Itt we post plot twist we like

I'll start
>your best friend betrays you

Attached: 1559073879712.webm (640x800, 1.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based, chad.

She fucked that dog later, right?

you just know




>3rd party controller



Based dog

You just know she clumsily jerked that dog off to get its red little veiny cock out so she should awkwardly straddle it and force the knot inside of her only for the dog to autisticly just stand there and gyrate, then 5 seconds later squirt a bunch of translucent cum inside of her that she immediately after pisses out on the floor and regrets everything she's just done

Then he spends $400 on a meal out with her, during which she spends 75% of it on her phone taking pictures of the meal, posting it online and then monitoring the interactions it gets.

you uh...sound like you're speaking from experience

patrician taste

Attached: 2559471 - Claire_Redfield Resident_Evil Resident_Evil_2 Source_Filmmaker Vaurra.png (570x568, 438K)

Its only fair, yeah

So basically she's Kojima

what's going on


>those tranny hands

Came here to post this
Based huskies


Yes, but don't forget that men are the ones being children here for playing games. Don't point out the societal issue of women that are grotesquely addicted to their phones and social media, btw being on social media is actually cool and healthy, it cultivates an active and social life which gaming is just for total losers. Men suck, sweetie.



you're such a fucking normie it hurts

Girls dont fuck dogs you idiot. Thats illegal.


White Girls Fuck Dogs


Did OP willingly sabotage his thread by posting a webm more interesting than his topic or is he a newfag?

all girls fuck dogs

Attached: D145_198_880_1200.jpg (1200x800, 117K)

take your sickt fetishizing of white women to /int/, fucking mutt


Fucking species traitor

Dogs or Niggers?

>social media is healthy

Step aside losers

Attached: chad thunderhoof.png (575x550, 725K)


Attached: 1559263169847.jpg (600x676, 154K)

Bleached: Doggo Edition

You just know...

They are killing the white race like this.

kek haha JUSt amirite?!
look guys i posted it too!
you just know!!!! hahahaha
dog penis
I'm such an original thinker i also JUST know
haha meme



>tfw male and my hands are built like that
Fucking hell

Attached: 1556942045443.webm (960x960, 2.69M)

>Dogs have more sex then me.

t. Human male


While not exactly best friends, I wasn't expecting him to betray you

Attached: Sirius.png (128x249, 58K)

Thats a temporary tatoo right?

Attached: 1559078651516m.jpg (819x1024, 80K)

work out more, they won't get bigger but they'' lget more defined and manlier for sure

t. sex with dogs hahah kek
epic thread

>Both dogs and blacks are taking cute white girls away from me
WHAT THE FUCK!? Am I going to get cucked by a plant next?

>btw being on social media is actually cool and healthy

Attached: Bait.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

fuck that guy
I trusted him

Well yeah, dogs get all the bitches.

Will I stop having those weird looking soft knuckles if I work out?

That's sarcasm, not bait.

After it's lasered off, sure.

>his face
>the tattoo's face
>my face

Attached: 1460939126150.gif (294x238, 3.01M)

nu/v/ is so retarded these days that it doesn't know the difference.

Yes to a degree, I also recomend reducing your bodyfat %

>black cuck shit
Every day i'm glad I wasn't born in America.
What a nation of degenerate subhumans.
There's no white people in America, just fair skinned niggers.

Attached: 1535873886778.png (304x306, 7K)


You've already been. Girls use cucumbers and cylindrical shaped plants all the time.

does Yea Forums still post doggy or is it 100% banned?

>Yea Forums randomly trying to make statements about society

Attached: 1547777721322.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)


More than Americans this thread reeks of millennials.
Just report it, millennials don't deserve to discuss anything.


I blame it all on porn, it's destroying ameribros minds

Attached: cucklmao.png (709x639, 78K)


Thats hilarious

Americans have always been the enemy of western civilization.
The birth of America was a consequence of the biggest betrayal the west has ever suffered.

The founding fathers will soon be shown in history books as what they truly were: the most harmful terrorist group in human history.

Attached: 1554183111339.jpg (960x360, 68K)

>the ABSOLUTE state of NTRcucks

Tick tick boomer

I'm 20.

Attached: giphy.gif (240x320, 178K)

Whoa gramps, time to head to the retirement home

Old fuck


Ahhh, amerimutt media, never an ounce of elegance or beauty, just complete, pure degeneracy and subversion of everything that is good.

Attached: Americans.webm (480x360, 1.3M)

all women are whores

This one is better

Attached: 1556492179111.webm (960x1148, 2.7M)

This is just depressing. I seriously hope it isn't real, if so that marriage is fucked.

This. Fuck amerilards.

Attached: 1558016165557.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

human cope

>2 minutes of hate(colorized 1984)

>time travel

I don't understand why people don't go for top of the line tattoo artists. It's staying on your body for fucking EVER. And they only get one chance to do it well. You need a god damn master to ensure your tattoo is good.



Wow that webm is powerful.

Reminder that millennials unironically think this kind of post is some intricate form of humor.

Attached: pack of wild millennials.jpg (1436x714, 581K)


What the fuck is that shit controller?

More specifically, zoomers and their surrounding culture

Imagine buying original when alternatives cost a fraction

>the dude in the mirror

Attached: 1463369220758.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

>implying when we go down the rest of the world won't go with us

The fuck is this?

Imagine spending money on something that breaks due to gusts of wind when you could buy one that will last for actual years

Trump supporters.

>n-no it's zoomers
Shut up, millennial, you are the generation of autismos who has met so much failure that you turned it into a fetish.

Attached: millennial.webm (564x606, 1.13M)

>dudes face started flushing with regret

Attached: homosexual.jpg (398x376, 37K)

Its all plastic and lasts the same. Chinks are based

Yeah, well, assuming it is, read between the lines.

