We will meet again as stars

we will meet again as stars

Attached: BlueStarPortrait.png (220x220, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you could choose your abnormalities at will without random elements, what would be our ideal pick order for, say, the first 12? Assuming everything else stays the same, so you start with One Sin and have to pick one tool for every 3 regular abbos.


Any abo who doesnt fuck you when the counter is down so you dont have to worry in meltdowns or the clowns

Lobotomy Corporation

As long as I get Crumbling Armor I'm alright. Nice ones I autolock are fairies and Laetitia. I'm pretty partial to Spider Bud too. Not sure why.

hey shh keep it down pal
this is bad turf

Redpill me on this game.

Is it hard or can a brainlet like me play it?

Dont give up, boys.

You have to be willing to take risks, and accepting the fact that agents might die very late during the day
So long as you're not so brainlet that you can't read, it'll be fine.

You can do it, Manager!

I just got Punishing Bird, why does it jiggle around and stretch its head so much when you send an employee in?

>Redpill me

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It eases you into things pretty well. The core gameplay loop isn't complicated, but they just keep layering thing after thing on top of it at a pretty reasonable pace. I am not a smart man, it took a little bit for everything to click into place. It's a nice challenge. Just make sure to read the manual.

remember that we are one step away from the custom abnorms, hang in there

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Video Games, huh?

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кaк тaм paшн мoддингoвый фpoнт пpoдвигaeтcя

What a weird dog

All right, think I'll give it a shot. The OST tipped me over honestly.

>create gigachad team
>create clone teams with all white hair for general security
Anyone else here autistic?

Is it honestly worth trying to suppress if it gets to this stage or consider the day lost?

If you got someone with 0.2 ALEPH red armor, and people with guns you can hide on the other side of Nothing There, it'll be easy
The issue is him breaking out when there's shit going down already

бeз пoнятия кaк тaм нa pyнeтaх, я тoлькo тyт cижy, тaм пpocтo oдин кopeeц зaпилил фpeймвoк пoд мoды и тeпepь мoжнo лeгкo дeлaть ЭГO и измeнeния в cyщecтвyющих мoнcтpaх
btw this is the link to the new mod from abcdcode, the guy that made the framework,
i cant be sure from the translation, bit it seems this is for changing the existing abnorms

>I'm pretty partial to Spider Bud too. Not sure why.
Cool glasses.

just try to kite his bullshit attacks

The OST is so fuckin good dude. Lay me to rest to Romantic Memories.

Alrighty, well to get a good start for training going I'd say
One sin>Punishing Birb>Spider Bud>portrait>something you can grind early repression on easily(?)>Laetitia>Der Shootman>Heart>Redditbot>Reindeer>clock>then just move on to good gear. Gives you someone to easily grind every stat on. And none are particularly dangerous.

Yeah he has so much HP I have to devote everything to taking him down and by then the WAWs are getting lonely.

>Repression grinding
1.76 mhz

>not child of the galaxy
>not shadenfreude
>not redditbot

Don't beat up the Child of Galaxy he tries his best
I try not to get the vacuum cleaner or Schadenfreude because they're irritating as fuck, especially schaddy. 1.76 MHz is the most minimally harmful proportionate to result.

I had to resort to memerepoing cause i only had 1.76mhz from the start and didnt get little reddit until i unlocked the lower half of central command

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You guys convinced me

Wish me luck gang

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Good luck.

Try not to read spoilers.

Do your best, Manager. Read the manual, it is always there for you.

Fuck his gimmick, especially when he's in the middle somewhere and I'm trying to keep him happy/suppressed while doing other stuff.

dont feel bad for restarting the day


hands down
I purposely breach her sometimes just for her to play 3rd movement

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For Gebura's suppress HE or lower abnormalities 5 times quest, can I just spam one abnormality? I don't have 5 that can breach.

La Luna is a pretty cool abo

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rudolta was my punching bag because he was the easiest to bring down his counter and I felt sorry for him after the emd of the day

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Funeral and are great for Gebura's mission

How do I teach myself to remember that the Rabbit Protocol Exists? I usually just accidentally forget and handle everything on my own when I could just have these retards die in my place.

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The chill piano music when you meet Angela for the first time.

Rudolta is fucked up man
He never really is hostile though, just extremely revolting. Imagine him with no filter on.

Well it costs you 25% of your energy to send in the gun squad, so determine if what's currently going down is worth needing to grind up that energy again

You send the bunnies early to pay less or when shit really hits the fan

What is the goo on the one guy anyway

Too hard.

I think its seaweed. The armor desc said its the green bits

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can't wait to work on dicks and pussies all day and shit all over carmens ideals

have any of you tried the golem set mod yet? i for one am waiting for the abnormality itself but i was wondering how it fares or if it has a description or something

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One sin, duh.
Can of Welcheers, zero risk and gives Instinct/Insight nicely.
Crumbling Armor, pretty good.
Painting, good backup for a tough abno early on.
Der Gunman, easy stats and good weapon.
Butterflies, awesome weapon.
La Luna, an easy WAW with a great buff in dire times.
Heart, that buff is so fucking good.
Blue Star, good for farming Insight and really easy to contain.
Slimy Love, upper levels have a really close elevator for isolation, and I love her gear.
Train. This might sound crazy, but the heal has saved me so many times.
Knight of Despair, again a great buff.

ALEPHs are really easy if you know how to deal with them. Plus I like a challenge (that isn't bs)

Fuck I wish I could draw. I've got some ideas for abbos and sets to go with them but I draw like a three year old.


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which challenge would be BS?

>Day 19
>Agent has the need for speed already
I still need to get Yin, but she fast as fuck already

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You can ascend even higher user. Remember the chart.

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you should post them, who knows, maybe someone will take interest in it

One Sin
Beauty and Beast
Der Shootman
Radio Static
Punishing Bird
Little Red
Blue Star
Research Notes

Another few Honorable Mentions:
Justice Bird
Big Bird
Knight of Despair
Yin (Yang)
King of Greed?

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I kinda want to make full action movie protag with Bald, Well Cheers and Wolf's Gift's just to see how long he will last

Yeah I'll probably write all of them them up some time and post them, or maybe just pastebin them or whatever. I posted one yesterday (The Rabbit's Hole, if you've seen it) and someone suggested a good improvement, so it's a win-win that way.


