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You OK Jerma?


>That one nigga who died to pinwheel

this nigga spent like, 7 hours cooking

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Is that Willem Dafoe

wake up

will be okay?

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Please tell me I was not the only one watching the cooking simulator stream. I almost die laughing.


Did he actually cried? When did it happen?




cool guy but that chat room he's cultivated is so unbearable to the point where it negatively impacts his streams
his youtube content was good but i can't watch his live stuff

Is this the boomer who beat Jevil FIRST TRY?

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>rat movie 3 never

Holy shit is this the streamer that killed Santa ON STREAM?

>he lied about playing stuntman ignition

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Is he actually retarded or all his oh shit I fucked up moments are fake?
Yesterday stream was comedy gold because he forgot to turn on an over for like 10 min.

Mix of both desu

I do shit like that all the time, he may be faking it but it’s possible he’s genuinely just naturally retarded

I think it's the way his ADHD conflicts with his desire to be funny for the stream and so he just ends up being unable to actually do anything efficiently.

What does Jerma does besides streamming? He haven’t touched the gym for like 3 years and doesn’t have a real job.

Fuck his girlfriend Ster

This would be a real nice thread OP, except it isn't. You're a rat, aren't ya?

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If pretending to be retarded brought you money and fervent adoration, would you?

Isn't this the guy who died to pinwheel?

browses /biz/ and invests

This stream was fuckin magical

what stream?

Look at this tiny BOOMER.


>the Sam and Max stream where he was still high on painkillers after a colonoscopy

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what are you talking about
you don't even know where I am

>he always gets like 1k dlls every stream
>his stream area is just a small room with a shitty desktop

Why is he so based?

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>after a colonoscopy
What. Source me

you know that merry christmas joke where he said he diarrheas every single morning
that wasn't a joke

Sucks that he's an SJW. I blame Kim.

How bad was he?

Why is 2ndJerma barely getting videos now? That period where nothing but Red Dead 2 videos were posted was awful too

>Sucks that he's an SJW
what? I remember him making fun of people that were saying they were gonna move to Canada after Trump got elected

Lol he always make fun of other cities

>watching streamers who actually died on pinwheel

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