Western isometric cRPG

I played Fallout 1-2, Baldur's Gate 1-2, Torment, Icewind Dale 1-2, Arcanum, Divine Divinity, probably also others that I can't remember right now.

Then I kinda fell off. Now that BG3 was announced I plan to catch up on the genre that I used to love.

I plan to play:
>Pillars of Eternity
>Pillars of Eternity 2
>Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
>Torment: Tides of Numenera
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Divinity: Original Sin 2

Is there anything else worthwhile? Is any of the titles complete dogshit? Do I need to replay Divine Divinity or Divinity 2 or any of this to know what's going on in Original Sin?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Expeditions: conquistador

Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Age of Decadence

>Do I need to replay Divine Divinity or Divinity 2
No, Divinity lore is just forgettable background and the story connection is loose and distant anyway.

titan quest

not trolling but how old are you OP? I'm 22 and unironically think I'm too zoomer to get into those sorts of games
oddly enough Planescape is my favorite game of all time, love the writing, atmosphere, music etc, but Arcanum, Fallout, Baldur etc are way too clunky, and Arcanum is just an outright mess, horribly balanced and blatantly unfinished combat

Atom rpg

>>Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
Do not play this garbage.

I will check them out.

Played it.

I'm 32. I grew up playing those kind of games.

Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.

1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).

2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.

3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.

4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.

5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.

6. >>warosu.org/vr/thread/5402232#p5408278

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>Arcanum is just an outright mess
Just pump charisma, lol

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Dragon Age Origins is good.

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>>Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
>>Torment: Tides of Numenera
avoid like the plague, especially dragonspear cancer

If you want something left field you could try Inquisitor. It's archaic as fuck gameplay wise but the setting is unique (grimdark fantasy medieval Catholicism) and actually gives you a role to play as opposed to being a D&D character.

I found Tyranny boring as fuck desu.

What's wrong with dragonspear? I haven't played it, genuinely curious.

im sure you kind of already know, but unfortunately all of the games you mentioned, with the personal exception of original sin for me, are incredibly mediocre games.

you should just play kingmaker because it just came out with EE and you can talk about it and enjoy it with people, its slightly better than mediocre.

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Siege of Avalon

Terribly written garbage and forces SJW shit to the point it will likely grate on you even if you don't tend to care about it.

I'm 25, if you liked planescape I think you would enjoy fallout. I've only actually completed fallout and planescape myself.

But muh tranny who tells her lifestory without anyone asking! POWERFUL

if you liked icewind dale look into the neverwinter games.

the first neverwinter game drow expansion is good, and mask of the betrayer for neverwinter nights 2 is good.

Do NOT pay money for Tides of Numenera, just a terrible game all around

How is pathfinder one? Good for $30?

Guess I'll steer clear

And even beside all of that stuff the gameplay and story is shit.

Literally the most fun I've had with RTWP combat which I am admittedly biased against, it's good.

as a kid, I played some obscure iso RPG, it has like 4 classes one of them was a duck.
You break out of a prision and do some adventure stuff, it was pretty clunky and linear.
does anyone know how that game is called?

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Torment isn't very good. Some of the writing is, but overall characters are bland, the combat is bland, and the actual RPG systems in the game are boring. The best part I remember in Torment was actually a puzzle-"combat" section on a spaceship that made me wish the entire game had played like that

The biggest issue with these games is that there are usually no memorable characters at all, just literal walking Tolkien tropes, that is dwarves are uncouth and have scottish accents, elves are uppity and hate all the other races etc. They all have some kind of randomly generated fantasy names that you will never remember etc. It all feels like one big grey mess that you slog through.

The most developed dwarf in Arcanum is literally a subversion though.

Do yourself a favor and skip all those except the Divinity ones, play Pathfinder Kingmaker and AoD like this fine gentleman suggested

Have the Pathfinder: Kingmaker devs added the missing core spells yet?

I've been doing an ironman of ToEE.
Except it's my first playthrough and I 'accidentally' banned Evocation and Enhancement as I was thinking of 3.5 pnp Transmutation and Necromancy when they're not so strong in game format as far as I can tell(at the moment bar Transmutation)? Had to hire that other wizard faggot and get him to scribe Magic Missile scrolls. At least Grease is always a good friend...
I am still enjoying myself a lot no matter what, though. Dunno if my desire to keep only a party of five will bite me in the ass in the end.

None of the games in your list are worth playing except D:OS 2. And you're missing Age of Decadence, maybe. It's not amazing, but it's interesting. And Atom, of course.

But, most importantly, Pathfinder:Kingmaker. If you liked BG2 then Kingmaker will absolutely be your jam. It's fucking amazing and the closest thing to a BG2 successor since the original. I beat it twice back to back. Hell, there's even a secret "True Ending" you can go after if you wanna put the work in.

