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What game

Have sex.


Hey, don't laugh at his ignorance. Just tell the man where the character comes from.

>she will never steps on you
it hurts...

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League of Legends, new champ, camoflague AD assassin.

Next leage of legends champion, Rihanna and sister of Nidalee.

>Tira ripoff

and that's a GOOD thing.

>mobile tier design
>copy of akali with more dashes
I'm uninstalling and never coming back fuck this shit

post feet

Tira much?

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>passive is literally just "bonus damage on autoattack" and one of her abilities is just a basic dash
they've completely ran out of ideas

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looks like that girl from skullgirls, kind of a ripoff

what the fuck is going on with her hips

where can I see her skills?

They ran out of ideas 5 years ago

they NEVER had idea their original champs were all direct DOTA ripoffs

Probably trauma from all the overloaded champions they've created since Thresh


Why is she shaped like a lava lamp?

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She's latina, they got booty like that

>tfw league will be going full slut mode in order to keep the game from haemorrhage more players

Just how they are designing them now

I really hope i can stay away for good this time

It's an RTS, so you gotta overdo models a bit so those features can be seen from far above

She's wearing too much.

I'm too dumb to make a proper wide-screen joke here.

Yeah haha...

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.t catfucker

I welcome the return of League Waifus

coping (and seething)

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god i want an ebony queen to smother me with her chocolate ass

Keep it in your pants reprobate

>making money from Chinese insect with all the skins/ lootboxes
>still a good game

ah, never mind just logged on. Ok. So, like I figured she taps the terrain to change how her other abilities work. Brush, Ground, Water.

Q is a skill shot that does damage and slows in a line and applies on hits. Water Q briefly stuns enemy and increases slow. Earth Q damages a second enemy behind the first for bonus dmg ala Miss Fortunes double down. Jungle Q camouflages and increases move speed in a radius.

E is a dash line that puts you behind enemy champ it and applies on Hit.

Ult is the same as Q but wider

You're only realizing that now?

To be fair, lot of people call League an sjw game bit there's only 3 black champions counting this one and no skins.

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>Skillshot CC
>Ult is CC

What will she do on Ahram or Twisted?

it's the best meta since ever
unless youre a tankbab obviously (and that's a good thing)

Okay my turn, dilate.

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League's "SJW" nonsense is just virtue signalling for autism bucks. Tencent holds the reigns and tencent wants to make money. Tencent therefore pushes in porny shit and anime shit to sell to chinese and koreans

nothing, nobody plays those

>it's the best meta since ever
the meta hasn't really changed, it's still 1 top 1 mid 2 bot 1 jungle; with very little floating except on the pro level where they bounce around like ninjas if they're a Korean team.

I do like that practically anyone can jungle now and the definition of support has expanded

I'm surprised it's not a tranny.

oh ok, you're a coping dotard. nvm then

>oh ok, you're a coping dotard. nvm then

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They killed all the solo carrying mechanics in the game
Thats not to say its impossible to solo carry but its retardedly hard unless your playing, jax or something else retarded.
In exchange they want people to teamfight even more

While still not ending the whole "stand around in mid-late game waiting for the enemy team to fuck up" thing.

Ill leave you to it, shit like this will give me heart palpitations and im too young to die


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I play my seethe card in attack position


>not being a splitpushchad

Teamfights are for pussies.

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Not all of them. The /original/ original LoL champ is pretty unique and fun

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you guys gotta admit that she has thicc thighs

(and that's a good thing)

is this actually the new champ? feel like yuumi just came out yesterday

you get up to 640 gold if you're not a shitter in lane by hitting a turret
>unless your playing, jax or something else retarded.
yeah, tanks are in the dirt like it should be
>While still not ending the whole "stand around in mid-late game waiting for the enemy team to fuck up" thing.
or you can just force baron/get all the dragons


Ever since their profits tanked, all their wamyn characters have been beyond obnoxious pandering piggies with juvenile behavior and a cancerous lisp, and men are all metrosexual tumblr faggots. Really joggin the noggin.

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>Another /pol/tard stirring up descent in a game he does not play.

Dial 8


Name 1 female character made recently who has a lisp


I only know one person [in real life] who plays still League
He's twenty-fucking-six years old and he's the kind of person that always shows up late for meetups and errands because he thinks he can play "just one more game" before heading out
I just don't get it

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Nahh, Singed feels like a combination of Batrider+Alchemist

She looks like she fucks white dudes

Unironically looks like smite shit, very worried league designers lost their charm

I remember playing singed botlane back when the game was in beta, everyone was facechecking bushes and there was no meta. that was top fun, a friend of mine also played shaco, first blood was 99% of the time ours

Last champion was literally a cat. No one lewds a cat so next champion is busty lady.

>nigger whore

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