Have you bought this gem yet?

Have you bought this gem yet?

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Did the patches stop? From what I've seen, I really hated the very small maps, but it looked okish otherwise.

Played it once, dropped it cause there were only three companions who I didn't feel the compulsive need to disembowel. Whoever wrote Octavia should be locked in solitary for life.

Enhanced Edition, aka Fixed Edition, came out yesterday. Most, if not all, issues have been fixed. And some later maps get decently large.

Bought it day 1, only started playing it yesterday because lolbuggyslavshit.

Legitimately the most i've enjoyed a CRPG since Baldur's Gate 2.

Also I have absolutely no fucking idea what i'm doing with my character builds, nor those of my companions.

Waiting for console release

Fuck off, CRPGs don't work on consoles.

Yeah, Octavia is the very definition of a thot. Luckily there are enough bro companions that you can safely let her rot. Especially with the tiefling twins from the first DLC.

Same here. If you'd told me last year, I wouldn't believe it was possible in this day and age.

I have a no armor dueling sword fighter and I'm not sure if I want to go duelist or aldorai swordlord.

Yes, considering dropping my D:OS2 playthrough for it because it's so fucking boring

does it fucking work yet?

It takes A LOT of reading to make a good build if you don't know the system beforehand. But if you know what each option does, you can make some perfectly passable straightforward builds for everyone, without messing with multiclassing and the like.

Why are they stopping production on kingmaker when the game finally is starting to become a lot like pathfinder mechanically? Now that they have it down there's so much content they could've added in...

Custom portraits are fucked atm.

Reading is for chumps.

Yes got my pre-order from the piratebay.

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They've started work on their next game. With the mechanics already done, it should be even better.

Why did they add coup de grace? It's just a shitty ability from the tabletop that's barely above an RP ability

For shame. Even the pirate groups say "If you like it, buy it"

Of course

Yeah i'm going with incredibly straight forward builds for everyone, I figure once i've played through the game at least once i'll start to have a better feel for what's what and then I can start to experiment. I noticed there's a respec option as well if I find i've completely and utterly fucked myself or made a duplicate of an awesome NPC........which I always seem to manage to do.

I've beaten the game twice by just keeping everyone (except Octavia who starts multi'd) 100% pure.

Unless you're playing on the highest difficulties you don't need to min-max.

Paizo and their associates do not deserve a fucking penny.

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Are custom portraits fixed yet?

Neat, will definitely try it again.

The shilling is strong with this game.
And that's a good thing.

Read this for Octavia: fextralife.com/pathfinder-kingmaker-builds-octavia-the-arcane-trickster/

It's the only build I'd really recommend you chase after on your first playthrough, because it makes her a billion times better, and is clearly how you're intended to play her.

That said, you may not even want her in your party.

Alchemists are insanely strong, so get Jubilost and get him the "Your bombs don't kill your allies" talents.

Also: Get the DLC and get the two Tieflings. They're great characters, strong classes, Elemental Wall skills are super OP and You can fuck and marry both of them

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NOTE: There's a fucking True Ending to this game. If you hadn't read about this somewhere you probably never knew, it's well hidden and takes a lot of work but really goddamn interesting.

I recommend it for anyone doing a second playthrough.


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Upon the first level up the elven girl, Jathani or something, won't level up with auto leveling enabled because she has -1 skill points set. If I change it, it would disable to auto leveling forever.

Was this fixed in the newest patch?

bought the original and pirated the extended with the dlcs
can some kind user direct to some paladin builds? (aasimar race)

Picked it up on GOG but i'm feeling well and truly overwhelmed by character creation and the tool tips only serve to confuse me even more when the tool tips themselves lack tool tips to explain even basic stats do, so i'm just winging it with a basic bitch Fighter for now, it's also pretty crazy how many starting spells a lot of classes get. Really loving the character models though, a nice surprise after how downright offensive they were in POE, in fact the Pathfinder models remind me a lot of how good the character models were in Silent Storm, especially with regard to customization and it visibly displaying your inventory and what not.>Also I have absolutely no fucking idea what i'm doing with my character builds, nor those of my companions.
I feels you fren.

Yes, it's pretty fun so far, but the Mite Priests are unbalanced cunts, so I had to set the difficulty to easy for the Queen fight.

The larger maps, like Sycamore, were a nightmare. But now they added sprinting outside combat, so it should be better

>pirated EE when you get it for free if you bought the original

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>buying russian games

nope ivan

Only the worst of pushovers would ignore her deeds.

