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Other urls found in this thread:

hell yes sick of midget races

14 still exists?

And yet lala's exist

>the best and most successful japanese mmorpg still exists?
god you're retarded.


calm down, defense force

dab on pedos

What ethical reasons? There's nothing unethical about jerking off to something that isn't real.

I thought it already did?

yeah but the producer plays as a small child that dresses like a slut. OH WAIT IT IS TOTALLY A 300 YEAR OLD DRAGON I'M SURE I'M SORRY YOSHI

What he said

*jerks off to god*

This thread was made by a pedo.

Attached: 1509291932742.jpg (621x926, 42K)

Wait what? Is the game not already out?

>short potato faced monsters
>loli or shota
choose one, also what the fuck is wrong with people, turning fiction into reality and shit?

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>sign up for TT tournament without reading the rules
>enter battlehall slightly drunk
>queue for a match without reading the rules again
>choose my favorite deck
>all Garleans with Zenos
>Descension and Plus
>realize I fucked up
>say fuck it and start with Nero in the corner
>intstantly place the rest because I know I am gonna lose
>final space
>place Magitek Armor card
>mfw I know I ruined that guy's day with my bullshit

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Mary Mother of God was only 12 when she conceived our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Article is garbage. Producer just said Lalafel won't be getting any new classes and a pedo got triggered and wrote the article.

it always is. Reminder that every leftist that speaks ill of lolis is always a pedo.

>the best and most successful japanese mmorpg
Wow, that's a high bar!

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chad god vs virgin jesus

A lot of people fap to Madoka, yes.

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>not Vishnu
shit taste

Reminder to ignore resetera shitposts

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The posts make a pretty clear case about why underage lewds are bad.

That's kind of odd to even think about, aren't Lalawhatevers a playable race currently? How would they switch out? I'm sure that would face a backlash from the community.

This is the only way to play plus and same. Hell, if your cards descend enough they are all 1s on every side anyway.


The producer literally said it was because of ethical reasons.
Producer and director Naoki Yoshida let the news fly loose over on the Square Enix forums on May 9th, 2019, where he explained…

“Addendum—On Adding Younger-Looking Playable Characters
“Among some of the feedback we received were requests for playable characters that resembled young boys and girls. Unfortunately, this is one request we cannot consider for ethical reasons.
“With every passing year the debate surrounding moral and ethical issues in games grows more intense, and we do not want to present children in battle or in pain—and posing such characters sexually and taking screenshots and so forth would be expressly forbidden.
“In any event, regardless of what our players did or did not intend to do, the fact remains that if a review board were to evaluate such content and determine it were unacceptable, we would be forced to suspend FFXIV’s service. We ask that you keep these factors in mind as we strive to abide by the changing standards of the times.”

thanks for confirming this is a troll thread

>lolicon bad
>toddlercon good

Attached: thinking.png (200x200, 12K)

this is a troll thread cause one of the replies posted a resetera link? the fact remains that the producer said this:

will they delete my lala?

Attached: u6s.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

why is Hat Kid so perfect

>gets BTFO by facts
>c-calm down :(


they are the pedos

>post has a new IP
nice try, falseflagger.

Raya-O-Senna is prime breeding material

By that logic you poltards are trannies cause you keep talking about them

Billy has a kiwi farms thread now


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Already has lalas so who cares.

Aren't they already playable or was that the last one?

Also fuck OP for not posting the link or green texting

shut up you scrawny lanklet weakling

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I'm not political at all. In fact, besides my stance on abortion, my ideology is pretty leftist.

The biggest give away a person is a pedo is if they start using insults or other language intended for a woman for kids.

>shota is now a mainstream word
Ok,we need a new name
Cunful?Cute and playful?

So what are those little potato not taru-taru people still doing in the game then?

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shota is gay

>Aren't they already playable
Lalas are toddlers, not loli/shotas.

>inb4 ff xiv producer arrested for cp

Do you babies ever get bored of shouting /pol/ at everyone who says things you disagree with? It's like you think there's only two kinds of people in this world.

