Fuck... Not like this...
Take-Two CEO Says There Is "No Downside" To Releasing Red Dead Redemption 2 On PC
>PC fags will still buy it even though they know by now it is mediocre at best
master race indeed
>mediocre at best
t. Abysmal taste, go back to a pokemon thread fag
Eh, I'm not that young anymore where I appreciate hundreds of hours of walking around and getting nowhere.
Hey, the quality of the game is pretty much quadrupled just by being able to play with m+kb and having a consistant framerate.
You just be ready for all those RDR2 threads, user. It's gonna be a sweet launch.
(((Strauss Zelnick)))
looks like you FAGGOTS need to buy a console then! FUCKER FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!
>implying it wont be on EGS
If it is, I can already see the people review bombing
Will modders be able to make it so you can kill some redskins?
u ok user? Anyway if no one's paying them for exclusivity of course they'll release it on pc. You should expect this from post-gta online Take-Two.
Did you actually read the OP?
Were we ever user?
Was it Autism?
I stand corrected. god speed piratebros
Mein negers. Based and codexpilled.
Who cares, RDR2 was only good for like the first 20 hours then you realize how shallow and clunky everything is and how absolutely shit the missions are.
It's "Meine Neger".
The only reason I would care about this game is for the inevitable rape mods in RDRM.
It'd be like Conan Sexiles only with animations that aren't AS shit.
Thanks for paying for my copy, Tim!
I didn't want to believe at first, but then I read "No downside" again under the title and now I'm convinced.
Same here for mods, but I can't wait to finally play the game with the protagonist being a person of color.
>y-you can have it now
>it was actualy b-b-bad
It's shit unironically. I was happy to double dip on GTA V but RDR2 is a boring, shit game that I never want to touch again after beating it last year.
will buy if mods allow me to run this slow-ass game at triple speed
>he buys his games
>in 2019
Consoles are basically PCs now making ports cheap, and PCs sales are pretty good these days. It's easy money, publishers would be dumb not to do it.
Honestly, it's still retarded R* didn't invest in porting RDR to next-gen and PC. It might have cost them $10m+ if the costbase is fucked, but it's not hard to imagine them selling 10 million copies of a port.
100% RDR 1 and the zombie expansions. I couldn’t put more than 10 hours into 2. The game looks incredible and they put so much detail into it but it just feels so god damn slow and tedious. I really wanted to like it but they added way too many mechanics just to make the game longer it feels like
>People want to play your game
>Letting them give you money to do so on whatever platform they own
not really rocket science here, just let people buy and play your game
Hopefully someone can mod the gameplay to not be slow garbage
>pgfags spam bad reviews
the online is garbage but the single player alone is pretty great.
>Epic exclusive
>Have no desire to play it now that I know it's long-winded mediocrity
Thanks for beta testing!
So did people really think it wouldn't come to PC? The only reason there's no RDR1 on PC is because the code was spaghetti.
Mouse aiming is the only thing that could make it worth it.
Might get it when it's in the $1 humble bundle a month after release. Otherwise I'm not interesting in a shave your beard sim.
>judging sandbox-y games on pc based on console release where you don't have mods
You have to be a boomer to truly appreciate RDR2.
Apparently RDR1 is a clusterfuck of unreliable workarounds that magically worked at release. No one wants to go back anywhere close to the code.
More like critics ignored all the negatives
Cringe and retailpilled
Rockstar's PC ports are famously terrible
I bought GTA5 for the multiplayer, never bothered with single player. I am not playing as nigger and junkie. The multiplayer was shit too.
They have no reason not too, the mods would be pretty great. The RDR bandwagon has shipped and sailed.
GTA5 isn't. I even managed to boot it on my old HD3870
GTA V was fine.
>user score
anyone who believes these are trustworthy is a dodo brain
Was this ever in doubt? It was obvious for everyone with half a brain that they will pull the same shit like they did with GTAV, wait for next gen consoles and then release PC and new console versions.
>Studio fanbase shitter
Fuck off spic
They're generally much better than the console versions but still not great.
they will announce it on pc gamer show
You are a sad individual, seek help.