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I assume he pirated it for the free DLC's, either that or he's a gigantic retard.

I read the post and only later realized you weren't calling her a whore

yeah, I pirated it for the DLCs


Unfortunately the sweet Tiefling is the only pure girl in the game.

Is the DLC worth it?

Good to know because that's effectively what i'm doing.

Only the first one for the tiefling twins. The second adds an irrelevant side chapter with a different party, and the third adds a huge dungeon.

the only games you should buy, really

Eastern Europe is pretty based in general, not just the Russians.

Did they make the combat more like divinity? That's what I heard. The combat was awful when I played


>Did they make the combat more like divinity?
Cringe, and no. Fuck off, zoomer.

It's still Real Time with Pause, like most DnD games.

would a paladin free or kill nyrissa?

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Pen and paper is turn based though

She's effectively mind-controlled, so if the MC is able to get her to revert back to her previous self I'd say free her. If you're unable to probably kill her, as she's otherwise pretty much doomed to stay a cunt

Does this look like /tg/ to you faggot?

Free then kill
>Lawful Good

Lawful Good aka rip and tear.

Everything she's done is when the very idea of love has been removed from her heart.

I played a Paladin of Shelyn and married her.


Yes it helped wash out the bad taste after playing the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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I unironically love this copypasta.

What do I buy? Explorer? Royal? Imperial? Is enhanced a separate purchase? What do I do? Do I kill myself?

You can only defeat the Lantern King if you romance Nyrissa?

Have sex

Three? I can't really think of one. I rejected every companion that tried to rejoin my party after the initial split and killed every new companion that the game allowed me to.


you wait a few more days for them to iron out the bugs

Is there something like this for the twins?

just need to fuck the slut one to romance the pure one

The cheap version is just the vanilla game. The expensive version includes all DLC and some crap you probably don't care about. I'd recommend buying the cheap one + the first DLC.

>Do I kill myself?
Yes, but only after you buy it.

Why do kobold warriors die like flies but kobold alchemist dodge everything like they're in the fucking matrix and rape me

Fuck off slavshill

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You can check variables to make sure you're romancing any of the women correctly, but the twins is fairly straightforward.

Fuck the Firegirl.
Keep fucking her, everytime you come back to base. Eventually you'll wind up in bed with the Watergirl. (Random)
Tell her you like her.
During their quest,

* Sacrifice fire: Points with water
* Sacrifice sweet-teeth: Points with fire
* Solve it yourself: Threesome

Then stick with that route.

If you play around with variables properly you can have a massive harem ending. I married Nyrissa, Kanerah, Kalikke and Valerie in my last playthrough, and spent half the game fucking Octavia too.

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Thanks man. can I play it before I Kill myself?

>tfw I torrented it and didn't give any money to russian yuropoors

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You defeat him in all the routes, but you only properly crush/destroy him in the true roue.

Steam reviews mean literally nothing since they have no quality control and joke reviews are allowed for some reason.

I'll allow it. It'd be a shame not to experience it.

How is new dlc?

When does the writing stop being so mediocre? Everything up to the Stag Lord is generic as fuck, the setting is bland, and every goddamn character you meet just goes HEY TRAVELER LET ME TELL YOU MY LIFE STORY AND OBVIOUS ALIGNMENT. Even the companions give you their entire fucking worldview within thirty seconds of meeting them.

>Steam reviews mean literally nothing

0.014 rubles have been deposited into your Paypal account

But... how can they afford their potatoes now?

Not an argument, buddy.

The game is obviously not for you.

Clearly. I was looking for a good game.

would that be the lawful thing to do tho? she did kill thousands of people and razed 99 (?) kingdoms

I dunno about you, but I absolutely loved the story, the world and the characters.

If you're only up to the Stag Lord it may still be quite basic, but the story did a really good job of circling back to itself in ways I wasn't expecting and everything tied in really well in ways that I didn't see coming at all. It's probably a spoiler to say it, but when you see what's happened and why it's happened, you can see everything's connected.

The characters were great too. Amiri is a big dumb slab of meat, which is fine, she's a setting character not an OC. Valerie is a really interesting case of Law before anything else, so she winds up condoning some terrible things in the case of the law, you can soften her or turn her into a Hell Knight at your preference. Octavia is a perfect example of a CG character actually being Chaotic and how fucking stupid/dumb a lot of chaotic impulses are When she started talking wistfully about how romantic a seaside Kingdom built sounded, despite knowing it was BUILT ON DEMON WORSHIP I was just staring baffled at her . Regonagar is as bad as her with just being completely broken/messed up by his slavery, and his actual best ending is ditching her. Tristian was a LOT better than I'd expected and I really enjoyed his Mercy v Justice dynamic. Harrim was gold. Jubilost was gold. Noknok was gold.

