50 doolers?! For FF12?? Even FF13, 14, and 15 are all $20. This is price gouging because they know it's good

50 doolers?! For FF12?? Even FF13, 14, and 15 are all $20. This is price gouging because they know it's good.

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Git gud.

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I never cared about FF12 to finish it.

I got the Switch version for £28 iff ebay
It's a fun game

post china chow

To be fair, it's the last good game they ever made

at least they're not charging $60 for 2D sprite games

It's a chore. I want to replay it but I lose interest every time I remember I had to force myself to finish it early due to boredom.

Who cares. 10 was better.

Absolutely no fucking way. Fight me.

Reminder that vanilla 12 is bad and izjs/ZA 12 is a peak in the franchise

10 is not only among the worst of the series, it was the beginning of the end for ff and the experiences they once offered.

This. The zodiac age is basically a better Xenoblade Chronicles and I fucking love Xenoblade Chronicles.

I beat FF12 vanilla the other day and have decided it was the most torturous gaming experience of my entire life.

Never before have I seen a game that does such a fucking awful job of rewarding your tremendous efforts.

>tremendous efforts.

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Except it's an actual good game worth the money.
unlike 13, 14 and 15

every time final fantasy goes on sale 12 is always left out of the sale, it's bullshit

>spend 4 hours beating Yiazmat
>get 1/3 of an item needed to purchase a weapon that is shit compared to others
>great, now I've got to spend another 2 hours running back and forth between Giruvegan and the Great Crystal to get the other 1/3


>decide to get a Yagyu Darkblade
>takes 4 hours of farming to drop


>get all the Espers
>never use any of them


>beat the game
>the ending sucks

Take your pick, user. The game was filled with nothing but disappointment.

Whats the catch? Multiple endings?

Nope, no catch. Just infested with useless challenges.

Which one is better to play XII on, PC or console? Also the remake or the original with hd mods?

This game is amazing I had an absolute blast start to finish. I got it before the switch version was announced on PC. But I may get it again on switch.

i bought it on switch for that price. it's like 20 on ps4, just give it some time and it'll come down

>decide to get a Yagyu Darkblade
>takes 4 hours of farming to drop
There's a program that let's you see how the rng works on the ps4 and pc versions, you can pretty much get any rare item in under 5 minutes.

Zodiac age improves nearly all of that.
Frame skip button fot farming, allows for x2 or x4 speed. Can make a 2 hour fight like yiazmat done in a few minutes.
Summons were buffed but they are mostly great for under levled strats. Some summons like the gravity crab (zeromus i think) cant out put absolutely obscene damage if you know what you are doing. They become really helpful for some marks, but generally a well equiped party can prove more useful.

Cant defend the ending but it isnt so bad

Because it's an actual good port, unlike the others

PC has mods, like being able to use your party anywhere so you are not just vaan in the cities. There are tons of rebalance patches as well, so the game can be far harder if you want it to be
The ability to reset jobs on switch/xbox is really amazing, it lets you try out some really wacky combos and lets you try out how bad time battlemage is so you know to never pick it as a main job.

>Story is distant the entire way through the game
>Combat system is auto attacking without any payoff (shit port of the FF11 system)
>Vaan and penelo

At least it was a pretty game.

Its the best port square has ever done. 60 fps alone is shocking, but ultra wide support as well? And it does not shit the bed at all, unlike 10 where you get frame drops in lots of places for no real good reason?

>game is so bloated with shit it literally has a fast-forward through fights button that you can use gambits to auto-pilot through.

Are you serious right now? That's not even playing the game at that point. It's shit. Might as well BOT in a fucking mmo, same garbage.

>get it on a steam sale for less than half
>beat king behemoth hunt and girugamesh
>never actually get desire to finish the actual game (I was about to board Bahamu, is that close?)
I kinda liked it, interesting intermediary step between XI and the rest of the franchise. I thought I’d hate gambits but they were an interesting idea...The system really kind of fell apart when you needed to micromanage everyone’s actions (for the hard hunts, or I did at least) because it didn’t really seem made for it. But it was also the only time it really felt alive, since the rest of the time was just spent running through the game at 4x speed because it would literally play itself. Kinda made it feel a bit lacklustre.

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Yeah, I can agree with this. Technically speaking the game is marvelous. Everything else, on the other hand, is questionable at best.

user, that's an hour before the end
literally the last dungeon

Boarding Bahamut is basically the end of the game. You've got ~1 hour left.