>I'm not political but I'm political.

This board should require a 100 IQ to post on.

Lalafells still exist

The way they see it is that Lalas are distinctly *not* children despite their size. Their proportions and movements are not childlike. Their voices certainly are, though.

This whole thing was done specifically because of people asking for a child-like male version of Viera (Shota bunny boys) and because people were curious about making child versions of races that we've seen in game (There are child miqo'te all over, and also Hyur, for instance). SE doesn't like the idea of people dressing them up in sexualised glamours and also really really dislikes the idea of children getting hurt (i.e in battle).



Because it's horseshit, they're not going to add thrm because they can't reuse 90% of animations without them looking even worse than they do on lalas or normal sized characters.

real pedos are against lolis.

That's not worse?

Check out ars technica

>A dude that complained about lolis because they’re drawings of minors have resulted to be a pedo, so that means that fapping to lolis isn’t pedo. OF COURSE THIS ISN’T A FALLACY

the rurouni kenshin creator who was caught with real cp drew some pretty cute lolis.

Don't the just mean characters like khloe or allisae/her slutty brother wont be playable age range?

>ethical reasons

Ok first of all that character doesn't even look like a Shota or a Loli.
Second am pretty sure Shotacon/Lolicon is always referred to in a sexual sense, am pretty sure that game doesn't have out right sex.
Third what ethical reason are there?
Fourth why is something sexual always on these peoples mind for when making childlike characters? I mean Shotacon/Lolicon is obviously fine but it's obviously for smut, so why can't you just have a cute kid character?

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so what's up with lalas then

Japan is weird like that, just like how you can show a toddler's penis on public television in japan.

did he actually molest any though? that's generally the biggest defining difference I noticed.

more like forced by sony

epic win!!!

Who are you quoting?

It did, nice try newfag

everyone complaining about lolis is a retard slacktivist who would never dare to criticize the real life pedophilia epidemic in the LGBT and Muslim communities


shota and loli aren't the same as shotacon and lolicon.

fucking hope so

molester or not, he was a pedo, which is the point here.

straight shota is kino.

I have an idea. Why not add young girl/boy characters, but they don’t have slut armors, so they can’t be people sexualizing them


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I know b-but you get what i was trying to say right?

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>It did
that's what I said though? are you dense?

There is literally nothing wrong with being pedo as long as you don't act on the urges and get rid of them in a healthy way.

Lalas are adult characters just in midget bodies. Notice their hips/legs and heads are not proportioned correctly to work for a child. It's a subtle way to get around it, but it works. And makes me wish such a girl existed in real life.

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So they couldn't get away with doing some jb looking character and saying the same thing?

>Notice their hips/legs and heads are not proportioned correctly to work for a child
just like most drawn lolis

What does sony think about BigMouth on neetflix?

what do you mean by saying the same thing?

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Yeah, that's also correct.


Wait then doesn't that prove they arent supposed to be real children?

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That they're adults, they just dont look like human adults

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>pedophilia epidemic in the LGBT
>and Muslim communities
if you mean muslim countries, you’re right. If you means muslim in general are pedophile you’re wrong

How many times has this happened now? I think any time a s o y says that anime or lolis is for pedos, they should be investigated.


but that's not why lalas get a pass, it's because of this

Nuke our pink boards.


The true power of Yea Forums is the blue boards.

>She is a tranny, so, her opinion is wrong

spoken like a /pol/tard


Attached: ss+(2019-06-01+at+08.30.42).jpg (590x958, 72K)

Someone give hime the statistics that 94% of child molesters are linked to homosexuality.

You are not welcome here, go back shill

Yes, a /pol/tard would hate to be called /pol/, makes perfect sense.


He is an insane faggot his opinion is irrelevant

How about make little Girls and then put them animals traits?


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>Wow, rape is done 100 percent by men, that’s means that all men are rapist

Kill yourself, I know you will

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There's no studies that correlate porn of underage characters with real pedophilia and "normalization". In fact there's evidence against it in the form of Japan having a much lower child abuse rate than "puritan" countries like the UK and US despite having straight up naked drawn lolis on display on some stores, especially in Akihabara.