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It's a legitimate moral dialemma and something your character is intended to be conflicted over.

That's part of why the true/romance route is so good, because to redeem her, you have to be playing as a character that truly believes that even someone like her, who doesn't deserve it, CAN be redeemed.

>Even the companions give you their entire fucking worldview within thirty seconds of meeting them.
And then do the opposite later on.
Fuck that traitorous little thieving cunt, complains about you taking some gold during the tutorial then steals from you because she really really wanted a printing press.
Why did they have to make her immortal.

Is it right to judge separate personalities in the same body as the same person? Think of Quaid in Total Recall for instance. Should he be punished for his pre-amnesia crimes?

I get that, but wouldn't a sword autist like a paladin just do the lawful good thing and smite her where she stands for her evil deeds?

this is getting deep

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Soon, then I'm gonna waifu the twin Tieflings

Yes he would, people confuse lawful good with neutral good all the time.
Lawful good people are fanatics, neutral good is the goody two shoes alignment.

As a resident edgelord I also liked Jaethal, an evil character who ultimately isn't just a puppy killer but rather a pragmatic amoral type who does "evil" things simply because she stands to gain from them and become more powerful.

I also have to say this game gave me a lot of immersive moments. One example is when you chase after Tsanna and end up at the lodge, the whole description and playout of the investigation felt like a movie scene playing in my mind. And also the war with Armag, I felt for the guy, having been manipulated like that when legitimately thought he'd be a great conqueror.

What’s an interesting fighter build to play? Is an Aldori Defender -> Aldori Swordlord/Duelist any good?

This is the patrician choice.

Is there any way to check my animal companions health without opening up the character screen?

They don't seem to have their own portrait or anything in the UI.

paladin sounds good in theory, but it kills most of the dialogue choices due to lawful good autism
what are some kino alignments?

Lawful neutral autism instead, and roleplay the same archetype as Stannis.

Fuck no, Pathfinder is abysmal

damn is it that enjoyable? Ratings is moderately above average tho


It's seriously the best modern CRPG out there. It was horrible dumpster fire after the launch, but now everything is fixed and shit is good.

Any Neutral variant gives you plenty of flavor. Lawful Neutral let’s you follow laws no matter how wicked. Chaotic Neutral let’s bounce insanely between random acts of kindness or utter savagery. NG is the ultimate good guy, NE is the ultimate selfish power tripper.

Seething tranny

My Paladin was a Paladin of Shelyn, so he had some natural sympathy for the idea of having literally lost the concept of love.

And anyway, Paladins don't smite everything they disagree with. That's literally one of Valerie's complaints with Shelyn, the Paladins don't kill anyone who asks for mercy.

LG in Kingmaker is fairly viscous though. Usually the LG options are kind'a about peace and tolerance, like I expected to be able to negotiate between the Kobolds and the Mites. Instead the LG option was "Fuck it, they're pests, kill them all!" I was like, oh, of course. Yeah, cute and stupid or not, they prey on humans.

Lawful good best good. Telling trolls to fuck off because they're monsters is the best.

damn i need to try it then

It depends on which God you pick. Erastil is pretty chill, to the neutral good fantasy Jesus type while Iomedae is Crusader McPurge with absolutely hilarious Memri TV tier quotes like " [Lawful Good] "In the name of Iomedae, I execute you myself!"

Wait, the gods you choose impact your dialogue choices and what is considered LG?

They unlock additional dialogue choices.

dayum, didn't know that
so is erastil the best one for a goody two shoes paladin?

Any other classes have additional dialogue like this?

>Roll Barbarian
>Onslaught of Diplomacy checks in Prologue
>Flub them all
It's like i'm really a barbarian!

Also Linzi a cute.

They choose the fanatical kind of Lawful Good. Which is nice because we don't see enough of it.

She's 3 foot tall. You could just casually pick her up and spread her asscheeks and she can't do anything about it.