Its a strategy game more so than a jrpg. Think of it like so. You program your army to fight enemies. You fast forward the parts you know your programmed AI can handle, then manually deal with any challenges that suddenly arise with fast forward off.

Its a gameplay style that does not go well with everyone, but when it hits with someone oh man does it hit.

>it's good

It's a shame really because for combat specifically the FFXI system was incredibly fun and would have been cool to experience in a single player setting. Gambits too were really fun and would have opened up so much of the system but uh, yeah, they forgot you need the rest of the mechanics and not just auto attacking.

The lack of positional control infuriated me too, characters you aren't currently controlling will constantly shift position and circle around the enemy, the only way to make them sit still is to switch to them and manually move them back to where they belong.

That's even worse, because if the strategy relies on having the game on auto pilot, there's no strategy. It's just plugging in win conditions and getting a green light.

I liked that the game reminded me of FF11, but once it started turning into a nightmare of auto-pilot it's just a shit way of making a "Final Fantasy" game overall.

also, FF13-2 is still unplayable on my machine even when i cap the framerate to 30.

>plays itself
Every time. Go play Dragon age 2 and press X repeatedly to awesome you dumb fucks.

Yeah they made it seem like the end of the game but I was kind of expecting a tweest that made it not actually the end and I didn’t think my heart could handle that. I’ll probably go back and finish this weekend, thanks.

>because for combat specifically the FFXI system was incredibly fun
lol wut

Just pirate it and stop whining like a fucking baby.

For the last time, it does not "play itself". You can control all the chacters at all times and you set up macro-like systems in which the characters will follow a programmed behavior that you must set individually.

I was making fun of the idiots who make the claim that the game plays itself. Do you know what greentext is and have you played Dragon age 2?

>just steal it bro!

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It's worth it.

Just buy it on sale retart. It was $25 a few months ago.

>paying for FFXII
>in 2019

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The strategy is making efficient AI with the gambits.
Simply having Enemy:any -> attack wont solve everything in the game unless you want it so you have to micro manage a lot (some people enjoy this since it makes the game more involved so thats cool I guess)

While having extremely well thought out gambits makes it so you generally do not have to worry much about confrontations. You steam roll them with good planning. I will say the game is too easy, if the game was harder then I feel it would solve a lot of issues of the game feeling like it plays itself comes in. I fought several of the end game summons way to early and it was an absolute blast seeing them shit on my gambits and having to adjust on the fly constantly, especially with cuchulainn

It has Denuvo, you shouldn't be buying it regardless of price.

I paid $50 for it in 2006 why am I paying $50 again in 2019?

>the game doesn’t play itself, you have to direct the game so that it can play itself
I get what you mean in that you are responsible for a lot of things:
>behavior like setting up the healer triage thresholds
>watching mp if you set to auto buff
But this is all in service of having you steer the party around from fight to fight so they can execute predetermined actions. If someone says FFXII plays itself it’s obviously hyperbole, but at the same time that is 90% of the dungeon gameplay. Especially if you only follow the critical path.

>But this is all in service of having you steer the party around from fight to fight so they can execute predetermined actions
Huh. Kinda like every other JRPG in existence. I get what you mean though, not having to pick spells from a list in order to cast them is just awful. Wait no it isn't actually.

you really don't have to plan anything out. Zodiac age is so easy that you can slap characters with any job and enemy -> lowest HP - attack and the party will steamroll every engagement. everything after that is just auto-buffing and auto targeting elemental weaknesses, and a remedy/x-potion vendor

Why does it matter if you can automate things? Picking an option in a menu isn't challenging, nor fun. Of course, you can still do that if you need to, because your gambits won't work against every single enemy at all tiles, unless you're constantly switching them. XII is actually one of the best games in the series when it comes to player agency.
Also, positioning is another thing to factor in, and is crucial for AoE attacks and buffs/healing.

That's a lie or you've purposely made your party overpowered by grinding which would be my guess since ZA has made grinding very easy with the sped up functions.
In fact I get the feeling that most people just grind in FF12 and then claim that it's all autobattle. I checked a few videos online to see how other people dealt with a certain rank 3 mark and they were all like "oh yeah this is an easy fight" except they were all about 10 levels above my party when I did the fight.
Like all JRPGS, grinding and/or farming shit will trivialize the game. Not worth talking about.