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post results when you do

Yesod was one. I beat it first try but it wasn't fun at all, just a case of "pause and zoom in on everything".
Maybe Chesed as well, it isn't stimulating to just farm on your control team and the 3 Black damage Abnos because the rest will kill you.

I like how for some reason this quote is so ominous.

you're not supposed to play it safe with chesed, you're supposed to overcome the dmg. you can even work pale dmg on whitenight as long as you send your best guy and buff up their success and their speed
also, yesod is supposed to be about memorization (information, huh), not zooming in

Do it.

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Im at day 42 and still havent read the manual and doing a good job as a manager so,

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there'll be a frequency later on you need to tune in to and it's randomized and written in the manual, so you NEED to read it. read it now to save you trouble

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so, anybody got custom character packs with military stuff in them? or at least one that has a bunch of options for eye-ware/ small accessories? i wanna start fine tuning my dudes looks.

on that note, is there a way to fix the color slider for hair? there seems to be an inherent filter with most of the hair pieces that skews the color with a slight dark-green tint, it makes getting certain colors impossible, and its tied with the sprites themselvs(because the last 10 hairdo options all have their own personal color skew)

No wonder she went nuts. You can avoid Malkute's meltdown and get her bonus for free if you click through it daily. Unlocks a secret ending too.

really like this and looking forward to it, love robots, and the whole "mythical military machine" thing is especially appealing

"You're not supposed to" well that's how I beat it, after getting screwed over when one of my EX agents got sent from half health to 0 from 2 bad results when a meltdown changed the weakness to red.

If you're supposed to memorize for Yesod that just makes it all the worse. It's really boring. Malkuth was a little interesting, albeit easy since my agents didn't really gaf about what work they did.

where's the mod that makes queen of hatred real so I can give her a hug and tell her that she won peace for everyone and it's ok to take it easy

Peace for everyone and taking it easy isn't fighting evil monsters for love and justice, so prepare for the laser, clerk.

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what if I told her that the best way to fight for love and justice is to cuddle with me?

not if you take my laser first bitch

But evil is fought to defeat it and allow everyone to live happily ever after. Fighting just to fight is a hollow existence. Is that another thing she forgot?

We better, you owe me $50!


Metaphors, debates, introspection and general abstract thinking also are not fighting evil monsters for love and justice.
*walks into elevator*

Are you tellin' me QoH doesn't want to go out for ice cream because I'm pretty sure she would.

You should post your idea again.

Creator here, it has a brief description.

In unfortunate news, Lobcorp really likes to shit all over resolution of items in random ways, namely the armor had to be downsized and it caused it to become muddy,the helmet had to be upsized and it caused it to get blurry, overall there was noticeable quality drop that reduced overall fidelity of the gear by like 20-30%.

On the upside, this gave me valuable info for future art asset modding resolution guide, will post it when I'm done compiling the resources and do some more testing.

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I love this game and I'm glad it was on Yea Forums during one of my infrequent checkups on this place anymore so I could find it.
Thanks, pals. It's been a good week.

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Maybe if her peers weren't so retarded she would but ehhh

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The Queen of Hatred isn't the kind of magical girl in Magic Knight Rayearth or Cardcaptor Sakura. Those ones fight for peace then untransform, living their normal lives in happiness once evil is vanquished. The QoH is the kind that is slain as an enemy in Madoka Magica, as she transforms into a horrible monster once her work is finished.
Also, have you noticed that the QoH is incapable of untransforming from her magical girl state? She's busted.

I recall reading something about sedating her or giving her some sort of calming drug works in her description. You could probably take care of her like any other mentally damaged person if you ensured she stayed on her meds.
The problem being that you can't because if you slip up she's going to kill a lot of people.

>trying to fight god delusion
>the 3 avians are out
>have to deal with bullshit god delusian shrines while also avoiding apocalypse avian

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Oi can you pull the Rabbit armor? I wanna mode it into pic related

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I like how the eye makes it look like the employee is something that came out of a Seph box. Super cool

>not SC marines

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I finally beat Gebura without cheesy shelter, damn what a great fight. MVP goes to my Pink Sniper lad who didn't live to see the end of the fight, God rest his soul.

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Well done manager, you finally finished something with dignity

good job, next time defeat her in melee combat
I don't know why they made her AI that dumb sometimes

Yes, the rabbits are built on the very same skeleton that agents are, they just use different body base, you can pull off any kind of power armor as long as you adhere to the mesh box constraints and follow the intersection bones.

Attached: Suit Bounding Boxes.png (235x390, 69K)

I tried to do this too but she ended up in one of the tiny upper departments
I also tried to trap her final phase with the rabbit team, only to see her ignore the barrier and rush to my now trapped bundle of employees
don't worry no one died

How many deaths? Congrats on not cheesing it!

I went in with 6 ALEPH soldiers, only my Justitia, Nothing There, and MoSB agent made it out alive. Took around 5 tries without looking anything up about her phase changes.

That's a pretty big loss. Are you planning on Day 1?

3 giga-chads are enough to keep going, he'll be fine

he can use memory repository and get the people back

Nah I can just Memory Repo those agents back, only thing I'm missing is Army in Pink/Melting Love equipment, I got like 40 WAW soldiers chilling in the backroom.

>hair color and gear matches the color of the department
>gigachad team 1 are composed of my childhood OCs
> all my megachad team 2 are blondes
>give a V chad a stylish Teth armor with crap stats

Which armor was it

It's okay to be a clerk

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go home Hod, you're high on Enkephalin again

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What if we made Nothing There a functioning employee?
Would it do a good job if we said that we love it?

I don't like that blonde employees are a rarity.

the only thing he would be capable of doing right would be melting love
and even then do you really wanna see what will come out of it?

Clerks are just trying to get by. You really shouldn't be mean to them. They're the first responders and they always do their best.


Please tell me future runs become easier, I cant even trigger dusk ordeals to do supressions since all my abnos are fucking faggots.