I have no idea, I always play Palachads. But I would expect so. There are not so many of those additional dialogues, but they are there and they are usually pretty great. I had an absolute blast with Iomedae (aforementioned quote, or the one where you react to some deal offer by the evil character by chimping out, screeching extremely hard about charging the enemies, so that even Valerie reacts in manner of "well, I wouldn't put it that way, but I agree". Will probably try different God in my EE playthrough. Finally Paladin done right.

No. i'm immune to shilling

Perhaps Sarenrae. Part of her portfolio is redemption; though talking to the Tieflings, even her church has the harsh fanatics.

Lawful Good is kill everything but for a good reason, opposed by Chaotic Evil which is kill everything for no good reason.

what would be in your opinion the god that would fit a paladin trying to save nyrissa the most?

Erastil, god of taming the wilderness. If you know what I mean.

I played this game when it came out but it was shit. I got up to the part where your town gets attacked by shit but didn't want to play any more past that. I had like 8 kingdom managment events piled up that took a week each and the real time with pause gameplay was trash. I had to attempt every fight like 4 times because I wasn't using a min-maxed party and enemies had ridiculously inflated stats even when set on "normal."

Yeah it is. You care about families, children and general being a good person. You have to however be careful about your alignment, so it don't ends up neutral good, unless you wanna lose all the skills. Around half of the game I started to had problems there and had to keep myself in check in all Jesus'in I was doing.

Erastil most definitely. He is also a God of (taming) Nature and druidic power, so it would make sense. Also you can play archer paladin, which is pretty fucking gud.

>plausible deniability.

i don't think it matters what reviewer wrote. Of crs it is great when review is detailed, but average rating is more important

git gud

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I would say Sarenrae because, again, redemption is what pleases her. Erastil could also work as other user said, he is a nature deity.
Have a peruse and form your backstory.


yop love it the closed game to BG we will likely get

>stumbled upon the true ending without even looking anything up
fuck yeah! my lust for plant women finally paid off!

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zoomers just complain about difficulty...(also the game was bugfest) they should call the game pathfinder bugmaker i still love it

can I load a pirated save into a legit copy?
also, what is a good paladin build?

>can I load a pirated save into a legit copy?
There's no DRM so yeah.

Go to bed Ivan, it's past your shilling time.

>basic ass gobs with teh AC of like 20 dex baseline
the fuck is this shit

Stop playing on hard if you want core rules.

Don't bank too hard on it.
There are choices, but they are exceedingly rare.

tell that to larian.

>fucking Octavia too
based until this

I started playing today, I'm at the point where the priest dude tells me to wait for the fog to clear before attacking the bad dudes fort, I've been doing side quests and exploring in the meantime and a good amount of days passed with no progression in the main story, is there something I have to do specifically to get it to progress?

Just wait for them to fix the bugs this new "bugless" version probably has.

Hotfix was already released today and so far, so good.

Downloading for the first time. Should I mods?

Steam or GOG?

Is this even a question?

Most mods aren't up to date yet but:


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Explore the left side of the map, progress everything else. You'll stumble upon the trigger sooner or later.

Unless we're talking about a Multiplayer game why would you ever go steam over gog given roughly the same price?

Nene is very floof and highcut, I approve your waifu, but Priss is the best knight saber.

I also lost track of the gnome wizard dude, but yeah I'll just explore some more until I stumble upon something I guess, I'm just scared there might be a game over bit if the 3 months run out.

Just get a resist disease spell

GOG has it on sale right now.

Steam sells in my currency but gog doesn't, even with the gog discount it's still double the price there

Why does this game seemingly lack documentation?

I've never seen an RPG out this long with a wiki this sparse and this few guides and walkthroughs.

There will be a game over if you let time run out, yes. But if you're careful, buy rations instead of hunting and don't rest every encounter you have more than enough time to explore absolutely everything in chapter 1.

>given roughly the same price?
> it's still double the price
Well then that answers the question for you.

yeah actually, just started a new playthrough after the update the other day. it's actually pretty good. I like it more than Pillars and about the same amount as DivSin2.

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No Witch, Bloodrager, Orcale and Arcanist

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I really want to play this game but I'm broke as fuck and my backlog is huge anyway. I grabbed BG1 and 2 when they were on sale the other day so I'll play them first since I never did before.

Good choices, yeah. The biggest praise to Kingmaker is that it's so similar to BG, so of course you should play the real deal.

I actually think the class system and character building is the best feature for Kingmaker.

