Why are Japs suddenly better at making nigresses than western developers?

Why are Japs suddenly better at making nigresses than western developers?

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Western devs only ever created absolute dogshit

Realism vs Fantasy

Looks retarded


>Western devs only ever created absolute dogshit

Pretty much.



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>Design a white woman
>Give her brown skin
That's probably why

I mean lets be honest if a westerv dev made this /pol/acks and people who needlessly worship japanese developers would scream bloody murder
>inb4 nuh uh


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>Dark Skin
>Anime facial features that are something between caucasian and asian
there you go.
they dont look like niggers. thats the reason

>That background

Good shit

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Based Kyouka bro.

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my brother from another mother.

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i wanna fuck a niggr

That's called an East African user.
Caucasoid features, Black/Brown skin.
10 000 years of Semite rape and European migration/colonization having a bigger flow than Negroids resulting in a perfect ratio.

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Pic unrelated I hope, because it really shoots everything you just said in the foot.



Except you're not. White people don't look like anime characters.

And SNK's newly-hired, noob modellers still can't model faces. Galford and Charlotte look shit. They better buck up for King of Fighters XV next year or they are toast.
The need to break the cycle. In the late 90s, they were in Capcom's shadow. And zoomers are already starting to see Nu-SNK as a 2nd rate Capcom. They need to go all out and stop fucking around.

Will buy Samurai Shodown, though.

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It doesn't.
Caucasoid nose and oval face.
The only problem is the bitch pumping her lips.

Does every black chick need to look like Leslie Jones?

Hahahaha! There's not a single jap who looks like an anime character that hasn't had extensive plastic surgery to look more caucasian.

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>tfw this will never be your gf

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>Caucasoid nose

Not with that attitude.

>still using "Caucasian" as feature classifier.
>he thinks Caucasian means 'White'.

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I wouldn't mind if the design and intent were the same. Too bad it would get mangled by most current western devs.

that looks like a white chick with a heavy tan

>They don't like niggers

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Japan has always had better character designers. It's just that the cutesy moeshit games stand out more.

>bottom-left still has ayy eyes
shot your foot at the starting line desu

Pretty much.
Negroid nose is short and wide/fat.
Mongoloid nose is usually short and can be either wide or narrow, but rarely fat on the sides.
Caucasoid noses are long and narrow with the exception of Indians, or long and pointy. The short ones are always narrow.

This shit is gonna turn into another black women appreciation hread,right?

We need more games with based white protag and black female mama partner.

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I hope so.

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Be the change you want to see.

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I don't see a nigger, just a generic anime girl with dark skin.

What elder god did Woolie suck off to get his OC to manifest?

You're retarded, got it. I can safely ignore you now.

OPs pic has blue eyes though

Never seen the hair over eyes look with an afro. Hot

As of lately yes. Over a decade ago nah, only an autistic weeb would say that.

I think he just made a deal to make his OC real for the cost of Matt and Pat's friendship and their channel.

How bout now?

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Can easily happen with those of mixed heritage. You have some black berbers with grey/blue eyes and mixed black/berber/semite (arab) features and of course very dark skin because of both black heritage and melanocytes doing their work due to the parallel they live in.

How the hell is her weapon able to transform? It's literally just a wooden haft. Fucking stupid.

Ethiopian girl as an example.

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>more generic anime face with dark skin



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I hated the art style for the later chapters. But the second episode of the hentai was deity tier.

Welcome to fighting games

She's Wakandan, obviously. She came to Japan to stunt on everyone with her vibranium technology.

Why, contrary to everything else, is the orgy scene better in the anime(ep1)?

I loathe most forms of racism, but fuck, black women look so unappealing

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What, not enough African facial features? How about now?

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you're thinking of Caucasoid which is still in reference to someone structurally white. if you have Caucasian skin and Caucasoid features then you're white.

Based and galpilled.

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I don't get the question, all the scenes are good but the orgy in mansion is easily best.

where are the usual /pol/tards spouting "n-n-no they're brown! not black!" to hide the fact that they're attracted to a race they despise?

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>still posts generic moeshit
fucking weebs i swear


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You have poor taste, and should feel bad

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Right there

what power..... nipple cloaking tech...?!


This is a US Army Special Forces Commander

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The orgy in the mansion, or at least the part where Kyouka gets rammed first by the old dude and then by multiple people, is certainly better done than in the manga, and it's the only part where it's superior to it.

Also unrelated but i like anime Kyouka more.

ah thank you my good man. now i just have to wait for the OTHER usual /pol/tards that talk about how having smaller, sharper features are "european"

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>take white character
>make ass bigger
>color skin brown

Pretty much this. She has blue eyes, caucasian features, and her skin is way lighter than most Africans'.

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Is this actually good or just has appeal for doing that type of character?

I like the intro bathroom scene more in the anime. Hell, I prefer the anime in general.

Well they do say that black don't crack.

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Define what you are expecting and what you would consider good and i can answer you.

>drugs and alcohol destroy your body
Who knew?

>muh white people painted brown

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Nordic women age like absolute dogshit, this is known. I think it's the sun exposure or something, I wonder if they'd stay out of it and stop ruining their skin to look brown if they'd age a lot better.

Fine fucker. How bout this then?

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Cocaine's a hell of a drug

I want her to sit on my face and suffocate me

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she looks more nigger-like here, if that's supposed to be the same character. OP's pic doesn't have the characteristic ape nose and other features that niggers have

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blacks do a lot of crack

>attractive black women are brown

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I only read the tankoubon, what's the order for the newer chapters?

they're two different characters.

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At least they're not niggers.

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There no black women in any of the posts that were quoted here, just anime girls with brown skin.

This brown thread was doomed from the start.

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