Attached: hypocrisy loli.jpg (1120x720, 134K)

but hideous midgets that look like ugly children are fine, just no cute children, the trannies can keep their shit MMO

>Pornfags are now ruining video games

Attached: 1559601242266.gif (375x223, 700K)

why are weebs so frequently trannies and vice versa

Homos are ruining this world and there's no denying it. Gays are also why men being raped is larger than women being raped.
Not downplaying women being raped but no one ever wants to talk about prison homosexuality.

dumb falseflaggers.

It's less the appearance of young characters vs characters that are actually underaged. Lalafell look like children but are adults. People wanted actual children and not just young looking characters which is where SE apparently draws the line. Makes sense though. After all getting married is something you can do in-game for example and they don't need videos or articles talking about child brides or some other shit attached to their name.

A lot of prison rape is not actually done by gays though.

I don't think you know what that word means

>It's unethical to play as a dwarf

Don't group me in with them, I love anime but hats the gay community and trannies.

fuck i stopped watching lolicon, but you’re gonna force me to join again

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they're ironic weebs

They are adorable and their smiles should be protected at all costs, also they are clearly not children

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Bro he's mentally ill

>like these races
>not a pedophile
Inb4 "huahahaha! you sure you're not a pedophile heuaheah!?" You're not funny.

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That guy is a major redpill

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Disregarding the fact that that's false, that's not the same logic at all.

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>a man sticking his dick in another man isn't really gay
Spoken like a true closet case.

I’m not tranny, so it isn’t gonna be likely

made me chuckle (eventually sneedle)

I pray every day they will and permaban anyone that ever played one.

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You're a leftist so you will be raped/killed by shitskins which is fine by me

I do actually, I'm saying the posts aren't being genuine and just acting to make the poster seem right about his /pol/ accusation.

That doesn't even make sense

excellent bait

>Manlet genocide when.
'5"11 Nevar forget


Mighty defensive there, pedo-kun

Not really

Absolutely poetic.

Most 2D lolis have rail thin arms/legs, no hips and big heads. Because, you know, the whole appeal is making them actually look like children. Lalafells (and Tarus and Harvin) are more like midgets with good proportions and cute faces. Or, if you want to think of it another way, non ugly Hobbits.

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>We should listen to people that cut their dick off and fall into mental breakdown if you misgender them.

Attached: 46a.png (645x729, 97K)

Ask Japan.


Attached: hiyah.jpg (502x711, 145K)

ah the old "pretend i don't know what you are talking about" meme. also commonly seen in as ???

You can't go agains your nature,its only worse.

Yes really, accusing someone of being /pol/ and then 2 extra replies appear out of nowhere acting like typical /pol/tard stereotypes which would validate the poster's claims seem like a typical falseflag to me.

Fucking seriously.
This. Fucking this. The pattern isn't even a pattern now, it's a goddamn fact,

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>wants to talk about how prison is often ignored
>doesn't even begin to understand anything about what prisons are like
wew lad. I bet you think retarded feminists created the term "rape culture" too

Anime fans are pedos without exceptúan

Takes one to know one, I guess.

>"You have to ban these drawings of lolis and shotas that look nothing like humans! Think of the drawn children!"
>*Faps to cp*
>*Rapes a child*
Real pedos ain't interested in lolis and shotas, but into real children

>out of nowhere
Maybe you shouldn't act like a babbling retard and people won't call you retarded?


Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

I'm not blaming feminists nor have I even mentioned them.

>that bro you play vidya with could be a predatory milf
scary to think about

>black hair with red highlights
easy retard filter

Attached: 1541157552759.jpg (1024x427, 21K)

anime is for pedophiles

The Great Loli Revival Age when

We like the two tho

Stick a metal dildo up your ax wound to prevent it from collapsing.

