OH NO NO NO NO NO! It wasn't supposed to be like this steam bros.
OH NO NO NO NO NO! It wasn't supposed to be like this steam bros.
who keeps making these EGS "OH NO NO NO" threads?
all of them use the same format and they don't get many replies.
Chinks and Epic interns. Or some deranged autist out for (you)s.
Based Epic for making piracy a victimless crime.
>samefag on twitter
>looks like a fag irl
>source: literally the salty faggot devs who on average get like 4 likes and a retweet on twitter
Doubt. How the fuck do you sell half a million copies and less than .01 percent interact with you on social media
You market to chinks or lie about sale numbers
Reminder Factorio only sold 1.5m in two years.
Meanwhile in less than half a year satisfactory is already hitting 500k.
By having Epic buy a bunch of copies in secret to make devs shill to other devs so they put their games on their store.[/spoiler
From having guaranteed sales by Epic of course!
Is this game worth playing? Not like I'm gonna pay for it.
>lololol they never said how much it actually sold, it mist have sold only 10k copies
>wtf they actually said something now? They're obviously lying!
I don't even use the epic store and this is just pathetic. They could probably show you the revenue they made on an earnings statement and you would still think they're lying.
Literally a Chinese shill or DSP himself
why delete the pic?
I like factory games, so this gane aint that bad, but everything surrounding it is pure trash, the devs are fuckin awful lol so random reddit tier. Sad thing is, you basically gotta be in their discord for patch notes, cuz epic games doesnt have a section for that.
Steam is dying, isn't it?
Because they probably would be lying, Epic games is full of shit.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
like buying extravagant shit, if you have to ask the answer is no.
But I did and still do, what's your point?
>Epic bought so many keys from the developer that they just end up giving them away for free
Factorio but smaller in scale
Play it if you want to pay an industry mod for minecraft
discord trannies and psychopathic autistic people who have been trying nonstop to completely ruin and derail this board to the point of being less than worthless.
i wish this was hyperbole
Well what now steam drones?
Fuck steamcels
It depends. If you want factorio, just play factorio. If you want a sandbox with a less autistic factorio in it check it out.
It has been for a couple of years, but recently they've been countering it a bit. We will see with the summer sales. If they don't give away a free game or have at least an interesting minigame, then they're dead yes.
That dev isn't part of Epic.
This is confusing because I'm pretty sure they said they sold almost no copies a few weeks ago? Am I remembering wrong? Where did this half mil come from?
Thanks Tim
Do you really think that absolutely no one uses the epic games store when Fortnite is on it and is the only way to play that game on PC? The game may be shit, but it is popular. The developers of the game didn't aren't tied to Epic Games as a company and Epic Games didn't release the sales numbers, either.
They were joking fucking retard
I actually bought this game ama reddit
Steam decided to side with the Feels of the devs and filter out negative review bombing. Positive review bombing is considered okay though. You can be as obnoxious as you want online as long as you put on a front of "positivity" and fake niceness.
Dont let the EpicCHADS see this. I BEG YOU
They went crying to Tim Sweeney after people laughed at them and he personally started buying copies of the game from EGS.
He knows that positive headlines are more important than another $1-2mn.
don't take faggot OPs at face value. Their twitter is 99% shitposting.
You actually thought the game only sold 12 copies? Holy fucking shit you people are dumber than fucking dirt. The devs were joking. How did you people not realize this sooner?
Everyone already knows they only sold 9 copies, why are they lying now?
How is it?
You guys thought the devs were gonna say they sold 12 copies unironically?
Jesus Yea Forums is full blown retarded
>they were joking
Then it... wasn't very funny? For something to be a joke it kinda needs to be, yknow, a joke.
Saying "We're having a bad day because our game sold like shit on EGS", and then people being like LE EPIC TROLL'D!!! doesn't work because there was no humorous aspect to it. They just said, "oh no, the game sold bad. LOL SYKE!!!" ? Where's the joke?
