>"Any kind of P2W mechanic inherently destroys the integrity of the game."
>"have sex"
"Any kind of P2W mechanic inherently destroys the integrity of the game."
It's just the go-to preprogrammed response for the time being. It'll pass eventually.
have sex with me for making such an astute observation
>Opinion I agree with is rational and articulate
why do people keep doing this though, its just stupid name calling, same with soi,cuck and whatever crap came before that
having sex was in fact the first p2w game
>"gaem bad becouse ..."
>"haeb zegz >:("
>"gaem good becouse"
>"heb zegz >:("
every time
i cant think of anything to prove you wrong
maybe not dying to diseases but im sure whoring came before medicine
what an astute observation
haeb zegz
easy (you)s
I've been pissing about on the Internet for about twenty years and if there was a definitive and satisfactory answer to that question, I'd have found it by now. But there isn't.
Be my wife
So what will happen if I DONT have sex Yea Forums?
Nigga, it's just the newest version of an eternal meme. Before it was:
>check my dubs
>unironically getting mad at 'have sex'
Have sex.
habebe zsaegeze >:(
Actually pretty good
P2W is cancer killing video games, and I've said it after having sex. What's next move?
stop being poor then
It gets a response.
hold hands
maybe if you didn't spend so much on puss you could spend on games, you fat retard.
have some fucking priorities.
Not an argument.
No, I'm not mad at "have sex", I'm mad at the sheer number of people unable to have a normal conversation or articulate an argument who still feel compelled to post a meme answer, derrailing threads for no reason whatsoever.
Hey user
me__ too
just unironically blew my mind
zegz >:(
>he can't beat have sex
Dumb normalfags
bend over
Have sex
"Have sex" is kind of like what happens when you dab on the haters. What happens when they dab back? The answer is similar in this case. What happens when you DO have sex and then they tell you to have sex anyways? It's all a paradoxical hatefest for no real good reason cause they lack any real ideas on a German Sausage forum.
>dab on the haters
good b8 m8
I dunno what you're talking about, I have plenty of games pic related so I'm far from being poor. Also I'm not fat. Ok, what's next argument?
Clean your room, I guess.
>newfag fuck doesn't know that trolling and shitposting were a thing before he was a zygote
Go back.
>What's next move?
Learn proper English lol
not that user but when people trolled on Yea Forums 10+ years ago, they were called for it and ridiculed, just look how many memes were about
>pretending to be retarded
>obvious troll is obvious
There were 10 times less bait threads. If someone's underage it's you. Go back to discord kiddo.
Most people on Yea Forums are literal memespouting teenagers that need to feel validated in a group. You either stay here because or despite this, or just quit, which is actually the best answer.
>learn proper English
>English written with capital letter when it's obviously adjective
I think people paying for P2W have bigger mess in their rooms, also bigger mess inside their heads. Another argument
Why on earth would you make a thread to bitch about faggots responding with:
>have sex
and make it clear that they bother you?
Exactly this. Before if you literally reposted shitty bait people would ignore you. But now you can literally post the same one word bait replies and threads and get easy (You)’s
Just the mere fact you were annoyed enough to make a threads sustains me for another week. Literally have sex you incel.
>Have sex
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
в чём шyткa я нe пoнял