>Gays are also why men being raped is larger than women being raped.
Only in US
>no one ever wants to talk about prison homosexuality.
I agree but that shit happens not because of gays but:
1)People horny because they hadn’t fuck in months
2)Place is full of criminals that will do anyshit no matter if it is morally good or bad
3)People that work in prison don’t carr about the environment that there is here and is mostly a shit place
4)We’re all secretly bi in the end. If you’re in an island alone with a man, you’re gonna fuck it when you feel horny


Attached: file.png (400x382, 314K)

How disgusting

Attached: tumblr_nz0a89kKwz1qj475ko5_1280.jpg (1272x671, 602K)


animefags should be dumped in a lake along with pedos
prove me wrong


Nigga i know what you mean but that shit doesn’t sound good without context

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I don't think you're following the conversation if you think those extra replies I mentioned were aimed at something I posted.

Case in point.

>We’re all secretly bi in the end. If you’re in an island alone with a man, you’re gonna fuck it when you feel horny

Is this true ?

Attached: 1544134914823.jpg (750x748, 503K)

This. It's as simple as that.
The other part of their bullshit is that they try to compensate their sick behaviors.

That's false. I have a relative that went to prison for 8 years and that subject came up and he said that it's homosexual men that disguise it as
>i'm just lonely and horny
He said that normal men just jack off and are willing to drop a lot of commissary for drawn porn.

t. pedo

>All trannies cut their dick
>All trannies have depresion
Is almost like half the people that hate trannies doesn’t even know or have talked with one

Dilate your ax wound
Someone tell the FBI to investigate this man.


if that’s true then i believe you user, but i still think about my point 2 and 3 are right

Wanna know how i've talked to many? Because it's the only thing that messages me on dating sites and it's always overly sexual shit. I'm forced to say "kys" and then block them.

>the world and music of FFXIV is the best in the series
>lalafells are cute and funny at the same time
>gameplay is fun
>all these positives stuck in a shitty MMO
I want a single player FF game set in this universe as bad as most other people want a new Ivalice game.

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The lady doth protest too much me thinkey winkey

I have a question, people choose to be pedo? Or they’re born with it like homosexuality?

>n-no u

>2)Place is full of criminals that will do anyshit no matter if it is morally good or bad
A man fucking another man is gay, no amount of excuses will change that fact.

the quest design is trash though

Not him but you have to care about your environment in prison. If you leave trash around, towels on the floor, water all over the sink, etc. you're asking to get your shit split. People don't want to deal with your lazy doings.

Good, no need to cater to pedo degenerates

Would a stranger on the internet lie to you?

>reflect spell.jpg

Attached: 1539217900668.jpg (750x433, 94K)

I never said you blamed or mentioned them, I said you're a retard for bringing up a topic you're completely ignorant about and acting like it's a shame other people are equally ignorant about it.

>dating sites and it's always overly sexual shit.
nigga of course, you’re in a dating site. And it isn’t the same talking with someone that wants to pound you that talking with someone about normal things like “how’s the weather like?”

cope anime pedo

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Midgets still have tits, user. They are pedobait and you should report anyone that plays one.

I didn’t say it wasn’t, I was just explaining it

..........mmorpgs still exist?

it's hard to talk with one when they all kill themselves.

then why did you say it happens "not because of gays"? regardless of the reason why you're a fucking a man in the ass, it doesn't change the fact that the person is gay.

So are you saying that people have natural urges and if they don't get rid of them in a healthy way they would become predators?

almost like if it was preferable if a person relieves his urges with nonexistent loli drawings that don't hurt anyone rather than repress their natural urges until the point where they can be a threat for real people.

i wonder why japan have less sexual crimes than others more puritanical countries

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cope actual pedo

Attached: 1511408584498.png (282x224, 90K)

Both the story and quests are trash. And that's because it's stuck in an MMO. Same problem Old Republic had.

Your relative just didn't want to tell anyone about all the times he railed the prison bitch for five dollars.

> loli and shota

who writes this bullshit? hahah jews have too much fucking time on their hands.

Well Pedophilia is described as a psychiatric disorder so i would say that they are born with , they tend to notice it at 12 or 13.

