans. The general gaming public DEFINITELY cares more about Halo than it does Banjo-Kazooie. If you genuinely think Halo is a less popular franchise than Banjo-Kazooie is, you don't play enough video games.

Attached: 1550195826818.png (960x960, 786K)

Or someone who isn't braindead that knows master chief would generate more hype

>joker more popular than k rool
Dumb fucking zoomer


It's fucking Sora.

Attached: 1533500611003.jpg (307x309, 18K)

cringe that shit was fake as fuck hang yourself

Don't forget, an insider named Imran, also thinks Banjo is in. He was known from hinting Ridley in Smash, saying there's no new namco reps and is one of insiders that warned people about how Sakurai's serious about not adding as much newcomers.

Attached: Jinjo_01.png (200x338, 63K)

The twiright thing was confirmed fake and even if it wasn't there's a twilight area in Banjo Kazooie.

Doomguy>master queef

>that's before anyone knew he had a chance
Yet that didn't stop people from having banjo on every poll.

You guys wanna hear Banjo talking?

Looking back it's pretty ridiculous that people expected so many newcomers. Bringing back all those previously cut characters like Wolf, YL, Pichu, Ice Climbers was effectively the same amount of work as making a newcomer because they weren't in 4 so they didn't have something in the 4 engine to work with.

More hype than Doom? Go take a nap, kiddo. Halo has not been relevent in years yet Doom has been killing it recently with a hype new game being showcased at E3.

That's because Banjo has a history with Nintendo, and most of the people who voted were Nintendo fans who are nostalgic for Banjo. Also, you have to remember this is before Cloud was announced, someone who really opened the doors for third party characters without a history with Nintendo. This isn't that hard to understand.

That is actually exactly the kind of voice I always thought Banjo would have.

what the fuck

Attached: file.png (355x500, 211K)

>E3 airs in Japan
No, it doesn’t. Lol. People here don’t even know what it is since most conferences happen between midnight and 3am on weekdays, during a school/work month.

Sounds like a bunch bullshit excuses. Both characters are owned by Microsoft. Both had equal chances. Both could have appeared on all the Smash polls but only one did. Cope.

So I take this to mean you think Banjo-Kazooie is a more popular franchise than Halo, then?

In the eyes of Smash fans, yes. Any other popularity contest is irrelevant outside the context here.

Dair: Breegull Bash
Nair: Wrench Whirl
Fair: Rat-a-tat Rap
Bair: a kick iunno
Up air: duck hunt up air
Jab: The punch combo duh
Dash attack: Roll, like DK's
Fsmash: Pack Whack
Special: Egg Shot
Down B: Grenade Egg
Side B: Wonder Wing
Up B: Whatever the jump is called, and then the rocket forward if you input again
Final Smash: Jinjonator

can't be bothered to determine the rest

no gimmicks, just a recharge time on eggs to represent ammo

>Conker doesn't remember racing with Banjo

You shouldn't get your hopes too high. This coming from a Ridleyfag of 15+ years. I say this with the assumption you aren't a falseflagger which is quite possible seeing as people love doing that shit and taking screenshots of their posts to use as "evidence" on the "super bad evil [characterfag]". Just chill, wait, and hope for the best. Good luck to Banjobros.

Attached: 1529022999564.jpg (930x1200, 113K)

He's an alcoholic, he probably doesn't remember a lot of things. The whole story of Bad Fur Day happened because he couldn't figure out how to get home after getting blasted.

More like COPE!

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>Any other popularity contest is irrelevant outside the context here.
But how can you say that when the internet exploded after Joker and Cloud's announcements. You do realize most people who own Nintendo Switch's aren't massive Nintendo fans, rather idorts who own many different consoles, right?

ok actually talon trot as a down b to change moveset is way better than me just saying grenade egg

hell yeah

Did someone say HOPE?

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>As the word is carried out, The Mighty Jinjonator finishes the assault with one final smash into the now helpless Gruntilda.
what did they mean by this?

Attached: 1265875153194.jpg (300x350, 33K)


>What kind of crazy gimmick will Sakurai force onto them?
Egg shooting/management, flying/gliding, separating characters, transformations, limit-meter for dragon-kazooie, the possibilities are endless

I hope that the seethie Stevies off themselves en masse come Tuesday

this one?

