Do kids even play Smash?

Do kids even play Smash?

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They're still probably the biggest part of the audience. They're here, probably playing as Mario, their favorite Mario character, their favorite Pokémon or Pikachu.

No children do not play smash bros
Yeah they don't play pokemon or mario either
Only you do user
In fact children stopped being born the year after you were born

Smash is literally a game for kids.

Did they have to explain to kids who King K Rool is despite not being used for over a decade? No. Who is this fucking retard? As if little kids knew who joker was.

The majority of the Smash fanbase is kids.


Kids don't play Persona, at least not American kids, yet they had no problem adding Joker. You really think kids know who Snake, Little Mac, Pit, Chrom, Bayonetta, or Ryu are?

You played Smash as a kid didn't you?

Do kids buy DLC?
If it's mostly boomers who buy DLC it makes sense to make content that appeals to them.

yeah little 5 year old timmy is a huge game and watch fan second only to ice climbers his favorite nes game
but who is banjo?

Kids will be alright. Do you really think Steve would make them drop their Little Macs and Ganondorfs?

Well it's a kids game, so....

hope they explain who are these 10 or so anime swordmen too


>who's joker?

>K. Rool

When I was a kid and the first smash brothers game came out, I had no idea who ice climbers were

You know how Nintendo commercials show families playing Nintendo games? That does not exist. Smash is a 21+ year old boomer series. The 7 kids playing this don't know who most of these fags are anyway. Little Jimmy has never even seen an NES before, much less the Ice Climber game.

hm i guess marth and roy aren't getting into melee, too bad.

They'll have to explain to everyone who he is because it was a failed franchise on a failed console and people only latch onto it because it's on of MS's few IPs with an ounce of relevance

someone better tell the kid who the fuck marth and all his clones are


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Isn't there a lot of pedos that play it too or is that anime games?

> Implying you knew Ice Climbers before Smash

To be fair i don't know who most of the roster are, like who the fuck is that mexican with a red hat. Fucking Nintendo.

Do that many kids even play Nintendo games nowadays? It seems to all be mobiles and shooters.

Considering I played Smash for a few hours with my nephews and their friends last night (who are firmly in the Zoomer category), they knew all the lingo and characters, and they handed me my ass quite a bit, despite the fact that I was the one who owned it, I’d say it’s still liked by the kids.

Every poll has shown the majority of the Smash fanbase to be in the 13-18 age range. They don't even give a fuck anyway as long as the reveal is "Hype"

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No, but King K Rool is base game, so it's not expected for people to pay money for the character. If Nintendo adds Banjo, what kid is going to ask their mom for their credit card info? Steve on the other hand, kids would be begging to get him

A fair share of parents & kids are still not that accustomed to online businesses and retain paranoia over Internet. It's starting to die out, but there's a lot more kids than you'd think that are just denied online because of paranoia over online purchases.

Well, adults play Melee, so yeah, kids play Brawl 3.0.
Plenty of kids, and manchildren, who probably also don't know who Banjo is because they're fucking normies.

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Nope, I have hygiene.

I dont know if kids play smash, what I do know is that stinky autistic manchildren play a lot of Smash.

I work at a daycare and there's an 8 year old rosterfag that comes in sometimes and we talk Smash. He said he was super excited that Ridley actually got in and he said, and I quote "I can't believe sakurai finally did it" and I thought that was frankly hilarious coming from an 8 year old. I also was drawing a picture of K. Rool because I was working the coloring table and he freaked out and said "THATS KING K ROOL" and all the other kids knew him too.
He's pretty cool with Boomer characters, his most wanted is Snorlax, I told him I thought that was awesome. He knows who Banjo and Kazooie are

That's a big bait

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My nephew knows who Banjo is because of Jontron but thought Joker was the young version of the Batman one.

Wholesome posts like these are blessed

I think a "bait" is people talking about modern Smash games.
They have nothing to do with HAL laboratories. It's like comparing the original Wizard of Oz to one of the hundreds of remakes. They're all phonies.

>Why's joker?

Children play as whoever the fuck they think is cool. I have younger cousins who play as Roy and Shulk and shit.

