>Ps2 tier textures
>Boring palette
>No fully controllable camera
>Clipping everywhere
>Empty towns and routes
>Random encounters again
Woah...so this is next gen Pokemon.
>Ps2 tier textures
>Boring palette
>No fully controllable camera
>Clipping everywhere
>Empty towns and routes
>Random encounters again
Woah...so this is next gen Pokemon.
Other urls found in this thread:
>No fully controllable camera
they said that you'd be able to in the direct tho
>Random encounters again
This is a good thing in the context of Pokémon
The only fun ways to play Pokémon are heavily reliant on it.
>m-m-m-m-muh gwaphics...
this game is going to be more fun than death stranding, guarantee it
It's almost like this thread belongs on /vp/
It's not hard to be more fun than one of Kojima's hack bullshit games
>a game more fun than a movie
It's fucking nothing.
RNG isn't fun.
Who cares when it has the best new Pokegirl since Hilda?
Only in Wild Areas, everything else is fixed.
It's not that difficult getting the Pokemon that you want in the route that it belongs in
Anything is more fun than PS4 movie games, you don't have to do a whole lot to achieve that.
> Only in Wild Areas, everything else is fixed.
It's GameFreak. I'll be amazed if it doesn't run at 15FPS since these hacks can't adapt to new hardware.
That still doesn't change my point.
>boring palette
More vivid colors than most other games
>random encounters again
Actually wrong.
The new female trainer looks cute
>>Random encounters again
They literally showed the pokémon walking around the map, mate
I just hope it looks and plays as comfy as Let's Go
Game Freak are hilariously incompetent but they make money so what matter
People will defend or dismiss it, saying it'll sell a lot and it's a turn-based RPG, completely ignoring the core of the arguments presented (i.e. other developers are not able to get away with it and will close down because they will get low sales) and throw insults at people who they disagree with.
Even Nintendo got shit on because BotW performs badly whenever fire spreads and Monolith Soft still has to deal with people making fun of how XC2 in portable mode can go as low as 240p to get "playable" framerates because the Switch can't handle all the environmental details and grass.
That's still considered random because you don't know which Pokémon it will be.
>random encounters is bad
zoom fucking zoom
looks like a typical console game to me
don't @ me
So should I play the 3DS version of Dragon Quest 8?
Finally, a Pokemon game with graphics comparable to a PC title from 2004!
>those consoles generations where developers would do their best to pull the best of their machines
They dont even try anymore, but GF is the worse in that regard.
Jesus, Sword & Shield may approach BoTW tier level of "BTFO-ness" of whingy fucks
>REEEE only routes like old games, no open world
Has Wild Areas
>No Pokemon wandering round like Lets Go P/E
But it does
>REEEEEE random encounters again REEEEE
Is not the same as old games, just a random battle you can instigate if you wish
>Pokemon designs are too overproduced, look shit, Digimon are better
BTFO by a wooly boi
Yes, it's a more enhanced version of the game.
You can also choose to marry best babe in the end in that version.
The game would run as low as 10 FPS if it had that much foliage, knowing Game Freak.
>Complaining about graphics from a nintendo game
Who the fuck is this retarded. Tell me right now.
>RPS simulator
>more fun than anything
I don't like walking simulators but Pokemon stopped being fun with Silver.
Not that guy, but no. And why is that? Because you can see metal slimes, and when you see metal slimes it completely changes the game as you don't have to fight normal enemies anymore (hoping you would encounter metal slimes), and you will basically train all chars in a short time.
One example is Trodain castle; liquid metal slimes appear in one room that has locked doors (bars, like in prison cell), and all you need to do it stand in one place and rotate the camera around you, because whenever you rotate a camera the enemy (who is not visible anymore because you rotated camer,a obviously) disappear and the new one appear. So basically you rorate camera like crazy until liquid appears.
Is it unreasonable to want a decent art direction for a franchise that prints money? For crying out loud, the Pokemon still freeze during animations while doing attacks.
Gamefreak is lazy.
You're lazy for not coming up with a more legitimate complaint.
It's 2018 and people care about graphics. It literally is not that hard to have decent graphics anymore. It's become an industry standard to everyone but Nintendo. Nintendo still provides fun gameplay sure but everyone else is providing fun and beautiful games. Well not always but Nintendo isn't always providing fun games either. You get what I mean.
Pokemon was never good.
I'm waiting for SMT V.
>yellowish green
>yellowish brown
>very faint blue behind a heavy layer of brown
the ninceldo video game template
bad graphics AND FPS drops are valid complaints. More so if it's a combination of the 2, like with Pokemon in recent years.
You even seen Pokemon Let's Go? FPS drops in the overworld despite having upscaled 3DS graphics.
looks like dq11s but made by an indie team
SMT is iffy. IV:Apoc was fun but IV sucked.
>gamefreak is a third party company
>Everyone still thinks this is nintendo's fault
Yea Forums your stupidity never fails to reach new depths.
>Xenoblade looks amazing despite Monolith being a semi-small group
>S&S looks like ass despite GF having more than enough manpower to make it decent
What do you gain from defending lazyness?