Attached: BanjoDD.gif (400x388, 2.5M)

Are these the only words you know with your limited vocabulary? Then again, I can't expect much from a Stevie.

Zoomers go home

Attached: MCcollection.jpg (720x686, 81K)


Attached: Disciple.png (310x448, 83K)

Yikes. Ideal FPS is is Doom Guy since he is the mascot for all FPS. Hell, I'd take Duke Nukem over Master pewpew.

Brain dead parrots

Attached: Aw shit here we go again.png (677x683, 359K)

it holds his good friend Kazooie inside it. What else would you like to know about Banjo, user?

>Even Imran of all people is hinting at Banjo being in
>he also thinks Erdrick rumors are bullshit
Best timeline

Attached: bald dude.jpg (222x227, 5K)

Where will you be when Halo completes his battle?

Attached: i definitely didn't google master chief smash bros.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

The comfort of actual reality, yourself?

Banjo and steve fags have to stfu both franchises are not japanese and there are no american franchises in smash because japan is a xenophobic piece of shit country so please stop posting about this shitty brawler on a console that sells $60 ports and indies at $30 sake'

>He has to hide behind zoomer memes and wojacks because his tastes are narrow minded and nostalgia-fueled to the point where he can't like both fps games
ew, play more games.

>You do realize most people who own Nintendo Switch's aren't massive Nintendo fans, rather idorts who own many different consoles, right?
Citation needed

>All FPS are equal so if one is considered superior to the other that must mean they haven't played them

Zoomer go home

I hope Banjo in Smash results in more art like this.

>"He" as in singular
>tags two people
Face it, kid.. You lost 2-1. Zoomers btfo again.

You haven't played enough games to be posting on Yea Forums, falseflagging zoomer. Don't you have summer school or something?

Who is this Imran person that makes people say "even Imran"?

Attached: Smash Civil War.png (1288x948, 2.8M)

Who is this Imran guy, the only thing I saw of him is that he thinks Banjo has a chance just because of all the merch

Steve in Smash?
More like Hairy Rash!

Attached: download.jpg (194x259, 8K)

>Master Chief
Here's your real FPS rep

Attached: richtofen_for_smash_bros_by_azelfandquilava_dcp08pn-pre.jpg (1161x688, 100K)

You should've seen the erdrick stans when it dropped.

>someone called me a zoomer!
>i'll just call him one back

Because he's expected, and Reggie literally said these would be "unexpected characters, like Joker from Persona 5"

Reimu should be neutral

Ryu is on the wrong side.

Imran Khan is the senior editor of GameInformer

Lookin good homeslice


It's getting there, you just need to put some text at the bottom like on a real movie poster.

Because Steve is the playable character, he's just piggybacking about Banjo

Attached: 4.png (112x77, 14K)

>Microsoft character is more likely than a regular 3rd party character
Don't be retarded.

Not sure because I've gotten conflicting statements about where to put Ryu
Any ideas?

Waluigi on Steve's side?


>any ideas?
Put Goku in the middle because we all want him.

fuck off

Ignore those faggots then. He's an NES Classic character and deserves to be on the side with Erdrick.

Speak the fuck for yourself. Fuck you

Attached: 1314761713084.jpg (191x205, 17K)

Might try that and put him in Ryu's spot after moving Ryu to the other side

Well considering how small the image is you might be able to get away with lorem ipsum but if you want to actually put some text there you're gonna need a cool tagline and then a bunch of the character names listed like the actor names, just like the real poster.

Attached: 1552312307425.jpg (2000x3000, 1M)

fuck off.

Attached: 1547783119061.jpg (529x529, 252K)

Add Chris Redfield in the middle yelling LEON I’m in

then fuck off if you dont like it you should hang

Erdrick is anime RPG swordfighter weeb shit. He belongs on Steve's side if we're being completely real bias aside.

fuck off

I'll fucking stab you GET OUT

No, what's the point of over convolution of the image with needless shit like this

You seem to be mistaken. I think Banjo is the one who needs to fuck off, he wasn't invited to the roster after all.

