Why is the best looking game of all time a console exclusive? Isn't graphical fidelity supposed to be one of the selling points of a PC? Why would anybody drop $2000 on a top-end gaming rig when I can experience the best in 4k gaming for less than $500?
Why is the best looking game of all time a console exclusive...
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gr8 b8 m8
PC offers framerate
Thought Xbox Anaconda will also offer framerate and 4K
Because only a small and I mean small percentage of PC players have really high end PCs. So they reach a middle ground where they create a game that can run on most mid range PC's. Also, consoles have more budget and devs working to push those bricks to the limit.
honestly? because money. It's a better business decision to develop and market to a more gullible base with lower standards. Real question is why this game is even referenced as relevant with its clunky & unresponsive controls and cookie-cutter quest design. What about this game makes you feel its actually a good GAME?
>all that fog used to hide the shit graphics
you getting the TV that allows 4k including that 500 bruh?
>clunky & unresponsive controls
They are the best controls Rockstar has ever had
You sound so far up your own ass.
Comparing within company lineup should never be an acceptable standard. Compare your reasoning with that of any other medium.
We don't accept clunky camera movement in movies because its "the best the director's done so far". Stop giving these people your money
The art style sucks and the color palette is so fucking boring with no style at all. I’ve never seen such a blandly photorealistic game. RDR1 at least felt like a classic spaghetti western, this feels like nothing
well, success breeds
How could someone be so wrong
Guess you should off yourself because you're far from a success lad
I'm 100% taller, smarter & more successful than you. I just like to tease you user
>Why is a rockstar game with these production values that make other devs envious for not having the same resources and investments relevant
Are you fucking dump or what?
This is one of the most impressive screenshots ever
>Real question is why this game is even referenced as relevant with its clunky & unresponsive controls and cookie-cutter quest design. What about this game makes you feel its actually a good GAME?
What game released in the last 6-7 months should be considered more relevant then? This games made 1.5-2 billion and sold about 25 million copies on 2 console's.
Anaconda won't be running much next gen games at 60fps, the X has a few 60fps options because it's running games designed to run on the base Xbox One
this is b8 right? please tell me it is, no one's taste is this bad
>RDR2 comes to PC
>"ya know, the game wasn't that good"
can't wait
It annoys me how you can’t maintain the canter speed on the horse simply by holding up. For some retarded reason it makes you hold X the whole time, which feels like shit.
You are the one with bad taste if you think the artstyle is another other than boring as hell
>want to ride around at a nice pace while looking at the scenery
>have to hold X or i drop all my speed
>have to fumble to look around holding X and fidgeting with the controller to not have the camera pan wide
hmm yes truly the best we'll ever have
>no replies because everyone knows it looks amazing
Inb4 that fucking autist starts posting garbage hunting simulators and fucking ghost recon wildlands ffs kek. Rdr2 is (one of) the best looking games of all time, get over it.
wow, you should up your reading comprehension, my word
is clearly in response to why this game is considered relevant as a GOOD game, capable of standing on its own feet in terms of GAMEPLAY regardless of release window or revenue
It sucks. Even the cinematic mode is crap with shitty angles that you can’t choose. It’s weird how a slow paced game about cowboys has such tedious horse riding. Why can’t I just control it with the analog like almost every other game
Well, XboneX is already a 4K 25-30fps machine for open world games and can do 4K60 for certain limited titles sufh as Forza 7
I have no doubts Anaconda will do native 4K 45-60fps for EVERY game
how is the open world in this game? is it boring or actually fun to explore?
nah man, if it comes to PC and is open for modding it has the potential of being something great. Imagine realistic damage values, tighter controls, potentially better aiming even
If not it'll be the same thing as consoles, just better graphics.
yeah this looks dope for sure, I still wanna know why it doesnt feel that way when playing though. It has the potential, so why does it feel so clunky? It's Rockstar, and they have money out the ass, so why does the product not feel as good as it looks?
still waiting for a single legitimate reply to this. We shouldn't even be arguing, we should agree and expect better quality product
>muh framerare
The PC plays RDR2 at 0 FPS
What PC game looks better? (Hard mode: vanilla only)
>the gullible base with low standards have better games with more graphical fidelity
Imagine being this delusional
It just is.
If you cannot see how your post is a 1:1 reflection of exactly what I said I don't know what to say.
This might be some 150+ IQ meta sarcasm, but in that case you need to tell me
The story missions are ass gameplay wise, but that's par for the course for Rockstar titles. The gameplay truly shines in the open world. There's all kinds of secret shit to find, and exploring the world is rewarding simply because of how gorgeous it is
This game has some of the worst fucking controls of all time. Fans are delusional when they defend them or even say they are improved. Controlling this game feels like absolute garbage compared to any of rockstars previous games. They have gotten worse than ever. Almost every action in this game feels like you are dipped in molasses, having to hold for most inputs is awful and even equipping shit feels clunky.