Fuck you Queen of hatred, fuck you army in black, bunch of babies.


ummm.... HOD theres a reason why youre in the upper layer

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you will soon miss all that ease
anyway since codec completion is required restarting facility to make missions possible is also one of the many things you are supposed to do


Arent Queen of Hatred and Army in black like the worst abnos to get?

honestly I restarted recently after clearing the game in one go and I've breezed through the first few days. it feels so different, especially if you don't have to babysit whitenight anymore

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What is wrong with clerks anyway? They seem to do minor damage during ordeals and don't count towards the rank.

qoh requires special attention every quiflof meltdown
army in pink is equally fickle

like blue star and mosb, theres a lenience that sometimes you can use to save you from RNG fuckery

Many abnormalities have the "if x number of employees die, qliphoth counter decreases", clerks count as employees.

So in ordeals, many clerks dying can lead to disaster.

plus to handle that you need to literally click each and every one of those fuckers

its just a hassle.

did you knew you can pop your own employees with the execution bullet?

Will they ever try to "get by" in the other direction? Maybe "do their best" away from clear and obvious death, rather than towards it? Maybe if they "respond" to threats, they can maybe not trigger borb, smiley, black swan and army in zayin for the third time today? Until such a time, I will continue to let out queen of hatred and applaud when she lasers them all in one go and achieves a total clerk genocide.

Yeah i learned that the hard way.

Tripcode, friend.

Thanks for killing another video game discussion mods, how could we go with another FEELS thread

lurk moar newfag.

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will QoH have sex with me if kill 3 employees?

I've seen a lot of anons come up with ideas so i'll post mine as well, though it's not an abnormality or anything like that instead it's something like a separate menu that you could access before starting a day.
>spend LOB on equipment isn't developed for dealing with abnormalities
>like conventional guns and body armor for instance
>not very effective and could have drawbacks but doesn't have any stat requirements and it's expendable
>some might have certain requirements that have to be fulfilled like kill a certain thing or achieve a certain ending before it can be bought
>could be a good source of early game gear if you have the spare LOB
Here are some examples on what could purchased:
>riot shields, like in the legacy version
>assault rifles (standard assault rifles, not the multi-damage ones used by the rabbits)
>heavy and standard body armor that have the qualities of TETH/HE EGO and have no stat requirements but slow your agents down
>those maces/swords/etc shown in the trailer
>the claw's... claw
Not sure how this would fit with the game and it might not even be possible to implement but I just want more tactical gear in the game, because there's little to none besides the rabbit's gear which is unobtainable.

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Thanks, I will look into the files when I have more time

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Why is SO such an asshole?

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(Curtains slide in from the sides)

Hes so annoying to grind for the monocle.

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MY ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!

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This one gets me whenever it plays

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Wasn't rabbit gear supplied by Lobotomy corp?

How the fuck do I do suppression missions with Little Red escaping every time I kill a few? I can take down Alephs but every time Little Red gets out she rapes my entire facility. Is it possible to do a few surpressions each day or do they need to be done all at once?

You have to finish the amount for the quest all that day. So if 5 WAWs, you have suppress WAWs 5 time that day.

it's all R Corp tech

Red shields and gang up on her with your best agents while you let an easy HE abnormality break out.
She does crazy high damage so you have to focus on her really hard at that stage.
And yeah all the suppressions need to be in one day

How would I do that with red? With others they have specific attacks you can avoid and deal with accordingly but red just goes apeshit on everyone and even my strongest red damage resistant armor barely helps.

I wish there was an easy mode

I have the same problem right now. Only time I ever beat her was by having everyone chase her and the one person she targeted running for dear life with shields. Cooping up in an elevator to gangbang kind of works but I had times where right after shielding she blew right through it and killed two agents instantly, and I was damn near spamming the shield because of how fast they'd break.

Check her Qlipoth
Break a small dick abnormality out when it's low
Beat up her attention whoring ass

Reminder that mal-a-cute will break into your house if you dont read the manual!

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>not straight up posting the name of the game in the op
good job, for once

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Netzach, more like nutsack amirite? :^)

>he doesnt know
lay off on the enkephalin

Here's what you do
>Wait until she's at 1
>Let out your easiest abnomorality so you can suppress it with 1 guy so she escapes
>Have your Red tank waiting in her hallway so he gets marked
>Make him turn her around (pretend to leave then start attacking her again once your past her) and throw a red shield on him
>Swarm all your agents you had waiting outside from behind

Abnomarlites ARE for lewd!

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No they are NOT.

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In case anyone is wondering where it is:

Attached: why [CENSORED] is [CENSORED].png (679x564, 29K)

Someone post the Nothing There story again

Read its story

pastebin.com/Dud4vZkx NOTHING THERE
pastebin.com/JfFHsTtw MELTING LOVE
pastebin.com/wdTu84Lf PLAGUE DOC

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I don't understand why everyone loves One Sin so much

Who gave WhiteNight the computer?

He's a total bro and comes to help in your most trying time


skeletons are top-tier meme material

he si the one abnormality that is on your side and has no utterior motives or suddent meltdowns.
not Even Angela can say that!

tecnically the tools kinda dont have ulterior motive
and maybe little helper since hes just built wrong on purpose

>don't have all of the gifts I need yet
>don't even have behavior adjustment equipped either
Fast as fuk

Attached: Screenshot_59.png (199x280, 59K)

>get new abbo
>plague fuckface immediately swaps him into another department
piece of shit just you wait until i unlock central so i have enough employees to kick your ass

Singing Machine doesn't have a motive either
it's just a meat grinder that induces madness

to be frank, it is just feeding

what in the goddamn hell are you talking about

Maybe he's talking about the falseflagger?

all abnos have a soul and self
it's what the agents represss when they do repression work

that's what's got me confused, i was saying it's a good thing that the falseflagger is gone

>is friendlier than most abnos and has no real negatives outside of low energy/weak gear
>always with the player at day one so even people who are just starting know all about him
>easy cheesy for a difficult boss fight
>Clearly a good guy, just look at how many good deeds are in his name

Little Helper is 100% a friendly robot who believes he's special because his creator gave him special parts. Unfortunately those special parts were just designed to murder a woman and her family.

I wonder how much energy you can get out of a employee with max health using We Can Change Anything. I wonder if you can just cheese the final days with it.

remember your timings, manager!

hope blue star wont kill that special clerk a third time in a row!

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butterfly bro is a cool bro
he just wants to free everyone from the shackles of employment

You also have to hit specific meltdown levels for the final days, not just energy quotas.

op here I just made this thread to shitpost and spite on the mods, I wasnt expecting it to not 404 and didnt intend to make it our regular LC thread
anyways ill keep making threads in this format

What's wrong with this one anyway, does the time count for while it's paused? If not why not just always send someone?

fucking cancer

He is the only genuine good abo

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>why not always send someone
oh you sweet innocent child

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I wasnt expecting it either, nice discovery OP!