Attached: 1541296635251.png (1689x1044, 439K)

fuck off.

There's no use arguing with autists.

Put Goku in the middle. Despite what the minority thinks here, Goku is unanimously wanted by boomers and zoomers.

Last E3 only had Ridley's reveal IIRC.

I think you need to fucking suck a huge cock and swallow it all down you stupid little fucking freak.

aw shit, here we go again
no u

Attached: 1549860968891.jpg (900x849, 396K)

How do you swallow a cock? Are you supposed to bite it off when you're done or what?


Attached: 1538433941982.png (661x454, 223K)

fuck off

Leave, zoomer.

>gets two more games after it
Why does Halo lie?

eat up steve niggers

Attached: dee6415219a6c75fa05fccde8e6a230f.png (917x517, 527K)

True leak.

Attached: 4chanleak.png (1829x380, 134K)

fuck off.

Uh oh..looks like the Steveslaves are at it again. Oh well, let them have their last hurrah. Soon they will all be dead.

Attached: 1550643091017.jpg (500x478, 149K)

That's not a rebuttal.

I'm holding on the fact that Brave might actually be Banjo, which would essentially knock all wind out of Erdrick as his sole claim to fame gets taken out right under his feet

fuck off

Thanks laxchris

>any leaks before the game was released

Attached: 1555711498778.png (985x492, 286K)

Is there a legitimate reason why the steve spam is not reported and banned? It's practically shitposting and a poor attempt at starting a flamewar


Attached: JPEG_20181020_200835.jpg (3024x4032, 2.66M)

That would require this place removing non video game shit like wojaks or pepes first.

Oh, so THAT'S why people keep posting Edelgard and Sylux. Well he did predict Joker so I see why people are taking this seriously. I honestly wouldn't mind at that point since we'd have Banjo.

Not anymore

Clean your room

Attached: 1553100825969.gif (800x450, 809K)

In my experience mods and jannies just seem to completely ignore moderation requests in some threads. I think they want people to suffer.

Plot twist: It actually is "Neko Sakuraba", which is just Neku but with cat ears.

did they always have such manly hands?

I could totally see Steve being in....

as a Swordsman outfit

Why don't you lick up the fucking stain steve bitch, it's fucking piss, I pissed on the fucking floor and I will keep doing it unless you fuck off.

Attached: JPEG_20190408_112526.jpg (1504x2016, 415K)

>Edelgard and Sylux for the end


Attached: 1555827381501.jpg (1080x607, 66K)

>rosterfags are so degenerate that they piss on the floor
& I thought I was the most autistic guy here

Attached: 1549861545775.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

>new big budget Looney Tunes shorts are returning on June 10th (something that hasn't been done on a consistent basis since the 1950's)
>Banjo reveal on June 13th
>Lupin the 3rd Part V airing on Toonami June 15th
I feel like a kid in the early 2000's again. June is a great month.


I will literally die of laughter if that happened.

Minecraft, the best selling game of all time, gets into Smash as a fucking meme costume and Banjo is a playable character.

Zoomers BTFO.

English Lupin was never good

quit posting on the clock and get back to work, wagie

>kencineroar was real
>this post was made a few weeks after the dlc roster was decided
>doesn't have erdrick
I can see it happening

Listen Steve, If that is your real name, I don't like you and you've been making me go crazy with that stupid shitty ugly fucking thing you call minecraft steve. I will follow you, You have been warned.

Attached: JPEG_20190408_123036.jpg (1530x2032, 478K)

Are you even old enough to be posting on Yea Forums ya little shit? Maybe get back to sucking your mama’s tits?

dude, it is literally impossible to be intimidating after you admitted you pissed on the floor.

Attached: 1549930668230.jpg (1024x518, 155K)

I mean it's kind of obvious to me.

Steve is just the avatar for the players to connect with, literally SCREAMS mii fighter costume.

Alright I've been here too long. It's gotten to the point where the captcha is doing those slow fading pictures after you click on them forcing you to click more. Then it forces you to repeat the process after you verfy. That only happens to me after like a few hours. I feel like they specifically time it that way and I have no idea why.

