Why are switch fags delusional

why are switch fags delusional

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Charge your phone faglord

Why are nincels such portbegging mongs?

mine has been charging in my bedroom for a couple of hours but thanks it should be fully charged

Why are Sony fans incapable of accepting that Nintendo is the undisputed GOAT & no other company will ever come close?

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Why is it every time I see someone with a fagdroid phone screenshot, the battery is always almost dead?
Do they just have poor battery life or what?

W3 could easily work on switch, it worked on my ps3 level Pc

Witcher 3 was the game that made me stop playing PS4. The game made my PS4 turn into a fucking rocket ship. I had to play with headphones on and it STILL was loud as fuck.

I cannot possibly can even begin to conceive how it could run on switch without looking and playing like ass. Some games don't have to get ported to switch.

It literally works on every polish kid's potato user, the ps4 port must be this bad

Why bother playing it on subpar graphics

Because their IP can't last more than a few months

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The Xbox One got just as hot. Difference is that PS4 uses a high speed ducted fan and Xbone uses a much larger low rpm fan.

I think you forget how little exposure Nintendo fans have to 3rd party games within their ecosystem. Getting open world titles like this was unheard of until the last few years.

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Look I just want more Zelda ports. Is that too much to ask for

>couple of hours
So this is the power of Apple products

>Days Gone sold 6,4 million
>Splatoon sold 2 million

Why would I want to play TW3 when I have BotW? TW3 is like a worse GTAV.

Splatoon w is at like 7 million right now

>switch can’t handle a game from 2015

god your obsessed

Larger surface area is always better

why do americans get so triggered over nintendo?

Why the Switch anyway? Why use Nintendo hardware at all except for their first party games?

Even if they somehow did port the game into the console, it'd be like 480p at 19 FPS.

those statistics straight up wrong

>giving a shit about graphics
man Nu/v/ sucks


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chadroid users live on the edge, iphoneys are a bunch of pussies