why do only stupid people care about video games? Please retards, enlighten me
Why do only stupid people care about video games? Please retards, enlighten me
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you should be in position to answer, OP
because i dont want to do anything with my life aside from masturbate and play games to be quite honest
>Black people and mexicans are more racist than white people
That's a very educational graph
>believes in IQ
well, speaking of stupid people...
still no answer boys, why do you think only stupid people care about video games as a hobby? It must mean SOMETHING
Feels good having 87 IQ Im out of the retard group hehehe.
attention spans too short to be held by more intellectually stimulating entertainment. also autism
High IQ, scared of everything
What a waste
This honestly
Interesting, I disagree. I think the consumer is too stupid and gullible, gets tricked into and accepts subpar deals
because reporting threads is hard
and moderating is hard
so garbage is normalized
when it should be lined up and shot
you guys sound depressed, not stupid
>accept my incorrect premise!!!!!!!!!
Personal Experience,135 IQ tested 2 times ,same score both times,high school.
Stories bore me,I find movies,anime and story driven videogames boring,I love gaming because it makes me have a great time,and when a videogame makes me have a great time and it actually has some kind of story,thats a masterpiece right there for me.
Stupid people tend to be the most vocal in any group, so people assume they're the only people with an opinion on non-mainstream subjects.
People that care about video games are the weak people that have become sucked into entertainment. It is no different than obsessing over what a celebrity is wearing for the day. The industry is so large now, because they have perfected their formula of addiction and efficiency to produce! Corporatism has become rampant in the video game industry, and now the people are wasting away playing them! Nothing productive! Instead of getting a job, going to school, or learning something new - these games have poisoned men's minds and hearts! Why try to face reality, when you can escape in a virtual world? That is the mindset they want you to have!
You don't have to follow this mindset. Pull it from deep in your heart that you don't want to play these games all day. You want to better yourself, so you can better your family, and in turn better your neighborhood. From there we can eventually better the world - but no cannot help anyone nor be helped until you help yourself!
Self discipline is lost! You MUST resist the temptation to play video games! You MUST resist the temptation to watch TV! You MUST give in to the overwhelming need to improve yourself! To learn new skills! To face reality, and fix what you see wrong!
Video games are temporary, but the glory of YOU is forever!
failing this hard to argument
I can see this being the case, this is also why I enjoy gaming. Good talking to you
So yeah most Sony games are unironically shit,atleast for me ,DMC or Resident Evil on the other hand... oh boy
this is wrong, please unsubcribe from Jordan P
You might have a point there, the more successful and ambitious I become the less I care about vidya. But that doesn't really have much to do with intelligence.
I'm a low IQ fag and enjoyed videogames all my life, but suddenly there are games that actually require intelligence to be played, Bioshock Infinite and Rick and Morty are like a big slap in the face for me, sucks to be a brainlet.
No, same here. I think that's because you're simply growing up user
toppest of keks, thanks retardo
>why is fake thing real?
This doesn't work as a question
I just don't like doing stuff. Like, nothing at all.
This is the absolute truth, you can play video games once in a while for a short time to relax, there's nothing wrong with that, everyone needs some time to enjoy themselves. The problem is that it doesn't give you any benefit, like playing a sport or most hobbies. Also yeah there's people who's working to make these things as addictive as possible, it's the same as porn, if you obsess over video games you're probably just weak minded. This is our new natural selection, you spend all your time on video games therefore you become a fat virgin and you get selected out.
Let me help you out my man:
If you think my statement is untrue, either provide opposing evidence or ask me to provide some
>This is the absolute truth, you can play v
incorrect, there are multiple games capable of stimulating very relevant senses:
decision making
strategic thinking
These are highly prevalent in business environments, and have no negative inherent value. I encounter these on a daily basis in my work. Question is - why is the bulk of gamers so stupid? Is it age related?
Provide proof.
>Is it age related?
I think so. I don't think there will ever be a self made millionaire or genius akin to Gates or someone else anymore. There's no need to be intelligent in this society. Most work is menial at best and physically straining at worst ant those at the top of the ladder typically don't have time for other pastimes. I don't find games to be a a hobby, as it's mostly mindless consuming, and hobbies typically require the creation of something.
It's not my singular hobby, it's just something I do in my free time.
>I’m intelligent
>Therefore I go to Yea Forums
Pick one
>Therefore I go to Yea Forums
doesn't work on its own
I know many intelligent people, none of which enjoys gaming as a regular hobby.
On the contrary I see a sea of retards from all walks of life getting into the gaming scene - on forums, youtube, twitch and so forth - and nowhere does a place of high quality game discussion exist. The reasonable hypothesis is to assume that the general user base is stupid.
Please provide me with the basis for your counter argument
>my personal anecdote
Not evidence. Provide actual evidence, please.
just in case you don't know how this works:
Like attracts like.