Idk dude maybe you just have ADD? I absolutely love how this game feels. Every move is deliberate. Sure, I might not be zooming around like Asscreed, but I don't feel as though that kind of movement speed is necessary for a game like this.
How does it not feel good. Riding a horse up there feels great
what peasant game user?
There's so many secrets to find, and the best of them are completely unmarked on your map.
When I found the taxidermist's office I nearly lost my shit. I found a way into this seemingly abandoned house looking for loot when I came across this monstrosity.
sure, if you want to take the cheap way out and pay for the happy meal of gaming then go ahead
us PC chads are going to keep on dabbing on console cucks
>graphical fidelity is a selling point
normies ruined games
>mfw non-xbonex owner think RDR2 look good
You have no idea how good it looks
Not a peasant game.
How would you know if graphical fidelity is the only thing good about the game?
The selling point isn't the graphics. If it was, more games would be made for high end gaming rigs.
I love when you start a game and get a nice view
Rockstar said people wouldn't like the slower movement speed. Idk user, maybe you should play Ubisoft games, they might be more suited to your attention span.
I don't know what you're trying to say to me.
I think that if one of your major considerations when getting a game was "are the graphics good enough" then you're a normie who, a few years ago, wouldn't belong here.
Wow, I can see the pixel lines so much clearer!
textures are nice, light and god rays don't compare to rdr2
>good graphics are for normies
Then why even get a PC? Literally the only reason is the graphics. Why else would you choose to limit yourself to shitty ports and indie pixelshit?
>I think that if one of your major considerations when getting a game was "are the graphics good enough" then you're a normie who, a few years ago, wouldn't belong here.
You were the one who brought up that people only bought this for the graphics.
No one talked about the selling point of anything until you did.
Slow movement speed isn’t the issue dumbass, it’s slow response time and convoluted input
>convoluted input
There's only so many buttons on a controller, user. Idk how else they're supposed to do it.
>shitty ports and indie pixelshit
I have access to every game ever made via emulators, why do I need brand new flavor-of-the-month dogshit?
>nobody here talked about the selling point of anything
Isn't graphical fidelity supposed to be one of the selling points of a PC?
Let me just reset all your gear and equipment settings every time you decide to ride on a horse. For no particular reason, okay? You don't mind do you?
Also let me just waste about 5 seconds of your time whenever you pick up a small object, and even more when it's something bigger. Please watch our uninterruptable animal skinning animations of sometimes 20-long seconds. Please only walk inside of the camp and wherever else the fuck we want you to. If you do chores, then pick up water from the river in only the spot where we mark it. Don't you fucking dare fill up from another spot. Not even one fucking inch from the marked spot, you fucking feeling me? Good.
Yeah, great fucking game. Masterpiece, really. Now watch the pretty little rain effects and how the dew glistens on each individual blade of grass as the sun rises from the horizon.
So isn't that proof that "PC chads" as you call them are truly cucked when the only selling point of a PC isn't viable compared to your average console?
holy kek
>he paid over $2000 for an insanely powerful PS2
Literally why?
>reset all your gear and equipment
You mean 2 guns? Because you keep whatever's in your pistol holsters
>animations are too long
zoom zoom gotta go fast
don't forget your Adderall, Timothy
>he actually did chores
No, retard, if you spent time reading instead of shitposting you'd catch on to the fact that PC offers more in the way of gaming than a single console ever could.
I just hope your backwards compatibility holds up, no? Just try this new game at the low, low price of 60 bucks.
I paid 20 bucks for an old office computer and 200 dollars for a graphics card.
Absolute nigger monkey retards in this thread.
>le zoomur fortnite argument
Every time.
And I paid $20 for an actual PS2 at a garage sale. It came with 30 games. Enjoy fucking with your buggy emulators I guess.
it has better geometry, better draw distance for detail, better foliage, better textures, better interiors, better everything
aka it looks better on in every aspect but clouds
nah it isn't.
Only because it's accurate. It literally takes less than 1 second to pick something up. Meanwhile you're probably frothing at the mouth mashing your controller in a blind fury trying to get the game to move FASTER
Go outside
what gaem?
>that 8k projecting
Wew, lad.
it's pretty fun, but once you finish game as john (second protag) it becomes the biggest snoozefest to do, ever.
Basically, the world is extremely fun to explore while you've got headings and story missions anchor whiel you explore the world in-between them and do random events and optional missions between story missions, but after you finish the story it becomes extremely empty. Just a big world of beautiful nothingness.