>pause the game when the day starts
>assign all units to a task clock-wise by habit
>keep almost touching the button because its the second-to-last thing i mouse over

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How good is Whitenboi's weapon? With all the bullshit you have to go through to get it, it shoud be able to one-shot Binah

just never forget your ticket bro it's not that difficult

Cheesed a few of the last days with it, but I thought it was more economical to just send a bunch of 1 LOB shitters in (III fortitude gives you like 30 energy, so maybe twice that?)

Each attack heals your agent, the attack is a room-wide pale attack and if you have WN in your facility, it has a secondary attack that puts a unique shield on the user, which protects against all attacks. The armor if WN is in the facility gives 0.2 to all damage types
Basically it's worth the garbage, but you'll need WN in the facility from now on to reap the reward fully.

Central command...

He fucking used za warudo on me what the fuck

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that means that the suppression is going into the next phase

So theres a guy modding the game? I wonder if he will make the game moddable for basic poeple as well.


my dad works at Project Moon and he said the tiphereths are gonna be grown up in library of ruina.

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Day 21, finally I can get dusk ordeals, should I go for it?


mods are about as intelligent as rats, so if the name isn't in the title, they won't know.
>anyways ill keep making threads in this format
fantastic, looking forward to it

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If you get amber, yeah, its the easiest.

why are the mods deleting these threads anyways

So im at day 28 and sometimes i'm getting a crash when taking too long, anyway to fix this?

Because they will have 40 smash/pokemon threads instead of 41 if this thread exists.

The game got nasty memory leaks, restar the game after each day

What was his one sin?

tried on his friend's pants before wiping his bum
back when he had a body

He's at least the easiest ALEPH to deal with. If you can't fight him just leave the area. White immune gear is nice too.

I'm on Day 44 and it looks like I'll only just be able to finish Gebura. Should I keep memrepoing for the rest of them or save them for my second run (which I'll be doing either way)?

He betrayed his bro

I don't mind doing that but i have already played the same day twice and crashed right when i'm about to finish day, is there another way to deal with it than restarting game?

>Cute simple artwork
>Characters make horrified detailed faces
I love this style so much.

if we're to say that he IS actually jesus christ that would refer to the original sin that he took onto himself when he died ot man's sin
or maybe he just has some weird fetishes or something? we may never know

So what's your team placement style? I'm putting my melee guys in control and ranged guys in disciplinary, and cramming the rest into central. Thinking about just putting my strongest 5 into control though so I can mobilize them to deal with shit faster I get more WAW+ abs.

We must go faster

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Captains get best gear
Everyone else gets rest of the gear with minor bias for guys with higher justice

some think he is Judas and therefore the one sin is well... you can guess and is gong doing good deeds since.
also when white knigth shows up he goes like "you are the guy"

Red's suit makes you go 30% faster when suppressing

I put the combat dudes in the sectors that give combat bonuses(faster attack speed, better EGO resist, etc) and but the shitters in central. You're right in that they mobilize the best from that zone, but it barely confers any working bonuses

What coughs up the pink sniper rifle I keep seeing in screencaps

Army in Pink

>think Angela is alright while playing
>immediately fall in love with her at the end when she steals the seed of light and act like a murderous cunt towards roland in the trailer
what de fug bros?

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shit I was hoping to avoid that but I want that gun for my favorite employee

>not liking her even more after that

How the hell do you deal with Hokma. I'm on my 6th attempt and it's just a big bundle of constant stress.

Attempt 5, think I can rush through midnight by doing every abno I can at once. Turns out you have to go past tier 8 as well, and everyone starts dying. I have 3 dudes, so I just farm away on some abnos. Turns out you have to get past tier 9 too, and my last dude dies to the fast-as-fuck Nothing There 4 jobs aeay.
Last try, try and actually suppress Midnight. Kill the Last Helix, all is good, look down, everything escaped because clerks died, ao Mountain escaped, so Red escaped, so Wolf escaped, etc. And everyone dies.

I can do it but goddamnit it takes so long.

That was precisely the point where she became my favorite as well

Attached: cK2QPMYud14.jpg (1306x954, 394K)

Just get him and mem repo once you have his gear? It's scummy as fuck but it works. Though he might be worth keeping since his gift makes the gun even stronger

What's the drop rate? If it's less than 5% I don't think I'll bother.

kill clerks every meltdown so you don't have to worry about abnos escaping when you are suppressing the midnight ordeal.

Yeah nevermind then, I'll skip the little night vision goggles or whatever it is.

I just work-rushed until it worked. As long as you don't have QoH, you should be able to cull all the clerks early on and then force everyone to work during the ordeal so they're safe

how do i prevent yin and yang from wrecking my shit. I swear I try to suppress them and they just blast the entire room to gibs.

Dont let them out. If they are on meltdown just ust Yang for a microsecond then do insight work on Yin

>2 girl tiphereths
thats not how tiphereth works

So i just finished day 50.
I don't understand What happened to A after he activates the tree of light. Did he disappear after activating the tree of light?

Also Angela is such a bitch, I love her so much after that last scene

Attached: 20190608103425_1.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

boys can wear frilly shorts too

Even after being boxed and having to watch her friend die over and over, she still comments on how life on the outside is actually worse. How fucked up are the outskirts even?

>finally finished my first Dusk
>Suppress Hod first because I hate to see her suffer
>That reward
Nice. Fucking pain in the ass though, how far do I have to get in my supressions to keep my EGO when employees die?

>how far do I have to get in my supressions to keep my EGO when employees die?
Second to last or last one, depending on which one you do first

Pretty far in. One of Binah's mission rewards is a 25% chance to recover EGO from dead employees, and she's down in the 3rd layer.
Her core suppression reward makes it guaranteed.

Record team or Extraction Team first? Half and Half maybe?

>Half and Half maybe?
That one desu

Kill me, no way I can get that done this run. Guess I'll just do as many as I can before I get any really obnoxious abnormalities.

If you don't go half-and-half you'll have to Day 1 to core suppress both. Memrepo frequently for mission progress in the meantime.

where the FUCK is my tiphereth trap doujin?

