Why did Nintendo demake these games for the 3DS?
Why did Nintendo demake these games for the 3DS?
So they could say they were still supporting the 3DS.
> Luigi's Mansion
Already has the resources from Dark Moon
> Kirby
Zoomers love Epic Yarn
Promises to support the 3DS for a bit longer that needed fulfilment.
Don't forget Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey.
Real effort was put into the game but it sold like shit.
To pretend like the 3DS is still alive.
Didn’t that game have the worst opening of all time for a game with Mario?
Shit sold like 16.000 units, an absolute bomb.
Something like that, at least in Japan.
The three games mentioned in this thread were developed by Grezzo, Good Feel, and Alpha Dream.
I've no idea what Grezzo are currently working on, but they've exclusively developed handheld titles.
Good-Feel just recently launched Yoshi's Crafted World, they're keeping busy.
Alpha Dream pretty much makes just Mario & Luigi games on systems where sprite work is appropriate. It's their strength, whilst 3D work is usually provided by an outside studio.
With the shift to the Switch, they could find it extremely challenging to continue in 2D development.
The original's not that old and playable on the same hardware.
Epic Yarn 3ds was a straight up improvement to the wii version which I had great buyers remorse for.
The 3DS was pretty much already dead past the second half of 2018 and other than the directs, BIS didn't get any advertising, as far as I remember. I'm actually more concerned about how much Etrian Odyssey Nexus and Persona 2Q sold since those were the last two games released for the console.
>thinking about bothering to play the remastered editions on my 3DS when it's just easier to emulate them on my phone
It's sad, really.
>Epic Yarn 3ds was a straight up improvement to the wii version
>removes co-op
>can't play as Prince Fluff
>devils completely ruin the music
>hard mode doesn't make enemies smarter, just throws in a flying enemy to pester you sometimes
>hats make an already easy game even easier
>shallow as fuck Meta Knight and Dedede minigames they'll inevitably sell on the eShop as "Deluxe" versions with like two more levels
Supposedly Grezzo is doing the Link’s Awakening remake.
Thank you Antdude
I genuinely love Good-Feel.
Was Good-Feel in charge of the 3DS port? I honestly doubt it, only a dev team who didn’t understand the game would ruin it like that.
The devilish mod butchering the soundtrack sounds so awful.
Are you high bro? It’s awful.
>You can't criticize this game I like or else you're [random e-celeb]
Look at the posivites, at least Nintendo was aware of the 3DS sales were going down, and aren't reluctant on killing off series that underperformed in 2018 like WarioWare or Dillon's Rolling Western
Don't forget it doesn't even have 3D.
That's conceivable.
It's close enough to Link between Worlds that it could be EAD though.
I think Extra Epic Yarn was likely a Junior team project, whilst the big boys worked on Yoshi's Crafted World.
Another part of the problem was that many of of the transformation sections of Epic Yarn depended on Wii remote features like motion control and IR pointing.
Whilst some motions could easily be mapped to other buttons, IR pointer stuff would've been tougher to do elegantly. Maybe touch-screen usage would have been possible but it would've required disjointed inputs.
Part of the problem with Wario Ware Gold was that it didn't have the strong artist style of previous titles, something was lacking.
That, and releasing it on the 3DS.
A dedicated Wario Ware title for the Switch would've been more successful. Releasing anything on the Switch instead of the 3DS would be, though.
Most later 3DS titles opted to abandon the 3D effect in favour of best performance.
It's not like Epic Yarn could be particularly 3D to begin with. The whole game is set on a 2D plane of quilted patchwork. There is no depth to convey.
The console was pretty much on the deathbed during the whole last year so I'm sure they were just trying to squeeze some last sales before finally moving entirely to the Switch. Is still kind of sad, the Switch doesn't replace the double screen experience but considering its success, I doubt we'll see a new DS in a very long time, unless the next Nintendo console mixes everything in one machine.
God i hope they make a Wario or Chibi-Robo! Or a Waluigi’s Platformer with light fighting elements game next, Yoshi’s cool but they shouldn’t become “The Yoshi guys”.
Besides, their Yoshi formula peaked with Wolly World.
>in favour of best performance
Which makes less sense since Extra Epic stutters.
>Part of the problem with Wario Ware Gold was that it didn't have the strong artist style of previous titles, something was lacking
>A dedicated Wario Ware title for the Switch would've been more successful. Releasing anything on the Switch instead of the 3DS would be, though.
What? None of the Wari Ware games have a cohesive style. They are just random and each micro game can have a unique aesthetic.
Also, the Touch and Mic games wouldn't have worked as well on the Switch and modes like Gamer and that fast car one work better on 3DS
luigi's mansion actually had 3d effects when it was first made, but they didn't implement them because 3d TVs were pretty unknown
No user, BiS 3D was honestly shit, they ruined Bowser.
I still use mine and buy games for it
Yeah, the whole thing feels like it was handled by a junior team like I mentioned.
It clearly wasn't a high priority release.
They have cohesive framing is what I mean. The microgames have little cohesion yes, it's because they're all individual developer exercises and each one is their own expression.
Its objectively superior to the original for the sole fact that you can skip tutorials and there isnt any blowing in the giant battles.
If only the Wii U wasn’t such a failure.
I’ll miss the soulfull DS/3DS graphics. A DS successor with no 3D and a 480p screen for 200$ would have been great.
I also don’t like using a tablet as a home console, there’s no way that thing can last 6+ years of use.
>BiS 3D was honestly shit
This will never not make me laugh because it's like SSSDX all over again. The main game is identical, QoL features from latter games like the abilities to skip tutorials/dialogue/cutscenes were added, and the irrelevant subgame was changed to a different irrelevant subgame. So according to people complaining on Yea Forums, Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story were never good.
they should have done the remake for PiT but no, we need to please the bowserfags ,also BiS is overrated
Thank you for actually using the term "demake" properly. So many mouthbreathers just blindly assume it means "a remake I didn't like"
I actually would like to ask about Luigi's Mansion, what's the difference between the 3DS version and the original one? Anything new added that makes it worth a playthrough?
>they should have done the remake for PiT
>BiS is overrated
One has soul, the other has no soul