>pivots back to OLD consoles now
Just take the L you fucking zoomer.
blurry as fuck more like
>potentially better aiming even
the game is locked at 30fps on consoles, it forces you to use auto-aim, aiming with chopsticks is awful and this particular game suffers the worst input lag of every game imaginable
of course it's gonna be better on pc
Rockshite won't allow you to mod it. You might get the highest resomolutions and framerates, but you'll still be playing as that clunky faggot who's stuck in molasses.
So it will be the same as GTA 5 then
It does not take less than 1 second to pick something up. You need to hold the button then the animation plays. And the time is doubled if you have to open a drawer
No. That game is fairly playable without sucking the patience and lifeforce away from of its players.
sadly the division 2
Because RDR2's lightning engine is GOAT. Everything else (textures and shit) is pretty low-res famalam.
No he's absolutely correct, it's the PC userbase that continues to give gratuitous amount of money to kickstarter and early access projects that continue to shovel shit down the consumer's throat.
The better question why not release it on pc?
I am both console and pc player and I have tried a lot of games on both plattforms and the experience is waaay better on PC.
Why isnt that game on pc if there are high end pc 10X as powerful as the ps4? Well money,I see no other reason , someone is paying the developers big money to not release it on pc,and its sad, the game wont shine in its full potential until it releases in pc but it is what it is these big companies just care about money not about giving players the best experience possible
Unironically, Minecraft with Pathtracing shaders + PBR textures:
>he literally cannot justify the purchase of a PC for any reason
I accept your concession
>Rockstar won't let you mod it
RP mods for GTAV called
play something else
>he literally cannot justify the purchase of a PC for any reason
Im not him but is as simple as "have enough money?" buy a good pc if not just stick win consoles KEK
Because even with your fantasy pricing strawman, monthly online would make you DRMgoybox the more expensive option in a year and a half
Yeah and its a very agressive tactic...
Want to play these 'free' games we gave to you again? well renew and pay your suscription if not all those 60 games we gifted you cannot be accessed :D
RDR2 is actually pretty ugly though once you start looking more closely at it, Rockstar just went out of their way to make stuff like post-possessing, animations and other effects really nice so it kinda distracts from the less flattering aspects. Like the fairly sub-standard textures for example.
That and they nailed the vistas and landscapes. That really helps. The game looks pretty meh up close, but man does it look good from afar.
>PC offers more in the way of gaming than a single console ever could
No it doesn't. PS4 has shareplay and remoteplay ontop of pretty much all new games released, not to mention actual games on PSVR.
It's not the best looking game, it's full of postprocess effects and things only look good when they are near the camera. Typical console game.
The Witcher 3 on PC still looks better.
Why doesn’t every game use lots of post processing if it’s so easy
>I have no doubts Anaconda will do native 4K 45-60fps for EVERY game
You're fucking crazy. Interiors are on a whole other level than other games.
Because then the game runs at 30fps with constant drops
>PS4 and its paltry 1800 games, paid online and no BC
>Or PC with its thousands upon thousands of games, eternal BC and free online
>B-b-but PSVR!!1!1!
Steam alone has more than 60k games plus you can emulate most consoles prior ps3 era KEK.
Makes no sense. Now you're just coming up with bullshit.
those are current gen games, next gen games are going to push limits
post process effects are heavy
RDR2 is the best for artistic reasons, not technical. It uses DoF better than anyone else. It uses tonemapping better than anyone else. It uses post process lighting effects better than anyone else.
>Or PC with its thousands upon thousands of OLD games*
>60k OLD games*
What is that effect called when the background looks kind of blurry, but in a cool, fancy way that looks good
*Implying old is bad
Is there any reason why the entrance to Braithwait manor looks particularly amazing?
>below average framerate
>blurry and superlow anisotropic filtering covered up by bloom, chromatic aberration, blur and other post processing effects
>disappearing decals and bodies
>dumbed down AI
>lower number of NPCs on screen
>fading assets at longer distances
>Areas with pre-processed lighting and textures instead of real-time lighting (similar to how Mirror’s Edge did it)
Imagine if they made this for PC
It's technical aspects are quite impressive. Physics are attached to everything. AI response to the player from moment to moment are more real and higher in quality than any where else. AI is more dynamic in their moment to moment routines then any other game as well.
Implying i give a shit about playing old games over new games.
I have already played them. Time for something new.
Yikes lots of lies here user.
Moment to moment routines and player reaction have not evolved technically from Oblivion LMAO. Only difference is improved animations.