That’s a satisfactory number
If an EA factory game sold 500k I wonder what the other games will sell like.
Hmmmm it's almost like Epic is a success.
Sweeties? Any rebuttal?
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that these types of games are generally pretty niche, the types who buy these games are generally very involved with their social media to stay up to date on patches and shit especially considering EGS doesn't have an update section. If 500000 bought the game, why do they only have the same 6 people commenting and liking their shit on the dev Twitter. It's the same kind of shit as people who bot up their accounts. They'll have like 1million views, and half a million likes, but 3 comments
Seethposting is honestly even worse than Sneedposting
Then it's time to pirate my collection.
At this rate Steam won't survive more than five years.
You have to realize the guy was replying to himself with his dev studio's twitter account.
He was literally being a samefag on social media for the sake of making a joke only a few people would "get" because he loves smelling his own farts so fucking much.
If you want to see even more cringe go look up the FAQ for their game on their website.
The company's twitter said they only sold 9 copies using emojis and the own devs replied calling the game trash.
It was pretty clear they were joking had you checked their twitter, but I guess making the full judgement from a twitter screencap on Yea Forums was enough for you.
mom said the tendies are going to be ready in 10
not the other user but i actually don't understand Sneedposting
I wasn't judging based on screencaps. I was going by the mountain of replies under it which were all taking it seriously. I have no fucking idea who the dev of these games is so I wasn't aware he was replying to his own tweet as some 'hilarious joke' to himself.
Who bought it then? I don't see anyone anywhere discussing it, hell no one even streams it.
How many did Epic buy?
They were just pretending to sell 3 copies
I wish this game wasnt an unoptimized mess and it had more replay value. Its literally factorio with less stuff.
This is the only civil response and now I understand the circumstances. Thank you. It all makes sense now.
507,365 copies
>all this COPE
Face it. Epic has won.
So Epic guarantees 500k sales?
So you're trying to gauge sales and popularity on twitter like numbers? This is even dumber than gauging sales figures based on youtube views like this place used to be obsessed with a couple years ago. This is pure retardation.
If you look hard enough there's about 3 trannies who do stuff with the game, that's about all I can find though, and one of them is literally retarded, probably because they have to take a break from playing to dilate
Good for them, I guess? It's not like it would have mattered because the developer/publisher had a minimum guarantee anyways.
It's good. It's a different autism than factorio, less challenging in terms of generally getting resources from A to B, except over +1km distances. Unlike factorio which was combat heavy with light exploration, this is combat light with heavy exploration. Character equipment options are interesting and things like the jetpack can be used creatively with high tier belts, verticality is a big focus. I recommend torrenting it first, you'll get enough content to satisfy you for dozens of hours and decide if it's worth going through the hassle of EGS for the imminent coming update with trains and another tier of complexity
>if they don't give away a game for no reason, or have another stupid mini-game, steam will fukkin' die
It was a mildly funny joke from an episode of the simpsons which got turned into a kneejerk reply people on Yea Forums would spam if they couldn't think of something to contribute, and then idiots started copying the spammers, and it snowballed into being the only joke on Yea Forums that anyone seemed capable of making. It has basically ruined Yea Forums, maybe forever (unless it gets word filtered).
Doesn't this shit not actually count towards "sales"? Epic makes an agreement that if the game doesn't sell x amount of units in a certain time frame, then epic will pay the company the remainder of what the original agreement baseline sales figure was. They didn't actually say that they would buy the remaining copies from their own store.
It's not based on views, it's based on engagement. How the fuck does an autism simulator not regularly break double digits on social media, it's akin to finger family vids, it's fake, Epic is astroturfing
>I was going by the mountain of replies under it which were all taking it seriously. I have no fucking idea who the dev of these games is so I wasn't aware he was replying to his own tweet as some 'hilarious joke' to himself.
Then why even make a post explaining how much of a shitty joke if you didn't even bothered to check the whole thing?
This is why people call you retards. You don't check or make sure if things are real or false, but you sure are fast to explain how bad things are and how the joke doesn't work.