Yes I am. Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm fucking old you stupid nigger.
I can do much worse than just piss on the floor, I would post it but I will get dealt with by the mods... You just wait Steve, Just you wait. I see you haha.

Attached: JPEG_20190416_164628.jpg (3264x2448, 1.74M)

Tell that to my nostalgia.Also OG voices of Lupin and Zenigata are dead and their replacements are mediocre that have no chemistry with one another.

Banjo's reveal is on the 11th

Are you having a fuckin laugh, m8? Am I being bamboozled, or are you this much of a stupid cunt you actually post your face here?

Attached: -GTGebzP.jpg (512x512, 40K)

fuck off

Attached: ohnoes.png (499x349, 179K)

Is this a meme or do you think they'll actually reveal the Smash trailer during the Microsoft conference?

Every poster in this thread except you care. And everyone in this thread still find them relevant.
So speak for yourself.

user, you...
Microsoft conference is on the 9th

like what? shit on the floor?

Attached: Iwantagoodmeal.webm (960x540, 852K)

Yeah, I'm...
I'm thinking he's in, guys.

Attached: file.png (620x413, 303K)

last I checked Soraboys were reaching Steve tier shitposting levels but died off after awhile.

holy fuck what even is smash shitflinging anymore. i know this is Yea Forums, but jesus fuck i never thought it would get THIS out of hand.

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Their sound defeat was simple and clean.

what you see is what you get
yeah, that's slim pickings for me freak, I can do so much meanwhile you? So little. You're small time Steve. I have many fans and followers, we will get you.

Attached: JPEG_20190416_164539.jpg (1530x2032, 421K)

Name: Banjo e3
3 Stock
10 minutes
(((4 player))) battles
No items
Custom stages on (and recommended)
Arena ID: D1RXY
Password: 1999

what? your followers? prove it.

Attached: 1550278544287.png (680x679, 327K)

Why are there so many fucking weirdos on Yea Forums who post pictures of themselves with no provocation?

The absolute state of banjofags

You're actually retarded and gullible.

Nvm you queers too scared to join so im ending room before it ends itself.

make another bro i was just about to join

fuck off

I don't play Persona, but something tells me no one like that cat.

fuck off.

I understand he's a male cat who crossdresses so I can see why he might be polarizing.

It's moreso the English voice acting is life-endingly bad

That was disappointing, now I'm stuck with unenjoyable Quickplay matches. Only needed two more.

why the fuck does anyone want banjo? racing games are shit


Attached: 1549862541664.jpg (576x546, 43K)

And because his voice sounds extra retarded in English.. Like all other Persona voices. Shit franchise in general though.



fuck off

i honestly feel like its going to be this, lyk one of them or none at all. either way people are going to be disappointed. hope im wrong tho

Attached: 1535929917832.jpg (458x485, 110K)

I have my own show, what more is there to say? Banjo sucks balls, it's mario for babies.

Attached: JPEG_20190408_104004.jpg (1530x2032, 796K)

I don't see anything wrong with his voice. I actually went and listened to the Japanese trailer and found his voice in that to be obnoxiously high pitched.

his japanese voice is literally pikachu




& I'm a superstar, That isn't proof.

Attached: 1549889573124.png (1259x1049, 1.36M)

fuck off

only a baby would piss on the floor you fag

Attached: 1537489655472.png (332x400, 68K)

Reminder that a based drawfag is making god tier art of banjo vs Steve

Attached: 5811E550-8B07-4E93-B369-78A6DCA6F85E.jpg (1024x785, 140K)

its not based because this fucking war has been shit

Get in here.



Making gold from shit is pretty based user

Attached: 3A3672B6-E0E4-487B-89BC-7DE903EAC72B.jpg (1024x1024, 140K)

Well that explains the problem. I've heard that voice actor before because she was Cheadle Yorkshire and she had a distinctly old lady voice. Okay in small doses, not so great for a cat you're going to hear all the fucking time.


Attached: banjo_and_kazooie_get_jiggy_with_it_by_hextupleyoodot_d8sar17-fullview.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

>8 minute battle instead of 10
You can fuck right off.

been in here bud!

