Non-white gaming thread!

We all know that Yea Forums(nel) is filled with white people, so I thought we could have a thread for all non-white people here!

>What games u playing

>What games u looking forward too?

>What's your favorite game?

For me;
>What games u playing
Playing toho perfect cherry blossom, trying to beat Yukari but it's haaard....

>What games u looking forward too?
I'm looking forward to Froms newest game, i actually really enjoy snowing places, very comfy... I hope there are dragons.

I'm also looking forward to MHW:Iceborne, as again, I'm a big fan of snowy environments, and tiggy!!!!
Also Crash Team racing, looks fun....

>What's your favorite game?
Mmmm, though choice, but I'd say Toho Imperishable Night, just a fantastic game with god tier characters, god tier music and god tier locations!

Attached: __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_kumamoto_bbtonhk2__7bcd06754cd67862e014f133ac459e33.png (384x384, 5K)

>We all know that Yea Forums(nel) is filled with white people
Nice joke

hisoutensoku is the only good touhou game
debate me

fondling Suika's flat chest!

Nah, back to school now Tyrone :)

Attached: mass grave of dead niggers.jpg (500x334, 133K)

sand nigger

This is clearly bait but still you're a faggot

>implying niggers can read
>implying beaners can read
>implying asians aren't on the superior 2chan


No fuck you im white

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>We all know that Yea Forums(nel) is filled with white people

Attached: slav youmu.jpg (1371x2048, 258K)

Welcome to the new Yea Forums, where we can't have a single fun thread.... Sigh.

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When did this board become /pol/ 2.0?

If it's not white people, why is there so much rascism?
Surely alt'-right can only consist of white people?

>only whites can be racist

This thread is terrible, someone spam old-ass CP

turk here
fuck off nigger

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>Surely alt'-right can only consist of white people?
stop putting words into my mouth

Was going to participate but fuck touhou

shut up nigger weeb

>posts bait OP
>expects anything other than meme responses

Attached: advent kek.jpg (357x380, 42K)

Hello niggers! Fellow nigger here, whats up?? I love being a nigger

Grabbing this from another thread:
>Fun thread
Cringe. Deleted.
>Shitpost and obvious bait
Receives a genuine argument in return
>Actually doing something to fix the problem
No I'd rather constantly bitch about the state of the board. I come to Yea Forums for serious discussions about video games and not other places that have serious discussions about videogames and are like Yea Forums because they're boring and slow because fundamentally I don't actually want to discuss video games and even if I got the opportunity to do so I don't have the skills or knowledge to do it on any intelligent level.
>New thing is popular
Why is this drawing attention from me? Banish it to /vg/. We need an extremely limited scope of debate in order to keep the quality of our fast moving site high over a long period of time.
>People discussing video games and not relentlessly shitting on them
This is advertising.

On this site you obtain social credit for being a jaded, cynical wreck, it's a perfectly unassailable position, to be constantly tearing things down, nothing you build will ever be broken if you build nothing at all.

who is your favorite 2hu

stop bullying me ;-;
I just wanted to have a fun thread

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Was going to participate because touhou but fuck racism tbdesu

S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro because slavs are not white.

too bad

Attached: 02 oh shit dab.png (1000x1000, 460K)

fuck bugs
fuck kikes
fuck trannies
fuck niggers

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I'm 0.2 percent black, can I post? also French, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, and Russian.

Touhou is garbage franchise full of shitposting secondaries.
Off yourself.

Attached: yuuka hang.png (549x473, 126K)

>non-white gaming thread
Oh? Where's the whites only gaming thread you weren't allowed to post in, again?