Quake > Doom 2016 > Quake III > Doom (Knee Deep in the Dead) > Doom 2 > Quake 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>> Doom (Shores of Hell, Inferno and Thy Flesh Consumed)
Prove me wrong
Id software games
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Nu-Doom needs to go somewhere below dog shit tier for feeling about as fast and fluid as Gears of War you FUCKING RETARD
>only the early bits of doom 1/2 are playable
this is what happens when secondaries finally play the games they pretend to like
rtcw > doom > doom 2 > quake > quake 2 > dogshit > nuDoom
here is no redeeming feature of classic doom games if you're not old as fuck and didn't grow up with them. Doom 3 and 2016 are both better than classic doom
I agree, they're entirely unplayable
Based, fuck Doom
Quake improved on everything it did
Remember that moment when Quake champions had terrible issues (it still has) and somebody made doom mod that played like qc and was way more fun?
Quake 3 > Doom > Quake > Doom 2016 > Quake 2 > Doom 2
Lol no. Quake is a dooky brown tech demo. Fuck off.
>Multiplayer over singleplayer
Kill yourself, retard
>failed hl2 clone and 3d collectathon disguised as a shooter
>muh social anxiety, MP bad!
Grow a spine, incel.
Doom 3 beats anything to have ever come out of Valve and Doom 2016 is the best shooter released in the 21st century.
Keep coping, boomer
shores of hell rules
Let's boot up Quake 3 now and try and find a mp match.
Oh there's like 7 servers online and most are spics
>non-colorful things bad
>bright reddit colours good
>Painkiller (2016) that high
Lets play live then.
>inb4 HAHA playing LIVE enjoy CA. I only play neckbeard incel CPMA with 20 people who never played against pros.
Doom > Doom 2 > Quake 2 > Quake
I don't care about where the rest fit.
singleplayer only
Keep coping, boomer
Doom > Doom > Doom > Doom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doom
>he doesn't like color and vibrancy with his destruction
Gears sounds perfect for you friend
while doom 2016 is great, the multiplayer is dogshit horrible
And? The multiplayer doesn't matter and it should never matter
Plutonia is still the best of the bunch
Classic Doom>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cat shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>human shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brutal Doom>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NĂ¼ Doom
Where's Hexen?
Yes, I too love getting shit on by 100 archviles
Fuck off, Boomer
>le boomer hehe xD
>Doom 2
>better than anything
Boomer is actually an insult because it connotes an old person with withering reflexes after having sat on the computer throughout his 20a. The result is a pensioner who constantly harps on about his golden days.
Insulting someone for being young via Zoomer? Biggest cope. Everyone would love to be younger.
t. 28 year old
What map is this?
>4:3 laptop
wow, how old is that thing
Holy fuck based.
Reminder that some doom modder made better quake champions than id.
Dont know dont care.