There are women out there that will consent to things that all through, before, during, after, they resent, only for the sake of satisfying their partner. Her response wasn't, "deal with it, because now I'm addicted to big black dick, and you're going to watch, AFTER we get divorced and I get the house and half of your income."

Point is, the world is ending, but that has always been true. All that depraved shit you want a partner to be involved with; they will. To their own detriment and probably your's but at your behest, they will.

Use your balls. Women want them.

and now I have a boner.

I feel bad for him, but he should have known better.


>clapping at the theatre
>throwing shoes whenever someone you don't like shows up

Do burgers think that when someone shows up on a screen, that those people are really there?

Attached: 1548341986457.png (593x635, 260K)

Ya sure buddy I remember buying those third party during the game cube era they barely lasted a month

t. Zoomer
It's funny because this sort of humor didn't pop up until zoomers were becoming the majority culture on the Internet. That's a hell of a defensive mechanism you have to completely ignore that. You should enter gymnastics competitions.

>your best friend betrays you
>you later find out he actually didn't

No, I remember all this shit starting all the way back in 2007.

do white girls really...

The shoe throwing thing is a muslim thing. I've never actually seen anyone from america do it until that Webm.

>thread devolves into women hate because he cant get laid
You realize how fickle and retarded your views are when you would do a complete ideological 360 if sex was readily available from biological femaes for you.

In what kind of backwards country is illegal to fuck dogs?

white girls fuck dogs
(this isn't a joke)

Wrong, s󠛡oyboy. Keep seething.

Attached: 1349547053769.gif (311x269, 2.92M)

So you would actually love women if you got sex?

>man's best friend
of course the roastie has to ruin it for us too

Why was she recording?

>man is literally male
Its herstory shitlord ;)

Its clearly staged you dense mother fucker

That's hersterical.

>piss off your wife who loves you and make yourself feel pathetic to fulfill your own cuck fetish
Jesus christ


Are you retarded?

>its ok to mistreat your partner cause they say yes
>actually they even secretely want it

Fake and gay. This is clearly a faggot who gets off to humiliation writing for other faggots that get off to humiliation acting like he's been humiliated.

me on the right

why are you so triggered? calm down retard

Everything on reddit is 200% faker than here even

Yes, white girls fuck dogs.

Attached: 1559919640521.png (1650x1461, 1.66M)

I recall someone throwing a shoe at Bush Jr. I assumed this was just a progression from there.

that really doesn't sound too good either.

Is there anything to actually indicate that those are Americans?

Look at all those under fives.

No, it's still pathetic.

Just remember Germany would have been farther along if Hitler never came to power. Weimar republic had the first sex change surgery. I hate my liberal democratic country though democracy is a farce but I doubt Americans will see that until the state collapses

>the stock image does't match the statistic the headline is stating! That proves it isn't true!
What, do you expect them to take a picture of every single under-5 person in germany at once to prove 40% of them are muslims? Are you retarded?

that's not reading between the lines. That's simply reading the lines.

The point isn't to literally that, or even approach that. It's to put the blackpill down. You don't have to be perfectly loveable or perfectly 'loved' to actually be loved. Love is sacrificing. The cuck illustrates people are way more accommodating than you might think. That doesn't mean exploit it. I just means have sex

>Idealogical 360

Attached: 593.png (657x527, 160K)

Why does being knotted feels damn good?

Real love would entail both people going to their best abiliyies to accomodate and consider their partners desires above their own. I feel like this almost never happens for people, especially the boomer aged people who started the normality of 8 divorces in a lifetime shit.
A relationship is actually work, but you do it because you are willing to sacrifice everything else for the other person who, in turn, props you up by doing the same. T. Actual good relationship user and frequent 'have sex' poster

Attached: 1834BB96-0E59-461A-80DB-BC206CFE439D.jpg (400x400, 22K)


Attached: 1556122963596.png (500x600, 10K)

>butthurt teanigger jealous that the better man broke off and founded the greatest empire in modern history while his own country crumbles into irrelevancy after literally owning half the world

Attached: hot.jpg (673x681, 58K)

millennial s󠛡oyboy

Fuckin lel'd


>have sex

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

none of that is mutually exclusive with anything I said


America should be nuked. Degenerate hellhole.

Thanks for supporting my point.

I wish that I am that wife.

You were the one who had the audacity to start telling me what I should take time out of my day to do

Because wh*te """men""" are pathetic.

based white girls fuck dogs poster

Attached: 1484477117469.jpg (900x1200, 169K)

t. los unito estaditos muttoids

What the fuck is this post

Attached: 1557753595750.jpg (330x269, 43K)

A response to someone telling me to have sex

I take it you are able to read

>migrant background = muslim
based retard

Retard incel who thinks larping as a christian will get him laid

Ah, it was autism. It's always autism.

Attached: 1552072727285.gif (180x180, 1.49M)

Attached: 1559259135549.jpg (208x206, 17K)

>larping as a christian

I have done all of the things I posted in

Your move

Except the part of everything you said. Wait why are you replying to yourself?

Attached: YouMad.jpg (319x243, 16K)

>having children

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

imagine being so uninteresting that women start to fuck dogs instead of you

>the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have
he wants you to be a cuck.

>nylon thighs

Attached: 1559757404982.jpg (800x786, 77K)

that's what happens when you're wh*te with a small dick

Not in Canada.

>people still fall for this pathetic male larp
YJKposters are almost as bad as blacked and cuckposters

Why would you take life advice from a Jewish criminal that was executed?

why would you have sex

because state law doesn't dictate morality

Good point, 3D is PD

Attached: 1550130210727.jpg (675x864, 74K)

What if you're white with a big dick, but also a manlet