Persona 5

>persona 5.
>in class.
>”tell me Akira, when color tv was made, what also transitioned into color?”
>was it:
>A. Movies.
>B. Something (whatever).
>C. Dreams.
>pick movies because duh.
>kids start talking shit.
>”Anyone else could have answered that.”
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. So you’re gonna sit there and tell me even though we see color, EVERY FUCKING WAKING MOMENT OF OUR LIVES, people back then would dream in black and white ALL THE FUCKING WAY till we got color tv?
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve seen in a videogame. ITT: stupid shit in dialog that made you pick related.

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Other urls found in this thread:

actually dumb phoneposter


Movies were in color before TV you mongtard


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I named him after the canon name.
My point though is that there’s no way people dreamed in black and white before color on tv was made.


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>canon name
His CANON name is Ren, retard.

>canon name
but that's wrong, you fucking retard


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its a real phenomena, google it

This was actually a proven psychological phenomenon at the time. Its more like when you watched a lot of black and white tv your dreams were black and white

It was about how people would dream most things in black and white due to most people only seeing those things in black and white. like if you only saw actor but never met them your dream will only see them in black and white due to lack of info on what color they should be.

But it's correct you fucking mongoloid. Prior to the advent of color television, MOST PEOPLE DREAMED IN BLACK AND WHITE. Like 75% of them, according to studies done in the 40s, well before the invention of the color tv.


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>Implying our realities visible light spectrum wasn't in black and white until the singularity event bringing colour into our reality

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It’s Amamiya Ren you double nigger


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Psychology books used to insist that all humans dreamed in black and white, despite everyone having at least a couple color dreams. Public fucking education.

>reminds me about the scp that irreversibly changed color

>people always say manga is the true source and canon
>plebians using the anime name

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This sounds fucking bullshit. Like it was a study done to a bunch of people with completely entertainment-addled brains.

Real life is in fucking color. How many movies/shows would you have to watch for your dreams to go black and white?



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cute girl

Doesn't the game explain it when you get the right answer?
Yes everyone dreamed in color normally, but when people started watching black and white TV all day it would affect their dreams and turn them black and white too. Color TV reverted this


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Those of us that knew there would be an anime series tried to get ahead of the curve and name protag his official manga name, only for the anime to have a completely different name.


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psychology is a hack field you should already know this


learn to greentext retard

haha funny post user :)

No one uses Minato or Souji anymore, you dink.

What people who say this fact fail to realize it wasn't that people dreamed in black and white for all of history until Color TV. It's that people dreamed in color UNTIL TELEVISION, and then people started dreaming in black and white when they watched black and white TV all the time, and then when Color TV came about, those people STOPPED dreaming in black and white and returned to color.

Tell me if persona 5 is worth playing?

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finna take up another reply space

>anime name
silly retard

>all these (you)’s over the name.
It’s Akira Kurusu in the manga. What’s the fucking deal? Is this just a >shadman thing?

this but unironically

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it's shit like every other persona

I think I'm gonna have to dab on you for this one.

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A black person made this post

>Persona 4
>Teacher asks me what color Salmon's flesh is
>Get it right because I've worked in a fish market for seven years
Eat my ass, game.

His name is Ren. It’s Ren in
>the dancing game
>the anime
>all merchandise of him
>the better manga

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It's one thing to play weebshit and another to watch weebshit.
But to sit there and actually read weebshit?
Come on now.

Depends, if you're desperate for a jrpg then go for it. If not then you'll hate it.

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>that one idiot who is wrong on the internet
Don't be that guy. You can actually look up information and not look like a complete jackass.

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>the canon name.
>the manga fanfiction


Maybe don’t be a stupid fuck when you post next time.

The question would still be wrong, as it implies that no one ever dreamed in color before.

But that would only be for people who watched Leave it to Beaver all day. Color TV only became super popular in the 70s, but there were color films back in the 1920s, and popular animated shorts were in color.


Why do they still do this, Yea Forums?

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Damn dude, and I’m the one who made this thread. Thanks for the support I guess.
I like how this thread was meant to be for retarded shit in vidya but just devolved into

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P4 did the same thing, this shouldn't come as a surprise. When was the last time anyone referred to Yu as Souji.

>he can’t fucking read
user it says P5D RIGHT THERE.

It's almost as if our reality was perceived in black and white until a singularity event affected our reality in it's entirety, past, present, future
Did you know some colours have never been mentioned in history?

What is this wojak?

I bet you call P4's protagonist Souji Seta too, fagatron.