>Midgets still have tits, user.
So do Lalafells. They're just nubs (like midgets).

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>And that's because it's stuck in an MMO.
Runescape has well-received quests for the most part.

They're just nubs (like children)*
fixed that for you, pedoanon

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>ethical reasons
>still panders to fags anyway

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Mary was 13 when she gave birth to GOD

No ?

>trusting japanese crime statistics
There's not a single more corrupt system in the first world.

this images pissed me right the fuck off
those jap stats are only for REPORTED crimes, jap women are much less likely to report crimes done against them to the whole modesty culture so that image is EXTREMELY misleading
fuck japs and fuck pedos

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see what? something my posts address? a man fucking someone else in the ass is gay no matter what.

Is funny like is treated like a disorder when homosexuality was treated the same way back and you could 12 years old Girls before the feminist changed the laws

Christ. Only you fucking literal faggots want to play as lolis no one else. You can be a sick fuck in the game already.

unironically trannies are the most likely to crosspost and spread their vile filth on every fucking board to try and convince people they are really a girl

cope harder kid diddler

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how do I get this outfit? is it cash shop shit?

>the statistics aren't real because I said so
back to resetera


Dassa nice strawman, m80. Borne from the exact same type of mindset against violent vidya.

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To be fair, it literally died that one time.

>jap women are much less likely to report crimes
Isn't the point of #metoo the fact that females in western countries don't tend to report abuse crimes against them as well, meaning that the statistics would be on equal footing?

what about rightists (rightoids?) who speak ill of loli?

But Girls und Panzer is clearly pedophilia, Girls driving tanks is a pedophile fantasy

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>wrong opinion
you shouldn't follow the ideals of a mentally ill faggot who thinks turning his dick into mince meat will make him a girl

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You're thinking of FF14, this is FF14:ARR.

>all these replies
Are there really THAT many pedos on Yea Forums still?

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N-no. stop mansplaining

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>In November 2017, police found DVDs with footage of naked girls in their "early" teens in Watsuki's Tokyo office. Tokyo Police raided Watsuki's home as part of an investigation into the purchase of child pornography. The search uncovered DVDs containing videos of naked girls less than 18 years of age. He was referred to prosecutors over possession of child pornography on November 21.[23][24] The serialization of Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc was put on hiatus after the details of Watsuki's charges were made public.[25][26] In February 2018, Watsuki was fined ¥200,000.[27] The Hokkaido Arc resumed serialization in June 2018.[28][29]

Attached: 5585433.jpg (783x1000, 238K)

>the best and most successful japanese mmorpg still exists?
Yes, Dragon Quest X still exists.

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what was the point of this post.

>I like to shoot people in video games so I must want to do it in real life
why do leftists always have to assume the worst? very bigoted closeminded outlook on life
no wonder they are always bitter and alone

lmao I played that shit on the wii when it came out, here's my character.

Attached: dqxchar.jpg (240x400, 25K)

we're here forever

Gays and trannies don't talk about normal shit. it's either sex or politics with those creatures.

Just to point out, possession of cp was legal in japan until 2012.

not if you play by greek rules.
fucking a man in the ass: most chad thing you can do
getting fucked in the ass: most beta thing you can do and everyone will make fun of you and you face possible exile

Probably the same thing, I just haven't seen it. I'm using the left just because I always see a bearded, glasses gentile with every tweet being about how bad trump is.

Is this like how Elder Scrolls keeps insisting on the Dwarfs being mysteriously missing because they're too fucking lazy to code in different body shapes that use different types of armor that need to be made from scratch? Same reason you'll never see gnomes, wood elves, etc. Those fucking cats got lucky - because they wear the same armor type as every other race.

Can /vg/ just have a Pedo Mental Gymnastics general so they don't clog up this board anymore? It's already basically a general.

Thing is that pedo animefags tend to be rightwingers who are against the loli censorship that leftist types are pushing nowadays.

Fuck you, Chen.

Final Fantasy has some of the laziest, shittiest and most derivative fantasy races I've ever seen. it scares me how many people like this shit

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