I'm going to get shit for this, but:
Nintendo games had good graphics up until very recently. Their first party titles in the Gamecube era (Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime) were all top-of-the-line, the Wii games looked great given the hardware limitations (like the Mario Galaxy games and Skyward Sword), and the Wii U titles like Pikmin 3 and so on looked quite nice too.
But recently we've had Star Fox Zero, Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Pokemon Sword & Shield that all look like absolute ass. Literal Wii-tier geometry, questionable textures. The "hurr nintendo games have bad graphics" thing was always a fucking meme, their games typically had stellar art direction and did the best with the hardware they had. This "releasing games that look like 3DS titles running on an emulator" thing is very new for them, and it's not a good trend.
>Everyone still thinks this is nintendo's fault
No one said that, everyone points fingers at Gamefreak lazy ass
Honestly no shitpost or bait. I'm probably going to play this game but to be honest the graphics do look pretty bad. I know the switch can do better than this. I've SEEN the switch do better than this but what we get. Crappy phone mobile shadows, non existent reflections, flat textured colors and surfaces. It kind of sucks man not gonna lie. It doesn't make sense that this game couldn't look as good as BOTW or xenoblade 2, or even better than BOTW since the colors aren't as washed out.
If it at least runs better than XY did when GameFreak moved to the 3DS for the first time I'll be amazed.
>those small freezes in the trailer when pokemon go into giant mode
It will happen again
You're not technically wrong. The pokemon would likely be the usual random ine out of a handful that appear in that area. The encounter itself isn't random.
>Random encounters again
There's visible AND random encounters, faglord.
Not wild areas THE wild area.
>despite having upscaled 3DS graphics.
The reason the 3DS games dropped frames during battles were the Pokemon models. So if you're saying these are "upscaled 3DS graphics" they're graphics the 3DS couldn't even handle in the first place, to the point where having more than one on-screen tanked the frame rate. Pretty sure Pokemon Go uses the same models, they're way too detailed for the 3DS, they were future-proofed to some extent so as not to waste time re-making the same 800+ models for every new game.
>RPS simulator
lol try playing anyone who isn't an 8-year old
>Random encounters again
So you didn't even watch the fucking trailer?
What's about pokémon that makes people seethe so much?
Well Nintendo has little control over Gamefreak and Fire Emblem 3D games always looked rough( the art direction is next level bad this time).
Star fox Zero really was a disappointment though, holy fuck those gyro copter levels, the gyro control, the story, the everything..
>Complaining about graphics from a GAMEFREAK game*
Fix'd that for you. Really. The difference matter.
can't wait to see what ps2 games look like in 2020
Super Mario Odyssey and Smash Bros Ultimate look great though, Game Freak has no excuse
This is a PS3 game.
Why did they move away from the superiro encounter design of let's go eevee back to random encounters?
>that webm
the reason the moves are a lot quicker and less flashy is because it helps with the games pacing.
coliseum is a fucking slog to play through because battles last so fucking long due to the animations.
I wasn't referring to the 3DS games. I'm aware that the Pokemon models are actually really highly detailed and future-proofed for future generations. It makes sense on why there were FPS problems with the 3DS games.
I was referring to Pokemon Let's Go having FPS drops despite being a stronger hardware, while having less detailed graphics.
This is more on Gamefreak for not being great programmers than anything.
Smash looks terrible on characters.
theres no need to show off games that look better than current gen pokemon, when even gamecube pokemon looks better than this shit.
The more you love Pokémon the more you come to hate Gamefreak
It looks better than Assassin Creeds Oddyssey.
You're correct, tho.
>Empty towns and routes
Damn. Another reason why having a gorillion Pokemon isn't a good thing.
I think the big Nintendo games still look good. But Fire Emblem, Star Fox, Pokemon, they are cheaply made compared to Mario and Zelda.
Look at Mario Party or Mario Tennis, they've always been kinda slapped together with assets and sound effects from other games. Mario Tennis Aces uses the Mario 64 footstep sounds for the map screen. If it's not a first party Nintendo game, its cheap, almost aways unless its Retro Studios.
>caring about graphics
Nah. GoD and collosseum looks worse. Only N64 models got more and better animation and scaling. But characters and backgrounds looks atrocious.
>look! i posted it again!
I want actual random encounters, though. Not walk up to a "!" or see what Pokemon is in the grass, that shit is lame.
Update your pasta, faggot.
I'm normally not too fussed by graphics, but there's no excuse that it looks like an upscaled PS3 game.
>Random encounters again
The first time I played Skyward Sword, I was amazed by how beautiful was looking the game in 2015.
I agree with the fact that most of Nintendo games have good graphics given the hardware limitations but I'm not sure that having games that don't use the full graphical potential of the console should be called a "trend" because I have the feeling that those games have been rushed only for commercial purposes like putting Pokemon release one month before Christmas or Three Houses in july after a long release period of unappealing games.