You only want a reason to shitpost, not to discuss.
You can't because every thread turns into this shit with keyboard warriors shitposting about epic. It is being discussed, just not here.
Epic didn't release the sales info, you illiterate monkey.
>a literal ripoff game made by people who actively insult their consumers
>sold well
wow color me surprised, it's almost like this is the exact kind of game fornite kids would buy.
that's unironically good for an indie game
Wasn't this the same dev who was whining about only selling 9 copies on twitter lol
>Then why even make a post explaining how much of a shitty joke if you didn't even bothered to check the whole thing?
Because ... it's not funny and the explanation doesn't make it any funnier? The explanation just explains the dev's motive in making the joke, it doesn't make the joke funny
its basically early access. just keep playing factorio until this game gets somewhat finished and appears on other stores because epic bribe money ran out
God steamcels can't stop SEETHING right now.
Christ, you idiots are basically just console warriors now.
Next you are going to tell me that Hello Neighbour sold well, yes we know children have horrible taste in video games.
I really want to play the game but I dont want to install another data mining software to play a game
I never said they did, they bought some 500,000 copies though
Epic doesn't actually buy the copies, they just cover the cost of revenue. Those aren't mutually exclusive terms and mean different things.
I'm so fucking sick of companies being faggots on social media. You're a fucking brand, shut the fuck up
muh microsoft
muh bungie
muh baldr's gate
muh factorio
Epic is going to kill Steam. Deal with it.
>copies "sold"
>epic guarantees sales as part of their bribery package, that's where the money comes from
all egs "sales numbers" for exclusives are a fucking charade.
Nah I think they do both to fluff the numbers
The explanation doesn't tell jack shit about the devs motives because those aren't that relevant to the "joke" itself.
People shitposted it wouldn't sell a thing because it was on the EGS.
Game releases, it does sell Not like it matter given they were already paid for the EGS exclusive
Devs have a bit of banter on twitter. It's not even pretending because the wording makes it pretty clear they are jesting.
That's literally it, some people found it fun, some people didn't. Something that happens a lot with something as subjective as comedy.
500k is "guaranteed sales" from Epic. Epic bought them.
Imagine being so out of ideas you have to completely rip off another popular game but combined with the default unreal engine project.
You know the only people buying this shit are retards who have no idea what actually good games are. They see wow a first person shooter with default unreal graphics that has building in it! They have to buy it!
Absolutely no fucking taste, the fact that it sold well just shows how retarded epic games users actually are.
>epic guarantees sales as part of their bribery package
Your reading comprehension is fucking terrible.
Can't wait for E3.
All you drones are going to cry.
>billions of PC
>doesn't break a million
what a disaster
This isn't reddit, you have to go back. I presented why I don't think they sold that many copies and you repeatedly plug your ears because user engagement doesn't matter to you or something.
Regardless of how original the idea is, something like going from a 2D top view to a fully, free-roam 3D enviroment is enough fo a game changer to justify a different game.
We're past the Tiananmen Square anniversary so the shills are back.
They made goat simulator, so they do have the attention of the ironic faggot crowd
I miss the Sanctum days
>OH NO NO NO NO NO! It wasn't supposed to be like this steam bros.
>the thread is actually full of this
>It's not even pretending because the wording makes it pretty clear they are jesting.
Look dude, nobody thought they were joking when they posted it. It was spread to Discord and Yea Forums and even Reddit as if it were a fact that the game sold like shit. The guy did not say it in a joking way, he was responding saying "How's your day going, mine is shit because my game sold bad", where is the joke or jesting you claim is so obvious? The only way you would know this is "banter" is if EGS sales were trackable (they aren't) and if you know the dev's name and notice he is replying to himself.
I am not saying you are wrong about anything I'm just saying it being a "joke" was not obvious to most of us and it was widely reported as if it were true, I'm sorry I didn't do extra work in researching this game's devs and what their humor is
Who bought this game. How does a game sell 500,000 copies and every discussion is a fucking ghost town?
