Why are japanese games so much more fun compared to western games?
Why are japanese games so much more fun compared to western games?
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They arent.
I really like eyebrows girl
pedophile junk isnt ''fun'' but keep telling yourself it is
fume more /pol/tard
by fun you mean they soothe your autism weeb faggot?
Cause they are more considered with fun then pushing an agenda
Because they make actual good games. While the west makes shit like Tlou
>posting overwatch
Because japs focus on fun while western devs think they are making an experience or art.
Trips confirm.
stop being a incel
"An" incel, you mean
She's literally a corpse and canonically smells awful
They're pretty cute and funny
Maybe, but what does this even mean?
What would you know? I'm sure you've never played any.
bend over then.
They aren't they've literally been making the exact same games over and over since the 90s you're just a faggot weeb contrarian
jeapenise loli hpoe hreat belly buttons
Imagine the smell
These threads start and end the same way every time
>Why (insert question of retardation here)
>Because (insert answer feeding into OP's retardation) while (insert negative brain activity)
A-are you okay there user?
He meant funny and cute
But they are pushing an agenda: it’s a plot by the Chinese to keep Whites and Japanese from breeding
because you're a weeaboo
Cute and funny!
Japan has better experience with a wider amount of genres and is generally less interested in milking your wallet dry with the exception of mobileshit/gachashit and KT jewish DLC.
There are good games from both sides.
>generally less interested in milking your wallet dry with the exception of the biggest gaming types that exist in japan i.e mobile/gachashit
>fuck western devs MUH NIP DEVS aren't like them at all! ((except when they are))
Mobile games being shit or jewish is not exclusive to Japan
Shinobu is soo cute
Westerners don't use the word "fun" to describe their games.
Damaged by the cunny.
Nice job proving your shit taste
cunny may save or break a man.
cause you enjoy child porn and all you care about
"generally less interested in milking your wallet" sure as fuck isn't exclusive to Japan if the "exception" is the norm form of gaming over there.
it's not ok to fap to twelve year olds user.
Play tennis, user.
>posting this while knowing 4chin hands over IPs to the FBI willy nilly
good job retards
>not wearing undies
i really hope she didn't wipe and will sit on my lap
>Giving a fuck about drawings on a mongol tapestries trading board.
I want a snail and a cat.
>being this much of a newfaggot
you're already on a list and
>implying drawings is all you have on ur hdd
Shinobu is very beautiful
>he thinks loli is the same as cp
in any case im not a burger so im safe, suck my cock
says who? (((feminists)))?
>if I call him a "newfaggot" first it will surely make them think I didn't just start posting 2 days ago, fuck I'm so clever...
2d is legal in most of burgerland anyway
It's better to be a feminist then it is to be a pedophile, whys that hard to understand?
These threads are the only reason I keep coming back to this piece of shit website.
>you're already on a list
Just one ?
>admitting to being a pedo in the open
>in any case im not a burger so im safe, suck my cock
oh, really, why don't you look up CP laws for your country user?
I'm SURE it's legal there
>doubling down on showing u r a massive newfaggot not knowing 4chin's actual policy about this
wow is that true user please tell me more I must know
>t. tranny or roastie
you're the reason birth rates are down
what a meaningful contribution, feel free to stop coming back to this piece of shit website whenever you're ready.
I would've thought feminists would be glad that we're spilling our filthy seed to drawings instead of actual womyn's bodies
Exactly. I'm not a lolicon, I'm a feminist.
Once you've played one western RPG (same boring fantasy OR sco fi shit), you've played them all. Once you play one western shooter (same, military boring shit), you've played them all. Don't even get me started on sports games. Most western indies (the good ones) and japanese games, on the other hand, tend to have a lot more variety and inspiration behind them. They're also a LOT prettier and colorful then you're average western AAA with muted colors and "muh grafix!!!".
>u r a
w e w
ttyl qt!
this triggers the tranny redditor
>I'm SURE it's legal there
It is, you pathetic third worlder. Inb4 you're just "pretending" to be retarded.
do you honestly believe this
I wish I could, believe me.