I don't care if it will be EGS exclusive, I will pirate it and mod the fuck out of it
As someone who played GTA5 on pc and ps4, the pc port is great
Samefag BotW shitter
Rockstar have their own launcher.
>buying AAA dogshit
>Won't have a stable modding experience
Sorry lads
>playing game right now on chapter 5
>game forces to do a lot of evil shit
>game still wants me to feel bad when things go bad for my group
This is just dumb.
Thanks for beta testing, console friends. I'll enjoy playing this masterpiece in 4K with mods enough for both of us.
>stable modding experience
>rockstar allowing mods
doesnt confirm anything. keep begging for scraps pc turds
>All of these people saying RDR2 is too slow and tedious
Damn, this board really is overrun by fortnite zoomers.
>GTAV is the second biggest mod community on PC
What are you on about?
Sure you will. On youtube.
>I-It wasn't that good anyway..
GTA IV and V have plenty of mods. Not fully allowing mod support, like with Skyrim, doesn't mean that people won't be able to mod the game in any manner.
have sex
People still want this? When the hype machine was overselling it as the second coming I would've probably bought it full price, now I really don't give a damn. Would maybe give it a go on a 10 bucks sale years from now.
that commercial is based
I just want to play it on KB+M, joysticks suck fucking ass
You can't buy games on the launcher, genius. It will be EGS exclusive. Mark my words
people still want this?
Yes studiowarfag-kun
Dude, you can stop with the shitty gimmick now. We both know that Rockstar is going to publish this game on PC. There's no exclusivity deal holding them back and most of their other games are on PC.
It'll be the biggest retail PC game since probably PUBG and GTAV. So I'd say very much so.
Nope. I've never bought (or pirated) a Rockstar game before and I won't buy this one either. Looks like soulless console-ized garbage like all their other games.
Enjoy your crumbs. I'd give the game a 7/10.
Why would rockstar make it exclusive to one place when they would make more money selling it on as many storefronts as possible? They don't need Epic's money and they also don't need the negative press that such a decision would cause among their fanbase.
>mediocre at best
Impeccable use of the double-bait technique there, user
Mods to fuck the horse?
Lot of studio brand loyalists in here shitting on rockstar I see.
enjoy getting your $60 stolen.
pc fags are so retarded that they buy the inferior version first and then buy the pc version.
Nintendo does it every day charging $60 for last gen ports
Rockstar isn't in charge of where their games get sold. Take Two is. They're putting Borderlands 3 on EGS, so I can 100% guarantee RDR2 will be there as well.
The first red dead redemption will always remain on consoles though
the xbone supports kb+m no?
Imagine thinking that people actually pay for games.
ITT: consoletards fuming because the inevitable is happening
If you faggots think Rockstar won't cash in a second time you're delusional
It's already nearly playable on PC via both Xenia and rpcs3. At this point it's just a race to see which one gets it stable first.
Rockstar has it's l own social club and they're above ebin games when It comes to their flow of money and profits. It will be on Social Club, Steam, and Epic
There's no downside to releasing any game on PC. Devs still don't do it
>no downside
Besides all the pirates and loss of sales.
Which anime contains all this?
Why are more games than ever getting a PC release then?
I'd say people are paying for games and this why it came to console's first to begin with.
Epic already pissed off Take-Two with the whole Epic Mega Sale shitshow. I doubt they'd go with them exclusively again
Because they become an experience and game through mods that the directors and devs didn't intend. Also the games are immediately and easily stolen like this thread shows.
Cool. With all the money I've saved I bought myself a RTX 2080. I can do whatever I want on my PC.
>loss of sales
>don't make pc release
>no money
>make pc release
>get millions
>some people don't buy it but it doesn't matter because it costs NOTHING to produce copies of virtual media
you're fucking retarded
Can't wait to pick up flowers and pelts at 144 fps.
So does ubisoft and they have stopped selling their games on steam recently, making their shit only available on uplay and egs
>consolefags all smug about RDR2
>it's the best shit ever
>someone discusses the possibility of it coming out on PC
>"It's shit anyway, enjoy your mediocre game mustard race"
I assume the only reason pc fags want it is that they can mod it and remove all the horrible time wasting bs left in the game in addition to input delay and a retarded crime system.