Hopefully forever unexistant.

no one cares about her bro

Modder here, having not played the legacy version I enjoy this idea, do you have any snippets of information on the cut gear you listed? Google gives me nothing

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vidya game discussion is banned
except when eclebs sleep with kids.

Attached: 7547474.gif (500x500, 172K)

Forgot about that desu, look at her go first time trying to make a webm hope it works

Attached: speedy.webm (1366x768, 2.82M)

Yeah I saw the mahjong dudes getting screwed too, I don't play mahjong but they seem to be talking about their game and having fun.
And the thread was right next to a thread whining about some twitch eceleb.

At what point does an employee stop being human and become an abnormality

Now overload it with You Must Be Happy

You will need more than a cute dress, bro

Attached: 1556678002491.jpg (2009x856, 510K)

Do you have the one of the girls too?
Also Hokma is by far the best in this image. Netzach is a distant second.

The wiki has a page about it

Attached: Agent's_Shield.png (293x298, 109K)

or smash banter and bashing the trannies
that last one is something that must be done tho

I'll be honest here
I'd smash that Tipheret

I got green, how bad is it?

probably the worst one since you need multiple kill teams

>green dusk
Assuming you're early in the game and don't have a few ALEPH wearing chads, you'll have to give up the lives of all of your clerks.

This could be cool if someone made EGO gift on the hand slot, there is like what? 2 hand gifts?

why does Hokma have the widest hips?

Sure. Angela pleases old abnos for energy.

Nigga, he has the shoulders of a boxer there just scaled down.

Attached: 69247612_p0.jpg (2272x779, 544K)

Pretty easy, it's the one I finally beat. You need red resist and a way to contain abnormalities that breach when clerks die. Bunch up and burst them down while you make your way to the mini factory. Especially easy if you've got a great red armor and Der Shootman's gun.

>smash Tipheret

Attached: 1523290680901.jpg (782x520, 50K)

>you'll have to give up the lives of all of your clerks.
Isn't that what clerks are for anyways

please help my clerk brain understand what the middle research does

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on the abnormality selection screen, it lets you re-roll once

There's a common bug where Abnos act like clerks are people so them dying causes those Abnos to burst out

Pretend I did it on purpose.

Attached: 69248194_p7.jpg (712x793, 303K)

Finally beat Hokma, knew I could do it. I was trying to wipe out as many clerks as possible, but I needed to keep some alive because I had QoH, so when I killed Midnight everything escaped anyways. I ended up bunching everyone in an elevator up top, frantically doing jobs, and barely won by collecting enough energy just before Blue Star escaped. Stress incarnate.

Whenever you have to select an abnormality at the end of a day, a button is available to give you one reroll on all 3. It's pretty good.

Attached: h.jpg (171x294, 7K)

when you get to the abnorm choosing stage, you can "reroll" them and get 3 different ones

hokma is not for sexual
delet this all

Attached: 1558546383153.jpg (508x482, 34K)

Thanks user
>old abnos
Hmm does this include Old Lady

imagine if hokma became young again in ruina haha

haha imagine what his clock tastes like

thank you, managers

so is Galaxy's gift actually good or is it placebo tier?
Hard to imagine it would do anything that useful since it's from a HE

And to you, as well, us clerks don't have good eyesight.

Its literally the best brooch of the game, son.

Galaxy kid?

It's success rate and hp/s, it's fucking fantastic.

user, Clerks sadly are people...

Attached: 1559600067109.png (352x501, 143K)

wait, hol up, modding is actually progressing to custom abbos?

Am i just fucked if I get Melting Love in Extraction team?

You're right Hokma is for feeding some hard candies to and making pie with while he tells me stories about his old job

>am I just fucked if I get Melting Love

What WAWs have the best gear

Long Bird and KoG have great gear

got my shit kicked in lel
will try again once better geared

If we're speaking strictly WaW tier Red Hood is great all around and Despair Knight is one of the very few armors that resists pale

I just mean gear you can get from WAWs not specifically WAW grade
Although I did want to ask what HEs drop WAW level gear

The Dreaming Current armor is great, resist everything except pale and has 3 slots too.

Here's baseline shield design.

Attached: 2b01d6b052d6040b788bbb4a1dc60606.png (393x443, 283K)


Can get 3 armors.

>vision filter goes off
>Angela is still a beautiful woman
>beat first sephira
>not a cute girl

Damn, that looks pretty fancy, good work as usual user.

Attached: 1521203547128.png (160x154, 46K)


The way you incorporated the logo is sick

Angela is way better than those dumb boxes.

imagine being Angela and having to compete with a bunch of boxes and a rabbit because the dumb perception filter you used to not make the manager go insane also makes the others look hot as heck

If everyone else wasn't a box, she wouldn't even be able to compete

Idk man she's pretty much the picture of beauty, only really Gebura has a body that can match because of those insane legs.

>believing a single word Angela says about anything
She turned the filter on because she knows Malkuth is way cuter than she is.

Malkuth is the most bland sephirah

You're the most stupid non-manual reading moron and I bet you like Nameless Fetus.

See Even now she loses to some of those boxes.

Well she hasn't given me much reason NOT to believe her. Malkuth is super cute but there's no way to tell what she looks like in flesh. Hod is cuter though.

That says a lot about how shit Angela is.

Attached: Ordeals of White.jpg (2764x2432, 514K)

Shoulda got a clerk destroyer, nerd. I did attachment with Melting Love for two whole days, uninterrupted.
I fucked up and had to reset a couple times because the bees overpowered my defenses.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Yes, but it's also kind of ugly looking so I pass

Funny thing, my first reset was from getting melting love in that exact same spot.

Unless you have EXE bullets or Der Fuckwit you'll get raped

Why attachment? Instinct works best on her, and in fact, if you get a perfect score on Instinct your agent will not spread the infection for 30 seconds.

You're referring to Insight, and the problem with that is if you fail you instantly lose your guy. It's just not worth it.

Oop, excuse my dyslexia. But there's no extra risk for Insight compared to the other two works, and it's the easiest for earlier agents to work on.

what the fuck is angela exactly? does she classify as an abnormality?
could someone reproduce with her?

Attached: hmm.png (707x547, 615K)

Ok, so I'm on my first run here and I just unlocked Extraction team on Day 37. I've been a bit of a pussy so I've only done Malkuth and Hod's core suppressions should I do Netzach and Yesod before I reset?

