It's never gonna happen, but what if... ?

It's never gonna happen, but what if... ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

GSfags need to replay their precious games and realize that they were never all that good.

Imagine being stuck making shitty Mario sports games for all eternity like Camelot.

But I do, about once a year actually.

It was probably cancelled like how Isaac was cancelled in Smash after the earthquake

>Golden Sun

Shut the fuck up discord tranny

Just wait it will be announced this E3

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Just play dragon quest

what are these games like?

Golden Sun is literally baby's first RPG. Play something better

They all are a bit simplestic to be honest but I still like them. Would love to see them get a bit more complex with a switch version

Can someone please post that gif? Isaacfags need to be reminded why they were terrible last year

The first 3 games would be so much better if all the enemies were Etrian Odyssey-tier instead of brainless no strategy-tier.

Are you me wtf

i always assumed Isaac was another FE sword
Didnt know he had his own franchise

Pretty typical JRPG. Its notorious for being wordy, but it's fun. Play one and two together, if you want to give it a shot. It's a good ~40hr experience all together.
Yes me, I am you.

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IP count goes down every time an anti-Isaac Discordfag posts on the thread.
Specifically these 4 are the same posters.
Notice how they all don't use periods at the end of their sentences? Yikes.


They're like this.

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What about stolen sun
Seems different

Discordfag was already warned, but he's too retarded to even change his goddamn IP.

As long as they ignore Dark Dawn's existence to the story.

I did last year.
GS is okay.
GS TLA would be one of the best JRPG if Kraden did not exist.

Damn I love a good oliet bang

Dark Dawn was shit in every department and sold poorly. Special mention to shitty story, cliffhanger and huge amounts of stablished lore raping
Camelot are hacks that are busy doing Mario sports games, wich are gigantic turds that everyone gets hyped for because otherwise the Nintendo hardware is dead.
Our only hope was Isaac in Smash and Sakurai chose a fucking plant.
I love Golden Sun, but deal with it.

>wich are gigantic turds that everyone gets hyped for because otherwise the Nintendo hardware is dead.
What did user mean by this?

Me too lol
I now see my mistake

Basically Zelda's dungeons in a JRPG.

no one cares


>I dont care
Ftfy, feel free to leave

be gone tranny


Try 47

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Tranny's not even trying to hide his samefagginess.

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but then who would make mario tennis

Why does every single game have to be a never ending released thing?

Why can't a game have 3 solid RPGs and be done? Why do you need 100 more games in the same series and setting?

This stupid fucking mindset that a game has to keep coming out with new subtitles is mind boggling to me.

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I mean exactly what I said.

Why does Nintendo feel the need to make 500 shitty fire emblem games but not make a sequel to one of their actual good IPs?

I like the text.

Fire Emblem fans eat everything Int System shits. Even a shitty gacha phone game.

No, fuck you. By and large, we just want a quality game to do justice to the first two, made by people who give a shit about it, on a not dying console. That is fucking it, just one good game.

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Fuck Golden Sun

when is Camelot making another Shining dungeon crawler game?

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It doesn't make any sense user. Nintendo doesn't "need" sportshits to be successful. I question your sanity.

You'd have to resurrect GS with waiubait first (which I think they sorta tried with Dark Dawn but it didn't take)

if you think nintendo doesn't need the revenue from the mario sports titles then youre the one who needs to reconsider their position
I was gonna call you a retard but thats unwarranted in a conversation about casual sports games

the waifus were shit

We are not talking about Splatoon or smash.
We are talking about mario sports.

Hence the part about it not taking. Not that it would matter, the characters were never the selling point of the series

The world carries the series and is basically why people love it so much. Every town was so detailed and memorable, all the NPCs have personality and has like 3x the dialogue compared to other RPG NPCs, and even the objects you interact with have personality. All the ovens were basically their own characters. And we don't even have to mention the puzzles and how much they add to otherwise linear dungeons.

Yeah mario sports pushes huge numbers

>every cited example of Golden Sun fans being terrible is from outside this site


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such a chad antagonist. I kept playing mostly just for him

Post smug adepts

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Oh great, the third game!

Because both TLA and DD had cliffhangers or unresolved threads.

Just rebalance the monsters to be more challenging and edit the dialogue and the game becomes a 9/10 easily.

Fair point. One minor thing I loved was everyone in that world had mind-read dialogue. Added some charm to otherwise-boring interactions

if dark dawn didn't end on the shittiest cliffhanger ever maybe we would have seen a sequel.


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Woah it's like...a JRPG game!
It's okay when they do it!

Fuck you and never because of Sega.

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final fantasy 7 doesn't suffer from pacing.

Fuck off. God you're as pathetic as the F-Zero faggots hoping for a new game to be announced every E3. Move on.