I disagree, truly valuable work is to get someone to work FOR you. Owning products is the way forward in capitalism, and is how intelligence can be rewarded in today's society.
completely agree on the time-wasting aspect of it though, it's not a hobby - it's more a thing teenagers do after they're done with homework
>Argumentum ad personam
Quality thread if i ever saw one
Really idiots? You think anecdotal evidence has no place in an argument? Please dislodge Joe Rogan's/Jordan Peterson's/Ben Shapiro's dick out of your mouth and provide me with what YOUR counter argument is based on.
I referenced information we both have available and am yet to see a single counter example of an intelligent person promoting video games
Playing sports and many hobbies can provide a benefit. Woodworking lets you create a physical object that can be sold, or enjoyed. Most sports provide physical activity, competition, and culture.
While you are correct that video games can stimulate important senses, the downfall is those senses really only apply well to other video games. The other problem is, the strategies and decision making really are only relevant to the game's programming - not real life.
The majority of gamers are not stupid, they have just become entrapped in the scheme. Their minds have been trained to only think in such a limited way that video games teach. Their lives revolve around going to work, or having parents pay for their addiction, and doing nothing but playing video games all day. It poisons the mind.
I grew up playing many, many video games. I had a lonely childhood - living in the country with a drugged up mother and a father that traveled for work months at a time. I had no friends, as I could not leave my home and the nearest town was 8 miles away.
I had tons of time on my hands, and I wasted it playing video games all day. Instead, I could have been working on mechanical skills, musical skills, or many other things to better myself as a person. I know I'm not the only one that has succumbed to this, and thankfully I grew out of it. However, there are many that will not grow out of it.
Those individuals are going to provide no benefit to society. They will simply work and play video games. Nothing else. They will not better themselves, they will not help others, they will only live in a virtual world. They have lost their humanity, and only have a virtual mind and a virtual heart. Their love of others will all but disappear. They will only befriend those that play their games, with no real human emotional connection.
You can still have good friends through video games, I will never doubt that as I've experienced it first hand.
Imagine being this thirsty for anonymous replies. Fix your life, OP.
im BORED, cant you SEE. This is the point of this website
>Most sports provide physical activity, competition, and culture
With the general exception of physical activity, so do video games.
thanks for your reply, just wanted to let you know I completely agree. Thanks for telling your story user
I'm browsing this shitty place while I'm at work, I'm so gonna get fired.
fuck 'em
I guess. Most things are stuff people do when they're done with work. Movies, literature, anime, TV, games, cooking, writing, hiking, whatever. I personally believe that time wasted doing something you enjoy isn't wasted time but you would seem to disagree.
I think your argument falls apart as soon as you realize that most people are downright retarded and generally prefer to plop down on the couch after work and do nothing. You acting like the correct way to live is to "better yourself" instead of bide and enjoy your time alive till you die is almost funny, considering you're posting on Yea Forums on a board dedicated to video games.
You forgetting to take into consideration that taste is a thing as well. Most people don't have any genuine interests aside from mindless consumption. Not everyone is some hidden genius where if they just "applied themselves" they would be a better person. Art and innovation will go nowhere without passion, and forcing passion upon people who do not give a fuck will just lead to the degredation of society.
I agree with you somewhat, but I don't think you're looking at the bigger picture.
that does not follow
if all racists are retards, not all retards need to be racists
Physical activity is the sole biggest factor of sports. Video games do not provide the same level of culture and competition that physical sports would. Video games have an artificial balance, a static set of ways, and rules outside the laws of physics. Physical sports require immense training to be good, the competition and culture is much larger than video games. Games are simply a virtual creation and the competition is purely inside the mind.
They provide a fun way to entertain on a rainy day. That is the only benefit of video games. It is just another way for people to spend their money, and never get ahead in life. There are so many individuals that are always broke or poor, yet they can afford a Playstation or build a gaming PC, and afford the games associated with them. Then they pay for internet, peripherals, accessories, and so forth.
These people will never get ahead in life, and that is precisely what the corporations and the government want.
dodged a bullet there
> but you would seem to disagree.
Not at all actually, I enjoy games (i guess) as a hobby. I think the medium has huge potential and like to think about it, I just feel that the way it is right now it's still too much of a product to be considered a legitimate hobby - do you understand what i mean?
Anecdotal evidence has no place in an argument when the argument you are trying to make generalizes an entire demographic.
Yeah. I don't think games are a hobby either unless you make them or make something from it. I feel that for something to be a hobby you have to create or improve something. I'm into making maps and stuff for Doom, that I consider a hobby. Playing maps though, isn't really.
>competition is purely inside the mind
Do you think the rules of sports just manifested out of thin air? Someone had to think of rules and create a functioning game. You can argue that the physical activity is what matters but the idea that the rules of a sport and the rules of a video game aren't comparable is very base. Sure you have the unchanging constant of physics but you could compare it to the constant of what hardware the game is running on.
