
Thank you... /v

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Fuck off to tumblr incel

hey ive seen this one before...

We just had this same exact thread yesterday. Fuck off to /trash/.

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I've noticed that barely anyone posts Muffet in these threads

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post a cute gote today

Attached: goat.jpg (500x385, 32K)

What a great game. Does anything happen if you go for Mercy run multiple times without doing any other route?

Don't mind me.
I'm just posting the cuter goat.

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>people who don't hug little goat brother

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What are you honest thoughts on this picture of Asriel holding a silly dog?

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It's a picture
Of Asriel
Holding a dog

And that's it.

but how does it make you feel?

I thought it was a pig

Very indifferent

Nothing in particular.
Different playthroughs may trigger certain random events throughout the game, though the events are just some nice color.
Strangely, stuff DOES happen for other the other routes, Neutral and Genocide.
Flowey and Chara respectively respond to it.

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It's the blessed thread again
I hope it doesn't get ruined by off-model posting retards and ironic furries

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It's a shame this artist quit drawing.

Will we ever be able to save him

I want to fuck that goat.