>get woke go brok-
white males can't carry games anymore
Get woke go brok-
Other urls found in this thread:
why do people remove the names before posting on Yea Forums?
Only autists give a fuck about representation, whether it's white or nigger or insectid.
What does selling to chinks have to do with getting woke? Retard.
A woke person would put a nigger in three kingdoms.
what's woke about the game?
Reddit rules for brigading and doxxing. Where do you think these posts come from?
Yeah Shogun never happened, fucking kill yourself retard.
Looks nice until you realize China pays half price for it and made most of the sales.
According to my research he took the picture from site called gamingmeme
Quads of truth
>tfw immense chinaboo
On the one hand I love the sudden amount of Chinese culture spreading to the west.
On the other hand I hate how it's all pandering to the shitty Chink government. Also, Three Kingdoms is easily the worst of the classics, but it's the only one people know about.
Nothing actually. OPs just retarded.
What exactly is woke about 3K? Everyone is literal chinks, literally no forced diversity or any other shit shoehorned in
make more lol
you can still make out the names though
Are you ok retard?
aren't there a million total war games already, who keeps buying these man
>retards buying the franchises they always buy day of release means that people like sjw games
Totally bro
what was "woke" about it i never saw any shitposting over it
It’s always the same 3 or 4 autists. They do not matter.
people who have a bigger brain than you and enjoy complex strategy systems.
Good thing malls are closing down or we'd be seeing chinese culture of people being sucked into escalators while others just walk by.
>game is shit
Oh look its the same shill who said the same thing about MK11 posting numbers even though its struggling.
if they're so big brained why do they keep buying them again
> I love the sudden amount of Chinese culture spreading to the west.
such as....?
There's some bandit queen warlord.
Either no one here has ever played a Dynasty Warriors or people are shit posting.
>fastest selling
I've heard this one before. It's literally meaningless
>or people are shit posting.
I'll give you three guesses.
If it doesn't have white everything it's a anti- white and whites bring oppressed
There’s a female bandit that’s also a faction leader, plus a few female officers. Except that single female bandit, female officers can only be strategists or field commanders, they are very underwhelming when it comes to actual physical combat and are more useful to be used as marriage candidates. In general they are better when it comes to support.
It's just three kingdoms
I guess this is just bait?
making a PC game set in China isn't getting woke, it's appealing to a foreign demographic
>game is shit
How so?
Did you get tired of shitposting on /twg/?
That isn't a woke game retard. What's the matter? Did shilling for mortal fagbat get dull or some shit? Oh and everyone fucking knows that medieval 3 will sell millions when it releases provided CA doesn't fuck it up.
Romance of the three Kingdoms is known worldwide tho’
yes, but the insane popularity of this game means that more games will now actively pander to china and asian culture.
>yes, but the insane popularity of this game means that more games will now actively pander to china and asian culture.
you're dumb as a sack of bricks if you think this game of all things would influence chinese shit in games
*Is a proud and successful SJW company in your path*
/pol/tards BTFO yet again
Why do you faggots blur the names?
I saw this thread an hour ago
Is this a shill
RottK has influenced a lot of things you might have watched and enjoyed, user.
you're delusional.
it already has in hollywood. every shitty remake is designed to appeal to the chinese market
>hey is he an elf
You don't hear this anymore. Not even on 4chinnel
chinese collecting social credit score
>sjws hate asians
>three kingdoms is somehow woke
Yeah I see TLshadow1997 and Mariusz Jagoda
Why would OP just leave their info like that?
>Is this a shill
Kinda hard to say, it sure is shitposting.
That's exactly what I'm saying you goddamn retard, try to read for once in your life.
[ ] buy tw: three kingdoms
[ ] get 100 social credit points reducted from my score
No, you are ignorant.
>hey is he an elf
what the fuck are you talking about
elves are knife ears not dumbo
Whites aren't a majority on a single continent.
To protect their integrity according to the fucking law
Every time I see someone cry about China it's a feeble minded MAGApede quoting Zion Don
>1 billion chinese insects with inflated ego
>fags on Yea Forums are surprised they buy shitty chinese games
Guy claims to love three kingdoms but hasn't read up on based Wang yi
He's right, though. They did the same with the Rome 2 patches for no reason.