This is what happens when an incompetent studio manages to create a money making monster of an IP without putting any actual effort. Then again why would they? The games sell like pretty well every time...
Didn't they show more than one? There was a desert one and iirc a cold area.
In the direct they said that they are between cities and Galar is a very straight and linear region, I doubt they'll make a huge single one.
> I clearly didn't watch the direct
If you need a link I can provide one OP ;)
Not the same user but I'm pretty sure they said "The wild area" and said that there would be different pokemons depending on the time of the day/weather
Fuck that.
I care that the graphics look passable. They need to have decent lighting and a good art direction because the visual part of a game is important. I will also use anything I can to prove my point that Gamefreak is a company of laziness and hacks.
Regional variant
Wait for the next Pokemon game to come out. It will most likely be a little better in the same way S&M looked and played slightly better than X&Y.
if gamefreaks engine is so shit and unoptimized why don't they use something like unity or at least let HAL take over.
ground mesh detection is very hard user advanced 3d genius stuff. please understand.
Wow what a populace.
I doubt HAL would help them out.
Iwata had to step in 2 times and they still learned nothing.
>boring pallete
Probably one of the more intersting palette that ive seen recently in a game like this honestly.
Is this multiplayer or not linear or literally anything that would make it not a carbon copy of the other million pokemon games?
If not, I don't care. How autistic do you have to be to keep playing these games? There's no challenge, no skill, no real exploration, just grind grind grind. Go play a cookie clicker or something.
Still the same shit.
At least the designs are decent so far.
You were not going to buy it anyway
It reminds me a lot to SotC
People get caught on the wave of social media hype started by the new pokemon and the flat, boring characters.
Great contribution. You would eat shit if james turner carved some eyes into it and wrote a quirky pokedex entry about it
Is this supposed to be an argument? Of course I was going to buy it if it didn't looked like shit.
It's not just the graphism, the dyna transformation looks like shit.
Get mad.
Looks like something I could emulate on my phone tbqh.
Why don't they just hand over the pokemon franchise to actual competent devs?
is it literal autism disguised as brand loyalty that makes you lick the boots of a corporation
Get mad.
actual autism, got it. Why do you come onto a video game discussion board if you just want to flaunt how much corporate cum you're holding in your mouth
>keeps replying to him
are you stupid?
The legendary wolves look autistic as fuck, what are you talking about
yeah. I just don't see the fun in shilling a child's game for free
Buddy, its a game for children. Remember how old you were when you played Pokemon? Theres some good RPGs out there but this game is meant to be lighthearted fun and you're looking too deep into this. I know that you're grown up and want something to help justify your console purchase other than the joy of your children, but take it out on something else. Just emulate it in 5 years, stop being a dick.
>Random encounters = bad
just another uneducated drone on Yea Forums
>no argument
Stop shitposting, you stupid incel.
Dumb zoomer.
>i-it's for kids
>Pokemon's audience is largely adults now
I accept your concession.
imagine having a low enough iq to unironically care about graphics
Its babies first RPG. Its absolutely for children because the combat isn't difficult.
/vp/ trannies btfo
Not him, but desu, I wish there was something with the pokemon formula but aimed at adults. The gameplay is fine as it is, it's complex enough to be fun. Just change the designs, story and make the games more challenging and less linear. It would sell like mad. Why has no one done this?
The closest thing I can think of is gacha shit. But gacha almost always has complete shit gameplay.
That is a fine argument because pointless, overly aggressive negativity is the bread and butter of Yea Forums. I may as well pick a random board, end up in /out/ and start shitting on a tent brand I've never heard of. Wow, what the fuck, Coleman the biggest camping equipment manufacturer in the world, with another blunder! OH NO NO NO
>retard can't understand the difference between art style and graphics
every single thread
Honestly everything except for the sheep and raven look pretty shit, the plants are okay, but they're just the regional small plant that turns into plant lady eventually, we've had it before and we probably had better.
The raven doesn't even feel like a Pokemon design, but i like stupid edgy shit so i give it a pass.
These jokers are here to play around, good criticism is fine. The game could look more pretty, but the OP is a disingenuous faggot who didn't watch the direct.
But I am, you incel.
>b-b-but you can only buy things you think are 10/10!
>Yea Forums is so underage they don't even know what ps2 textures look like
They make it sound that Wild Area is just literally everything that is not a town.
i'm happy that it's still random encounters,it's one of the things i like most about the franchise. having new pokemon jump out at you is just a pretty big part of the experience.
as for graphics,sure if they were on a,let's say DQ11 level that would be great. but pokemon looked the best when it was all sprites anyway.
>pointless, overly aggressive negativity is the bread and butter of Yea Forums
Nope. That's what the majority of Yea Forums is now because of phoneposters not having the time to type out a thoughtful post. You're supposed to call people faggots for having dogshit opinions, or bootlicking, or being an attentionwhore, or being an avatarfag, for not talking about video games, not for talking about a video game on the video games board. But I understand that your mental illness prohibits you from understanding viewpoints outside of your own.
>t. zoomer who never watched G Gundam
Get mad, fanboy.