>hurrdurr they're too busy playing the game
I can find an active factorio discussion in seconds, no one is talking about this shit
I just want the source on where you know they just buy their own copies.
man Asanagi is such a good artist and yet they draw the most fucked up boner-killing shit in their doujinshi.
Their followers were well in on the joke before Yea Forums started pitching it as honest like the retards they are.
>Look dude, nobody thought they were joking when they posted it.
Anyone with at least one functioning brain cell knew they were joking, are you retarded? How the fuck do you think they legitimately sold only 9 copies? That trash megaman ripoff that epic-kun keeps posting sold 300.
Then did a good job then. They made rosterfagging worse than it used to be.
Look at this thread and reconsider why people don't talk about it on Yea Forums.
I don't get it, 500k is basically nothing so why is everyone saying "STEAM BTFO"?
Everyone knew they were joking because all you had to do was read the reply chain. But Yea Forums obviously kept those posts out of the screencap most of the time.
Just admit you saw that image and assumed it was true and mvoe on.
Huh for a game that sold half a million copies it sure has a lot of fanfare on twitch and YouTube. Wait
>no one uses epic!
>500k is shit! (despite the devs saying that it's their biggest launch for these niche games)
tiananmen square massacre june 1989
goddamn. i'm pretty sure there are countries in the present day where you could be arrested just for saving this picture
Epic is coming for Steam soon.
holy shit a day9
>epic store
>first person building game
Gee I wonder what kind of person would buy this.
the fact that the audience for that garbage is not the same as the people using Yea Forums?
Good thing I don't live in a shitty third world country that does that.
Formerly umadposting.
I don't mean on Yea Forums I mean anywhere
>500k in six months
Meanwhile RoR2 and Mordhau bust a million each in less than two weeks without the luxury of E3 or Epic advertising.
>chinks are liars, and terrible ones at that
Why is anyone fucking surprised? Chink culture is all about deception and double meaning.
i'm pretty sure canada doesn't allow lolishit either but thankfully canada is a place where nobody obeys laws if they are stupid
>get paid for 3 years to do your job
>get even more money UPFRONT for being on a certain launcher
>500k guaranteed sales
>7374 actual sales
it checks out actually
>niche factory game from the devs that created goat sim and a td game
Reminder if this went ea on steam it would have never sold this well.
Epic has done good and you faggots can't admit it.
epic games cucks BTFO
So it sold 7374 copies and the rest is just guaranteed money from Epic. Makes sense since they cried about piracy.
>barely hit 500k months after release
>after Mega sale that dropped the game's price ridiculously low in some regions
doesn't seem acceleration worthy but whatever
got em! i bet the chinese didnt see that coming ;^)
Streamers shilled the shit out of goat simulator. This is their first game with high-profile meme studio status, so of course it was going to be their biggest release
That's what I said, I don't live in a third world country.
>building game for children
lmao, it's literally trying to take a part of the fortnite playerbase
Would've sold 1 million on steam
Isn't interesting that they only released this sales number AFTER the mega sale happened? You know? The month long sale that made their game reach like 6 bucks in price?
I wonder why they only announced it now Yea Forums? Riddle me this.
Then look harder.
There were threads. Every single one turned into Epic shit flinging. Threads stopped. If you were right there wouldn't have been threads in the first place. Tienanmen square massacre.
You said "Free Tibet" twice and forgot "Winnie the Pooh."
The guy that's spamming that Duke Nukem 3D mod as well as his shitty tranny fanfic stories.
Mordhau has only confirmed to sell 500k so far base dont he devs. Your 1 million stat comes from steamspy, which died last year and isn't even a reliable source of information anymore. Did the devs ever say it sold 1 million?
Canada isn't a third world country...
Or maybe the rest of it is and Toronto is just the only first world city.