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I named him Akira as well, but thiis was long before the anime was announced. Iirc he didn't have another name besides Akira when the game released here

You know, except for the fact that there’s a canonical sequel calling him Yu.

It's white, because the food they eat in the wild is a crushed shellfish that dyes the flesh. Same reason Rainbow Trout becomes pink and changes to Steelhead when it gets to the sea.

Did you read my post?

Your point? I said Akira Kurusu is his manga name and that it's better than his shitty anime name. Give me more (yous).


Kind of. The opening is pretty strong (despite the usual Persona problems of handholding you like an overly-attached mother and every single character repeating every line of exposition multiple times) and is worth experiencing, but the rest of the game barring a few isolated moments/characters and one dungeon is much weaker. Plus, there are some really stupid story and gameplay moments that drag the rest of the game down.

If you see a copy on sale and you have a console, it is worth trying, but I wouldn't recommend going too out of my way to get it if you've waited this long.

Delete this post, reread the quote, and get out of this thread before you get btfo. You don’t want the same feel I’m getting right now dude.

the most based user on Yea Forums


That sounds like bullshit, or a gross simplification and exaggeration of a limited phenomenon.

Akira is a mediocre name. It could only be redeemed if they renamed Akechi to KANEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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You do realise that argument only works if the manga is the original, right?

>Here we go again

Which wouldn't fit because Akira is not Tetsuo

Then they'd have to name Joker TETSUOOOOOOOOOO

No fag's going to convince me that people dreamed in black-and-white back then. Do we only dream in 2D or feel like we're holding shit all the time while we dream? No, we don't. Cut the revisionist shit

Ren is too girly, makes me think of Ren from Even Stevens.
It's more of a preference than anything. Between Akira or Ren, Akira sounds better for him.

haha retard

how do you prove this?

Why are Akirafags so autistic?
I barely saw anywhere near the level of autism from Soujifags or Minatofags after the canon names were revealed.
Akirafags seem to ignore actual evidence and claim you're retarded for even suggesting Ren is canon, even though the Anime and P5D exist, and going by P4 Arena, a P5 Arena would use Ren too.

I guess it's just the newfags P5 brought in like everything else, but it's kinda annoying.

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>Yu and Ren have canon names
>Door-kun is forever nameless
Feels bad man

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>It's more of a preference than anything
Not really. You can like the name Akira but it's never going to be his real name because Atlus has decided on Ren.

Makoto Yuuki. It's in P3D.

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Back in the day the only link people had to outside of their community was TV, movies and the paper, which were all black and white. You have to put yourself in the time period. It's not like now were all media you consume is colored. Imagination is influenced by the imagery you consume.


This was how I parsed it. I assume it was just a shitty study, it's not demonstrably true.


Movies were in color before tv

Rentaro Amami

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Except books described imagery in colors. Nothing was imagined to be black and white.

>always play the games before there's any anime adaptations
>go with manga name
>anime comes out with TRUE canon name

ok retard

Two different people.

akira is the cooler name faggots

When was this study done? The fucking Wizard of Oz came out in 1939. Color movies were totally a thing that started happening.

How much fucking TV would you have to watch to get your life impacted to such a degree? Christ, I've never dreamed a black and white dream in my life.

And that’s why you call him Joker.

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This, holy shit. I still call them Minato, Souji, and Akira. It's just embedded into me.

That's a pretty cute name tbqh

doesn't make it canon :^)

>Being an unoriginal faggot who can't come up with a halfway decent name on his own
Hell, pick something like Jamal-kun or something.

What the fuck is this thread

The funny thing about canon is it doesn't matter which one you like more than the other.

But that’s not his real name.

Yea Forums stop, don't make me gay for Joker.

>go with manga name
>don't even read the manga


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This is making me feel things...

Well I think faggot is a cooler name for you so everyone should call you faggot.

Akirafags getting dabbed for being filthy secondary shitters that think manga names are canon.

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Thanks for the Knowledge increase, bro.

What's happening to him?

>tfw you liked OP's thread concept but it was ruined by rampant shitposting

Anyway, the one that springs to my mind is at the end of the Nothing Is Written campaign in Battlefield 1 when Laurence of Arabia wants to lead rebel horse nomads to attack Ottoman battleships in the Suez Canal in 1918.


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P3D isn't canon

Akira Cruz is a way better name, anyways. Ren is faggot shit and the Anime was total garbage.

>he doesn’t know

>actually giving a fuck about the anime

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Renren is cute, and he is bicurious!