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>high fantasy
>muh dwarves and elves
>defeat ancient evil
this shit got old about 10 years ago

at least play Dragon Age, it tries to put some spin on things so it's not too stale and there's some characters whose names you'll remember

>10 years ago
This shit was old before your grandparents were born and it will NEVER go out of style.

>Age of Decadence
Both are very niche. It's like recommending Underrail to somebody only mildly interested in the genre. They won't put up with the autism and will just quit early on since there's no compelling story and/or visuals to draw them in.

Arcanum IS a complete mess, but it's worth playing through anyway just to see what it is. As with anything by Troika, the vision outpaced their ability, but their vision is amazing.

BG1 is clunky and rough, very, very rough. Some people prefer it, but in general it hasn't aged all that well. Low level DnD, especially low level ADnD is just painful if you don't play towards the ruleset.

I'll really recommend trying BG2 though. It's aged much better than BG1, I consider it a vastly superiour game all around (it's the one people consider the masterpiece) and it's got one of the best character growths in gaming.

You start off as a mid-low level adventurer. Not exactly weak, but not someone at the top of the tables either. You start your fights making plans about casting webs or fireballs to disperse your enemies. And then you go all the way through to the high (and the ultra high) levels, where your characters are practically demiGods, there's very little to nothing in the realms that can stop them, and you begin combat by stopping time and rending reality asunder.

10/10 must play.

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>Muh cliches are bad cliche.

Someone who's played through FO1+2, BG1+2, Torment, IWD 1-2, Arcanum and Divine Divinity isn't only mildly interested in the genre.

cliches and """tropes""" are fine if they're baked into the world as background shit. when the whole thrust of the game is to play through the same conflicts you've seen 100x over, it's fucking tiresome.

Yeah, Planescape is the most approachable of those games, but it's an exceptional game. I would say it's no less approachable than any console RPG, as long as you enjoy reading.

Baldur's Gate was always garbage. I recently replayed both of them and the writing is fucking abysmal. The first game is one of the most boring pieces of garbage out there. The second one is better in the gameplay/progression aspect, but there is still nothing special about it. I feel like the only classical RPGs that live up to their title are the Fallout games and Torment (because of the story, not the gameplay). There are many pre-"golden age" RPGs that are far superior to the classics, like Darklands and Dark Sun.
Out of the new games, I liked Age of Decadence the most. UnderRail is also good. I enjoyed Tides of Numenera, but it is more of a guilty pleasure, I like the setting but I can recognize the game is not great. I was so bored by Pillars of Eternity I could not finish it. Tyranny is ok-ish, it ends right when it starts the get a little interesting, but you can skip it without any regrets.

PoE 1+2, Tyranny, DOS 1+2 and if you like a ruthless game which punishes even the smallest mistake, then Age of Decadence too. I haven't played Pathfinder yet, but it seems like a good game.

Honorable mentions: Dragon Age 1 and Neverwinter Nights 2 (especially Mask of the Betrayer)

>Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>Need 16 gb ram

You should check out Underrail. It has the combat and character customization of Fallout but actually good while lacking the qualities which made Fallout good.

>dragon age
>evil angel demon dragons command an army of rape baby demon orcs to attack the Kingdom of Generica
>with the help of the forest elves and the forge dwarves we can win and save the realm through some bullshit ritual
Yeah no, origins is a fun game but it has nothing original in it.

About to play Baldur's Gate for the first time, which is more fun, wizard, paladin or black guard?

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My favorite part of that world is the mage/templar conflict and blood magic, I wish it was all about that. Also, elves are manlets forced to live in ghettoes.

> elves are manlets forced to live in ghettoes.
Wow so original, Witcher totally didn't do this plot in the 90's.

>the mage/templar conflict and blood magic, I wish it was all about that
And that's why DA2 is the better game. Also, qunari.

Sorcerer, but you will be pretty useless for half of the first game, its all worth it though.

>And that's why DA2 is the better game.
But it didn't have anything interesting to say about the conflict.
>templars are obviously evil
>mages are obviously good
I absolutely agree about the Qunari though. Arishok was my man. Wish I could've joined the Qun.

I pretty much only played Fallout cRPGs as a kid. Wanna start up BG 1 & 2 since 3 just got announced. For a first run do I want to make a whole party or just one dude?

For me, it's Beyond Divinity. And The Temple of Elemental Evil.

I ran it with 8gb, 16gb is probably to deal with the memory leak or whatever was causing awful, increasing loading times.

You only make one dude in BG, silly.

Like clockwork

Anyone try the expansion to Spellforce 3? The base game was garbage but the add on is getting good reviews.

Baldur's Gates are very playable right out of the box even now.
Fallout is definitely lacking in basic user experience (the inventory and companion control are the most offending aspects) but easily fixed with mods.
Arcanum is very rough though, I agree. The core role play is good but no amount of mods and patches can remove the jank.