Even with Temperance 3 I found that Attachment work was better. You have to get a lot of boxes to get the benefits, and it's really risky. I've had to restart a couple times because I was one box short, or I wasn't paying attention and worked too many times on her. It's just not worth it to me.

Yeah, get as many suppression in before you reset. Every permanent benefit for your next run makes it go smoother.

She's a Singularity. It was mentioned a few times throughout the story but it wasn't explained exactly from what I recall. I'm positively sure that ruina will expand further on this in the sequel.

I thought this was a veiled goatse thread.

Yes to the first question and you will have to research her yourself to find out I recommend preliminary test on QoH for safety reasons

Im still mad the white fixer is incredibly cool and cute yet its the weakest of them.

Its a girl right?

but what about her baby factory user?

Attached: bandito.jpg (300x300, 42K)

more like her user baby factory amirite

Attached: De6mP2rUEAABbW6.jpg (520x570, 36K)

depending on what got damaged when Carmen died she might still be able to have babies, you know

Thread needs music. youtube.com/watch?v=sqBOUKwZgQ0

>Have I not chosen you, The Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil.

Shit why is meat lantern such a hassle to work on.

Boy look at the time, I'm almost late to molest Hod.

Because you need someone weak that takes a lot of time but somehow gets good result for it to not flee, which is either a fresh employee without gifts and a lot of luck.

Don't worry, I took care of her for you. Sorry about the mess.

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We're missing our daily reminder for Malkuth as well. Post the picture already guys, english version preferably.

So I had an amazing chance encounter during suppressions today

Attached: fun butt.png (957x652, 617K)


Pack your google translator, it's up:

>Punishing Bird broke Paradise Lost's shield and sent my agent below 5% HP
That bird means business

Don't touch the bird

Only Controlchads are allowed to open this picture.

Attached: 1558735339572.jpg (1715x2400, 1.4M)

>still no second page translation

Attached: 1559791996486.jpg (472x480, 43K)

>still no version where he just hugs her real good and she hugs him back and they're both genuinely happy for a brief moment in their eternity of hellish torture courtesy of Angela


Attached: gj.jpg (723x488, 82K)

it's just "I'm cumming" and Angela sighing and going "even in the workplace?"

He's holding down the fort while your friends beat the monster to death. Don't bully clerks.

>still no third page with leglocked mating press where they're both genuinely happy for a brief moment in their eternity of hellish torture courtesy of Angela

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I don't think I'll make it bros...

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Say hello to Army in Pink, the best zayin in the game, Yea Forums!

Attached: Best Zayin.png (220x249, 145K)

Just in case people domt know what this is:
this is a instruction post for the abnormality baseline mod that enables customization of abnormalities. If someone with coding skills can use this I think we could actually mod in new abnos. Or anyone that can translate that, that is.

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Attached: he has no style no grace lobotomy corporation lanky kong.png (392x480, 259K)

Bro just be thankful you don't have an angry Mountain down there. I had to designate a couple troops just to sit down there for when he breaks.

Here's a couple tips for you. Don't rush it, take each meltdown in stride. You're going to have to suppress a Midnight so keep it cool. If you have too many escapees you can consolidate all your guys from other departments into an elevator up top to keep them safe, but pay close attention to the energy bar and the Meltdowns. I just beat him earlier today so it's beatable.

>Suppressing Yesod
>Purple Dawn
>Send a guy to take care of the one outside of Birb's cell
>Can't find him anymore
>Try to do work on Birb to bring up staff list
>It's escaped
>Wasn't a Fruit of Understanding at all

Attached: 1559633678066.png (1689x1445, 275K)

>got the butterfly abno
>don't have any agent with more than 2 justice but less than 4 fortitude
>can't just go with it and then suppress because red hood breaches

So I just got Red. How much of a crutch is she? Can she solo everything up to Alephs? Or are they way too beefy for her?

I do have mountain. I camped outside his room while purple midnight struck and I was scrambling to reach 10 before I lose.

I won though. But at what cost?

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what am I in for lads

Attached: Untitled.jpg (682x593, 78K)

Congrats. You should know by now that death means nothing in this place (but those dank suppression rewards are forever)

>dumb ass bird breaking out during an onslaught of TETH ordeal enemies
I hate it

Attached: Screenshot_49.png (543x377, 326K)

Many prayers to the being of your choosing followed by a nice recital.

I hope you enjoy the concert, that will be all of your energy + tip

My A-Team wiped with just 3 level 5s remaining. I don't know. I didn't feel like I won at all.

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you can always mem repo and hokma will still be suppressed, by the way did you defeat binah

Shit happens to me more often than I care to admit. I wonder if it's better in the long run to just skip the borbs. Fewer headaches overall, but it would also mean no wing EGO gift

Also blue star

Not yet. Is she harder?

Depends, how many people did you have

Why would you make an abnormality doing all your work?

I usually like watching him flutter around and peck at people, but the odd time he gets grazed by Magic Bullet or I click him accidentally is brutal. And his friends just seem to love clerks for whatever reason.

Fun stuff ahead

Attached: Screenshot_61.png (1364x767, 629K)

holy fuck how many breaches did you have

considering theres a shelter, all of them

The safest place on Earth, indeed.

he's a pushover

did you win

Where's my Sephirah

Attached: file.png (1798x595, 637K)

So I can focus on other shit/suppressions if I need to? Too lazy to be fucking around with abnos all day

He's a DPS check, if you can't deal the damage, he's a huge pain in the ass to deal with.

Threadly reminder to read the manual.

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How the fuck you fix the memory leaks aside from restarting the game often?

Just code review the game.

I think this is the max Justice you can hit without using You Must Be Happy
I can't check what the actual max with that Tool is because I don't have it yet, somehow.

Attached: Screenshot_63.png (586x348, 245K)

Add 2 since 140 is the max to get a core stat and then it is the max for speed at least.
To get max attack speed you have to change blue star gift with judgment birds gift.

Do you think the Project Moon guys know how excited the group of fans for LC are about LoR

>240/260 AS/MS

Attached: 72935011_p2.jpg (1000x1429, 555K)

At least you're not cursing at us again, Malkuth

I want to make Angela happy

I wish someone would tell them honestly.