The combat system is just element vs element and thats super basic for combat. This is a JRPG for first timers to ease them into the genre. I played this on a game boy so yeah compared to that the graphics are incredible. As long as the game world is a comparable size I feel that new players will be able to enjoy it.
It's an RPG, you fucks. Immersion plays a key role in its appeal. If the graphics suck then the immersion is lost.
>stop critcizing poor gamefreak!
That's where the joke's from, you idiot.
Literally a discount athena cykes, who wasn't much special to begin with. Not seeing the reasoning here.
they have nothing in common except for the hair
Ah right, I'm in a nintendo thread so it's okay to have generation-old graphics in a AAA release from a AAA publisher.
>the insult
>your head
Latching onto videos doesn't mean you watched it. Now stop using it to shitpost.
I don't know if you've played since gen 1, but the combat is far more complicated than just rock paper scissors. There's priority, status effects, passive effects, swap effects, IVs, EVs and other things. Rock can beat paper in a bunch of different ways.
I just wish the game wasn't so straightforward and formulaic. Just go, grind xp and beat the next gym leader. It'd be fine if grinding was challenging or capped, but you can just keep doing it until you automatically win every fight.
about as lazy and shit as the gameplay
Nintendo knows they can't ever beat PC in that avenue so why even bother, just focus on fun gimmicks.
>Woah...so this is next gen Pokemon.
And it will easily sell more copies than any of your westcuck movie shit.
you are right but game freak doesnt care what you want
Fuck off, Poké Barney. I can't fathom why you think your threads here would noticeably damage any Nintendo game's sales.
This has been stated to death but....
It doesen't matter how much money a series makes or how powerful the console is.......if the dev has no idea how to utilize the hardware it WILL BE UGLY.
That's why Pokemon gen 6 had shit graphics and it took them several years of 3DS development to have gen 7 actually look good.
It has nothing to do with "no budget".
Good thing an anime character is literally just a different hairstyle. They all just have one of the three stock japanese personality types that are some variation of tsundere, yandere, or milf and never ever stray or evolve or do anything remotely interesting.
>yellow, cyan and orange color pallet with fair skin, the same hairstyle, and only slightly different shades of eye color
Sure, buddy.
Also note that Xenoblade didn’t even have a AAA budget while Pokemon has billions to work with.
>Im an adult, I swear
>All I can think of is gacha shit
I too wish their was a GTA game for kids...even though the play it anyway
I repeat six (6) as in the number six, the number coming after 5, six whole buildings.
truly fantastic
If they're not focused at all on the graphical fidelity, why doesn't it look nice? Why does it all look like muddy garbage that belongs on the ps2? FFXII had better texturing than this when it released.
>town is literally empty outside of a sheep in the grass
You sure showed him
That's why they're working on Town to get some experience grinding first.
There have been plenty. Jak II is one.
It was extremely successful, too. Why are you being stupid, user? It's a perfectly reasonable want.
>>Ps2 tier textures
And that's a good thing. Graphics became soulless shit at the start of the PS3 era.
Gamefreak and IntSys don't know how to develop HD 3D graphics. That's why PKMN and FE have shit graphics. It will take them time to learn the hardware.
You can call it an "excuse" but it's actually the reason.
>This is a good thing in the context of Pokémon
no it isn't
gee golly I sure love running in circles in grass and running away just to find a slightly uncommon pokemon and getting interrupted in caves randomly just to click the run button
so you're saying dark souls is for children too?
>Ps2 tier textures
why is this always the shitposter's go-to
Have they seen a PS2 game recently
what did he mean by this?
I think they’re the kind of people who don’t want the entire Pokédex to be leaked in advance so discovering them randomly appearing for the first time is a critical part of the experience
Don't most pokemon towns (not cities) have like 6 houses
> BotW piano jingle plays
Did they really think we wouldn't notice?
Pic unrelated?
>Let's not expect games to improve in any way shape or form
These are bad ps2 textures. Blurry and stretched to hide the seams.
go play your western handholding movie games fag
90% of /vp/ is on fire and schreeching about how shit it is. Especially the fact that Steelix floats.
>Look mom! Game developers are lazy!
literally Yea Forums
I've been doing nothing but shittalking this game, but small towns has always been a constant. If all the towns in the game are like that then fair enough
Nope, I'll continue playing my Japanese Pokemon games because OW encounters are the future now. Even GF has realized how shit random encounters are.
>Has Wild Areas
it has one wild area, and it's basically hyrule field from oot, straight out of 1998. that's not nearly enough to please the open-world redditors.
meanwhile, the traditional routes are still too boring for those who prefer actual game design instead of empty sandboxes.
>Is not the same as old games, just a random battle you can instigate if you wish
it's pretty pointless to have both. the dev time that went to those random encounters could have instead gone towards making the visible encounters feel as natural as possible.
>BTFO by a wooly boi
wooloo isn't even the best pokemon they unveiled. plenty of people are happy with the art direction for the pokemon themselves, it's just that all the other aspects of the games suck now.
