What do they eat

what do they eat

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da bloodiest beef in da reach

It's right there in your image. Meat and water.

Videogame characters don't need food dumb dumb. The NPCs in Skyrim just shove bread at their mouths during conversation at the table.

>build on top of dwemer ruins
>no reverse engineered dwemer stuff

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there's a farm like 20 yards from the front gate

Sneed's Feed and Seed

you can get jobs for delivering fish and meat and all kinds of other shit


a lot of them eat other people

Then what's their export? The money to pay for imports don't grow on trees.

silver from the mines?

maybe the giant fucking silver mine the city is built around

CPU. That's why the town is also tiny.

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe
And other science facts
Repeat to yourself: "It's just a game, I should really just relax"


you can't eat silver, retard

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what did the dwemer eat? I don't remember any remnants of farms outside of their strongholds

People, apparently.

There's a farm right fucking outside

that doesn't apply you fuckin idiot

They ate gods

There is literally a guy selling meat and a river in your pic. There is your answer. Poorer people probably collecting oysters and some lobsters from the water. Did you think there was a farm in the middle of the city?

Of all the things to reply to with this image. Not smart.

Yikes senpai, not a good look, log off and post hog

isn't the entire middle of skyrim like farmland?

>missing the reference
>responds with redditlettermedia
zoom zoom