>"""""canon"""" names
>in a self-insert JRPG
holy fucking shit how boring can you get

even calling him Joker Joker would be better.

Doesn’t matter if you don’t like it. It’s his name.

If I want to roleplay with the more personality-correct responses and the canon name, I will, faggot.

>not giving a fuck about the games
based retard


Studies made before the modern day are so fucking full of shit the fact people believe any of them make me want to die. The only reliable information on sociological studies and psychological studies we ever got was from nazi and japanese scientists, it becomes unbearably obvious if you actually read those studies and how they were carried out.

Yeah it's stupid

Of Guts was called big yiddy in the anime would you call him that?

>Ren is faggot shit
Yeah and so is Joker so it's the perfect name for him.

How many times do we have to say that his name is Ren in P5D. And the better manga.

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You'd be better off waiting for the actually finished version of the game
Please do not post pictures of my wife

This is a bad bread. And I say that fully knowing that we have 3 smash threads and occasional cunny threads on the front page.

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Fucking glorious

>play a persona game
>DON'T name your main character Tyrone
step up, senpai


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Wh... who put those marks on him...?


HuMorgana is cuter t b h

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Bed bugs.

Mosquitos apparently

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>being a persona


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thank you based user

The anime used Ren, so that's what's canon.

i-is that... a fucking... NIPPLE!!!!!

Mementos Morgana >>>>>>>> All else

What did you name your joker? I named him Shujin because the prison twins call him prisoner (shujin)

The anime isn’t canon. The dancing game is, though.

I guess Souji Seta is the canon name of the brotag then

You fucking retard

Jesus Nails

You're a bigger retard than Renfags.

"this guy"

>You now remember that the only protaganist with no official name is the first one
Unless you count "Boy with Earring" as a real name.
otherwise youre stuck with naoya from the manga
or fucking edward, as the author of said manga gave a name and backstory to the revelations protaganist

I name all Persona MC's with spic puns

P1 isn't a real Persona game.


Just take a moment to imagine the look on his face typing this up.
Searching for the perfect Wojack, slamming his finger on the caps lock and clack, clack, clacking away at his keyboard.
All that unironic anger concentrated on couple reaction images and quoted text. The mere sight of it all genuinely upsets him.
What an absolute loser.

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The P1 manga author made up separate story elements for the English localized version?

I went with Rigatoni Alvarez in 3.

Shu Jinkou

Most, not all, you absolute fucking nigger

The school's name is a homophone of the Japanese word for prisoner, shūjin (囚人). However, the school's name is written with completely different characters, making it merely an oral pun. Too bad I'm an EOP so it would work as well in Japanese. Also forgot to mention I used kido for his family name, for no reason in particular other than it sounded well.

Honestly this.
Also it was the first name so it is the canon name.
anime faggots can eat shit

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>The second volume contains an omake detailing Ueda's thoughts on the American version of the game,Revelations: Persona. Her version of the protagonist is namedEdward Tanaka(エドワード・田中,Edowādo Tanaka), of American descent but born and raised in Japan until the end of Middle School and still has some problems with English, mirroring Ueda's own difficulties in playing the game.

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>not naming yourself potter-kun

based and ragepilled

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Please please PLEASE someone tell me the sound effect used here in that Ukinojoe video, I am almost certain it's from Dragon Ball but WHAT'S THE SPECIFIC SOUND PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME

Wait for the switch version

unironically based familia

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It's usually used when a fatal blow has been landed on a character, but if you want a specific scene/fight look up Trunks vs Freeza

All of /pg/ is in this thread

The class questions and Funky Student questions have always been pop stupid questions that there's no harm using a guide for most of the time.

There are the odd ones that can actually be deduced by reason, but the rest are stupid anecdotes or not necessarily accurate trivia.

Not canon. Try again.

Hey, thanks for the space to reply! Really appreciate it, user.

Ren is the cutest name because it lets you call him RENREN which is the most canonest and cutest nickname for the most cutest and sexiest Persona protag ever.

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I would kill to see the look on your face as you typed this up.

The absolute raw emotion piling up and lashing out in the form of these words.

Finally, something unironic.

God thank you user

I mean it's barely a paragraph and look at all those sweet (you)s he got from it

Renren is cute! Renren is made for cuteposting!

I played Runescape in the browser when I was in fifth grade and I remember having dreams that were in a tiny window just like the game

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No, the phenomena was people watching black and white TV dreaming in black and white. People recorded their dreams with vivid colors in them long before TV was invented. This is why "Studies" and "scientists" shouldn't ever be trusted

> Zoomers nowadays don't even remember black and white dreams

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SMK1 was better.