Almost like every single thread was just epic cucks trying to shitpost? Every single thread about EGS games starts with bait. It's incredibly obvious that nobody here actually wants to discuss those games.
according to the devs*
>actually sold 7374 copies with 500k guaranteed by EGS
Has there been any doubt that the mega sale was just epic padding out the numbers for their exclusives?
THQ Nordic had fucking nothing to say about this game's success and that was before the mega salehappened.
this can't be true
if it would've sold 500k genuinely sweeney would've screamed like orangutan on twitter about this
So that's 500k in what, three weeks? That's pretty good all things considered, not even half a year yet
you store failed subhuman nigger chink ROR reached this is 1/5 the time
This, remember when WWZ sold over 20 copies and Tim started banging on trashcans and drumming on streetlights and shit?
I never said Mordhau flopped. I'm just asking where you got this 1 million figure from.
Literally endless amounts of cope happening right now.
>WWZ sold 250k with better marketing and more youtubers playing it with a well established ip
>an almost literal who game sold 500k instead
smells fishy alright
Stay off their social media channels if you want your sanity kept intact
Mordhau sold 500k in 1 week
Anything streamers touch turns to shit with the mass of faggots that follow them
They paid those Streamers like 30K to play it for 2 days. After that viewers dropped like flies.
Apologize now steamdrones.
I thought we won bros
Jace is the faggot with gay hair you see in the dev videos. But anyone looking at him will think he's just some faggot streamer.
i imagine tim bought 500 000 copies on a decent discount and there's only 7374 organic sales
lol steam has grown ten fold these past 5 years
>no sources on the sale numbers besides developers who have a vested interest in making the amount of sales look positive
There's literally nothing to discuss. Until we get some actual fucking source or some kind of playercount, this is all bullshit.
Canada, among others.
bad comparision retard. Satisfactory is a niche factory genre. Imagine trying to compare it to a third person shooter that paid TPain to advertise it.
And it'll decline ten fold in the next 5.
ror 1 is a game that only sold 1.5 mill over YEARS you failed subhuman faggot get lost
>It's never going to sell well
>It's all a lie, it's a lie!
>Well those sales aren't good anyway!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you're here
>Tim probably bought them! can't explain those sales otherwise
>Game sells copies on the only storefront it is available on
Good lord, stop the fucking press
sure it will sergey
Much like how it's technically "illegal" to criticize Islam, Canadians know these laws exist but nobody makes a big deal about enforcing them. Like yeah if you get your shit searched at the airport and they find your Rustle collection you will get in shit, but the police aren't exactly making it a priority to hunt down digital offenders.
z o o m
this cope
This, why didn't epic boast about it already?
It was heavily shilled by Youtubers. Ofc it sold well.
nothing causes me greater pain in the world than the fact this is just a 2D cartoon image that will never be real
god i hope VR or sex androids advance faster within my lifetime
>T-T-T-TThey're lying!!
omg you are so BASED tranny slash future indie dev
>mfw bought it cause it looked like a mix between factorio and infinifactory
its an alright game for what it is, just wish it was random generated maps instead of one giant map to keep it from getting stale faster
also didnt know it was by the sanctum devs which i enjoyed a lot back when that came out
>no source
>except for the dev coming out and explicitly stating the sales numbers
The faggots who thinks the current ebin games store is competing with 2004 steam
Vested interest. They got a nice money bag from Epic who bought their exclusivity. There's no way in hell they would badmouth them in public.
yea but they were telling the truth last time when they said 9 copies were sold. now they're lying because it doesn't line up with my worldview :^)
lol who are you quoting epicel ?
I welcome Epic becoming a containment service for cancerous devs
>wish it was random generated maps
I agree if you're talking about randomized nodes but IMO the map is really good. I enjoyed exploring it more than most AAA games with big open worlds.
Thats a VERY weird number.
I'm guessing epic games paid for 500000 copies and then they sold 7374 naturally
literal actual samefag
have sex
Why would Epic brag that WWZ sold 250k on the EGS but say literally nothing about this game's apparent success?