>Hear tales of the spider cave early in the game
>Aware that devs patched it, made the encounter easier, warn players of the spiders, give the player fire flasks to deal with the spiders
>Tool tip also mentions using torches on the spiders, game makes sure you have torches
>Head into spider cave fully prepared and aware of what i'm going to encounter
>Still get absolutely fucking wrecked after half a dozen attempts

I'm so sorry, I am the reason you can't have nice things.

Just pirate it, if you care about supporting devs buy it later when you're not broke.

what the fuck is wrong with this game

git gud

I think I just need to bring more flasks.

If you don't have any AoE magic early on, the spider swarms are annoying as fuck. It's funny how swarms become easily disposable later as you find weapons with magic damage.
It's just 3.5/PF business as usual, enjoy gaining a bunch of pointless new free attacks as your BAB rises which are guaranteed to miss because enemy AC also increases.

There's a cleric in town that sells a scroll to reset you to your starting alignment.

I accept your apology. Being aware of your shortcomings is the first step to fixing them and make you better than all the other retards who want the game to handhold them on hard.

Now, it'd help if we knew what your party was. General advice is, yes, to bring more flasks, prepare AOE damaging spells for anyone that has them, give your torches to the fighters so they can actually hit things and for the love of god spread your party so that the swarm can't eat more than one character at the same time.

I came really prepared too, and it still was a hard fight
Also happened to me, second time I faced swarms I got worried and started preparing a fireball on the face, only for them to die to magic weapons some seconds later

>If you don't have any AoE magic early on, the spider swarms are annoying as fuck.
Yeah, all i've got is a ranger fumbling with fire bombs, a bear rolling around on the ground covered in spiders, a barbarian swinging a torch, a fighter with a barn door and a torch and linzi panicking as she tries to multi task throwing bombs and using a wand to heal people.

I should also probably be checking the combat log as I suspect all the bombs i'm throwing into the spider mosh pit o' death are doing me just as much damage as them.

Genuinely refreshing though.

Does grenadier count as unarmed for monk feats if otherwise I'm just chucking bombs around?

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Bombs are ranged touch attacks
It's somewhat cute you'd reach the conclusion you are somehow chucking your fists out at the enemies

You could go grab Octavia and/or Regongar before the cave.

>chucking your fists out at the enemies
He's roleplaying as a Rayman monk.

I'm trying to get into this game, but I just can't really enjoy the gameplay. I don't like starting and re-starting fights over and over, though I can deal with it as long as the combat is good, but the combat just isn't very good.

Everything feels like it just turns into a pile of characters mashing their faces together, and the story isn't very compelling.

Maybe I'm spoiled, because I DM Pathfinder a weekly, and I just finished playing DivOS 2 which had decent combat.

That'll be plan B if spending my life savings on death dealing flasks doesn't pan out.

>recruit druid
>cast acid maw
>pet demolishes the swarms
I also just turn Amiri into druid from level 2 onwards since there's no druid party member and she's the only character who fits with druid rp wise

I mean things like adding stat modifiers to AC if unarmed, and other monk stuff

Does it have all the DLC? Even the planned DLC? Can I actually buy the damned thing now?

Yeah, the flasks deal the same damage to EVERYTHING in their area. Send Valerie ahead by herself so that the swarms swarm her, try aiming around her, and if at all possible try to hit more than one swarm with the same flask.

So long as you don't equip a weapon.
Bombs are abilities, not weapons so they shouldn't go into conflict with monk restrictions, besides armor ones

No other DLC has been announced. Owlcat's started working on their next Pathfnder game.

lol turn based fucking sucks
divos2 has an especially poor system

how does coup de grace works? it's always with the red X for me when I try to use it

>I also just turn Amiri into druid from level 2 onwards since there's no druid party member and she's the only character who fits with druid rp wise
You know, that sounds like a great fucking idea.

Which class should I pick for an autismal, socially inept lawful neutral character?

Wait till your enemy is asleep and then SHMASH! Generally it works with any spells or effect that make enemy prone, like coloured spray, hideous laughter, sleep or others.

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Slayer, they're about studying a single type of enemy.

Why can't there be a game with Kingmaker character building and Divinity combat?

should queen bdaah be kicking my ass real bad? I just stumbled upon her

Baldur’s Gate 3

Enemy needs to be helpless aka paralyzed/asleep

Is the Jhod/Kesten decision still Lawful or is it Neutral like the patch notes say?

Is that why both Divinities are on console? And more or the classic ones are coming at the end of the year

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He said they don't work on consoles, not that they weren't on consoles.

pity beamdog couldn't enhance icewind dale 2

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