I haven't bought or played the game, but I'll wait until I can pirate it once decent mods are released.
That's right now hand it over BITCH
at least no downside after releasing it a year after the console launch, so no one can pirate it or get 2$ keys from a Chinese website at launch
>Every character is going to be modded into an anime girl, tranny and furfag.
The only reason I would have to buy RDR2 is to play the multiplayer without having to have Gold or PS Plus. But since the multiplayer sucks, I don't wanna.
Pirates are a small percentage and getting fucked over more and more.
How can devs lose money if they will definitely sell more as more platforms = more potential customers = more sales?
You have to be pretending to be retarded, you delusional consolefag
>But since the multiplayer sucks, I don't wanna.
It really doesn't though. But I guess it's easy to agree with your anonymous peers online
Who cares? It's not like you'll see that shit when playing online.
People have been calling this game boring shit since release, beggar
>There's no downside we just didn't do it because lol fuck you
Didn't buy GTAV, won't buy this piece of shit.
Nice try, fagola.
this was expected after the huge success of gtav on pc
Better than any game with an online released in 2019 kiddo
Max Payne 3 runs absurdly well, can't say about GTAV because I didn't play it on PC.
Haven't touched a rockstar game game since SA, try again.
If what you say is true, which I doubt, then this game has been shilled to shit. In conclusion, go cope and fly the gay flag, soniglet.
does RDR2 have a first person view mode?
if not you know they're going to sell this shitty gimmick for the pc version just like when they did it with gtav
>Haven't touched a rockstar game game since SA, try again.
Your problem bitter Boomer. Go play your shitty SA rip offs like Simpsons Hit and Run, Saint Row or Just Cause. Rockstar abandoned that formula because all the peasant devs flocked to it
>RDR never came out on PC because it was documented like shit
I bought a PS3 for my brother so he could play it, never touched the console myself. He is over the moon over a PC release
Like I abandoned GTA like games altogether? I much prefer FPS and RPG, stop projecting and throwing ad hominems
>I much prefer FPS and RPG,
So you changed then, not them. Do bee a week somewhere else.
>what is GTA 5
>what is Max Payne 3
L.A. Noire was the last shitty port
I'll mod it to make myself stuff from King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard while blasting pic related.
If theres no downside why not release at the same time as everybody else, you fucking NIGGER
Your autocorrect glitched, phoneposter.
I bought the PS4 Red Dead bundle just for red dead 2 and i'll buy red dead 2 on pc the day its announced
Because pirates will steal the game they worked very hard on
>CEO: "There's no downside to x"
>you: Theyre not doing x because of the downside of piracy!!!
Ok, retard.
Have you seen BotW emulated on PC?
>mod support
>Thomas the tank engine
Consoles just can't have it all
It does? Wtf
report back if you tested it.
I do not have an Xbox. Just considering getting one.
I heard the multiplayer sucks ass and is pretty barebones. Doubt I'll even touch that garbage when it comes to PC. GTA5 was pretty shit as well, at least if you didn't have a trainer to add money with.
It's a better fps than anything outside of DOOM to come out on the PC recently...
Only a few games support it and RDR2 isn't one
Yeah but
>No portability
What's the point?
If the xbone had m+kb support for RDR2, they would have to explain to the audience why it just haven't been ported yet. The real reason as always is because they want to double-dip retards that bought the inferior console version beforehand.
Yes it does and it's actually better than V's
If you haven’t already played it you missed the peak Dutch posting so what’s even the point?
It takes time to develop for pc, bro
Sure if you like FPS where there's nothing to shoot for hours.
But it's an open world rockstar game user there's NPCs and wildlife all over the place
If you're playing in first person, can you sprint diagonally? GTAV only let you sprint straight forward, it was annoying.
They need to squeeze ever dollar they can by selling gold bars to console kiddies, once they are sure they have maximizer the profits they sell it again on PC and wait for people to double dip.
>pc fags
>what is a laptop
One word:
I'm ready for all the dutchposting
Fuck off Leopold Strauss
>Young Dutch, Hosea and Arthur