If this got more than 250k sales weeks ago then surely Tim would have said something about it right? Yea Forums?
I have a game that sold 8 million copies
LOL guess you can't disprove it sweety
>god i hope VR or sex androids advance faster within my lifetime
sorry user those are sexist for stripping women of the only power they hold over men
>Do you really think that absolutely no one uses the epic games store when Fortnite is on it and is the only way to play that game on PC? The game may be shit, but it is popular.
you do realize 90% of fortnite's playerbase is on consoles and phones, right?
It's probably just the dev again.
can you get PTSD from sucking too much dick?
This, nobody has an answer to this.
the thread
If they just wanted to avoid shitting on Epic they would have just said nothing at all.
I would really like to know what was the cause of PTSD for all these schizo faggots
did satisfactory outsold metro or something?
All haip glorious Tiananmen communist party and it's leader Winnie the P
>Janny actively protecting fragile shills from cute and funny posters
Push it harder, Bros.
That does seem to be the majority of cases they catch that aren't linked to some flesh and blood CP production/possession. Like that guy who ordered a loli sex doll from Japan and Customs called the cops.
I like how the pendulum swing in this shithole everytime. A few hours ago everyome was saying Epic was dead because of microsoft and steam partnering. Then Steam was dead by Maddox made a video. Then Epic was dead because Bungie and Larian went to steam. And now Steam is dead again.
Make up your minds incels.
I'm glad it's selling well, it's pretty fun.
here's what's acutally happening
>steam will stay the same
>epic will buy exclusives for a year or two more until it gets it userbase up
>nothing will change
>different people have different opinions
Also what does larian have to do with EGS? They made the divinity series.
Why is everyone but me so fucking retarded?
Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 is Steam and GOG exclusive.
canadian police only enforce stupid over-reaching laws like lolishit posession if it lands right on their desk.
Ive never heard of this game
You are fucking retarded too bro.
FYI: using the term incel unironically instantly broadcasts to the entire thread that
A. you are not a Yea Forums regular
B. you are a faggot
500,000 guaranteed sales from chink government and Comrade Sweeney
7k actual sales from Fortnite zoomers who got confused and thought they were buying an epic dab animation.
>No one streams it.
What site are you going to?
>steam and gog
You don't know what exclusive means
The absolute state of steam cucks, EGS is here to stay.
Isn't it a Stadia thing
Literal epic fan
You don't actually use EGS
you sound like quite a tourist
>They aren't lying
>No proofs
That's the joke, retard.
It was officially announced during the Stadia event but it's coming out as a regular game too.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
cancerous newfag
Make me
im still playing factorio im giving this another year to flesh out
>thinking it's not the guy saying "Yea Forums regular" that's the newfag
when have you come here, the election or what?
If you play Factorio then you have LITERALLY 0 (zero) reason to get the shitty chinese clone of it.
Well I already know the oldfags have pretty much all left or gone silent. Which is a shame, I'd even take the old shitposters like LancedJack over XV-kun or any of those autists from discord.
The numbers just make no sense user.
I've been here since we started raiding Habbo, ESL-kun.
just heard about this game
Reminds me of this.
As Gabe Newell said: Piracy is a service problem.
Yeah it isn't really stealing their work if they were paid a salary to do it upfront was it?
This is just corporate pandering.
Apparently it was a ~hilarious joke~ that you were supposed to know was a joke simply because one of the developers replied to the company twitter pretending to be someone else.
let the butthurt flow
It has 500k sales and nobody is talking about it? Ever? Huh, good for it, I guess. Do we know retention rate?
You can post OH NO NO NO like a fucking twitter faggot and post sales numbers all you fucking want. I'm not going to use your faggot launcher.
The word butthurt has completely lost all meaning.
To be 'butthurt' about something, it has to be inconvenient to the butthurt person to acknowledge something. I could care less if they sell 9 copies or 9 million copies. I just didn't think their joke was funny because they forgot to add a punchline. People saying things with no punchline are "just jokes" annoy me
when veins stick out in your body while you are just standing around it weirds me out. i feel like veins are not supposed to bulge outward, it doesn't seem normal to me for some reason.