Fuck Josh Thomas

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when we all played Melee I doubt we knew who Marth, Ness, Ice Climbers, or Game and Watch were.

Kids don't even play Street Fighter nowadays but Ryu got in.
I know he's more famous than Banjo, but if characters like Joker and Bayonetta can get in, who are both from M-Rated games, Banjo can too.

Are you a woman?

No I'm the only man working there and all the ladies swoon over my childcare skills

It kicks ass

Children don't play video-games, everything they know about them they get from Let's Plays. Assuming the Game Grumps did a playthrough, I think they're set.

Even ignoring that, people constantly use fan wiki's to get caught up on things like this. It's like how everyone is suddenly a Marvel Comics expert because they went through a bunch of wikipages leading up to a movie.

imagine the day when the last CRTV in existence finally goes kaput
will the 10 remaining meleefags just finally kill themselves?

Ness was in the first game


>Kids don't know Ryu
t. Clueless boomer


that and thought dr mario was something they made up
i always hated him
fuck dr mario
game was shit from the start


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I didnt know who the ice climbers were. I'm sure they will be fine

maybe it's because they all have games and are actually things while one is deader than dead
>if x can be in so can y
okay banjoke

There was literally a Dr. Mario game on the N64 released on the same year, how did you not know him?

Tons of Smashfags didn't know Snake before Brawl, mostly the zoomer ones and they still play the games today.

> Little Mac
Punch-Out had a new game on the Wii at the time

that explains alot
soo are rosterfags literal children?
imagine being older than 12 and caring about smash

maybe i was a kid and have a life
because im not a giant looser like you

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And yet “adults” still won’t touch real fighting games because they aren’t the bing bing wahoo nostalgia game they played as kids

Smash audience is around 15-23. It's a lot of high schoolers which is why discussion about it on Yea Forums are shit.

A kid shouldnt be playing Metal Gear or Bayonetta.

goddamn based

>first smash brothers game
>ice climbers

>ice climbers
hahahahahahhaha retard

I don't think a kid knows Cloud, Bayoneta, Snake or Samus


> Cloud
Bait, He's in KH and FF7 has been referenced in a ton of cartoons

Fun Fact: He hates Banjo and finds Rare's humor cringy and thinks Odyssey is bad because it's more of a Banjo game than a Mario one.

>faggot spacing

That joke is so tiresome. All kids play nowadays is fucking fortnite / kindergarten teacher








drink piss

and he's a moron who thinks wearing a diaper is good so i dont think his opinion is relevant to anybody with a brain

Good luck explaining who Roy is, and Lucas and Ness and Captain Falcon and Mr Game and Watch and ROB and Ice Climbers and Little Mac and Shulk and ...

Rob was in Mario Kart DS retard, and Sheik is literally from one of the greatest games of all time

No. Nintendo doesn't seem to understand this. Retarded children only play Fortnite and whatever flavor of the month game is out, and they still latch on to Minecraft as well. They give no fucks about Smash other than maybe trying it once or twice. It's too complex of a game for the audience Nintendo wants (literal children).

let's see how many smash manbabbies we got in here

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odyssey is the worst mario game ever made

Were getting Steve from minecraft

Your time is up old man

as if anyone knows fire emblem characters besides soiboy fatasses

never mentioned in the post
nice reading there

> Many anons say kids don't play Smash
> They themselves played Smash as kids
Fucking hypocrites

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Sorry user

>zoomers are so fucking retarded that they can’t even recognize 2 of the most influential characters in the collectathon

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I had no idea who Ness or Captain Falcon were back in 64, hell I barely knew who Kirby and Samus were

Kids don’t care, they’ll play characters that are fun and do cool things

Wrong about this dude, even a 30 year old parent would've grown up with iTunes.

maybe no one gives 2 fuck about aobut ur shitty dead genre
lol butt muh collecathaon
even your own faggot bears game acknowledged how shitty and dated they are and that was back in like 2008 retard

I think they mean kids today, honestly I've never seen anyone below middle school age say they like smash.

He’s also the kind of fag that edits screenshots in photoshop and says he did a better job than the developers and that they should hire him