>Wasting valuable game time to be a shitlard on the internet

And it's a tranny too. As in they have a shorter life span than everyone else due to the mutilation they caused on their body and their impossibly high suicide rate. They seriously gotta learn to spend their time better.

To be fair, I'm sure HE needs something to do during dilation sessions after that whole
>just put my dick in the paper shredder

At least make a good fake.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny

Camelot aren't owned by Nintendo, so anytime Sega wants to publish one, and Camelot wants to make anything other than Mario sports again.

Lunar nation?
What is this FF4? Plus they already have a plot line to finish.

Man I dont know if you're being real or just trolling. As if trannies care about this generic series to begin with.

it's the mutation of everybody is a nazi. but around here nazis are not a slur.

A civilization on the moon has been a thing since TLA. Was super disappointed it want explored in DD.
It is a dumb fake subtitle though.

I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?

So I understand that Camelot worked on the first two games, but does Ninty technically own the IP? Like, couldn't they give it to a less mario-sports-focused team with better narrative sense to create a half-way decent follow-up title (or even series) to the first two and pretend that DD never happened?

If you're not cynical enough to believe that some fag somewhere shit's on a thing for no other reason than to cause you grief, then you're in the wrong place. Besides that, hate for the series really proliferated during the most recent smash speculation, and in a few threads someone admitted to having a discord about shitting on GS. Nobody knows if it was a big false flag or not. Discord got mutated into discord tranny, and here we are.

Is this the reality where Nintendo had faith in the Switch enough to give it more than Wii U ports

They also ALWAYS say something along these lines.
>golden sun fans were mean/terrible/bad last year during the smash discussions
Sounds like a tranny had their fee fees hurt and refuse to let it go like an adult.

Assuming you're talking about the earthquake thing, I am 100% convinced that was an enormous false flag.

Smashburb is an autistic furfag with absolute garbage taste. I have no doubt he's responsible for some of the Isaac hate here.
>Issacc Golden Sun: 2/10
He'd be boring af and I think it's ridiculous he's in such high demand even though people here hate "anime swordsmen" so much that they're even willing to slap the label on a character like Joker who doesn't even use a sword.

>Paper Mario: 9/10
Absolutely should be the Mario RPG rep if we were to get one. I already touched on Geno in the previous reply, and other ideas like Fawful and Dimentio are just as bad. I normally don't like it when we get multiple versions of the same character, but it'd be worth it in this case.

I think Paper Mario would be cool if they actually made him play differently, actually. I get the anime swordsman thing, but it comes from ignorance.

I used to interact with him. He's an idiot. I'm not 100% on this since it's been a while, but he might be one of those retards who think 7 Fire Emblem characters is justified.

Actually, barring isaac and some meme/toadally ebin suggestions, lots of his ratings are pretty good.
I am a bit inclined to think this though.

fuck golden sun, dark dawn toying with my emotions like that

Golden Sun was pretty standard fare, the music and art direction was pretty great though.

GS TLA is still a legit masterpiece

How would you feel if there was some added difficulty and the elimination of PONR?
I kinda feel this, but GS had some standout moments like colosso. Really anything involving Alex or Babi.

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Whats a golden sun?

the games are great you're just a faggot

Why would Nintendo release another big JRPG and divide up the audience between Xenoblade and Golden Sun?

As in the game? Or the Golden Sun within the lore if the game?


So these games dont exist, gotcha.


This. It's like mistaking Fire Emblem for Pokemon.

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What? No, the namesake of the game is a thing within it. I wanted to know if you were asking what the game is or what the thing the game is named after is.

But these "games" dont exist because I never heard of them. They must be old and suck shit because no one talks about them.

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GS3 sucked and the other two games were mostly good because of the graphics of the GBA. The writing was abysmal.

I was about to warn you he's just pretending to be a retard but it seems like he is actually one.

You are a funny man.

>GS TLA is still a legit masterpiece
It's just a rehash of the first game. Gameplay wasn't improved at all. They are generic rpgs.

don't you have a suicide to plan?

Might be cool, but only if we get the Wheat Sword.

But in all seriousness, I just want a new game to finish the series. It's been long enough and the story needs to end.

Dammit, you have seen through my clever ruse! But don't worry I will be back. You haven't seen the last of meeeeeeeeeee!

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Nah the expansion of scope and world building is almost unprecedented.

So many memorable places in TLA
Garoh and the ultimate casual filter
Apoji Islands
Champi and the Ankhol Ruins
Gabomba statue in Kibombo

I can kind of understand what you mean, they did add a lot of content though.

Don't give up. Starcraft fans had to wait years to get their ending. It was kind of shit but it still happened.

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combat system and class building were pretty fucking different from standard RPG fare. Djinn/summons/Psyerngy/Classes could use some refinement, but they were a solid fucking base to work with.

If you think they're generic then you're probably retarded though.

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