Are these all just bad stream images or will it really be this saturated in game?
It bothers me a lot that this actually looks semi decent, but the game that is their lifeblood looks like absolute SHIT. fucking WHY? Pokémon is the best selling franchise in the fucking world. Fuck.
Contrast needs to be toned tf down, pokemon are sharper than the environments and stick out a lot more.
>And it will still outsell BOTW
why should nintendo, and especially game freak with their $90 billion franchise, be held to lower standards than everyone else?
this isn't some poorfag niche studio here, this is one of the biggest companies in gaming and the biggest media franchise on the planet.
>Only in Wild Areas
please tell me this is wrong
cue to next gen Pokemon and FE games still looking like ass
The 3D camera and visible encounters are wild area only.
just because it's lighthearted doesn't mean they can't still put effort in.
you're not doing them any favors, shill.
>it took them several years of 3DS development to have gen 7 actually look good.
are you high? SM and USUM look like dogshit.
So............then it's incompetence and not laziness.....
>Not him, but desu, I wish there was something with the pokemon formula but aimed at adults.
try the megami tensei franchise and (now that it's going for older audiences) digimon.
>ignoring the most important bit that it still has pokemons shit combat
>please tell me this is wrong
Nope. They even acted like it was a big deal in the Direct. and YouTube reactors all gasped and cheered when they saw it
Imagine unironically shilling for Game Freak for free
>Work as a 2nd Party to a Company with a bunch of experience in making games
>Don't ask them for a couple people to come and help with the HD development as technical advisors
Man if only GF wasn't fucking retarded
Nope, is true, said so in the direct.
Fuck off, anime is more diverse than your gene pool.
bullshit. game freak has already made games for ps4, xbone and pc. they just know they don't have to put effort in with pokemon because people will buy anything with pikachu and charizard in it.
>The 3D camera and visible encounters are wild area only
Not that this is in defence of GF, but there are visible encounters. They're just small and hiding in the grass.
There's more to life than beating your meat, user.
Monolith are some of the best in the business when it comes to overworld aesthetic design while gamefreak dropped a goddamn day night cycle in gen three after iwata wasn’t there to bail them out. Gamefreak is shit so any time they change anything is a step up
Looks like a stream screengrab.
i don't see a problem
Most of their games are 2 hour long indie tier games. That won't help with developing a 3D Pokemon game on a console. The only relevant experience they have is Let's Go, but that was under development at the same time as SWSH. And they aren't using the bobble head artstyle from LGPE anyway.
>I-its f-fun
is there any bigger cope than this "argument" when grorious nippon relases another nostalgia ridden pile of shit?
again, bullshit. game freak has already made games for hd platforms, and they also have nintendo connections to lean on for help if they really need it.
i get that fans don't want to blame themselves, but it's time to face facts. pokemon looks like this because game freak doesn't have to try harder. and they don't have to try harder because of shit-eating fans who only care about nostalgia pandering and will make excuses for everything as long as they get their kanto fix. fans with no standards lead to stagnant franchises.
>5 houses that will just have some generic faggots who say one line of dialogue each, maybe one guy you can trade with
>A pokemart or whatever they're called I haven't played a pokemon since Ruby/Sapphire
>A sheep
D-Damn... So much content...
>poketards will spend over $100 (base game + re-release) on this wii shovelware trash
I hope that's the case, every screenshot I've seen has had super vibrant greens compared to the rest of the pallet, it's a bit of an eyestrain.
Properly not. I've been unable to finish a pokemon game since Diamond/Pearl. I've played the two that came after but only ever reached about the 2nd-3rd gym before dropping them.
The franchise being stagnant has nothing to do with the graphics. It is because Gamefreak sticks too heavily to the same formula from gen 1. You can develop a huge and ambitious game while still giving the game shit graphics. See pic related.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>fun gimmicks
Maybe make the core gameplay good before focusing on gimmicks.
Shitty texture does NOT mean cartoonish graphics, stop eating shit pokemon fans, for the love of god.
>"they have NO experience developing HD games"
>actually they do
>"no, that doesn't count"
Pokemon Cope and Pokemon Seethe.
they've been making 3d games since xy. they don't even have to make the models themselves, that part is all outsourced to creatures inc. and most of the models have been reused for years. at some point, the excuses have to stop. you don't have to keep eating shit from a $90 billion franchise. it's not wrong to demand higher standards from the biggest media franchise in the world.
Not that I disagree with the sentiment that these games look pretty sub-par/bad graphically but I'm shocked people are actually claiming they look considerably worse than GC/Wii or even PS3 games, if I'm being honest. I just don't see it.
>no argument
>literally worse graphics than Atelier games
>Atelier games get pumped out once a year on a tiny budget
go back slugfucker.
>small indy company
>eating shit
I don't even know for sure if I'm buying this game though.