I think that was directed at everyone

If I fix it will you join? I'm tired of beating this K. Rool!

umm guys... a byleth leak is floating around... im not sure about banjo anymore

its fake

I don't see anything about that but I do have a picture of a giant Gardevoir if you're interested.



>Grinch leak was some rando vs every insider ever saying it would be Inceneroar and Ken
>This time it's some randos saying the DLC will be Lotto and Steve while every insider ever is saying it'll be Banjo

I'd pee but my mom's been hounding on me for pissing on the floor, I can only get away with blaming the cats for so long, but you are making me very angry steve. VERY ANGRY. I will get you...

Attached: JPEG_20190412_172615.jpg (1504x2016, 633K)

I tried

Attached: Smash Bros. Civil War.png (1304x1017, 2.93M)

prove it

I'd come fight you but I haven't played online yet and I don't want my first online experience to be against some Steveposter but on the bright side this thread is going to get posted many many times so you will have many opportunities to fight.

You mean the fake as fuck obvious 2D drawing someone made alongside the Lotto one where he's 8 ft tall?
yeah fake as shit

Clean your room, & move out of your mom's house.

Attached: dab.webm (960x540, 1.18M)

its fake there i proved it

fuck off

Uh.. No. Why don't you clean yourself from this thread and move out of MY house.

Attached: 905d36a9f9e5789d009af85caf836a96.png (233x248, 124K)

Does anyone know how the heck you actually pronounce Erdrick? Is it Urdrick or Ehrdrick?


You need to get a job, don't want you to be a failure

Attached: thisissosad.png (960x540, 839K)



Why can't you all just take the bitter pill, and admit you're setting yourselves up for disappointment again?

Turn back and accept HE is the one who is truly in.

Attached: 1541537722274.jpg (3000x3000, 523K)

It's looking likely that the leakers mistook Sylux for Doomguy and Sylux is who will be in after all. Sorry.

Must be running out of blockheads to post. Fuck off.

Got a link?


Attached: kcKLNXWBXqwvTVy-1600x900-noPad.jpg (1600x900, 148K)

I was fully expecting to see Lankey Kong

> sole claim to fame gets taken out right under his feet
Hmmm....Banjo's been doing that a lot lately.

Imagine feeling so obsessed that you have to autistically reply to every stevepost made in this thread.

Attached: closeup.png (680x610, 347K)

I just googled this name and it says he's also the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Dude certainly gets around, doesn't he?

Why do none of these images have the hilarious Steve render, that's the funniest thing to come out of this endless roster shit

I have one retard, where do you think this is from? Fuck you steve stupid nigger, I'll get you, my fans, my loyal fans will seek you out and I will crush you beneath my heel.

Attached: JPEG_20190329_082513.jpg (1504x2016, 437K)

fuck off

oh thats because it isn't funny

all 0 of your loyal fans

Attached: 1549865693149.png (939x690, 624K)

I doubt it. Especially after what happened with Prime 4.

fuck off

That’s because they don’t actually model their characters, they just draw them in illustrator.

They're here, trust me. You're pissing me off Steve, and I really don't want to have to piss all over my dirty little floor because of YOU.

Attached: 3153ccb3d370489a7c1f426523236e45.png (891x714, 628K)

oh no not the pissing

Attached: 1549911605685.png (960x960, 647K)

Don't tempt me you polygonal freak.

Attached: 7aeb19299b26e710337735cc27362427.jpg (1185x868, 386K)

fuck off




Attached: 1552863423527.png (1920x1001, 861K)

fuck off


>Any ideas?
Adeleine and Porky on the left, Bandana Dee and Ashley on the right.

Attached: 1557902115422.png (1233x1920, 1.28M)

Threads haven't been this active since stage builder came out. We're almost at bump limit again. It's kinda nice aside from anti-Banjofags.

>Because he was kinda wrong once?
How about
>No new DK rep
>Minecraft content
>Isabelle is an echo
>New SE rep in base game (he had been saying SE rep well before DLC was chosen and therefore couldn't have even been know anyway

And then there is shit like how he claimed he knew about Joker and PP but didn't reveal them because he didn't think people would believe him, how he was all in on the S.S. Steve until Shinobi said Banjo and he jumped ship. I also find it suspicious that his opening "leak" was Ridley, a character that people have been discussing and asking for over a decade, and Snake, Wolf, and Ice Climbers, the only prominent veterans that people had wanted back, yet he somehow didn't know about ALL veterans returning. Seems like something where if he knew anything about it, he would have known it all. The dude is pretty clearly just following fan discussion and making guesses as well as just piggybacking off of other leaks.