Kinda strange that you'd get upset at such a comment anyway, we're both shitposting.
you're projecting an awful lot, user.
want to talk about it?
Disregard trannies, acquire cunny.
most feminists, especially male feminists, turn out to be pedophiles. you're not fooling anyone.
cp is illegal in my country, LOLI ISNT
again suck my cock faggot
Why can't I have a lolibaba vampire wife like Shinobu?
I don’t think they are too fun, but they are certainly cute.
Maybe I overexaggerated a little here and there but overall western indies and japanese games tend to be a lot more interesting and not necessarily the ol same old.
>tfw on day 2 of no-fap
shit why did I click on this thread
Tits too big.
Please never stop posting, this is the content I come here for.
no, they cant stand the idea that theres men who they cant control with their meat flaps
>falling for the no fap meme
Who knows?
powerless deflection
outright lie
>y-you're p-projecting!111
>implying you don't have actual CP
>implying you're not a second away from kidnapping a child
ALL 4chin pedos always get vanned sooner or later newfags
You have to abandon Yea Forums completely as even the blue boards have porn dumps
fucking based
>vanned for loli
/pol/ thinks anime is degenerate retard
have sex (with cunny)
Nothing wrong with being a pedo to be quite honest with y'all.
i want to kiss their tummy
Cry more, tranny.
Can you not post anime shit?
This is the video game board and Monogatari series is not really video games.
me being the speedy shadows everywhere at once
Thought crime doesn't exist.
jesus have sex
They only seem more fun because of the dopamine release you get from jerking off to them.
There must monogatari games though. Thus this IS videogames.
wew lad
Allah join Islam
Those two overlap quite a bit
OP pic isn't "pedo" or "loli" they have breasts.
Petite women.
hes obviously a newfag dont take him too seriously kek
no, a small handful dont. shitload of /pol/tards enjoy it
no, they know people posting "loli" have other shit on their hdd, or they plant it themselves
dig your hole deeper faggot
pic related is you in the making
enjoy becoming a prison bottom bitch lamo
cringe comeback
Love newfaggots desu
Jesus christ that image is amazing
Breasts, hips, and a lower head:body ratio than lolicon normally does
all the hallmarks of adulthood
Is is though
Go back to plebbit tranny. Yea Forums used to have threads where people would dump entire doujins worth of cunny. You don't belong here.
Can you bully her?
There's one for the PSP at least.
the only kinds of people that should be worried are 3DCG lolis.
Cry more, tranny.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Cunny, is in fact, Cute/Funny, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Cute and Funny. Cunny is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another delicious component of a fully functioning loli hierarchy made useful by Japanese artists, imageboards and vital cunnyposters comprising a full fetish as defined by the law.
Many anons become cunnyposters every day, sometimes without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Cute and Funny which is widely posted today is often called “Cunny”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the loli hierarchy, developed by the Japanese government. There really is Cunny, and these people are posting it, but it is just a part of the loli hierarchy.
Cunny is the focus: the art in the loli hierarchy that allocates the cunnyposter's resources to the threads they post in. Cunny is an essential part of an imageboard, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete loli hierarchy. Cunny is normally used in combination with masturbation and waifuism: the whole system is basically Cute with Funny added, or Cute and Funny. All the so-called “Cunny” distributors are really just distributing Cute and Funny.
Is this video games
well that isnt the case now, you can goto Yea Forums and be a pedo all you want there.
Just stop replying to that user. He's obviously baiting and you're all taking it. You lolicons are dumb.
>Cunny is not a lifestyle unto itself,
Most definitely not a thing stallman would say
Nah, I'd rather be a pedo wherever I want because it makes people like you seethe
Furry isn't allowed outside Yea Forums either, but I don't see you getting all bent out of shape over furry threads
>a small handful
Which is it tranny?
have sex
based and /g/pilled
Lolicons aren't dumb, they're sexually insecure.