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(You)s are the most meaningless thing in this world.

I named him Daisuke Niwa because this game is almost the plot to D.N.Angel.

Now you're speaking my language!

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Makoto tried her best!

>there's people ITT who unironically named him Ren Mamamia

Makoto really is USELESS!

>dreaming in black and white
Enjoy your butchered night experiences consolefags

no that would be me

Judging by all the people ITT saying "renren", it's clear that Renfags are all gays and fujoshits.

akira yori shit no hou ga kakkoii da yo!
omae, akiramero

Retard, we saw the world in black and white until we evolved the ability to see color. That's why people dreamed black and white

>This is why "Studies" and "scientists" shouldn't ever be trusted

Because dumb fucks don't know how to interpret data? Fuck off with that shit.


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I never got this too.

We've all seen in colour forever.
And suddenly we are supposed to believe that people dreamt in black and white?

Yeah fuck off.

It's a literal fact. Akira is the better name though. Still doesn't make it canon.

>Still haven't infiltrated shido's palace
>Still have 3 confidants to rank 10
>All of them are in the 5-7 range
A-Am I going to make it bros

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Girl's name. Girl's name. nananabuubuu

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Not even fuckin' close, user. You did a good job though. It's pretty difficult to max them all without a guide.

Which ones?

>He just said the n word

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I call him Ren, because I've accepted that's what the name is.

But I like Akira Kurusu much better.

Thanks user :)

I hate to say it, but he's right.

Such a low quality thread...

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It was when i googled it on release day because i couldn't come up with one of my own
Also all that comes to mind is refrigerator guy from nu-star wars. The name must be overturned


>so it is the canon name.
>Implying the canon name isn't ANDY-SAMA


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Oda = Ohya and Awai = Iwai I'm guessing?

Max Ryuji, you won't have time to max the others. They're shit anyway.

It really isn't. It's way, way easier than P4, which is easier than P3.

You should have maxed Ryuji out, his reward is fucking great
And also no you will not have enough time. Just max Ryuji

Cute shark!

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Nice job bumping it retard.

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Because it gets quoted ad nauseum and then people years later hear it differently because information being misrepresented. One could simply say "it's odd how people dreamed in black and white due to watching black and white TV" instead of "WITH THE INVENTION OF COLOR TV PEOPLE COULD NOW DREAM IN COLOR"

It's easier but it's still pretty difficult. You need to savescum to get the ideal responses and you have to know what activities raise your stats by 2+ notes.

Hes not totally wrong, Akira was what everyone thought the canon name was before it was revealed to have been Ren.


This is a fact but they are all great anyways

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>in a JRPG

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Don't even fucking reply to me. I know I'm the only person who actually likes Ohya.

I always use my real name, so when I get comfy and fully immersed in my weeaboo escapist fantasy, it feels extra special when people talk to me

>You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. So you’re gonna sit there and tell me even though we see color, EVERY FUCKING WAKING MOMENT OF OUR LIVES, people back then would dream in black and white ALL THE FUCKING WAY till we got color tv?
I'm not going to bother reading if someone covered this, but yes. That was actually the case.


Cringe and utterly ragepilled. Also:

Attached: 892374293874.jpg (384x384, 20K)

>Tfw currently steam rolling through kaneshiro's bank with a shiki-ouji
>tfw literally invincible

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>Demons with Reflect Physical

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Wait until you get Rangda.

Finna be based af, senpai.

Akira Amamiya, I preferred his first name from the manga and last name from the anime, also I like alliterative names, 'Ren' and 'Kurusu' are a bit lame in comparison

Minato and Minako Arisato is what most people still call P3's MC/FeMC though.

>science is all bullshit because people in the future can take quotes and studies out of context or misinterpret them
Interesting take

I use a Japanese sounding version of my real name

That's his manga name you fucking nitwit

>Its another "boss gets a random crit on joker" episode

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>not knowing that every persona game since 3 has canon dialog options

>not exclusively using a persona that nulls/reflects phys

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I genuinely laughed.

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If sae isn't dateable in royal I'm going to firebomb atlus

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
>ATLUS confirms no plans for Switch port
>"I-It sucks anyways SMTV is coming!"

same but with the twins.


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Same but with Yusuke

dumb phoneposter

Well I don't think you can date Sae, you can take the twins out on dates outside the Velvet Room like with Elizabeth
and we all know how that ended