Most these people know nothing or little about China, yeah China is one country but Each province is larger than most European countries, culture is diverse from north to south, east to west, China across 6 climate zones, speaks more than 100 different dialects, uses more than 10 different languages, we invent paper and gun powder, we even have flame thrower during three kingdom time, not to mention war elephants to the south jungle and heavy cav to the Mongolian grassland, archer ships to the southern Yangtze River and pike formation of the central provinces, yes it is only one boring country where Chinese fight Chinese with no unit variety. These people are not real historical fans, they know nothing about total war.
not really, you're just sperging out like an incel
Monkey King in literally every Moba.
That's bullshit though.
movies always have a positive chinese characters now
godzilla 2, the Meg, any blockbuster summer movies force those insectoids
Trump supporters are some real fucking retards
>This game that released in May 2019 is going to make people pander to chinks more
>No it's not you retard they've been doing that for several years
>Haha you're wrong! They've been doing that for several years!
Why is your brain so rotted?
Games based on a story where a man kills his wife, feeds her to a local warlord, and gets compensated for it are not woke by definition.
Arguably Zheng Jiang. A literal-who bandit in history, a smash-the-han-patriarchy anarchist grrl power warlord who makes her husband take her name in the game.
>the entire thread is about china shilling over Total War China and posting reaction faces to remain relevant to this website
what the hell is he eating, lizards?
You really think these newfag politics fags come from Yea Forums, or make their own OC?
Meanwhile in /twg/...
Never gave a shit about chinks but I read a bit of their history recently and I have even less respect now. They are literal insectoids. Not even being a /pol/ retard
>Can't even crossboard link
that's mice you retard
More like it's becoming more clear how worthless niggers are
just turn the women into breeding sows
>bought Shogun
>bought Rome
>bought Medieval 2 and Kingdoms
>bought Napoopan
>bought Shogun 2 and all DLC
>bought Fall of the Samurai and all DLC
>bought Rome 2
>bought Warhammer and all DLC
>bought Warhammer 2 and all DLC until Inclusivity Coast
>never buying a CA product again because fuck SJWs
>it doesn't matter because a hundred thousand chinks are standing in line to replace me
I've never seen anyone in Yea Forums before or after this game's release talking about this game being woke or sjw or politically correct or anything, yet I see a lot of threads about faggots like you OP saying that this game btfo Yea Forums. You are actually an idiot OP.
Wew has this post aged horribly.
>nobody wants that.
People were asking for Three Kingdoms since Shogun 1 came out. No idea what this clown was talking about.
Trumps hate the Chinese, therefore, I must hate them too.
Has anyone here actually played the game because it’s holding me over until animal crossing comes out and I like it
>Rome 2
Boy are you an idiot.
>>bought Rome 2
so you're a corporate shiteater? good to know
Come to /vg/. The general is really enjoying 3K.
Three Kingdom chads what is the best translation for Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Records of the Three Kingdoms?
Ever since Trump's election you can't talk about anything relating to the Chinese without a troop of retarded r/t_d transplants ruining the thread. Fuck off.
Bet you loved those female generals in Rome 2, cocklips.
>pander your shit game to over a billion insects
>a lot of insects buy your game
fucking retard
There’s mods that remove the female generals or at least leave them as strategists.
Like in this thread, faggot redditor? You are delirious.
>Three Kingdoms is easily the worst of the classics
Not everything related to Three Kingdoms are Romance of the Three Kingdoms nigga
The official one is pretty good.
Everybody loved the Chinese until orange man forced them to dislike outsourcing, authoritarian governments and belligerent foreign policies
>"3K is the TW they finally decided to optimize! promise!"
>Still requires a SSD to be playable at all
Fuck off and fix your garbage engine.
All the tourists getting genuinely upset at Chinese jokes is hilarious at least.
keep thinking that Chang
>leave them as strategists
Just like they are in 3K
He was obviously being ironic, you fucking retard.