Because jap. games are actually fun to play while western games more and more feel like you're playing a movie.
a small handful of /pol/tards dont like it and a lot more do, do I need to speak slower pedo?
>Cunny is the focus: the art in the loli hierarchy that allocates the cunnyposter's resources to the threads they post in.
fucking kek
>he doesn't deny being a trannie
Literally had to stop what I was doing to fap.
Simply amazing.
>b8 pedofags into posting (drawn) CP
>they get vanned
lamo, love newfaggots
what is this
are you making this, where can i see more
>mankind has sex with tween and teenage girls for hundreds of thousands of years
have sex
ITT: Seething SJWs mad that people won't play their tranny simulators made by Bioware
SEE??, totally videogames.
finally some good content
How does it feel that being a trans person is more socially acceptable then being a pedophile, LMAO
Not really.
Is an actual video game character.
Read the first filename
user, what do you think the “in” in “incel” stands for?
I feel like Yea Forums has been trying to encourage me to fap far more often lately.
fukken saved
keep seething so they keep posting cunny to add to my collection. also you seem weirdly obsessed, you sure you dont keep children in your basement?
The great thing is, fucking everyone can tell you're a tranny, just by looking at you. Even if they're not trying to look at you.
>keep seething so they keep posting cunny to add to my collection
enjoy prison
>also you seem weirdly obsessed, you sure you dont keep children in your basement?
y-you're the REAL pedo
Small chests > flat chests
/Cunny General/ when ?
Yea Forums is filled with non vidya discussion threads in form of porn, why its tolerated i dont know
it's not pedo, it's hebe
>That bio
should've posted the one of the guy who was exposed as a child predator
good thread
that's one person
Going to ask the real question here? If I fap to a realistic drawing of a child would I be a pedophile? But its just a drawing so it isn’t REAL. As such the same excuse could be made for Lolicon. So tell me. Is Lolicon pedophilia?
this is a really based thread, if i say so myself
Does anyone have any cute and funnies farting?
>Going to ask the real question here? If I fap to a realistic drawing of a child would I be a pedophile?
>refuse to stop being an incel
>you are now no longer an incel
the closest it looks to a real child the more fucked up you are. Hyper realism can even get the artist into trouble if they are american.
How about you answer the question. This HAS essentially turned into a cunny thread afterall.
you're right, that''s why i don't play westernshit
The real question here is if it would be CP and the answer if still no.
Could you tease me into fapping and cumming?
So from the replies I’ve been getting it seems to be settled. Yes IT WOULD be pedophilia. Thank god this is all hypothetical because I don’t fucking want to fap to kids. Thats gross.
>So tell me. Is Lolicon pedophilia?
Lolicon both emcompasses more and less than the term "pedophile" does as lolicon covers more ages, but less sexes.
Lolicon is female only, and it includes girls that look like 6 through ~15 years old.
i mean, there are some artist that are hacks that just take a cp picture, draw over it and then add a generic loli face and call it a day
It is pedophilia without debate, only rabid anti-sjws would argue elsewise. Loli is literally slang for child, if you sexualise loli you are a pedophile. The mental gymnastics you dweebs goto deny this is something else.
>0≈0.1, 0.1 ≈0.2, 0.2≈0.3 ... 0.9≈1 therefore 0=1
that's how stupid you sound
I was just asking a question. I have no intentions on fapping to children. I am for Lolicon and do not believe it is pedophilia. However I still felt like the question needed to be asked. Afterall it would be a realistic drawing.
>I don't sit around playing devil's advocate with myself on whether it's moral or not to jerk off to.
enjoy jail
>Have sex
>implying you do
>implying this wouldn't be an upgrade for you
>and/or kill yourself.
>mplying this wouldn't be an upgrade for you
I can’t wait for you soyboys to get replaced with muslims already. Absolutely pitiful.
This is all implying that you aren’t all denying it yourselves. This IS essentially a cunny thread afterall. I don’t see anyone trying to prune the thread because it has cunny.
What is the ideal loli age?