If leisure time is where you seek fulfillment, you messed up when picking a career.
I agree many people are lazy and would rather plop down on the couch. The reason they want to do this is purely because of addiction, and their minds having been poisoned by entertainment. In the past, most everyone had interests outside of consumption. Now, we have consumption so readily available at our fingertips, they have become lazy and see no way out of it. The attitude you have is another reason why this trend will continue.
Inside of every person there must at least be an attempt to become better, to improve themselves. Whether or not they succeed or fail in doing so is irrelevant, so long as they attempt to do something.
I am not trying to enforce passion on people. My statements will only work and hold true when they realize they need to have passion in the first place. To enforce passion would be to enact laws and enforce them strongly - which is not the case and not something within my power.
Also, I am posting on Yea Forums's video game board purely because this is a great place for me to exercise my voice. Hoping my message will reach out to others and have my words at least in the back of their mind. This is just one of many places I do this. I also post on slow days at work. I'm a network technician, and some days are slower than others.
you guys sound depressed and stupid
>failing this hard to argument
Finally, a shread of a counter argument.
Absolutely not true in this case since neither of us have access to any empirical findings. Since that's how it is we have nowhere to start from other than anecdotes. You seem to mistake this debate for one where your standpoint is already established and verified as true.
As we have now gone full argumentation 101 - please offer me an actual argument or the basis of one, as to why you think differently than I do.
>Actually posting the racial IQ bellcurve that highlights African Americans
Nice LARP, pol
still nothin on me, consider your response
Prove you actually know intelligent people, it shouldn’t be surprising that I have a hard time believing that
What is inherently wrong with consumption? I mean most people apply themselves at work or school and treat their free time as time to waste. While they may not be intelligent they at least put effort into doing something for 8 to 10 hours a day and don't see the point in doing what is essentially more work on their time off.
Again, I agree somewhat, but if someone works, oh I don't know, IT and fixes computers all day it makes sense he wouldn't want to come home and fix MORE computers despite tech being his passion. He put in his time, now he wants to enjoy something else.
I do not mean rules that dictate a game or sport. I mean physical laws. To master the real world around you, is to master yourself. Mastering a virtual, temporary world that you will never experience after a couple years is to waste your time.
I'm not going to argue the principles between athletic sports and video games. If you can't understand my reasoning, you need to think deeper. It is also not an ultimatum, nor do I see it in black and white. I understand that sports are not for everyone, be it due to physical or genetic issues and the like. My point is, you cannot compare virtual games with virtual rules and virtual victories and defeats with the real world.
Grown men kicking a ball isn't any more meaningful than pixels on a screen though.
Pajeets make up all the sub-80 IQ statistics.
While I obviously cannot prove without doxing myself, I can tell you I work in a knowledge intensive business, have a MSc and is through that very well connected with my uni friends. I'm not even really arguing from an IQ-standpoint. I studied one of the most difficult things to get into, which is what I use as a basis for my claims.
I am still waiting for a single glimpse of a counter. None of you haven't even the balls to claim anything to back up what I assume are your disagreements with my statement
>physical laws
Such as the physical laws that computers abide by? Competition comes from beating someone in the same criteria. Sure I'm smarter than the average African living in Africa, but the circumstances aren't the same. The virtuality of it doesn't detract from the competitive worth. I hate esports but look at the Quake and Smash competitive scenes.
Like anything, as long as its within moderation it is OK. Alcohol, smoking, gambling, and so forth. In moderation. The problem is when it goes beyond moderation, and next thing you know it becomes an addictive habit and you let it control you instead of you controlling it. The same principle applies to consumption.
You don't have to continue with your work when you get home, and if you do something you enjoy it is not work. I'm sure you stated the IT analogy as I mentioned I work in IT earlier. Anyway, when I get home I work on people's cars as a side gig, I play musical instruments, I socialize and do tons of other things. I may bust out the old SNES on a rainy or sick day, but that is really it.
There are so many things one can do to better themselves without it really being work. Musical instruments can be fun and are productive. Good for attention from the opposite sex, provides a potential for cultural growth, helps with dexterity of both the mind and body. There's also woodworking, blacksmithing, taxidermy, hunting, hiking.. The list can go on, but I hope you see my point.
Instead of doing things like listed above, people think it's just fine to get home from work and play video games for the whole evening. Every day. Once in awhile is fine, but now games are so addictive that people can't get off them to do anything for themselves.