Remeber when discord trannies spammed the board with the news, that MK11 was the PS store bestseller in April, despite it's only contender that month was critically panned Days Gone? Well, here's your Woke Kombat now
Damn you really showed me
I can't stand these reddit faggots. They clearly want to bring attention to shit and cirlcejerk about it, but the site encourage them to be soi swilling chickenshits about it at the same time? Do they not see the hypocrisy of letting these subreddits stay up anyway?
Learn what sarcasm is retard but tiananmenposting is always welcome
It's either Romance or the bloody Records, which is basically just Romance without the, well, romance.
Malls are American and thus deserved to be purged. It is good that the Chinese people have inflicted themselves with them.
...This game? Also Chinese pop, bubble tea, an AssCreed, a WoW expansion, loadsa normie films, etc.
It's reddit shit, or the user wants to protect friends.
It's an old rule from Yea Forums
the problem with the mentality that ppl here have about never visiting reddit, is that they don't know which threads are just reposts from reddit and which aren't. so i see a stupid thread on reddit, then i see the same thing posted here with 500 replies, meanwhile ppl here shit on reddit even though you're literally discussing the same shit as them, it's fucking funny
ROTK has female officers that can fight and I never saw anyone complain about that. They even give Lu Bu a fanfic Mary Sue daughter.
Is this just another fake outrage or what?
Because neo-Yea Forums is literally just an anonymous Reddit
>4. You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Yea Forums) raids is also not permitted.
>implying you can't play as shit skins in Rome, Medieval, and Empire
>implying nips are anything other than slopes.
We're getting to the point that people are so desperate to one up one another and be the smarmiest person in the room that we can't even see obvious irony or jokes as what they are anymore.
>designed to appeal to the Chinese Market
>not knowing that China basically owns 80% of Hollywood and the rest is own by Disney.
You lost once again, /pol/cuck. RESETERA ALWAYS WINS, BAY BAY!!!
>they even give Lu Bu a fanfic Mary Sue daughter.
Who I married in DW8E
It's common courtesy dating back to chanology you idiot Election Day tourist.
What was the last time he "lost"?
How will /pol/niggers ever recover?
Go back to r/chapotraphouse dumb tranny
In ROTK you can turn them off to just make them marriage holes.
For me, it's Lianshi.
Fair point. It's been so long that I actually forgot you could do that.
>this is the first time a 3rd party game has led the monthly Switch best-sellers chart since ubishit mario game
They absolute state of Switch faggots.
Warniggers and Yuropoor BTFO
That game was actually pretty decent.
Sorry that upsets you so much.
>i shouldnt need to get tech that belongs to this century
Learn to program CA Pajeet.
What he meant was
>I like video games, but the idea of a WOMAN existing in a video game in any position but hollow wife material, historical or otherwise, brings me utter rage and I must vocalize my opinions on the matter to everybody involved, no matter how little I actually care about the subject at hand
/pol/ cockroaches are literally no better than Tumblr.
The daughter isn't technically fanfic but ye
Also Lu Bu fucking dies ten minutes into the story, he fucking dies he's pathetic I miss him
All I wanted to know after picking this shit up the other day is wtf happened to the in-game general speeches before battle. That was always one of my favorite 'flavor' things in TW and now it's replaced by random one-liners in the loading screen?
It runs perfectly well even on toasters, you don’t know whatnot you are talking about.
This is literally worse then twitter screencaps, are you trying this hard to make out like theres outrage surrounding this game
Reddit discussion is actually better a vast majority of the time outside of front-page tier subs
>shitting on a civilization that enables things like pic means you're /pol/
who is forcing this dichotomy
There’s a 100% chance you made these posts. They have almost no replies (probably also from you), and catch no ones attention.
You are severely mentally ill
That’s probably his job
Is she hot?
>minecraft was the best selling game on the minecraft 10th anniversary
no fucking way what a surprise how could this be
nothing at all, it's epic for the win
>it's only okay when we're racist
Yeah, really sticking it to /pol/ with your backwards ass logic.
Nowadays you're either a stormfag from /pol/ or a turbo SJW from resetera.
Nothing he said was racist. All he said was the "hurr we hate chinks now because trump and pol told me to" crowd isnt as big the playerbase as they thinl they are.