My criticisms just have nothing to do with graphics.
right, the combat did not change, they just add some gimmick big pokemons, the designs are...ok. what is left? improve the graphics, nah pokemon sell itself
Sony fag go play movies
>trees almost exactly evenly spread
>only one tree model for the whole area
>top one has two colors of the same model
Holy shit they are bad devs. Why doesn't Nintendo take over?
foliage sucks
give me that sci-fi aesthetic instead
oh, i agree. it's not just the graphics. those are just one of the symptoms of the stagnation. i agree that game freak has also failed to experiment enough with the formula, especially in terms of the structure and setting.
that's largely the fans' fault, though. the one time game freak stepped out of their comfort zone with gen 5, the fanbase had an autistic meltdown over it. game freak has figured out that the path of least resistance is simply giving them the same shit over and over again.
seethe harder, gfwhore.
>"XY looks like trash because GF is new to 3D! wait until they get used to the technology!"
>ORAS ends up looking like minecraft shit
>"okay that wasn't good either, just give them some more time!"
>gen 7 ALSO ends up looking like shit
Gamefreak is so lazy that these graphics are actually much better than I was expecting. I haven't touched pokemon since Platinum on DS. I might get this one, even though that dynamax gimmick is fucking garbage.
Here's what a PS2 game looked like.
But the point is.........
But giantess pokemon trainers user.
In all fairness, this isn't the first time they've depicted Steelix as being able to float.
>>gen 7 ALSO ends up looking like shit
They actually managed to make Gen 7 preform WORSE. it's almost impressive
More like it's going to sell more than any Pokemon game yet. Doesn't change the fact it looks like ass.
So Yea Forums would be ok with an ambitious, experimental, and massive game that has shitty graphics?
Like Xenoblade 1?
but the point is that the games look like shit and you can't cope with it.
You don't need shitty graphics, just minimalism. Pokemon worked just fine with sprites.
I'm sorry user.
Yea Forums isn't one person.
>The number six
>Number after 5
There's 7
I would love a more epic Pokemon game, even if the graphics were mediocre. Graphics are one of the LEAST important parts of a game.
But its not what people refer to when they mean random encounters
The Chronicles of Dick: Escape From Butcher Bay
As soon as I saw the big pokemon gimmick, I felt the collective energy of hundreds of thousands of macro fetish artists dash for their tablets.
Giantess is fucking lame low iq bullshit
People don't seriously fap to this low effort shit do they
My most hyped games for this year are Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Trails of Cold Steel 3. The graphics suck in those games.
They aren't a majority shareholder so they have no power to do so.
shut the fuck up, retard.
It has multiplayer raids
I would have fucking lost it if they took away random encounters.
> That Stadium 2 battle
Jesus Christ those games actually had SOUL. Every Pokémon is animated and attacks pack more punch. Why are Gamefreak's animations so boring?
BASED Gamefreak making Yea Forums SEETHE when Gen 8 sells 15 million+!
it's a video game, meaning that it needs to look good. if you can't manage good graphics (hardware limitations, artistic vision, budget, etc), then you must have good art direction. GF is a billion-dollar company and they fail at both of these things lmao.
The Pokemon trainers look fine considering they stay in the background.
There's a lot of other things they should prioritize if they want to lessen RNG.
>"bad graphics = bad game"
Nintendo must be pissed that gf is just pissing away money they could get with even slightly better graphics
cold steel 3 looks way better than fire emblem and nu-pokemon.
Well, if it is like LGPE, you can obviously tell what it is, including the Shiny color.
> There's a lot of other things they should prioritize if they want to lessen RNG.
> Enemy Pokémon sand attacks once
> I can't hit shit
> My Pokémon sand attacks like seven like seven times
> they keep hitting me
Pokémon RNG is massive bullshit.
nice straw man, GFwhore.
cope harder.
The character models are nice, but literally everything else..............
I'm okay with future-proofing. Playing Colosseum with the 64 models on Kanto and Johto mons was bizarre. They fixed them in PBR, but no one cared about that game.
learn to read
No, but Yea Forums is a hivemind, and it's embarrassing that that has to be explained every fucking time.
Like BotW? Yeah
....is still way better than fire emblem and nu-pokemon.
What's even the point of having 3D models if you're not going to do fucking anything with them. If it was still 2D all of this shit would have been forgivable
learn to cope better.
>this is a 2017 Pokemon game on the 3DS
The giantmode Pokémon thingy is so dumb. Imagine this thing going Giant. It looks retarded.
>this is a 2013 Luigi game on the 3DS
How the fuck did they not get Monolith Soft to work on the Wild Area?
Their environmental design is God tier.
I want to impregnate her and breed 6 kids with her and die of old age with her.
That's literally every grassy field simulator. Get used to it.
It's too dark and it makes the 3D effect work poorly.
I thought they would have known from the 3DS ports that you need to make the game look brighter on average to make 3D look nice.
So if every 3D Pokemon game has bad graphics why would u expect SWSH to have good graphics?
Tell that to Valve with CS:GO
yeah, seems pretty good, I havent bought a pokemon at launch for a long time but Im inclined in doing so for this outing.
what the fuck
Nah man we're getting cute Pokemon it's all good.
Xenocuck with 900+ hours of xbc2 here.