Well the comment section on their youtube channel's trailers do have a bunch of english comments, I'm sure they know some fans exist overseas.

I'm not so sure, mostly because they don't have any online presence at all.

I have yet to understand how to hit that special 140, I've just seen the maxes land somewhere in the ballpark of 138/136.
As for the atk speed, the numbers would look smaller since you lose 10 move for 3 atk, and better Repression success odds. Which I guess is good for the guy who's babysitting WN

Working on a new outfit mod pack to test limitations of body modding and opacity interacting with the game.

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Don't forget to add jiggle physics

>search for solutions
>nothing but a bunch fucking Sephirahs OC donnutsteel

Fucking western artists I swear to god

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Did they fix font sizes? last time i tried it the letters were so small i couldnt read

Don't forget to add massive bulges

Don't forget to put dicks on everything

So with the little advances in modding can we replace sounds and sprites now right? So we could change clerks to pic related and the deathsounds to youtube.com/watch?v=zPiAK_RP8dU

Attached: Grunt.png (130x221, 6K)

Just starting out and unlocked Training Team, but Malkuth seems a bit less nice and a bit more like a sugary pragmatist now.

Don't forget to make the tits bigger

did you forget how she handled the clerk on your first day

abnormality that makes your tits bigger with each attachment work until they explode when

Attached: Braceface.webm (540x360, 2.24M)

>abnormality that makes your peepee into the big peepee
>using it too many times makes it gain sentience, voring you after becoming big enough

Don't forget to make the hips wider.

what kind of pandora's box are y'all opening by exploring modding options?

You cant change the look of your agents after you hire them?

>special version of Don't Touch Me that turns every abnormality in the game into Don't Touch Me

if we feed enough employees to it eventually itll become smart enough to be manager
Imagine that.

>call Rabbits on my best agent for the lols
>after they snap her back to her senses, she murders all of them at once
So this is the power of end-game units huh

>the virgin rabbit
>the chad agent

How do you pronounce his name? I'm not a jew so I have no idea. I read it as net-zach. As 'net' like inter'net' and 'zach' like 'zach'riah

Attached: e08208d1017b497a4c8072c3345cc842.jpg (1200x1200, 149K)

The Rabbits are specifically a low-impact team that minimizes collateral damage by solely using multitype damage bullets instead, it stands to reason that an appropriately empowered employee can shitslam Rabbit Team with no trouble


Attached: Nothing There.jpg (613x593, 89K)

what are you trying to show

enunciate everything after that a with a lot of throat :^)

>not only does your Nothing There love you, he's out and about claiming new skins

that's his sister, Something There

>tfw can't call the Deer and Rhino teams

There's nothing there.

Attached: nothing.webm (646x672, 2.36M)

Myo talks a ton of shit for being the leader of the jobber brigade
I bet all the other teams bully all the time

I want to hug her, cherish her and make her feel important and happy again

Attached: DWsYd_nVAAA6thr.png (811x1200, 1.26M)

What seems to be the problem manager? Open the door.

Netsock. Also damn, the fanart made him hot. From his in-game portrait and personality, I always pegged him as a beta

>day 42
>need to max Extraction for Binah suppression
>only upgraded it twice
Guess I'll restart then

Attached: 1532810885762.png (500x322, 233K)

>That poophead clerk casually moving away after the suppression
I'm doing my part!

there is only one way for Clerks to do their part

Attached: this fucking guy.jpg (800x309, 153K)

>beat day 48
>some anime-looking fuck gives a speech about unleashing abos upon the world
>kicks me back to menu
>back at day 48

Is that employee literally X3?

He's gonna change his tune quick.

You still have unfinished business with a sephirah

>here's an armor set that makes totally immune to white damage
>nothing in the game deals significant white damage
nice meme

>Meet my first Aleph day 21+
>Had to mem rep because I couldn't handle silent orchestra and mountain of smiling bodies
>Give my honorary security guard the Orchestra set because I managed to grab it before the memrep
>He can now solo noon clown
>and midnight amber
>and Butterfly
>and snow white apple
>and red hood
>and melting love
Holy fuck Aleph gears are no joke. I don't have to care that much about abno escaping anymore since I can just bully them to death.

Attached: 1469821489920.gif (376x212, 731K)

So I have to reach day 48 and grind a team all over again? Actually don't answer that, I think I already know the answer to that

Blue Star

If modding for LC ever gets to a point where its easy as hell to change shit
>True Challenge Mode
>Complete revamp of the Challenge mode which was previously only just an endless mode and all that changed was lack of observation levels, Qilopth Meltdown immunity removal and needing more energy per day to finish.
>Focus on making Abnormalities more unique, rebalancing Abnormalities to be more noticeable and in general just making things more difficult.
>Overhaul of tools to make them less shit, i.e. insta-death tweaking because most of the time it leaves most people not even touching them because of it
>Skin of Prophecy, is a one time use and makes it so someone's HP and SP are one and the same, whilst increasing SP damage.
>Giant Tree Sap, is stackable max HP, that slowly converts your employee, slowing their movement and attack speed the more you use it, until eventually killing them.
>Luminous Bracelet, reverses HP and SP percentage of an employee on use, using it more than once within a minute with a single Employee insta-kills them
>ZAYIN Tweaks
>One Sin now has Confession if it is Alert Level 3 and there's only 1 employee left alive. Confession also instead just converts 12 employees, dead or alive into Skele Apostles to fuck up the threats.
>Don't Touch Me, now shifts according to your actual Abnormality pool rather than just the set it has. Risk and name also changes but still has the word "Touch" replacing one of the words. Also touching it does both of the effects.
>Wellcheers, getting someone shipped now floods the entire Facility for a few seconds, slowing Agent move speed but healing them
>Bald, having it in your Facility, permanently makes every entity bald. Including Abnormalities. that includes QoH.

Attached: 1557822382461.png (500x500, 438K)

That's just one set of aleph shit, imagine what you could do with all of them

>One Sin making SkeleApostles

>Wellcheer's meltdown starts with a *crack* sssssiiiiiiiiippppppp
>screen fills with bubbly soda
>jaunty tune plays

>tfw have 6 sets of ALEPH gear and 7 sets (of ALEPH weapons)
>still missing AiB, KoG, AB and WN
Hokma's suppression is gonna be good

Attached: 1529725045278.jpg (840x558, 91K)

Unfortunately that one isn't something you can just beat into submission

Well no, but it will help for the inevitable Dusk/Midnight
I'm already used to double speed, just have to get used to not pausing

Im at Day 27 and I have to reach Dusk for Malkuth but it takes fucking forever and a half, should I just restart? Is it also a good idea to just move around employees to suit the situation, the bonuses don't seem to be too big for staying in one place.