>Oh boy! The Epic Game Store is so good! we sold 500k copies!!! I'm sure when it launches on Steam we will not get the same numbers(PLEASE BUY OUR GAME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TO YOUR FAVORITE DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM)
it was obviously a joke, the only people who didn't take it as a joke were buttmad retards from Yea Forums and the fuckepic subreddit
>it was obviously a joke
you keep saying this like you saying it over and over makes it true. i'm happy to agree with you if you can point out what part of the ""joke"" made it a joke and was supposed to be funny
Kindof low. The game is still pretty unfinished so there's only a few weeks of content in right now, and no real reward for making huge production numbers. There are far more newfags in the discussion than launch players.
Veins, flexible tubes of high pressure and velocity fluid, aren't meant to bulge?
Are you retarded or just a tranny programmer?
What? Are you trying to imply that what I said is /pol/ related? You know the discord trannies LITERALLY BRAG OPENLY here AND on discord about trying to ruin the board right?
That's a moved goalpost laddie.
In the eternal "trolls trolling trolls", you're on the lowest tier of troll, electionfag
No I just meant there is a level of buff that feels like you are straining your body just by existing, like how that guy is legit just standing there not even exerting himself but his body looks like it is about to explode, veins bulging, from the pressure of sustaining such big muscles.
This number is a bit too exact.
Why do i feel the game sold 7374 copies and Epic "guaranteed sales" cover the other 500k?
The body is way tougher than your spongy mass, tranny
What does this have to do with the election you fucking homo? Stop bringing up politics.
Discord psychos have been spamming the board non fucking stop
>I could care less
i can tell with how seething you are
Because you're just as biased as these faggot devs.
You know you can post images on this website, right newfag?
He wanted to post more than one image.
Xe could have posted multiple images through many of the tools non-newfags have to post multiple images
But they didn't because they're a retarded, suicidal tranny
>you can trust me
Sounds legit
>steamcels get btfo
>it's fake! it's fake!
Can you link a tool like that? I've been on here since forever and never knew about that.
I'm used to 4x2 chan being able to just post multiple images in one post.
wtf my computer is emitting mustard gas
Most Yea Forums X branches have a "storytime" or "dump list" options that lets you queue a bunch of images and posts that keeps posting as long as there's valid captchas if you don't have gold
To be fair, the guy looks old, and the older you get, the veinier you get, and because that guy's so fucking fit and probably got a really low fat percentage, his veings bulge out even more.
Just look at pictures of fit young and old Stallone, you'll see that the ones where he's old are veinier than the ones he's young, even though when he had a better physique back then.
>as long as there's valid captchas
Or just post a fucking link retard.
Thanks user
Go back to trannygur, retard
>virgin Gaben cock gobblers pirate the fuck out of the game
>based Chad Epic gamers buy the game and support the dev
It really strudels the noodles
Thanks user. What is the point of the drawing thing?
That's pretty sad considering Factorio has sold over a million.
I've said it once in my whole life you turboautist, but thanks for outing yourself. I'm not here to argue with you, just to point out obvious shit. If you're too fucking stupid to get how it was a joke then you're too stupid for any explanation I could possibly give you.
Oh, and go back to the subreddit.
drawfag shit, maybe?
The japanese name makes me thing a japanese chan has some similar function they threw into Yea Forums X
It seems wrong.
>based cock gobblers pirate the fuck out of the game
>chad cock gobblers buy the game and support the dev
>gay faggots talk on Yea Forums about evil chinks instead of playing video games
Thanks Tim! I got Shakedown Hawaii the same day it was on your EGS! :D I don't have to wait till Steam releases the game. Please let the devs know!
What seems wrong?
>400 viewers
Wow they are really beating Artifact.
>no, i won't explain my position because it is so beneath me and self-evident that it is not necessary to explain
Maybe if you feel like you've build too much and haven't lost enough frames.