It plays at 360p pretty much constant in handheld mode, terrible but not as cancerous as you suggest. Not even DOOM gets that low.
I pray every day Switch Pro fixes this shit.
>Random encounters
>A bad thing
It's a part of the game dude, get used to it
its crazy how incompetent gamefreak is.
It's archaic.
At least Pulseman looks cool
My eyes
They must be geniuses if their games still sell 10 million+ on average though.
Not like that's possible in this day and age. Gamefreak's marketing division seem to get it with how they spoil every little thing about their game before release. You can be sure the game will get leaked 2 weeks early too.
This is the most cherrypicked webm ever. In Pokemon Colosseum that noctowl will stand in thin air like in the later Pokemon game. I don't know if its on purpose, but it's like this odd intermediate animation.
Start around 11:20, I suggest muting the video.
brand recognition is strong
Fits the graphics
>incompetent when SWSH will easily be the highest selling Switch game this year
That's like calling the Call of Duty devs incompetent despite how their games usually sell millions easily.
>It's archaic.
How to spot a Zoomer
>....is still way better than fire emblem and nu-pokemon
Actually, that also looks like shit.
look at the views, lyrical genius.
>Xenoblade 2 looks amazing
True but it hasn't reached 2 million sells yet:
Meanwhile.......Pokemon SWSH will outsell that in a day.........
That's not them (current GameFreak) being geniuses. That's them making bank on something that previously established itself really strongly. It's not hard to just sit on a chair if others built it for you before.
That was the point they were making.
Fire Emblem and the Three Houses borrows Muso technology from Koei Tecmo, sacrificing graphics for the scale implication that each individual unit in your army is really representative of a much larger fighting force.
>Millions of braindead shiteaters buy up any trash that has the pokemon name on it
>This suddenly makes Gamefreak full of geniuses
Don't play it then.
Thy next foe is...The vast desert lands...A giant trail drifts through the sky...Thou art not alone.
>True but it hasn't reached 2 million sells yet:
I thought it was coined a success, switchbros..
I don‘t see the appeal. She seems like some dumb red head bimbo to me.
For a Xenoblade game, that is a success. It's the highest selling in the series.
However the point is why would Gamefreak try to emulate Monolith when their games sell 15 times more on average?
>using ea tier defense for this garbage
so people really are shills here
Then don't play RPGs
the aesthetic is fucking awful and it's possible for a more simplistic style to still be graphically impressive. but because nintendo always cheaps out on tech and the switch is basically a handheld ps3 this was inevitable.
I was looking forward to this too after sitting out LGPE. Guess I'll play Platinum for the third time.
You weren't looking forward to anything faggot
>muh graphics
Why do I see this shit so often?
The textures need work.
That's no Lillie
I feel like most of the original names at game freak are still at gamefreak
> I don‘t see the appeal. She seems like some dumb red head bimbo to me.
The fun part is that she looks like a vapid bimbo, but she actually is an assistent to a Pokémon Professor, and probably knows a lot about the subject.
That looks so bad. It's chinese mobile game quality.
what really bothers me on the top screenshot is that the grass assets aren't even the same color as the grass texture
Don't be a bitch just cause I don't wanna suck Nintendo's dick. And hell yeah I was, looking forward to this. England as a region sounded dope and Grookey is one of the best looking staters in several gens. Too bad he's trapped in a bad game.
That’s on purpose so it’s easily apparent where you find the wild Pokémon
>sub 30 fps in a fucking rpg
Bianca looked like a dumb bimbo too and was assistant to the professor
And she was a dumb bimbo
Gameplay of style
Don't need to suck nintendo's dick. Just stop pretending you were looking forward to jackshit. It's fucking pathetic, you think the game looks like shit, no need to pretend.
>drawn by pax
I meant to say:
Just say you think the game looks like shit.
How are you going to tell me what I think? Do you live in my head? I obviously live in yours.
Well, if that's the case and you were looking forward to anything, you are an absolute fool. You're even more dumb than I thought before.
Why not? It looked promising from the trailer. Ultimate and Odyssey were both amazing, how was I supposed to know they weren't going to give a shit again?
because you have to see the game often when you play
Never heard IV sucked before. Thought it was pretty good and so did everyone I talk to
Are you one of those SUMO fags? It's SnS you gay retard.
If you want graphics go PS5, Xbone, or PC. Switch isn't for graphics and doesn't pretend to be.
>If you want graphics go PS5, Xbone, or PC. Switch isn't for graphics and doesn't pretend to be.
What do they have to do with pokemon? Are you being stupid in an attempt to confuse me?
this is literally every other pokemon game though. Why is it a problem now?
She is just a 2019 version of misty
people usually expect things to get better especially since there's no longer the handheld excuse to fall back on
They were a string of good first party games that had a lot of hype before release, kind of a hard to ignore pattern.
I guess if you're stupid, and think a company with a consistent track record is going to change.
Easy to ignore, you're just stupid. None of this shit should even come as a surprise. Just wishful thinking idiots, that thought there was going to be a big change.