He's still saying there will be Minecraft content, if Banjo is true it's very possible that there would be a Steve Mii costume.

>It's kinda nice aside from anti-Banjofags.
Meh, they're keeping the thread bumped. Whatever works.

Vergeben literally said when he started leaking Smash Ultimate Banjo was no were to be seen.
He's just jumping on the leak bandwagon to save face.

Please don't fall for his bullshit, guys.

Imagine replying to a 4 hour old post.

>Banjo is in but Virginben gains credibility despite being full of shit
>Virginben gets BTFO yet again but Banjo remains never-ever tier
almost a hard choice

Fucker was BTFO'd like, five times. He's literally just hopping on the Banjo train.

That's exactly what makes it so trustworthy though. He wouldn't be jumping on the bandwagon if he weren't sure it would pay off. Regardless of whether he actually knows anything personally, he sees all the evidence is confirming Banjo and he's jumping on. So Banjo is in. That's what's important here.

They could use ammo for some moves, or they could have multifunction specials, like a neutral B that can fire different types of eggs or it could shit eggs in a different direction and trajectory depending on input after starting the attack, like holding B then forward shoots straight forward and holding B Anand back shits them out behind in an arc. Maybe they can move while shielding like with the invincibility feathers but maybe they can't dodge roll or just have a shitty one. Or it could be as simple as they can slow their descent for a brief time after a double jump by continuing to hold the button. There's room to include a gimmick if they want to.

DLC wasn't a thing until the game came out so of course there was no mention of Banjo, dummy.

there is promise and potential
Bandana Dee
shovel knight

By not putting much or any detail around the eyes like all the retarded fan works do

>Moveset Ideas: 21
What the fuck?

Banjo is so boring and anti hype.

they'll think of a way or like 3D animation has been looking pretty solid

>Hat Goomba
>indie shit
Yeah, fuck off. You along with Ashleytards should have stayed dead

Consider this alternative
>Banjo gets in
>But erdrick doesn't
>Banjo is in but virginben will still get BTFO, because he said banjo has a 99% chance and erdrick is 100% in for sure

>Banjo & Kazooie have three different stances depending on who is in charge.
>Default is Balanced as both work in tandem, a good mixture of offensive and defensive abilities.
>Talon Trot is Offense, Kazooie is far more aggressive than Banjo personality wise and her stance reflects this as their speed and damage go up.
>Breegull Blaster is Defense, Banjo on the flip-side, is cautious and methodical, his stance prioritizes defense and zoning, keeping opponents far away and out of range.
I'd be down.

Attached: stancechange.png (692x260, 51K)

Stop promoting your garbage channel. You sound/talk like an absolute retard.

Just seeing how many people on Yea Forums are happy about Banjo's inclusion is enough justification for Banjo to be in Smash. They deserve some happiness.

Yet he was so sure there would be another SE rep yet when things weren't looking good for that prediction, he backpedaled to say "I dunno if it's base game or DLC but it's happening" even though that was well before DLC was even decided.

As opposed to who? Also it must suck being in the minority.

Just because the DLC wasn't finalized doesn't mean chances weren't looking good.

>As opposed to who?
Only THE most popular and requested character in the West and Japan yet to be added, Bandana Dee.

You could have at least tried to make it humorous.

Anyone else or something unexpected. These no name ancient characters are dull as can be.

The only time I ever even heard of Banjo was the Jontron vids.

Banjo isn’t iconic

You're already funny enough Banjoke.

>Iconic 3D platformer character now owned by a diffrrent company
>Hat Goomba side character/player 4 with three other more important reps already in the game
Gee I wonder

See you at E3 :)

Here comes the Stevefags to try and shit on it!