The story path is too easy, ZA was actually rebalanced to be easier. But try doing some of the marks a bit underlevled. They are a total blast. Last night I went into a hogh levled area in the henne mines, they were about 10 levels above me, and scored the death summon dude. Again, it was a total blast to do, simply because I did have to do adjustments on the fly.
The difficulty of the game is the biggest issue with the game. Not gambits.

Truth. I remember playing the original Thrice, and every time that dragon mark in the desert gave me a lot of trouble. By the end I usually had no HP/MP restoratives left besides regular potions.

Yeah, being overlevled in this game is way to common in LP's
The demon walls always fucks me over, everytime I looked up a tutorial on how to beat it, it was some neck beard going, "yeah so this guy is easy, you just need to auto attack him", while these clowns are like high 30's in level and have done the early gladius trick.

The x2 and x4 speed makes grinding super easy, so getting overlevled through LP or straight exp is easy to do. Especially with the trial mode exploit. Lets not forget you can get an end game sword in like the 5th trial mode and transfer it to your main game with the auto save trial mode exploit

That guy fucking rocks everyone. He has an insane hp pull and constantly gets disable on your party. Absolutely a hard dude to fight. You can cast imobiloze on him, since he only really does melee attacks, if you do ranged damage to him while he is imobilized, he literally cannot do anything. Even still, he can fuck you up

price goufing is taking advantage of unusual circumstances to force higher than normal prices usually for essential items. this is just supply/demand.

It really isn’t much different, no. Keep buffs and libra up (more important or viable in this game which is very cool). Set up elemental weakness gambits until you get scathe, but that’s the same as other FFs (use etc until you get Ultima). There hasn’t been a FF game that hasn’t ended with me mostly mashing the attack button or whatever ridiculous OP spell you end up with. Nobody would argue that what’s happening on the screen is all that much different. FF12’s critical path isn’t a hard game but none of them are. I am not arguing if one is better than the other, but I am saying that if someone says the game plays itself you can see where they’re coming from. Hitting a button to produce an action is the fundamental of video games and FF12 makes it so you don’t need to do that very often with proper planning. Side content making you step out if that comfort zone is great, but then doing absolutely any if it overleveks you for the main story as people have mentioned which exacerbates the problem.

It's digital. The supply is infinite.

I will say, one good thing about ff XIII is that it restricts how much you can grind, so you can keep doing sidequests and still have a decent challenge in the main story.
or you COULD, if there was any fucking sidequest that wasn't 90% of the way into the main quest

>if someone says the game plays itself you can see where they’re coming from
In the case of FF12 it's always brought up as some huge problem though. That is absolutely fucking retarded.
Not to mention that the proper planning you speak of is only possible if you're aware of what you're getting into every step of the way, so a player is not able to automate the game to such a degree their first time through.
Seems like a moot point to me.

>he doesn't understand supply and demand

Just have one nigger mage reflect Aero, bro. Although you have to hope he isn't X-Zoned.

When there's low supply and high demand, prices increase. There is an infinite supply here and not very much demand.

shit boomer meme

Did you completely miss everything that is the hunt? Those are your side quests. Some hunts lead to side stories that let you do other stuff.

For instance, you have to defeat the flowering cactoid to open one quest line relating to a sick patient. After getting the materials for thr lady mending the patient, you can slay another hunt to give a serpent skin needed for medicine for the sock person. After that, you can go way over to another part of the world to try and find the dad of one of the kids in that village, who is on the other side of the river bed in that village. After getting around the river, the mama flowering cactoid wants to find her son that you killed and has kidnapped several of the villagers and force them to search for the dead son. After you solve the whole ordeal, you can get one final item to heal the sick person, and once healed she will give you a key to a optional area in a dungeon. In that dungeon you can get a secret summon, a very helpful technick called shear, a magic called toxify, and several weapons really early that you are not meant to get till a little later in the game. Its such a great reward for a pretty long side quest

Technically the Switch and Xboner versions are the definitive versions as they add the ability to switch jobs. Job decision in the PC version is permanent.

10 was leagues better than 12 and the last good FF that wasn't an MMO

Never played it? It was a well paced system based on teamwork and timing.

I'm sorry I had you type such a long paragraph for nothing user, but I was talking about 13.

10 is a dumb hallway that focuses on visuals and a sappy love story that includes people not dying cause they didn't want to.
Take off the nostalgia goggles.