By that point in the game you should be efficient enough to hit dusk in like 10 minutes, rushing work orders and only really having to step in to manage the Dawn/Noon ordeals

Also as far as I know the bonuses apply as long as your employee is assigned to a specific dept, you can move them around wherever you like during the day. Some of the later department bonuses(usually anything involving increased combat ability) are worth it

You should have at least one Gigachad as each Department's Captain, as well as keep doing your meltdowns so you can get said Gigachad back up to Captain rank. Remember that if someone is already a Captain, they will never, ever give up the Rank even if God himself joined the Department. Gotta move 'em.
Disciplinary gives said Captain a whooping 20% extra attack speed and all long-term hires 10%. Extraction gives its' Captain 10% aspd -and- EGO defense.

>reflex Pause again
>hit Pause again 15s later

Sit on your pause hand for the rest of the day, it worked for me

wait till you meet hokma

I only have one arm, user

What exactly is the point of having a Gigachad in the Trainingsteam?

Attached: 70600692_p22.png (405x357, 38K)

So that he makes all the new hires feel better about themselves with lots of drugs

Does stat growth get way slower after 100 or something? How do people get up to the 130s, ego gifts?

What gifts do you try to put on as many dudes as possible? I know the ALEPH ones are great but the 1% chance is too slim to be reliable, so it seems better trying to stack HE/WAW gifts

What's department captain? Whenever I unlock a new department I just transfer my best dudes from the previous department onto the next and make them rotate, should I leave one guy behind each time?


So, judging by what Angela says, we can conclude Rhinos are very destructive and Deer use some sort of radiation weapons or generally something that damages living beings, right?

Attached: 1530619820901.jpg (229x250, 8K)

The first agent to hit 7 days will become Captain of that Department, I believe.
If multiples hit, I T H I N K it's the leftmost one that gets it, but I really don't know.
They get a special boosted version of the Department's employee bonus(not the clerk one.)

so this is where managers shitpost ......


>pick the least threatening sounding Abno
>one is "cutting down a forest of hearts" and the other is "holding the body part of a colleague" in a weird round container, so I picked the third option
>it's the googly eye loli
how am I supposed to handle this I can't even handle a Green Noon, I had enough energy to finish and decided to try one last little repression work before I left, then the little stupid bird escapes as 4 giant fucking cylinder shaped terminators spawn around my facility and slaughter all the clerks in one hit each with guns and chainsaws. I barely made it out, the things were super close to the home rooms and they would have instantly annihilated even my best employee in an instant
what the absolute fuck

Attached: 1524967998896.png (424x655, 237K)

Leticia is a good girl, just don't get normal results on her!

Yea Forums on the right

Attached: 1559487568631.png (1715x620, 1.93M)

If you do it just means that employee is hers for the day.

My highest level employees are only III and I'm spacing them out so if the Green Dawn happens again and spawns spearbots each department can defend themselves
She's adorable but I'm not sure what to do. My initial instinct is to use Attachment

Attached: 1553599644229.jpg (419x562, 61K)

Your instinct is correct. She is a good girl, who(spoilers in the next spoiler)
She provides very, VERY easy energy, gives a fairly decent gift, and is a total non-issue in regards to meltdowns. Also has some of the best early-mid weapons(rifles) and a sweet armor.

M8 if you're scared of Laetitia's gimmick then Melting Love is gonna make your head explode. She is pretty much harmless, just unlock her tips first so you can see how she works.

>Lvl lll employees
>can't deal with a literal child

Attached: 1558621732345.png (621x561, 669K)

So I got melting love and eventhough I quarantine her husband it still devolves into slime hell

do people who get attacked by Melt or some other slime get infected? do people who are infected get to infect other people? because that's the only way I can see it happen

Execute any fag that walks into her hallway. If you don't have bullets yet just do work on her when you're full of energy so you can get the fuck out of there if you need to.

Oh nice then I'll just send my best employee over, she needs temperance training.
I don't even know what her gimmick is. I'm just a little rattled from Green Noon's Texas Terminator massacre.

I recognize that artist!

How many pounds can she bench press with those legs?

Attached: 1558804787827.png (279x680, 127K)

Post 100% TWEWY savefile or double clerk.

at least three apocbirds


Should have been a pure vn. The gameplay is garbage with too much random element, fucking one over before the day end too many times. No depth at all

I see the translator found these threads.

Apologies to all Managers present, an employee from the Scarecrow Team has recently stolen a keyfob and shitposted in the thread.
We have reassigned the employee.



Post facilities
I'm quite happy with mine atm

Attached: 23523523.png (1626x2150, 1.62M)


>Fetus, QoH and Fetish Love
Manager, I...

Fetus will only breach Fiery Bird and he's just Punishing Bird's slightly bigger brother at this point
QoH requires at least 3 dead clerks which will naturally be done when quarantining the area for Melty

meanwhile I have all these nice gifts at my disposal

is it just me or is the x2 EGO gift research bugged

195/210 energy, 3 people have died instantly
Great game really

Since it is Binahs shit I wouldn't be surprised.

Alright, Day 13
I'm leaning towards the middle one because so far the left one sounds violent and the right one sounds terrifying. I had the option of choosing the left before and I elected not to, is the game fucking with me?

Attached: Intense.png (263x323, 138K)

Get the We Can Change Anything.

>I am too stupid to play
>obviously it's the games fault

I would suggest 20, as violent as it sounds.
It's very violent.
Or maybe it's just nothing.

K, middle it is, thanks user.


Isnt 210 energy day 8 or some shit?



Attached: 1559442438952.png (2480x3507, 2.96M)

Ok I didn't appreciate that user this thing instantly got "poor" when I sent someone in and I'm the second trumpet, it just massacred 3 of my 4 departments in less than a minute

Page 10 hint.
You need specific stat LEVELS.

And that's everyone. Literally only my best agent didn't immediately lose her shit on seeing this thing, what kind of stats do I need for this?