>Steve gets in
>They use the new textures for his items

Attached: diamond sword.png (941x547, 99K)

Nigga they weren't even CHOSEN yet at the point he started spouting that. They weren't going to start working on DLC before the game was even done because that's just going to put things behind schedule. The fact that Joker didn't even get a reveal trailer with gameplay right away and then took two fucking months after his reveal to come out backs that up that none of the DLC was started until after the list of DLC characters was finalized.


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Kirby's Return to Dream Land is far more popupar and inconic than your dumb N64 bear. The first three main characters are already in so now they just need to complete the iconic Kirby Return to Dream Land quartet.

Guys don't worry...He's not even in the game.

Either way Banjo is in so just relax and listen to some good music.

Good idea, when he inevitably gets a Mii costume I will name the Mii "Jonesy" as my final trolling masterpiece.

Is there a chance they'll announce it at Microsoft's conference? Then whoever is next will be during Nintendo's?

Hat Goomba was killed and eaten by a fucking plant.

Fat fucking chance. Nintendo is saving this gem for their own conference.

Microsoft's conference will announce a Banjo whatever and that'll basically confirm he's in Smash. Don't worry about it.

Ah yes, the good ol' times of getting bamboozled

>FE three houses character is the next DLC


you're going to be really disappointed lol

stop seething newfag

Bandana Dee isn't a matter of if, but when. He WILL be in Smash Bros whether you like it or not and even if Banjo does get in your precious fighter pass, he'll be cut from the next game due to the abysmal sales numbers of his pack and Sakurai will have to issue a public appology for making such a retarded decision. But unlike you Sakurai isn't a completely nostalgia blind moron, so we don't have to worry about that.

a game that barely sold a million copies compared to Banjo's sales. Even funnier is the fact it's a wii game (Second best-selling home console of all time)

Eat shit.

as a waddle dee chad i'm cool with banjofans

Yet Bandana Dee is the most popular and requested video game character in the fucking world.

>Bandana Dee isn't a matter of if, but when
Do you suppose the person who originally said that killed himself?

too much text

Bandana Dee fags, the only fanbase even sadder than Genofags and Ashleyfags.


Attached: polpo.jpg (720x592, 53K)

If he is actually in Microsoft will 100% show a trailer for him in smash, just like the game awards.

Then Nintendo will show off his moveset and other content in his fighter pass

Baseless comment. Show me the world wide Smash poll without cherrypicking. Even if it were true, you'd better have a good explanation for him mot being in the game already.



It's gotten to the point where Geno is so irrelevant, no one cares to even give a reaction to posts like this.

Banjo is such a boomer meme pick. Give us an actual HYPE character, MASTER CHIEF

Nintendo would never just hand another developer a Smash reveal.

There's nothing hype about a generic space marine, kid.

Joker was revealed at The Game Awards

See but replace Geno with zoomer Doom Guy.

MC is more doomer than zoomer my guy

How come he doesn't mention the Plant? Was PP already out? Also, where are the unfinished models? Sounds like lucky guesses to me.

I have two facts for ya. There's no Nintendo character more relevant and deserving than Bandana Dee, he is absolutely the next in line. Smash Bros is beloved mostly by Nintendo fans. It's simple logic.

Jesus fuck, this is getting annoying. Why the FUCK would I put him in? Sakurai has no fucking reason to. Stop believing this crap.

Attached: 1554273463501.jpg (480x480, 20K)

Anything post-1999 is zoomershit. Sorry, kiddo.


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Yep Bandana Dee is next followed by Spongebob, and Waluigi.

Banjo? is that you?


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That was a typing error. I am not Masahiro Sakurai.
Please understand.

I don’t agree. Zoomer is DS era and after.

The cutoff is 1993.

That was a neutral event.

there was daisy too when they showed off echo fighters

It says... You are formally invited to a tournament...

Attached: 2999555-kingdom-hearts-2-1.jpg (1026x680, 172K)

Literally why do people want metal mario

Banjobro here. It's nice to see some form of chance of his inclusion regardless of where it's coming from. I hope all the characters you want will get revealed in the near future (but only after I get my characters first) . My heart goes out to you as corny as that may sound. You deserve to play as your favorite video game characters....Unless you're an Ashleyfag, Stevefag, and a weebfag. Let's be honest here. You guys in particular are scumbags..Also most of Shantaefags too.