>make selfdepricating "joke" on twitter
>people mock you
>get really salty over it
>months later say you sold half a mil
>when ebbic themselves hasnt said shit and is desperate to wave their dick about half that number
sure i believe you
sure i believe you
And then Tim Sweeney came and said:
>here's a bunch of new service problems.
And people are surprised everyone went straight back to pirating.
>guy in the preview of that video
Who the fuck sees that in the mirror and concludes "this is fine"
The game is fun
>When Shadowfag reveals himself
wow you totally fit in with all the users from Yea Forums
I literally can't tell you're an offsite shill
Steam is dead
That it would sell so many less when the game is missing tons of functionality. Those numbers seem fake.
I meant to say Epic's Fail Store
We really need a boxofficemojo equivalent for games.
Which game?
>that you were supposed to know was a joke simply because one of the developers replied to the company twitter pretending to be someone else.
>this guy honestly didn't understand it was a joke a first glance
When did Yea Forums's IQ get so low?
The part where they jokingly berate their own games all the time on twitter.
you could get satisfactory for like 5 dollars during the sale
I responded to the Factorio comment.
Which game is selling less though?
Is this just the EGS equivalent of Ark? Successful but its gonna be a while before you see it done?
its the EGS version of ark in that its never going to feel complete and runs like shit
wtf I rove epic rauncher now???
>500k people unironically buying things on epic store
Bait thread detected
I'm glad somebody hates Ark as much as I do.
I have no idea what Ark was like, but after watching the Atlas shit these devs seem more competent. It's basically just missing tech trees (which exponentially increase the complexity of factories) right now and they're adding their second one since launch in a few weeks.
Actual launch is supposed to be March 2020 and at this rate the game should have shitloads to do in it by then.
when spoonfeeding became common practice
Closed video when some sjw cuck appeared on it
I have a feeling this is going to be like one of EA's games: I'll get it on their store, link the shortcut through Steam, then never buy one of their games ever again
Retards here actually thought that the game sold 12 copies? Because of a twitter screencap shitpost? Holy fucking shit, that is a new low.
Retards here actually think that the game sold 500k copies? Because of a video by some noname sjw cuck? Holy fucking shit, that is a new low.
So according to Yea Forums, the word of the developer sis no longer a valid source of information. Fantastic
The amount of cope ITT is palpable.
Well it probably gave them more sales
There is no need to be sad, comrade. We all fall for jokes sometimes.
Here's an official release from THQ Nordic stating that Coffee Stain made around $10.8 Million
Or is a regulatory press release not good enough either?
Fuck, forgot to include the link
This also applies to
Epic paid them 10 million for the exclusivity? Pretty impressive
>"we only sold 9 copies"
>"actually j/k half a mil"
>"how can we be sure what they say is true!?"
the amount of cope is so thick you could write a book called "what happened"
This game seems like it would be better for multiplayer than factorio. I always wanted to play with friends but the thought of my perfect assemblyfus getting fucked up by some bullshit while I'm sleeping warded me off. In this it really doesn't matter.
>not even 1m yet
>sales drop after the hype cycle
Yikes, another failed game
yes and it was disingenuous and wrong
Usually you can only find this grade of gay on kotaku.
>only 500k
Would have sold 2 million on Steam
Because announcing sales numbers for publicly traded companies outside of specific press releases is rather illegal? This shit is tightly regulated, in the U.S. at least.
WWZ is different because saber interactive is a private company, and they'd already announced their sales on their website.
I can't make out what the fuck is going on here just like mosh pits
Literally this. It’s not even a secret. Epic has a guaranteed sales contract for exclusives, it’s how they approach their moneyhatting.
>Bungie moving future Destiny content to Steam
>Microsoft publishing Halo through Steam
>Everything else Microsoft publishes will be distributed through Steam
>Including MS exclusives
Yeah, really dying...
cool, factorio sold more than a million over 2 years ago.
. abc
. abc
. abc