Frame rate never drops below 30 for me on one x unless I start spawning a shit ton of stuff around me. Gonna need you post some examples and sources on your other claims
IT will look better in PC when it releases...(but outdated by PC standards)
Not quite the same but AC Unity maxed out looks pretty amazing, as does the other one set in london, Star Citizen also looks pretty great.
lol wut
RDR2 looks much better in motion, D2 just has nice hires textures.
lmao stick with Fortnite
Interiors look quite good though it's a much much smaller game. The actual city when looking on rooftops looks atrocious. Only way you're getting a better visual experience out of RE2 is if you're playing on a new PC
he's right and you know it
no, it just doesn't control like fortnite but that doesn't make it bad.
You don’t need to hold X. Holding just forward will maintain the speed
Daily reminder to play without patches because they downgrade the game
Nice lie again. New patches give true HDR, fix the ambient occlusion, and make it easier to gain and lose weight.
Maybe video games are not for you...?
>Why is the best looking game of all time a console exclusive?
Because by releasing it with a big delay, R* will get every sucker to double dip.
Haha look at the fanboys
>kickstarter and early access projects
Those make up a good chunk of the best games of the decade.
is right, RDR2 has mediocre graphics for a modern AAA game, it just has nice aesthetics. Case in point, OP's image. You can hardly see anything.
Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come Deliverance, Hunt Showdown
False. If you let go of X the horse slows down
This. Kingdom Come is one of the best looking games ever made. Those rain and torch effects are gorgeous, and things look detailed even at a distance
>500$ console + game
>2.5k 65" tv
>500$ TV furniture
>5k surround system
Uh looks like we both liked KCD user, but have you seen the ray tracing reshade effect? It adds even more soul youtube.com
Explain in text the AI interactions you think are move advanced than in Oblivion, or schedules which are more complex. A video link is not an argument.
what the fuck was R* thinkign???
Arma 3
okay todd...
Can someone tell me is KC:D worth , $20 on GOG? Is ANY of the DLC worthwhile?
Yes if you are a fan of medieval times, the pure christian feeling and rpgs and if you aren't very busy irl
Yes it’s worth $20. I’ve heard the DLC is not spectacular or too consequential, but it pads up your play time with more side missions and the town Privitzlavitz (or however you spell it) actually has more use since you can do missions to rebuild it. I would get the full DLC version since it’s your first play through and you might as well get the full experience. Vanilla game has plenty of content already though.
>hurr the gameplay sucks but at least it has muh tradlife
electionfags were a mistake
I don't know about the DLCs because I haven't played them, but the base game is fucking amazing, a real gem of a game. I guess it's not for everyone though, it's a slow paced medieval peasant simulator. The game it feels most akin to in my mind is Morrowind, though obviously without the fantasy trappings. Just super immersive. They offer a bundle for the DLC now for 15 bongs, which seems pretty reasonable.
As for the topic at hand, I wish you children would stop bickering over who has the better toy. I play primarily on PC, but I have a PS4 and RDR2 went straight into my all time favourites.
I am very busy IRL, FUCK
>tfw can't plow through multiple 30 hour long games per year anymore
>Maybe get through one, if I'm lucky
>Fewer, shorter play sessions lead me to regularly only replay short old single player games or multiplayer shit
>I just want to put 40 hours a week into huge RPGs again like when I was a teenager.
I am not even christian? you're into too much /pol/ aren't you faggot
>Those make up a good chunk of the best games of the decade.
In your opinion maybe, but not in public or critic opinion. The greatest disappointments of the decade however, I have definitely seen in early access. The greatest of all of course being Star Citizen.
saddest feeling ever
Gameplay doesn’t suck though seething shitter
Laugh away the pain little buddy
I know right? This guy instantly assumes tradlife when I mention 'pure christian feeling' and medieval times, the seethe is huge with him
If you're talking about TheHunter that game is fucking GORGEOUS. And actually really really fun. But it's also on console, though it doesn't look nearly as good.
RDR2 is anything but an example of graphical fidelity, it's just a good looking game.
>it's just a good looking game
I found it very impressive considering the hardware it's running on.
Not denying that, but graphical fidelity is something else entirely.
Why do people play on PC? Because while RDR2 is a GORGEOUS game if it was on PC not only would it look just as good if not better but I could also play it at 60fps which is unarguably smoother and better to play at. Make no mistake though RDR is the exception not the rule.
Imagine being Dutch and having to look at Arthur with his faggot golden gun
For such a good looking game, it’s weird how the cinematic mode is so god awful. You can’t even freely adjust the camera or look around as your horse rides, all you can do is switch between constantly changing weird angles that don’t show much. You’d think they’d really want the player to look around the world in cinematic mode and be able to appreciate it.
Graphics is not the selling point of PC. We praise games like Deus Ex which certainly isn't muh graphics