>Not to mention that the proper planning you speak of is only possible if you're aware of what you're getting into every step of the way, so a player is not able to automate the game to such a degree their first time through.
>set one guy to unga
>set one to hit all elemental weaknesses
>set one to heal and cure debuffs
>ready for entire main story
The only one that will wake people up is that boss with reflect.

PS4 doesn't have job switching?
Is that a huge deal?

Sorry but I'lll take my 200fps, 4K and no input lag over that any day.

>battle starts
>low HP healer gets swarmed and fucking dies
>tumbling down ensues
I can think of multiple bosses that throw curveballs your way. You can't just set gambits to automatically silence/immobilize/oil/disable/dispel/decoy shit effectively and if you felt that you never needed to do so, chances are you were overpowered as fuck.

I used cheatengine specifically and only to switch jobs, glad that shit is baseline in future ports

>cheating in a single player RPG
It's like you don't even like endorphins.

>200fps, 4K and no input lag
I can see other games benefit from all of those things but FF12?
You do your thing man but I think it's weird that you value those above switching jobs around. That's where all the fun is really.

Yeah, because the price is determined by a customer's willingness to play it

The game is easy enough that you could have the most retard job combination and still blitzkrieg the entire game.

>I can see other games benefit from all of those things but FF12?
You would think not but I have the PS4 version and the input lag is so bad that it kills that game. Specifically when you have to chain the limit breaks and you only have that short amount of time to press the right button. It doesn't matter how good times are when there's nearly an entire second on the input delay.

>Specifically when you have to chain the limit breaks and you only have that short amount of time to press the right button.
I play on the switch and it's perfectly responsive. You might be confusing the times when you have to press the button twice for input lag but that is not the case. Pay attention to this, you'll see that the name of the quickening changes after you push it the first time on occasion. It's weird but that's how it works.

Do you know how lure works? Its really helpful.

I think you mean 13 is a dumb hallway that focuses on visuals

Do you? Unless you have someone to continuously spam it, it will run out. And it can fail too.

Again, talking about the ps4 version here. It is a shit show on that.

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It's right there m8, of course I know how it works. I also know that it wears off and occasionally misses when recast, which forces the player to adapt in order to not die so it's not reliable and requires direct input and positioning as a backup plan.

No that's true for both games.

Just thought I'd point that out in case you'd missed it. Don't see how the ps4 version can specifically have that problem but I'll take your word for it I guess.

you blind too or something? Just google it.

Why would I google about an issue I'm not having?


>i did all the side shit even though I hated it including the four hour superboss and enjoyed none of it

Are you like incredibly autistic or something? Why not just turn it off the second it's boring? Why play for hundreds of hours over a fucking game you don't like.

Maximum Autism.

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>I have a special PS4, guys. It was made especiialy for me in Japan by a supermodel because my dad works for sony

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I already said that I'm playing the switch version though.

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When I played X after a few hours I was thinking how much I want to play IX instead.

>ff12 babies dont know about the indigo pendant
>ff12 babies dont know about spellbound

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Lmao, no. Don’t even fucking kid yourself.

>ps4 version has insane input lag
>>it works fine on my nintendo!
>talking about ps4 though.
>>when you press a button it does things!
>not on ps4 though.
>>I literally cannot see how that's possible!
>I posted a pic of other people coplaining about it. Just google it if you're having a hard time understabding.
>>But it works fine on MY ps4!
>... you don't have a special ps4, user.
>>Yes I do! That's because mine's a nintendo!

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10 was the last true FF
It was truly the...Final Fantasy

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What form of insanity is this? You just had a conversation with me in your head and you think it actually happened.
Sorry for doubting your authority sir, please don't have a fucking meltdown because of it jesus.

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Or we know about them and that's why they're not brought up. Don't act like you're gonna be rocking either of those for a large part of the game.
Anyway this is all about decoy alone, my point about all the other debuffs and their situational applications stands regardless of equipment.

Proof that all nintendo owners are imbeciles.

Yeah, indigo pendant ia really only usefull on time mage since all time magick has a low chance to hit for some god foraaken reason. Really, all you need is that ring that gives piercing magick to your healer, have some one cast reflega on the party, and just black mage spam on your self like crazy. You can face roll everything but a few end game bosses.

Hate how most end game bosses ignore the evasion stat, kinda gay

What is?