While I personally don't care much for sports, it is far more meaningful than pixels. You are watching athletes compete against one another. Work together as a team - people who have put in so much time for training, keeping themselves healthy to compete, and all that pays off to compete and win or try to win. The people watching, while I do feel also get way too entrapped in watching sports just as bad as playing video games would be, it is a means of uniting people for a team. Though, I do believe watching sports religiously is just as mind numbing
You're not accounting taste nor passion. If you're getting a masters in something then you probably care about what you're studying more than video games. A guy getting a masters in English probably prefers reading to video games as well, a sports physician probably enjoys sports, while most CS students I'd say really enjoy video games.
>You're not accounting taste nor passion.
I don't see why you'd think that'd factor into my side. Heres what I'm claiming, from :
I know many intelligent people, none of which enjoys gaming as a regular hobby.
On the contrary I see a sea of retards from all walks of life getting into the gaming scene - on forums, youtube, twitch and so forth - and nowhere does a place of high quality game discussion exist. The reasonable hypothesis is to assume that the general user base is stupid.
This to me speaks of a community largely & generally stupid (despite CS majors enjoying it) do you disagree?
All in getting out of it is that people HAVE to have more than one passion in life and must spend their free time pursuing it. I'd say the only thing I am passionate about is technology but fuck off if you think I'm going to mess with and fix computers in my free time instead of playing video games or something. I pursue my passion for 8 hours a day so I'm going to do something else in my free time. Sure I do other things but I usually am playing and learning about games because.
I see a lot of dumbasses getting into acting so all actors are retarded. There aren't any good places to discuss anything besides niche forums nowadays. It's a false equivalence.
Again, you're not getting the picture. In games the character or thing you're controlling - it's laws do not abide by physical laws. Computers abide to physical laws, but the programming within does not.
I'm not denying competition within video games. I'm saying people getting so wrapped up into something that doesn't last, and has no value beyond the one or two years a game is popular. The argument with sports, is it's rooted in culture for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They inspire athleticism in people, they inspire people to be healthy so they can compete, they inspire people to strive to be as athletic as they possibly can be. Esports inspire people to just play more video games and sit all day - and never improve themselves.
I bet OP doesn't even listen to rap music
>programming within does not
Inherently false.
>sports are good because they inspire athleticism
Sure, but you can be athletic and play video games as well. You can see a character in a game and aspire to replicate their physique. I mean look at /fit/ and how many people strive to like like Ryu or Big Boss.
I work in IT, and I get it - I don't want to even see a screen when I get home. I don't have TV or internet at home. However, my point is doing things that are improving yourself and helping others is not work. It is a necessity to better yourself, your family, and your nation. By simply going home and playing video games all day, you are wasting time. Your life is precious, as is your time. Don't waste it by living in a virtual world. When you're old and retired - maybe then you can spend your time doing wasteful things. You've done your duty by that point.
People who just want to go home and play video games, you need to at least make an attempt to care about yourself and your people. You don't have to do this every single day - you can still play your video games. When it's all you do when you get home - what a wasted life you've lived.
>It's a false equivalence.
Nah, you're actually still not engaging with my argument, which btw is not analogous to your example of actors - here's a breakdown
>I see a lot of dumbasses getting into acting so all actors are retarded
This is not what I'm saying. I'm saying:
>I see a lot of dumbasses getting into acting - and no smart ones - so all actors are retarded. I know this because I look for smart actors online to discuss with and find none.
Your argument is easily countered with "well what about XYZ intelligent actor or XYZ online forum where you can engage with deep analysis of theatre/film
>There aren't any good places to discuss anything besides niche forums nowadays.
How is this a legit point to make? I say "there isnt anywhere to have an intelligent discussion on game design", to which you reply "There aren't any good places to discuss anything besides niche forums nowadays." - bro we already agree. I think we actually agree
>inherently false
No, no it's not. By that statement, I guess superman flying around is completely OK with physical law? Extracting half the soviet army in Afghanistan with big balloons is applicable to real physical laws? Again, you are completely misunderstanding my point. This is not black and white.
>Ryu or Big Boss
The problem there is, when they get to the point they look like them, now what? You can't haduken in real life, nor can you be a top of the line mercenary with his own base and staff by purely being the best mercenary in the world. Life isn't like that, and yet people somehow think that video games can apply to reality.
>Your life is precious
That is merely an opinion, one many philosophers completely disagree with.
These same stupid people also considered video games to be “art” lel
>improving yourself and helping others is not work.
The work people ask me to help them with is IT stuff usually. Not really relevant but, again, I don't really care about too much aside from tech and video games. Again, I see wasted time that you enjoy isn't time wasted.
>Life isn't like that, and yet people somehow think that video games can apply to reality.
Neither are sports. What worthwhile job requires you to run for an hour straight kicking a ball? What anything requires you to hit a ball with a bat? The skills that can be learned from sports can be acquired independent of them. If you're arguing culture and athletic skill then taking inspiration from a fictional character and bettering yourself based off that character then games are applicable.
op here, if you don't think video games constitutes a medium worthy of being "art" you seriously don't understand art