Huge disappointment
If only all studios had the luxury of releasing games with middling graphics, we might see some good shit from japan again.
>Random encounters again
>meanwhile you'd be complaining if they weren't random like in Let's Go
cut cuck
mods/jannies, there is a specific board for this. do your job(forfree)
It's insane how uninformed so many people are on the whole Wild Area situation, so here's how it actually works.
>there's only one wild area, but it seems to have different weather patterns and biomes throughout it, to make sure there's enough variety in Pokémon to make sure it doesn't get old. This is why there seems to be multiple wild areas shown, while in reality it's just showing off the variety that the wild area has.
>Overworld encounters are NOT exclusive to the wild area, only the free camera is. We've gotten multiple screenshots in routes and towns, and grass patches outside of the wild area showing Pokémon roaming around that you can battle
>the free camera is exclusive to the wild area, and can't be used in routes or towns
shills like you were hyping the crap out of this game in advance when king zell said it was going to be "botw-esque." the narrative was "pessimistfags btfo, this is going to be the greatest and most ambitious pokemon game ever."
now that reality has sunk in and the game is undeniably the same old shit, the narrative is that you're "stupid" if you expected big changes.
What are you talking about I'm not shilling shit. I'm saying it's the same old garbage. I'm just shitting on people expecting gamefreak to change. I'll call you out on your fucking stupidity. Game looks like shit, like the 3d pokemon games before it.
So you're saying they are justified in their mediocrity?
Are the clouds generating shadows? They looked like a really basic sky box though in other scenes hmm. I know Botw has volumetric clouds with shadows and there is a rumor that this is said to be using the botw engine.
I'm a PC/Playstation guy but I agree with you. Most of the first party titles on the Gamecube and Wii were technical feats.
random encounters is just plain bad design
it would up the difficulty/add reason for them to exist if you couldn't simply run away or if you could risk something from doing so, like in most FF games where you have to run away and the enemy can still attack you
in pokemon, unless your first mon is half the level of the wild mon, you can just run away with a single press of a button and the mon literally can't do anything
it's just a pointless time sink and unneeded loading screens, it doesn't add difficulty, it doesn't add gameplay, it doesn't add lore or even 'fun'
OP here. You Pokefucks would eat literal shit if it were what the next games were.
You sound like the type of person whom would only play things other people approve of.
>open area to explore
>Pokemon actually walking around in the wild
>Amie/Refresh confirmed returning, leaks say with minigames
>my home country is what the region is based on
>first proper HD Pokemon game
I'm really happy so far.
I just want a new region to spend time in right now. I love Alola and will miss it, but really want to go to Galar.
> I'm really happy so far.
I'm 90% sure that "The Wild Area" just refers to the areas outside of town and cities.
So most of the map is "The Wild Area".
>Living in the UK
I'm so sorry
Seething. Just like BotW. I love how these people who make fun of nintenbros are just constantly seething. BotW ass pain will never end. There are legitimate complains about Pokémon and about BotW but the asspain they cause is just so immense. What is it bros?
That's cherry picking. Most PS2 games didn't look like that. It came out the year that the PS3 released, and it had a triple a studio hard backing it. This was prime Square Enix (Money wise), they had saved the company with FFXI, which printed, and still continues to print money to this day. These guys had made games for ages on the PS2 and as such were able to push the system to it's absolute limits. This is why the city maps are so pushed together. There are only a handful of big open maps and usually it's just full of empty space when that happens. Dungeons and fields are open or have less detail to accommodate for how hard the hardware was being pushed. To say that FF12 is what PS2 games looked like is misleading and dishonest because it's like saying that all PS3 games are Persona 5 when games like OBLIVION dropped when the hardware first came out, which was a graphical mess and looks worse than many PS2 games. I remember picking it up on PC. I had to play it on low settings and it honestly looked worse than Morrowind for a myriad of reasons. One of the reasons being Todd hiring personal friends, but I assure you that some of it was because they made it for consoles.
If you want to see asspain head over to /vp/ and enjoy the mayhem. Just mention Steelix and its ability to float there.
> The absolute state of nu-Pokémon.
It's dead. Move on.
bianca was actually cute though
Why are you speaking for yourself.
the only thing here i vaguely understand is being upset about venusaur hopping
also it being weak to fire is dumb
Absolutely brilliant.
One of these days we'll get a proper 3D game with seamless battles that take advantage of the terrain.
Looks like a Neptunia game
nep games wish they looked that good
>dev time that went to those random encounters
>Best pokegirl
>Not Wooloo
Starbreeze engine was fantastic in Syndicate, seriously underappreciated game.
And why is he like 4 meters long instead of 9.5?
Sorry but you ain't climbing those hill bro
This aon't a Bethesda game
>the free camera is exclusive to the wild area, and can't be used in routes or towns
How can anyone defend this?
In 2019 on Switch...
They don't bother scaling mons. Look at the Golurk in that raid thing.
Camera control is awful and artisinally hand crafted pre-determined camera angles are what are best for you